New phenomena related to pulsed far-infrared superradiant and Raman emissions

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1 Research Collection Doctoral Thesis New phenomena related to pulsed far-infrared superradiant and Raman emissions Author(s): Scherrer, Damien Philippe Publication Date: 1992 Permanent Link: Rights / License: In Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Permitted This page was generated automatically upon download from the ETH Zurich Research Collection. For more information please consult the Terms of use. ETH Library

2 Diss. ETH No NEW PHENOMENA RELATED TO PULSED FAR-INFRARED SUPERRADIANT AND RAMAN EMISSIONS A DISSERTATION submitted to the SWISS FEDERAL INSTITUTE of TECHNOLOGY ZURICH ETH for the degree of Doctor of Natural Sciences presented by DAMIEN PHILIPPE SCHERRER Dipl. Phys. ETH born February 12, 1963 citizen of Geneva accepted on the recommendation of Prof. Dr. F. K. Kneubuhl, ETH Zurich, referee PD. Dr. H. J. SchOtzau, AEW Aarau, Switzerland, co-referee Zurich, November 1992

3 1 SUMMARY In order to produce ultrashort far-infrared (FIR) laser pulses we have investigated the superradiance and Raman emission of various molecular transitions, e.g m-CH3F, 385 im-d20, 373 ^im-ch3cn, 291 nm- and 151 nm-nh3, optically pumped by rapidly truncated 10 xm-c02 laser pulses produced by an optical-free-induction decay (OFID) 10 im-c02 laser system. Forward and backward superradiance, i.e parallel and anti-parallel to the propagation direction of the C02 pump pulses, confirmed by the measurement of the pressure dependence of the pulse intensity emission has been as well as duration and delay versus the pump pulses. We have found that the durations of the superradiant FIR pulses are considerably shorter than the conventional pulsewidth limit given by the inverse linewidth of the transition. Thus, we have demonstrated that the fast truncation of about 10 ps of the plasma shutter used in our OFID 10 IM1-CO2 laser system is essential for the reduction of the duration of FIR superradiant pulses. We have found that the backward FIR emissions are superradiant over the whole range of our experimental investigations and show high quality with respect to stability and reproducibility. This is important for applications. For the forward emissions we have observed as expected theoretically the onset of swept-gain superradiance and the appearance of Raman emission with increasing pressure in the FIR cell. This line competition between the superradiant implies emission and the Raman emission and results therefore in different emission regimes which we have systematically investigated. Thus, we have found emission regimes ideal to produce well-defined nano- and subnanosecond FIR single pulses which are among the shortest produced hitherto. In the case of CH3F we have found that the short pulses exhibit the K-multiplet of this molecule which thus allowed us to study the variation of the contribution of the different K-subbranches for changing experimental conditions. Subsequently, we have also investigated the possibility to generate ultra-short FIR single pulses by optical pumping of the strong 496 xm-ch3f and 291 xm-nh3 emissions with PS-OFID-CO2 pulses. Thus, we have found limitations for the realization such as the low energy and the frequency structure of the OFID pulses which have been analysed. In our experiments we have furthermore investigated systematically the evolution of the truncated C02-pump pulses in the FIR superradiant cell. On this occasion we have found that the C02-pump radiation and the generated FIR emission interact mutually in the case of their simultaneous presence, i.e. in the forward emission configuration when the FIR emission occurs principally as Raman emission. This interaction results in anticorrelated fluctuations of the two fields. We have been able to interpret this

4 2 phenomenon as a result of periodic back-and-forth fluctuations of the A-like three-level molecular systems. Our investigations on the evolution of the C02-pump pulses in the FIR superradiant cell have also revealed the development of OFID of the truncated C02-pump pulses in the FIR-laser gases. Thus, we have demonstrated that OFID is observed for all C02-laserpump lines which induce FIR Raman emission. In addition, we have discovered that OFID can also occur for C02-laser lines which do not generate FIR Raman emission in our system depending on the absorption characteristics of the FTR-laser gas. As a result of these studies, we have generated for the first time ps-10 (xm-c02-0fid pulses with FIR-laser gases instead of the usual hot CO2 gas as spectral filter. The advantages of our new OFID system based on FIR laser gases over the standard PS-CO2-OFID working with hot CO2 gas as spectral filter are the relevant wavelength selectivity and a compacter and simplier experimental design.

