Erweiterung der D Grid Basis für die kommerzielle Nutzung

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1 Erweiterung der D Grid Basis für die kommerzielle Nutzung Konzept für das Informationssystem Koordination Andreas Eberhart ( Datum 04. Juli 2011 Version 1.00 Status Referenz Final Grid_IaaS/D Grid_IaaS_Informationssystem_Konzept.pdf

2 Autoren: Stefan Freitag (Technische Universität Dortmund) Das diesem Bericht zugrunde liegende Vorhaben wurde mit Mitteln des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung unter dem Förderkennzeichen 01IS10019B gefördert. Die Verantwortung für den Inhalt dieser Veröffentlichung liegt bei den Autoren. 2

3 Inhaltsverzeichnis Informationsdienst... 5 Informationsdienst des ecloudmanagers... 5 Installation von CLI... 5 Abfrage von Informationen... 6 GLUE Aufbau des Schemas Admin Computing Der geomaint Sensor Erweiterung der Datei site.conf Adapter Architektur Extraktion Transformation Load Abbildung von Attributen AdminDomain AdminDomainLocation AdminDomainContact ComputingService ComputingManager ComputingShare Endpoint Weitere Arbeiten D MON Installation in eine virtuelle Maschine Installation des Basisbetriebssystem Installation der Java Umgebung Installation von Apache Ant Installation von MySQL Cluster Installation der GLUE 2.0 Datenbanken in MySQL Installation des ecloudmanager Proxy WebServices Ausführen des Webservice Installationsanleitung des WebService Clients Integration des Clients als D MON Adapter

4 Extraktion Transformation Auslesen der Datei monlist.txt

5 Informationsdienst Konzept für r das Informationssystemm Installation von CLI Das CLI wird bei der Installation des ecloudmanagers mitinstalliert. Für die Verwendung mit D MON wird eine separat vom ecloudmanager lauffähige l Version des CLI benötigt. Diese verbindet sich du den einzel nen ecloudmanager Ressourcen und fragt dort die Informationen ab. Im D Grid stellt der D MON Dienst den zentralen Informationsdienst dar. Die bisher im D Grid vertretenenn Grid Middlewares glite, Globus Toolkit sowie UNICORE verfügen mit dem d BDII, MDS und CIS über jeweils eigene Informationsdienste, die D MON durch sog. Adapter (je einer proo Middleware) periodisch abgefragt. Die Ergebnisse dieser Abfragen speichert D MON im Hintergrund in einer SQL Datenbank ab. Über ein auf GridSphere basierendes Portal ( mon.d sind diesee Daten für interessierte VO Mitglieder visuell darstellbar. Für die Einbindung einer neuen Grid oder Cloud Middleware in den D Grid Softwarestack ist neben der Integration in die D Grid Nutzerverwaltung ebenso eine Integration in den d D MON Informationsdienst not eines weiteren Adapters realisierbar. wendig. Bedingt durch die interne Architektur von D MON ist dies am besten durch die Entwicklung Vor der Entwicklung eines neuen D MON Adapters wurden verschiedene Komponenten untersucht. Dazu gehörten der Informationsdienst des ecloudmanagers, das zu verwendende GLUE 2.0 Informationsschema und der geomaint Sensor wie er in Globus Toolkit 4 eingesetzt wird. Informationsdienst des ecloudmanagers Der Informationsdienst des ecloudmanagers stellt nach außen eine Menge von Informationen (z. B. Daten über die virtuelle Maschinen, physische Systeme und den gesamten Cluster) zur Verfügung, die auf der Kommandozeile angezeigt oder später über das D MON Werkzeug abgerufen werden können. Diese im object store des ecloudmanagers befindlichen Daten sindd über das CLI Werkzeug als XML Installationsverzeichnisses ecloudmanager/fecm und heißt formatiertee Informationen abgreifbar. Das Werkzeug selbst befindet sich unterhalb des ecloudmanager cli. Nachfolgend ist ein bash Skript gezeigt, welche zur Ausführung des CLI genutzt g werden kann #!/ bin/bash 5

