Research Report Forschungsbericht

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1 Research Report Forschungsbericht 2012 / 2013

2 Research of the Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering Potsdam-Bornim (ATB) aims at the resource-efficient use of biological systems for the production of food, raw materials and bio-energy following the demands of climate protection and climate change. For this purpose the ATB develops process-engineering bases for a sustainable land management and provides innovative technical solutions for agriculture and industry. Activities concentrate on environment- and animal-friendly competitive production procedures, on quality and safety of food and feeds as well as on renewable raw materials and bio-energy in rural areas. A cross-sectional task is to evaluate the use of technologies in agricultural supply chains - from farm to fork. Founded in 1992, the ATB is one of the leading research institutes for agricultural engineering in Europe. Die Forschung des Leibniz-Instituts für Agrartechnik Potsdam-Bornim e.v. (ATB) zielt auf die ressourceneffiziente Nutzung biologischer Systeme zur Erzeugung von Lebensmitteln, Rohstoffen und Energie in Anpassung an Anforderungen von Klimaschutz und Klimawandel. Zu diesem Zweck entwickelt das ATB verfahrenstechnische Grundlagen für eine nachhaltige Landbewirtschaftung und stellt innovative technische Lösungen für Landwirtschaft und Industrie bereit. Die Forschungsaktivitäten konzentrieren sich auf wettbewerbsfähige, umwelt- und tiergerechte Produktionsverfahren, auf Qualität und Sicherheit von Lebens- und Futtermitteln sowie auf nachwachsende Rohstoffe und Bioenergie im ländlichen Raum. Eine Querschnittsaufgabe ist es, die Auswirkungen der eingesetzten Verfahren über die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette zu analysieren - vom Feld bis zum Verbraucher. Gegründet 1992, zählt das ATB heute zu den führenden agrartechnischen Forschungseinrichtungen in Europa.

3 Content Inhalt Preface 4 Vorwort Networked research - Crossover between disciplines LRA Food and Nutrition WeGa - Competence Network Horticulture Biochar in Agriculture Leibniz Graduate School LandPaKT Vernetzte Forschung - Crossover der Disziplinen LFV Lebensmittelproduktion und Ernährung WeGa - Kompetenznetz Gartenbau Biokohle in der Landwirtschaft Leibniz Graduiertenschule LandPaKT Research in programs Precision farming and precision livestock production Quality and safety of food and feed Material and energetic use of biomass Technology assessment in agriculture Forschung in Programmen Technik und Verfahren im Pflanzenbau und in der Tierhaltung Qualität und Sicherheit von Lebens- und Futtermitteln Stoffliche und energetische Nutzung von Biomasse Bewertung des Technikeinsatzes in Agrarsystemen Dialogues & insights Facts & figures Publications Dialoge & Einblicke Fakten & Zahlen Publikationen

4 Preface Efficiency has become a key concept for sustainable management - for us at the ATB the efficient use of natural resources is the central research objective. Only with a sustained increase in agricultural production, it will be possible to ensure the supply of a growing global population with food, bio-based materials and energy. Higher yielding requires more efficiency in terms of the resources used. To achieve this, it needs to break new ground: Substantial efficiency increases in agricultural production will be possible only through system innovations. And these arise when ideas, research and development are crossing disciplinary boundaries - as it is the case at the ATB. Prof. Dr. habil. Reiner Brunsch Example Biochar: Maintenance of a high soil fertility is the basis of an efficient plant production. This is where our research on biochar comes in. The topic is investigated across ATB s research programs in various third party funded projects on a broad basis: Our researchers design biochars from agricultural wastes with different processing methods, characterize and evaluate the charred biomass in terms of their GHG mitigation potential and effects in the soil. Another example of recent research topics investigated on a cross disciplinary level at the ATB is edible insects. We are focussing on the subject since In the face of globally changing eating habits insects - as animal feed - could be a climate-friendly alternative protein source. The implementation of such future-oriented research themes is a central component of the our strategy. Vorwort Effizienz ist längst zu einem Schlüsselbegriff für nachhaltiges Wirtschaften geworden für uns am ATB ist die effiziente Nutzung natürlicher Ressourcen zentrales Forschungsziel. Denn nur mit einer nachhaltig erhöhten landwirtschaftlichen Produktion kann es gelingen, die Versorgung einer global wachsenden Bevölkerung mit Lebensmitteln, biobasierten Stoffen und Energie zu gewährleisten. Mehr Erträge erfordern ein Mehr an Effizienz der eingesetzten