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1 The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION G COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN GERMAN Tuesday, June 22, :15 to 4:15 p.m., only Teacher Dictation Copy General Directions Before the start of the examination period, distribute one examination booklet, face up, to each student. When each student has received a booklet, tell the students to open it and carefully remove the answer booklet, which is stapled in the center. Then tell the students to close the examination booklet and fill in the heading on the front of the answer booklet. After each student has filled in the heading of the answer booklet, begin the examination by following the directions for Part 2a, as given below. Directions for Part 2a: Instruct students to open their test booklets and read the directions for Part 2a. After students have read and understood the directions, say: There are nine questions in Part 2a. Each question is based on a short passage which I will read aloud to you. Listen carefully. Before each passage, I will give you some background information in English once. Then I will read the passage in German twice. After you have heard the passage for the second time, I will read the question in English once. The question is also printed in your test booklet. After you have heard the question, you will have about one minute before I go on to the next question. During that time, read the question and the four suggested answers in your test booklet. Choose the best suggested answer on the basis of the information provided in the passage, and write its number in the space provided in your answer booklet. You should not read the question and the suggested answers while you are listening to the passage. This will allow you to give all your attention to what you hear. I will now begin. Comp. German June 99 [OVER]

2 Administer each of the items in Part 2a as follows: First, read the setting in English once; then read the listening comprehension stimulus (passage) in German twice in succession. Make every effort to read the passage in the way students would hear it in an authentic setting. Then read the question once. Pause for no more than one minute before proceeding to the next item. 1You are at the Frisbee display in the German Museum in Munich and hear this recorded information about Frisbees: Vor ungefähr vierzig Jahren gab es einen Bäcker namens Frisbee. Der verkaufte seine Kuchen in flachen Formen aus Metall. Kinder haben mit den leeren Formen Fangen gespielt: Ein Kind hat die Form geworfen und ein anderes hat sie gefangen. Als eines von den Kindern ein erwachsener Mann war, hat er ein besseres Material für die fliegenden Kuchenformen gefunden, nämlich Plastik. Und so hat der Siegeszug der Frisbee-Scheibe begonnen. Where did the idea for Frisbees come from? 2You and some of your friends have invited your German friend Ursula to go camping on Saturday. Ursula says: Zelten gehen würde ich schon ganz gerne. Ich hab gerade einen neuen Schlafsack zum Geburtstag bekommen. Aber leider geht s dieses Wochenende nicht. Peter hat mich schon eingeladen, mit ihm Tennis zu spielen. Schade, aber Samstag in acht Tagen wäre in Ordnung. Dann würde ich gerne mit euch gehen. Why is Ursula not going with you? 3Your German friend Peter is talking to you about school. He says: Es ist furchtbar. Jedesmal, wenn ich eine Klassenarbeit schreiben muss, überkommt mich kurz davor ein hässliches Gefühl. Ich habe Herzklopfen, meine Hände fangen an zu zittern, ich bekomme Bauchschmerzen und ich komme ganz ins Schwitzen. Wenn ich dann die Arbeit zurückbekommen soll, beginnt das alles wieder von vorne, denn ich frage mich, ob ich alles richtig gemacht habe. Was ist da zu machen? Passiert dir das auch, wenn du eine Prüfung hast? Which emotion is Peter describing? Comp. German June 99 [2]

3 4You are at the German tourist information office in Frankfurt and overhear a young man asking about a place to stay. The person helping him says: Für wenig Geld ist es problematisch, direkt in der Stadt ein Bett zu finden. Ein Einzelzimmer in einem Hotel ist nicht unter achtzig Mark zu haben. Aber in den Vororten nicht weit vom Stadtzentrum ist das Übernachten billiger. Dort kann man in einem Privat- oder Gästehaus ein Einzelzimmer mit Frühstück für dreißig Mark bekommen. Ich kenne eine nette, alte Frau, die ein großes Haus hat und gerne jungen Leuten ein Zimmer vermietet. In zehn Minuten sind Sie mit dem Bus da. Soll ich sie anrufen? Where can the young man find an inexpensive room? 5Your German teacher is telling your class about some news from Germany. Your teacher says: Zwischen Deutschland und Russland wird es bald einen regelmäßigen Austausch von Schülern geben. Schüler werden einen Monat in dem anderen Land in die Schule gehen. Eine Schule in Bayern und eine Moskauer Schule sind die ersten, die diesen Herbst mit dem Austausch anfangen. Die Russen werden kaum Probleme mit Deutsch haben, denn viele Schüler in Russland lernen schon lange Deutsch: viereinhalb Millionen sogar. Deutsch als Fremdsprache steht in Russland nach Englisch auf Platz zwei. What will be happening in the fall? 6Your German friend Bernd is telling you about a trip his family recently took. Bernd says: Meine Eltern und ich haben einen Ausflug nach Thüringen gemacht. Es war ein herrliches Herbstwochenende. In Weimar haben wir einen Stadtrundgang gemacht und das berühmte Haus, wo Goethe so lange gewohnt hat, besucht. Dann waren wir auf der Wartburg und im Erfurter Dom. Danach haben wir eine Stadtrundfahrt mit einer schönen Pferdekutsche gemacht. Der Kutscher, ein alter Mann, wusste viel über Erfurt zu erzählen, kannte alle Ecken und beschrieb alles mit viel Humor. Das war der schönste Teil unsres Ausflugs! What did Bernd like best about the trip? Comp. German June 99 [3] [OVER]