6 BASE_DIR=`pwd`"/" function setclasspath() { CLASSPATH=${BASE_DIR}"lib/vim/vim25.jar:$CLASSPATH" CLASSPATH=${BASE_DIR}"lib/axis/commons-discovery-0.2.jar:$CLASSPATH" CLASSPATH=${BASE_DIR}"lib/axis/jaxrpc.jar:$CLASSPATH" CLASSPATH=${BASE_DIR}"lib/axis/commons-logging jar:$CLASSPATH" CLASSPATH=${BASE_DIR}"lib/axis/axis.jar:$CLASSPATH" CLASSPATH=${BASE_DIR}"lib/fcoremgmt.jar:$CLASSPATH" CLASSPATH=${BASE_DIR}"lib/query/JoSQL-1.9.jar;:$CLASSPATH" CLASSPATH=${BASE_DIR}"lib/fbase.jar:$CLASSPATH" CLASSPATH=${BASE_DIR}"lib/fiwbcom.jar:$CLASSPATH" CLASSPATH=${BASE_DIR}"lib/sesame/openrdf-sesame onejar.jar:$CLASSPATH" CLASSPATH=${BASE_DIR}"lib/commons/commons-cli-1.0.jar:$CLASSPATH" CLASSPATH=${BASE_DIR}"lib/json/json.jar:$CLASSPATH" CLASSPATH=${BASE_DIR}"lib/groovy/groovy-all jar:$CLASSPATH" CLASSPATH=${BASE_DIR}"lib/groovy/jline jar:$CLASSPATH" CLASSPATH=${BASE_DIR}"lib/log4j/log4j jar:$CLASSPATH" CLASSPATH=${BASE_DIR}"lib/xml/xstream jar:$CLASSPATH" CLASSPATH=${BASE_DIR}"lib/xml/xpp3_min O.jar:$CLASSPATH" CLASSPATH=${BASE_DIR}"lib/fecm.jar:$CLASSPATH" export CLASSPATH } setclasspath java -Dcom.fluidops.api.Parse=com.fluidops.iwb.api.CliParser - Dcom.fluidops.api.Bootstrap=com.fluidops.api.EndpointImpl -cp $ CLASSPATH com.fluidops.api.cli2 --login <USER><PASSWORD> --host <HOST_IP> Abfrage von Informationen Abhängig von der mit dem Werkzeug auszuführenden Operation kann eine Autorisierung erforderlich sein. Diese erfolgt durch die Angabe des Nutzers sowie seines Passwortes hinter dem Schalter l. mymethod kennzeichnet hierbei die auszuführende Operation. cli --l user pass mymethod Die Abfrage der Informationen bzgl. eines einzelnen Hosts erfolgt unter der Angabe des Enclosures bzw. des Masters sowie des Hostnamens. cli lookup -pojo {,enclosure:' ii01'} Als Ergebnis bekommt man folgende Ausgabe <> <name>bdii01</name> <uuid>003090f2-17f0-8a65-d0e3-fec2457cf585</uuid> <memory> </memory> <numcpus>1</numcpus> 6

7 <lunuuids> <string>1d9f693a-b866-4e01-819f-c88a70fc184f</string> </lunuuids> <vmhost>host-001</vmhost> <hosttype>vm</hosttype> <power>poweredon</power> <os>bdii01</os> <enclosure> Enclosure Abfrage der Informationen über ein Enclosure lookup -pojo {class:com.fluidops.coremgmt.common.model.enclosure,address:' Antwort <com.fluidops.coremgmt.common.model.enclosure> <address> #Adresse <type>xen</type> #Virtualisierungssoftware (Xen, VMware) <computecpu/> <computemem/> <computecpuused/> <computememused/> <createdby> <string></string> #Provider </createdby> <finalid>enclosure/byaddress/http%3a%2f%2f </finalid> <tags> <string>xen.gif</string> </tags> <useredits/> <managementurl> #Management URL <lastupdatetime> :51: CET</lastUpdateTime> #Zeitpunkt der letzten Aktualisierung <lastupdateduration>7145</lastupdateduration> </com.fluidops.coremgmt.common.model.enclosure> Virtuelle Maschine Abfrage der Informationen lookup -pojo {,enclosure:' ii01'} Antwort <> <name>bdii01</name> <uuid>003090f2-17f0-8a65-d0e3-fec2457cf585</uuid> <memory> </memory> <numcpus>1</numcpus> #Name der virtuellen Maschine #Zugewiesener Hauptspeicher #Anzahl CPUs 7

