List of - Publications, - Presentations, - Research Projects and - Awards;

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1 Professor Christoph Teller Chair in Retailing and Marketing Surrey Business School University of Surrey GU27XH Guildford England List of - Publications, - Presentations, - Research Projects and - Awards; Guildford, 09 May , PD (Privatdozent, Habilitation (venia docendi) for business studies), 2002, Dr. rer. soc. oec. (Doctor rerum socialium oeconomicarumque, i.e. Ph.D. Business and Social Science), 1998, Mag. rer. soc. oec. (Magister rerum socialium oeconomicarumque, i.e. Master in Business and Social Science);

2 List of Publications Articles in refereed journals Teller, Christoph, Kotzab, Herbert, Grant, David B. Improving the Execution of Supply Chain Management in Organizations. International Journal of Production Economics, in press, DOI: /j.ijpe Teller, Christoph, Schnedlitz, Peter. Drivers of Agglomeration Effects in Retailing the Shopping Mall Tenant s Perspective. Journal of Marketing Management, in press, DOI: Teller, Christoph, Thomson, Jennifer A. Gender Differences of Shoppers in the Marketing and Management of Retail Agglomerations. The Service Industries Journal. 32 (6), , DOI: / Teller, Christoph, Elms, Jonathan R.. Urban Place Marketing and Retail Agglomeration Customers. Journal of Marketing Management, in press, DOI: / X Teller, Christoph, Kotzab, Herbert, Grant, David. B The Relevance of Shopper Logistics for Consumers of Store-based Retail Formats, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 19 (1), 59 66, DOI: /j.jretconser Teller, Christoph, Dennis, Charles The Effect of Ambient Scent on Consumers Perception, Emotions and Behaviour a Critical Review. Journal of Marketing Management, 28 (1/2), 14-36, DOI: / X Teller, Christoph, Gittenberger, Ernst Patronage Behaviour of Elderly Supermarket Shoppers Antecedents and Unobserved Heterogeneity. International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 21 (5), , DOI: / Kotzab, Herbert, Munch, Hilde M., de Faultrier, Brigitte, Teller, Christoph Environmental Retail Supply Chains: when global Goliaths become environmental Davids. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 39 (9), pp , DOI: / Kotzab, Herbert, Teller, Christoph, Grant, David B., Sparks, Leigh Antecedents for the Adoption and Execution of Supply Chain Management. Supply Chain Management an International Journal, 16 (4), pp , DOI / Kotzab, Herbert, Teller, Christoph Wie leistungsfähig ist Ihre Supply Chain? So lassen sich Lieferketten analysieren und verbessern. Zeitschrift für Führung und Organisation (ZfO), 80 (2), pp Teller, Christoph, Elms, Jonathan R., Thomson, Jennifer A., Paddison, Andrew R Place Marketing and Urban Retail Agglomerations: An examination of shoppers place attractiveness perceptions. Journal of Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, 6 (2), pp , DOI: /pb Grant, David B., Teller, Christoph, Kotzab, Herbert Qualitative Research in Logistics: Theory and Practice. Journal of Supply Chain Management: Research and Practice, 4 (June), pp Teller, Christoph, Elms, Jonathan R Managing the Attractiveness of Evolved and Created Retail Agglomeration Formats. Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 28 (1), pp ; DOI: / Holweg, Christina, Schnedlitz, Peter, Teller, Christoph The Drivers of Consumer Value in the ECR Category Management Model. International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 19 (3), pp

3 Articles in refereed journals (continued) Reutterer, Thomas, Teller, Christoph Store Format Choice and Shopping Trip Types. International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 37 (8), pp Kotzab, Herbert, Grant, David B., Teller, Christoph, Halldorsson, Arni Supply Chain Management and Hypercompetition. Logistics Research, 1 (1), pp Teller, Christoph Shopping Streets versus Shopping Malls - Determinants of Agglomeration Format Attractiveness from the Consumers Point of View. International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 18 (4), pp Aastrup, Jesper, Kotzab, Herbert, Grant, David B., Teller, Christoph, Bjerre, Mogens A Model for Structuring Efficient Consumer Response Measures. International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 36 (8), pp Teller, Christoph, Reutterer, Thomas, Schnedlitz, Peter Hedonic and Utilitarian Shopper Types in Evolved and Created Retail Agglomerations. International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 18 (3), pp Teller, Christoph, Reutterer, Thomas The Evolving Concept of Retail Attractiveness: what makes retail agglomerations attractive when customers shop at them? Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 15 (3), pp Kotzab, Herbert, Reiner, Gerald, Teller, Christoph Beschreibung, Analyse und Bewertung von Instore-Logistikprozessen [Describing, analysing and evaluating instore-logistics processes]. Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, 77 (11), pp Teller, Christoph, Kotzab, Herbert, Grant, David B The Consumer Direct Services Revolution in Grocery Retailing: an exploratory investigation. Managing Service Quality Journal, 16 (1), pp Kotzab, Herbert, Teller, Christoph Development and Empirical Test of a Grocery Retail Instore Logistics Model. British Food Journal, 107 (8), pp Grant, David B., Teller, Christoph, Teller, Wolfgang 'Hidden' Opportunities and Benefits in Using Web-based Business-to-Business Surveys. International Journal of Market Research, 47 (6), pp Kotzab, Herbert, Teller, Christoph Value-adding Partnerships and Co-opetition Models in the Grocery Industry. International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, 33 (3), pp Schnedlitz, Peter, Teller, Christoph Der EuroCalculus zur Planung der Wechselgeldbestände bei der Euro-Einführung [The EuroCalculus A tool to calculate the cash demand for retailers during the Euro-changeover phase]. Der Markt, 40 (2-3), pp Books Teller, Christoph Bargeldlogistik im Handel. Bestandsmanagement von Wechselgeld im Zuge der Euro-Bargeldeinführung mit der Software EuroCalculus [Cash logistics in retailing inventory management of cash during the Euro-changeover phase with the software EuroCalculus]. Vienna: Facultas. 2

