GERMAN LANGUAGE Tania Hinderberger-Burton, Ph.D. American University

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1 GERMAN LANGUAGE Tania Hinderberger-Burton, Ph.D. American University Jetfabrik Multipurpose Theme. All Rights Reserved.

2 5. My Daily Routine Jetfabrik Multipurpose Theme. All Rights Reserved.

3 5.1 The Present Tense of - Weak Verbs 5.2 The Present Tense of Irregular Verbs Jetfabrik Multipurpose Theme. All Rights Reserved.

4 5.3 Reflexive Verbs and Pronouns 5.4 Jetzt üben wir! Jetfabrik Multipurpose Theme. All Rights Reserved.

5 GERMAN LANGUAGE Tania Hinderberger-Burton, Ph.D. American University Jetfabrik Multipurpose Theme. All Rights Reserved.

6 5.1 The Present Tense of Weak Verbs Jetfabrik Multipurpose Theme. All Rights Reserved.

7 You already learned the irregular verbs sein and haben in the very first module and noticed that there is no way one can come up with the correct conjugation by simply guessing. Weak verbs are far easier to master.

8 lernen (to learn) will do just fine to learn conjugating regular German verbs: Du lernst Deutsch und wir lernen alle zusammen.

9 The pattern is predictable and the following endings are added to the stem (lern-) of the verb: Ich lern -e arbeite Du lern -st arbeitest Er lern -t arbeitet e- added for pronunciation when stem Wir lern -en arbeiten Ihr lern -t arbeitet ends in -t or -d Sie lern -en arbeiten

10 Ich heiße Tina, wie heißt du? no added (s) why? Verb stem heiß- ends in ß. This is also true for verb stems ending in -ß, -s, x or z. reisen : du reist - reisst reißen: to tear off.

11 GERMAN LANGUAGE Tania Hinderberger-Burton, Ph.D American University Jetfabrik Multipurpose Theme. All Rights Reserved.

12 5.2 The Present Tense of Irregular Verbs Jetfabrik Multipurpose Theme. All Rights Reserved.

13 Stem changing verbs (du,er, sie, es only) fall into that category despite having regular endings.

14 Four different formations below and again no guessing possible for schlafen, laufen, essen, lesen: a ä au äu e i e ie du schläfst läufst isst liest er schläft läuft isst liest fahren laufen treffen, nehmen sehen, empfehlen

15 werden (become) nehmen (take) e i vowel change Du wirst immer größer. Sie nimmt ein Buch. du nimmst den Bus wirst sie nimmt es (das Wetter) wird immer besser.

16 GERMAN LANGUAGE Tania Hinderberger-Burton, Ph.D American University Jetfabrik Multipurpose Theme. All Rights Reserved.

17 5.3 Reflexive Verbs and Pronouns Jetfabrik Multipurpose Theme. All Rights Reserved.

18 Washing - bathing oneself and taking a seat: sentence subject and object are one and the same.

19 Ich wasche mich, du badest dich, sie setzt sich The subject of the verb is also its object. The accusative reflexive pronouns above are identical to the personal pronouns we have studied except for one big difference:

20 All 3rd person pronouns and Sie are replaced by sich: Wollen Sie sich heute vorstellen/introduce yourself? Will sie sich abends entspannen oder tanzen gehen? Notice that sich is NOT capitalized even though it refers to formal Sie.

21 Reflexive Verbs in German are very common and much in use. They do not always have reflexive equivalents in English: Sie fragt sich, wo ihr Handy ist. She wonders where her cell phone is.

22 The verbs below are related to daily routines and health: 1. sich duschen/to shower 2. sich abtrocknen/dry oneself off 3. sich die Zähne putzen/ brush teeth

23 4. sich die Haare bürsten/ brush hair 5. sich ausziehen/get undress 6. sich anziehen/get dressed 7. sich umziehen/to change clothes

24 8. sich rasieren/to shave 9. sich schminken/put on make-up 10. sich erkälten/catch a cold 11. sich entspannen/relax

25 12. sich ausruhen/to rest 13. sich beeilen/to hurry up 14. sich einschreiben/to sign up (for a course, trip)

26 Useful vocabulary Er hat heute viel zu tun/ viel zu erledigen - to take care of aufräumen - tidy up putzen - to clean

27 Waschtag - laundry day die Reinigung - dry cleaners

28 einladen - to invite tanzen - to dance tanzen gehen - to go dance sie wollen heute Abend essen gehen in ein Konzert/auf eine Party gehen - attend a concert.

29 GERMAN LANGUAGE Tania Hinderberger-Burton, Ph.D. American University Jetfabrik Multipurpose Theme. All Rights Reserved.

30 5.4 Jetzt üben wir! Jetfabrik Multipurpose Theme. All Rights Reserved.

31 Schwache und starke Verbe 1. Der Student (wiederholen) den Satz (sentence). 2. Ich (warten) auf den Bus.

32 3. Die Lehrerin (korrigieren) die Prüfungen. 4. Stefan (nehmen) das Fahrrad.

33 5. Er (fahren) nach Hause. 6. Das Universitätsstudium (kosten) sehr viel in den USA.