8 <lunuuids> <string>1d9f693a-b866-4e01-819f-c88a70fc184f</string> </lunuuids> <vmhost>host-001</vmhost> <hosttype>vm</hosttype> <power>poweredon</power> <os>bdii01</os> <enclosure> <freezestates/> <pool>/xen/ Machines</pool> <configname>bdii01</configname> <description></description> <cpuperf/> <memperf/> <istemplate>false</istemplate> <networkdevices> <com.fluidops.coremgmt.common.model.host_-networkdevice> <mac>62:59:d7:bd:34:ef</mac> <connectionstate>true</connectionstate> </com.fluidops.coremgmt.common.model.host_-networkdevice> </networkdevices> <moref>003090f2-17f0-8a65-d0e3-fec2457cf585</moref> <computememorysizepromisedtorunningvms/> <createdby> <string></string> </createdby> <finalid>host/byname/http%3a%2f%2f /bdii01</finalid> <tags> <string>vm.jpg</string> </tags> <useredits/> <lastupdatetime> :01:25.67 CET</lastUpdateTime> letzten Aktualisierung <lastupdateduration>7316</lastupdateduration> </> #Execution Host #Host Typ #Provider #Zeitpunkt der Physischer Host Abfrage lookup -pojo {,enclosure:' st-001'} Antwort: <> <name>host-001</name> <uuid>fb4b67ea-c2e3-49dd-ae f30d8ff2</uuid> <manufacturer>xenserver 5.6.0</manufacturer> 8

9 <model>{product_version=5.6.0, build_number=31188p, hostname=cheesy-2, hg_id=0192acf270bd, date= , linux= xs xen, xencenter_max=1.7, xencenter_min=1.7, xs:xenservertransfer-vm=xenserver Transfer VM, version 5.6.0, build 31188p, xen=3.4.2, product_brand=xenserver, xapi=1.3, xs:main=base Pack, version 5.6.0, build p, dbv= }</model> <memory> </memory> <memoryused> </memoryused> <numcpus>4</numcpus> <numcpusused>0.0</numcpusused> <hosttype>vmhost</hosttype> <hostname>localhost.localdomain(host-001)</hostname> <power>true</power> <enclosure> <freezestates/> <cpuspeed>1995</cpuspeed> <description>default install of XenServer</description> <cpuperf/> <memperf/> <networkdevices> <com.fluidops.coremgmt.common.model.host_-networkdevice> <mac>00:16:36:a2:33:56</mac> <ipaddress> <string> </string> </ipaddress> <mask> </mask> <vlan>-1</vlan> <connectionstate>true</connectionstate> </com.fluidops.coremgmt.common.model.host_-networkdevice> <com.fluidops.coremgmt.common.model.host_-networkdevice> <mac>00:16:36:a2:33:58</mac> <ipaddress> <string></string> </ipaddress> <mask></mask> <vlan>-1</vlan> <connectionstate>true</connectionstate> </com.fluidops.coremgmt.common.model.host_-networkdevice> </networkdevices> <ipaddress> </ipaddress> <moref>fb4b67ea-c2e3-49dd-ae f30d8ff2</moref> <computememorysizepromisedtorunningvms/> <hbas> <com.fluidops.coremgmt.common.model.hba.hbaiscsi> <iscsiiqn>iqn com.example:83a3c521</iscsiiqn> <bindings/> 9

10 <sendtargets/> </com.fluidops.coremgmt.common.model.hba.hbaiscsi> </hbas> <createdby> <string></string> </createdby> <finalid>host/byname/http%3a%2f%2f /host-001</finalid> <tags> <string>vmhost.jpg</string> </tags> <useredits/> <lastupdatetime> :21: CET</lastUpdateTime> <lastupdateduration>7254</lastupdateduration> </> 10