Produktionsmittel. Hierfür müssen neue Wege beschritten werden: Substanzielle Effizienzsteigerungen in der landwirtschaftlichen Produktion sind nur durch Systeminnovationen möglich. Und diese entstehen dann, wenn über Disziplingrenzen hinweg gedacht, geforscht und entwickelt wird so wie am ATB. Beispiel Biokohle: Die Grundlage eines effizienten Pflanzenbaus sind die Pflege und der Erhalt einer hohen Bodenfruchtbarkeit. Hier setzen die Arbeiten des ATB zur Biokohle an. Sie wird auf breiter Basis programmübergreifend in verschiedenen drittmittelgeförderten Forschungsprojekten erforscht: Unsere ForscherInnen designen Biokohlen aus agrarischen Reststoffen mit verschiedenen Herstellungsverfahren, charakterisieren sie und bewerten sie hinsichtlich ihrer Potenziale sowie ihrer Wirkungen im Boden. Ein weiteres, noch recht junges Beispiel für Forschungsthemen, die am ATB disziplinübergreifend bearbeitet werden, sind essbare Insekten. Seit 2012 erforschen wir das Thema. Angesichts der sich weltweit verändernden Ernährungs- 4

5 For an agenda-setting and impulse-giving institute the internal structure has to fit: In recent years, we succeeded in focussing our research and in improving our scientific performance - a strategic process that is continuously further developed. Thematic priorities were furnished with the appropriate resources in terms of personnel and research equipment. We are proud of our recent years success as an applicationoriented research institute and want to consolidate this path. At the same time, we will even more set our focus on knowledge gained from basic research. With the expansion of our scientific infrastructure we have created the best possible pre-requisites for this. For example, the boundary layer wind tunnel, put into operation in 2012, opens up new opportunities to systematically study the complex aerodynamic processes in the near-surface layers of the atmosphere. This knowledge enables to develop environmentally friendly animal husbandry or is being incorporated in the development of strategies for air hygiene in densely populated rural areas. Similarly, other new infrastructure such as the mutually complementary biogas and biochar labs and the laboratory complex for the quality and safety of food and feed, completed in 2013, enable us to deal with complex basic research questions. Another essential module of our strategy is to create a common experimental and data base for the institute. Transdisciplinary and cross-institutional research approaches assume the availability of a long-term experimental basis. The ATB could successfully secure two sites in the vicinity of the institute for long-term experimental operation. This is firstly the location of the Federal Plant Variety Office Marquardt, which will be developed as a research site for field experiments in the field of Precision Agriculture and Precision Fruticulture - or short - Technology Garden. Secondly, the current cooperation with the Training and Research Institute for Animal Breeding and Husbandry Grosskreutz (LVAT) is expanded and consolidated. The LVAT will become a model farm for precision farming with a special focus on dairy production. Thanks to the continuous growth of successfully acquired external research funding, the ATB has continued to grow. Since 2011, the number of employees increased so sharply that a temporary office building with 35 new work places had to be set up. It was completed in May The construction of a new center for technology and knowledge transfer is currently in planning in order to provide sufficient work and office space for research groups as well as for knowledge and technology transfer in the future. From 2018 on it will supply the ATB with rooms for meetings, knowledge transfer, as well as with a central laboratory, offices, and space for IT infrastructure. We also recorded growth in terms of quality. This is particularly reflected by the main relevant output of a research institution: gewohnheiten könnten Insekten als Tierfutter eine klimafreundliche alternative Proteinquelle sein. Die Etablierung solcher neuen, zukunftsweisenden Forschungsthemen ist ein zentraler Baustein der Strategie des ATB. Bei einem Institut, das Themen setzen und Impulse geben will, muss auch die Struktur stimmen: In den letzten Jahren ist es uns gelungen, unsere Forschung strukturell weiter zu fokussieren und noch leistungsfähiger zu machen - ein Prozess, der stetig weitergeführt wird. Strategische inhaltliche Schwerpunkte wurden mit den entsprechenden Ressourcen Personal und Ausstattung verstärkt. Unsere Erfolge der letzten Jahre als anwendungsorientiertes Forschungsinstitut wollen wir verstetigen. Zugleich wollen wir in Zukunft den Fokus noch stärker auf Erkenntnisgewinn aus der Grundlagenforschung richten. Mit dem Ausbau unserer wissenschaftlichen Infrastruktur haben wir hierfür beste Voraussetzungen geschaffen. Beispielsweise eröffnet uns der 2012 