Volume 89 September 2013 International Journal for Industry, Research and Application9

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1 Official media partner of 17 th Arabal Conference Special: The aluminium industry in the Gulf / Arabal 2013 Interview with Emal CEO Saeed Fadhel Al Mazrooei Kizad aluminium cluster taking shape Best technology for the rolling industry in the Gulf Emal EPCM a vital activity in the world of aluminium Volume 89 September 2013 International Journal for Industry, Research and Application9

2 Air Cooled Open Mould Ingot Caster Hertwich OMC series III State-of-the-art open mould ingot casting Leading technology in the aluminum casthouse There are many benefits in one-stop-shopping of industrial goods. At Hertwich Engineering we provide customer oriented service throughout the project duration and service life of equipment. We design and build plants to meet both, our own stringent standards and individual customers speci fications. Based on many years of experience, we cover the full range of equipment in a modern aluminum casthouse. Major benefits Hertwich Engineering is well-known for leading edge technology. Our discerning customers deserve to get the best value for money. Commitment to innovation, solid engineering and own R&D are instrumental for staying ahead with continuous improvements and new products. Advantages of primary cooling by air Hertwich OMC series III Safety, no water explosion hazard Optimized pouring trough for minimum melt turbulence, no oxide formation, no dedrossing required uniform shrinkage during solidification mould temperature adjustable prior metal pouring enhanced air cooling for optimum solidification (eutectic alloys) air cooled moulds are not subject to temperature shock no exposure to water - almost unlimited service life of moulds less maintenance Downstream equipment includes automated stacking, marking, strapping, colour coding, weighing and labelling. HERTWICH ENGINEERING GMBH Weinbergerstrasse 6 Phone: info@hertwich.com 5280 Braunau, Austria Fax: Internet:

3 EDITORIAL Volker Karow Chefredakteur Editor in Chief Die Aluminiumwelt trifft sich in Abu Dhabi Aluminium world to meet in Abu Dhabi Zum zweiten Mal in diesem Jahr blicken wir in unserem Special auf die Golfregion. Nach der Aluminium Middle East 2013 im April in Dubai steht im November ein zweites Großereignis vor der Tür, dann in Abu Dhabi: die Arabal Conference 2013, dieses Jahr ausgerichtet von Emirates Aluminium. Der Veranstaltungsort ist vorausschauend gewählt: In Abu Dhabi entsteht mit Kizad ein riesiges Industriegebiet, das sowohl heimische wie ausländische Investoren und unterschiedlichste Branchen anziehen will. Dieses Industrieprojekt ist weit sichtbarer Ausdruck dessen, dass sich die Golf-Staaten im globalen Wirtschaftsgeschehen längst nicht mehr nur auf Öl und Gas exportierende Länder reduzieren lassen. Stattdessen sind sie auf dem Weg zu wirtschaftlich diversifizierten Gesellschaften, die ihrer Bevölkerung neue Entwicklungsperspektiven eröffnen. Die dreitägige Veranstaltung steht im Zeichen jüngster und künftiger Entwicklungen und Projekte aus dem Upstream- und Downstream-Sektor der Aluminiumindustrie am Golf. Darüber hinaus wird der Bogen zu den globalen Marktfragen und wirtschaftlichen Herausforderungen der Branche gespannt bis hin zu Aspekten des LME-Warehousing, das in jüngster Zeit durch die Ereignisse um Goldman Sachs besondere Aktualität erfährt. Details des Programms können in dieser Ausgabe nachgelesen werden (S. 32). Dass die Konferenz von Emal ausgerichtet wird, versteht sich fast von selbst. In Abu Dhabi ansässig spielt Emal eine zentrale Rolle beim Aufbau des Aluminiumclusters in Kizad. Obendrein entsteht derzeit Emals dritte Ofenlinie, mit der das Unternehmen seine Hüttenproduktion auf 1,3 Mio. Tonnen fast verdoppeln wird. Den Konferenzteilnehmern bietet sich Gelegenheit zu einer Besichtigungstour, die einen bleibenden Eindruck von diesem Produktionsstandort hinterlassen wird. ALUMINIUM sprach jüngst mit Emal President und CEO Saeed Fadhel Al Mazrooei über die Entwicklung des Unternehmens, seine Marktstellung, die Erwartungen an die Arabal-Konferenz und die Integration von Dubal und Emal zu Emirates Global Aluminium. Auch für die Ausrüster der Aluminiumindustrie sind die Golf-Staaten von wachsender Bedeutung geworden. Das betraf in den letzten Jahren zum einen die Anbieter von Maschinen und Anlagen für Anodenfabriken, Hütten und Gießereien, zum anderen die Ausrüster für Strangpresswerke. Inzwischen sind mit Oman Aluminium Rolling Co. und dem Ma aden-alcoa-walzkomplex zwei Flagschiffprojekte für Walzprodukte hinzugekommen, die kurz vor Fertigstellung stehen. For the second time this year our Special is looking at the Gulf region. Following Aluminium Middle East 2013 in Dubai, a second major event is fast approaching and will take place in November: the Arabal Conference 2013, this year hosted by Emirates Aluminium. The venue has been chosen with foresight: in Abu Dhabi a superlative industrial development project Kizad is nascent which aims to attract both domestic and foreign investors and the most varied industry sectors. This industrial project is a highly visible demonstration that nowadays the Gulf States are much more than oil and gas exporting countries. Instead, they are on the way towards becoming economically diversified societies which are opening up new development prospects for their population. The three-day event will be taking place against the background of recent and future developments in the Gulf region. Naturally, the focus is on regional projects in the upstream and downstream sectors of the aluminium industry. Moreover, an approach will be made to global market questions and the economic challenges faced by the industry including aspects related to LME warehousing which has recently become particularly topical in the light of events surrounding Goldman Sachs. For details of the programme see page 32. That the conference is being organised by Emirates Aluminium is almost self-explanatory. Located in Abu Dhabi, the company plays a central role in building up the aluminium cluster in Kizad. On top of everything else Emal s third potline is under construction, with which the company will almost double its aluminium output to 1.3 million tonnes. Conference participants will be offered the opportunity to be taken on a site tour which will certainly leave them with a lasting impression of this smelter complex. Recently ALU- MINIUM had the opportunity to talk with the president and CEO of Emal, Saeed Fadhel Al Mazoorei about the company s development, its market position, what is expected from the Arabal Conference, and the merger of Dubal and Emal into Emirates Global Aluminium (see pp ). For equipment suppliers to the aluminium industry the Gulf countries have become increasingly important. In recent years that has concerned on the one hand suppliers of plant and machinery for anode plants, smelters and casthouses, and on the other hand suppliers of extrusion plants. Meanwhile, with Oman Aluminium Rolling Co. and the Ma aden- Alcoa rolling complex two flagship projects for rolled products have been added, both of them nearing completion. ALUMINIUM 9/2013 3