34 7. Ihr (verstehen) Mathematik. 8. Wir (brauchen) viel Papier für das Projekt.

35 9. Anja und Thomas (begrüßen) den Professor. 10. Ich (kaufen) eine Tasse Kaffee in der Mensa.

36 11. (machen) du heute Hausaufgaben? 12. Du (öffnen) die Tür..

GERMAN LANGUAGE Tania Hinderberger-Burton, Ph.D. American University

GERMAN LANGUAGE Tania Hinderberger-Burton, Ph.D. American University GERMAN LANGUAGE Tania Hinderberger-Burton, Ph.D. American University 2016 Jetfabrik Multipurpose Theme. All Rights Reserved. 9. Separable and Inseparable Prefix Verbs


GERMAN LANGUAGE Tania Hinderberger-Burton, Ph.D. American University

GERMAN LANGUAGE Tania Hinderberger-Burton, Ph.D. American University GERMAN LANGUAGE Tania Hinderberger-Burton, Ph.D. American University 2016 Jetfabrik Multipurpose Theme. All Rights Reserved. 8. Last Weekend 2016 Jetfabrik Multipurpose


GERMAN LANGUAGE Tania Hinderberger-Burton, Ph.D. American University

GERMAN LANGUAGE Tania Hinderberger-Burton, Ph.D. American University GERMAN LANGUAGE Tania Hinderberger-Burton, Ph.D. American University 2016 Jetfabrik Multipurpose Theme. All Rights Reserved. 11. Health - Gesundheit! 2016 Jetfabrik


GERMAN LANGUAGE Tania Hinderberger-Burton, Ph.D American University

GERMAN LANGUAGE Tania Hinderberger-Burton, Ph.D American University GERMAN LANGUAGE Tania Hinderberger-Burton, Ph.D American University 2016 Jetfabrik Multipurpose Theme. All Rights Reserved. 10. Word Order 2016 Jetfabrik Multipurpose


GERMAN LANGUAGE Tania Hinderberger-Burton, Ph.D. American University

GERMAN LANGUAGE Tania Hinderberger-Burton, Ph.D. American University GERMAN LANGUAGE Tania Hinderberger-Burton, Ph.D. American University 2016 Jetfabrik Multipurpose Theme. All Rights Reserved. 1. Introductions and Greetings 2016


The table below shows you the conjugation of regular verbs, stem-changing verbs, separable verbs and irregular verbs:

The table below shows you the conjugation of regular verbs, stem-changing verbs, separable verbs and irregular verbs: In German there regular verbs, stem-changing verbs, separable verbs, irregular verbs and verbs of movement. Conjugating regular verbs in the different tenses is relatively easy because they follow a pattern.


Lektion 9: Konjugation von Verben im Präsens (conjugation of verbs in present tense)

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To conjugate in the present tense: take the regular verb infinitive kaufen remove the -en ending add the following endings. er, sie, es t sie,sie en

To conjugate in the present tense: take the regular verb infinitive kaufen remove the -en ending add the following endings. er, sie, es t sie,sie en Regular Present Tense Verbs: Regular verbs (regelmässing) without exception never have a stem change, not in any verb tense. For instance this is what the verb to buy (kaufen) looks like in the infinitive,


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Lektion 9: Konjugation von Verben im Präsens (conjugation of verbs in present tense)

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GERMAN LANGUAGE Tania Hinderberger-Burton, Ph.D. American University

GERMAN LANGUAGE Tania Hinderberger-Burton, Ph.D. American University GERMAN LANGUAGE Tania Hinderberger-Burton, Ph.D. American University 2016 Jetfabrik Multipurpose Theme. All Rights Reserved. 7. Leisure Time and Hobbies 2016 Jetfabrik


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GERMAN LANGUAGE Tania Hinderberger-Burton, Ph.D. American University

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GERMAN LANGUAGE Tania Hinderberger-Burton, Ph.D. American University

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GERMAN LANGUAGE Tania Hinderberger-Burton, Ph.D. American University

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Interkulturelle Kompetenzen: A test for tourists

Interkulturelle Kompetenzen: A test for tourists Interkulturelle Kompetenzen: A test for tourists Stand: 13.10.2015 Jahrgangsstufen Fach/Fächer Übergreifende Bildungsund Erziehungsziele Zeitrahmen Benötigtes Material 5 (E1) bzw. 6 (E2) im 2. Halbjahr


Present tense revision booklet. German. KS3 Grammar. Die Gegenwart Page 1 of 15

Present tense revision booklet. German. KS3 Grammar. Die Gegenwart Page 1 of 15 German Present tense revision booklet KS3 Grammar Die Gegenwart 2017 27889 Page 1 of 15 Present tense: vocabulary This work book will help you to learn, understand and revise





kennen, kennen lernen, können, möchten, sollen;

kennen, kennen lernen, können, möchten, sollen; 1 Class Meeting 3/10 notes: KURS: 3/10 Strukturen VIII: Possessive Adj. (acc. Case) kennen, kennen lernen, können, möchten, sollen; Lebensmittel S. 98 u. 99 können can/to be able to. Ich kann Du kannst