4 Edited anthology Schnedlitz, Peter, Buber, Renate, Reutterer, Thomas, Schuh, Arnold, Teller, Christoph (Eds.) Innovationen in Marketing und Handel [Innovations in Marketing and Retailing]. Vienna: Linde. Brusset, Xavier, Kotzab, Herbert, Schnedlitz, Peter, Teller, Christoph, Towers, Neil (Eds.) Colloquium on European Retail Research. Book of Proceedings (CERR 2012). Paris: ESSCA. Articles in anthologies Burt, Steve, Sparks, Leigh, Teller, Christoph Retailing in the United Kingdom a synopsis. In: European Retail Research (ERR), Ed.: Schnedlitz, Peter, Morschett, Dirk, Rudolph, Thomas, Schramm-Klein, Hanna, Swoboda, Bernhard; Vol. 24, Issue I, pp Wiesbaden: Gabler. Kotzab, Herbert W., Teller, Christoph, Girz, Heidrun R The GS1 Databar and Its Future Application - Results from a Delphi Study. In: European Retail Research (ERR), Ed.: Schnedlitz, Peter, Morschett, Dirk, Rudolph, Thomas, Schramm-Klein, Hanna, Swoboda, Bernhard;Vol. 23, Issue II, pp Wiesbaden: Gabler. Ernst, Gittenberger, Teller, Christoph Betriebstypenspezifisches Kaufverhalten von älteren KonsumentInnen [Store format specific shopping behaviour of elderly consumers]. In: Ageing Society - Altern in der Stadt: Aktuelle Trends und ihre Bedeutung für die strategische Stadtentwicklung. Eds.: Hanappi-Egger, Edeltraud, Schnedlitz, Peter, pp Vienna: Facultas. Schnedlitz, Peter, Teller, Christoph Das Einkaufszentrum als Agglomerationsklasse - begriffliche Diskussion und empirische Evaluierung von Agglomerationseffekten [The Shopping Mall as an Agglomeration Format conceptual discussion and empirical evaluation]. In: Agglomerationseffekte und Bestandverhaeltnisse in Einkaufszentren. Ed.: Gruber, Michael, pp Vienna: Manz. Teller, Christoph, Reutterer, Thomas, Schnedlitz, Peter Attraktivitätsbewertung von Handelsagglomerationen im Zuge des Kauf-/Besuchsprozesses von Kunden [Evaluation of the Attractiveness of Retail Agglomerations on Site]. In: Innovationen in Marketing und Handel. Eds.: Schnedlitz, Peter, Buber, Renate, Reutterer, Thomas, Schuh, Arnold, Teller, Christoph, pp Vienna: Linde. Teller, Christoph, Kotzab, Herbert, Grant, David B Betriebstypen und Konsumentenlogistik [Store Formats and Consumer Logistics]. In: Innovationen in Marketing und Handel. Eds.: Schnedlitz, Peter, Buber, Renate, Reutterer, Thomas, Schuh, Arnold, Teller, Christoph, pp Vienna: Linde. Kotzab, Herbert, Teller, Christoph Collaborative Store Ordering - The Missing Link in Retail Distribution: The Schwarzkopf-Rilken and Veropoulos Case. In: Ausgewählte Fallstudien der Akademischen Partnerschaft ECR Deutschland. Nr. 12. Ed.: Academic Partnership ECR Germany, pp Cologne. Teller, Christoph, Reutterer, Thomas, Schnedlitz, Peter Determinanten der Einkaufsstättenwahl als Faktoren für die wahrgenommene Attraktivität von Handelsagglomerationen Tradierte Thesen auf dem Prüfstand [Antecedents of Retail Agglomeration Choice questioning existing believes and findings]. In: Der österreichische Handel Daten Fakten Analysen. Ed.: Voithofer, Peter, Gittenberger, Ernst, pp Vienna, Frankfurt a. M.: Peter Lang Europäischer Verlag der Wissenschaften. 3

5 Articles in anthologies (continued) Teller, Christoph Phänomene der Distributionsforschung im Spannungsfeld zwischen Aquisition und Logistik [Phenomena in distribution research in between Marketing and Logistics]. In: Innovationen in Marketing und Handel. Ed.: Schnedlitz, Peter, Buber, Renate, Reutterer, Thomas, Schuh, Arnold, Teller, Christoph, pp Vienna: Linde. Kotzab, Herbert, Reiner, Gerald, Teller, Christoph Verkaufsstellenlogistik als Intra- Logistiksystem des Handels - konzeptionelle Entwicklung und empirische Leistungsüberprüfung [Instore Logistics as Intra Retail Logistics Systems conceptual development and empirical performance measurement]. In: Innovationen in Marketing und Handel. Eds: Schnedlitz, Peter, Buber, Renate, Reutterer, Thomas, Schuh, Arnold, Teller, Christoph, pp Vienna: Linde. Kotzab, Herbert, Teller, Christoph Instore-Logistik - Konzeptionelle Überlegungen und empirische Befunde [Instore Logistics conceptual discussion and empirical findings]. In: Handelsforschung Neue Erkenntnisse für Praxis und Wissenschaft des Handels. Ed.: Trommsdorff, Volker, pp , Stuttgart: Kohlhammer. Kotzab, Herbert, Reiner, Gerald, Teller, Christoph Instore-Logistik als neuralgischer Brückenkopf einer Supply Chain - Modellbildung, empirische Bestandsaufnahme und Simulation [The Neuralgic Importance of Instore Logistics within Supply Chains model development, empirical evaluation and simulation]. In: Logistik Management, Innovative Logistikonzepte. Eds.: Lasch, Rainer, Janker, Christian, pp , Wiesbaden: Gabler. Kotzab, Herbert, Teller, Christoph To Pay or Not to Pay, That is the Question. Conceptual Model and Empirical Results on Consumers' View on Home Delivery. In: Grocery E-Commerce. Consumer Behaviour and Business Strategies. Eds.: Kornum, Niels, Mogens, Bjerre, pp , Cheltenham (UK), Northampton (MA, USA): Edward Elgar Publishing. Grant, David B., Teller, Christoph, Teller, Wolfgang Web-based Surveys In: Logistics Research: An Empirical Application. In: Research Methodologies in Supply Chain Management. Eds.: Kotzab, Herbert, Seuring, Stefan, Müller, Martin, Reiner, Gerald, pp , Heidelberg: Physica. Schnedlitz, Peter, Kotzab, Herbert, Teller, Christoph Die Kunden als Erfüllungsgehilfen des stationären Einzelhandels bei der physischen Distribution von Waren [The Role of Customers in Executing the Physical Distribution for Store Based Retailers]. In: Handelsforschung Neue Erkenntnisse für Praxis und Wissenschaft des Handels. Ed.: Trommsdorff, Volker, pp , Köln: BBE-Verlag. Teller, Christoph, Kotzab, Herbert Increasing Competitiveness in the Grocery Industry - Success Factors in Supply Chain Partnering. Theoretical discussion and empirical implications. In: Strategy and Organization in Supply Chains. Eds: Seuring, Stefan, Müller, Martin, Goldbach, Maria, Schneidewind, Uwe, pp , Heidelberg: Physica Verlag. Kotzab, Herbert, Teller, Christoph Interorganisatorische Wertschöpfungspartnerschaften und Co-opetition-Modelle in der Konsumgüterwirtschaft - Das Beispiel Efficient Consumer Response [Interorganisational Supply Chain Partnerships in the Fast Moving Consumer Goods Industry the case of ECR]. In: Jahrbuch für Vertriebs- und Handelsmanagement Marktstrategische Veränderungen in der Hersteller-Handels-Dyade. Eds.: Ahlert, Dieter, Olbrich, Rainer, Schröder, Hendrik, pp , Frankfurt am Main: Deutscher Fachverlag. Kotzab, Herbert, Teller, Christoph Kritische Erörterung des Collaborative Planning Forecasting and Replenishment-Ansatzes aus der Sicht des Supply Chain Controlling [Critical Discussion of CPRF from a Supply Chain Controlling Point of View]. In: Supply Chain Controlling. Eds.: Stölzle, Wolfgang, Otto, Andreas, pp , Wiesbaden: Gabler. 4