4 INHALT EDITORIAL Die Aluminiumwelt trifft sich in Abu Dhabi Aluminium world to meet in Abu Dhabi... 3 AKTUELLES NEWS IN BRIEF EVENTS WIRTSCHAFT ECONOMICS 26 Al-Preise / Produktionsdaten der deutschen Aluminiumindustrie...12/14 Aluminium S.A. increases production, reduces costs...16 Aluminium The transportation material of the future...19 Primary aluminium industry during the first half of 2013, Part II ALUMINIUM INDUSTRY IN THE GULF ARABAL 2013 Interview with Emal president and CEO, Saeed Fadhel Al Mazrooei: We can compete with any company in the world th Arab International Aluminium Conference Best technology for the aluminium rolling industry in the Gulf Kizad aluminium cluster taking shape EPCM a vital activity in the world of aluminium In Europe, Middle East and Africa contact: COMEXALE TEL FAX ALUMINIUM 9/2013

5 CONTENTS Bechtel keeps building history Aluminium Bahrain One of the largest and most modern aluminium smelters in the world Successful start-up of the fume treatment centre at Ras Al Khair aluminium smelter High performance of Eolios pitch fume treatment system at Qatalum paste plant TECHNOLOGIE TECHNOLOGY Köllemann GmbH market leader for petcoke preheaters Integration der Gattierungsrechnung macht Recycling noch effizienter Integrated charge and alloy calculation makes recycling even more efficient Turla targets equipment quality and performance for customer success...62 Belte AG Spezialist für die Wärmebehandlung von Aluminiumbauteilen: Wir sind ständig bestrebt, Prozesse weiterzuentwickeln Belte AG Specialist in the heat treatment of aluminium components: We constantly strive to develop our processes further...66 Infrared heat transfer for thin-walled aluminium automotive castings...69 Euroguss 2014: Anmeldestand der Vorveranstaltung bereits erreicht Euroguss 2014 : Level of applications for previous event already reached...71 Gießtechnisch verbunden: Hybride CFK-Aluminium- Fügeverbindung für den Leichtbau...72 ACTech nimmt Stoßwellenanlage zur Entkernung komplexer Gussteile in Betrieb...72 Automated band saws for precise linear cuts...73 Innovative Lösungen für das Strahlen von Gussprodukten Innovative shot blasting solutions for foundries...74 ANWENDUNG APPLICATION Aluminiumtube feiert 100 Jahre Erfolgsgeschichte Aluminium tube celebrates centenary...76 Opel stellt neuen Vollalu-Dreizylinder auf IAA vor Opel presents new all-aluminium 3-cylinder at IAA...77 COMPANY NEWS WORLDWIDE DOCUMENTATION Patente...82 Impressum Imprint...98 Vorschau Preview...98 LIEFERVERZEICHNIS SUPPLIERS DIRECTORY...84 Inserenten dieser Ausgabe List of advertisers 54 Aluminium Bahrain, Bahrain 41 Arabal Conference 2013, UAE 33 Aumund Fördertechnik GmbH, Germany 47 Brochot, France 43 Buss AG, Switzerland 57 Castool Tooling Systems, Canada 4 De Winter Engineering, The Netherlands 75 Didion International Inc., USA 21 Dubal Aluminium, UAE 100 Emirates Aluminium UAE 13 Eredi Scabini Srl, Italy 51 Fata Hunter SpA, Italy 29 Fives Solios, France 31 Gautschi Engineering GmbH, Switzerland 35 Hertwich Engineering GmbH, Austria 2 IMS Messsysteme GmbH, Germany 7 Inotherm Industrieofen- und Wärmetechnik GmbH, Germany 19, 75 Italtecno, Italy 17 IUL TU Dortmund, Germany 99 Kizad, Abu Dhabi 27 Maka Systems GmbH, Germany 25 Mino SpA, Italy 15 Precimeter Control AB, Sweden 37 Refratechnik Steel GmbH, Germany 39 Riedhammer GmbH, Germany 45 Rösler Oberflächentechnik GmbH, Germany 71 Siemens Plc, UK 11 Wagstaff Inc., USA 23 Yxlon International, Germany 9 ALUMINIUM 9/2013 5

6 AKTUELLES Amag voll ausgelastet, Ergebnis schwächer Luftaufnahme vom Amag-Standort in Ranshofen, Österreich Die Amag-Gruppe war im ersten Halbjahr 2013 in den drei Segmenten Metall, Gießen und Walzen voll ausgelastet. Die Auftragslage entwickelte sich im zweiten Quartal trotz eines schwierigeren Konjunkturumfeldes zufriedenstellend. Die gesamte Absatzmenge konnte in den ersten sechs Monaten dieses Jahres auf Tonnen (+1%) gesteigert werden, wobei der Zuwachs im Segment Walzen (+4%) die Rückgänge in den Segmenten Gießen und Metall (-2% bzw. -1%) ausglich. Gegenüber dem Vorjahresquartal blieb die Absatzmenge mit Tonnen annähernd stabil. Der Halbjahresumsatz 2013 ging gegenüber dem Vorjahreszeitraum um fünf Prozent auf 412,4 Mio. Euro zurück vor allem bedingt durch den um acht Prozent niedrigeren Amag durchschnittlichen Aluminiumpreis. Das Ergebnis vor Zinsen, Steuern und Abschreibungen (Ebitda) verringerte sich um 9,4 Prozent auf 65,4 Mio. Euro. Amag konnte Anfang 2013 einen Großauftrag von EADS gewinnen, der die Lieferung von Aluplatten und -blechen für Struktur- und Außenhautteile vorsieht. Das Auftragsvolumen beträgt bis zu 100 Mio. Euro. Der Werksausbau, mit dem die Produktionskapazität in Ranshofen um 50 Prozent ausgeweitet wird, liegt laut Unternehmen voll im Plan. Das neue Walzwerk werde im zweiten Halbjahr 2014 in Betrieb gehen, so Vorstandschef Gerhard Falch. Amag geht für das dritte Quartal von weiterhin voll ausgelasteten Kapazitäten aus. Ende Juli lag der LME-Preis für Aluminium bei Dollar je Tonne. Auch bei diesem niedrigen Preisniveau könne die Alouette- Hütte in Kanada aufgrund ihrer sehr guten Kostenposition einen wesentlichen Ergebnisbeitrag liefern, so das Unternehmen. Aufgrund des niedrigeren Aluminiumpreises und hohen Margendrucks erwartet der Vorstand ein niedrigeres Gruppenergebnis als im Vorjahr. Das Ebitda werde in der Bandbreite von 116 bis 121 Mio. Euro liegen. Deutsche Aluminiumindustrie wächst in Erzeugung und Verarbeitung ALUMINIUM Die deutsche Aluminiumindustrie hat sich im ersten Halbjahr 2013 gut behauptet. Die Produktion konnte in vielen Bereichen deutlich zulegen. Für das zweite Halbjahr erwartet die Branche weiteres Mengenwachstum. Die Erzeugung von Rohaluminium stieg auf Tonnen und damit um 3,3 Prozent gegenüber dem Vorjahreszeitraum. Die Menge teilt sich auf in Tonnen Die Produktion von Walzprodukten legte im ersten Halbjahr 2013 zu Hüttenaluminium (+15,1%) und Tonnen Recyclingaluminium (-4,1%). GDA- Geschäftsführer Christian Wellner dazu: Im ersten Halbjahr 2013 hat die deutsche Hüttenaluminiumproduktion den höchsten Wert seit der Wirtschaftskrise 2008/09 erreicht. Damit bleibt die Erzeugung von Aluminium ein wichtiger Wertschöpfungsbestandteil der Aluminiumindustrie in Deutschland. Die Erzeugung von Aluminiumhalbzeug Walz- und Strangpressprodukte sowie Drähte und Schmiedeteile betrug 1,266 Mio. Tonnen (+3,2%). Die Produktion von Aluminiumguss Sand-, Kokillen- und Druckguss sank dagegen deutlich, und zwar auf Tonnen (-7,2%). Im Juni wurden dagegen Tonnen und damit so viel wie im Vorjahresmonat produziert Tonnen (+0,5%) wurden in der Weiterverarbeitung hergestellt. Sie gliedert sich in die Segmente Folien und dünne Bänder (+0,2%), Tuben, Aerosol- und sonstige Dosen (+5,7%) sowie Metallpulver (+5,0%). Das konjunkturelle Umfeld war im ersten Halbjahr relativ schwach und durch eine hohe Unsicherheit gekennzeichnet. Nach Ansicht von Andreas Postler, Leiter Volkswirtschaft und Statistik beim GDA, hat sich die deutsche Aluminiumindustrie in diesem Umfeld jedoch gut behauptet. Unsere Industrie hat ihre Wettbewerbsfähigkeit in den letzten Jahren durch Modernisierungen und Restrukturierungen deutlich gesteigert. So konnten unsere Unternehmen im ersten Halbjahr 2013 trotz einer rückläufigen Mengenkonjunktur in vielen Segmenten Marktanteile gewinnen. Postler erwartet eine Fortsetzung dieser positiven Entwicklung: Das konjunkturelle Umfeld hellt sich wieder auf. Für das zweite Halbjahr gehen wir von einer leicht anziehenden Mengenkonjunktur aus. 6 ALUMINIUM 9/2013