4 7You are watching a television program in Germany and hear this report about a recent traffic violation. The reporter says: Wer seinen Sicherheitsgurt im Auto nicht richtig anlegt, muss ebenso 50 DM Geldstrafe bezahlen wie nicht angeschnallte Wageninsassen. Ein Fahrer hatte vor kurzem den Dreipunktgurt nicht über die Schulter laufen lassen, sondern unter dem linken Arm durchgezogen. Dafür musste er eine Geldstrafe zahlen. Der Grund: Wenn nicht richtig angelegt, kann der Gurt bei einem Unfall seine Schutzfunktion nicht erfüllen. Why did the driver have to pay a fine? 8You are in Germany and are listening to a radio program about flying. The commentator says: Fliegen ist für viele ein Traum aber für manche auch ein Alptraum. Rund 40 Prozent aller Passagiere haben Flugangst. Wenn Sie nur mit Schrecken an die Zeit in der Luft denken, hier sind einige Tipps, die Ihnen helfen können, die Angst zu überwinden. 1 Machen Sie sich klar, dass Fliegen die sicherste Art des Reisens ist! 2 Sprechen Sie schon vor dem Flug mit anderen, die gute Erfahrungen beim Fliegen gehabt haben! 3 Gehen Sie öfter mal den Gang auf und ab! 4 Sprechen Sie viel mit den Flugnachbarn! What is a good way to combat fear of flying? 9You are at a department store in Wiesbaden returning a sweater you received as a gift. The clerk says: Schade, dass der Pullover zu klein ist. Aber das ist kein Problem. Du kannst den gleichen Pulli in der richtigen Größe haben. Die haben wir bestimmt. Willst du aber das Geld zurückhaben, kann ich dir leider nicht helfen auch wenn du den Kassenzettel hast. Ich kann dir kein Geld geben, nur einen Gutschein im Wert von 45 Mark. Der Gutschein ist hier in jeder Abteilung so gut wie Geld. Den kannst du schon heute gebrauchen, wenn du willst. What information does the clerk give you about returning your sweater? Comp. German June 99 [4]

5 Directions for Part 2b: Instruct students to read the directions for Part 2b. After students have read and understood the directions, say: There are six questions in Part 2b. Part 2b is like Part 2a, except the questions and answers are in German. I will now begin. Administer Part 2b in the same manner as Part 2a. 10 You are talking with your Austrian friend Melanie, who is telling you about a contest she intends to enter. Melanie says: Das Thema dieses Wettbewerbs ist Umweltschutz. Man muss einen kurzen Aufsatz schreiben und 25 Fragen beantworten. Wenn ich den besten Aufsatz schreibe und die Fragen richtig beantworte, gewinne ich einen Kurztrip an den Bodensee. Das soll interessant sein. Dort auf der Insel Mainau in einem alten Schloss gibt es eine Kunstausstellung und ein Restaurant, das auf Obstgerichte spezialisiert ist. Toll, nicht? Aber die Fragen sind schwer. Kannst du mir helfen? Was kann Melanie bei diesem Wettbewerb gewinnen? 11 You are listening to an advertisement about a new watch on the Antenne Bayern radio station. This is what you hear: Wollen Sie eine neue Armbanduhr kaufen? Dann haben wir die richtige für Sie: Die brandneuen, funkgesteuerten Uhren sind da! Mit dem Kauf von so einer Uhr haben Sie immer die genaue Zeit. Wie das möglich ist? Diese Funkuhren gehen nie nach und nie vor. Wie ist das möglich? Diese Uhren behalten ihre unglaubliche Genauigkeit automatisch durch den Empfang eines Radiosignals. Die Funkuhr enthält eine kleine Antenne, die das Signal empfängt und es einem Mikrochip zur Decodierung weitergibt. Das gesendete Zeitsignal ist so präzise, dass die Uhr nie mehr als eine Sekunde innerhalb einer Million Jahre verlieren kann. Was ist das Neue an diesen Uhren? Comp. German June 99 [5] [OVER]