6 Articles in anthologies (continued) Teller, Christoph, Kotzab, Herbert Cost Efficiency in Supply Chains - a conceptual discrepancy? In: Cost Management in Supply Chains. Eds.: Seuring, Stefan, Goldbach, Maria, Berlin: Springer Verlag. Kotzab, Herbert, Teller, Christoph Logistikkosten- und -leistungsrechnung im Handel. Ergebnisse einer empirischen Bestandsaufnahme [Logistics Cost Accounting and Performance Measurement in Retailing empirical insights]. In: Jahrbuch für Controlling und Rechnungswesen Ed.: Seicht, Gerhard, , Vienna: Orac. Schnedlitz, Peter, Teller, Christoph EuroCalculus - Ein Instrument zur Planung des Wechselgeldbedarfs in der Euro-Bargeldeinführungsphase [EuroCalculus a tool to forecast the cast demand in the Euro changeover phase]. In: Trends im internationalen Management - Strategien, Instrumente und Methoden. Eds.: Grabner-Kräuter, Sonja, Wührer, Gerhard A., , Linz: Universitätsverlag Rudolf Trauner. Schnedlitz, Peter, Teller, Christoph Aktuelle Perspektiven der Handelslogistik [Contemporary Issues in Retail Logistics]. In: Logistikforschung. Entwicklungszüge und Gestaltungsansätze. Ed.: Pfohl, Hans-Christian, , Berlin: Erich-Schmidt-Verlag. Articles in conference proceedings Teller, Christoph, Alexander, Andrew Store Managers in Shopping Centres sensing customer s perceptions and informing management decisions. In: Colloquium on European Retail Research. Book of Proceedings (CERR 2012). Eds.: Brusset, Xavier, Kotzab, Herbert, Schnedlitz, Peter, Teller, Christoph, Towers, Neil. Paris: ESSCA, pp Teller, Christoph, Kotzab, Herbert, Grant, David B Key Account Management and Supply Chain Management Execution. In: Colloquium on European Retail Research. Book of Proceedings (CERR 2012). Eds.: Brusset, Xavier, Kotzab, Herbert, Schnedlitz, Peter, Teller, Christoph, Towers, Neil. Paris: ESSCA, pp Holweg, Christina, Teller, Christoph Avoidable Food Waste in Retail Stores. In: Colloquium on European Retail Research. Book of Proceedings (CERR 2012). Eds.: Brusset, Xavier, Kotzab, Herbert, Schnedlitz, Peter, Teller, Christoph, Towers, Neil. Paris: ESSCA, pp Kotzab, Herbert, Grant, David B., Teller, Christoph, Friis, Anders Supply Chain Management Execution: International Insights on Antecedents and Subsequent Performance. In: 2012 European Research Seminar (ERS) - Proceedings. Frankfurt: CSCMP, Section 9, CD-Rom. Kotzab, Herbert, Teller, Christoph, Grant, David B Factors Affecting the Execution of Supply Chain Management an International View. In: Proceedings of the 18 th European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) conference. Eds.: Holweg, Matthias, Srai, Jagjit Singh. Cambridge, UK, USB-Devise, ISBN Teller, Christoph, Gittenberger, Ernst Antecedents of Store Format Patronage Behaviour of Elderly Consumers - A Response. Based Segmentation. In: Proceedings of the 16th conference of the European Association for Education and Research in Commercial Distribution (EAERCD 2011). Ed.: Lugli, Gianpiero, Ziliani Cristina. Parma, Italy CD-Rom, ISBN: Kotzab, Herbert, Munch, Hilde M., de Faultrier, Brigitee, Teller, Christoph Ecological Retail Supply Chains when global Goliaths become Eco-Davids. In: Proceedings of the 8th international meeting of Logistics Research (RIRL 2010). Ed.: Estampe, Dominique. Bordeaux, France. CD-Rom. 5

7 Articles in conference proceedings (continued) Teller, Christoph, Schnedlitz, Peter Managing Agglomeration Effects in Retailing the Mall Tenant s Perspective. In: Proceedings of the 17 th International Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing and Service Science (EIRASS 2010). Ed.: Timmermans, Harry. Istanbul: EIRASS. CD-Rom. Teller, Christoph, Kotzab, Herbert, Grant, David B Consumers as Logisticians: The Development of Consumer Logistics. In: Proceedings of the 22th Annual Conference for Nordic Researchers in Logistics (NOFOMA 2010). Kolding, Denmark, pp Teller, Christoph, Kotzab, Herbert Improving the Execution of Supply Chain Management in Organisations with the Means of Importance-Performance Analysis. In: 16 th International Working Seminar on Production Economics. Pre-Prints. Eds.: Grubstroem, Robert W., Hinterhuber, Hans H.. Volume 3, Innsbruck, Austria, pp Teller, Christoph, Elms, Jonathan R Agglomeration Formats, Attractiveness and Consumer Patronage. In: Proceedings of AMS, ACRA 2009 Fall Triennial Retailing Conference: Strategic Challenges and Opportunities in Uncertain Times. Eds.: Berman, Barry, McMellon, Chuck, Pearson, Michael. New Orleans, USA, CD-Rom. Holweg, Christina, Schnedlitz, Peter, Teller, Christoph The Drivers of Consumer Value in the ECR-Category Management Model - Critical Discussion and Empirical Evaluation. In: Proceedings of the 38th European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC 2009). Eds.: Helfer, Jean-Pierre, Nicolas, Jean-Louis. Nantes: EMAC, CD-Rom. Paddison, Andrew, Teller, Christoph, Elms, Jonathan R Place Marketing, Retail Agglomeration Attractiveness and the Place User s Point of View. In: Proceedings of the 15th conference of the European Association for Education and Research in Commercial Distribution (EAERCD 2009). Ed.: Wood, Steve. Guildford, UK: EAERCD, USB-Device (Section 2A). Kotzab, Herbert W., Reiner, Gerald, Teller, Christoph Description and Evaluation of Instore Logistics Processes. In: Proceedings of the 15th conference of the European Association for Education and Research in Commercial Distribution (EAERCD 2009). Ed.: Wood, Steve. Guildford, UK: EAERCD, USB-Devise (Section 7D). Holweg, Christina, Schnedlitz, Peter, Teller, Christoph The Drivers of Consumer Value in the ECR Category Management Model - Critical Discussion and Empirical Evaluation. In: Proceedings of the 15 th International Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing and Service Science (EIRASS 2008). Ed.: Timmermans, Harry. Zagreb, Croatia, CD-Rom. Kotzab, Herbert, Grant, David B., Teller, Christoph, Voelk, Natalie SCM Implementation in Organizations: an Austrian perspective. In: Proceedings of the 20 th Annual Conference for Nordic Researchers in Logistics (NOFOMA 2008). Helsinki, Finland, CD-Rom. Aastrup, Jesper, Kotzab, Herbert, Grant, David B., Teller, Christoph, Bjerre, Mogens A Model for Structuring Efficient Consumer Response Measures. In: Conference Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Research in the Distributive Trades (EAERCD 2007). Eds.: Zentes, Joachim, Morschett, Dirk, Schramm-Klein, Hanna,. Saarbruecken, Germany, pp Teller, Christoph, Reutterer, Thomas, Schnedlitz, Peter Hedonic and Utilitarian Customer Types in Evolved and Created Retail Agglomerations - An Empirical Study. In: Conference Proceedings of the 14 th International Conference on Research in the Distributive Trades (EAERCD 2007). Eds.: Zentes, Joachim, Morschett, Dirk, Schramm-Klein, Hanna. Saarbruecken, Germany, pp

