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1 FOR OFFICIAL USE Presenting Centre No. Subject No. Level Paper No. Group No. Marker s No. G Total NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS 2012 Estimate Examination Paper Time: 45 mins GERMAN STANDARD GRADE General Level Reading Fill in these boxes and read what is printed below. Full name of school or college Town First name and initials Surname Date of birth Day Month Year When you are told to do so, open your paper and write your answers in English in the spaces provided. You may use a German dictionary. Before leaving the examination room you must give this book to the invigilator. If you do not, you may lose all the marks for this paper. The security of this examination paper requires that it is withdrawn from candidates after the examination and also after any discussion of the candidate s results. This will ensure that the paper continues to be secure for your centre and others during presentation year 2011/2012. Any appeals made based on this paper will assume that these security precautions are in place.. Perfect Papers All rights reserved Page one

2 While staying with a German family you are given a magazine to read. WRITE IN THIS 1. The first thing you see is an article about the singer, Lena, who won the Eurovision Song Contest for Germany in Lena Meyer-Landrut gewinnt beim Eurovision Song Contest Die 19-jährige Lena Meyer-Landrut aus Hannover hat mit dem Song "Satellite" das Finale des Eurovision Song Contests gewonnen. Vor Gästen in der Telenor-Arena in Oslo siegte Lena mit 246 Punkten deutlich vor der Türkei (170 Punkte). Schon vor Ende der Show lag Lena uneinholbar vorne. Nur aus fünf Ländern gab es überhaupt keine Punkte für Lena. Lena ist die zweite deutsche Teilnehmerin, die den "groβen Preis" gewonnen hat. Die Sängerin Nicole war die erste mit dem Lied "Ein bisschen Frieden" im Jahr Lena singt seit Jahren, aber sie hatte nie zuvor professionellen Gesangsunterricht. Mit dem Gewinn des Finales begann Lenas steile Karriere: sie hatte im März gleich drei ihrer Songs in die Top fünf der deutschen Single-Charts. Are the following statements True or False? Tick ( ) the correct box. 5 Lena scored a total of 18,000 points in the final of the contest. Only five countries gave her song no points at all. Lena is only the second German winner of the contest. She had never had any professional singing lessons before the contest. At one point she had three songs in the German Top Five. True False [GER(SG)12_GR] Page two

3 2. You see another article about a rather unusual museum which has just opened. WRITE IN THIS Deutsches Currywurst Museum In Deutschlands erstem Currywurst Museum kann Berlins kulinarisches Wahrzeichen interaktiv entdeckt werden. Im Deutschen Currywurst Museum wird die Geschichte der Wurst im Zusammenhang mit dem Berlin der 40er Jahre thematisiert. Außerdem kann man das Geheimnis der Zutaten einer Currywurst herausfinden. Die Ausstellung hat auch Bildund Tondokumente, in denen die Fans der Currywurst zu Wort kommen. Für die Kleinen gibt es einen speziellen Museumsladen, wo man Currywurstspielzeuge und Currywurstschreibwaren kaufen kann. (a) What are the two themes of the Currywurst Museum? 2 (b) What secret about the Currywurst is revealed in the museum? 1 (c) What Currywurst products can you buy in the museum shop? 2 Page three [Turn over

4 3. There is another article about the increase in online music downloads. WRITE IN THIS Deutsche kaufen Musik gern im Internet Mehr als ein Drittel der deutschen Internetnutzer kauft online Musik. Vor zwei Jahren waren es noch 24 Prozent, aber die Zahl ist dieses Jahr auf 37 Prozent gestiegen. Damit kaufen 19 Millionen Deutsche Musik-CDs, -DVDs oder einzelne Titel im Internet. Vor allem die 14- bis 29-Jährigen sind der Studie zufolge aktive Musikkäufer im Internet. In dieser Altersgruppe nutzen 42 Prozent das Online-Musikangebot. Bei den 30- bis 49-Jährigen sind es 40 Prozent, und selbst bei den Internetnutzern zwischen 50 und 64 Jahre kauft ein Drittel Musik im Netz. Auch bei den mobilen Downloads auf Handys hat sich die Zahl erhöht. Für die Anbieter bedeutete das im vergangenen Jahr einen Umsatz von 10 Millionen Euro. (a) What percentage of Germans bought music online two years ago? 1 (b) How many year olds buy music on the internet? Tick ( ) one box. 1 Half A third A quarter (c) How much was spent last year on mobile phone downloads in Germany? 1 [GER(SG)12_GR] Page four