6 12 You are watching a program on German television about the popularity of various sports in Germany. The commentator says: Golf ist heutzutage bei den Deutschen sehr populär. Es war aber nicht immer so. Schon vor hundert Jahren wurde der erste Golfplatz in Hessen eröffnet. Aber damals hatte dieser Sport den Ruf, nur etwas für reiche Leute zu sein. Heute ist das nicht mehr der Fall. Man braucht nicht reich zu sein. Der Beginn des Golfbooms war im Jahre 1985, als der deutsche Spieler Bernhard Langer zum ersten Mal das Masters-Turnier in Augusta, Georgia, gewann. Seitdem ist die Anzahl der Golfspieler immer größer geworden und die Kosten des Spielens immer geringer. Jetzt kann sich fast jeder Golffan eine Golfjahreskarte leisten, weil die Karten so billig sind. Warum spielen heute immer mehr Deutsche Golf? 13 You are in Germany and are listening to a radio talk show in which callers air their concerns and ask for advice. One of the callers is talking about her teenage daughter. She says: Meine Tochter ist 16 und will in den Ferien als Bürohilfe arbeiten. Ist ein Ferienjob nicht zu viel für sie? Ich bin nicht sicher. Das Geld braucht sie wirklich nicht. Sie kriegt schon Taschengeld von uns. Aber sie will mehr Geld haben, um teure Klamotten, modischen Schnickschnack und solche blöden Sachen zu kaufen. Ich verstehe nicht, warum meine Tochter jobben will. Sie sollte sich in den Ferien amüsieren und ausruhen, nicht arbeiten. Die Schule ist schon schwierig genug. Wenn sie Ferien hat, soll sie Spaß haben. Soll ich ihr einfach sagen, dass sie diesen Job nicht bekommen kann? Oder gibt es einen guten Grund, warum sie arbeiten soll? Warum will die Mutter, dass ihre Tochter im Sommer nicht arbeitet? 14 You are listening to a report on German television about a new restaurant. The reporter says: In fast allen Restaurants in Deutschland kosten Colas, Limos und andere alkoholfreien Getränke mehr als Bier, Wein und Schnaps. Das ist ein großes Problem für Teenager, weil sie mehr Geld für eine Cola oder eine Limo ausgeben müssen. Heinz Ecker, der Besitzer eines neuen Restaurants in Trier, hat dieses Problem gelöst. In seinem Restaurant sind die alkoholfreien Getränke billiger als Bier, Wein und Schnaps. Außerdem können Jugendliche, Autofahrer und Anti Alkoholiker Mineralwasser kostenlos trinken. Was ist das Neue in Heinz Eckers Restaurant? Comp. German June 99 [6]

7 COMP. GERMAN concluded 15 Your German friend Max is telling you about an unusual museum he recently visited in Cologne. He says: Das Schokoladenmuseum in Köln ist einfach einmalig! Dort gibt es einen Brunnen, aus dem Schokolade fließt, genauso wie im Märchen. Man darf aber nicht mit dem Finger probieren. Nein. Man bekommt eine Waffel, die man in die Schokolade taucht. Man kann im Museumshop Marzipan und Bonbons kaufen, sowie tolle Posters mit Bildern von Leckereien. Wer würde dieses Museum am interessantesten finden? When students have finished Part 2b, say: This is the end of Part 2. You may now go on to the rest of the examination. Comp. German June 99 [7]


Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening

Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference 4 3 7 5 0 1 Surname Signature Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening Tuesday 22 May 2007 Afternoon Time: 30 minutes (plus


DIBELS TM. German Translations of Administration Directions

DIBELS TM. German Translations of Administration Directions DIBELS TM German Translations of Administration Directions Note: These translations can be used with students having limited English proficiency and who would be able to understand the DIBELS tasks better


Teacher Dictation Copy

Teacher Dictation Copy The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION G COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN GERMAN Friday, June 21, 2002 9:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., only Teacher Dictation Copy General Directions


Paper Reference. 1231/1F Edexcel GCSE German Paper 1F Listening and Responding. Foundation Tier

Paper Reference. 1231/1F Edexcel GCSE German Paper 1F Listening and Responding. Foundation Tier Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference(s) 1231/1F Edexcel GCSE German Paper 1F Listening and Responding Foundation Tier Tuesday 24 May 2005 Afternoon Time: 30 minutes (+ 5 minutes reading time) Materials


Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening

Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference 4 3 7 5 0 1 Surname Signature Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening Monday 17 November 2008 Morning Time: 30 minutes (plus


Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening

Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference 4 3 7 5 0 1 Surname Signature Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening Tuesday 13 November 2007 Afternoon Time: 30 minutes


Level 1 German, 2013

Level 1 German, 2013 90883 908830 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 German, 2013 90883 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of spoken German texts on areas of most immediate relevance 9.30 am Tuesday 12 November 2013 Credits: Five Achievement


Level 1 German, 2012

Level 1 German, 2012 90886 908860 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 German, 2012 90886 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of German texts on areas of most immediate relevance 9.30 am Tuesday 13 November 2012 Credits: Five Achievement


Level 1 German, 2014

Level 1 German, 2014 90886 908860 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 German, 2014 90886 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of German texts on areas of most immediate relevance 9.30 am Wednesday 26 November 2014 Credits: Five Achievement


Level 1 German, 2016

Level 1 German, 2016 90886 908860 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 German, 2016 90886 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of German texts on areas of most immediate relevance 2.00 p.m. Wednesday 23 November 2016 Credits: Five Achievement


Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening

Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference 4 3 7 5 0 1 Surname Signature Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening Tuesday 23 November 2010 Morning Time: 30 minutes (plus



COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN GERMAN. Teacher Dictation Copy The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION G COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN GERMAN Tuesday, June 24, 2008 1:15 to 4:15 p.m., only Teacher Dictation Copy General Directions Before


Level 2 German, 2016

Level 2 German, 2016 91126 911260 2SUPERVISOR S Level 2 German, 2016 91126 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of written and / or visual German texts on familiar matters 2.00 p.m. Tuesday 29 November 2016 Credits: Five


*A25321A0116* A25321A W850/T1231/ /6/6/6. Turn over

*A25321A0116* A25321A W850/T1231/ /6/6/6. Turn over Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference(s) 1231/1F Edexcel GCSE German Paper 1F Listening and Responding Foundation Tier Thursday 7 June 2007 Morning Time: 30 minutes (+ 5 minutes reading time) Materials



RECORDING TRANSCRIPT LEVEL 1 GERMAN (90883), 2018 RECORDING TRANSCRIPT LEVEL 1 GERMAN (90883), 2018 Level 1 German (2018) page 2 of 12 TRACK 1 READER 1 Audibility Check. Please listen carefully to this introduction. This exam is NCEA Level 1 German for


The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION GERMAN. Monday, June 18, :15 a.m.