in Betrieb genommene Grenzschicht-Windkanal neue Möglichkeiten, die komplexen aerodynamischen Vorgänge in den bodennahen Schichten der Atmosphäre systematisch zu untersuchen. Die hieraus gewonnenen Erkenntnisse fließen u. a. ein in die Entwicklung von umweltfreundlichen Tierhaltungsverfahren oder in Lufthygienestrategien für dicht besiedelte ländliche Räume. In ähnlicher Weise ermöglichen es die erweiterten und sich ergänzenden Biogas- und Biokohle-Labore sowie der Mitte 2013 fertig gestellte Laborkomplex für die Qualität und Sicherheit von Lebens- und Futtermitteln, grundlegende Forschungsfragen zu bearbeiten. Ein weiterer wichtiger Strategie-Baustein besteht darin, im ATB eine gemeinsame Versuchs- und Datenbasis zu schaffen. Disziplinen- und institutionenübergreifende Forschungsansätze setzen voraus, dass eine langfristig gesicherte Experimentalbasis vorhanden ist. Dem ATB ist es gelungen, zwei Standorte in der Nähe des Instituts dauerhaft für den Versuchsbetrieb zu sichern. Das ist zum einen der Standort Marquardt der Prüfstelle des Bundessortenamts, der zu einem Forschungsstandort für Dauerfeldversuche zu Precision Agriculture und Precision Fruticulture oder kurz: Technology Garden entwickelt werden soll. Zum anderen wird die bisherige Zusammenarbeit mit der Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt für Tierzucht und Tierhaltung Groß Kreutz (LVAT) erweitert und verstetigt. Die LVAT wird zu einem Musterbetrieb Präzisionslandwirtschaft mit Schwerpunkt Milchproduktion entwickelt. Dank des kontinuierlichen Zuwachses an erfolgreich eingeworbenen Drittmitteln ist das ATB weiter gewachsen. Seit 2011 nahm die Zahl der MitarbeiterInnen so stark zu, dass die Errichtung eines temporären Bürogebäudes mit 35 neuen Arbeitsplätzen notwendig wurde. Es wurde im Mai 2013 fertiggestellt. Um 5

6 its scientific publications. Not only their number has increased significantly. Many articles are of considerable social relevance and are widely percepted even beyond the scientific community. This success is due to ATB s biggest asset: the motivation and commitment of our qualified scientists and technicians, to whom I whish to express my personal thanks. Of particular importance to me is that in recent years we significantly improved the structured promotion of young scientists at the ATB. In 2013, we started the Leibniz Graduate School Agricultural techniques: potentials and costs of greenhouse gas mitigation (LandPaKT) jointly with the Agricultural-Horticultural Faculty of the Humboldt-University Berlin. The graduate school is funded within the framework of the Leibniz Competition in the context of BMBF s Joint Initiative for Research and Innovation. It provides a structured, interdisciplinary program offering both, scientific and key qualifications indispensable for a scientific career. The program package is open to all doctoral students at the ATB. The institute supports the associated costs for three years from its budget. Our research topics are of global importance. Accordingly, we considerably strengthened and expanded our international activities in recent years. Particularly fruitful was our collaboration within the European Research Network Information and Communication Technology in Agriculture (ERA-Net ICT-AGRI). Equally active is the institute in European networking initiatives such as the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST). This allows us to participate in shaping the programmatic orientation of research at EU level. The international research activities of the ATB are, of course, not limited to the EU. To give an example - again within the context of the Leibniz Competition for research funding: the international network Biochar in Agriculture, launched in 2012 and coordinated by ATB, investigates the potential of biochar application in Germany and Malaysia. Our research became more international. Likewise, more and more scientists from abroad, partly thanks to AvH and Leibniz- DAAD scholarships, are permantly or temporarily working as researchers at the ATB - reason enough to present this research report for the first time largely in English. I hope you enjoy reading! in Zukunft ausreichend Arbeits- und Büroflächen für Nachwuchsgruppen sowie für Aufgaben im Wissens- und Technologietransfer bereitzustellen, ist der Neubau eines Zentrums für Technologie und Wissenstransfer geplant. Es soll ab 2018 das ATB mit Flächen für Tagungen, Kommunikation und Wissenstransfer, für ein zentrales Labor sowie mit Büroflächen und IT-Infrastruktur versorgen. Auch qualitativ konnten wir in den letzten Jahren Wachstum verzeichnen. Das zeigt sich insbesondere am wesentlichen Output einer Forschungseinrichtung: den wissenschaftlichen Publikationen. Nicht nur deren Zahl ist deutlich gestiegen. Viele Beiträge sind von großer gesellschaftlicher Relevanz und erfahren eine breite Wahrnehmung über die wissenschaftliche Community hinaus. Zu verdanken