7 NEWS IN BRIEF Alufoil: production and deliveries on the rise Deliveries of aluminium foil products moved ahead in Q2 2013, confirming that the recovery in demand seen in 2012 continues. Overall production for the year to date reached 419,800 tonnes, a rise of 2.5% compared with the first half of Exports too maintained momentum, increasing by 3.2% in Q2 2013, helping first half sales outside the European market to an impressive 6.6% rise. Q2 results showed thinner gauges, used largely for flexible packaging and household foils, once again led the way with a rise of 2.3%. Thicker gauges, used typically for semirigid containers and technical applications, dropped back by just 1.8%, indicating recovery is more uneven for these products. Total deliveries were 210,400 tonnes, which is an increase of 1.3% compared with Q Manfred Mertens, EAFA vice-president and Roller Group chairman, commented: While the outlook is still somewhat uncertain there are clear signs that the trend is upward, although there may still be some negative quarters in some areas, the downs seem to be smaller and the ups larger. Alufoil Trophy 2014 a chance to shine in aluminium foil! The launch of the Alufoil Trophy 2014, organised by the European Aluminium Foil Association (EAFA), offers companies the chance to enter and place the spotlight on their latest innovations and technologies using alufoil, in the most prestigious competition of its kind. Five categories for entries provide ample scope for all kinds of creativity and technological developments across the entire range of industrial applications and covering the most crucial challenges for alufoil and aluminium closure manufacturers. The categories are: Marketing & Design, Consumer Convenience, Resource Efficiency, Product Preservation and Technical Innovation. Commenting on the launch of this year s competition Guido Aufdemkamp, director Communication at EAFA, said: The Alufoil Trophy 2014 is a special opportunity for companies to bring worldwide attention to their latest ideas and products. We look forward to an exciting and hotly contested competition. Entries will be accepted until 29 November More details on EAFA Improve your product quality! IMS measuring systems are designed for online, non-contact operation in the measurements of: Thickness and thickness profile Wedge and crown Flatness Width and position of material Dimension and geometry Edge defects and holes Coat thickness and coat profile Speed and length Force and strip tension Competence in aluminium measurement Your measurement task is our specialisation! IMS Messsysteme GmbH Dieselstraße Heiligenhaus Germany phone: , fax: -140 info@ims-gmbh.de ALUMINIUM 9/2013 7

