An ESC Update Programme Davos, Switzerland, 8 12 February st International Postgraduate Course on Cardiovascular Disease

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1 An ESC Update Programme Davos, Switzerland, 8 12 February st International Postgraduate Course on Cardiovascular Disease 1Second Announcement German Cardiac Society Programme Directors Thomas F. Lüscher, Zurich, Switzerland Bertram Pitt, Ann Arbor MI, USA Scientific Coordinator Ruth Amstein, Zurich, Switzerland In collaboration with University Hospital Zurich

2 Arterielle Hypertonie NeuPERINDOPRIL ARGININ + AMLODIPIN + INDAPAMID Referenzen: * Bei Typ 2-Diabetikern. 1. Chalmers J et al., Effects of Combination of Perindopril, Indapamide, and Calcium Channel Blockers in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Results From the Action in Diabetes and Vascular Disease: Preterax and Diamicron Controlled Evaluation (ADVANCE) Trial. Hypertension, 2014;63: Coveram Plus. Z: Filmtabletten Coveram Plus 5 mg/5 mg/ 1.25 mg mit 5 mg Perindopril-Arginin, 5 mg A mlodipin und 1.25 mg Indapamid; Coveram Plus 5 mg/10 mg/1.25 mg; Coveram Plus 10 mg/5 mg/2.5 mg; Coveram Plus 10 mg/10 mg/2.5 mg. I: Als Substitutionstherapie zur Behandlung der essentiellen arteriellen Hypertonie bei Patienten, deren Blutdruck mit gleichzeitig in denselben Dosierungen eingenommenem Perindopril/Indapamid als Kombinationspräparat und Amlodipin bereits eingestellt ist. D: Eine Tablette pro Tag, vorzugsweise morgens und vor einer Mahlzeit. Wenn eine Dosierungsänderung erforderlich ist, kann die Dosis von Coveram Plus modifiziert oder eine individuelle Anpassung der freien Kombination in Betracht gezogen werden. KI: Dialysepatienten. Patienten mit unbehandelter, dekompensierter Herzinsuffizienz. Schwere Niereninsuffizienz (KreaClear <30 ml/min). Moderate Niereninsuffizienz (KreaClear ml/min) für Coveram Plus 10 mg/5 mg/2.5 mg und Coveram Plus 10 mg/10 mg/2.5 mg. Gleichzeitige Anwendung von Aliskiren bei Patienten, die an Diabetes (Typ 1 oder 2) oder an Niereninsuffizienz (KreaClear < 60 ml/min) leiden. Überempfindlichkeit gegenüber den Wirkstoffen oder anderen ACE-Hemmern, anderen Dihydropyridin-Derivaten, anderen Sulfonamiden oder den Hilfsstoffen. Angioödem (Quincke-Ödem) in der Anamnese im Zusammenhang mit einer vorausgegangenen ACE-Hemmertherapie. Hereditäres oder idiopathisches Angioödem. Schwangerschaft und Stillzeit. Hepatische Enzephalopathie. Schwere Leberinsuffizienz. Hypokaliämie. Kombination mit nicht-antiarrhythmischen Medikamenten, unter denen es zu Torsades de pointes kommen kann. Schwere Hypotonie. Schock, einschliesslich kardiogenes Schock. Obstruktion des linksventrikulären Ausflusstrakts. Hämodynamisch instabile Herzinsuffizienz nach einem akutem Myokardinfarkt. vm: Besondere Warnhinweise: Lithium. Neutropenie/Agranulozytose. Überempfindlichkeit/Angioödem. Anaphylaktische Reaktion während der Desensibilisierung. Anaphylaktische Reaktionen während der Low-Density-Lipoprotein-Apherese (LDL-Apherese). Hämodialyse-Patienten. Kaliumsparende Diuretika, Kaliumsalze. Schwangerschaft. Doppelte Blockade des Renin-Angiotensin- Aldosteron-Systems (RAAS). Hepatische Enzephalopathie. Photosensibilität. Vorsichtsmassnahmen: Nierenfunktion. Hypotonie und Wasser- und Natriummangel. Kaliumblutspiegel. Kalziumblutspiegel. Renovaskuläre Hypertonie. Husten. Atherosklerose. Hypertensive Krise. Herzinsuffizienz. Aorta- und Mitralklappenstenose/hypertrophe Kardiomyopathie. Ethnische Unterschiede. Chirurgischer Eingriff/Anästhesie. Leberinsuffizienz. Harnsäure. Ältere Patienten. Ia: Lithium, Aliskiren bei anderen Patienten als jenen mit Diabetes oder mit schwerer Niereninsuffizienz, kaliumsparende Diuretika, Kaliumsalze, Dantrolen (Infusion), Grapefruit oder Grapefruitsaft, Baclofen, NSAR (einschliesslich hochdosierte Acetylsalicylsäure), Antidiabetika, Torsades de pointes induzierende Arzneimittel, Amphotericin B, Gluko- und Mineralokortikoide (systemisch), Tetracosactid, stimulierende Laxantien, herzwirksame Glykoside, CYP3A4-Induktoren, CYP3A4-Inhibitoren, Antidepressiva vom Imipramin-Typ, Neuroleptika, andere Antihypertensiva und Vasodilatatoren, Kortikoide, Tetracosactid, Allopurinol, zytostatische oder immunsuppressive Wirkstoffe, Kortikosteroide (systemisch) oder Procainamid, Anästhetika, Diuretika (Thiazid- oder Schleifendiuretika), Gold, Metformin, iodhaltige Kontrastmittel, Kalziumsalze, Ciclosporin. uaw: Schwindelgefühl, Kopfschmerzen, Parästhesie, Vertigo, Schläfrigkeit, Sehstörungen, Tinnitus, Palpitationen, Flush, Hypotonie (und damit verbundene Wirkungen), Husten, Dyspnoe, abdominale Sschmerzen, Anorexie, Verstopfung, Durchfall, Geschmacksstörungen, Dyspepsie, Übelkeit, Erbrechen, Mundtrockenheit, Pruritus, Hautausschlag, makulopapulöser Ausschlag, makulopapulöse Eruption, Muskelkrämpfe, Knöchelschwellungen, Asthenie, Müdigkeit, Ödem. P: Packung mit 30 und 60 Tabletten Coveram Plus 5 mg/5 mg/1.25 mg, 5 mg/10 mg/1.25 mg, 10 mg/5 mg/2.5 mg et 10 mg/10 mg/2.5 mg. Kassenzulässig, [B]. Für weitere Informationen vgl. Vertrieb Servier (Suisse) S.A., Satigny.