The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION GERMAN. Monday, June 18, :15 a.m. The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION GERMAN TEACHER DICTATION COPY General Directions Monday, June 18, 2001 9:15 a.m. Before distributing test booklets, tell


Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 1231/4H Edexcel GCSE German Paper 4H Writing Higher Tier Tuesday 12 June 2007 Afternoon Time: 1 hour

Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 1231/4H Edexcel GCSE German Paper 4H Writing Higher Tier Tuesday 12 June 2007 Afternoon Time: 1 hour Centre No. Paper Reference Surname Initial(s) Candidate No. 1 2 3 1 4 H Signature Paper Reference(s) 1231/4H Edexcel GCSE German Paper 4H Writing Higher Tier Tuesday 12 June 2007 Afternoon Time: 1 hour


Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening

Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference 4 3 7 5 0 1 Surname Signature Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening Tuesday 20 May 2008 Afternoon Time: 30 minutes (plus


Level 2 German, 2013

Level 2 German, 2013 91126 911260 2SUPERVISOR S Level 2 German, 2013 91126 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of written and / or visual German text(s) on familiar matters 9.30 am Monday 11 November 2013 Credits: Five


VORANSICHT. Halloween zählt zu den beliebtesten. A spooky and special holiday Eine Lerntheke zu Halloween auf zwei Niveaus (Klassen 8/9)

VORANSICHT. Halloween zählt zu den beliebtesten. A spooky and special holiday Eine Lerntheke zu Halloween auf zwei Niveaus (Klassen 8/9) IV Exploringlifeandculture 12 Halloween(Kl.8/9) 1 von28 A spooky and special holiday Eine Lerntheke zu Halloween auf zwei Niveaus (Klassen 8/9) EinBeitragvonKonstanzeZander,Westerengel Halloween zählt



SAMPLE EXAMINATION BOOKLET S SAMPLE EXAMINATION BOOKLET New Zealand Scholarship German Time allowed: Three hours Total marks: 24 EXAMINATION BOOKLET Question ONE TWO Mark There are three questions. You should answer Question One


Level 1 German, 2012

Level 1 German, 2012 90883 908830 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 German, 2012 90883 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of spoken German texts on areas of most immediate relevance 9.30 am Tuesday 13 November 2012 Credits: Five Achievement


Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening

Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening Centre No. Paper Reference Surname Initial(s) Candidate No. 4 3 7 5 0 1 Signature Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening Monday 30th October 2006 Afternoon Time:


Level 1 German, 2005

Level 1 German, 2005 1 9 0 0 9 0 L P Level 1 German, 2005 90090 Listen to and understand spoken language in German in familiar contexts Credits: Six 2.00 pm Tuesday 29 November 2005 INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE SUPERVISOR AND THE


Level 2 German, 2015

Level 2 German, 2015 91126 911260 2SUPERVISOR S Level 2 German, 2015 91126 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of written and / or visual German text(s) on familiar matters 2.00 p.m. Friday 4 December 2015 Credits: Five


Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening

Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference 4 3 7 5 0 1 Surname Signature Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening Friday 22 May 2009 Morning Time: 30 minutes (plus reading



Englisch-Grundwortschatz Englisch-Grundwortschatz Die 100 am häufigsten verwendeten Wörter also auch so so in in even sogar on an / bei / in like wie / mögen their with but first only and time find you get more its those because



COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN GERMAN The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION G COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN GERMAN Tuesday, June 20, 2000 1:15 to 4:15 p.m., only Teacher Dictation Copy General Directions Before


The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION GERMAN. Monday, June 22, 1998 9:15 a.m.

The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION GERMAN. Monday, June 22, 1998 9:15 a.m. The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION GERMAN TEACHER DICTATION COPY General Directions Monday, June 22, 1998 9:15 a.m. Before distributing test booklets, tell


Teacher Dictation Copy

Teacher Dictation Copy The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION G COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN GERMAN Friday, June 20, 2003 9:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., only Teacher Dictation Copy General Directions



COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN GERMAN. Teacher Dictation Copy The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION G COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN GERMAN Friday, June 15, 2007 1:15 to 4:15 p.m., only Teacher Dictation Copy General Directions Before


Paper Reference. German Paper 1F Listening and Responding Foundation Tier Friday 22 May 2009 Morning Time: 30 minutes (+5 minutes reading time)

Paper Reference. German Paper 1F Listening and Responding Foundation Tier Friday 22 May 2009 Morning Time: 30 minutes (+5 minutes reading time) Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference(s) 1231/1F Edexcel GCSE German Paper 1F Listening and Responding Foundation Tier Friday 22 May 2009 Morning Time: 30 minutes (+5 minutes reading time) Materials


WEDNESDAY, 19 MAY 1.00 PM 2.10 PM. Date of birth Day Month Year Scottish candidate number

WEDNESDAY, 19 MAY 1.00 PM 2.10 PM. Date of birth Day Month Year Scottish candidate number FOR OFFICIAL USE Mark X060/20 NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS 200 WEDNESDAY, 9 MAY.00 PM 2.0 PM GERMAN INTERMEDIATE 2 Reading Fill in these boxes and read what is printed below. Full name of centre Town Forename(s)


Tuesday 10 May 2011 Afternoon Time: 30 minutes plus 5 minutes reading time

Tuesday 10 May 2011 Afternoon Time: 30 minutes plus 5 minutes reading time Write your name here Surname Other names Edexcel IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening Centre Number Candidate Number Tuesday 10 May 2011 Afternoon Time: 30 minutes plus 5 minutes reading time You do not need


Listening Comprehension: Talking about language learning

Listening Comprehension: Talking about language learning Talking about language learning Two Swiss teenagers, Ralf and Bettina, are both studying English at a language school in Bristo and are talking about language learning. Remember that Swiss German is quite


The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION GERMAN. Monday, June 19, 2000 9:15 a.m.

