GEMINI Business Models for Industry 4.0

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1 GEMINI Business Models for Industry 4.0 TAFTIE Expertsession III: Industry 4.0 Benedikt Echterhoff Munich, September 9 th

2 GEMINI Business Models for Industry 4.0 Introduction Project Structure Project Results 2

3 Introduction Business Model Development 80 percent of companies expect Industry 4.0 to impact their Business Model The term Business Model is often used ambiguously, e.g. synonymic with strategy or to emphasize only a certain aspect of the BM From a research perspective there is disagreement regarding definition, scope, classification or boundaries of BM development with respect to other strategic business units Interdependencies between product, production system and Business Model are of particular relevance for the strategic planning of products Question: If a structured Business Model development is already hard for regular products, how should it be done for even more complex and interrelated systems, as in the context of Industry 4.0? Source: McKinsey,

4 GEMINI Comic - Storyline 4

5 GEMINI Comic - Storyline Which technologies are appropiate for me? Which risks are associated with the technological change? What is the impact of the technological change on my value creation system? What are my costs and revenues? 5

6 GEMINI Comic - Storyline 6

7 GEMINI Comic - Storyline 7

8 GEMINI Comic - Storyline 8

9 GEMINI Comic - Storyline Pattern 1 Pattern 2 Pattern 3 Pattern 4 9

10 GEMINI Comic - Storyline 10

11 GEMINI Comic - Storyline 11

12 GEMINI Business Models for Industry 4.0 Introduction Project Structure Project Results 12

13 GEMINI Project goal: Business Models for Industry 4.0 Methodology for pattern-based development of Business Models 13

14 GEMINI Project goal: Business Models for Industry 4.0 Methodology for pattern-based development of Business Models Sub-Objectives 14

15 GEMINI Project goal: Business Models for Industry 4.0 Methodology for pattern-based development of Business Models Sub-Objectives Business Models for our pilot projects 15

16 Structure of the Methodology Five basic modules BM Pattern Library BM Development BM Risk Assessment BM Implementation IT Support 16

17 Business Model Pattern Library Five basic modules Determine general Business Model patterns from literature research and industrial companies Determine industry specific business model patterns by online surveys, expert interviews and workshops Scheme to document patterns in a common database Compatibility analysis for the identification of consistent and reasonable pattern combinations Impact analysis to determine the influence of industry 4.0- specific patterns on the business model Results: Scheme for pattern description Pattern Library Compatible pattern chains Impact matrix BM Pattern Library BM Development BM Risk Assessment BM Implementation IT Support Source: Fotolia,

18 Business Model Development Method Five basic modules Derive business ideas in the context of industry 4.0 based on suitable patterns and given resources Evaluate business ideas by comparing available and necessary competences Assign consistent patterns to preferred business idea Elaborate development scheme to compile and document business models Results: Method to derive and evaluate business ideas Method to develop and elaborate business models Business model description scheme BM Pattern Library BM Development BM Risk Assessment BM Implementation IT Support Source: Fotolia,

19 Business Model Risk Assessment Five basic modules Analysis of barriers and drivers for business models Interviews with industry experts to estimate potential risks in the context of industry 4.0 Laboratory and field experiments for the identification of situation-specific and individual factors that have an influence on the perception of risks Influence of risks on the pricing strategy of companies and the customers willingness to pay Results: List of specified risks in the context of industry 4.0 Factors that have an influence on the perception of risks Method for risk assessment and price making within business models BM Pattern Library BM Development BM Risk Assessment BM Implementation IT Support Source: Fotolia,

20 Business Model Implementation Five basic modules Implementation of business models to existing or new value creation system Design of modelling language for value creation systems Compiling standard characteristics and classification of value creation systems Assigning consistent business model patterns and deriving according business processes Results: Design space for cooperative value creation systems Modelling language Standard characteristics Consistency matrix for characteristics and patterns BM Pattern Library BM Development BM Risk Assessment BM Implementation IT Support Source: Fotolia,

21 IT Support Five basic modules Support of the business model development methodology by suitable IT tools Setting up a knowledge base for the documentation and semantic search of business model patterns Development of assistant programs as the Business Model Configurator or the Implementation Planner Results: Database system for business model pattern Exchange format for business models Continuous IT tool chain User handbook and training manuals BM Pattern Library BM Development BM Risk Assessment BM Implementation IT Support Source: Fotolia,