11 GLUE 2.0 Die GLUE Spezifikation beschreibt ein Informationsmodell, welches speziell für Entitäten aus dem Bereich des Grid Computing entworfen wurde. Die derzeitige Version derr Spezifikation ist unter der URL org/glue/2008/05/spec_2.0_d42 r01 abrufbar. Der CIS Informationsdienst von UNICORE 6 verwendet bereits dieses Schema. Nachfolgend sind der Aufbau des Schemas bzw.. die verwendeten Tabellen aus dem Schema beschrieben. Aufbau des Schemas Konzept für r das Informationssystemm Abbildung 1 Aufbau des GLUE 2.0 Schemas, Quelle: Admin Die nachfolgenden Erklärungen zu den einzelnen Tabellen stammen auss dem OGF Dokument zu GLUE 2.0. AdminDomain The AdminDomain classs is introduced to model a collection of actors that manage a number of services. An AdminDomain MAY be associated to t both Contact and Location class instances in order to provide contactt informationn and geographical location respectively. An AdminDomain MAY be composed by other Admin Domains in a hierarchical structure. ID name description varchar varchar varchar (255) not (255), (255), null,# UNIQUE ID # Human-readable # Description of name the domain (free for- 11

12 mat) distributed integer (1), # True if the services managed by the AdminDomain are considered geographically distributed by the administrators themselves. admindomainid varchar (255), # The ID of another AdminDomain entry to express the participation of this entry into the higher level one. informationprovider varchar (10) not null, # sourceaddr varchar (39) not null, # inserttime timestamp not null, # constraint pk_admindomain primary key (ID,informationProvider) Beispiel für das Ausfüllen der AdminDomain INSERT INTO GLUE20.AdminDomain(ID,name,description,distributed,adminDomainID,informationProvider,sour ceaddr,inserttime) VALUES ( "Globus GRID at GWDG", "Globus GRID services at GWDG", "0", "MDS4", CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ID = VALUES(ID), name = VALUES(name), description = VALUES(description), distributed = VALUES(distributed), admindomainid = VALUES (admindomainid), informationprovider = VALUES(informationProvider), sourceaddr = VALUES(sourceAddr), inserttime = VALUES(insertTime); AdminDomainLocation The Location class is introduced to model geographical locations where a certain Domain or Service are placed. The aim is to provide a simple way to express geographical information, and it is not intended to be used in complex geographical information systems. Due to different requirements, the granularity is not strictly defined and is left to the information producers depending on their needs. Hence the extent of a geographical location can vary from an exact position to a region spanning several different countries, not necessarily adjacent. admindomainid varchar(255) not null, # The ID of the parent entry localid varchar(128) not null, # UID name varchar(255) not null, # Human-readable name address varchar(128), # Street address (free format) place varchar(64), # Name of town/ city country varchar(32), # Name of the country postcode varchar(16), # Postal Code longitude float, # Longitude 12

13 latitude float, # Latitude informationprovider varchar(10) not null, # Information Provider (e.g. MDS4, BDII) sourceaddr varchar(39) not null, # inserttime timestamp not null, # CURRENT_TIMESTAMP constraint pk_admindomainlocation primary key (admindomainid,localid,informationprovider) Beispiel für das Ausfüllen der AdminDomainLocation INSERT INTO GLUE20.AdminDomainLocation (admindomainid,name,place,country,address,postcode,longitude,latitude,informationprovider,sourcea ddr,inserttime) VALUES ( "Globus GRID at GWDG", "Goettingen", "Goettingen", "Goettingen", "Goettingen", " ", " ", "MDS4", CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE admindomainid = VALUES(adminDomainID), name = VALUES(name), place = VALUES(place), country = VALUES(country), address = VALUES(address), postcode = VALUES(postcode), longitude = VALUES(longitude), latitude = VALUES(latitude), informationprovider = VALUES(informationProvider), sourceaddr = VALUES(sourceAddr), inserttime = VALUES(insertTime); AdminContact The Contact class is introduced to represent contact information for different groups or expert roles responsible for aspects of the operation of services and domains (e.g., user support, security or sysadmin). The various types of contact are identified by the Type attribute. admindomainid varchar(255) not null, localid varchar(128) not null, # LocalID_t url varchar(255) not null, # type varchar(50) not null, # Type of contact (ContactType_t) informationprovider varchar(10) not null, # sourceaddr varchar(39) not null, # 13