8 AKTUELLES Trimet präsentiert sich auf der IAA Strukturbauteile für Pkw Auf der Internationalen Automobil-Ausstellung (IAA), die in diesem Jahr vom 12. bis 22. September in Frankfurt am Main stattfindet, präsentiert sich die Trimet Aluminium SE als leistungsstarker Partner der Automobilindustrie. Der mittelständische Werkstoffspezialist behauptet sich mit Produkten und Dienstleistungen aus einer Hand als Systemlieferant der Branche. Der steigende Bedarf nach Strukturteilen erweist sich für Trimet als Wachstumstreiber. Marktentscheidend sind unter anderem die Speziallegierungen, die Trimet im eigenen Forschungslabor entwickelt. Trimet hat im vergangenen Jahrzehnt für rund 200 Mio. Euro die beiden Produktionsstandorte in Harzgerode und Sömmerda ausgebaut, um das Produktportfolio zu erweitern und den wachsenden Kundenstamm aus der Trimet Automobilindustrie zu bedienen. Zu den Schwerpunkten im Automotive-Geschäft zählen Getriebe- und Kupplungsgehäuse für Direktschaltgetriebe. Zudem ist Trimet seit 2009 Alleinlieferant von Fahrwerksteilen für einen namhaften deutschen Automobilhersteller. Die im Kokillenguss hergestellten Fahrwerksteile werden in Deutschlands modernster Schwerkraftkokillenguss-Anlage am Standort Harzgerode produziert. Als wesentlicher Wachstumstreiber zeigt sich immer mehr der steigende Bedarf der Automobilindustrie an Strukturteilen. In Verbindung mit den von Trimet anwendungsspezifisch entwickelten Aluminiumlegierungen ist dies zu einer weiteren tragenden Säule im Automotive-Bereich geworden. Unsere eigene Metallbasis, das damit verbundene Werkstoff-Knowhow und die Ausrichtung auf komplexe Gussteile mit großer Bearbeitungstiefe erweist sich auch für unsere Kunden als nachhaltige Strategie. Der steigende Bedarf stärkt die Standorte und schafft neue Arbeitsplätze, sagt Trimet-Vorstandsmitglied Thomas Reuther. Trimet versorgt alle namhaften Automobilhersteller und -zulieferer mit maßgeschneiderten Lösungen und Leichtbauteilen. Mit einem Maschinenpark von 530 bis Tonnen deckt das Unternehmen ein breites Produktportfolio bei seinen Kunden ab. Scholz-Gruppe kündigt Restrukturierung an Die Recyclingbranche ist derzeit in einer schwierigen Marktverfassung, gekennzeichnet durch niedrige Verkaufspreise und partielle Überkapazitäten. Einer der größten Aluminiumrecycler in Deutschland, die Firma Oetinger, ist insolvent, während die Scholz AG ein umfassendes Restrukturierungs- und Entschuldungsprogramm ankündigt, das bis 2015 umgesetzt werden soll. Die Scholz-Gruppe, die mit einem Ausstoß von fast 10 Mio. Tonnen an Sekundärrohstoffen zu den Marktführern beim Handel und der Aufbereitung von Eisen und NE- Metallen in Europa zählt und 2012 einen Umsatz von 4,7 Mrd. Euro erwirtschaftete, will sich künftig auf das Kerngeschäft Recycling von Eisen- und NE-Metallen konzentrieren und ihr Beteiligungsportfolio bereinigen. So soll das Asiengeschäft deutlich reduziert und die Geschäftsbeziehungen zur australischen Recyclinggruppe CMA eingestellt werden. Auch das Standortportfolio in Europa wird bereinigt, Randaktivitäten wie die Aluminiumproduktion sollen abgestoßen werden. Im Übrigen werden die klassischen Instrumente zur Ergebnisverbesserung und Entschuldung eingesetzt: Kosteneinsparungen und Stellenabbau, der bereits im zweiten Halbjahr erfolgen soll. Die Euler Hermes Rating hat unterdessen das Rating der Scholz AG auf B herabgestuft; der Ausblick wurde von stabil auf unbestimmt gesetzt. Hydro-Ausschreibung für Tonerde-Logistik Hydro hat in Deutschland eine Online-Ausschreibung für die Logistik zur Oxidversorgung des Rheinwerks in Neuss platziert. Interessierte Dienstleister sind aufgefordert, nachhaltigere Lösungen mit einer weiteren Minderung der spezifischen CO 2 -Emissionen vorzuschlagen. Vom zweiten Halbjahr 2014 an soll der geplante Kontrakt die gesamte Logistik für jährlich Tonnen Tonerde abdecken. Der Dienstleister transportiert dabei Aluminiumoxid von den Ladestellen in Stade und vom Rotterdamer Hafen. Er ist verantwortlich für alle Zwischenlagerungs- und Umschlagsaktivitäten bis hin zum Einblasen des Oxids in die Silos im Rheinwerk. Außerdem umfasst der Auftrag innerbetriebliche Umfuhren von Sekundäraluminiumoxidmengen. Der Logistikvertrag soll auch Nachhaltigkeitsaspekten Rechnung tragen. Hier sehen wir noch großes Potenzial und deshalb steht für uns die Ausarbeitung eines ganzheitlich, innovativen Logistikkonzeptes sowie eine langfristige Partnerschaft mit dem Logistikdienstleister im Vordergrund, sagt Irmtraud Pawlik, in der Geschäftsfeldleitung von Rolled Products verantwortlich für das Rheinwerk. Die Ausschreibung betrifft ein Volumen von mehreren Millionen Euro und startet exklusiv auf der Ausschreibungsplattform Cargoclix. 8 ALUMINIUM 9/2013

9 NEWS IN BRIEF Dubal products rated for sustainable building by LEED and DGNB Products manufactured by Dubai Aluminium (Dubal), UAE, have been declared suitable for sustainable building practices, as per the criteria defined by the US Green Building Council s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) rating system and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen (DGNB, the German Sustainable Building Council). Both declarations, which follow a rigorous assessment process by an independent agency, attest to Dubal s commitment to sustainability and environment protection. This is a major development for Dubal, as more than 60 percent of our annual production comprises aluminium billets that are used extensively by extruders to produce construction components such as window and door frames, says Walid Al Attar, executive vice president for Marketing and Sales. The international rating by LEED and DGNB places these products in a strong position to be specified by end-users in the building and construction industry worldwide. The two sustainability ratings are an important differentiator in the local market, where billets account for the major proportion of annual sales. Al Attar points out that new laws have been enacted in Dubai, whereby the incorporation of sustainable measures will be mandatory in all new construction projects in the Emirate as of next year. The suitability of our products is tangible evidence of Dubal s support for the government s green building agenda, simultaneously confirming the success of our efforts to produce green metal as part of our overall strategy to minimise the impact of our business on the environment, he says. ALUMINIUM 9/2013 Rio Tinto abandons divestment of Pacific Aluminium Mining giant Rio Tinto has abandoned the plan to sell its loss-making aluminium operations in Australia and New Zealand. Following a comprehensive review we have determined that the divestment of Pacific Aluminium for value is not possible in the current environment and it will be reintegrated into the Rio Tinto Alcan group, the company says. Pacific Aluminium s operations include four aluminium smelters as well as a bauxite Please contact our sales organization: Essener Bogen 15, Hamburg, Germany Phone or visit us at Technology with Passion mine and an alumina refinery. Media have recently reported that Rio Tinto plans to sell 13 aluminium facilities in Australia, Europe and the US, as it looks to trim its Alcan business. The Anglo-Australian company did not disclose how much it expects to raise from the sales. Tom Albanese, Rio s chief executive, said: The assets identified for divestment are sound businesses that are well-managed with productive workforces. But they are no longer aligned with our strategy, and we believe they have a bright future under new ownership. We can choose the most opportune timing to divest these assets, which may not occur until the economic climate improves. Whatever your task... we have the solution Digital X-ray inspection of multiple parts and sizes High-resolution images in 2D and 3D Digital radiography and computed tomography up to 600 kv Manual, semi-automatic and fully automated inspection