ist dies unserem eigentlichen Kapital : der Motivation und dem Engagement unserer qualifizierten MitarbeiterInnen, denen ich an dieser Stelle meinen persönlichen Dank aussprechen möchte. Besonders am Herzen liegt mir die in den letzten Jahren deutlich verbesserte strukturierte Förderung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses am ATB. So konnten wir im Leibniz-Wettbewerb 2013 gemeinsam mit der Landwirtschaftlich-Gärtnerischen Fakultät (LGF) der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin die Leibniz Graduate School Landwirtschaftliche Verfahren: Potenziale und Kosten für die Treibhausgasminderung (LandPaKT) einwerben. Sie bietet ein strukturiertes, interdisziplinäres Programm zur fachlichen Qualifizierung, aber auch die Vermittlung unabdingbarer Schlüsselqualifizierungen für eine wissenschaftliche Laufbahn. Das Programmangebot kann von allen Promovierenden des ATB genutzt werden. Das Institut unterstützt den damit verbundenen personellen Aufwand für zunächst drei Jahre aus Haushaltsmitteln. Die Forschungsthemen, die am ATB bearbeitet werden, sind von globaler Bedeutung. Entsprechend dieser Bedeutung haben wir in den letzten Jahren auch unsere internationalen Aktivitäten verstärkt und ausgebaut. Besonders erfolgreich war die Mitwirkung des ATB im europäischen Forschungsnetzwerk Informationsund Kommunikationstechnologie in der Landwirtschaft (ERA- Net ICT-AGRI). Auch in europäischen Vernetzungsinitiativen im Rahmen von Maßnahmen der European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) zu aktuellen gesellschaftlich und wissenschaftlich relevanten Fragen ist das ATB aktiv. So können wir auf EU-Ebene an der programmatischen Ausrichtung der Forschung gestaltend mitwirken. Die internationalen Forschungstätigkeiten des ATB beschränken sich selbstredend nicht auf die EU. Als ein Beispiel sei hier ein weiteres Projekt aus dem Leibniz-Wettbewerb genannt: Im 2012 gestarteten und vom ATB koordinierten Netzwerk Biochar in Agriculture untersuchen wir die Potenziale von Biokohle in Deutschland und Malaysia. Die Forschung des ATB ist internationaler geworden. Ebenso kommen immer mehr Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler aus dem Ausland z. T. dank AvH- bzw. Leibniz-DAAD-Stipendien an das ATB Anlass genug, diesen Forschungsbericht erstmals weitgehend in Englisch vorzustellen. Viel Freude beim Lesen wünscht 6

7 Networked research Crossover between disciplines Our scientific activities combine both basic and applied research for a sustainable agricultural production. The aim is to transfer the scientific knowledge into practice. We are searching for solutions to complex problems at the interface between biological and technical systems. This requires an intensive collaboration between scientists from different disciplines: agronomy, plant physiology, microbiology, information technology, physics, mechanical engineering, and others. This interdisciplinary crossover, which is also reflected in the joint cooperation with universities, non-university research institutions, and industry, enables the ATB to be the originator and coordinator of large interdisciplinary research consortia. Four of these projects will be described on the following pages: the Leibniz Research Alliance on Sustainable Food Production and Healthy Nutrition, the Competence Cluster Horticulture WeGa, as well as the project Biochar in Agriculture - Perspektives for Germany and Malaysia and the Leibniz Graduate School Agricultural techniques: potentials and costs of greenhouse gas mitigation (LandPaKT). Vernetzte Forschung Crossover der Disziplinen Die Arbeiten des ATB verbinden Grundlagen- und anwendungsorientierte Forschung für eine nachhaltige landwirtschaftliche Produktion. Gesucht sind Lösungsansätze für komplexe Problemstellungen an der Schnittstelle zwischen biologischen und technischen Systemen. Dies erfordert ein intensives Zusammenwirken von Wissenschaftlern verschiedener Disziplinen: Agrarwissenschaft, Pflanzenphysiologie, Mikrobiologie, Informationswissenschaft, Physik, Verfahrenstechnik, Maschinenbau und andere. Dieses interdisziplinäre Cross-over, das sich auch in den gemeinsamen Kooperationen mit Universitäten, außeruniversitären Forschungseinrichtungen und Unternehmen der Wirtschaft widerspiegelt, befähigt das ATB zum Ideengeber und Koordinator großer interdisziplinärer Forschungsverbünde. An dieser Stelle möchten wir vier dieser Vorhaben vorstellen: den Leibniz-Forschungsverbund Nachhaltige Lebensmittelproduktion und gesunde Ernährung, das Kompetenznetz Gartenbau WeGa, sowie die aus Mitteln des Pakts für Forschung und Innovation geförderte Leibniz-Graduiertenschule LandPaKT und das Projekt Biokohle in der Landwirtschaft - Perspektiven für Deutschland und Malaysia. 7

