Master Course in Advanced Manufacturing Systems

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1 TAE Technische Akademie Esslingen Master of Science Master Course in Advanced Manufacturing Systems In Ostfildern (near by Stuttgart) In Cooperation with Brunel University London

2 About Brunel University Brunel University runs in cooperation with the TAE in Ostfildern a Master of Science programme in Advanced Manufacturing Systems. Eight taught modules are offered over 20 weekends with accom - panying hands-on laboratory assignments. Together these constitute the taught part of the one-year MSc degree, but individual modules may be attended, for which the fee is 590,- per weekend. For those students who wish to complete the Brunel master degree (20 events altogether), the fee is ,- The Advanced Manufacturing Systems Course AMS is run by one of the strongest research groups in Brunel University and within the UK and this is underpinned by substantial links with industry. We have a long tradition of excellence in both teaching and research in manufacturing systems and engine ering management. The latest independent teaching assessment awarded us 22/24 for teaching quality. In the current Research Assessment Exercise, 95% of academics in the School achieved international standard, it was ranked 5th in General Engineering amongst UK Universities. The AMS graduates will be equipped with the latest techniques in manufacturing and systems engineering in: a) Design and development of highly flexible and economical global manufacturing systems and supply chains. b) Managing and providing solutions for advanced automated and semi-automated industries. c) Application of advanced computer and mathe - matical modelling for improved performance, design and management of industrial systems. d) Deploy the latest advanced measurement techniques and technologies for calibration (Applied Metrology). e) Management and implementation of Projects and Operations under time and resource constraints. f) Design and development of Sustainable and Environmentally responsible products. Course Aim and Objectives In the past two decades, manufacturing industry worldwide has experienced the most radical changes since the industrial revolution. These changes in clude globalization, mass customization, enterprise agility/ supply chain management, continuous innovation, and increasing application of collaborative design and manufacture. The challenges of a multidisciplinary work environment require a new generation of engineers that are highly specialised but at the same time need to understand product life cycle from inception (design) to the end (recycling & reusability). For the engineering and academic community, therefore, it is essential to train and educate the next generation of engineers who will be able to work in the challenging environment where a systems approach to problem solving is crucial. For example, appreciation of critical decision-making under uncertainty, application of a combination hardware software technology to address Enterprise Resource Planning issues, development of manufacturing techniques, usage and creation of advanced mate r - ial such as alloys, manufacturing processes, and dealing with shopfloor automation. The programme is designed to enable its students to learn, understand and implement the principles and techniques and to become high quality innovative manufacturing and systems engineers who can meet the knowledge and information needs of the modern enterprise in the international/national/ regional context. Modules Module1: Systems Modelling and Simulation (Dr Alireza Mousavi) The aim of this module is to encourage systematic thinking and acquiring knowledge and skills to model and analyse modern complex systems. Critically evaluate and implement principles of systems approach and analysis. Describe, evaluate and appropriately apply systems concepts to real world industrial problems and to design, plan and solve arising problems that day-to-day management of such systems encounter. Gain the required skills for modelling, simulating and critically analysing performance of deterministic and stochastic systems. The candidate will deploy the latest techniques and tools in Discrete Event Simulation to capture the interactions and negotiations between components of enterprise systems. We use the simulation and modelling software tools such as Arena as a tool for this purpose. page 2 Master of Science in Advanced Manufacturing Systems TAE