The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION GERMAN. Monday, June 19, 2000 9:15 a.m. The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION GERMAN TEACHER DICTATION COPY General Directions Monday, June 19, 2000 9:15 a.m. Before distributing test booklets, tell


Level 1 German, 2011

Level 1 German, 2011 90886 908860 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 German, 2011 90886 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of German texts on areas of most immediate relevance 9.30 am uesday Tuesday 1 November 2011 Credits: Five Achievement



RECORDING TRANSCRIPT LEVEL 1 GERMAN (90883), 2016 RECORDING TRANSCRIPT LEVEL 1 GERMAN (90883), 2016 Level 1 German (2016) page 2 of 9 ENGINEER TRACK 1 READER 1 Audibility Check. Please listen carefully to this introduction. This exam is NCEA Level 1 German


*M22525A0116* M22525A W850/T1231/ /4/4/4/4/4/ Turn over

*M22525A0116* M22525A W850/T1231/ /4/4/4/4/4/ Turn over Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference(s) 1231/1F Edexcel GCSE German Paper 1F Listening and Responding Foundation Tier Friday 26 May 2006 Afternoon Time: 30 minutes (+ 5 minutes reading time) Materials


Level 2 German, 2011

Level 2 German, 2011 90401 904010 2SUPERVISOR S Level 2 German, 2011 90401 Listen to and understand spoken language in German in less familiar contexts 2.00 pm uesday Tuesday 1 November 2011 Credits: Six Check that the National


The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION GERMAN. Monday, June 23, 2008 9:15 a.m.

The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION GERMAN. Monday, June 23, 2008 9:15 a.m. The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION GERMAN TEACHER DICTATION COPY General Directions Monday, June 23, 2008 9:15 a.m. Before distributing test booklets, tell


DO you come from a big city in Italy? (you)

DO you come from a big city in Italy? (you) TIME FOR PRACTICE ASKING QUESTIONS WITH DO OR DOES Im Deutschen durch Änderung der Wortstellung Du sprichst Englisch. Sprichst du Englisch? I / You / We / They write, run, play,.? REMEMBER Im Englischen



COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN GERMAN The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION G COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN GERMAN Tuesday, June 19, 2001 1:15 to 4:15 p.m., only Teacher Dictation Copy General Directions Before


Level 1 German, 2016

Level 1 German, 2016 90883 908830 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 German, 2016 90883 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of spoken German texts on areas of most immediate relevance 2.00 p.m. Wednesday 23 November 2016 Credits: Five


Paper Reference. 6481/01 Edexcel GCE German Advanced Subsidiary/Advanced Unit 1 Listening and Writing. Tuesday 23 May 2006 Morning Time: 1 hour

Paper Reference. 6481/01 Edexcel GCE German Advanced Subsidiary/Advanced Unit 1 Listening and Writing. Tuesday 23 May 2006 Morning Time: 1 hour Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference(s) 6481/01 Edexcel GCE German Advanced Subsidiary/Advanced Unit 1 Listening and Writing Tuesday 23 May 2006 Morning Time: 1 hour Materials required for examination



The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION GERMAN The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION GERMAN TEACHER DICTATION COPY General Directions Monday, June 19, 2006 9:15 a.m. Before distributing test booklets, tell


II. Matching. What answers listed below would be logical answers for the following There may be more than one answer for each:

II. Matching. What answers listed below would be logical answers for the following There may be more than one answer for each: KET German I Kapitel 6 Study Sheet Name: I. Listening A. Students should decide if answer given to a question is appropriate is appropriate. Expressions from chapter 6 are used (see dialogues in chapter.)


Where are we now? The administration building M 3. Voransicht

Where are we now? The administration building M 3. Voransicht Let me show you around 9 von 26 Where are we now? The administration building M 3 12 von 26 Let me show you around Presenting your company 2 I M 5 Prepositions of place and movement There are many prepositions


GERMAN: BACKGROUND LANGUAGE. ATAR course examination Recording transcript

GERMAN: BACKGROUND LANGUAGE. ATAR course examination Recording transcript GERMAN: BACKGROUND LANGUAGE ATAR course examination 2017 Recording transcript 2018/2717 Web version of 2018/2715 Copyright School Curriculum and Standards Authority 2017 GERMAN: BACKGROUND LANGUAGE 2 RECORDING



The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION GERMAN The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION GERMAN TEACHER DICTATION COPY General Directions Monday, June 21, 2010 9:15 a.m. Before distributing test booklets, tell


Deutsch 1 Kapitel 6: Meine Sachen items in a house, pronouns, adjectives, prepositions. Name: Seite