8 Leibniz Research Alliance Sustainable Food Production and Healthy Nutrition Leibniz-Forschungsverbund Nachhaltige Lebensmittelproduktion und gesunde Ernährung Der interdisziplinäre Leibniz-Forschungsverbund Nachhaltige Lebensmittelproduktion und gesunde Ernährung, dem bisher 14 Leibniz-Institute (plus ein assoziiertes Institut) der Natur-, Wirtschafts-, Ingenieur- und Sozialwissenschaften angehören, wurde auf Initiative des ATB ins Leben gerufen und 2012 vom Leibniz-Präsidium zur Förderung bestätigt. Im Fokus stehen zwei gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen: Nachhaltigkeit und Gesundheit. Es gilt, Produktionssysteme für Lebensmittel zu entwickeln, die ökologische, soziale und wirtschaftliche Aspekte langfristig in Einklang bringen. Neben der gesundheitlichen Wirkung von Lebensmitteln gilt es auch, Ernährungsgewohnheiten sowie die Wechselwirkungen zwischen nachhaltiger Lebensmittelproduktion und gesunder Ernährung zu erforschen. Diesen komplexen Fragen widmet sich der Verbund systemisch und transferorientiert: von der Zelle bis zum fertigen Lebensmittelprodukt, vom Produzenten bis zum Verbraucher. Securing food supply is one of the greatest global challenges of the 21st century. Food security is affected by many prevailing conditions such as a growing global population, changing lifestyles, ever more scarce resources, and climate change are constantly evolving and show just how complex the topic is. In order to organise the sustainable production of food the entire value chain has to be taken into consideration. The second challenge is to provide society with a healthy diet. This requires a causal analysis not only of the impact of foodstuffs on health but, above all, of dietary patterns. A network of competent partners The research alliance is devoted to solving these complex questions with interdisciplinary, transfer-oriented methods from the cellular level to the final product, and from producer to consumer. A network of 15 competent partners from the natural, economic, engineering and social sciences brings the qualifications needed for this mission: the German Research Center for Food Chemistry (DFA), the German Institute of Human Nutrition (DIfE), the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin), the Leibniz Centers for Tropical Marine Ecology (ZMT) and for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), the Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB), as well as the Leibniz Institutes of Agricultural Engineering (ATB), Agricultural Development in Central and Eastern Europe (IAMO), Vegetable and Ornamental Crops (IGZ), Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB), Plant Biochemistry (IPB), Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK), for Plasma Science and Technology (INP) and for Farm Animal Biology (FBN). The alliance Food and Nutrition was initiated by ATB s director Reiner Brunsch. Leibniz Alliances Leibniz institutions form collaborative research alliances which use inter- and transdisciplinary approaches to address current scientific and socially-relevant issues. The alliances are designed for a period of five to 15 years and are open for collaboration with economic perspective. Key questions The Leibniz Research Alliance Sustainable food production and healthy nutrition focuses primarily on two social challenges: sustainability and health. The following questions are of key importance: How can we ensure safe, sustainable and healthy nutrition for the global population? Producing food sustainably means developing systems of production, which balance ecological, social and economic concerns in the long term. How can science promote healthy nutrition in the population? The effects of food on health and nutritional habits must be researched and clarified. How do sustainable food production and health influence each other? Still widely under-researched, the numerous connections and reciprocal effects between sustainable food production and healthy nutrition remain a challenge for scientists. As a first approach the topic proteins has been identified as relevant. The symposium Sustainable protein supply and health effects held in December 2013 in Berlin highlighted the issues proteins in biological systems, sustainable protein production, protein consumption and health effects, and protein markets. Spokesman Prof. Dr. agr. Reiner Brunsch has a doctorate in agricultural sciences and is, since 2001, honorary professor for Animal Husbandry and Technology at Humboldt University Berlin. Since 2004 he leads the ATB, since 2006 as appointed director. His research targets a resource-efficient agricultural production and animal friendly technologies. Due to the Contact: complex nature of agricultural production systems he calls for a more systemic research approach. He is, a. o., member of the Sustainability Advisory Board of the State Government of Brandenburg and at the international level, leads as deputy director of EurAgEng (European Society of Agricultural Engineers) its strategic network ENGAGE. Reiner Brunsch has three children and runs a farm in Brandenburg. 8

