Publications Prof. dr. T. Conzelmann

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1 Publications Prof. dr. T. Conzelmann Refereed journal articles... 1 Contributions to refereed books... 2 Books... 3 Editorships... 3 Other contributions to journals (non-refereed)... 3 Other contributions to books (non-refereed)... 4 Invited Talks since Refereed journal articles Fransen, Luc W. / Conzelmann, Thomas (2014): Fragmented or Cohesive Transnational Private Regulation of Sustainability Standards? A Comparative Study; in: Regulation and Governance (early view; DOI: /rego.12055). Conzelmann, Thomas (2012): A Procedural Approach to the Design of Voluntary Clubs: Negotiating the Responsible Care Global Charter; in: Socio-Economic Review 10 (1), Conzelmann, Thomas / Faust, Jörg (2009): Globales Regieren zwischen "Nord" und "Süd" (Global Governance between "North" and "South"); in: Politische Vierteljahresschrift 50 (2), Borrás, Susana / Conzelmann, Thomas (2007): Democracy, Legitimacy and Soft Modes of Governance in the EU: The Empirical Turn; in: Journal of European Integration, 29 (5), Conzelmann, Thomas / Borrás, Susana (eds., 2007): Democracy and Soft Modes of Governance in the EU; Special Issue of the Journal of European Integration, 29 (5). Conzelmann, Thomas (2005): Zwischen Baum und Borke - Die Entgrenzung der regionalen Wirtschaftsförderung unter europäischen Vorzeichen (Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea - Regional Economic Assistance under European Portents); in: Raumforschung und Raumordnung 63 (2), pp Conzelmann, Thomas (1998): Europeanisation of Regional Development Policies? Linking the Multi-Level Governance Approach with Theories of Policy Learning and Policy Change; in: European Integration Online Papers 2 (4); Conzelmann, Thomas (1995): Networking and the Politics of EU Regional Policy. Lessons from North Rhine-Westphalia, Nord-Pas de Calais and North West England; in: Regional and Federal Studies 5 (2), pp

2 Contributions to refereed books Conzelmann, Thomas (2014): Neofunctionalism; in: Schieder, Siegfried / Spindler, Manuela (Eds.): Theories of International Relations; London / New York: Routledge, pp Conzelmann, Thomas (2014): 'The Politics of Peer Reviewing: Comparing the OECD and the EU'; in Tannelie Blom and Sophie Vanhoonacker (eds.): The Politics of Information. The Case of the European Union; Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, pp Conzelmann, Thomas (2011): Informal Governance in International Relations; in: Christiansen, Thomas and Neuhold, Christine (eds.): International Handbook on Informal Governance; Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp Conzelmann, Thomas (2011): Reporting and Peer Review in the Implementation of International Decisions: What Role for Civil Society?; in: Reinalda, Bob (ed.): The Ashgate Research Companion to Non-State Actors; Aldershot: Ashgate, pp (accepted for publication) Conzelmann, Thomas (2008): Beyond the Carrot and the Stick: State Reporting Procedures in the WTO and the OECD; in: Joachim, Jutta / Reinalda, Bob / Verbeek, Bertjan (Eds.): International Organizations and Policy Implementation; London: Routledge, pp Conzelmann, Thomas / Wolf, Klaus Dieter (2007): The Potential and Limits of Governance by Private Codes of Conduct; in: Graz, Jean-Christophe / Nölke, Andreas (Eds.): Transnational Private Governance in the Global Political Economy; London: Routledge, pp Conzelmann, Thomas (2006): Neofunktionalismus (Neofunctionalism); in: Schieder, Siegfried / Spindler, Manuela (Eds.): Theorien der Internationalen Beziehungen; Opladen / Farmington Hills: Barbara Budrich (2nd edition), pp Conzelmann, Thomas (2006): Regional Policy; in: Bache, Ian / Jordan, Andrew (Eds.): The Europeanization of British Politics? Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp Conzelmann, Thomas (2005): Stichwort Europäische Union" (Headword European Union"); in: Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung (Ed.): Handwörterbuch der Raumordnung; Hannover: Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung, pp Conzelmann, Thomas (2004): Hauen und Stechen oder Vertrauen und Sprechen? Interessen und Ideen in internationalen Verhandlungssystemen (Interests and Ideas in International Negotiation Systems); in: Pappi, Franz Urban / Riedel, Eibe / Vaubel, Roland (Eds.): Institutionalisierung internationaler Verhandlungssysteme; Frankfurt a.m. / New York: Campus, pp Beck, Daniel / Conzelmann, Thomas (2004): Zwischen Sanktionierung und Dialog: Die Durchsetzung von Good Governance in der Entwicklungspartnerschaft von EU und AKP (Between Sanctions and Dialogue: The Implementation of Good Governance in EU-ACP Relations); in: Pappi, Franz Urban / Riedel, Eibe / Vaubel, Roland (Eds.): Institutionalisierung internationaler Verhandlungssysteme (Mannheimer Jahrbuch für Europäische Sozialforschung 8); Frankfurt a.m. / New York: Campus, pp Conzelmann, Thomas (2003): (Neo-)Funktionalismus (Neo-Functionalism); in: Schieder, Siegfried / Spindler, Manuela (Eds.): Theorien der Internationalen Beziehungen. Eine Einführung; Opladen: Leske + Budrich (UTB), pp Conzelmann, Thomas (1996): Stichwort Europa der Regionen" (Headword Europe of the Regions"); in: Kohler-Koch, Beate / Woyke, Wichard (Eds.): Europäische Union (Lexikon der Politik, Bd. 5); München: C.H. Beck, pp