5 4. The magazine includes a survey of young people s opinions on designer clothes. WRITE IN THIS Peter Ich finde es egal, ob man jetzt Markenklamotten trägt oder nicht. Ich würde aber auch nicht nur Sachen von irgendwelchen billigen Geschäften kaufen, da die Sachen meist nur von kurzer Dauer sind. Alex Mir ist die Mode egal. Sollen die anderen anziehen, was sie wollen. Ich ziehe an, was ich will. Außerdem finde ich es lustig, ein bisschen anders zu sein als alle anderen. Sophie Marken sind sehr teuer und haben keine bessere Qualität. Übrigens will ich nicht zu einer bestimmten Clique gehören. Ich muss nichts nachahmen, nur weil es andere machen. Kira Ich finde Markenklamotten unnötig. Hauptsache ist, man fühlt sich wohl. Aber trotzdem würde ich nie einen zu kurzen Minirock anziehen. Total peinlich. Layla Ich trage Markenklamotten, mein Aussehen ist mir wichtig. Ich kombiniere gerne Dinge und sehe mir an, wie sie aussehen. Das macht Spaß! Write the name of the person who says the following statements: 6 Designer brands are very expensive and are not of better quality. My appearance is important to me. I wouldn t buy cheap clothes because they don t last long. I wear what I want. I would never wear a mini skirt which was too short. It s fun to look different from other people. Page five [Turn over

6 5. You read another article about the price of groceries in Germany. WRITE IN THIS Sind Lebensmittel in Deutschland zu teuer? Die Fachzeitschrift Preiszeiger zeigt, dass Lebensmittel in den letzten zwölf Monaten 43 Prozent teurer wurden. Hier sind ein paar Fakten: In Deutschland liegt das Preisniveau für Essen und alkoholfreie Getränke elf Prozent über dem EU-Durchschnitt. In acht europäischen Staaten sind Lebensmittel noch teurer als in Deutschland. Das sind Belgien, Dänemark, Irland, Luxemburg, Österreich, Finnland, Norwegen und die Schweiz. In 28 Ländern in Europa sind Lebensmittel billiger als in Deutschland. Darunter auch Länder wie die Niederlande und Schweden, die sogar ein höheres Pro-Kopf-Einkommen als Deutschland haben. Am billigsten sind Essen und Getränke innerhalb der EU in Bulgarien. Allerdings hat Bulgarien mit rund 4270 Euro das niedrigste Pro-Kopf-Einkommen in der EU. Are the following statements True or False. Tick ( ) the correct box. 5 True False (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Food prices have gone down by 43 percent in the last 12 months. In Germany the price of food and nonalcoholic drinks is 11 percent below the European average. In 28 European countries food is more expensive than in Germany. In the Netherlands and Sweden food is less expensive than in Germany Bulgaria has the cheapest food and drink in the European Union. [GER(SG)12_GR] Page six

7 6. You see some information about an Austrian zoo. WRITE IN THIS Am Fuße der Alpen befindet sich Europas höchst gelegener Zoo, der Alpenzoo. In grünen Wiesen und Aquarien leben insgesamt 2000 Alpentiere aus 150 Tierarten. Kein anderer Zoo der Welt hat so eine große Sammlung von Wildtieren aus dem Alpenraum. Um den Zoo zu erreichen, muss man eine Seilbahn nehmen. Der Alpenzoo öffnete am 22. September 1962 erstmals seine Tore und wurde sofort von der Bevölkerung gut angenommen. In den ersten zwölf Monaten kamen bereits Personen zu Besuch. In den folgenden Jahren wurden es kontinuierlich mehr, jetzt gibt es durchschnittlich Besucher pro Jahr. (a) What is unusual about this zoo? Mention any one thing. 1 (b) How can you reach the zoo? 1 (c) Nowadays, on average, how many visitors are there to the zoo each year? 1 [Turn over Page seven

8 7. The final article introduces Germany s newest World champion. WRITE IN THIS Deutschland ist Weltmeister! Der Friseur, Elmar Weißer, hat jetzt offiziell den weltbesten Bart! Der Deutsche hat bei der Bartweltmeisterschaft in Norwegen gegen 160 andere Kandidaten aus 15 Ländern gewonnen. Dieses Jahr überraschte er die Jury wieder mit einem faszinierenden Kunstwerk. Aus seinem Bart wuchsen ein Elch, ein Baum und die norwegische Flagge. Seine Schwester hat ihm geholfen, das Meisterwerk morgens in Form zu bringen. Viel Haar ist nötig, um solche Kunstwerke in den Bart zu basteln: Wenn mein Bart nicht frisiert ist, dann geht er mir bis zur Taille, erklärt Weißer. (a) What is Elmar s normal job? 1 (b) Into which three shapes did he form his beard in this year s competition? 3 (c) What does he say about the length of his beard when it is not styled? 1 Total 32 [GER(SG)12_GR] [END OF QUESTION PAPER] Page eight

