UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination

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1 MARKING SCHEME UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2001 LANG 0G04 GERMAN LEVEL 4 (D) Reading and Writing Examination This examination counts for 35% of your final mark. It assesses the following two skills: READING SKILLS (20%) WRITING SKILLS (15%) Duration: 2½ hours Integrated Reading/Writing Tasks Reading (out of 20) Linguistic Competence (out of 6) Pure Writing Task Linguistic Competence (out of 6) Content (out of 3) TOTAL (out of 35) 1 st Marker 2 nd Marker Agreed Result Out of 35 % Grade 1 st Marker s signature 2 nd Marker s signature To be completed by the Visiting Examiner if the above agreed result is amended after review Reason for amending agreed result /35 % Grade Visiting Examiner s signature

2 GERMAN SYLLABUS D LANG 0G04 and LANG 1G14 Page 1 In this examination you can obtain a maximum of 35 points which are awarded as follows: Reading Skills: 20 points Reading Competence: 20 points Writing Skills: 15 points Linguistic Competence: 12 points Content: 3 points Answer ALL questions in GERMAN in the space provided after each question. DOCUMENT A Die Leiden der Lehrer Neue Untersuchungen geben Aufschluss über einen schwierigen Beruf. A B C D Schon lange beschäftigt sich die Wissenschaft mit der chronischen Krise des Lehrerstandes. Sie versucht Antworten zu geben auf die Frage, warum sich so viele Lehrer mit ihrem Beruf schwertun. In jüngster Zeit sind nun einige Studien veröffentlicht worden, die zu ganz neuen Ergebnissen gekommen sind. Wenn wirklich etwas nicht stimmt in dem Beruf, kann man es nicht allein den Lehrern anlasten. Wir hängen alle mit drin. Mit anderen Worten: Eine Gesellschaft hat vermutlich immer die Lehrer, die sie verdient. In der Bevölkerung ist das Lehrerbild diffus, zum Teil sogar widersprüchlich. Einerseits neidet man den Pädagogen ihre vermeintlichen Privilegien wie Freizeit, Ferien, den sicheren Job bei guter Bezahlung. Andererseits möchten drei von vier Befragten auf gar keinen Fall selbst Lehrer sein. Dabei sind die meisten überzeugt, dass die Fähigkeit zum Lehrer eine angeborene Begabung sei. Die öffentliche Erwartung an die Pädagogen richtet sich nur zum geringen Teil auf deren Aufgabe als Wissensvermittler, 85 Prozent erwarten vor allem sozialpädagogische und therapeutische Kompetenz von den Lehrern. Besonders konfliktbeladen ist deshalb das Verhältnis von Eltern und Lehrern. Eltern nämlich verlangen nicht nur Wissensvermittlung für ihre Kinder; sie fordern immer mehr auch Erziehungsaufgaben ein. Gute Umgangsformen, Toleranz, Höflichkeit, also Qualitäten, die klassisch zur Elternerziehung gehören, sollen nun auch in der Schule vermittelt werden. Eltern machen die Schule allein verantwortlich für die Zukunftschancen ihrer Kinder, und jede Irritation in deren Schulkarriere wird den Lehrern angelastet. Viele Lehrer haben darüber hinaus selbst das Gefühl, im Schulbetrieb zu versagen. Warum gerade Lehrer für derart selbstzerstörerisches Denken so anfällig sind, versuchte Eva Schumacher vom Institut für Allgemeine Pädagogik an der Universität Karlsruhe mit Hilfe einer empirischen Studie über die soziale Herkunft von Grundschullehrern zu beantworten CONTINUED