5 3 ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Mit dem Ziel, ultrakurze ferninfrarote (FIR) Laserpulse zu erzeugen, haben wir die Superstrahlung und die Raman-Strahlung verschiedener molekularen UebergSnge untersucht, z.b. 496 xm-ch3f, 385 ^im-d20, 373 i.m-ch3cn, 291 lim- and 151 \im- NH3. Diese UebergMnge wurden optisch gepumpt mit innerhalb 10 ps abgeschnittenen 10 im-c02 Laserpulsen, die von einem auf optisch freiem Induktionszerfall (OFID) basierenden Kurzpuls-Lasersystem erzeugt sind. Vorwarts- und Ruckwarts- Superstrahlung, d.h. Strahlung parallel und antiparallel zur Fortpflanzungsrichtung der C02-Pumppulse, wurde bestatigt durch Messungen der Druckabhangigkeit der Pulseintensitat, der Pulsdauer sowie der Verz5gerung gegeniiber den Pumppulsen. Wir haben festgestellt, dass die Dauer der FIR Superstrahlungspulse betrachtlich kiirzer ist als die iibliche Pulsdauergrenze, welche gegeben ist durch das Inverse der Uebergangslinienbreite. Wir haben somit bewiesen, dass das schnelle Abschneiden innerhalb von 10 ps durch den in unserem OFID 10 p.m-c02 Lasersystem benutzten Plasmaschalter wesentlich ist fiir die Reduzierung der FIR Superstrahlungspulsdauer. Ebenso haben wir festgestellt, dass die FIR Riickwarts-Strahlung iiber den ganzen Bereich unserer expenmentellen Untersuchungen superstrahlend ist und hohe Qualitat beziiglich Stabilitat und Reproduzierbarkeit aufweist, was fiir Anwendungen wichtig ist. Fiir die FIR Vorwarts-Strahlung haben wir, wie theoretisch zu erwarten ist, das Einsetzen von "swept-gain" Superstrahlung und die Entwicklung von Raman-Strahlung mit zunehmenden Druck in der FIR Gaszelle beobachtet. Daraus ergibt sich Linien- Wettbewerb zwischen Superstrahlung und Raman-Strahlung, was in verschiedenen von uns definierten und systematisch untersuchten Strahlungstypen resultiert. Wir haben Strahlungstypen gefunden, die ideal sind um gut definierte Nano- und Subnanosekunden FIR Einzelpulse zu produzieren, welche zu den bisher kurzesten FIR Laserpulsen gehoren. Im Falle von CH3F haben wir nachgewiesen, dass die kurzen Pulse die K-Multiplett-Stuktur dieser Molekiile wiederspiegeln. Dies ermoglichte uns die Beitragsvariationen der verschiedenen K-Sublinien fiir veranderliche experimentelle Bedingungen zu studieren. Nachtraglich haben wir auch die Moglichkeit untersucht, ultrakurze FIR Pulse zu produzieren durch optisches Pumpen der starken 496 (J.m-CH3F und 291 jim-nh3 Uebergange mit ps-0fid-c02 Pulsen. Daraus ergaben sich Begrenzungen fiir die Realisierung solcher Experimente wie zum Beispiel die ungenugende Energie oder das fiir OFID Pulse typische Frequenzspektrum. In unseren Experimenten haben wir ferner die Verformung der abgeschnittenen CO2- Pumppulse in der FIR Superstrahlungsgaszelle systematisch untersucht. Dabei haben wir erstmals festgestellt, dass die C02-Pumpstrahlung und die erzeugte FIR