22 GEMINI Business Models for Industry 4.0 Introduction Project Structure Project Results 22

23 Documentation of a Business Model The Business Model Canvas by OSTERWALDER & PIGNEUR Intuitive visualization Only 9 building blocks Clear differentiation between value creation-, customerand finance model Source: WALL, 2010; OSTERWALDER & PIGNEUR,

24 Documentation of a Business Model Project-specific extension of the Canvas The Business Model Canvas by OSTERWALDER appears to be insufficient concerning the goals of the project: No documentation of risks Inadequate documentation of benefits for the user No documentation of necessary changes in the value chain! Insufficient description of the benefits for the partners Extension of the Business Model Canvas! Risks Benefits for the user + Internal risks External risks Cooperation risks Impact on value creation Necessary adjustments of the value chain in order to implement the business model Benefits that are not covered by the other components of the business model canvas Incentive for the partner Benefits for the partners through participation in the business model 24

25 Example for a Business Model Pattern Razor & Blade Razor & Blade is a business model wherein one item is sold at a low price (or sometimes even given away for free) in order to increase sales (or market share) of a complementary good. Used by companies like Gillette (cheap razors costly blades) or Hewlett- Packard (cheap printers expensive cartridges) Value Proposition: Cheap or even free basic product Revenue Streams: Revenues are generated by the sale of complementary products Risks: High risk that the complementary product is purchased from a competitor. Source:

26 Business Model Pattern Catalogues Author WEILL ET AL. [WMT+05, S. 10 ff.] JOHNSON [Joh09, S. 131] Business Model Pattern Entrepreneur, Manufacturer, Inventor, Human Creator*, Financial Trader, Wholesaler, Intellectual property Trader, Human Distributor*, Financial Landlord, Physical Landlord, Intellectual Landlord, Contractor, Financial Broker, Physical Broker, Intellectual property Broker, Human Resources Broker Affinity Club, Brokerage, Bundling, Cell phone, Crowdsourcing, Disintermediation, Fractionalization, Freemium, Leasing, Low-touch, Negative Operating cycle, Pay-as-you-go, Razors/blades, Reverse auction, Reverse razors/blades, Product-to-service, Standardization, Subscription Club, User communities OSTERWALDER und PIGNEUR [OP10, S. 52 ff.] GASSMANN ET AL. [GFC13b, S. 73 ff.] Unbundling Business Models, Long-tail Business Models, Multi-Sided Platforms, Free as a Business Model, Open Business Models Add-On, Affiliation, Aikido, Auction, Barter, Cash Machine, Cross Selling, Crowdfunding, Crowdsourcing, Customer Loyalty, Digitalization, Direct Selling, E-Commerce, Experience Selling, Flatrate, Fractionalized Ownership, Franchising, Freemium, From Push-to-Pull, Guaranteed Availability, Hidden Revenue, Ingredient Branding, Integrator, Layer Player, Leverage Customer Data, License, Lock-In, Long Tail, Make More of It, Mass Customization, No Frills, Open Business Model, Open Source, Orchestrator, Pay per Use, Pay What You Want, Peer-to-Peer, Performance-based Contracting, Razor and Blade, Rent Instead of Buy, Revenue Sharing, Reverse Engineering, Reverse Innovation, Robin Hood, Self-Service, Shop-in-Shop, Solution Provider, Subscription, Supermarket, Target the Poor, Trash-to-Cash, Two-Sided Market, Ultimate Luxury, User Designed, White Label * Diese Geschäftsmodellmuster basieren in ihrem Grundsatz auf Menschenhandel und sind illegal. Sie sind lediglich der Vollständigkeit halber aufgeführt. Source: ABDELFAKI, 2013; GASSMANN ET AL., 2013; JOHNSON, 2009; OSTERWALDER/PIGNEUR, 2010; WEILL ET. AL, 2005 Business Model Patterns are not new. Several authors have already published catalogues with business model patterns of different granularity. ABDELFAKI et al. discovered: Redundancy Different understanding of a business model No systematic approach for the identification of business model patterns 26

27 Business Model Pattern System BM-Thrust, BM Pattern Groups and BM Patterns level of detail low Business Model Thrust Outsourcing: Transfer internal tasks of the value creation to players outside. Business Model Pattern - Groups Crowd-based Outsourcing: Transfer internal tasks of the value creation to the broad mass. high Business Model Pattern Crowdfunding: Funding a project by raising money from a large number of people. 27