3 GERMAN SYLLABUS D LANG 0G04 and LANG 1G14 Page 2 E Bei einer Gliederung der bundesdeutschen Gesamtbevölkerung in zehn Sozialmilieus zeigte sich, dass Lehrer zum überwiegenden Teil aus einem einzigen Milieu stammen. Sie gehören zu 64 Prozent dem so genannten liberal-intellektuellen Milieu an, in dem die Gesamtbevölkerung insgesamt mit nur 10 Prozent vertreten ist. Gekennzeichnet ist dieses Milieu zum Beispiel durch ausgeprägtes Streben nach ökologischer und politischer Correctness, nach sozialer Gerechtigkeit, Versöhnung von Menschen und Natur, gesundheitsbewusster Lebensführung und einer tiefen Abneigung gegenüber sinnentleertem Konsum. Die Mehrheit der Schulkinder aber entstammt gänzlich anderen Milieus, von deren Lebensweise Lehrer wenig Ahnung haben oder deren Prägung sie gar ablehnen. Im Zusammenprall der Milieus mag eine Ursache dafür liegen, dass Lehrer ihre Schüler nicht mehr verstehen können und deshalb das Gefühl haben zu versagen F G Der Zwischenbericht einer weiteren Untersuchung zur Belastung im Lehrerberuf, die unter Leitung von Uwe Schaarschmidt an der Universität Potsdam durchgeführt wird, bestätigt diesen Verdacht. Das Verhalten der als schwierig empfundenen Schüler wird vor allem anderen von den Pädagogen als Belastung beurteilt. Auf Platz zwei und drei rangieren dann die Klassenstärke und Stundenzahl. Die Potsdamer Studie weist auch nach, dass Lehrer aufgrund solcher Belastungen anfälliger gegenüber Krankheiten sind als Angehörige anderer Berufe mit psychosozialer Beanspruchung wie etwa Pflegeberufe. Unter emotionalem Druck ziehen sich Lehrer - grob gesagt - auf zwei Verhaltensmuster zurück, die beide mit einem hohen Krankheitsrisiko verbunden sind. Typ A reagiert mit überhöhtem Ehrgeiz, der kräftezehrend ist, ohne Erfolgserlebnisse zu bringen. Herz- und Kreislauferkrankungen sind oft die Folge. Besonders Frauen neigen zu diesem Verhalten. Typ B dagegen resigniert, reagiert mit Null Bock -Verhalten und verfällt, da er auch nicht in der Lage ist, negative Erlebnisse zu kompensieren, in eine depressive Grundstimmung. Diese Reaktionsmuster legen sich Lehrer übrigens nicht erst im Laufe eines langen Pädagogendaseins zu, sondern fast sofort, wenn sie die Ausbildung hinter sich haben und ihren Job antreten. Das so genannte Burnout-Syndrom lässt sich also keineswegs nur bei den Älteren feststellen. Die Folge ist, wie eine dritte Studie, die Studie der Hamburger Universität und des Zentralinstituts für Arbeitsmedizin in Hamburg zeigt: Lehrer werden zwar älter, sind aber häufiger krank und öfter frühpensioniert als Angehörige vergleichbarer Berufe wie Richter, Ärzte oder Architekten. Jede zweite Lehrkraft scheidet vorzeitig aus. 84 Prozent der Befragten waren im vergangenen Jahr in ärztlicher Behandlung, von den Frauen gar 90 Prozent. Auch die Hamburger Untersuchung ergab, dass das Lebensalter keinerlei Einfluss auf die Erschöpfung hat. Ein wesentliches Ergebnis war - und das überraschte auch die Wissenschaftler selbst: Nicht etwa die in der Schule verbrachte Arbeitszeit führt zu den Erschöpfungszuständen, sondern die berufliche häusliche Arbeitszeit, also die Vorbereitung auf den Unterricht, das Korrigieren von Klassenarbeiten und dergleichen. Wenn die Freizeit nicht mehr als Freizeit erlebt wird, so deuten die Wissenschaftler diesen Befund, verringert sich ihr notwendiger Erholungswert TURN OVER

4 GERMAN SYLLABUS D LANG 0G04 and LANG 1G14 Page 3 H So weit also die Diagnose. Wie aber könnte die Therapie aussehen? Die Verlegung von mehr beruflicher Arbeitszeit in die Schule, wie die Hamburger Forscher vorschlagen? Vielleicht. Bessere Lehreraus- und fortbildung, die unter anderem auch soziologische Grundkenntnisse für angemessene Umgangsmuster mit den Sprösslingen verschiedener Herkunft vermittelt? Mit Sicherheit. Ganz bestimmt aber müsste der Rest der Gesellschaft weg von der völlig überzogenen Erwartung, dass man Kinder mit fünf oder sechs Jahren am Schultor abliefert, um sie nach mitunter dreizehn Jahren (oder mehr) fertig ausgebildet, perfekt erzogen und absolut zukunftsfähig wieder in Empfang zu nehmen. 75 Nach: Sabine Etzold ZEIT 48, 2000 CONTINUED