6 4 Laserstrahlung bei gleichzeitiger Prasenz gegenseitig wechselwirken, d.h. in der Vorwartsstrahlungskonfiguration sofern die FIR Laserstrahlung hauptsachlich als Raman-Strahlung auftritt. Diese Wechselwirkung erzeugt antikorrelierte OsziUation beider Felder. Wir konnten diese Erscheinung als Ergebnis von periodischen Photonen- Fluktuationen zwischen den drei Energieniveaux in A-ahnlichen molekularen Systemen deuten. Als weiteres Resultat unserer Untersuchungen konnten wir als Erste ps-10 jxm-c02- OFID Pulse erzeugen mit FIR-Lasergasen anstatt des gewohnlichen heissen CO2 Gases als Spektralfilter. Wir konnten zeigen, dass OFID fiir alle C02-Laser Pumplinien die FIR Raman Strahlung indizieren, entsteht. Im weiteren haben wir entdeckt, dass je nach Absorptionseigenschaften der FIR-Lasergasen OFID auch entstehen kann fiir CO2 Laserlinien, die in unserem System keine FIR Raman-Strahlung indizieren. Die Vorteile unseres neuen OFID Systems sind die Welleniangenselektivitat sowie der kompakte und einfachere experimentelle Aufbau.

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Research Collection. Chirale Enolate. Doctoral Thesis. ETH Library. Author(s): Naef, Reto. Publication Date: 1983 Research Collection Doctoral Thesis Chirale Enolate Author(s): Naef, Reto Publication Date: 1983 Permanent Link: Rights / License: In Copyright - Non-Commercial


Hybrid approach of neural networks with knowledge based explicit models with applications to a ping pong playing robot

Hybrid approach of neural networks with knowledge based explicit models with applications to a ping pong playing robot Research Collection Doctoral Thesis Hybrid approach of neural networks with knowledge based explicit models with applications to a ping pong playing robot Author(s): Wen, Jianyong Publication Date: 1995


Research Collection. Crystal structures and crystal chemistry of ternary LnT₂X type intermetallics. Doctoral Thesis. ETH Library

Research Collection. Crystal structures and crystal chemistry of ternary LnT₂X type intermetallics. Doctoral Thesis. ETH Library Research Collection Doctoral Thesis Crystal structures and crystal chemistry of ternary LnT₂X type intermetallics Author(s): Xue, Bingzhang Publication Date: 1994 Permanent Link:


Entropy measures and unconditional security in cryptography

Entropy measures and unconditional security in cryptography Research Collection Doctoral Thesis Entropy measures and unconditional security in cryptography Author(s): Cachin, Christian Publication Date: 1997 Permanent Link:


Gas discharges. For low temperature plasmas:electric fields are important (stationary (DC) or alternating current (AC)) E - -

Gas discharges. For low temperature plasmas:electric fields are important (stationary (DC) or alternating current (AC)) E - - Gas discharges For low temperature plasmas:electric fields are important (stationary (DC) or alternating current (AC)) example. DC-glow discharge: h Kathode _ - - - - - - E Anode + a primary electron leaves


On the nature of pleiotropy and its role for adaptation

On the nature of pleiotropy and its role for adaptation Research Collection Doctoral Thesis On the nature of pleiotropy and its role for adaptation Author(s): Polster, Robert Publication Date: 2013 Permanent Link: Rights


The measurement of the oxygenation status of the newborn infant

The measurement of the oxygenation status of the newborn infant Research Collection Doctoral Thesis The measurement of the oxygenation status of the newborn infant Author(s): Wolf, Martin Peter Publication Date: 1996 Permanent Link:


Research Collection. Individual and social determinants of healthy eating: the role of people's nutrition knowledge and their regular eating networks