3 Table of Contents Page Welcome Address 4 Committees of Cardiology Update 5 Programme Overview 7 Teaching Faculty 8 Satellite Symposia 9 Special Sessions 10 Accreditation 10 General Information 11 Travel Information 12 About the Zurich Heart House 13 Registration, Organisation 14 Sponsors 16 Under the Auspices of Foundation for Cardiovascular Research European Society of Cardiology In collaboration with 3

4 Welcome Address Dear Colleagues We are pleased to announce the 21st Cardiology Update Course, taking place in Davos, Switzerland from 8-12 February This four-day programme will offer a comprehensive update of major topics in cardiology, presented by a distinguished international teaching faculty. Since its foundation in 1975, Cardiology Update has been held every second year in Davos, and the course has benefited from a growing reputation and increasing number of participants over the years. The course is a joint educational programme of the Zurich Heart House/Foundation for Cardiovascular Research, the University Hospital Zurich, and the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). The educational objectives are to review and disseminate recent advances in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cardiovascular disease, as well as to discuss their impact on clinical practice. Completing this course will enable attendees to treat patients in accordance with current clinical evidence over the broad spectrum of cardiovascular disease, including atherosclerosis and its risk factors, coronary artery disease, acute coronary syndromes, arrhythmias, valve disease and heart failure. Special lectures and updates will be dedicated to the new ESC Practice Guidelines to support physicians in clinical decision-making. Cardiology Update is designed for clinicians specialised in cardiology, internal and general medicine. Aside from traditional state-of-the-art lectures, a strong emphasis is placed on interactive education, aiming to provide guidance in everyday practice. The features include case presentations with computer-assisted voting, clinical-decision-seminars and meet-theexpert-sessions. Moderated poster sessions will provide an opportunity for young researchers to present their new scientific findings and interact with experts. The spirit of the course is a stimulating working and learning environment, offering great opportunities for networking among faculty members and participants. We are looking forward to welcoming you at the next Cardiology Update meeting in Thomas F. Lüscher, M.D. Professor and Chairman Cardiology University Hospital Zurich Switzerland Bertram Pitt, M.D. Professor of Medicine Emeritus University of Michigan School of Medicine Ann Arbor MI, USA 4 Thierry C. Gillebert, M.D. Professor of Cardiology ESC Education Committee University of Ghent Belgium Ruth Amstein, Ph.D. Director Zurich Heart House Foundation for Cardiovascular Research Switzerland