Konjunktiv II: Ratschläge und Wünsche Giving advice Grammar & Structure Level A2

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Selbstlernmodul bearbeitet von: begonnen: Inhaltsverzeichnis:

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Das ist gut für die Gesundheit

Das ist gut für die Gesundheit Exercise A: Label each picture in German. Exercise B: Complete the table with the English meanings. das ist weil das ist nicht da ist denn sind der Körper gut das Herz schlecht die Leber für die Haut ich


denken nachdenken überlegen bedenken überdenken Übungen I. Schau dir das Video an und korrigiere dann die Sätze.

denken nachdenken überlegen bedenken überdenken Übungen I. Schau dir das Video an und korrigiere dann die Sätze. Übungen I. Schau dir das Video an und korrigiere dann die Sätze. I. Watch the video and then correct the sentences. 1. Ich denke über Anna. 2. Ich denke an deinen Vorschlag nach. 3. Bitte denk darüber,


Word Order and Conjunctions

Word Order and Conjunctions Word Order and Conjunctions You ve noticed by now that German can have very different word order than English. Let s review what we know so far about word order, and then add some new rules. 1) In normal


Kapitel 5 Notes "Klamotten kaufen"

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Unit 8 Travel and Tourism Knowledge Booklet

Unit 8 Travel and Tourism Knowledge Booklet 1. To use weather expressions. There are three types of weather expression: a. Expressions with ist (to describe what the weather is like.) e.g. Es ist kalt. = It is cold; Es ist nass. = It is wet. etc.


Magic Figures. We note that in the example magic square the numbers 1 9 are used. All three rows (columns) have equal sum, called the magic number.

Magic Figures. We note that in the example magic square the numbers 1 9 are used. All three rows (columns) have equal sum, called the magic number. Magic Figures Introduction: This lesson builds on ideas from Magic Squares. Students are introduced to a wider collection of Magic Figures and consider constraints on the Magic Number associated with such


English grammar BLOCK F:

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Selbstbild vs. Fremdbild. Selbst- und Fremdwahrnehmung des Individuums (German Edition)

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BIG PICTURE. Vocabulary that you need to know for the exam: Personal plans for the future. Reasons. What you would do if you could

BIG PICTURE. Vocabulary that you need to know for the exam: Personal plans for the future. Reasons. What you would do if you could Yr 9 German Assessment Preparation SUM 1 BIG PICTURE Vocabulary that you need to know for the exam: Personal plans for the future Reasons What you would do if you could Cultural knowledge about German


Weiterbildungskolleg der Stadt Bielefeld Abendrealschule Fachbereich Englisch Frachtstraße 8 33602 Bielefeld

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The most polite way to request something in German (like a cup of a tea, or a certain dish at a restaurant), is by saying. I would like please

The most polite way to request something in German (like a cup of a tea, or a certain dish at a restaurant), is by saying. I would like please 4.5 What I Want! Language & Culture Lessons In this lesson, we'll discover how to request for things whether it be something you would like, need or want. These particular phrases are essential when traveling


Notizen aus dem Unterricht, Dienstag, 27. September 2016

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Arbeitsblatt Nein, Mann!

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DEUTSCH II FINAL EXAM OUTLINE Frau Hofmann June 2004 DEUTSCH II FINAL EXAM OUTLINE Frau Hofmann June 2004 I. Possessive Adjectives You will have to choose the correct possessive adjectives. Examples: Bruder wohnt in Florida. a. Mein b. Meinen c. Meine d.


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Die einfachste Diät der Welt: Das Plus-Minus- Prinzip (GU Reihe Einzeltitel)

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Da-Compounds - dafür - damit - darauf - dagegen - dazu

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Harry gefangen in der Zeit Begleitmaterialien

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Listening Comprehension: Talking about language learning

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Languages Final Examination ML12 German Level 2

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There are 10 weeks this summer vacation the weeks beginning: June 23, June 30, July 7, July 14, July 21, Jul 28, Aug 4, Aug 11, Aug 18, Aug 25 Name: AP Deutsch Sommerpaket 2014 The AP German exam is designed to test your language proficiency your ability to use the German language to speak, listen, read and write. All the grammar concepts and


g. If you don't know where you are, you must look at the h. If you can't find your way, you must for help: Can you me...the way to, please?

g. If you don't know where you are, you must look at the h. If you can't find your way, you must for help: Can you me...the way to, please? 1 Practise your vocabulary. Wortschatzübung. a. the opposite (Gegenteil) of child: b. uninteresting: c. 60 minutes are: d. not cheap: e. not early: f. The restaurant is in Olive Street. You can't it. g.


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Level 1 German, 2014

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Mercedes OM 636: Handbuch und Ersatzteilkatalog (German Edition)

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Green Line 1 Unit 6, irregular past tense forms: here: list on page 191.

Green Line 1 Unit 6, irregular past tense forms: here: list on page 191. GRATIS-Übungsblatt Gymnasium Klasse 6 Englisch Thema: Green Line E1: Unit 6: irregular verbs CATLUX de Are you fit for the new? Let s see. What do you know about Unit 6 of your English book Green Line