10 EVENTS Weltleitmesse Schweißen & Schneiden lädt nach Essen ein Globales Innovationsschaufenster öffnet vom 16. bis 21. September 2013 Es ist wie bei den Olympischen Spielen: Alle vier Jahre wird die Schweißen & Schneiden zum globalen Treffpunkt der fügetechnischen Fachwelt kommen die internationalen Experten der Füge-, Trenn- und Beschichtungstechnik bereits zum 18. Mal in Essen zusammen. Vom 16. bis 21. September präsentieren rund Aussteller aus mehr als 40 Nationen ihre Innovationen. Die Messe Essen und ihr ideeller Partner DVS (Deutscher Verband für Schweißen und verwandte Verfahren e. V.) erwarten zudem rund Besucher aus über 100 Ländern. Schweißen & Schneiden Auch dieses Jahr erwartet der Veranstalter volle Hallen. As in 2009 the organiser of Schweißen & Schneiden expects full halls Als internationales Innovationsschaufenster bietet die Messe das optimale Umfeld für die Vorstellung neuer Produkte, Verfahren und Dienstleistungen. Alle großen Industrienationen und namhaften Hersteller sind in Essen vertreten. Die größte Ausstellergruppe stellt Deutschland mit 379 Unternehmen, gefolgt von China (170 Aussteller), Italien (96) und den USA (41). Die ausländische Beteiligung liegt insgesamt bei rund 61 Prozent ebenfalls ein sehr guter Wert, der das Renommee der Messe als wichtigste internationale Branchenplattform für Wissenstransfer, Networking und Nachwuchsförderung unterstreicht. Viele Länder nutzen die Fachmesse, um auf nationalen Gemeinschaftsständen die Leistungskraft ihrer Unternehmen kompakt zu präsentieren. Dazu zählen die USA, die mit zwei Ständen in den Hallen 7 und 8 vertreten sind, sowie China mit drei nationalen Auftritten in den Hallen 7, 8.1 und 9.1. Weitere Gemeinschaftsstände werden von Frankreich, Japan, Taiwan, Italien sowie erstmals Südkorea unterhalten. Zu den innovativen Exponaten der Schweißen & Schneiden zählen Geräte, Anlagen und Werkstoffe nicht nur für das Schweißen und Schneiden, sondern auch für verwandte Verfahren wie Löten, Wärmebehandlung oder Thermisches Spritzen. So demonstrieren 13 Mitgliedsunternehmen der Gemeinschaft Thermisches Spritzen e.v. (GTS) an einem Gemeinschaftsstand in Halle 5 verschiedene leistungsfähige Beschichtungsverfahren, die hoch beanspruchte Oberflächen vor Verschleiß und Korrosion schützen. Junge innovative Unternehmen feiern Messepremiere. Seit ihrer Premiere 1952 ist die Schweißen & Schneiden auch eine Plattform für den fachlichen Austausch, der in diesem Jahr zusätzliches Gewicht bekommt. Unmittelbar vor der Messe lädt das International Institute of Welding (IIW) vom September 2013 zu seiner Jahresversammlung im Congress Center Essen. Zu dieser Veranstaltung sowie zur zweitägigen IIW-Konferenz Automation in Welding ( Sept. 2013) werden rund Experten aus aller Welt erwartet. Während der Messe werden außerdem renommierte Fachleute auf dem DVS Congress 2013 Forschungsergebnisse, Marktentwicklungen und Lösungen für Hersteller und Anwender der Füge-, Trenn- und Beschichtungstechnik vorstellen. Der DVS Congress 2013 findet im Forum auf dem DVS/GSI-Gemeinschaftsstand in Halle 12 statt. Schweißen & Schneiden is inviting to Essen It is just like the Olympic Games: every four years, Schweißen & Schneiden becomes the global meeting place of the expert world of welding technology. In 2013, the international experts in joining, cutting and surfacing technology will come together in Essen for the 18 th time already. From September, around 1,000 exhibitors from more than 40 nations will present their innovations. Moreover, Messe Essen and its ideal partner, DVS (German Welding Society), are expecting around 55,000 visitors from more than 100 countries. As an international innovation showcase, the exhibition will offer the best environment for the introduction of new products, processes and services. All the major industrial nations and notable manufacturers will be represented in Essen. The largest group of exhibitors will be provided by Germany with 379 companies followed by China (170 exhibitors), Italy (96) and the USA (41). The foreign participation will be around 61% in total also a very good value which highlights the reputation of the fair as the most important international sectoral platform for know-how transfer, networking and the promotion of the next generation. A lot of countries will also use the top-ranking trade fair in order to present the efficiency of their companies in a compact way on national cooperative booths. These will include the USA which will be represented with two booths in Halls 7 and 8 as well as PR of China with three national appearances in Halls 7, 8.1 and 9.1. Further cooperative booths will be set up by France, Japan, Taiwan, Italy as well as, for the first time, South Korea. Messe Essen 10 ALUMINIUM 9/2013

11 Focus on Precision, Yield and Green Set the benchmark in Aluminum Rolling! siemens-vai.com We know what we re talking about when it comes to aluminum rolling. During the past five decades we have supplied hundreds of new and modernized mills that set the benchmark for producing quality strip in an efficient manner. The market is ever changing and now demands highest yield and tolerances while minimizing environmental impact. Siemens VAI is at the forefront of this challenge. On the basis of immense process knowhow and engineering experience, Siemens VAI works with our customers to meet their targets for productivity, quality, yield and flexibility. As a total solution provider, maximum mill performance is assured with the latest equipment design, advanced technological packages, sophisticated electrical, automation, environmental systems, and a full range of vertically integrated supply packages. With specialized technologies for thickness, profile and flatness control, the strictest quality and tolerance demands are met for all downstream product requirements. At every stage of a mill s productive lifetime, we have the right solution to ensure that your mill performs at its peak level. Our portfolio includes: New plants and mill modernizations Complete equipment supply Electrical and automation systems Consultancy services and mill audits Customized mill products Worldwide, around-the-clock services Be the leader in the field with SIROLL ALU solutions from Siemens VAI, a global supplier but your local partner. Answers for industry.

12 W IRTSCHAFT Aluminium im Monatsrückblick Ein Service der TRIMET Aluminium SE Die LME 3-Monatsnotierung konnte sich nach dem regelrechten Ausverkauf im vergangenen Monat wieder erholen und notierte im Hoch wieder oberhalb der Marke von per Tonne. Unerwartet gute Konjunktur- und Wirtschaftswachstumszahlen aus dem Euroraum beflügelten alle LME-Basismetallnotierungen und auch die Sorge um den Liquiditätsengpass Chinas schien mehr als unbegründet. Nachdem die LME-Lagerhausbestände im Juni ein neues Allzeithoch bei 5,45 Millionen Tonnen markierten, erlebten sie im Juli einen wei- teren Anstieg auf 5,49 Millionen Tonnen, sodass die umstrittene LME-Lagerhauspolitik weiterhin für sehr viel Zündstoff und erhitzte Gemüter unter den Verbrauchern sorgte. Daher werden die Stimmen nach einem Eingreifen in das Geschehen immer lauter. Auf- bzw. Abschlag für 3-Monatstermin Letzten 6 Durchschnittswerte LME Juli ,88 Euro Juni ,36 Euro Mai ,80 Euro April ,22 Euro März ,79 Euro Februar ,22 Euro Aluminium High Grade, Kasse Letzten 6 Durchschnittswerte LME Juli ,17 Euro Juni ,16 Euro Mai ,51 Euro April ,60 Euro März ,92 Euro Februar ,20 Euro Aluminium Lagerbestände Letzten 6 Monatsendwerte LME Juli t. Juni t. Mai t. April t. März t. Februar t Alle Angaben auf dieser Seite sind unverbindlich. Quelle: TRIMET Aluminium SE aktuelle LME-Werte unter oder per TRIMET-App auf das iphone. 12 ALUMINIUM 9/2013


14 W IRTSCHAFT Produktionsdaten der deutschen Aluminiumindustrie Primäraluminium Sekundäraluminium Walzprodukte > 0,2 mm Press- & Ziehprodukte** Produktion (in t) +/- in % * Produktion (in t) +/- in % * Produktion (in t) +/- in % * Produktion (in t) Juni 33,0-8,0 54,6 6,9 161,0 20,6 49,1-0,3 Juli 34,8-5,0 56,0 7,1 166,4 0,9 46,9-7,4 +/- in % * Aug 34,9-5,8 47,2 2,9 161,4 1,2 44,9-11,8 Sep 33,6-4,4 52,5-4,3 164,5 8,1 44,6-17,2 Okt 35,2-2,5 53,3-0,3 162,5 9,4 46,1-7,4 Nov 34,2-2,9 53,4-6,4 152,9 0,1 42,5-20,1 Dez 35,1-2,1 43,4-7,0 117,2 7,4 23,3-22,8 Jan 13 35,4 0,3 52,2-3,5 159,3 9,5 42,8-7,6 Feb 33,8 4,4 52,6-5,3 158,9 6,5 44,3-7,2 Mär 39,9 17,0 54,4-5,0 163,1-1,7 45,5-9,8 Apr 40,3 20,2 53,9 1,0 173,1 17,6 48,7 8,2 Mai 42,3 23,1 51,5-5,1 163,2 1,5 45,3-7,4 Juni 41,7 26,2 51,1-6,3 162,9 1,2 48,4-1,4 * gegenüber dem Vorjahresmonat, ** Stangen, Profile, Rohre; Mitteilung des Gesamtverbandes der Aluminiumindustrie (GDA), Düsseldorf Primäraluminium Sekundäraluminium Walzprodukte > 0,2 mm Press- und Ziehprodukte 14 ALUMINIUM 9/2013