5 Committees of Cardiology Update Programme Committee Ruth Amstein, Ph.D., Zurich, CH Jeroen J. Bax, M.D., Leiden, NL Paolo G. Camici, M.D., Milan, IT Filippo Crea, M.D., Rome, IT Volkmar Falk, M.D., Berlin, DE Thierry C. Gillebert, M.D., Ghent, BE Peter Libby, M.D., Boston MA, USA Thomas F. Lüscher, M.D., Zurich, CH Bernhard Meier, M.D., Berne, CH Marc A. Pfeffer, M.D., Boston MA, USA Fausto Pinto, M.D., Lisbon, PT Bertram Pitt, M.D., Ann Arbor, MI, USA Otto Smiseth, M.D., Oslo, NO Karl Swedberg, M.D., Gothenburg, SE Alec Vahanian, M.D., Paris, FR Panos Vardas, M.D., Heraklion, GR William Wijns, M.D., Aalst, BE Stephan Windecker, M.D., Berne, CH Salim Yusuf, Hamilton, Ontario, CA 5 Local Programme Committee Zurich Ronald Binder, M.D. Corinna Brunckhorst, M.D. Firat Duru, M.D. Frank Enseleit, M.D. Andreas Flammer, M.D. Michelle Frank, M.D. Oliver Gämperli, M.D. Matthias Greutmann, M.D. Christiane Gruner, M.D. Laurent Haegeli, M.D. Roland Klingenberg, M.D. Ulf Landmesser, M.D. Robert Manka, M.D. Willibald Maier, M.D. Francesco Maisano, M.D. Christian Matter, M.D. Fabian Nietlispach, M.D. Frank Ruschitzka, M.D. Christian Schmied, M.D. Jan Steffel, M.D. Isabella Sudano, M.D. Felix C. Tanner, M.D. Christian Templin, M.D. Silvia Ulrich, M.D.