14 inserttime timestamp not null, # constraint pk_admincontact primary key (admindomainid,localid,informationprovider) Beispiel für das Ausfüllen eines AdminContact INSERT INTO GLUE20.AdminContact (admindomainid,localid,url,type,informationprovider,sourceaddr,inserttime) VALUES ( "sysadmin", "gt4admin [at]", "sysadmin", "MDS4", CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE admindomainid = VALUES(adminDomainID), localid = VALUES(localID), url = VALUES(url), informationprovider = VALUES(informationProvider), sourceaddr = VALUES(sourceAddr), inserttime = VALUES(insertTime); Computing ComputingService The ComputingService class is a specialization of the Service class for a service offering computational capacity. The ComputingService entity is the main logical unit, and aggregation point for several entities together modeling a computing capability in a Grid system. A ComputingService is capable of executing ComputingActivities on its associated resources. The resources behind the ComputingService are described via the ComputingManager, ExecutionEnvironment, ApplicationEnvironment, ApplicationHandle and Benchmark entities. The governing policies and status of the resources are given by the ComputingShare elements. The ComputingActivities of a ComputingService are submitted and controlled via a ComputingEndpoint. ID varchar (255) not null, -- A system wide uniqueid name varchar (255), type varchar(128) not null, -- ServiceType_t qualitylevel varchar (32) not null, -- QualityLevel_t complexity varchar (64), totaljobs integer, -- [job] runningjobs integer, -- [job] waitingjobs integer, -- [job] stagingjobs integer, -- [job] suspendedjobs integer, -- [job] prelrmswaitingjobs integer, -- [job] domainid varchar (255) not null, -- The (foreign) key to its AdminDomain 14

15 informationprovider varchar (10) not null, sourceaddr varchar (39) not null, inserttime timestamp not null, constraint pk_computingservice primary key (ID,informationProvider) Beispiel für das Ausfüllen eines ComputingService INSERT INTO GLUE20.ComputingService (ID,name,type,runningJobs,waitingJobs,totalJobs,domainID,informationProvider,sourceAddr,i nserttime) VALUES ( "", "0", "0", "0", "MDS4", CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ID = VALUES(ID), runningjobs = VALUES(runningJobs), waitingjobs =VALUES(WaitingJobs), totaljobs = VALUES(totalJobs), name = VALUES(ID), inserttime = VALUES(insertTime); ComputingManager The ComputingManager class is a specialization of the Manager class for the computational capability. The ComputingManager is responsible for the local control of resources, and this layer is not exposed directly to external clients. The operating system might be the simplest case of a Computing Manager, but the ComputingManager is often realized by means of a Local Resource Management (LRMS) batch system. A Computing Service will usually only have one Computing Manager, but MAY have more. The class provides aggregated information on controlled resources, and also describes local storage extents accessible to jobs. serviceid varchar (255) not null, -- The service it belongs to ID varchar (255) not null, name varchar (128), type varchar (64) not null, -- ComputingManagerType_t version varchar (16), reservation integer (1), -- Boolean bulksubmission integer (1), -- Boolean totalphysicalcpu integer, totallogicalcpus integer, totalslots integer, -- [slot] slotsusedbylocaljobs integer, -- [slot] slotsusedbygridjobs integer, -- [slot] homogeneity integer, -- Boolean 15