15 ...since 1840 manufacturer of high performance Hot, Cold and Foil Rolling Mills for Aluminium strip MINO OSpA S.p.A. Via Torino, 1 San Michele ALESSANDRIA ITALY Tel Fax mino@mino.it

16 ECONOMICS Aluminium S.A. increases production, reduces costs G. Djukanovic, Podgorica Aluminium S.A., earlier known as Aluminium of Greece (AoG) and Aluminium de Grèce (ADG), is the sole vertically integrated aluminium producer in Europe with all production facilities concentrated in one location. It is the largest alumina producer in Southern and Eastern Europe and the second largest primary aluminium producer next to Romanian Alro. Aluminium S. A., located in St Nicolas at the north coast of the Gulf of Corinth, started production in 1966 as a Pechiney plant, then under the name ADG. Later it was a base for the development of the aluminium manufacturing industry in Greece with numerous facilities all over the country. Today annual turnover amounts to more than 2bn. Over 40,000 people are directly and indirectly employed in the sector. In 2003 ADG became part of Alcan after the Canadian company took over Pechiney in France. Alcan sold it to the Greek private company Mytilineos Group in Aluminium S.A. achieved a steady production in the past two years of 164,000 tpy of aluminium (124,000 tonnes of alloyed billets and 40,000 tonnes of slabs) and around 800,000 tpy of metallurgical grade alumina. According to a company presentation sales amounted to 506m and Ebitda to 21m in 2012, whereas sales were 521m in 2011 and Ebitda 32m. In recent years, since it became a fully owned subsidiary of Mytilineos Group, Aluminium S.A. has not published separate financial reports. In view of market uncertainty and falling aluminium prices, the management took the initiative to develop a strategic growth plan. The so-called Future programme, launched in 2011, refers to the implementation of a new, ambitious plan for cutting operating costs, and to a preliminary agreement for the acquisition of the bauxite operations of S&B, the largest bauxite mining company in Greece. The Future programme scheduled for completion by the end of this year focuses on ten key areas that the company is addressing. In 2012 the group launched a new Mellon programme ( Mellon = Future in Greek), a large-scale cost-saving programme in order to further internationalise the group s metallurgy and mining business activity. The Mellon programme will remain a key priority for the group in 2013, as it works as a crucial safety valve in the challenging business environment of limited liquidity. According to this programme cost savings of 110m a year are planned and some 90m of cost benefits have already been achieved. The remaining amount mainly relates to bauxite sourcing and to production mergers. In November 2011, Mytilineos Group and S&B Industrial Minerals S.A. announced the initial agreement for the gradual acquisition of S&B s bauxite operations by Mytilineos View of the cogeneration plant at Aluminium S.A., with two HRSGs and two gas turbines subsidiary Aluminium S.A. However, following completion of thorough due diligence, a final agreement was not reached. Evaluating the challenges presented by the domestic and international environment, the two companies will continue to pursue ways to improve the competitiveness of bauxite mining activities, whereas their commercial collaboration will continue without impediments. Aluminium S.A. has full ownership of Delphi-Distomon bauxite mines, the second largest in the country, with current annual production of around 650,000 tonnes. It is located in the nearby Amfissa region and employs some 100 people. Despite the fact that the area is rich in bauxite with over 100m tonnes of proven reserves (of a total of 650m tonnes in Greece), the company started importing tropical bauxite in 2000 (about 200,000 tpy) that is mixed with Greek bauxite in a process called Metka sweetening. The reason for this is to facilitate the process because Greek bauxite has a relatively high content of silica which is more difficult to process. Commercial contracts with Glencore The Mytilineos Group signed a USD2bn deal in July 2008 to provide Swiss-based trader Glencore International (now Glencore Xstrata Plc) with all surplus alumina over a ten-year period. AoG will deliver more than 5m tonnes of alumina to Glencore during the period. Production of alumina will amount 770,000 to 800,000 tpy during the FY period with a selling price of 13.5% of the LME 3-month aluminium price, which refers to the contract price and market price for remaining volumes sold in the spot market (according to National Securities). The alumina refinery operates at full capacity of 800,000 tpy; around 60% of the production is sold to third parties, mainly to Glencore for the contract-linked price of about 14% of the LME 3-month aluminium price (according to Eurobank Equities Research). In January 2013 Aluminium S.A. signed a new contract with Glencore for the sale of 75,000 tonnes of aluminium in billets and slabs, for a total of USD200m. The metal will be exported to the EU and US markets from January 2013 to June Production costs decreasing Alumina production costs have been exceeding USD300/t in recent years while Aluminium S.A. has been ranked in the third quartile. After implementing significant cost reduction measures the cash production costs now stand at around USD250/t (2013 estimate) which corresponds to the first to second quartile of the global alumina cost curve. The smelter costs were ranked in the fourth quartile of the global cost curve until recently. The management expects that after full and successful implementation of Mellon, production costs will be around USD2,000/t. This would place the company in the second quartile of the cost curve. However, it is more realistic to expect costs hardly below USD2,200/t (3 rd quartile), mainly due to relatively high electricity prices. In 2013 production costs are expected to be around USD2,300/t, according to company reports. 16 ALUMINIUM 9/2013

