Steigerung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit durch kontinuierliche und verbesserte Transparenz 2

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1 Transparenz PL1-LEO

2 Projektinformationen Projektnummer: Projekttyp: Titel: Steigerung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit durch kontinuierliche und verbesserte Transparenz 2 Jahr: 2011 Status: Marketing Text: PL1-LEO Innovationstransfer bewilligt PL-Polen ECON-IT2 ist ein Projekt, zielt direkt Unternehmensberater, indem wir ihnen eine einzigartige mobile Schulung und indirekt an KMU richten, um ihr Wachstum und Innovation zu stimulieren Umsetzung. KMU-Sektor ist der wichtigste Akteur im Bereich der europäischen Wirtschaft. Es ist eine entscheidende Aufgabe, um ihr Wachstum zu stimulieren und innovative Leistung. Derzeit werden in eher schwierigen Marktsituation KMU versuchen, einige Lösungen, die nicht nur verhindern, dass sie würde aus der Rezession zu finden, sondern ihnen auch helfen, zu wachsen und profitieren Sie von neuen Technologien und Innovation. Um dies zu tun, dass sie Unternehmensberater einzuschalten. ECON-IT2 versucht, das Niveau der Ausbildung zu erhöhen und BAs erreichen das Ziel des wirtschaftlichen Wachstums. Zusammenfassung: ECON-IT 2 increases the capacity of Business Advisors to support SMEs throughout Europe by carrying out through transnational analysis of training needs and developing a corresponding training resource. By updating their skills, BAs are better placed to provide guidance to small businesses, better adapting their services to changing business beneficiary groups and sectors, and ultimately achieving greater positive impact towards improving the performance and growth of the enterprises they serve. ECON IT 2 seeks to increase the contribution of BAs as change agents who facilitate the uptake of innovation and growth within their SME clients. Firstly, the project raises the quality of training available to them, by carrying out a full assessment of training needs and developing an innovative training resource which blends real life learning, interaction and assessment, with online course content.the overall aim of ECON-IT 2 was achieved and the transfer of Integrated Mobile Learning System Solution took place course to improve the quality of business advisory training and thus to increase the uptake of such training. This boosts the ability of business advisors to provide flexible, tailor made support, and thus be more effective in influencing the uptake of positive growth patterns and innovation among their clients. Based on ECON-IT, this version enlarged the number of modules with at least 3 new modules, e.g. training for BAs on advising businesses on how to cope with the results of the recession &how to get out of recession, rise of social networking tools, move to a low carbon and sustainable business model and improve language skills. The consortium is a multidisciplinary group of 7 organizations from 6 countries, all of whom share a solid commitment to advancing entrepreneurship. Partners were chosen for their entrepreneurship expertise and project experience, but also for geographical location. Beschreibung: ECON-IT2 seeks to continue to increase the contribution of business advisers as change agents who facilitate the uptake of innovation and growth within their SME clients. Firstly, the project influences raise of the quality of training available to them, by carrying out a full assessment of training needs and developing an innovative training resource which blends mobile learning, real life learning, interaction and assessment, with online course content. Secondly, as well as improving training quality, ECON-IT2 responds to the need to increase the number of business advisers undertaking training by creating an attractive training package. The ECON-IT2 training resource features innovative mobile online learning, encouraging uptake by those trainees who are often disadvantaged by classroom training. Finally, in order to ensure that ECON-IT2 makes a lasting and valuable contribution to European VET, the project focused strongly on achieving improved collaboration between VET and business sectors. The overall aim of ECON-IT2 was the development of a training course including on the go, any time, any where learning, 2

3 Projektinformationen Themen: Sektoren: Produkt Typen: Produktinformation: Projektwebseite: which will improve the quality of business advisory training and thus to increase the uptake of such training. This boosted the ability of business advisers to provide flexible, tailor made support, and thus be more effective in influencing the uptake of positive growth patterns and innovation within their small business clients. *** Lebenslanges Lernen *** Fernlehre *** Berufsorientierung und -beratung *** Unternehmen, KMU *** Weiterbildung ** IKT * Arbeitsmarkt * Interkulturelles Lernen *** Erziehung und Unterricht ** Information und Kommunikation Lehrmaterial Homepage Unterlagen für offenen Unterricht Module CD-ROM Fernlehre Verfahren zur Analyse und Prognose des Berufsbildungsbedarfes Verbreitungsmethoden Evaluierungsmethoden The overall aim of ECON-IT2 is the development of a training course including on the go, any time, any where learning, which will improve the quality of business advisory training and thus to increase the uptake of such training. This will boost the ability of business advisers to provide flexible, tailor made support, and thus be more effective in influencing the uptake of positive growth patterns and innovation within their small business clients. By using Integrated Mobile Training System Solution, BA will have free access to training anywhere necessary. ECON IT 2 training resource will feature online and offline learning, encouraging uptake by those trainees who are often disadvantaged by classroom training (e.g. those with long working hours, mothers, those living in smaller towns), and providing greater recognition across European borders. 3