16 networkinfo varchar (255), -- NetworkInfo_t localcpudistribution varchar (255), workingareashared integer (1), -- Boolean workingareatotal integer, -- [GB] workingareafree integer, -- [GB] workingarealifetime integer, -- [sec] cachetotal integer, -- [GB] cachefree integer, -- [GB] tmpdir varchar (255), scratchdir varchar (255), applicationdir varchar (255), envlocalid varchar (128) not null, -- LocalID_t applicationenvid integer not null, -- The application environment ID informationprovider varchar (10) not null, sourceaddr varchar (39) not null, inserttime timestamp not null, constraint pk_computingmanager primary key (ID,informationProvider) Beispiel für das Ausfüllen eines ComputingManager Eintrags INSERT INTO GLUE20.ComputingManager (ID,name,type,version,totalPhysicalCPU,serviceID,informationProvider,sourceAddr,insertTim e) VALUES ( "PBS", "2.1.6", "14", "MDS4", CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ID = VALUES(ID), name = VALUES(name), type = VALUES(type), version = VALUES(version), totalphysicalcpu = VALUES(totalPhysicalCPU), serviceid = VALUES(serviceID), informationprovider = VALUES(informationProvider), sourceaddr = VALUES(sourceAddr), inserttime = VALUES(insertTime); ComputingShare The ComputingShare class is the specialization of the main Share class for computational services. A Computing Share is a high level concept introduced to model a utilization target for a set of Execution Environments defined by a set of configuration parameters and characterized by status information. A Compu 16

17 tingshare carries information about policies (limits) defined over all or a subset of resources and describes their dynamic status (load). In clusters managed by a batch system (LRMS), the simplest way to set up a Computing Share is to configure a batch queue. Nevertheless, the same Computing Share may be implemented using different batch system configuration strategies. In complex batch systems, a batch queue may be configured with different sets of policies for different sets of users. This implies that each set of users obtains a different utilization target. Such a scenario MAY be represented by different Computing Shares. In general, given a number of shares to be set up, it is possible to adopt different configuration strategies in the underlying system. Regardless of the selected approach, the external behavior does not change. The main goal of the Computing Share concept is to abstract from such implementation choices and to represent the externally observable behavior. serviceid varchar (255) not null, -- The ID of the Service it belongs to localid varchar (128) not null, -- LocalID_t, A local identifier in the scope of the service name varchar (255), description varchar(255), mappingqueue varchar(128), maxwalltime integer, -- [sec] maxtotalwalltime integer, -- [sec] minwalltime integer, -- [sec] defaultwalltime integer, -- [sec] maxcputime integer, -- [sec] maxtotalcputim integer, -- [sec] mincputime integer, -- [sec] defaultcputime integer, -- [sec] maxtotaljobs integer, -- [job] maxrunningjobs integer, -- [job] maxwaitingjobs integer, -- [job] maxprelrmswaitingjobs integer, -- [job] maxuserrunningjobs integer, -- [job] maxslotsperjobs integer, -- [job] maxstageinstreams integer, -- [stream] maxstageoutstreams integer, -- [stream] schedulingpolicy varchar (32), -- schedulingpolicy_t maxmemory integer, -- [MB] maxdiskspace integer, -- [GB] preemption integer (1), -- Boolean servingstate varchar (32) not null, -- servingstate_t totaljobs integer, -- [job] runningjobs integer, -- [job] localrunningjobs integer, -- [job] waitingjobs integer, -- [job] localwaitingjobs integer, -- [job] stagingjobs integer, -- [job] suspendedjobs integer, -- [job] 17