9 AgroClustEr: WeGa Network of Competence Horticulture AgroClustEr: WeGa Kompetenznetz Gartenbau Horticultural production takes a prominent position from an economic perspective. Due to the very high production intensity in the German horticulture, the share of horticultural production reaches about 40% of the sales revenue from agricultural crop production. Stronger than in any other branch of crop production the optimization of horticultural production is based on advances in system-oriented process and plant technology in order to improve resource efficiency and assure and enhance the quality of produce and process. WeGa (Wertschöpfungskette Gartenbau = value chain in horticulture) is one of five competence networks funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in the frame of its High-Tech Strategy over a period of five years. The competence networks target at strengthening and bundling research in agriculture and nutrition. The aim is to develop an excellent agricultural and nutritional research in terms of basic as well as application orientation and to connect it with training concepts and with knowledge and technology transfer to industry and society. Research focus is on the safety of product and production in the highly intensive plant production, in particular on the prevention of product defects and optimization of processes. For horticultural products such as apple (fruit), cabbage (vegetables), roses and rhododendrons (ornamental plants and planting stock) specific optimization approaches are being examined. ATB work packages Within the collaborative project product control solutions for maximum product safety through control mechanisms and the detection of phyto- and human pathogens on or in horticultural products or substrates are being developed. Microbiological, cytometric, photonic and biotechnological testing and detection methods are used for an automated and specific detection of microorganisms in environmental samples. A new approach is the application of flow cytometry in combination with fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). For time-efficient vegetable production, reliable sensor-based control systems are indispensable to predict plant growth and harvest time. Plant growth directly depends on photosynthetic capacitance, which is largely governed by but flexibly adapts to long-term and short-term variations in environmental conditions. Chlorophyll fluorescence analysis and reflection spectroscopy are well suited for low-effort measurement of both total photosynthetic performance and the efficiency of photosynthetic protection mechanisms. One result of this project was the fusion of both techniques in a highly effective optical sensors system for real-time control of crop efficiency. The third project aimed at developing a method for predicting shelf life of broccoli. A close relationship between water, temperature and radiation on the field and subsequent shelf life was indicated by measurements carried out by different partners. The Im Fokus der Forschung des Kompetenznetzes Gartenbau WeGa steht die Produkt- und Produktionssicherheit hochintensiver Pflanzenproduktion, speziell die Vermeidung von Produktmängeln und die Optimierung von Prozessen. Am ATB werden drei Forschungsprojekte aus WeGa im Rahmen der Wertschöpfungs kette Brokkoli bearbeitet. Das AgroClustEr WeGa ist eines von fünf Kompetenznetzwerken, die im Rahmen der Hightech-Strategie des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) zur Stärkung und Bündelung der agrar- und ernährungswissenschaftlichen Kompetenzen gefördert werden. database was extended to a web application for prediction of shelf life by means of online collected data. As a result, none of the tested non-destructive methods and analyses of early chlorophyll catabolites were suitable for shelf life prediction. ( Contact: Spokesman Dr. agr. Martin Geyer is deputy spokesman of the AgroClustEr WeGa and member of the network s executiv board. Martin Geyer has a PhD in Agricultural Sciences and worked from 1985 to 1992 as scientist at the Horticultural Institute of the Technical University Munich / Weihenstephan. In 1992 he moved with his family to Potsdam to become head of the Horticultural Engineering Department at the ATB. Since 1992 he is Vice Director and member of ATB s Executive Board. His research focuses on harvesting and postharvest technologies for fruits and vegetables, in particular on sensor based technologies for quality and safety of food and feed. Facts Network of competence: AgroClustEr Value chain Horticulture (WeGa) Safety of produce and production in high-intensity crop production, ATB Workpackages 3.2, 4.6 and 4.7 Coordinated by: Leibniz-University Hanover, Germany Funded by: Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF), Bonn (within the program: Networks of competence in the agricultural and food research) and by the Ministries of the Federal States Brandenburg (MIL), Niedersachsen (MWK), and Bavaria (KM) Volume: 7.6 Mio. EUR Duration: 09/ / partners from science, industry, production, and trade Vernetzte Forschung 9