Deutsch 1 Kapitel 6: Meine Sachen items in a house, pronouns, adjectives, prepositions. Name: Seite 1. Label 10 things in the room with the correct gender (die, der, das) 2. Find the nine words related to household furnishing in the puzzle below. 3. Find the missing pieces of furniture. 4. The movers


*M21203A0116* M21203A W850/T1231/ /4/4/4/4. Turn over

*M21203A0116* M21203A W850/T1231/ /4/4/4/4. Turn over Centre No. Candidate No. This publication may be reproduced only in accordance with Edexcel Limited copyright policy. 2005 Edexcel Limited. Printer s Log. No. M21203A W850/T1231/57570 6/4/4/4/4 Paper Reference(s)


Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE

Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference 4 3 7 5 0 1 Surname Signature Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening Wednesday 16 June 2010 Afternoon Time: 30 minutes (plus


Friday 10 May 2013 Afternoon Time: 30 minutes plus 5 minutes reading time

Friday 10 May 2013 Afternoon Time: 30 minutes plus 5 minutes reading time Write your name here Surname Other names Edexcel International GCSE German Paper 1: Listening Centre Number Candidate Number Friday 10 May 2013 Afternoon Time: 30 minutes plus 5 minutes reading time You


Relevante(r) Deskriptor(en) Deskriptor 5: Kann einfachen Interviews, Berichten, Hörspielen und Sketches zu vertrauten Themen folgen.

Relevante(r) Deskriptor(en) Deskriptor 5: Kann einfachen Interviews, Berichten, Hörspielen und Sketches zu vertrauten Themen folgen. FREETIME ACTIVITIES Fertigkeit Hören Relevante(r) Deskriptor(en) Deskriptor 5: Kann einfachen Interviews, Berichten, Hörspielen und Sketches zu vertrauten Themen folgen. (B1) Themenbereich(e) Hobbys und


Modern Foreign Languages

Modern Foreign Languages MFL1: To understand the verb werden and to be able to talk about future plans A) Match the English answers to the German. German Correct Answer English Ich werde spielen Du wirst spielen You will play


The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION GERMAN. Monday, June 24, 2002 9:15 a.m.

The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION GERMAN. Monday, June 24, 2002 9:15 a.m. The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION GERMAN TEACHER DICTATION COPY General Directions Monday, June 24, 2002 9:15 a.m. Before distributing test booklets, tell


Dialogue: Herr Kruse talks to Herr Meyer about his regular trips to Berlin: Das geht sehr schnell! Es dauert nur etwa 3 Stunden.

Dialogue: Herr Kruse talks to Herr Meyer about his regular trips to Berlin: Das geht sehr schnell! Es dauert nur etwa 3 Stunden. Dialogue: Herr Kruse talks to Herr Meyer about his regular trips to Berlin: H.M: H.K: H.M: H.K: H.M: H.K: Fahren Sie regelmäßig nach Berlin? Oh ja, circa 2 bis 3 Mal im Monat. Und wie fahren Sie? Ich nehme


Teacher Dictation Copy

Teacher Dictation Copy The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION G COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN GERMAN Tuesday, June 22, 2004 9:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., only Teacher Dictation Copy General Directions


Schule mit Erfolg. Englisch Simple present adverbs time Unit Blatt What time is it? 7.50 Uhr Uhr Uhr Uhr 20.

Schule mit Erfolg. Englisch Simple present adverbs time Unit Blatt What time is it? 7.50 Uhr Uhr Uhr Uhr 20. Englisch Simple present adverbs time Unit 3 2.1 Blatt 1 1. Vocabulary. a) Write down the opposites! big always after first late rude b) Put in the right prepositions. Luke gets up at 7 am the morning.



The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION GERMAN The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION GERMAN TEACHER DICTATION COPY General Directions Monday, June 18, 2007 9:15 a.m. Before distributing test booklets, tell


Teacher Dictation Copy

Teacher Dictation Copy The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION G COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN GERMAN Friday, June 17, 2005 1:15 to 4:15 p.m., only Teacher Dictation Copy General Directions Before


Offenes Lernen 1: Pflichtaufgaben

Offenes Lernen 1: Pflichtaufgaben Offenes Lernen 1: Pflichtaufgaben You have to do all of these tasks. Du musst alle diese Aufgaben machen. 1. Spelling Bee Work with a partner. One partner takes five words out of the box and tells the


The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION GERMAN. Monday, June 20, 2005 9:15 a.m.

The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION GERMAN. Monday, June 20, 2005 9:15 a.m. The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION GERMAN TEACHER DICTATION COPY General Directions Monday, June 20, 2005 9:15 a.m. Before distributing test booklets, tell


Was heißt Denken?: Vorlesung Wintersemester 1951/52. [Was bedeutet das alles?] (Reclams Universal-Bibliothek) (German Edition)

Was heißt Denken?: Vorlesung Wintersemester 1951/52. [Was bedeutet das alles?] (Reclams Universal-Bibliothek) (German Edition) Was heißt Denken?: Vorlesung Wintersemester 1951/52. [Was bedeutet das alles?] (Reclams Universal-Bibliothek) (German Edition) Martin Heidegger Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Was



BIRTHDAY PRESENTS FOR GRANDMOTHERS BIRTHDAY PRESENTS FOR GRANDMOTHERS Fertigkeit Hören Relevante(r) Deskriptor(en) Deskriptor 5: Kann einfachen Interviews, Berichten, Hörspielen und Sketches zu vertrauten Themen folgen. (B1) Themenbereich(e)