3 Module 2: Computer Aided Engineering (Dr Xiang Wang) The main aims of this module are to give the students the knowledge to model the entities, points, edges, surfaces and solids for CAE and the skill to create the computer models of a part or assembly using a contemporary CAE software (Pro/E,CATIA, Solidworks etc.) Educate the students in the theory and application of Mechanism Synthesis and Analysis and to equip the students with the skills of modelling mechanisms using the MATLAB and Simulink software packages. Module 3: Sustainable Design and Manufacture (Dr Atanas Ivanov) The purpose of this module is to provide post - graduate students with methods for analysing sustainability in design, quantifying the quality parameters, calculating and assigning appropriate tolerances, analysing the manufacturing operations for achieving the required quality targets. The emphasis will be on the link between design information and manufacturing operations to produce products and propose operations that reduce the environmental impact of manufacturing. Module 4: Robotics and Manufacturing Automation (Dr Harris Makatsoris) The module aims at providing an understanding and critical awareness to designing and controlling modern automated manufacturing systems, and employs a systems approach in doing so. The module provides an exposure to a variety of industrial and factory automation practices and also an understanding in selecting appropriate automation and control methods for the equipment or process at hand. Module 5: Manufacturing Systems Design and Economics (Dr Richard Bateman) This covers a breadth of topics with emphasis on; Manufacturing Processes including description, analysis and classification of basic manufacturing processes; process capabilities, recent advances and developments, assembly systems, automation, robotics and CNC machines, CAD/CAM application. Production Operations including Plant layout, Group Technology, Cellular Manufacturing and Flexible Manufacturing Systems. Lean manufacturing techniques, Kaizen, KANBAN, JIT, 5S, seven wastes, Poke Yoke, Value Chain, supply chain management and outsourcing and design reuse. It also covers subjects such as inventory control and MRP, and quality control. Design for Manufacture and Process selection: including the relationship between design features and process capabilities, manufacturing system selection to produce a given design. The module introduces the Economics for Manufacture subject which consists of topics such as Inventory Costing, Economic Order Quantities, Costing machine tool selection and cost of production strategy. Module 6: Advanced Manufacturing Measurement (Dr Qing Ping Yang) This module aims to help students to gain an in-depth understanding of basic measurement theory, operating principle of modern measurement techniques, capabilities of practical measuring machines and their applications in advanced manufacturing. The key topics include basics of measurement systems, measurement errors, evaluation of measurement uncertainty, precision displacement measurement, coordinate measuring machines (CMMs), surface measurement and scanning probe microscopes (STM/AFM). Module 7: Quality Management and Reliability (Dr Joe Au and Dr Qing Ping Yang) The aim of this module is to provide an in-depth understanding of the principles of modern quality assurance which underpin the discipline and their applications in engineering, manufacturing and enterprise. The module intends to provide a professional-level working knowledge of the advanced techniques of reliability engineering and an ability to apply them to improving the maintenance, the maintainability and the safety of existing and proposed plant in their workplace. Module 8: Global Manufacturing (Prof Kai Cheng and Dr Rebecca DeCoster) Global Manufacturing Main topics of study: enterprise systems for supporting the product manufacturing, and development and lifecycle; the value proposition for a product innovation; the marketing/services/ supply chains and their interface; innovation project forecast and discounting for the time value of money; e-manufacturing and operations; digital enterprise t echnology (DET); virtual organisations and integration; selection and use of DET and emanufacturing tools; global manufacturing implementation issues and methodology; global manufacturing concept, methodology and implementation issues; case studies on global manufacturing operations and best practices. Master Thesis Following the taught part of the programme and reflecting individual interests, the Master Thesis is an in-depth study of a manufacturing problem or situation, requiring a high standard of investigation and presentation. The analysis of a real problem is expected, frequently involving a company or workplace. Close liaison between the University, the student and, where appropriate, the company is essential when selecting a topic which has a suitable academic content and an appropriate scope, relevance and timescale. Some students may wish their Master Thesis to be considered by the Chartered Engineering Institutions to satisfy requirements for corporate membership. In this case, a further set of criteria will have to be satisfied and you should contact the appropriate institute on the best way to proceed. page 3 Master of Science in Advanced Manufacturing Systems TAE