9 [BLANK PAGE] Page nine

WEDNESDAY, 19 MAY 1.00 PM 2.10 PM. Date of birth Day Month Year Scottish candidate number

WEDNESDAY, 19 MAY 1.00 PM 2.10 PM. Date of birth Day Month Year Scottish candidate number FOR OFFICIAL USE Mark X060/20 NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS 200 WEDNESDAY, 9 MAY.00 PM 2.0 PM GERMAN INTERMEDIATE 2 Reading Fill in these boxes and read what is printed below. Full name of centre Town Forename(s)


Level 1 German, 2014

Level 1 German, 2014 90886 908860 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 German, 2014 90886 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of German texts on areas of most immediate relevance 9.30 am Wednesday 26 November 2014 Credits: Five Achievement


Date of birth Day Month Year Scottish candidate number

Date of birth Day Month Year Scottish candidate number FOR OFFICIAL USE Mark X060/0/0 NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS 203 friday, 24 MAY.00 PM.45 PM GERMAN INTERMEDIATE Reading Fill in these boxes and read what is printed below. Full name of centre Town Forename(s)


Level 2 German, 2013

Level 2 German, 2013 91126 911260 2SUPERVISOR S Level 2 German, 2013 91126 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of written and / or visual German text(s) on familiar matters 9.30 am Monday 11 November 2013 Credits: Five


Level 2 German, 2015

Level 2 German, 2015 91126 911260 2SUPERVISOR S Level 2 German, 2015 91126 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of written and / or visual German text(s) on familiar matters 2.00 p.m. Friday 4 December 2015 Credits: Five


TUESDAY, 26 MAY 9.00 AM AM. Date of birth Day Month Year Scottish candidate number

TUESDAY, 26 MAY 9.00 AM AM. Date of birth Day Month Year Scottish candidate number FOR OFFICIAL USE Mark X060//0 NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS 05 TUESDAY, 6 MAY 9.00 AM 0.0 AM GERMAN INTERMEDIATE Reading Fill in these boxes and read what is printed below. Full name of centre Town Forename(s)


Date of birth Day Month Year Scottish candidate number

Date of birth Day Month Year Scottish candidate number FOR OFFICIAL USE Mark X060//0 NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS 03 FriDAY, 4 MAY.00 PM.0 PM GERMAN INTERMEDIATE Reading Fill in these boxes and read what is printed below. Full name of centre Town Forename(s) Surname


Level 1 German, 2012

Level 1 German, 2012 90886 908860 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 German, 2012 90886 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of German texts on areas of most immediate relevance 9.30 am Tuesday 13 November 2012 Credits: Five Achievement


TUESDAY, 22 MAY AM AM. Date of birth Day Month Year Scottish candidate number

TUESDAY, 22 MAY AM AM. Date of birth Day Month Year Scottish candidate number FOR OFFICIAL USE G Total 1300/29/01 NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS 2012 TUESDAY, 22 MAY 10.50 AM 11.35 AM GERMAN STANDARD GRADE General Level Reading Fill in these boxes and read what is printed below. Full name


Level 2 German, 2016

Level 2 German, 2016 91126 911260 2SUPERVISOR S Level 2 German, 2016 91126 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of written and / or visual German texts on familiar matters 2.00 p.m. Tuesday 29 November 2016 Credits: Five


Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening

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Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening

Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference 4 3 7 5 0 1 Surname Signature Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening Tuesday 23 November 2010 Morning Time: 30 minutes (plus


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Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 1231/4H Edexcel GCSE German Paper 4H Writing Higher Tier Tuesday 12 June 2007 Afternoon Time: 1 hour Centre No. Paper Reference Surname Initial(s) Candidate No. 1 2 3 1 4 H Signature Paper Reference(s) 1231/4H Edexcel GCSE German Paper 4H Writing Higher Tier Tuesday 12 June 2007 Afternoon Time: 1 hour



Englisch-Grundwortschatz Englisch-Grundwortschatz Die 100 am häufigsten verwendeten Wörter also auch so so in in even sogar on an / bei / in like wie / mögen their with but first only and time find you get more its those because


Date of birth Day Month Year Scottish candidate number

Date of birth Day Month Year Scottish candidate number FOR OFFICIAL USE C Total 300/3/0 NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS 203 FRIDAY, 24 MAY.30 PM 2.30 PM GERMAN STANDARD GRADE Credit Level Reading Fill in these boxes and read what is printed below. Full name of centre