6 Xarelto Einfach besser Einmal täglich 1 Tablette Erste 3 Wochen zur Behandlung der TVT und LE 15mg 2x täglich In 5 Indikationen besser als bisheriger Therapiestandard *,1 5 Der erste ORALE, direkte Faktor-Xa-Inhibitor TVT = tiefe Venenthrombose; LE = Lungenembolie. * Bessere Wirksamkeit oder besserer klinischer Nettonutzen als bisheriger Antikoagulationsstandard Antikoagulation so einfach wie noch nie* Referenzen: 1. Fachinformation Xarelto Schweiz (Stand Februar 2014). 2. Eriksson BI et al. Oral Rivaroxaban for the Prevention of Symptomatic Venous Thromboembolism after Elective Hip and Knee Replacement; J Bone Joint Surg 2009; 91-B: Prins et al. Oral Rivaroxaban versus Standard Therapy for the Treatment of Symptomatic Venous Thromboembolism: a pooled analysis of the EINSTEIN-DVT and PE randomized studies. Thrombosis Journal 2013; 11: Bauersachs et al. Oral Rivaroxaban for Symptomatic Venous Thromboembolism. N Engl J Med Dec 23;363(26): Patel MR, Mahaffey KW, Garg J, et al. Rivaroxaban versus Warfarin in Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation. N Engl J Med 2011; 365: Gekürzte Fachinformation Xarelto (Rivaroxaban): Direkter Faktor Xa-Inhibitor Z: Filmtabl. zu 10, 15 und 20 mg Rivaroxaban. I: a) Thromboseprophylaxe bei grösseren orthopädischen Eingriffen a. d. unteren Extremitäten wie Hüft- und Knieprothesen. b) Behandlung von Lungenembolie (LE) und tiefer Venenthrombose (TVT) sowie Prophy laxe rezidivierender TVT und LE. c) Schlaganfallprophylaxe und Prophylaxe system. Embolien bei nicht-valvulärem Vorhofflimmern. D: a) 1x/Tag 10 mg. b) 2x/Tag 15 mg für die ersten 21 Tage, gefolgt von 20 mg 1x/Tag c) 1x/Tag 20 mg; bei Krea-Cl ml/min: 1x/Tag 15 mg. 15 mg und 20 mg während Mahlzeit einnehmen. KI: Überempfindlichkeit auf Inhaltsstoffe, akute bakt. Endokarditis, klin. sign. aktive Blutungen, schw. Lebererkrankung/Leberinsuffizienz (LI) mit relev. erhöhtem Blutungsrisiko; leichte LI in Komb. mit Koagulopathie, dialysepfl. Niereninsuffizienz (NI), akute gastrointestinale (GI) Ulzera oder GI ulzerative Erkrankungen, Schwangerschaft, Stillzeit. W: Komedikation (siehe «IA»); <18 Jahre; künstl. Herzklappen; d. Hämostase beeinfl. Arzneimittel. VM: NI (Krea-Cl ml/min) od. NI in Komb. mit Arzneimitteln, die den Xarelto -Plasmaspiegel erhöhen, erhöhtes Risiko unkontrollierter Blutungen und hämorrhag. Diathese, kurz zurückliegender hämorrhag. Schlaganfall, intrakran. o. intrazerebr. Hämorrhagie, kürzlich aufgetretene GI Ulzera/ulzerative Erkrankungen, schwere unkontrollierte Hypertonie, vask. Retinopathie, intraspinale o. intrazerebr. Gefässanomalien, kurz zurückliegende Hirn-, Spinal-, Augen-OP, Bronchiektasie oder pulmonale Blutung in der Anamnese, Spinalanästhesie und -punktion, mind. 24 Stunden vor invasiven Verfahren/chirurgischen Eingriffen absetzen, gleichzeitige Gabe von d. Hämostase beeinfl. Arzneimitteln. Häufige UAW: Blutungen, Anämie, Schwindel, Kopfschmerz, Augenblutungen, Hämatome, Epistaxis, Hämoptysis, Nausea, Obstipation, Durchfall, Leberenzymerhöhungen (ASAT, ALAT), Pruritus, Rash, Schmerzen i. d. Extrem., Fieber, periph. Ödem, Asthenie. IA: Starke CYP 3A4 + P-gp-Inhib. (Ritonavir, Ketoconazol), starke CYP 3A4 + P-gp-Induk. (Rifampicin, Carbamazepin, Phenobarbital, Johanniskraut), d. Hämostase beeinfl. Arz neimittel. Stand d. Information: Feb Packg.: 10 mg à 10 und 30; 15 mg und 20 mg à je 14, 28 o. 98 Filmtabl.; jew. Klinikpackung 10x 1 Filmtabl. (B), kassenzulässig. Für weitere Informationen siehe Vertrieb: Bayer (Schweiz) AG, Bayer Healthcare, Grubenstr. 6, 8045 Zürich. L.CH.HC DE/FR/IT L.CH.HC DE/FR/IT