4 Vertragnehmer Land/Region: Organisationstyp: Pónocna Izba Gospodarcza - The Northern Chamber of Commerce Szczecin Zachodniopomorskie PL-Polen Verband/nicht regierungsgebundene Organisation Kontaktperson Adresse: Telefon: Fax: Piotr Jankowski Al. Wojska Polskiego 86 Szczecin PL-Polen 4

5 Koordinator Land/Region: Organisationstyp: Pónocna Izba Gospodarcza - The Northern Chamber of Commerce Szczecin Zachodniopomorskie PL-Polen Verband/nicht regierungsgebundene Organisation Kontaktperson Adresse: Telefon: Fax: Piotr Jankowski Al. Wojska Polskiego 86 Szczecin PL-Polen 5

6 Partner Partner 1 Land/Region: Organisationstyp: Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação - Consultadoria Empresarial e Fomento da Inovação, S.A Porto Centro (P) PT-Portugal andere Partner 2 Land/Region: Organisationstyp: National Institute for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises Bucharest Bucuresti RO-Rumänien andere Partner 3 Land/Region: Organisationstyp: Insitituto de Economia Publica SL Valencia Sur ES-Spanien andere Partner 4 Land/Region: Organisationstyp: MEATH COUNTY ENTERPRISE BOARD Navan Mid-East IE-Irland andere 6

7 Partner Partner 5 Land/Region: Organisationstyp: Canice Consulting Lisburn Northern Ireland UK-Vereinigtes Königreich andere Partner 6 Land/Region: Organisationstyp: Chartered Management Institute London Inner London UK-Vereinigtes Königreich andere 7

8 Projektdateien 05 econ-it2 ulotka ENG.pdf A brochure that promotes the project - available in all language versions of the partnership. ECON IT 2 training course.docx The ECON IT 2 training course. As the course is online and is available in English, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Romanian the file includes the links to all of the versions. The training is also available on mobile devices as IMLSS (Integrated Mobile Learning System Solution) was used. I_E-zine_1.pdf The first e-zine in English (Portuguese, Polish, Spanish and Romanian available on the website II_E-zine.pdf The second e-zine in English (Portuguese, Polish, Spanish and Romanian available on the website III_E-zine_en.pdf The third e-zine in English (Portuguese, Polish, Spanish and Romanian available on the website IV_E-zine.pdf The final e-zine that was delivered to the target group presenting the current project news. WLCompetency_Framework_Report.pdf The report of Training Needs Analysis and Competency Framework 8

9 Produkte Integrated Mobile Training System Solution Training Needs Analysis Report Training course Business Advisor Competency Framework 9

10 Produkt 'Integrated Mobile Training System Solution' Titel: Integrated Mobile Training System Solution Produkttyp: Fernlehre Marketing Text: The overall aim of ECON-IT2 and Integrated Mobile Training System Solution is development of a training course including on the go, any time, any where learning, which will improve the quality of business advisory training and thus to increase the uptake of such training. This will boost the ability of business advisers to provide flexible, tailor made support, and thus be more effective in influencing the uptake of positive growth patterns and innovation within their small business clients. By using Integrated Mobile Training System Solution, BA will have free access to training anywhere necessary. ECON IT 2 training resource will feature online and offline learning, encouraging uptake by those trainees who are often disadvantaged by classroom training (e.g. those with long working hours, mothers, those living in smaller towns), and providing greater recognition across European borders. Beschreibung: Primarily, in the first edition of the ECON-IT, there was created a course that covered six key areas: Access to Finance, Innovation/Change Management, Adviser/Client Relationship Management, Business Planning, Strategic Planning, Interpersonal Communications. ECON- IT2 seeks to develop the training course in order to expand previous content, adjust it to the present market situation, provide BAs with relevant topics aimed towards innovation and SMEs growth. In order to do that ECON-IT2 after conducting a survey among BAs decided to add three new complementary modules: Risk Manage, Entrepreneurial Mind and Manage in Recession. Zielgruppe: Business Advisers,VET providers,smes and SMEs networks,media, local authorities. Resultat: ECON-IT2 project and Integrated Mobile Training System Solution will increase Level of BAs knowledge and skills training and result in better advisory SMEs will economically grow BAs will especially contribute to the level of growth and innovation strategies in their advisory. In order to do that ECON-IT2 will carry out a full assessment of BAs training needs, create a formalised learning system within business advisory, develop cooperation between VET and business sector, stimulate transfer of knowledge and new ICT technology to support BAs training, design and produce mobile online training resource, develop new modules, additional to the 6 modules of ECON-IT, pilot test of the training resource, promote the training resource in order to expand the circle of participants. Anwendungsbereich: Integrated Mobile Training System Solution is a training resource avaliable via ECON-IT2 website after registration. Produktsprachen: Rumänisch Spanisch Englisch Portugiesisch Polnisch &prd=1 10

11 Produkt 'Training Needs Analysis Report' Steigerung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit durch kontinuierliche und verbesserte Titel: Training Needs Analysis Report Produkttyp: andere Marketing Text: On the basis of the research among Business Advisors in six European countries a choice of 3 new modules will be chosen. The desired and most useful modules will be produced by the partnership. Beschreibung: The report in the form of pdf file will be available which may give an overview of the target group's interest in terms of gaining new knowledge Zielgruppe: The target groups are: Business Advisers that want to raise their awarness in terms of their trainings' needs. Resultat: As the result a report is prepared. Anwendungsbereich: The main use of the report is the choice of the modules that will be elaborated in the project Produktsprachen: Englisch product files SummaryECONIT2ResearchPaper.pdf Training needs Analysis.pptx &prd=2 11