5 GERMAN SYLLABUS D LANG 0G04 and LANG 1G14 Page 4 Task 1 Suchen Sie im Text ein synonymes Wort oder eine synonyme Wendung für die folgenden Wörter/Wendungen und geben Sie an, in welcher Zeile im Text Sie das Synonym gefunden haben. (3 points) [Reading Competence: 3 points] a. Abschnitt A vorwerfen (½ point) [Reading Competence: ½ point] Zeile: anlasten b. Abschnitt B scheinbar (½ point) [Reading Competence: ½ point] Zeile: vermeintlich c. Abschnitt C ein Teil von etwas sein (½ point) [Reading Competence: ½ point] Zeile: zu etwas gehören d. Abschnitt E nicht gut genug sein (½ point) [Reading Competence: ½ point] Zeile: versagen e. Abschnitt F die Vermutung (½ point) [Reading Competence: ½ point] Zeile: der Verdacht f. Abschnitt H Kinder (½ point) [Reading Competence: ½ point] Zeile: Sprösslinge TURN OVER

6 GERMAN SYLLABUS D LANG 0G04 and LANG 1G14 Page 5 [ability to understand detail] RC LC CONTINUED

7 GERMAN SYLLABUS D LANG 0G04 and LANG 1G14 Page 6 Task 2 Vergleichen Sie die Aussagen des Textes mit den folgenden Behauptungen. Wird das im Text gesagt, Ja oder Nein? Wenn die Antwort Ja lautet, geben Sie bitte an, in welcher Zeile/in welchen Zeilen des Textes Sie die Aussage gefunden haben (Geben Sie nicht mehr als 5 Zeilen an): (4 points) [Reading Competence: 4 points] Ja/Nein Zeile(n) a. Lehrer sind weniger oft krank als Angehörige anderer Berufe mit psychosozialer Belastung. N - b. Fünfzig Prozent der Lehrer gehen frühzeitig in Rente. J X c. Die meisten Menschen sind der Meinung, dass die Lehrer ihren Kindern in erster Linie den Unterrichtsstoff vermitteln sollen. J X d. Vielen Lehrern ist die Lebenswelt ihrer Schüler fremd. J X e. Lehrer bekommen Druck von außen und machen sich selbst Druck. N - f. Da viele Menschen das Leben eines Lehrers beneidenswert finden, würden sie selbst gerne Lehrer sein. N - g. Je älter ein Lehrer ist, desto schlechter kann er im Schulalltag bestehen. N - h. Lehrer empfinden das Unterrichten und den Umgang mit den Schülern weniger anstrengend als die beruflichen Aufgaben, die sie zu Hause erledigen müssen. J X i. Die Lehrer stecken schon sehr lange in einer Krise. J X j. Eltern und Lehrer sind oft unterschiedlicher Meinung. J X RC LC [ability to extract specific information, to understand detail] TURN OVER

8 GERMAN SYLLABUS D LANG 0G04 and LANG 1G14 Page 7 Task 3 Geben Sie an, welche Abschnitte des Texts sich mit den Ursachen für die Krise des Lehrerstandes, welche Abschnitte sich mit den Reaktionen der Lehrer auf die Krise und welche Abschnitte sich mit Lösungsvorschlägen für einen Ausweg aus der Krise beschäftigen. (Achtung: Manche Abschnitte lassen sich keiner dieser drei Kategorien zuordnen!) (3 points) [Reading Competence: 3 points] Ursachen:... C, E, G RC LC Reaktionen:...(D), F, G Lösungsvorschläge:... H [ability to infer meaning?] CONTINUED

9 GERMAN SYLLABUS D LANG 0G04 and LANG 1G14 Page 8 Task 4 Wie reagieren die Lehrer dem Text zufolge auf die hohen Belastungen in ihrem Beruf? Welche (gesundheitlichen) Folgen resultieren daraus? Schreiben Sie ungefähr Wörter. (7 points) [Reading Competence: 4 points] [Linguistic Competence: 3 points] anfälliger gegenüber Krankheiten, häufige Arztbesuche RC LC Typ A: erhöhter Ehrgeiz, Herz- und Kreislauferkrankungen, Frauen Typ B: Resignation, Depression Frühpensionierung [ability to summarize a text] TURN OVER