7 Programme Overview 7 Monday, 09 February Tuesday, 10 February Wednesday, 11 February Thursday, 12 February 08:00-09:30 Paul Lichtlen Lecture Atherosclerosis, Genetics Lipid Management Atrial Fibrillation Aortic Valve Disease 09:30-10:00 10:00-10:30 Coffee Coffee Coffee Coffee 10:00-11:30 10:30-11:30 Hypertension Parallel Sessions 1. Stable Coronary Artery Disease 2. Cardiac Imaging Cardiomyopathies, SCD Heart Failure I 12:00-13:15 Lunch/ Satellite Symposium Servier Lunch/Satellite Symposium Sanofi Daiichi-Sankyo Lunch/Satellite Symposium Daiichi Sankyo Lunch/Satellite Symposium Novartis 13:30-15:00 Diabetes, Obesity Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism Percutaneous Interventions 13:30-14:30 Heart Failure II 14:30-15:15 Meet the Expert 15:00-15:30 Coffee Coffee Coffee Coffee 15:30-16:30 Parallel Sessions Meet the Expert Hands-on Session Poster Session Parallel Sessions Meet the Expert Hands-on Session Poster Session Parallel Sessions Meet the Expert Hands-on Session 15:30-17:00 Acute and Advanced Heart Failure 16:30-17:30 1. Sports Cardiology 2. Risk Factors and Prevention Parallel Sessions 1. Ventricular Arrhythmias 2. Pulmonary Hypertension Parallel Sessions 1. Acute Coronary Syndromes 2. Mitral Valve Regurgitation 17:00-17:15 Poster Award 17:15-17:45 Davos Lecture 17:30-18:00 Dinner Buffet Dinner Buffet Dinner Buffet 18:00-19:15 Satellite Symposium Bayer Healthcare Amgen Satellite Symposia Biotronik AstraZeneca Satellite Symposium Daiichi Sankyo / Lilly 17:45-18:00 Closing Remarks 19:20-20:15 Clinical Decision Seminar Echo Pearls Parallel Sessions Clinical Decision Seminar ICD and CRT: Troubleshooting Cardiovascular Imaging Parallel Sessions Clinical Decision Seminar Difficult ECG Interpretations Diagnosing congenital heart disease

8 Teaching Faculty 8 International Faculty Atar Dan, Oslo, NO Bax Jeroen J. Leiden, NL Bounameaux Henri, Geneva, CH Calkins Hugh, Baltimore, US Camici Paolo G., Milan, IT Camm John A., London, GB Catapano Alberico L., Milan, IT Chapman John, Paris, FR Corrado Domenico, Padova, IT Cosentino Francesco, Stockholm, SE Crea Filippo, Rome, IT Deanfield John E., London, GB Elliott Perry, London, GB Falk Volkmar, Berlin, DE Filippatos Gerasimos, Athens, GR Gersh Bernard, Rochester, US Gillebert Thierry, Gent BE Giugliano R.P., Boston, US Grünig Ekkehard, Heidelberg, DE Hindricks Gerhard, Leipzig, DE James Stefan K., Uppsala, SE Krähenbühl Stephan, Basel, CH Kucher Nils, Berne, CH Landmesser Ulf, Berlin, DE Libby Peter, Boston, US Mach François, Geneva, CH Maisano Francesco, Zurich, CH Meier Bernhard, Berne, CH Milicic Davor, Zagreb, HR Müller Christian, Basel, CH Münzel Thomas, Mainz, DE Naeije Robert, Brussels, BE Niebauer Josef, Salzburg, AT Pfeffer Marc, Boston, US Pinto Fausto José, Lisboa, PT Pitt Bertram, Ann Arbor, US Pitt Geoffrey S., Durham, US Pocock Stuart, London, UK Ponikowski Piotr, Wroclaw, PL Serruys Patrick W., Rotterdam, NL Sharma Sanjay, London, GB Smiseth Otto A., Oslo,NO Solomon Scott David, Boston, US Storey Robert F., Sheffield, UK Swedberg Karl B., Göteborg, SE Vachiery Jean-Luc, Brussels, BE Vahanian Alec, Paris, FR Wijns William, Aalst,BE Windecker Stephan, Bern CH Wood David, London, GB Yusuf Salim, Hamilton, CA Local Zurich Faculty Binder Ronald Brunckhorst Corinna Duru Firat Enseleit Frank Flammer Andreas Frank Michelle Gämperli Oliver Greutmann Matthias Gruner Christiane Haegeli Laurent Klingenberg Roland Lehmann Roger Maier Willibald Manka Robert Matter Christian Nietlispach Fabian Ruschitzka Frank Schmied Christian Steffel Jan Sudano Isabella Tanner Felix C. Templin Christian Ulrich Silvia Status October 2014