8 Articles in conference proceedings (continued) Kotzab, Herbert, Grant, David B., Teller, Christoph Supply Chain Management Implementation in Austria. In: Logistics Research Network 2007 Conference Proceedings (LRN 2007). Eds.: Lalwani, Chandra, Mangan, John, Butcher, Tim, Mondragon, Adrian. Hull, UK, pp Reutterer, Thomas, Teller, Christoph Determinants of Store Choice: An Empirical Study of Consumers Grocery Shopping Trip Behaviour. In: Proceedings of the 14 th Recent Advances in Retailing and Service Science Conference (EIRASS 2007). Ed.: Timmermans, Harry. San Francisco, USA, CD-Rom. Teller, Christoph, Reutterer, Thomas Hedonic and Utilitarian Shoppers in Distinct Retail Agglomerations. In: Proceedings of the 14 th Recent Advances in Retailing and Service Science Conference (EIRASS 2007). Ed.: Timmermans, Harry. San Francisco, USA, CD-Rom. Teller, Christoph, Reutterer, Thomas The Impact of Situational Effects on Consumers' Evaluation of Retail Agglomerations. In: Proceedings of the 13 th Recent Advances in Retailing and Service Science Conference (EIRASS 2006). Ed.: Timmermans, Harry. Budapest, Hungary, CD- Rom. Teller, Christoph, Kotzab, Herbert W., Grant, David B The Consumer Direct Services Revolution in Grocery Retailing: An Exploratory Investigation. In: Proceedings of the 12 h Recent Advances in Retailing and Service Science Conference (EIRASS 2005). Ed.: Timmermans, Harry. Orlando, USA, CD-Rom. Reutterer, Thomas K., Schnedlitz, Peter, Teller, Christoph The Consumer s Role in Retail Distribution: Neglected Elements in the Dark Side of Shopping. In: Proceedings of the 12 h Recent Advances in Retailing and Service Science Conference (EIRASS 2005). Ed.: Timmermans, Harry. Orlando, USA, CD-Rom. Grant, David B., Teller, Christoph, Kotzab, Herbert Using Qualitative Methods to Complement Quantitative Research Approaches in Logistics and Supply Chain Management. In: Proceedings of the 34 th Annual Supply Chain Management Educators Conference. Ed.: Council of Supply Chain Professionals, San Diego, USA, CD-Rom. Kotzab, Herbert, Teller, Christoph Instore Logistics - The Missing Link in Retail Operations?. In: Proceedings of the 11 th International Annual EurOMA Conference: Operations Management as a Change Agent. Eds.: Van Wasserhove, Luk N., De Mayer, Arnoud, Yücesan, Enver, Günes, Didem Evrim, Muyldermans, Luc. Volume 1, Insead: Fontainebleau, pp Teller, Christoph, Kotzab, Herbert Proposing a Model of Consumer Logistics. In: Logistics Research Network 2004 Conference Proceedings - Enhancing Competitive Advantage Through Supply Chain Innovation (LRN 2004). Eds.: Sweeney, Edward, Mee, John, Fynes, Brian, Enangelista, Pietro, Huber, Bernd. Dublin, Irland, CD-Rom. Teller, Christoph, Kotzab, Herbert A Consumer Response to the Home Delivery of Groceries. In: Logistics Research Network 2003 Conference Proceedings (LRN 2003). Eds.: Manachof, David A., Sodhi, ManMohan S., Browne, Michael, Allen, Julian, , London: The Institute of Logistics and Transport, CD-Rom. Teller, Christoph, Kotzab, Herbert Consumer Response to Consumer Direct Services - the Home Delivery Myopia. In: Proceedings of the 15 th Annual Conference for Nordic Researchers in Logistics. Striving for Leading Edge Logistics (NOFOMA 2003). Ed.: Juga, J.. Oulu, Finland, pp Kotzab, Herbert, Teller, Christoph The Consumer Direct Myopia. In: Proceedings of the Thirty-Second Annual Logistics Educators Conference. Ed.: Kent, John. Chicago, USA, CD-Rom. 7

9 Articles in conference proceedings (continued) Schnedlitz, Peter, Teller, Christoph Bestandsmanagement von Bargeld als logistisches Aufgabenfeld des Handels [Cash management in retailing]. In: WU-Jahrestagung Forschung für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Proceedings. Ed.: Maier, Gunther. Vienna, Austria, CD-Rom. Teller, Christoph, Kotzab, Herbert Effizienzmessung in der Handelslogistik. Eine empirische Bestandsaufnahme in Wiener Handelsunternehmen [Measuring efficiency in retail logistics. An empirical evaluation]. In: WU-Jahrestagung Forschung für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Proceedings. Ed.: Maier, Gunther. Vienna, Austria, CD-Rom. Schnedlitz, Peter, Teller, Christoph, Kotzab, Herbert Logistical Challenges for Introducing a New Currency - the Euro and its Consequences. In: Proceedings of the 11 th International Conference on Management of Technology. Drive Towards the Internet Economy - Opportunities & Challenges for Developed and Developing Regions of the World. Eds.: Hosni, Yasser, Khalil, Tarek. Miami, USA, CD-Rom. Schnedlitz, Peter, Teller, Christoph, Kotzab, Herbert The Introduction of the Euro and its Logistical Consequences. In: Conference Proceedings of the 4 th International Meeting for Research in Logistics (IMRL 2002). Ed.: Crespo de Carvalho, José, Volume 3, Lisbon, Portugal, pp ,. Kotzab, Herbert, Teller, Christoph Value-adding Partnerships and Co-opetition Models in the Grocery Industry. An empirical case analysis. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International conference on Co-operation and Competition. Co-operation and Competition. 'Co-opetition' Approaches to the Organization of the Future. Ed.: Zineldin, Mosad., Lund: Studentlitteratur, pp Working and discussion papers Teller, Christoph Bestimmungsfaktoren der Einkaufsstättenwahl unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Distributionsleistungen und kosten von Konsumenten [Determinants of store choice the impact of perceived costs of purchasing from the consumers point of view]. Schriftenreihe Handel und Marketing [working paper series retailing and marketing ]. Nr. 63, Ed.: Schnedlitz, Peter. Vienna, ISBN Teller, Christoph Einfluss olfaktorischer Reize auf das Kaufverhalten in Handelsagglomerationen [The impact of olfactory stimuli on the shopping behaviour in retail agglomerations]. Schriftenreihe Handel und Marketing. Nr. 64, Ed.: Schnedlitz, Peter. Vienna, ISBN Teller, Christoph, Reutterer, Thomas, Schnedlitz, Peter Ist der Käufer Opfer oder Täter? Kosten des Einkaufs für Konsumenten als Entscheidungsgröße im Standortwettbewerb zwischen zentralen und peripheren Handelsagglomerationen. Kumulativer Projektbericht für den Jubiläumsfond der Stadt Wien [The cost of shopping and its impact on the competition between retail sites. Cumulative project report]. Vienna: Institute for Retailing and Marketing. Schnedlitz, Peter, Gittenberger, Ernst, Schmidt, Gunnar, Teller, Christoph, Widhalm, Andrea Empirische Trendforschung im Handel - Lebensmittelhandel 2006 bis 2011 [Empirical trend research in retailing the grocery sector from 2006 to 2011]. Schriftenreihe Handel und Marketing. Nr. 59, Ed.: Schnedlitz, Peter. Vienna, ISBN Teller, Christoph Evaluierung und Wahrnehmung logistischer Leistungen von Konsumenten im Rahmen der Beschaffung von Waren [Evaluation and perception of logistics activities undertaken by consumers when shopping at store-based retail formats]. Schriftenreihe Handel und Marketing. Nr. 62, Ed.: Schnedlitz, Peter. Vienna, ISBN