4 Schedule 2013/ Sept Module 1 Systems Modelling and Simulation Lecturer: Dr Alireza Mousavi Sept Lab Systems Modelling and Simulation Lecturer: Dr Alireza Mousavi Sept Module 1 System Modelling and Simulation Lecturer: Dr Alireza Mousavi Sept Module 2 Computer Aided Engineering Lecturer: Dr Xiang Wang Oct Lab Design and Simulation Laboratory Lecturer: Prof Dr Roland Mastel Oct Module 2 Computer Aided Engineering Lecturer: Dr Xiang Wang 8-9 Nov Module 3 Sustainable Design and Manufacture Lecturer: Dr Atanasos Ivanov Nov Lab Modeling and Prototyping Lecturer: Prof Dr Ulrich Gärtner Nov Module 3 Sustainable Design and Manufacture Lecturer: Dr Atanas Ivanov 6-7 Dez Module 4 Robotics and Manufacturing Automation Lecturer: Dr Harris Makatsoris Dec Module 4 Robotics and Manufacturing Automation Lecturer: Dr Harris Makatsoris Jan Lab Automation Robotics and Drive Systems Laboratory Lecturer: Prof Dr Wolfgang Ruoff Jan Module 5 Manufacturing Systems Design and Economics Lecturer: Dr Richard Batemann Jan Module 5 Manufacturing Systems Design and Economics Lecturer: Dr Richard Batemann 31 Jan. - 1 Feb Module 6 Advanced Manufacturing Measurement Lecturer: Dr Qing Ping Yang 7-8 Feb Lab Measurement Lecturer: Prof Dr Armin Horn Feb Module 6 Advanced Manufacturing Measurement Lecturer: Dr Qing Ping Yang Feb Module 7 Quality Management and Reliability Lecturer: Dr Joe Au 28 Feb. - 1 Mar Lab Manufacturing Systems and Economics Lecturer: Prof Dr Wolfgang Guth/ Dr U. Walter 7-8 Mar Module 8 Global Manufacturing Lecturer: Dr Kai Cheng May 2014 Exam Session 2-4 June 2014 Brunel Residential Course June July 2015 Master Thesis lessons on Friday from 9am to 6pm lessons on Saturday from 8am to 5pm page 4 Master of Science in Advanced Manufacturing Systems TAE

5 Who is this course for? The programme is intended to benefit a wide range of participants, in particular: > Recent engineering and technology graduates who have decided to move into manufacturing and related disciplines. > Established manufacturing engineers working in industry and faced with the challenge of new areas of responsibility. > Managers and product designers working in manufacturing organisations that need to invest in their personal career development. > Engineering, and Technology professionals/ graduates from Electrical and Electronics, Mechanical, Material, Chemical, Industrial, Manufac turing, and Production. > Graduates and professionals with backgrounds in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry who are or with to enter the career paths into the General Engineering discipline. The Advanced Manufacturing Systems programme consists of three main elements, Technology, Systems and Management. The technology element: enables the candidate to appreciate the technological challenges of modern industrial systems. The scheme provides the necessary skills to tackle issues in product design & engineering. It covers plant automation and control, as well as precision manufacturing. The systems element: enables the candidate to deal with modern mathematical tools for measuring systems performance techniques such as, discrete event simulation, modelling, stochastic analysis, queuing theory, quality and reliability issues. The management element: enables the candidate to appreciate the necessary project management skills in small and large manufacturing organisations. The candidate will acquire the necessary skills to design and manage industrial systems under financial and resource constraints. Application Documents > Application Form (form on tae homepage) > Bachelor- or Diplom-Degree > Curriculum vitae (in English) > English Certificate > letter of recommendation Please sent your Application documents to TAE until 31st July Technische Akademie Esslingen e.v. Ursula Meyer An der Akademie Ostfildern Contact You have any questions about the Master Program? Don't hesitate to ask us: Ursula Meyer Berufsbegleitende Studiengänge Tel Dr Ali Mousavi Course Director Tel Mrs Susan Cooper Course Administrator Tel Prof Dr Haybatolah Khakzar Course Coordinator Tel page 5 Master of Science in Advanced Manufacturing Systems TAE