9 Satellite Symposia Monday, 9 February 2015, 12:00 13:15 Hypertension and the Vascular Continuum Organised together with Servier Monday, 9 February 2015, 18:00 19:15 Atrial Fibrillation, Cardioversion and NOACs: Practical Considerations and Patient Management Organised together with Bayer Healthcare Monday, 9 February 2015, 18:00 19:15 Let s Meet PCSK9 Inhibition Let s Meet LDL Targets Organised together with Amgen Tuesday, 10 February 2015, 12:00 13:15 Novel Therapeutic Approach for the Management of Dyslipidemia Organised together with Sanofi Tuesday, 10 February 2015, 12:00 13:15 Individualised Therapy of Hypertension for Young and Older Patients Organised together with Daiichi-Sankyo Tuesday, 10 February 2015, 18:00 19:15 From Acute Care to Long Term Benefit in ACS Organised together with AstraZeneca Tuesday, 10 February 2015, 18:00 19:15 Modern Management of Cardiac Device Patients Organised together with Biotronik Wednesday, 11 February 2015, 12:00 13:15 Meeting the Challenges in Atrial Fibrillation Management Organised together with Daiichi Sankyo Wednesday, 11 February 2015, 18:00 19:15 Five Years Prasugrel: What Have we Learned and Where Are we Going? Organised together with Daiichi Sankyo/Eli Lilly Thursday, 12 February 2015, 12:00 13:15 Novel Therapies for Chronic Heart Failure an Expert Panel Discussion Organised together with Novartis Pharma 9

10 Special Sessions Echo Hands-on Sessions Special TEE echo tutorial sessions provide participants with an opportunity for hands-on learning with experienced echocardiographers. Tutorials take place in a state-of-the-art setting with attendance limited to 4 participants to offer an intimate and interactive hands-on learning experience with «Heartworks Phantoms» and simulation of different structural heart disease. The sessions will be held on Tuesday afternoon, 10 February 2015 from 13:30 to 18:00. Duration of a tutorial is 60 minutes. A total of 8 tutorials will be held. The number of participants is limited to 32 people. Extra cost: CHF The sessions can be booked on the registration form on our website. Tutorial slots will be assigned to the first 32 applications. Upon registration no refund of costs will be possible. Moderated Poster Sessions Submitted abstracts which are accepted for poster exhibition will be displayed in the Foyer from Monday to Wednesday. During a guided poster viewing the presenters will summarize their research within 5 minutes. They then will address questions from chairpersons and audience. The chairpersons will identify the best moderated posters from each session and a jury will select the best three posters of all sessions for awards of CHF , and Accreditation Cardiology Update is recognised by the following medical societies and associations as accredited continuing education: EBAC, European Board for Accreditation in Cardiology (24 CME credits) EACCME, European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (24 CME credits) Swiss Society of Cardiology (30 CME credits category 1A) Swiss Society of Internal Medicine (30 CME credits category 1A) German Cardiac Society (30 CME credits) German Cardiac Society 10

11 General Information Venue Congress Center, Davos, Switzerland ( Registration Registrations can be made exclusively online on our website ( Registration fee before 20 December 2014, CHF (Swiss Francs) Registration fee after 20 December 2014, CHF On-site Registration: CHF Registration fee for fellows and nurses (identification requested): CHF Single day tickets Monday Thursday: CHF Registration will be confirmed upon receipt of payment. Echo Hands-on Session: CHF (limited to 32 participants) Group Registration For group registration a minimum of 10 participants is required. Please contact Mrs. Esther Willi ( to obtain further information. Congress documents and bags can be collected as early pick-up upon request. Modification & Cancellation All modifications or cancellations must be notified in writing (by mail, fax or ) to Davos Congress. For each modification requested by the participant, CHF will be charged for administrative costs. In case of cancellation up to 14 January 2015, deposits will be refunded less 35% for administrative costs. After this date, no refund will be possible. Methods of payment The fees should be paid in Swiss Francs (CHF) and settled by the following credit cards: VISA or Eurocard/Mastercard. Contact: Davos Congress, Mrs. Sandra Sutter ( ). Hotel Reservation Hotel rooms are available at a special convention rate. Reservations can be made on our website ( or at Davos Congress, Mrs. Sandra Sutter ( Abstracts Abstracts for the Poster Session can be submitted exclusively on our website ( An Abstract Booklet will be published. Deadline for submission: 19 December 2014, Midday CET. 11 Registration Desk The registration desk and congress secretariat is located in the foyer of the Congress Center. Opening hours: Sunday, 8 February :00 18:30 Monday-Wednesday, 9-11 February :30 12:00 14:00 19:00 Thursday, February 12, :00 12:00 14:00 18:00