VIRGINIA CODE 159. Interkulturelle und landeskundliche Aspekte. Schreibmaterial

VIRGINIA CODE 159. Interkulturelle und landeskundliche Aspekte. Schreibmaterial VIRGINIA Fertigkeit Hören Relevante(r) Deskriptor(en) Deskriptor 1: Kann Gesprächen über vertraute Themen die Hauptpunkte entnehmen, wenn Standardsprache verwendet und auch deutlich gesprochen wird. (B1)


Second Year March 2017

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Deutsch 2 Kapitel 13: Geschenke indirect objects, gifts Name:

Deutsch 2 Kapitel 13: Geschenke indirect objects, gifts Name: 1. Write 5 sentences using one word from each column stating what gifts you are giving to whom. gebe meinem Vater ein Buch gibt ihren Eltern eine Armbanduhr ich geben seiner Schwester gewöhnlich Parfüm


Materialien zu unseren Lehrwerken

Materialien zu unseren Lehrwerken Word order Word order is important in English. The word order for subjects, verbs and objects is normally fixed. The word order for adverbial and prepositional phrases is more flexible, but their position


National Quali cations

National Quali cations H 018 X734/76/11 National Quali cations German Reading MONDAY, 4 JUNE 9:00 AM 10:40 AM Total marks 30 Attempt ALL questions. Write your answers clearly, in English, in the Reading answer booklet provided.


She works with a computer. Does she work with a computer? He writes s. Does he write s? It sounds right. Does it sound right?

She works with a computer. Does she work with a computer? He writes  s. Does he write  s? It sounds right. Does it sound right? REPEAT Fragen stellen Im Deutschen durch Veränderung der Wortstellung Du sprichst Englisch. 2 1 3 Sprichst du Englisch? Asking questions Im Englischen mit do oder does und das s wandert vom Verb weg. You


Ich habe eine Nachricht für Sie

Ich habe eine Nachricht für Sie Ich habe eine Nachricht für Sie Even on a well-planned trip whether holiday or business changes can happen to the planned schedule. In such an event, it s essential to be able to cope with the new arrangements.


Welcome to A Level German at The Bishop s Stortford High School! Below, you will find the bridging units which you must complete by the deadline.

Welcome to A Level German at The Bishop s Stortford High School! Below, you will find the bridging units which you must complete by the deadline. Welcome to A Level German at The Bishop s Stortford High School! Below, you will find the bridging units which you must complete by the deadline. 1. Reading comprehensions A & B 2. Listening 3. Grammar


*A25322A0112* A25322A W850/T1231/ /6/6/6. Turn over

*A25322A0112* A25322A W850/T1231/ /6/6/6. Turn over Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference(s) 1231/1H Edexcel GCSE German Paper 1H Listening and Responding Higher Tier Thursday 7 June 2007 Morning Time: 40 minutes (+ 5 minutes reading time) Materials


Harry gefangen in der Zeit Begleitmaterialien

Harry gefangen in der Zeit Begleitmaterialien Episode 015 - A very strange date Focus: how to express the exact date, the year and the names of the months Grammar: ordinal numbers, expressing dates, the pronoun es It's the 31 st of April, but April



[GEBEN SIE DEN TITEL DES DOKUMENTS EIN] Präpositionen der Zeit ago after at before by during for from to/till/until in on past since to till / until within Zeitdauer vor dem jetzigen Zeitpunkt: five years ago vor fünf Jahren nach einem Ereignis:


Angel International School 69 E. First Term Examination, November Part 1

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Offenes Lernen 1. Klasse Your Turn 1, Unit 12: Big break 3 Name: Offenes Lernen 1: Pflichtaufgaben

Offenes Lernen 1. Klasse Your Turn 1, Unit 12: Big break 3 Name: Offenes Lernen 1: Pflichtaufgaben Offenes Lernen 1: Pflichtaufgaben You have to do all of these tasks. Du musst alle diese Aufgaben machen. 1. Retro a) Read what Retro says about school. Read the sentences in your workbook on page 71.



TIGER WOODS S BIGGEST FAN TIGER WOODS S BIGGEST FAN Fertigkeit Hören Relevante(r) Deskriptor(en) Deskriptor 1: Kann Gesprächen über vertraute Themen die Hauptpunkte entnehmen, wenn Standardsprache verwendet und auch deutlich gesprochen


The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION GERMAN. Wednesday, June 18, 2003 9:15 a.m.

The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION GERMAN. Wednesday, June 18, 2003 9:15 a.m. The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION GERMAN TEACHER DICTATION COPY General Directions Wednesday, June 18, 2003 9:15 a.m. Before distributing test booklets, tell


Chat mit Matthias Klein und Fabio Pirelli

Chat mit Matthias Klein und Fabio Pirelli Name: Chat mit Matthias Klein und Fabio Pirelli A. Smalltalk. Interview Matthias and Fabio. Note down the information below. Alter Matthias Klein Fabio Pirelli beide Herkunft Wohnort Studium Beruf Hobbys


General Certificate of Secondary Education June GERMAN (SPECIFICATION A) Speaking Test Teacher s Booklet. Monday 27 March to Friday 12 May 2006