10 Working and discussion papers (continued) Teller, Christoph Sterbende Innenstädte vs. prosperierende Einkaufszentren ein (zentral-) europäisches Phänomen? Slowenien und Österreich im Vergleich. Kumulativer Projektbericht für den Festo-Fellow Fond [Dying city centres vs. prosperous shopping centres a Central European phenomenon? A comparison between Slovenia and Austria. Cumulative project report]. Vienna: Institute for Retailing and Marketing. Teller, Christoph, Teller, Wolfgang, Haas, Erwin Die Wirtschaftskammer Österreich als Dienstleistungsunternehmen. Eine Evaluierung aus Sicht der Berufsgruppe 'Computer & Bürosysteme' [The Austrian chamber of commerce as a service provider empirical evaluation of services for the IT-retail sector. Schriftenreihe Handel und Marketing. Nr. 50, Ed.: Schnedlitz, Peter, Vienna, ISBN Teller, Christoph Instore-Logistik im Lebensmitteleinzelhandel. Logistikleistungsmessung am Ende der Supply Chain [Instore logistics in grocery retailing performance measurement at the end of the supply chain]. Schriftenreihe Handel und Marketing. Ed.: Schnedlitz, Peter, Vienna, ISBN Gavac, Karin, Gittenberger, Ernst, Grohall, Günther, Grozea-Helmenstein, Daniela, Helmenstein, Christian, Hofmann, Alexander, Jung, Jürgen, Schneider, Christoph, Schnedlitz, Peter, Teller, Christoph, Voithofer, Peter Perspektiven im Handel [The Austrian retail sector facts and figures]. Vienna: SME-Research Austria, ISBN Schnedlitz, Peter, Reutterer, Thomas, Teller, Christoph Syngergieeffekte durch lokale und branchenspezifische Handelskooperationen [Generating synergies through local and industry specific retail co-operations]. Endbericht zum Wirtschaftsuniversitätspreis 2001 der Wirtschaftskammer Wien. Schnedlitz, Peter, Madlberger, Maria, Teller, Christoph, Repe, Siri Alternative Kommunikationspolitik für Kinder [Alternative communication strategies towards kids in retailing]. Schriftenreihe Handel und Marketing, Nr. 33, Ed.: Schnedlitz, Peter, ISBN Schnedlitz, Peter, Nagler, Rupert, Teller, Christoph Der Calculus - Wechselgeldberechnung in der -Bargeldeinführungsphase [The EuroCalculus Decision support tool for cash logistics during the Euro-changeover phase]. Schriftenreihe Handel und Marketing, 35, Ed.: Schnedlitz, Peter, incl. CD-Rom, ISBN Schnedlitz, Peter, Madlberger, Maria, Teller, Christoph, Ederer, Hans Christoph, Raudaschl, Georg Hauszustellung von Lebensmitteln [Home delivery of groceries]. Schriftenreihe Handel und Marketing, Nr. 32, Ed.: Schnedlitz, Peter, Vienna: Eigenverlag, ISBN Schnedlitz, Peter, Nagler, Rupert, Teller, Christoph Wechselgeldproblematik in Branchen mit hohem Bargeldanteil vor dem Hintergrund der -Bargeldeinführung am 1. Jänner 2002 ( -Day) [Cash logistics in retail sectors with a high share of cash transactions problems during the Eurochangeover phase]. Schriftenreihe Handel und Marketing, Nr. 34, Ed.: Schnedlitz, Peter, Vienna: ISBN X. Schnedlitz, Peter, Reutterer, Thomas, Teller, Christoph Synergieeffekte durch lokale und branchenspezifische Synergieeffekte [Generating synergies through local and industry specific retail co-operations]. Zwischenbericht zum Wirtschaftsuniversitätspreis 2001 der Wirtschaftskammer Wien Schnedlitz, Peter, Kotzab, Herbert, Teller, Christoph Die Effizienz der Distributionslogistik in Österreich [The efficiency of retail logistics in Austria] (Part 1). Schriftenreihe Handel und Marketing, Nr. 21, Ed. Schnedlitz, Peter, Vienna, ISBN

11 Working and discussion papers (continued) Schnedlitz, Peter, Kotzab, Herbert, Teller, Christoph Die Effizienz der Distributionslogistik in Österreich [The efficiency of retail logistics in Austria] (Part 2). Schriftenreihe Handel und Marketing, Nr. 22, Vienna, ISBN X. Articles in concise dictionary Teller, Christoph Category Mangement. In: Lexikon der Betriebswirtschaft. Ed.: Lück, Wolfgang, 119, Munich, Vienna: Oldenbourg Teller, Christoph Efficient Consumer Response. In: Lexikon der Betriebswirtschaft. Ed.: Lück, Wolfgang, 153, Munich, Vienna: Oldenbourg Habilitation thesis Teller, Christoph Betriebswirtschaftliche Einkaufsstättenforschung im Spannungsfeld zwischen Marketing und Logistik. Habilitation thesis, Institute for Retailing and Marketing, Vienna University of Economics and Business. PhD thesis Teller, Christoph Bargeldlogistik im Handel - Bestandsmanagement von Wechselgeld im Zuge der Euro-Bargeldeinführung mit der Software Euro-Calculus. PhD thesis, Vienna University of Economics and Business. Masters thesis Teller, Christoph Stadtmarketing. Chancen für Klein- und Mittelbetriebe. Master thesis, Vienna University of Economics and Business. Articles in industrial journals Kotzab, Herbert, Teller, Christoph Ein Phasenmodell für die Point-of-Sale-Logistik im Einzelhandel. Ein Erfahrungsbericht. Austropack, 4, pp Teller, Christoph Handel einst, jetzt und... Regal, 9, pp Teller, Christoph Partnerschaft macht stark!. Wiener Wirtschaft, 49, p. 8 Teller, Christoph EuroCalculus - Wechselgeldberechnung für die duale Währungsphase. Austropack, Nr. 2, pp Other publications Teller, Christoph Geleitwort: Partls Entschärfung der Automobilmarketing-Myopie [Partl s attempt to overcome the marketing myopia in car retailing]. In: Partl, Mario: Durch guten Service zum Autoverkauf. Servicequaltität von Werkstätten als Entscheidungskriterium für den Wiederkauf von Automobilen. München: Auto Business Verlag. Gabor, Tepper, Robert, Haas, Mailath, Georg, Teller, Christoph, Zechner, Werner, Watzak, Georg, Watzek, Georg Representative marketing-oriented study on implants in the Austrian population. I. Level of information, sources of information and need for patient information. Clinical Oral Implants Research, 14 (5), Tepper, Gabor, Haas, Robert, Mailath, Georg, Teller, Christoph, Bernhart, Thomas, Monov, Gabriel, Watzek, Georg Representative marketing-oriented study on implants in the Austrian population. II. Implant acceptance, patient-perceived cost and patient satisfaction. Clinical Oral Implants Research, 14 (5),