10 GERMAN SYLLABUS D LANG 0G04 and LANG 1G14 Page 9 Task 5 Eine Gesellschaft hat vermutlich immer die Lehrer, die sie verdient (Zeile 6/7). Sind Sie mit diesem Ergebnis, zu dem einige neue Studien zur Krise des Lehrerstandes gekommen sind, einverstanden? Verfolgen Sie, wie die Autorin (in ihrer Erläuterung der Studienergebnisse) zu dieser Behauptung kommt und nehmen Sie kritisch dazu Stellung. Schreiben Sie ungefähr Wörter. (9 points) [Reading Competence: 6 points] [Linguistic Competence: 3 points] Argumentationskette: RC LC zu hohe Erwartungen der Eltern, üben zu viel Druck aus: Ja, aber Gesellschaft bringt die schwierigen Kinder hervor: Das stimmt sicherlich, aber... Zu einfach, alles auf die Gesellschaft zu schieben, Lehrer müssen wissen, worauf sie sich einlassen, müssen sich auch nicht immer unter Druck setzen lassen. Andererseits: Gesellschaft ist mit schuld an den Defiziten in der Ausbildung der Lehrer... [ability to respond to and evaluate a text, ability to extract specific information] CONTINUED

11 GERMAN SYLLABUS D LANG 0G04 and LANG 1G14 Page 10 Task 6 Beantworten Sie eine der beiden Fragen. Schreiben Sie ungefähr 300 Wörter. (9 points) [Linguistic Competence: 6 points] [Content: 3 points] a. Wie beurteilen Sie die Forderung vieler Eltern, dass die Schule Erziehungsaufgaben übernehmen soll? Wieviel Anteil soll ein Lehrer an der Erziehung eines Kindes haben? Welche Rolle spielt die Familie? ODER b. Können Sie sich vorstellen, Lehrer zu werden? Warum (nicht)? Welche Kompetenzen und Eigenschaften sollte Ihrer Meinung nach ein guter Lehrer haben? LC CON END OF PAPER

12 GERMAN SYLLABUS D LANG 0G04 and LANG 1G14 Page 11

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination MARKING SCHEME UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2001 LANG 0G02 GERMAN LEVEL 2 (B) Reading


UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2001 LANG 0G02 GERMAN


UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2001 LANG 0G01 GERMAN


UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination MARKING SCHEME UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2001 LANG 0G01 GERMAN LEVEL 1 (A) Reading


UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2003 LANG0G02: GERMAN



UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON MARKING SCHEME UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2002 LANG0G01: GERMAN LEVEL 1 (A) Reading



UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2002 LANG0G01: GERMAN


UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination MARKING SCHEME UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2003 LANG0G02: GERMAN LEVEL 2 (B) Reading


UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination MARKING SCHEME UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2001 LANG 0G03 GERMAN LEVEL 3 (C) Reading


UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2001 LANG 0G03 GERMAN



UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON MARKING SCHEME UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2000 LANG 0G01 GERMAN LEVEL 1 (A) This



UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2000 LANG 0G01 GERMAN



UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON MARKING SCHEME UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2002 LANG0G02: GERMAN LEVEL 2 (B) Reading



UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2000 LANG 0G04 LANG 1G14


UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination MARKING SCHEME UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2003 LANG0G01: GERMAN LEVEL 1 (A) Reading



UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON MARKING SCHEME UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2000 LANG 0G03 LANG 1G13 GERMAN LEVEL



UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON MARKING SCHEME UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2002 LANG0G04: GERMAN LEVEL 4 (D) Reading


UCL Language Centre 2005

UCL Language Centre 2005 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2005 LANG0G03: GERMAN


UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2003 LANG0G01: GERMAN



UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON MARKING SCHEME Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2004 LANG0G03: GERMAN LEVEL



UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2004 LANG0G03: GERMAN


UCL Language Centre 2008

UCL Language Centre 2008 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2008 LCGE6002: GERMAN


UCL Language Centre 2007

UCL Language Centre 2007 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2007 LCGE6003: GERMAN


UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2003 LANG0G03: GERMAN


UCL Language Centre 2008

UCL Language Centre 2008 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2008 LCGE6002: GERMAN


UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2003 LANG0G03: GERMAN



UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON MARKING SCHEME Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2004 LANG0G02: GERMAN LEVEL


UCL Language Centre 2005

UCL Language Centre 2005 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2005 LANG0G02: GERMAN


UCL Language Centre 2008

UCL Language Centre 2008 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2008 LCGE6001: GERMAN



UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2004 LANG0G02: GERMAN


UCL Language Centre 2008

UCL Language Centre 2008 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2008 LCGE6003: GERMAN



UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2002 LANG0G03: GERMAN



UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON MARKING SCHEME UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2002 LANG0G03: GERMAN LEVEL 3 (C) Reading


UCL Language Centre 2008

UCL Language Centre 2008 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2008 LCGE6003: GERMAN



UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON MARKING SCHEME Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2004 LANG0G04: GERMAN LEVEL


UCL Language Centre 2005

UCL Language Centre 2005 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2005 LANG0G02: GERMAN



UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2004 LANG0G04: GERMAN



UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2006 LANG0G04: GERMAN



UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2006 LANG0G01: GERMAN


UCL Language Centre 2005

UCL Language Centre 2005 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2005 LANG0G04: GERMAN



UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2006 LANG0G01: GERMAN


UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination MARKING SCHEME UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2003 LANG0G04: GERMAN LEVEL 4 (D) Reading


Course Units

Course Units UCL CENTRE FOR LANGUAGES & INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION Course Units 2012-2013 Reading and Writing Examination: LCGE6003: German Level 3 (C) This examination counts for 35% of your final mark. It comprises:



UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON MARKING SCHEME UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2002 LANG0G0B: GERMAN FOR BUSINESS



UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2006 LANG0G04: GERMAN



UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON MARKING SCHEME UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2000 LANG 0GB1 GERMAN FOR BUSINESS



UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2002 LANG0G04: GERMAN



UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2004 LANG1GBC: GERMAN


UCL Language Centre 2005

UCL Language Centre 2005 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2005 LANG0G01: GERMAN


UCL Language Centre 2005

UCL Language Centre 2005 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2005 LANG0G04: GERMAN



UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2006 LANG0G02: GERMAN



UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON MARKING SCHEME Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2004 LANG1GBC: GERMAN BUSINESS,


UCL Language Centre 2005

UCL Language Centre 2005 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2005 LANG0G01: GERMAN


UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination MARKING SCHEME UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2003 LANG0G0B: GERMAN FOR BUSINESS


Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education *9918820267* GERMAN 0525/42 Paper 4 Writing May/June 2017 1 hour Candidates answer on the Question


Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 1231/4H Edexcel GCSE German Paper 4H Writing Higher Tier Tuesday 12 June 2007 Afternoon Time: 1 hour

Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 1231/4H Edexcel GCSE German Paper 4H Writing Higher Tier Tuesday 12 June 2007 Afternoon Time: 1 hour Centre No. Paper Reference Surname Initial(s) Candidate No. 1 2 3 1 4 H Signature Paper Reference(s) 1231/4H Edexcel GCSE German Paper 4H Writing Higher Tier Tuesday 12 June 2007 Afternoon Time: 1 hour



UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2002 LANG0G0B: GERMAN


UCL Language Centre 2008

UCL Language Centre 2008 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2008 LCGE6004: GERMAN



UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2006 LANG0G03: GERMAN


Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary Level

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary Level Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary Level *6127135363* GERMAN 8683/33 Paper 3 Essay October/November 2016 1 hour 30 minutes Candidates answer on the Question


UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2003 LANG0G0B: GERMAN


UCL Language Centre 2007

UCL Language Centre 2007 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2007 LCGE6001: GERMAN


Course Units

Course Units UCL CENTRE FOR LANGUAGES & INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION Course Units 2012-2013 Reading and Writing Examination: LCGE6001: German Level 1 (A) This examination counts for 35% of your final mark. It comprises:



FIRST LANGUAGE GERMAN Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education *2787096847* FIRST LANGUAGE GERMAN Paper 2 Writing Candidates answer on the Question Paper. No Additional


UCL Language Centre 2007

UCL Language Centre 2007 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2007 LCGE6005: GERMAN


Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education *2470692504* GERMAN 0525/43 Paper 4 Writing May/June 2018 1 hour Candidates answer on the Question


Course Units

Course Units RUCL LANGUAGE CENTRE Course Units 2011 2012 Reading and Writing Examination: LCGE6001: German Level 1 (A) This examination counts for 35% of your final mark. It comprises: Reading Skills 20% Writing Skills


Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary Level

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary Level Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary Level *5326451240* GERMAN LANGUAGE 8683/33 Paper 3 Essay October/November 2017 1 hour 30 minutes Candidates answer on the


Level 1 German, 2014

Level 1 German, 2014 90886 908860 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 German, 2014 90886 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of German texts on areas of most immediate relevance 9.30 am Wednesday 26 November 2014 Credits: Five Achievement


Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education *6319038705* GERMAN 0525/41 Paper 4 Writing May/June 2017 1 hour Candidates answer on the Question


Course Units

Course Units RUCL LANGUAGE CENTRE Course Units 2008 2009 Reading and Writing Examination: LCGE6001: German Level 1 (A) This examination counts for 35% of your final mark. It comprises: Reading Skills 20% Writing Skills



UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2006 LCGE6006: GERMAN


Course Units

Course Units UCL CENTRE FOR LANGUAGES & INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION Course Units 2013-2014 Reading and Writing Examination: LCGE6001: German Level 1 (A) This examination counts for 35% of your final mark. It comprises:



UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2006 LCGE6006: GERMAN


Course Units

Course Units UCL CENTRE FOR LANGUAGES & INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION Course Units 2013-2014 Reading and Writing Examination: LCGE6003: German Level 3 (C) This examination counts for 35% of your final mark. It comprises:


Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education *1096844205* GERMAN 0525/42 Paper 4 Writing May/June 2018 1 hour Candidates answer on the Question


Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education *8687657147* GERMAN 0525/43 Paper 4 Writing May/June 2016 1 hour Candidates answer on the Question


Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education *1705723522* GERMAN 0525/41 Paper 4 Writing May/June 2016 1 hour Candidates answer on the Question



UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2006 LANG0G03: GERMAN


UCL Language Centre 2008

UCL Language Centre 2008 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2008 LCGE6006: GERMAN


UCL Language Centre 2007

UCL Language Centre 2007 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2007 LCGE6001: GERMAN


Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary Level

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary Level Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary Level *4346979153* GERMAN LANGUAGE 8683/32 Paper 3 Essay October/November 2015 1 hour 30 minutes Candidates answer on the


Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening

Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference 4 3 7 5 0 1 Surname Signature Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening Tuesday 13 November 2007 Afternoon Time: 30 minutes


Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education *3100160725* GERMAN 0525/43 Paper 4 Writing May/June 2015 1 hour Candidates answer on the Question


Course Units

Course Units RUCL LANGUAGE CENTRE Course Units 2010-2011 Reading and Writing Examination: LCGE6003: German Level 3 (C) This examination counts for 35% of your final mark. It comprises: Reading Skills 20% Writing Skills


Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education *6572529493* GERMAN 0525/42 Paper 4 Writing October/November 2018 1 hour Candidates answer on the


Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education *5121783171* GERMAN 0525/42 Paper 4 Writing May/June 2015 1 hour Candidates answer on the Question


UCL Language Centre 2008

UCL Language Centre 2008 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2008 LCGE6006: GERMAN


Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education *0971753294* GERMAN 0525/41 Paper 4 Writing May/June 2015 1 hour Candidates answer on the Question


Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening

Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference 4 3 7 5 0 1 Surname Signature Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening Monday 17 November 2008 Morning Time: 30 minutes (plus


UCL Language Centre 2007

UCL Language Centre 2007 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2007 LCGE6005: GERMAN


UCL Language Centre 2005

UCL Language Centre 2005 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2005 LANG1GBC: GERMAN