10 Biochar in Agriculture - Perspectives for Germany and Malaysia Biokohle in der Landwirtschaft - Perspektiven für Deutschland und Malaysia Das Potenzial verkohlter Biomasse (Biokohle) als Bodenhilfsstoff wird derzeit weltweit beforscht. Das Projekt Biochar in Agriculture Perspectives for Germany and Malaysia untersucht in einem ganzheitlichen Ansatz das ökonomische und ökologische Potenzial von Biokohle in der Landwirtschaft. Der Fokus liegt auf der Reduzierung von Treibhausgasen und auf den wirtschaftlichen Kosten des Biokohleeinsatzes. Ein Forschungsnetzwerk mit nationalen und internationalen Partnern unter der Leitung des ATB widmet sich der komplexen Aufgabe, belastbare Anworten auf die Frage zu finden, ob der Einsatz von Biokohlen auf landwirtschaftlich genutzten Flächen tatsächlich Vorteile für Agrarsysteme und Umwelt bringt. Die Bündelung verschiedener Forschungsansätze soll zu einer profunden Einschätzung beitragen und auch Informationen für politische Entscheidungsträger bereitstellen. Das Projekt wird von der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft im Rahmen des Paktes für Forschung und Innovation gefördert. biochars on crop yields, LCA and the farm economic evaluation of biochar. The studies are carried out within the framework of ATB research program Technology assessment in agriculture, but are closely linked to the biochar research in ATB s program Material and energetic use of biomass. Besides the GHG mitigation potential of biochar use, a special focus within the project is set on its economic costs. Welfare analysis is carried out by the German Institute for Economic Research Berlin (DIW). DIW calculates the greenhouse gas mitigation potential and possible costs of using biochar in German agriculture, against the background that Germany targets for the reduction of its greenhouse gas emissions. The project Biochar in Agriculture - Perspectives for Germany and Malaysia is funded by the Leibniz-Association in the context of the Joint Initiative for Research and Innovation. ( For some years the application of biochar to agricultural fields has been suggested as an effective method to simultaneously sequester carbon in the soil, decrease GHG emissions from the soil and improve soil fertility. Until now, effects on soil fertility and mitigation of greenhouse gases have been identified primarily in the tropics on weathered soils with low soil fertility. Many soils in Brandenburg also face limited fertility due to low cation exchange capacity and low precipitation. This fact triggered the idea to identify the potentials for biochar applications in these soils. To enable a comparison of biochar applications in the tropics and in temperate zones a research network was established with partners in Berlin-Brandenburg and the University of Putra Malaysia. The joint project aims at providing a better understanding of environmental as well as economic potentials of the use of charred biomass material (biochar) in agriculture. Tasks and actors Clearly, depending on the biomass material and the conversion technology used, the resulting biochar products differ substantially in their chemical, physical and biological properties and thus in their impacts on soil fertility and yield response, presumably. These effects are analyzed in field experiments and pot experiments in Germany and Malaysia. Particular research activities focus on the effects of biochar on the dynamics of soil aggregation (Technical University Berlin), on the soil-plant-system (Humboldt-University Berlin), the impact of biochar on soil biota and microbial activities (Leibniz-Centre for Agricultural Landscape ZALF, Müncheberg), while pot experiments on N-fertilizer leaching and crop uptake are carried out at the University of Putra Malaysia (UPM). ATB work packages include short-term incubation studies on the degradation of biochar in soil and the effects of Coordinator Dr. rer. nat. Andreas Meyer-Aurich is coordinator of ATB s research program Technology assessment in agriculture. Having finished his PhD in Geo-ecology at Potsdam University he went to Munich to work as a scientist at the Chair of Farm Economics at Technical University Munich, and from 2004 Contact: to 2005 at the Department of Agricultural Business and Farm Economics at the Canadian University of Guelph. In 2006, he joined the ATB as senior scientist. His competencies are in the field of modelling of agroecosystems, analysis of GHG mitigation strategies, energy efficiency and biochar in agriculture, economic analysis of Precision Farming and spatial econometrics. Facts Biochar in Agriculture Perspectives for Germany and Malaysia Coordinated by: ATB Funded by: Leibniz-Association, Joint Initiative for Research and Innovation Volume: 1.05 Mio. EUR Duration: 02/ /2015 Partners: Leibniz-Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), German Institute for Economic Research (DIW), Technical University of Berlin (TU), Humboldt University Berlin (HU) and University of Putra Malaysia (UPM) 10