18 prelrmswaitingjobs integer, -- [job] estimatedaveragewaitingtime integer, -- [sec] estimatedworstwaitingtime integer, -- [sec] freeslots integer, -- [slot] freeslotswithduration integer, -- [slot] usedslots integer, -- [slot] requestedslots integer, -- [slot] reservationpolicy varchar (64), -- ReservationPolicy_t defaultsservice varchar (255), -- The ID of the default Storage Service to use informationprovider varchar (10) not null, sourceaddr varchar (39) not null, inserttime timestamp not null, check (reservationpolicy in ('none', 'mandatory', 'optional')), constraint pk_computingshare primary key (serviceid,localid,informationprovider) Beispiel für das Ausfüllen eines ComputingShare Eintrags INSERT INTO GLUE20.ComputingShare (serviceid,localid,mappingqueue,runningjobs,totaljobs,waitingjobs,informationprovider,sourcea ddr,inserttime) VALUES ( "dgiseq", "dgiseq", "40", "40", "0", "MDS4", CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE serviceid = VALUES(serviceID), localid = VALUES(localID), mappingqueue = VALUES(mappingQueue), runningjobs = VALUES(runningJobs), totaljobs = VALUES(totalJobs), waitingjobs = VALUES(waitingJobs), informationprovider = VALUES(informationProvider), sourceaddr = VALUES(sourceAddr), inserttime = VALUES(insertTime) ApplicationEnvironment The ApplicationEnvironment class describes the software environment in which a job will run, i.e. what preinstalled software will be available to it. Each Application is identified by a name (the AppName attribute); these names are not defined within the schema, but SHOULD be assigned in a way which allows applications to be uniquely identified. In some deployment scenarios, the definition of namespace based AppNames or guidelines for the generation of unique application names MAY be specified, and application repository services relying on those application names MAY be provided. This aspect is considered out of 18

19 scope for the GLUE schema specification, but MAY be included in a profile document for a specific production Grid. The Application Environment can be used to describe installed application software or special environment setups in terms of a simple tag string. In this case, the AppName attribute should be used to publish this tag; other attributes are optional. The properties of installed software may vary substantially, but the attributes of the class cover the most common cases, in particular for licensed software. If necessary, additional information MAY be added using the OtherInfo attribute and the Extension class. serviceid varchar (255) not null, -- The ID of the service this ApplicationEnvironment belongs to localid varchar (255) not null, -- LocalID_t, A local identifier in the scope of the service name varchar (255) not null, version varchar (16), repository varchar (255), state varchar (100), -- AppEnvState_t removaldate datetime, -- DateTime_t license varchar (128), -- License_t description varchar (255), parallelsupport varchar (16), maxslots integer, -- [slot] maxjobs integer, -- [job] maxuserseats integer, -- [user seat] freeslots integer, -- [slot] freejobs integer, -- [job] freeuserseats integer, -- [user seat] cmanagerid varchar (255) not null, -- The ID of the computing manager where this application environment belongs to (and may be used by) informationprovider varchar (10) not null, sourceaddr varchar (39) not null, inserttime timestamp not null, check (license in ('opensource', 'commercial', 'other', 'unknown')), constraint pk_applicationenvironment primary key (serviceid,localid,informationprovider) Endpoint The Endpoint class models a network location that can be contacted to access certain functionalities based on a well defined interface. The defined attributes refer to aspects such as the network location, the exposed interface name and version, the details of the implementation, the functional state and the scheduled downtime. serviceid varchar (255) not null, -- The ID of the service it belongs to ID varchar (255) not null, name varchar (255), -- The name of the Endpoint 19

20 url varchar (255) not null, -- The Endpoint URL technology varchar (255) not null, -- EndpointTechnology_t interface varchar (255) not null, implementor varchar (255), implementationname varchar (255), implementationversion varchar (255), qualitylevel varchar (32) not null, healthstate varchar (32) not null, -- The state of the Endpoint healthstateinfo varchar (255), -- EndpointState servingstate varchar (255) not null, -- ServingState_t starttime timestamp default " :00:00", -- DateTime_t, The timestamp for the start time of the endpoint issuerca varchar (255) not null, -- DN_t downtimeannounce timestamp default " :00:00", -- DateTime_t, The timestamp for the announcement of the next scheduled downtime downtimestart timestamp default " :00:00", -- DateTime_t, The starting timestamp of the next scheduled downtime downtimeend timestamp default " :00:00", -- DateTime_t, The ending timestamp of the next scheduled downtime downtimeinfo varchar (255), -- Description of the next scheduled downtime informationprovider varchar (10) not null, sourceaddr varchar (39) not null, inserttime timestamp not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, check (qualitylevel in ( 'development', 'testing', 'preproduction', 'production')), check (healthstate in ('ok', 'warning', 'critical', 'unknown', 'other')), check (servingstate in ('production', 'draining', 'queueing', 'closed')), constraint pk_endpoint primary key (ID,informationProvider) Beispiel für das Ausfüllen INSERT INTO GLUE20.Endpoint (ID, serviceid, informationprovider, sourceaddr, inserttime) VALUES ( " "MDS4", CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ID = VALUES(ID), serviceid = VALUES(serviceID), 20