Level 1 German, 2011

Level 1 German, 2011 90886 908860 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 German, 2011 90886 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of German texts on areas of most immediate relevance 9.30 am uesday Tuesday 1 November 2011 Credits: Five Achievement


Level 1 German, 2012

Level 1 German, 2012 90883 908830 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 German, 2012 90883 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of spoken German texts on areas of most immediate relevance 9.30 am Tuesday 13 November 2012 Credits: Five Achievement


FRIDAY, 24 MAY 9.00 AM 9.45 AM. Date of birth Day Month Year Scottish candidate number

FRIDAY, 24 MAY 9.00 AM 9.45 AM. Date of birth Day Month Year Scottish candidate number FOR OFFICIAL USE F Total 1300/27/01 NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS 2013 FRIDAY, 24 MAY 9.00 AM 9.45 AM GERMAN STANDARD GRADE Foundation Level Reading Fill in these boxes and read what is printed below. Full name


German translation: technology

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*A25321A0116* A25321A W850/T1231/ /6/6/6. Turn over

*A25321A0116* A25321A W850/T1231/ /6/6/6. Turn over Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference(s) 1231/1F Edexcel GCSE German Paper 1F Listening and Responding Foundation Tier Thursday 7 June 2007 Morning Time: 30 minutes (+ 5 minutes reading time) Materials


Paper Reference. 1231/1F Edexcel GCSE German Paper 1F Listening and Responding. Foundation Tier

Paper Reference. 1231/1F Edexcel GCSE German Paper 1F Listening and Responding. Foundation Tier Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference(s) 1231/1F Edexcel GCSE German Paper 1F Listening and Responding Foundation Tier Tuesday 24 May 2005 Afternoon Time: 30 minutes (+ 5 minutes reading time) Materials


Level 1 German, 2016

Level 1 German, 2016 90886 908860 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 German, 2016 90886 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of German texts on areas of most immediate relevance 2.00 p.m. Wednesday 23 November 2016 Credits: Five Achievement


Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening

Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference 4 3 7 5 0 1 Surname Signature Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening Friday 22 May 2009 Morning Time: 30 minutes (plus reading


Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening

Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening Centre No. Paper Reference Surname Initial(s) Candidate No. 4 3 7 5 0 1 Signature Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening Monday 30th October 2006 Afternoon Time:


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Paper Reference. German Paper 1F Listening and Responding Foundation Tier Friday 22 May 2009 Morning Time: 30 minutes (+5 minutes reading time)

Paper Reference. German Paper 1F Listening and Responding Foundation Tier Friday 22 May 2009 Morning Time: 30 minutes (+5 minutes reading time) Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference(s) 1231/1F Edexcel GCSE German Paper 1F Listening and Responding Foundation Tier Friday 22 May 2009 Morning Time: 30 minutes (+5 minutes reading time) Materials


Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening

Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference 4 3 7 5 0 1 Surname Signature Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening Tuesday 13 November 2007 Afternoon Time: 30 minutes


WEDNESDAY, 19 MAY 1.30 PM 2.30 PM. Date of birth Day Month Year Scottish candidate number

WEDNESDAY, 19 MAY 1.30 PM 2.30 PM. Date of birth Day Month Year Scottish candidate number FOR OFFICIAL USE C Total 300/403 NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS 00 WEDNESDAY, 9 MAY.30 PM.30 PM GERMAN STANDARD GRADE Credit Level Reading Fill in these boxes and read what is printed below. Full name of centre


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When you are told to do so, open your paper and write your answers in English in the spaces provided.

When you are told to do so, open your paper and write your answers in English in the spaces provided. FOR OFFICIAL USE X060/0 NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS 008 THURSDAY, 5 JUNE 9.00 AM 0.0 AM Mark GERMAN INTERMEDIATE Reading Fill in these boxes and read what is printed below. Full name of centre Town Forename(s)


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Date of birth Day Month Year Scottish candidate number

Date of birth Day Month Year Scottish candidate number FOR OFFICIAL USE Mark X060/0/0 NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS 0 TUESDAY, MAY.00 PM.45 PM GERMAN INTERMEDIATE Reading Fill in these boxes and read what is printed below. Full name of centre Town Forename(s) Surname


Date of birth Day Month Year Scottish candidate number

Date of birth Day Month Year Scottish candidate number FOR OFFICIAL USE Mark X060/0/0 NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS 203 friday, 24 MAY.00 PM.45 PM GERMAN INTERMEDIATE Reading Fill in these boxes and read what is printed below. Full name of centre Town Forename(s)



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WEDNESDAY, 19 MAY 9.00 AM 9.45 AM. Date of birth Day Month Year Scottish candidate number

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