12 Travel Information As official carrier to Cardiology Update 2015 in Davos Swiss International Air Lines offers you the best booking flexibility together with Swiss product and service quality, all at a significantly discounted price. As the national airline of Switzerland we offer event participants a reduction of up to 10% off regular fares. Your stay in Switzerland begins the moment you board one of our aircraft. Special congress fares are indicated with a C and make it possible for you to rebook flexibly or cancel if necessary. Reductions depend on the fare type, routing and availability and are valid on the full SWISS network for flights to Switzerland, including flights operated by one of our partner airlines with an LX flight number. These fares are bookable with immediate effect for the travel period 14 days before and after the event. To take advantage of this offer, book simply and conveniently on via the following link: Please enter your address and the event code that will be provided with your registration confirmation. SWISS is already looking forward to pampering you with typical Swiss hospitality on board. Journey from Zurich Airport to Davos The closest airport to Davos is Zurich Airport. Davos can be reached from the airport by train. Trains run on a half hourly basis. The duration of the journey is approximately 3 hours. Timetables of the Swiss railroad network can be found on: 12

13 About the Zurich Heart House A Foundation associated with the University of Zurich and the University Hospital Zurich The Zurich Heart House (ZHH) is a place for the exchange of knowledge and cooperation between researchers, clinicians and practicing physicians. Founded in the year 2009 and conceived as a small sister of the European Heart House the ZHH focuses on the field of cardiovascular medicine and promotes research projects and educational activities that receive worldwide attention. The ZHH unifies the Foundation for Cardiovascular Research which is its legal entity together with its Education Center and the editorial office of two scientific journals, The European Heart Journal and Cardiovascular Medicine. Altogether the ZHH offers jobs to 15 employees and in addition supports about 40 scientists, fellows and researchers employed by the University of Zurich. The director of the Zurich Heart House is Ruth Amstein, Ph.D. with a background in cardiovascular research and working experience in pharmaceutical industry and university-industry partnerships. Your team at Cardiology Update (from left) Dr. Ruth Amstein, Esther Willi, Valérie Streichenberg, Kathrin Reber 13

14 Registration, Organisation Registration Registrations have to be submitted online: Davos Destinations-Organisation Davos Congress Mrs. Sandra Sutter Tourismus- und Sportzentrum CH-7270 Davos Platz, Switzerland Phone +41 (0) , Fax +41 (0) Organisation Zurich Heart House Foundation for Cardiovascular Research Ruth Amstein, Ph.D., Esther Willi Kathrin Reber Valérie Streichenberg ) Moussonstrasse 4, CH-8091 Zurich, Switzerland Phone +41 (0) , Fax +41 (0)


16 Platinum Sponsors Gold Plus Sponsors Gold Sponsors 16 Silver Sponsors Actelion Pharma Schweiz AG Boehringer Ingelheim (Schweiz) GmbH A. Menarini AG The Medicines Company (Schweiz) GmbH Co-Sponsor Pfizer AG Title Page: CT-Image by Philipp A. Kaufmann, M.D. University Hospital Zurich ZHH 2014

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Level 1 German, 2014

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Project Management Institute Frankfurt Chapter e.v. Local Group Dresden T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH, Riesaer Str.

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Exercise (Part II) Anastasia Mochalova, Lehrstuhl für ABWL und Wirtschaftsinformatik, Kath. Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt 1

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ANLAGE 3. Final wording for SPC and package leaflet (PL)

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Level 1 German, 2016

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Level 1 German, 2012

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Level 2 German, 2015

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Level 2 German, 2013

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Project Management Institute Frankfurt Chapter e.v. Local Group Dresden T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH, Riesaer Str.

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