12 List of Presentations Presentations at (scientific) conferences Teller, Christoph together with Alexander, Andrew Store Managers in Shopping Centres sensing customer s perceptions and informing management decisions. Colloquium on European Retail Research. ESSCA, Paris, Teller, Christoph together with Kotzab, Herbert Key Account Management and Supply Chain Management Execution. Colloquium on European Retail Research. ESSCA, Paris, Holweg, Christina, Teller, Christoph Avoidable Food Waste in Retail Stores. Colloquium on European Retail Research. ESSCA, Paris, Teller, Christoph Cognitive Age and Grocery Store Patronage Behaviour of Elderly Shoppers. American Marketing Association/American Collegiate Retailing Association (AMA/ACRA) Triannual Conference. Seattle, USA, Teller, Christoph The Impact of Cognitive Age on Grocery Store Patronage of Elderly Shoppers. Staff/Research Postgraduate Seminar [Marketing and Retail Subject Group]. Surrey Business School, University of Surrey. Guildford, England, Teller, Christoph Antecedents of Store Format Patronage Behaviour of Elderly Consumers - A Response. Based Segmentation. 16 th Conference of the European Association for Education and Research in Commercial Distribution (EAERCD 2011). Parma, Italy, Teller, Christoph Cognitive Age, Older Consumers and Grocery Store Patronage Behaviour. American Collegiate Retailing Association (ACRA) Annual Conference. Boston, USA, Teller, Christoph Antecedents of Grocery Store Preference - The Case of Older Consumers in Urban Retail Settings. 2 nd Stirling Management School Research Conference, Stirling, United Kingdom, Teller, Christoph Managing Agglomeration Effects in Retailing the Mall Tenant s Perspective. 17 th International Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing and Service Science (EIRASS 2010). Istanbul, Turkey, Teller, Christoph Grocery Store Format Patronage of Older Consumer Cohorts in Urban Retail Settings. 17 th International Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing and Service Science (EIRASS 2010). Istanbul, Turkey, Teller, Christoph Improving the Execution of Supply Chain Management in Organisations with the Means of Importance-Performance Analysis. 16 th International Working Seminar on Production Economics. Innsbruck, Austria Teller, Christoph Agglomeration Formats, Attractiveness and Consumer Patronage. 9 th Triennial Academy of Marketing Science/American Collegiate Retailing Association (AMS/ACRA) Retailing Conference: Strategic Challenges and Opportunities in Uncertain Times. New Orleans, USA, Teller, Christoph Attractiveness of Retail Agglomerations: Direct and Indirect Antecedents. 1 st Stirling Management School Research Conference, Stirling, United Kingdom, delivered in person 11

13 Presentations at (scientific) conferences (continued) Teller, Christoph Retail Agglomerations and Urban Place Marketing: Integrating the Actual Shoppers Point of View. 1 st International Colloquium on Place Marketing and Branding. Places for People in a Turbulent World. Brunel Business School, Brunel University, Uxbridge, UK, Teller, Christoph Description and Evaluation of Instore Logistics Processes. 15 th Conference of the European Association for Education and Research in Commercial Distribution (EAERCD). University of Surrey, Guildford, UK, Teller, Christoph Place Marketing, Retail Agglomeration Attractiveness and the Place User s Point of View. 15 th Conference of the European Association for Education and Research in Commercial Distribution (EAERCD). University of Surrey, Guildford, UK, Teller, Christoph together with Gittenberger, Ernst Betriebsformenpräferenz von älteren Konsumentenkohorten. Handelsforschung Vienna University of Economics and Business, Vienna, Austria, Teller, Christoph together with Schnedlitz, Peter Das Einkaufszentrum als Agglomerationsklasse - begriffliche Diskussion und empirische Evaluierung von Agglomerationseffekten. [The Shopping Mall as an Agglomeration Format conceptual discussion and empirical evaluation]. Agglomerationseffekte und Bestandsverhaeltnisse in Einkaufszentren (organised by the Ludwig-Boltzmann-Institut fuer Rechtsvorsorge und Urkundenwesen and the Oesterreichischen Handelsverband), Vienna, Teller, Christoph The Impact of Olfactory Stimuli on Customers Perception of and Behaviour in Shopping Malls. 15 th International Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing and Services Science (EIRASS). Zagreb, Croatia, Teller, Christoph together with Holweg, Christina and Schnedlitz, Peter The Drivers of Consumer Value in the ECR Category Management Model - Critical Discussion and Empirical Evaluation. 15 th International Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing and Services Science (EIRASS). Zagreb, Croatia, Teller, Christoph together with Grant, David B Supply chain management implementation in Austria. Logistics Research Network - Annual Conference Global Supply Chains: Developing Skills, Capabilities and Networks. Hull University, Hull, UK, Teller, Christoph Determinants of Store Choice: An Empirical Study of Consumers Grocery Shopping Trip Behaviour. 14 th International Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing and Services Science (EIRASS). San Francisco, USA, Teller, Christoph Hedonic and Utilitarian Shoppers in Distinct Retail Agglomerations. 14 th International Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing and Services Science (EIRASS). San Francisco, USA, Teller, Christoph Attraktivitätsbewertung von Handelsagglomerationen im Zuge des Kauf- /Besuchsprozesses von Kunden. WU Competence Day Innovationen in Marketing und Handel. Vienna University of Economics and Business, Vienna, Austria, Teller, Christoph Distributions- und Handelsforschung. Track-Chair. WU Competence Day - Innovationen in Marketing und Handel. Vienna University of Economics and Business, Vienna, Austria,