3 Books Breitmeier, Helmut / Conzelmann, Thomas / Wolf, Klaus Dieter (2013): Transnationales Regieren in der Weltgesellschaft (Transnational Governance in World Society); Hagen: FernUniversität (contributions by Anne Flohr, Anja Jakobi, Lothar Rieth, Sandra Schwindenhammer, and Melanie Zimmer). Kohler-Koch, Beate / Conzelmann, Thomas / Knodt, Michèle (2004): Europäische Integration, europäisches Regieren (European Integration - European Governance); Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. Conzelmann, Thomas (2002): Große Räume, kleine Räume: Europäisierte Regionalpolitik in Deutschland und Großbritannien (Large Spaces - Small Spaces: Europeanized Regional Policy in Germany and Great Britain); Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft. 3 Editorships Conzelmann, Thomas / Smith, Randall (eds., 2008): Multi-level Governance in the European Union: Taking Stock and Looking Ahead; Baden-Baden: NOMOS. Conzelmann, Thomas / Borrás, Susana (eds., 2007): Democracy and Soft Modes of Governance in the EU; Special Issue of the Journal of European Integration, 29 (5). Conzelmann, Thomas / Knodt, Michèle (eds., 2002): Regionales Europa - europäisierte Regionen (Regional Europe - Europeanised Regions); Frankfurt / New York: Campus Verlag (Mannheimer Jahrbuch für Europäische Sozialforschung, Vol. 6). Other contributions to journals (non-refereed) Conzelmann, Thomas (2013): From Bismarck to Benchmark Theorizing the Emergence and Function of Governance in the EU (book review of Between Governing and Governance. On the Emergence, Function and Form of Europe s Post-National Constellation by Poul F. Kjaer); European Law Journal 19 (1) (accepted for publication). Conzelmann, Thomas (2004): Verteilungsspiele ohne Grenzen? Die Osterweiterung der EU- Strukturpolitik (A Distributive Game Without Frontiers? The Eastern Enlargement of EU Structural Policy); in: Osteuropa 54 (5-6), pp Conzelmann, Thomas (2003): Auf der Suche nach einem Phänomen: Was bedeutet Good Governance in der europäischen Entwicklungspolitik? (In Search of a Phenomenon: What Is Good Governance in EU Development Aid?); in: Nord - Süd aktuell XVII (3), pp

4 Other contributions to books (non-refereed) Conzelmann, Thomas (2009): Towards a New Concept of Multi-level Governance?; in: Committee of the Regions (ed.): Les Actes des Ateliers 2008; Brussels: Committee of the Region, pp Conzelmann, Thomas (2008): A New Public-Private Divide in the European Union?; in: Kohler-Koch Beate / Larat, Fabrice (eds.): Efficient and Democratic Governance in the European Union (Connex Report No. 9); Mannheim: Mannheim Centre for European Social Research, pp Conzelmann, Thomas (2008): A New Mode of Governing? Multi-level Governance between Cooperation and Conflict; in: Conzelmann, Thomas / Smith, Randall (eds.): Multi-level Governance in the European Union: Taking Stock and Looking Ahead; Baden-Baden: NOMOS; pp Bache, Ian / Conzelmann, Thomas (2008): EU Structural Funds and Domestic Governance and Policy in Britain; in: Conzelmann, Thomas / Smith, Randall (eds.): Multi-level Governance in the European Union: Taking Stock and Looking Ahead; Baden-Baden: NOMOS; pp (with Ian Bache). Conzelmann, Thomas / Wolf, Klaus Dieter (2007): "Doing Good While Doing Well"? Potenzial und Grenzen transnationaler privatwirtschaftlicher Selbstregulierung (Doing Good While Doing Well? Potentials and Limits of Transnational Business Self-Regulation); in: Hasenclever, Andreas / Wolf, Klaus Dieter / Zürn, Michael (Eds.): Macht und Ohnmacht internationaler Institutionen; Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, pp Conzelmann, Thomas (2004): Gutes Regieren" in europäischen Farben? Zur Leitbildsteuerung der Europäischen Union in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit (Good Governance in European Colors? Governing by Ideas in EU Development Cooperation); in: Bauer, Patricia / Voelzkow, Helmut (Eds.): Die Europäische Union - Marionette oder Regisseur?; Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, pp Conzelmann, Thomas (2002): Europäisierung der Regionenpolitik - Bilanz und Forschungsperspektiven (Europeanisation of Regional Politics - Summing Up and Looking Ahead); in: Conzelmann, Thomas / Knodt, Michèle: Regionales Europa - Europäisierte Regionen; Frankfurt / New York: Campus Verlag, pp Conzelmann, Thomas / Haidvogl, Andreas / Offenbartl, Susanne / Steinmetz, Ralk / Wolf, Klaus Dieter (2002): Online-Tutorium Internationale Zivilgesellschaft: Erweiterte Medienkompetenz der Lehrenden durch externen Telemedia-Support (Online Tutorial International Civil Society: Enhanced E-Learning Competences Through External Telemedia Support); in: Bernath, Ulrich (Ed.): Online Tutorien. Oldenburg: Bis-Verlag, pp Conzelmann, Thomas (2002): Governing Good Governance: The EU and the Co-ordination of Foreign Aid Policy; in: Zhou, Hong (Ed.): Foreign Aid and International Relations; Beijing: Chinese Social Science Press, pp Conzelmann, Thomas (2000): Große Räume, kleine Räume: Die Europäisierung der deutschen Regionalpolitik (Larger Spaces - Smaller Spaces: Europeanized Regional Policy in Germany); in: Kohler-Koch, Beate / Knodt, Michèle, (Eds.): Deutschland zwischen Europäisierung und Selbstbehauptung; Frankfurt / Main: Campus, pp