21 informationprovider = VALUES(informationProvider), sourceaddr = VALUES(sourceAddr), inserttime = VALUES(insertTime); ComputingEndpoint The ComputingEndpoint is a specialization of the Endpoint class for a service possessing computational capability. The class represents an endpoint which is used to create, control and monitor computational activities. The computational specific information concerns service load related parameters, staging capabilities and supported types of job description. This class provides attributes that MAY be used to publish summary information about jobs submitted via a particular Endpoint. Such attributes are optional and may not always be measurable (e.g., in the case of a stateless Endpoint which does not keep information about the jobs submitted through it). endpointid varchar (255) not null, -- The ID of the Endpoint entry cserviceid varchar (255) not null, -- The ID of the computing service staging varchar (32), -- Staging_t informationprovider varchar (10) not null, sourceaddr varchar (39) not null, inserttime timestamp not null, constraint pk_computingendpoint primary key (endpointid,cserviceid,informationprovider) Beispiel für das Ausfüllen des ComputingEndpoint Eintrags INSERT INTO GLUE20.ComputingEndpoint (endpointid, cserviceid, informationprovider, sourceaddr, inserttime) VALUES ( " "MDS4", CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE endpointid = VALUES(endpointID), cserviceid = VALUES(cServiceID), informationprovider = VALUES(informationProvider), sourceaddr = VALUES(sourceAddr), inserttime = VALUES(insertTime); Der geomaint Sensor Der geomaint Sensor wird für die Publikation von Positionsdaten sowie weiteren Informationen (z. B. Wartungsinformationen) in den Globus MDS4 basierten Informationsdienst eingesetzt werden. Die Ausgabe von geomaint hat folgende Gestalt <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Site UniqueID="" xmlns=" <Description>D-Grid Services at mysite</description> <Latitude>79.74</Latitude> <Location>unknown</Location> 21

Planung für Organisation und Technik

Planung für Organisation und Technik Salztorgasse 6, A - 1010 Wien, Austria q Planung für Organisation und Technik MOA-VV Installation Bearbeiter: Version: Dokument: Scheuchl Andreas 19.11.10 MOA-VV Installation.doc MOA-VV Inhaltsverzeichnis


Konfiguration Zentyal 3.3 Inhaltsverzeichnis

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Anleitung zum Prüfen von WebDAV

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Installation / Update Advantage Database Server. Die Software Hausverwaltung

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Entwicklungsumgebungen. Packer, Vagrant, Puppet. Alexander Pacnik Mannheim, 10.11.2014

Entwicklungsumgebungen. Packer, Vagrant, Puppet. Alexander Pacnik Mannheim, 10.11.2014 Entwicklungsumgebungen Packer, Vagrant, Puppet Alexander Pacnik Mannheim, 10.11.2014 inovex... über inovex und den Referenten 2 Entwicklungsumgebungen... Übersicht Einführung Packer Konfiguration Packer


Über die Internetseite Hier werden unter Download/aktuelle Versionen die verschiedenen Module als zip-dateien bereitgestellt.

Über die Internetseite Hier werden unter Download/aktuelle Versionen die verschiedenen Module als zip-dateien bereitgestellt. Internet, Codes und Update ab Version 13 Um Ihnen einen möglichst schnellen Zugang zu den aktuellsten Programmversionen zu ermöglichen liegen Update-Dateien für Sie im Internet bereit. Es gibt drei Möglichkeiten


Um zu prüfen welche Version auf dem betroffenen Client enthalten ist, gehen Sie bitte wie folgt vor:

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Typo 3 installieren. Schritt 1: Download von Typo3

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Daten-Synchronisation zwischen Mozilla Thunderbird (Lightning) / Mozilla Sunbird und dem ZDV Webmailer

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