14 Presentations at (scientific) conferences (continued) Teller, Christoph The Impact of Situational Effects on Consumers Evaluation of Retail Agglomerations. 13 th International Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing and Services Science (EIRASS). Budapest, Hungary, Teller, Christoph The Relevance of Consumer Logistics for Store Format Preference in Grocery Retailing Theoretical Discussion and Empirical Insights. 13 th International Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing and Services Science (EIRASS). Budapest, Hungary, Teller, Christoph together with Grant, David B Home Delivery and Online Consumer Motivations: More B2B Logistics than Consumer Behaviour? 17 th Annual Conference for Nordic Researchers in Logistics (NOFOMA 2005). Lost in Translation: Local Practice Versus Global Trends? Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark, Teller, Christoph The Consumer Direct Services Revolution in Grocery Retailing: an exploratory investigation. 12 th International Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing and Services Science (EIRASS), Orlando, USA, Teller, Christoph together with Reutterer, Thomas The Consumer s Role in Retail Distribution: Neglected Elements in the Dark Side of Shopping. 12 th International Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing and Services Science (EIRASS), Orlando, USA, Teller, Christoph together with Grant, David B Using Qualitative Methods to Complement Quantitative Research Approaches in Logistics and Supply Chain Management. 34 th Annual Supply Chain Management Educators Conference. San Diego, USA, Teller, Christoph Instore logistics the missing link in retail operations? 11 th Annual International EUROMA Conference. Operations Management as a Change Agent. Insead, Fontainebleau, France, Teller, Christoph Proposing a Model of Consumer Logistics. Logistics Research Network - Annual Conference Enhancing Competitive Advantage through Supply Chain Innovation. Quinn School of Business, University College Dublin, Dublin, Teller, Christoph To Pay or Not to Pay That is Here the Question. Learnings from Store based Retailing. 1 st International Workshop on Consumer Behaviour and Distribution in the E- Grocery Sector. Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark, Teller, Christoph Web-based Surveys in Logistics Research: An Empirical Application. Research Workshop. Research Methodologies in Supply Chain Management. University of Oldenburg, Oldenburg, Germany, Teller, Christoph Consumer Response to the Home Delivery of Groceries. Logistics Research Network - Annual Conference Enhancing Global Trade Through Supply Chain Solutions. Cass Business School, London, UK, Teller, Christoph The Consumer Direct Myopia. The Council of Logistics Management s Annual Conference. Logistics Educators Conference. Chicago, USA, Teller, Christoph together with Schnedlitz, Peter Bestandsmanagement von Bargeld als logistisches Aufgabenfeld des Handels (gezeigt am Beispiel der Euro-Bargeldeinführung) [Cash management in retailing]. Jahrestagung der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien Forschung für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Vienna University of Economics and Business, Vienna, Austria,

15 Presentations at (scientific) conferences (continued) Teller, Christoph Effizienzmessung in der Handelslogistik [Measuring efficiency in retail logistics]. Jahrestagung der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien Forschung für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Vienna University of Economics and Business, Vienna, Austria, Teller, Christoph Increasing Competitiveness in the Grocery Industry - Success Factors in Supply Chain Partnering. Research Workshop. Strategy and Organization in Supply Chains. University of Oldenburg, Oldenburg, Germany, Teller, Christoph The Introduction of the Euro and its Logistical Consequences. 4 th International Meeting for Research in Logistics. INDEG Business School, Lisbon, Portugal, Teller, Christoph together with Schnedlitz, Peter The Introduction of the EURO as a New Legal Tender and its Consequences for the Cash Logistics of Retail Trade in Austria. 11 th International Conference on Management of Technology. Miami, USA, Teller, Christoph Logistics Cost Management between Desire and Reality. Research Workshop. Cost Management in Supply Chains. University of Oldenburg, Oldenburg, Germany, Other presentations Teller, Christoph The Impact of Cognitive Age on Grocery Store Patronage of Elderly Shoppers. Staff/Research Postgraduate Seminar [Marketing and Retail Subject Group]. Surrey Business School, University of Surrey. Guildford, England, Teller, Christoph Antecedents of Grocery Store Preference - The Case of Older Consumers in Urban Retail Settings. 2 nd Stirling Management School Research Conference, Stirling, United Kingdom, Teller, Christoph Round table/panel discussion on the seminar series Consumer Behaviour, Logistics and Customer Service: the Connectors at Brunel Business School/Brunel University. Uxbridge, UK, Teller, Christoph The Customer of Store Based Retail Formats. Master or Servant? Research Seminar at Brunel Business School/Brunel University. Uxbridge, UK, Teller, Christoph High Streets vs. Shopping Centres - How to Increase the Attractiveness of Different Retail Agglomeration Formats. Research Seminar at the Department of Marketing/University of Strathclyde. Glasgow, UK, Teller, Christoph The Web-based Survey Approach. Potentials and Shortcomings. Symposium Retail Innovation at the School of Retail and Services Management. Dublin Institute for Technology, Dublin, Ireland, January 25. Teller, Christoph Attractiveness of Retail Agglomerations: Direct and Indirect Antecedents. 1 st Stirling Management School Research Conference, Stirling, United Kingdom, Teller, Christoph Measuring the Attractiveness of Retail Agglomerations. Research Seminar at the Department of Marketing/University of Stirling. Stirling, UK, Teller, Christoph Store- & Agglomeration Preference. Basic Considerations, Research Approaches & Empirical Insights. Research Workshop at the Management School/University of Bratislava in Kosice. Kosice, Slovakia, Teller, Christoph Trends im Lebensmitteleinzelhandel [Trends in grocery retailing]. Milchwirtschaftliche Tagung. Milchbauer sein. Milchbauer bleiben?! Gmunden, Austria,

16 Other presentations (continued) Teller, Christoph Marketing Aspects of Retail Agglomerations - Basic Considerations & Empirical Insights. Research Workshop at the Management School/University of Bratislava in Kosice (ASO Projekts 55s04. Multidisziplinärer Zugang zur Analyse von Tätigkeiten in Marketing und Handel). Kosice, Slovakia, Teller, Christoph Online Research in a B2B-Context. Forskningssemiar [research seminar] at the Department of Operations Management. Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark, Teller, Christoph Fehlmengen im Regal - Wirklich ein Problem für die Kunden?. ECR - Die Wirklichkeit der Vision. ECR-Austria Info Tag Vienna, Austria, Teller, Christoph Satisfying Demand Supply Side. Effizienter Warennachschub. Lecture series. Certified ECR-Manager. Vienna University of Economics and Business, Vienna, Austria, Teller, Christoph Validity Issues in Logistics (and/or SCM) Research. Methodologies in Supply Chain Management Research - PhD Course and Workshop, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark, Teller, Christoph together with Teller, Wolfgang Wirkungsmessung von Online-Werbung. Empirische Ergebnisse und Entscheidungsunterstützung für die Praxis. Das Evaluierungs- und Analyseinstrument 'AdverTeller' [Measuring the effectivenss of online advertising. Empirical results and the decision support tool AdverTeller ]. ONLINE Agenturfrühstück. Vienna University of Economics and Business, Teller, Christoph Der Einsatz des Internet in der Logistik-Forschung - Ein Erfahrungsbericht [Using Internet based research tools an experience report]. Tagung der Wissenschaftlichen Kommission Logistik (Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft e. V.), Universität Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg, Germany, Teller, Christoph Serviceattraktivität der Berufsgruppenvertretung "Computer- und Bürosysteme" der Wirtschaftskammer Österreich [Service quality of the professional representation IT (Austrian Chamber of Commerce)]. Informationsveranstaltung der Wirtschaftskammer Wien (Sparte Handel). Vienna, Austria, Teller, Christoph Der EuroCalculus - Wechselgeldberechnung für die Duale Währungsphase [EuroCalculus. Forcasting cash demand during the Euro change over phase]. Tagung der Geschäftsführer der Media/Saturn BeteiligungsGmBH. Vösendorf, Austria, Teller, Christoph Wechselgeldbedarf während der Euro-Umstellungsphase [Cash demand for the Euro change over phase]. Work Shop der Wirtschaftskammer Kärnten. Klagenfurt, Austria, Teller, Christoph Wechselgeldbedarf während der Euro-Umstellungsphase [Cash demand during the Euro change over phase]. Euro-Veranstaltung der Wirtschaftskammer Kärnten. Klagenfurt, Austria, Teller, Christoph The Importance of Logistics for Retailing Companies - Measuring Efficiency in Retail Logistics. PhD Workshop. Methods in Logstics Research. Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark,