5 Invited Talks since 2010 Peer Reviews of EU Sustainable Development Strategies: An Effective Means for a More Sustainable Europe? (44th Annual UACES Conference, Cork, 1-3 September 2014, with Martina Kühner). Beyond Impact: Measuring the Authority of Peer Reviews among States (Workshop Authority and Control in International Organisations ; 42nd ECPR Joint Sessions, Salamanca, April 2014, with Hortense Jongen). Peering at the peers: How do peer reviews among states take shape in four international organizations? (ECPR Joint Sessions 2013, Mainz, March 2013, Workshop Design and Effects of International Institutions ). Beyond Impact: Measuring the Authority of Peer Reviews among States (Workshop Compliance and Beyond: Assessing and Explaining the Impact of Regional and Global Governance Arrangements, Universität St. Gallen, Mai 2013; with Hortense Jongen). Fragmented or uniform transnational voluntary regulation of sustainability standards? A comparative study" (4th ECPR Standing Group on Regulatory Governance Biennial Conference, Exeter, June 2012; with Luc Fransen). The politics of peer reviewing: Comparing the OECD and the EU/OMC (Conference The Politics of Informing the EU, Maastricht, 1-2 December 2011). How should the UPR strengthen the functioning and effectiveness of the Treaty Bodies? A comparative perspective (Expert meeting The Universal Periodic Review Process and the Treaty Bodies: Constructive Cooperation or Deepening Divisions?, Maastricht, 25 November 2011). "Beyond the Carrot and the Stick: The Authority of Peer Reviews in International Public Organizations" (Conference Public Administration in the Multilevel System, HU Berlin, Juni 2011). "Numbers, Facts, and Objective Measures: Peer Reviews and Rankings in International Organizations" (Berlin Forum on Innovation in Governance, Berlin, Mai 2011). The Authority of Peer Reviews in Global Governance: The WTO and the OECD Compared (International Studies Association Annual Convention; Montreal, März 2011). "Numbers, Facts, and Objective Measures: Peer Reviews and Rankings in International Organizations" (Netherlands Institute of Government Annual Workconference, Maastricht, November 2010) "Beyond the Carrot and the Stick: What Makes Peer Reviews among States Authoritative Instruments of Global Governance?" (ECPR 7th Pan-European International Relations Conference, Stockholm, 9-11 September 2010). "Regulatory Overhaul in the EU and the US Following the Financial Crisis" (ECPR 7th Pan-European International Relations Conference, Stockholm, 9-11 September 2010; with Philipp Kiiver, Pablo Iglesias Rodriguez, and Aneta Spendzharova). "Regulatory Overhaul in the EU and the US Following the Financial Crisis" (2010 American Political Science Association Annual Meeting; Washington, 2-5 September 2010; with Philipp Kiiver, Pablo Iglesias Rodriguez, and Aneta Spendzharova). "Deliberative Problem Solving and Experimentalism: The Experience of Peer Reviews" (Featured panel discussion, "Competing Theoretical Approaches to the Global/Transnational," Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE); Philadelphia, Juni 2010). 5

6 "Multi-level Governance: The European Experience (ECOWAS-ZEI Academy in Comparative Regional Integration, Bonn, 13 Juli 2010). Peer Reviews as an Instrument of Global Governance (Conference Peer Reviews as an Instrument of Global Governance, DFG-Sonderforschungsbereich 597, Bremen, 8-9 April 2010; with Kerstin Martens). 6

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