Research Collection. Individual and social determinants of healthy eating: the role of people's nutrition knowledge and their regular eating networks Research Collection Doctoral Thesis Individual and social determinants of healthy eating: the role of people's nutrition knowledge and their regular eating networks Author(s): Mötteli, Sonja Publication


Operation and performance limits of MOS controlled semiconductor power devices

Operation and performance limits of MOS controlled semiconductor power devices Research Collection Doctoral Thesis Operation and performance limits of MOS controlled semiconductor power devices Author(s): Lendenmann, Heinz Publication Date: 1995 Permanent Link:


Use of TROSY for the sequential NMR assignment of very large proteins

Use of TROSY for the sequential NMR assignment of very large proteins Research Collection Doctoral Thesis Use of TROSY for the sequential NMR assignment of very large proteins Author(s): Salzmann, Michael Publication Date: 1999 Permanent Link:


Verallgemeinerungen des Herbrand'schen Satzes und Anwendungen im Gebiet der Entscheidbarkeit von Formelklassen

Verallgemeinerungen des Herbrand'schen Satzes und Anwendungen im Gebiet der Entscheidbarkeit von Formelklassen Research Collection Doctoral Thesis Verallgemeinerungen des Herbrand'schen Satzes und Anwendungen im Gebiet der Entscheidbarkeit von Formelklassen Author(s): Barro, François Marc Publication Date: 1977


Research Collection. Control strategies for balancing of series and parallel connected IGBT/diode modules. Doctoral Thesis.

Research Collection. Control strategies for balancing of series and parallel connected IGBT/diode modules. Doctoral Thesis. Research Collection Doctoral Thesis Control strategies for balancing of series and parallel connected IGBT/diode modules Author(s): Thalheim, Jan Publication Date: 2003 Permanent Link:


Research Collection. A novel biofuel cell harvesting electrical energy from activated human macrophages. Doctoral Thesis.

Research Collection. A novel biofuel cell harvesting electrical energy from activated human macrophages. Doctoral Thesis. Research Collection Doctoral Thesis A novel biofuel cell harvesting electrical energy from activated human macrophages Author(s): Sakai Stalder, Miho Publication Date: 2009 Permanent Link:


Structural studies on the Radial Spoke proteins complex in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

Structural studies on the Radial Spoke proteins complex in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Research Collection Doctoral Thesis Structural studies on the Radial Spoke proteins complex in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Author(s): Poghosyan, Emiliya Publication Date: 2017 Permanent Link:


Mathematische Modellstudien der Druck- und Flusspulse in menschlichen Arterien

Mathematische Modellstudien der Druck- und Flusspulse in menschlichen Arterien Research Collection Doctoral Thesis Mathematische Modellstudien der Druck und Flusspulse in menschlichen Arterien Author(s): Elsner, Juerg Publication Date: 1975 Permanent Link:


Influence of psychological factors on the quality of product development

Influence of psychological factors on the quality of product development Research Collection Doctoral Thesis Influence of psychological factors on the quality of product development Author(s): Kamata, Eginaldo Shizuo Publication Date: 1998 Permanent Link:


Zeitschriften in der Krise Entwicklung und Zukunft elektronischer Zeitschriften

Zeitschriften in der Krise Entwicklung und Zukunft elektronischer Zeitschriften Research Collection Doctoral Thesis Zeitschriften in der Krise Entwicklung und Zukunft elektronischer Zeitschriften Author(s): Keller, Alice Publication Date: 2001 Permanent Link:


Research Collection. Spin states in InAs nanowires. Doctoral Thesis. ETH Library. Author(s): Pfund, Andreas. Publication Date: 2008

Research Collection. Spin states in InAs nanowires. Doctoral Thesis. ETH Library. Author(s): Pfund, Andreas. Publication Date: 2008 Research Collection Doctoral Thesis Spin states in InAs nanowires Author(s): Pfund, Andreas Publication Date: 2008 Permanent Link: Rights / License: In Copyright