17 Other presentations (continued) Teller, Christoph together with Schnedlitz, Peter Wechselgeldbedarf während der EURO- Umstellungsphase (E-DAY 1. JÄNNER 2002) [Cash demand during the Euro change over phase]. Tagung der wissenschaftlichen Kommission Logistik (Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft e. V.), Vienna University of Economics and Business, Vienna,

18 List of Research Projects 2012 Assessing the Boundary Spanning of Store Managers in Shopping Centres (supported by the Surrey Business School Pump Priming Fund [ dato Agglomeration effects in shopping streets (supported by Vienna Anniversary Fund for the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration (Jubiläumsfonds der Stadt Wien für die Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien) [ Retail agglomeration format patronage behaviour in Bratislava (pro bono) Response behaviour and data quality in web-based surveys (supported by E- Management Consulting GmbH [ Development of a decision support system/software for cash-logistics in Slovakian retail stores and bank branches (supported by Slovenska Sporitelna [ Store-format specific consumer behaviour of elderly people (supported by City of Vienna [ Response behaviour and data quality in web-based surveys (supported by E- Management Consulting GmbH [ Agglomeration effects in store-based retailing from a customer s point of view theoretical discussion and empirical evaluation in Vienna (pro bono) 2007 Agglomeration effects from a tenant s point of view theoretical discussion and empirical evaluation in shopping centres (supported by SPAR Austria [ The impact of olfactory stimuli on the customer behaviour in retail agglomerations (supported by SPAR Austria [ Moribund city centres vs. prosperous shopping centres a Central European phenomenon? A comparison between Slovenia and Austria (supported by Festo Fellow Fond [ Empirical trend and future research in retailing the Austrian grocery sector from 2006 to 2011 (supported by Fachjournal Regal [ Customers reactions on out-of-stock situations in self-service oriented drugstores (supported by DM-Drogeriemarkt [ und ECR- Austria [ The influence of situational factors on retail agglomeration choice (pro bono) 2005 Evaluation and perception of logistics activities undertaken by customers on grocery shopping trips (supported by Hausfreund [ Factors influencing the competition between retail agglomerations from a customer s point of view an empirical comparison between the Mariahilferstrasse and the Shopping City Sued (pro bono) Determinants of retail agglomeration choice (supported by Jubiläumsfonds der Österreichischen Nationalbank [ nds.jsp]) The costs of shopping Do they really affect retail agglomeration choice? (supported by Vienna Anniversary Fund for the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration (Jubiläumsfonds der Stadt Wien für die Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien) [ Principal investigator (management and execution) 17

19 Research projects (continued) 2004 Store formats and consumer logistics (supported by Billa [ The services of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce from a member s point of view (supported by the Sparte Handel der Wirtschaftskammer Wien [ Determinants of store choice and consumer logistics. An empirical evaluation of shopping trip behaviour regarding DIY-stores (supported by OBI-Austria [ und Sochor [ Instore logistics in grocery retailing. Performance measurement at the end of the supply chain (supported by SPAR Austria [ Perception, usage and evaluation of home delivery services in Austria an empirical comparison between core target groups (senior citizens, students and actual supermarket customers (supported by REWE Group Austria [ Presentation of the research performance/output of the Institute of Retailing and Marketing (WU-Wien) at the Science Week 2002 (Vienna) 2002 Trends in Retailing (in cooperation with Austrian Chamber of Commerce [ Austrian Institute for SME Research [ und Institutes for Advanced Studies [ Operational/functional test of the decision support system/software EuroCalculus during the first two week of the Euro-changeover phase in Austria 2002 Synergetic effects of local and industry-specific retail co-operations (in cooperation with Austrian Institute for SME Research [ Development of a decision support system/software for the cash logistics of OBI Austria (supported by OBI Austria [ Development of a decision support system/software for the cash logistics of Media/Saturn Austria (supported by Media/Saturn Austria [ Consequences/problems of the Euro-Changeover for the retailers and the development of the decision support software EuroCalculus for the cash logistics of Austrian retailers and bank branches (supported by Studiengesellschaft für Zusammenarbeit im Zahlungsverkehr [ Performance measurement in retail logistics (supported by Sparte Handel der Wirtschaftskammer Wien [ Customers reactions on out-of-stock situations in self-services oriented grocery stores a comparison between price-promoted and non promoted products (supported by Firmengruppe Kastner [ The efficiency of retail logistics systems in Austria (supported by Jubiläumsfond der Österreichischen Nationalbank [ nds.jsp]) 18

20 List of Awards 05/2012 'Supply Chain Management An International Journal' highly commended award (for the paper 'Antecedents for the Adoption and Execution of Supply Chain Management') 04/2012 Best conference paper award (for the paper 'Cognitive Age and Grocery Store Patronage Behaviour of Elderly Shoppers') at the American Marketing Association/American Collegiate Retailing Association (AMA/ACRA) Triennial Conference Seattle, USA 09/2009 Best track paper (track Strategic Issues in Retailing, for the paper 'Agglomeration Formats, Attractiveness and Consumer Patronage') at the American Marketing Association/American Collegiate Retailing Association (AMA/ACRA) Triennial Conference New Orleans, USA. 12/2008 Viennese Award for Retail Research (Wiener Preis für Handelsforschung) [for the habilitation thesis] 12/2007 Research award for top publications of the WU 03/2006 Festo-Fellow Award 11/2005 OeNB-WU-Award 10/2005 Scholarship from the Otto Mønsteds Fond [for the visiting lectureship at the Copenhagen Business School] 07/2005 'Managing Service Quality Journal' highly commended award (for the paper 'The Consumer Direct Services Revolution in Grocery Retailing: an exploratory investigation' 01/2003 Rudolf Sallinger Award [for the PhD thesis] 12/2002 Publication of the PhD thesis in the scientific series Forschungsergebnisse der Wirtschaftsuniversitaet Wien (for exceptional PhD theses) published by the WU 11/2001 Viennese Award for Retail Research (Wiener Preis für Handelsforschung) [for the PhD theses] 19

List of - Publications, - Presentations, - Research Projects and - Awards;

List of - Publications, - Presentations, - Research Projects and - Awards; Professor Christoph Teller Chair in Retailing and Marketing The Marketing and Retail Group Surrey Business School University of Surrey GU27XH Guildford England List of - Publications, - Presentations,


List of - Publications, - Presentations, - Research Projects and - Awards;

List of - Publications, - Presentations, - Research Projects and - Awards; Professor Christoph Teller Chair in Retailing and Marketing Surrey Business School University of Surrey GU27XH Guildford England List of - Publications, - Presentations, - Research Projects and - Awards;


Professor Christoph Teller Chair in Retailing and Marketing

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Professor Christoph Teller Chair in Retailing and Marketing. The Surrey Business School University of Surrey GU27XH Guildford England

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