6 Vertrag über die Teilnahme am berufsbegleitenden Studium Master of Science in Advanced Manufacturing Systems Veranstaltungsnummer: Studienzeitraum: September 2013 July 2015 Veranstaltungsort: Ostfildern-Nellingen Studiengebühr: ,- TAE Technische Akademie Esslingen Ihr Partner für Weiterbildung Folgende Anmeldeunterlagen habe ich beigelegt Application Form (siehe TAE Webseite) Empfehlungsschreiben Studienabschlusszeugnis (Bachelor oder Diplom) Nachweis Englisch Kenntnisse Tabellarischen englischen Lebenslauf zwischen der Technischen Akademie Esslingen e.v. An der Akademie 5, Ostfildern und dem/der Studierenden: Name Straße/Nr. Geburtsdatum Telefon privat Telefon dienstlich Staatsangehörigkeit Vorname PLZ/Ort Geburtsort Telefon mobil Beruf Rechnungsanschrift privat Firma, Ansprechpartner: Firma Straße/Nr. Telefon PLZ Ort Für die Zeit meines Studiums bin ich über meinen Arbeitgeber in der Berufsgenossenschaft versichert. ja nein Auf die untenstehenden Rahmenbedingungen wurde ich hingewiesen und erkläre mich mit ihrer Geltung einverstanden. Über die Prüfungsordnung des Master Studiengangs an der Brunel Universität London bin ich informiert. Ostfildern/Datum/Unterschrift Ort/Datum/Unterschrift Ort/Datum/Unterschrift TAE Studierender ggf. Firma Rahmenbedingungen der TAE für das Studium Studienabschluss: Die erfolgreiche Absolvierung der Workshops (inkl. Assignments) und Prüfungen sind Voraussetzung für die Erlangung des akademischen Grades "Master of Science" der Brunel University London. Ordnungen: Die Studierenden sind an der Brunel University London eingeschrieben und unterliegen den dortigen Hochschul gesetzten und den hochschul - internen Regelungen. Grundlage des Studiums sind die Programme Specifications und Module Outlines in der jeweils gültigen Fassung. Dauer und Umfang des Studiums, Studienplan: Das Studium an der Brunel University ist auf die Dauer von 18 Monaten angelegt. Die maximale Gesamt - studiendauer beträgt 23 Monate, minimal 12 Monate. Leistungen: Es sind alle vereinbarten Leistungen von beiden Seiten vollständig zu erbringen. Die TAE ist nicht verpflichtet, zusätzliche oder alternative Leistungen anzubieten, wenn der Studierende eine angebotene Leistung aus Gründen, die die TAE nicht zu ver treten hat, nicht in Anspruch nimmt. Mit der Zahlung der Studiengebühren sind folgende Leistungen abgedeckt: Bereitstellung der Skripte zu den jeweiligen Vorlesungen, Seminargebühren für alle Vorlesungen und Labore die regulär für den betreffenden Studienjahrgang angeboten werden. Prüfungsgebühren für max. zwei Klausuren pro Fach. Mit der Anmeldung verpflichtet sich der Teilnehmer grundsätzlich zur Teilnahme am gesamten Studiengang. Wird die Anmeldung bis spätestens vier Wochen vor Studienbeginn storniert, erhebt die TAE eine Bearbeitungsgebühr von 150,-, die mit der Rücktrittsbestätigung fällig wird. Bei Abmeldungen, die innerhalb der letzten 4 Wochen vor Studienbeginn bei der TAE eingehen, ist die volle Teilnahme gebühr zu entrichten. Dem Teilnehmer bleibt die Erbringung des Nachweises vorbehalten, dass die pauschalen Kosten nicht oder nur in wesentlich geringerer Höhe entstanden sind. Die Nichtteilnahme am Studium oder an Studienteilen entbindet nicht von der Zahlungsverpflichtung. Nach Semesterbeginn gilt folgende Regelung: Eine Kündigung des Vertrags zwischen TAE und Studierender/Studierendem führt automatisch zum Erlöschen aller Ansprüche gegenüber der Brunel University London. Eine Stornierung oder Kündigung ist nur schriftlich möglich. Maßgebend für die genannten Zeitpunkte und Fristen ist der Posteingangstempel der TAE. Erfolgt die Stornierung oder Kündigung per , so ist das Datum des nächsten Arbeitstages maßgebend. Bleibt ein Teilnehmer mit der Zahlung in Rückstand, ist die TAE berechtigt, das Vertragsverhältnis mit einer Frist von 6 Wochen zu kündigen und den Teilnehmer vom Studium auszuschließen. Muss die TAE den Studiengang aus wichtigen Gründen kurzfristig absagen z.b. auf Grund zu geringer Teilnehmerzahlen, benachrichtigt die TAE die Teilnehmer sofort und bezahlt bereits gezahlte Studiengebühren zurück. Weiter gehende Ansprüche sind ausgeschlossen. Die TAE behält sich vor, einzelne Vertragsleistungen in zumutbarem Umfang auch ohne Zustimmung des Vertragspartners an die Bedürfnisse des Unterrichts anzupassen, soweit dadurch der Gesamtcharakter des Studiums nicht berührt wird. Dies betrifft zum Beispiel Änderungen im Unterrichts- und Terminplan, den Wechsel von Dozenten, des Studienorts sowie die Zusammenlegung mit gleichartigen Studiengängen.

Master Course in Advanced Manufacturing Systems

Master Course in Advanced Manufacturing Systems TAE Technische Akademie Esslingen Master of Science Master Course in Advanced Manufacturing Systems In Ostfildern (near by Stuttgart) In collaboration with Brunel University London About Technische Akademie


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