17 E CONOMICS Major investments in environment protection Since the construction of the cogeneration power plant was completed in 2008 ( 191m) investments of Aluminium S.A. have comprised bauxite residues recovery facilities and filter presses, with the installation of two additional presses in the last few years. At the same time, studies have been carried out to examine the potential for the utilisation of bauxite residues in other industry sectors. The company s goal is to discharge the full quantity of bauxite residues ashore, in an area specially set aside for this within its terrain. Other investments aim at increasing aluminium production to 174,000 tpy in 2014 and alumina production to 810,000 tpy. Electricity costs According to the Regulating Authority for Energy (RAE) procedure issued in May 2012, the provisional electricity price for Aluminium S.A. is 42 /MWh (plus 6/MWh tax and transfer costs, according to Eurobank Equities Research). It is estimated that at this price Aluminium S.A. has been subsidised by some 10m annually. Another 10m a year could be saved by using steam from the cogeneration plant. Application of the provisional price, according to the rationale of the RAE decision, refers to all operating hours of Aluminium S.A., in the light of the single-zone tariff that matches its consumption profile for the entire period of the day; this will remain in force until the final decision by the arbitrators to whom Aluminium S.A. and PPC (the national electricity dis- Mytilineos Group DRYPLUS Less Sludge Less Costs Weniger Schlamm Weniger Kosten Dras c reduc on of sludge volumes from anodizing lines Überragende Reduzierung der Schlammmengen von Eloxal-Linien With DRYPLUS you reduce by 50% the volume of aluminium hydroxide sludge! Mit DRYPLUS reduzieren Sie 50% des Aluminiumhydroxid-Schlamms! Considered Parameters (waters treatment from an anodizing line with A installed capacity) Berücksich gte Parameter (Wasserbehandlung einer Eloxal-Linie mit einer Kapazität von A) Standard Standard With Dryplus Mit Dryplus Dry percentage of the sludge [%] Anteil des Trockenschlamms [%] Sludge produc on [tons/year] Schlammproduk on [Tonnen/Jahr] Es mated Cost for sludge disposal [ /ton] Geschätzte Kosten für die Schlammentsorgung [ /Tonne] Cost for disposing of the sludge [ /year] Kosten für die Schlammentsorgung [ /Jahr] 20% 45% Total Saving [ /year] - Ersparnis [ /Jahr] Technical and nancial data are indica ve and only provided for informa onal purposes. Italtecno will be keen to submit a tailor-made proposal. Feel free to ask! Technische Daten und Kosten sind indika v und nur zu Informa onszwecken bereitgestellt. Italtecno wird Ihnen gerne ein persönliches Angebot unterbreiten. Fragen Sie uns einfach! Via Gino Marinuzzi Modena (Italy) - Tel Fax info@italtecno.com ALUMINIUM 9/

18 ECONOMICS tributor) have referred their dispute (source: Annual report 2012). This information leads to the conclusion that the gas cogeneration power plant, built within the production complex of Aluminium S.A., has not contributed to reducing electricity costs to an extent that would be suitable and profitable for Aluminium S.A. This price per megawatt hour is lower by about 20/MWh than the price that PPC had been charging Aluminium S.A. following a unilateral decision and despite the lack of contract for the period of July 2010 up until mid-may 2012 (date when the decision was made by RAE, deciding on a temporary price). The impact of CO 2 emissions charges implemented in 2013 may additionally increase electricity costs by 6/MWh unless the state implements subsidises for energy intensive industries, including Aluminium S.A. Exemplary in safety Aluminium S.A. has a long tradition in safety performance since it was part of the Pechiney group, and the management is very proud of that. It is regarded as one of the safest aluminium plants in the world for workers, with only few accidents a year (and only one injury at work in 2006). In December 2012 a new collective agreement was made between the management of Aluminium S.A. and the company s labour union. The agreement resulted in preserving all employment positions and the production capacity of the plant as well as significant cost streamlining on a viable and long-term basis. Technical features Aluminium S.A. uses tried and tested Pechiney technology, a point-feeder system, enclosed pot cells and pre-baked anodes. Potlines A and B (since 1986) operate at 70 ka (520 pots) and potline C at 90 ka (since 1971, 260 pots). Since 1995 the plant has been equipped with central computer control and graphic tracking of the production process in all potlines. Current efficiency is 93% and electricity consumption is 13,200 kwh/t. Consumption of anodes is 405 kg/t Al, aluminium fluoride is 10 kg/t, alumina 1,900 kg/t, so the plant has the lowest specific consumption of raw materials and consumables compared to all other producers in the region. Aluminium S.A. processes around 1.4m tonnes of Greek bauxite and 200,000 tonnes of imported (tropical) bauxite; it produces around 800,000 tpy of alumina (460,000 tpy for export) and 164,000 tpy of primary metal (around 90,000 tpy for the Greek market). The anode plant has a production capacity of 90,000 tpy of anodes. Average pot life is 100 months (more than eight years), which is one of the best results for this type of cell and technology in the world. The plant s port is capable of accommodating and serving ships of tonnages up to 50,000 tonnes. It is equipped with three electric rail cranes, the alumina ship loader and all necessary storage facilities for raw materials and products. The loading installations for the alumina cargo to be exported (bulk cargo) can achieve loading rates exceeding 600 tph. The smelter uses Tardis equipment for its dross handling. Tardis is a fully patented process of rapid cooling and pressing. The equipment, which was awarded a Queen s Award for Enterprise in the Innovation category, has been designed to maximise aluminium recovery from dross, whilst eliminating the associated dust and fume. The new 334-MW high-efficiency combined heat and power (CHP) plant, or cogeneration plant, is located within the complex of Aluminium S.A. It is connected to the regional gas pipeline that comes from Russia In July the EU Commission has referred Greece to the European Court of Justice for failing to comply with two distinct Commission decisions that ordered Greece to recover incompatible state aid from three Greek casinos and from Aluminium of Greece S.A. (AoG). In both cases, over two years after the Commission decisions, the full aid amounts have still not been paid back. The EU Commission requested Greece to recover incompatible state aid in the form of preferential electricity tariffs from AoG. The aid amount is calculated as the difference between PCC s revenues from the standard tariff between and across Bulgaria to Athens and the port of Piraeus. The plant came into operation in 2008 and is equipped with the latest technology. It operates using natural gas and, apart from electricity, produces steam which is used in the alumina production process. Any surplus electricity produced is fed into the national electricity grid. Author Goran Djukanovic is an independent aluminium market analyst. He is located in Podgorica, Montenegro. gordju@t-com.me. EU Commission refers Greece to court for failure to recover incompatible aid from AoG January 2007 and March 2008 and the revenues from the tariff that was actually applied to AoG in the same period. The Commission calculated the aid principal as amounting to 17.4 million euros. The aid given to AoG has not been recovered up to date. The recovery procedure has been suspended by a national court, in clear violation of EU law. AoG has appealed the Commission s 2011 decisions before the EU General Court. However, no interim measures have been requested nor granted and the appeals have no suspensive effect. Source: Eurobank Equities Research Djukanovic 18 ALUMINIUM 9/2013