12 Produkt 'Training course Steigerung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit durch kontinuierliche und verbesserte Titel: Training course Produkttyp: Module Marketing Text: The training made up from nine modules available on the training platform. The easy to use and navigate course is adapted on mobile devices such us mobile phones and tablets. Beschreibung: The following modules are be available Access to Finance Innovation/Change Management Adviser/Client Relationship Management Business Planning Strategic Planning Interpersonal Communications Manage in Recession Manage Risk Develop an Entrepreneurial Mind To see it and conduct visit Zielgruppe: The target group are Business Advisors Resultat: The training course available on the platform that uses IMLSS (Integrated Mobile Learning System Solution) making it usable on mobile devices. Anwendungsbereich: The course tailored to the needs of Business Advisors that can be used in various conditions due to the application of IMLSS Produktsprachen: Rumänisch Englisch Portugiesisch Polnisch Spanisch &prd=3 12

13 Produkt 'Business Advisor Competency Framework' Produkttyp: Titel: Business Advisor Competency Framework Marketing Text: Business Advisers operate in a range of different markets and knowledge, along with variable resources in addition to the different sizes of companies worked with ranging from the very small to the large business. By updating their skills, business Advisers will be better placed to provide guidance to small businesses, adapt their services to changing business beneficiary groups and sectors and ultimately achieving greater positive impact towards improving the performance and growth of the enterprises they serve. From the previous research conducted under the ECON-IT project, it was acknowledged that the challenge was to propose a single list of competency modules to be integrated into a comprehensive training package. The objective was reached through an iterative process of blending, clustering and prioritisation, completed by desk research. Beschreibung: This document has been produced within the framework of the LEONARDO ECON-IT2 project, as a summary and consolidation of the six country research and stakeholder consultation for Work Package 2, the Competency Framework Development. The findings of the local Market Assessments were then consolidated in order to find themes and trends that could provide a common scenario for the following research about Competency Frameworks. The results of the research phase showed that significant differences that can be found in the different partner countries. The consultation process included individual Interviews with 120 Business Advisers with at least 20 participants contributing from each of the 6 partner countries. The major general finding was the high importance that both Business Advisers and their clients assigned to Personal Skills and Professional Capabilities, and the relative low importance assigned to flexibility and Academic Background, as shown in the following diagrams: Zielgruppe: Business Advisers Resultat: Competency Framework leaves Business Advisors with a comprehensive list of skills that should be mastered. Anwendungsbereich: This Competency Framework will increase business advisers knowledge about sources of financing, their identification, selection, adequacy to the company s needs, procedures for access, benchmarking of the different sources available, how the company manages innovation and change in the different areas (production, sales, internal organization, human resources, planning, quality, customer service, etc. How the information, internal and external, to keep innovation alive in the company, is managed, how to build and maintain a strong and efficient working relationship with customer companies, based on reliability, availability and optimum schedule and activity planning, how to develop short and mid-range business planning taking into account internal and external variables in a shifting globalised environment Produktsprachen: Englisch product files WLCompetency_Framework_Report-1.pdf &prd=4 13

14 product files

15 Veranstaltungen Product launch Datum Beschreibung Zielgruppe Öffentlich The product launch took place during the conference IEAS 2013 on in the Parliament of Romania in Bucharest. The project presentation suited the topic Consulting Services and training which was one of the themes of the conference. The conference was attended by four thousand visitors. The event started at 10 o clock. Leader and partners were presenting the project and its main results to the target group - Business Advisers.. Almost all visitors had a chance to pass the project stand and almost one hundred tested the on-line course! Öffentliche Veranstaltung Kontaktinformation Zeitpunkt und Ort Bucharest, IEAS conference, September 12th 2013 Final project meeting Datum Beschreibung Zielgruppe Öffentlich The meeting between partners to summarize the project steps. partnership Geschlossene Veranstaltung Kontaktinformation Zeitpunkt und Ort Bucharest, September 11th. Project Partner meeting Datum Beschreibung A project meeting that summarized the current steps in the project and indicated further steps. Zielgruppe Öffentlich The partnership Geschlossene Veranstaltung Kontaktinformation Zeitpunkt und Ort Valencia,

16 Veranstaltungen Project Partner Meeting Datum Beschreibung Zielgruppe Öffentlich Third project partner meeting to analyze current tasks and discuss project realization Project Partners Geschlossene Veranstaltung Kontaktinformation Zeitpunkt und Ort from 5th till 6th of September 2012, Porto Project Partner Meeting Datum Beschreibung Second project partner meeting to analyze current tasks and discuss project realization Zielgruppe Öffentlich Project Partners Geschlossene Veranstaltung Kontaktinformation Zeitpunkt und Ort from 7th till 9th of March 2012, Belfast 16

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