On document-centered mathematical component software

On document-centered mathematical component software Research Collection Doctoral Thesis On document-centered mathematical component software Author(s): Weck, Wolfgang Publication Date: 1996 Permanent Link: Rights


Research Collection. Organic Farming Policy Networks in Europe. Doctoral Thesis. ETH Library. Author(s): Moschitz, Heidrun. Publication Date: 2008

Research Collection. Organic Farming Policy Networks in Europe. Doctoral Thesis. ETH Library. Author(s): Moschitz, Heidrun. Publication Date: 2008 Research Collection Doctoral Thesis Organic Farming Policy Networks in Europe Author(s): Moschitz, Heidrun Publication Date: 2008 Permanent Link: Rights / License:


Ecology and genetics of Crithidia bombi (trypanosomatidae) field study and experimental approach

Ecology and genetics of Crithidia bombi (trypanosomatidae) field study and experimental approach Research Collection Doctoral Thesis Ecology and genetics of Crithidia bombi (trypanosomatidae) field study and experimental approach Author(s): Salathé-Zehnder, Rahel Publication Date: 2007 Permanent Link:


Synthesis of 5'-C- and 2'-O-substituted oligoribonucleotide analogues and evaluation of their pairing properties

Synthesis of 5'-C- and 2'-O-substituted oligoribonucleotide analogues and evaluation of their pairing properties Research Collection Doctoral Thesis Synthesis of 5'-C- and 2'-O-substituted oligoribonucleotide analogues and evaluation of their pairing properties Author(s): Wu, Xiaolin Publication Date: 2000 Permanent


Perceptual Enhancements for Novel Displays

Perceptual Enhancements for Novel Displays Research Collection Doctoral Thesis Perceptual Enhancements for Novel Displays Author(s): Chapiro, Alexandre Publication Date: 2015 Permanent Link: Rights / License:


Research Collection. Identification of imprinted genes and their functional roles in Arabidopsis thaliana. Doctoral Thesis.

Research Collection. Identification of imprinted genes and their functional roles in Arabidopsis thaliana. Doctoral Thesis. Research Collection Doctoral Thesis Identification of imprinted genes and their functional roles in Arabidopsis thaliana Author(s): Wolff, Philip Publication Date: 2015 Permanent Link:


Biometric authentication system using human gait

Biometric authentication system using human gait Research Collection Doctoral Thesis Biometric authentication system using human gait Author(s): Cattin, Philippe Publication Date: 2002 Permanent Link: Rights /


Research Collection. Live 3D Reconstruction on Mobile Phones. Doctoral Thesis. ETH Library. Author(s): Tanskanen, Petri. Publication Date: 2016

Research Collection. Live 3D Reconstruction on Mobile Phones. Doctoral Thesis. ETH Library. Author(s): Tanskanen, Petri. Publication Date: 2016 Research Collection Doctoral Thesis Live 3D Reconstruction on Mobile Phones Author(s): Tanskanen, Petri Publication Date: 2016 Permanent Link: Rights / License:


Research Collection. Novel modes of protein-rna recognition in post-transcriptional gene regulation studied by NMR spectroscopy.

Research Collection. Novel modes of protein-rna recognition in post-transcriptional gene regulation studied by NMR spectroscopy. Research Collection Doctoral Thesis Novel modes of protein-rna recognition in post-transcriptional gene regulation studied by NMR spectroscopy Author(s): Oberstrass, Florian C. Publication Date: 2007 Permanent


The Riemann problem for two-dimensional gas dynamics and new limiters for high-order schemes

The Riemann problem for two-dimensional gas dynamics and new limiters for high-order schemes Research Collection Doctoral Thesis The Riemann problem for two-dimensional gas dynamics and new limiters for high-order schemes Author(s): Schulz-Rinne, Carsten Werner Publication Date: 1993 Permanent