19 E CONOMICS Aluminium The transportation material of the future F. Awadhalla, Dubal The importance of aluminium in the transportation sector is without question. In the automotive segment, in particular, the growth in demand and application of aluminium is, for several reasons, on a continuous expansion trend. The article is based on a presentation the author gave at the CRU World Aluminium Conference 2013 in London. The diversity of applications for aluminium is huge. It is used in virtually every sector from cooking pots, through housing and other infrastructure construction, to all types of transportation, military and marine applications. This is reflected in the growing volumes of aluminium used worldwide: the annual growth rate of primary aluminium consumption is 4-6%. This is double the growth rate of the global population, GDP and IP over the last five years. At present, more than 50% of aluminium consumption is utilised in two sectors: transportation and construction. Analysts predict that aluminium consumption will almost double in the next ten years, with the greatest growth taking place in the transportation and construction sectors. Within the transportation sector, aluminium is used extensively in all sub-sectors namely aviation, marine transport, space and land transportation. In aviation, about 33,500 new aeroplanes and freighters are required between 2011 and 2030, with a total market value of USD4 trillion. In marine transportation, the usage of primary aluminium in ship-building will grow by 2.2% in the next five years. For space vehicles, the forecast growth in aluminium usage is around 3.5%. The growth trend in land transportation is predicted at 4.3%, with aluminium usage growing from 15 million tonnes in 2015 to 19 million tonnes in This reflects the increasing use of aluminium as a substitute for other metals in the automotive sector. The reason for this is the numerous advantages offered by aluminium, summarised as follows: Efficiency Aluminium is unmatched for its contribution to fuel conservation, due mainly to the associated reduction in vehicle weight. Statistics show that for every 10% reduction in weight a fuel-saving of 5-7% is achieved. The lighter weight of aluminium vehicle bodies also means reduced frequency of charging Dubal the battery in hybrid electric cards, which will no doubt make these vehicles more competitive and thus more attractive to consumers. Sustainability Aluminium is the most abundant metallic element in the earth because it is infinitely recyclable. Nearly 75% of aluminium produced in 1988 is still in usage and almost 90% of automotive aluminium is covered and recycled without degrading the metal s properties. Fadi Awadhalla at the CRU conference Safety Many people wrongly believe that the lighter weight of aluminium-based vehicles reduces their safety. However, the opposite holds true due to the mechanical properties of aluminium (especially compared to steel). The density of aluminium is one-third that of steel, which means that car manufactures can double the cross-section of metal plates and still produce a lighter-weight vehicle. Also, because of the mechanical folding property of aluminium, it can absorb double the amount of crash energy compared to steel. Durability Most aluminium alloys are engineered for extended service life. Moreover, aluminium is known for being long-lasting and rust resistant, which thus reduces the need for rust repair and increases the vehicle life span. Performance All car manufacturers look to provide end-users improved performance. Since vehicles made with aluminium are lighter in weight, they perform better overall they accelerate faster, have a shorter braking distance, and provide full maneuverability and handling for the driver. Design Aluminium provides greater flexibility for designers to design the shape desired to perform better in different applications. Cost-effectiveness Lighter-weight vehicles boast lower fuel consumption and highly reliable parts with reduced maintenance liabilities. The net result is greatly improved cost of ownership to consumers. At the outset of aluminium usage in the automotive sector, the metal was used primarily in four areas wheels, engine, transmitter and heat exchangers. The current usage is vastly greater, with aluminium being used in place of steel for many different parts of the vehicle. Based on this, the potential growth of aluminium usage in the automotive industry is set to from 9-16%. Naturally, a key factor in the switch to aluminium usage is the environmental benefits. Statistics show that for every 100 kg reduction in vehicle weight, the fuel consumption declines by 0.3 to 0.5 litre per 100 km. This then reduces CO 2 emissions from 0.8 to 1.1 kg per 100 km. In closing, the success of the aluminium industry going forward depends on how efficiently it is managed from the raw materials (alumina) to power station set up and smelter productivity and value added products in the casting operations. By maintaining our focus on the correct parameters, our industry will continue to grow sustainability with minimal impact on the environment. Author Fadi Awadhalla is senior casthouse manager at Dubai Aluminium, UAE. Planung, Konstruktion und Ausführung von Industrieofenanlagen Konstantinstraße 1a Mönchengladbach Telefon +49(0)2166/ Telefax +49(0)2166/ info@inotherm-gmbh.de Internet ALUMINIUM 9/

20 ECONOMICS Primary aluminium industry during the first half of 2013, Part II Rudolf P. Pawlek, Sierre This overview covers the events of the primary aluminium industry during the first half of the year While Part I, published in ALUMINIUM 7-8/2013, focused on Africa, America, Australia and Europe, Part II looks at the Middle East and Asia. One of the latest highlights in the aluminium industry was the announcement of Mubadala Development Co. of Abu Dhabi and ICD of Dubai to merge the businesses of Dubai Aluminium and Emirates Aluminium and thus create Emirates Global Aluminium the fifth-largest global aluminium company by production. MIDDLE EAST & ASIA ABU DHABI: In June Emirates Aluminium (Emal) celebrated the installation of the final steel structure for the potline of its Phase II expansion. With the last of 120 specially designed steel structures in place, all the major civil and mechanical work on the world s longest single potline of 1.7 km is complete by now, and Emal remains on target to deliver its ambitious expansion plans. The first steel structure was raised in July last year, which means that completion was within the anticipated target of 12 months. The work was done without a single lost time injury the industry standard for measuring success in health and safety. Emal s Phase II expansion project will increase aluminium production to 1.3m tpy by the end of 2014, from today s 800,000 tpy. Early works on the estimated USD4.5bn Phase II expansion began in early 2011, making Emal one of the largest industrial projects in the UAE outside oil and gas and one of the key projects leading to the diversification of the UAE s economy. BAHRAIN: Aluminium Bahrain (Alba) has begun a bankable feasibility study to determine the viability of the expansion of its sixth potline. The expansion project is expected to add another 400,000 tpy to the company s current capacity of 890,000 tpy. Alba will use Dubal DX+ technology in the bankable feasibility study. Dubal currently has five pilot DX+ pots which began operating at 420 ka and are now running at 440 ka. DX+ is an updated version of the DX technology which is in use at Dubal Ingots from Emal, waiting for shipment and Emal Phase I plants. At the end of December 2012, Alba announced it remains on track in broadening its production capacity by increasing its line current of Potline 5 from AP30 to AP36 technology. The upgrade will enable Alba to boost output since each 1 ka increase is expected to yield 950 tpy of extra aluminium production. The Alba team succeeded in achieving this goal without any significant capital investment. Plans are also underway to achieve the same level of success in Potlines 3 and 4. In June Alba announced that its process technology achieved a significant milestone with the upgrade of Potline 5 to AP37 technology following an increase in the line current to 370 ka. The upgrade increases the smelter capacity by around 10,000 tpy. Emal Primary aluminium smelters in the Middle East: Nameplate capacities and shutdown capacities on a temporary basis Compiled by R. P. Pawlek, June 2013 Country MIDDLE EAST Location Nameplate Capacity (tpy) Abu Dhabi Taweelah 800,000 Azerbaijan Ganja 50,000 Bahrain Askar 900,000 India Jharsuguda 500,000 Korba 900,000 Renukoot 345,000 Hirakud 213,000 Angul 475,000 Indonesia Kuala Tanjung 265,000 Shutdown Capacity (tpy) Iran Arak 90,000 Arak (2) 110,000 Bandar Abbas 110,000 Bandar Abbas (2) 147, ,000 Japan Kambara 20,000 Kazakhstan Pavlodar 250,000 Malaysia Sarawak 120,000 60,000 Oman Sohar 390,000 Qatar Mesaieed 625,000 Tajikistan Regar 450, ,000 Turkey Seydisehir 65,000 UAE Jebel Ali 1,040, ALUMINIUM 9/2013

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Notice: All mentioned inventors have to sign the Report of Invention (see page 3)!!! REPORT OF INVENTION Please send a copy to An die Abteilung Technologietransfer der Universität/Hochschule An die Technologie-Lizenz-Büro (TLB) der Baden-Württembergischen Hochschulen GmbH Ettlinger Straße


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