28 Business Model Deck of Cards 28

29 The Industry 4.0 Pyramid A framework for the allocation of technologies used in the context of Industry 4.0 Vertical integration and networked production systems Horizontal integration through value creation system networks Severe flexibility and connecting of individual production facilities to implement a demandoriented production Quelle: Arbeitskreis Industrie 4.0,

30 The Industry 4.0 Pyramid Three different hierarchy levels 1 1 Shop floor/ Core Business Quelle: Arbeitskreis Industrie 4.0, 2012 Location bound Production/ Manufacturing 30

31 The Industry 4.0 Pyramid Three different hierarchy levels 2 Company View of the entire enterprise Not bound to a specific location Across all functional areas 2 Quelle: Arbeitskreis Industrie 4.0,

32 The Industry 4.0 Pyramid Three different hierarchy levels 3 Open Company 3 View across all corporations and branches Across existing value chains Participation across all stakeholders Quelle: Arbeitskreis Industrie 4.0,

33 The Industry 4.0 Pyramid Three different hierarchy levels 3 Open Company 3 2 Company 1 1 Shop floor / core business 2 Quelle: Arbeitskreis Industrie 4.0,

34 Classification of Technolgies in the framework Oberkategorien Main categories der of Industrie industry 4.0 unterstützenden technologies Technologien Sichten (3-Ebenen) Shop floor/kerngeschäft Company Open Company Track and Trace Additive Additive Manufacturing Fertigung Embedded Sensornetze Sensors Big Data Track and Trace GPS Tracking LTE-A Mit Hilfe eines RFID-System kann Passive RFID zu jedem Zeitpunkt des zu produzierenden Produkts der Stand in der Produktion bestimmt werden. Durch die Integration eines RFID- Systems kann der derzeitige Ort alle beweglichen Gegenstände innerhalb der unterschiedlichen Unternehmensebenen standortübergreifend bestimmt werden. Dem Kunden ist es möglich durch die Integration eines GPS-System bei allen produktrelevanten Bestandteilen mobil den Standort des bestellten Produktes abzufragen. Prototypen können mit Hilfe eines erstellten 3D-Modells mit einem 3D- Drucker produdziert werden. Nach Erstellung eines 3D-Modells kann standortunabhängig der Prototyp oder auch das Produkt prouduziert werden. Der Standort wird nach Auslastung und Materialeinsätzen in den 3D- Druckern bestimmt. Der Kunde kann sein Produkt ganz individuell mit einem ihm zugägnlichen 3D-Programm gestalten und im Anschluss mittels eines 3D-Druckers eines Unternehmens seiner Wahl produzieren lassen. Innerhalb der gesamten Fertigungsstrecke an einem Ort sind Frühwarnsysteme mi Hilfe von Neurale Netzen integriert und können so Unfälle oder Felproduktionen frühzeitig verhindern. Innerhalb der gesamten Fertigungsstrecke (standortunabhängig) sind Frühwarnsysteme mit Hilfe von Neurale Netzen integriert und können so Unfälle oder Felproduktionen frühzeitig verhindern. Mittels eines neuralen Netzes wird der Status des Fertigungssystem identifiziert sowie analysiert und gegebenenfall ein entsprechendes Wartungsunternehmen konatktiert. Vorhersagen und Ausw standortspezifischen W Big Data. Vorhersagen und Ausw standortübergreifenden durch Big Data. Vorhersagen über das Kundenverhalten treffen entsprechende Daten a entsprechenden Liefera automatisch übermitteln 34

35 Conclusion Business model development for Industry 4.0 Branch borders will blur due to Industry 4.0 Business Model Patterns form the foundation of the presented approach to identify Industry 4.0 Business Models A Business Model Pattern System is needed in order to derive a consistent Business Model Catalogue Industry 4.0 Business Models are derived by combining applications for Industry 4.0 Technologies with existing and new Business Models The developed methodology will support companies to adjust their business to the paradigm Industry

36 Industry 4.0 needs innovative Business Models! Thank you for your Attention! Heinz Nixdorf Institut Universität Paderborn Produktentstehung Fürstenallee Paderborn Tel.: / Fax.: / 36

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