General Certificate of Secondary Education June GERMAN (SPECIFICATION A) Speaking Test Teacher s Booklet. Monday 27 March to Friday 12 May 2006 General Certificate of Secondary Education June 2006 GERMAN (SPECIFICATION A) Speaking Test Teacher s Booklet Monday 27 March to Friday 12 May 2006 Contents Pages! Instructions for the Conduct of the Tests



RECORDING TRANSCRIPT LEVEL 2 GERMAN (91123), 2016 RECORDING TRANSCRIPT LEVEL 2 GERMAN (91123), 2016 Level 2 German (2016) page 2 of 10 ENGINEER TRACK 1 READER 1 Audibility Check. Please listen carefully to this introduction. This exam is NCEA Level 2


UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS International General Certificate of Secondary Education

UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS International General Certificate of Secondary Education *6407704618* UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS International General Certificate of Secondary Education FOREIGN LANGUAGE GERMAN 0677/03 Paper 3 Speaking Role Play Card One 1 March 30 April


Question words revision

Question words revision A. Translate each German word into English. 1. Wer... 2. Wo... 3. Was... 4. Warum... 5. Wann... 6. Wie... 7. Welche/welcher/welchen... 8. Wie viel... 9. Wie viele... 10. Woher... 11. Wohin... 12. Wieso...


Der Topos Mütterlichkeit am Beispiel Bertolt Brechts "Der kaukasische Kreidekreis" und "Mutter Courage und ihre Kinder" (German Edition)

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Level 2 German, 2013

Level 2 German, 2013 91123 911230 2SUPERVISOR S Level 2 German, 2013 91123 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of spoken German texts on familiar matters 9.30 am Monday 11 November 2013 Credits: Five Achievement Achievement


The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION GERMAN. Monday, June 21, 2004 9:15 a.m.

The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION GERMAN. Monday, June 21, 2004 9:15 a.m. The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION GERMAN TEACHER DICTATION COPY General Directions Monday, June 21, 2004 9:15 a.m. Before distributing test booklets, tell



The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION GERMAN The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION GERMAN TEACHER DICTATION COPY General Directions Monday, June 22, 2009 9:15 a.m. Before distributing test booklets, tell


Relevante(r) Deskriptor(en) Deskriptor 5: Kann einfachen Interviews, Berichten, Hörspielen und Sketches zu vertrauten Themen folgen.

Relevante(r) Deskriptor(en) Deskriptor 5: Kann einfachen Interviews, Berichten, Hörspielen und Sketches zu vertrauten Themen folgen. SUMMER HOLIDAY TIPS Fertigkeit Hören Relevante(r) Deskriptor(en) Deskriptor 5: Kann einfachen Interviews, Berichten, Hörspielen und Sketches zu vertrauten Themen folgen. (B1) Themenbereich(e) Kultur, Medien


Teacher Dictation Copy

Teacher Dictation Copy The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION G COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN GERMAN Friday, June 16, 2006 1:15 to 4:15 p.m., only Teacher Dictation Copy General Directions Before


Wo warst du in den Ferien. Deutsch II Kapitel III

Wo warst du in den Ferien. Deutsch II Kapitel III Name Datum Wo warst du in den Ferien Deutsch II Kapitel III A. Reading I. Decide whether the following words in the paragraph represent the name of a place or a person from that place. 1. Schweiz 2. Deutschland


Grammar is / there are: positive

Grammar is / there are: positive 5A there Grammar is / there are: positive Activity A Look at this picture for 30 seconds. Then write sentences with there is/there s and there are. Activity B 1 Draw a picture with the ten objects in the


Paper Reference. 1231/1H Edexcel GCSE German Paper 1H Listening and Responding. Higher Tier

Paper Reference. 1231/1H Edexcel GCSE German Paper 1H Listening and Responding. Higher Tier Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference(s) 1231/1H Edexcel GCSE German Paper 1H Listening and Responding Higher Tier Friday 26 May 2006 Afternoon Time: 40 minutes (+ 5 minutes reading time) Materials


Monday 19 May 2014 Morning Time: 40 minutes (plus 5 minutes reading)

Monday 19 May 2014 Morning Time: 40 minutes (plus 5 minutes reading) Write your name here Surname Other names Pearson Edexcel Certificate Pearson Edexcel International GCSE German Paper 1: Listening Centre Number Candidate Number Monday 19 May 2014 Morning Time: 40 minutes


Das Zeitalter der Fünf 3: Götter (German Edition)

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Max und Moritz: Eine Bubengeschichte in Sieben Streichen (German Edition)

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Schriftliche Prüfungsarbeit zur erweiterten Berufsbildungsreife und zum mittleren Schulabschluss 2017 im Fach Englisch

Schriftliche Prüfungsarbeit zur erweiterten Berufsbildungsreife und zum mittleren Schulabschluss 2017 im Fach Englisch Ministerium für Bildung, Jugend und Sport Senatsverwaltung für Bildung, Jugend und Familie Schriftliche Prüfungsarbeit zur erweiterten Berufsbildungsreife und zum mittleren Schulabschluss 2017 im Fach


Regel 1: Wie kann ich einen Besitz ausdrücken?

Regel 1: Wie kann ich einen Besitz ausdrücken? Regel 1: Wie kann ich einen Besitz ausdrücken? - mein Auto, dein Haus, unser Klassenraum besitzanzeigender Begleiter (= Possessive Pronoun) - Lisas Familie, Thomas Freund, Bernds Zimmer Wessen-Fall (Genitiv-S)