11 Leibniz Graduate School LandPaKT Leibniz Graduiertenschule LandPaKT Exploiting the greenhouse gas mitigation potential from agriculture requires viable measures on the farm level. In the Graduate School LandPaKT, seven PhD students are analyzing the most important influence sectors re-wetting of organic soils, carbon sequestration in mineral soils, and livestock husbandry to systematically explore their mitigation potentials as well as the accompanied costs. With modelling and simulation approaches, single as well as combined measures in the different farm sectors are analyzed with regard to their overall effect. Sieben Promovierende der Graduiertenschule Landwirtschaftliche Verfahren: Potenziale und Kosten für die Treibhausgasminderung (LandPaKT) bearbeiten für die Dauer von drei Jahren in einem interdisziplinären Ansatz Fragen zur Vermeidung von Treibhausgasemissionen aus der Landwirtschaft gemeinsam. Ziel der Leibniz Graduate School ist die Bereitstellung von aufeinander abgestimmten Maßnahmen, die auf einzelbetrieblicher Ebene zu nennenswerten Emissionsminderungen führen können und dabei ökonomisch vertretbar sind. Die frühere Landwirtschaftlich-Gärtnerische Fakultät (jetzt Albrecht-Daniel-Thaer Institut für Agrar- und Gartenbauwissenschaften) der HU Berlin und das Leibniz-Institut für Agrartechnik Potsdam-Bornim e. V. (ATB) bündeln in LandPaKT ihre fachlichen Kompetenzen und bieten NachwuchswissenschaftlerInnen ein strukturiertes Umfeld für die Arbeit an ihrer Promotion. Das Projekt wird von der Leibniz- Gemeinschaft im Rahmen des Paktes für Forschung und Innovation gefördert. Recommendations for the most-promising measures are deduced. Which policies would promote the implementation of the farm level measures, is a topic as well. PhD students working on associated topics at the ATB and Humboldt University are integrated in the project. Structured promotion of young researchers With LandPaKT, ATB and Humboldt University Berlin combine their scientific expertise and offer a structured, interdisciplinary environment for the PhD students. The participants are enrolled as PhD students at the Faculty of Life Sciences (former Agricultural-Horticultural Faculty) of the Humboldt University. Candidates profit from regular and qualified support in the structured program of LandPaKT. Besides topic-related courses, this structured program provides them with training opportunities to improve important skills for a scientific career, e.g. presenting and language skills. The program is co-operating with other scientific institutions in the metropolitan area as the Potsdam Research Network, the Humboldt Graduate School and the Potsdam Graduate School. The Graduate School LandPaKT started in May It is funded by the Leibniz-Association in the context of the Joint Initiative for Research and Innovation of the Federal Ministry for Education and Science (BMBF). ( Coordinator Prof. Dr. rer. agr. habil. Annette Prochnow coordinates the Leibniz Graduate School Land- PaKT. During her studies of agricultural sciences in Berlin she specialized in crop production. Both her PhD thesis in 1995 and her habilitation thesis in 2000 focused on the assessment of technology and techniques for integrated largearea landscape management. Contact: Since 2003, Annette Prochnow leads the department Technology Assessment and Substance Cycles as the first female head of an ATB department she was jointly appointed by Humboldt-University Berlin and ATB as Professor for Strategies for using bioresources at the University s Albrecht-Daniel-Thaer Institute for Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences. Facts Leibniz Graduate School Agricultural techniques: potentials and costs of greenhouse gas mitigation (LandPaKT) Coordinated by: ATB Funded by: Leibniz-Association in the context of the Joint Initiative for Research and Innovation of the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) Volume: 0.9 Mio. EUR Duration: 05/ /2016 Partner: Humboldt University Berlin Vernetzte Forschung 11

12 Research in Programs Research at the ATB is organized within four programs. This reflects the interdisciplinary nature and the systems approach to our research objectives. Specific research tasks are derived from the analysis of global and regional challenges. The overall objective is the resource efficiency of agricultural production systems in terms of sustainable development. Our research focuses on competitive, environmentally sound and animal-friendly production processes, quality control of agricultural and horticultural products as well as on the material and energetic use of renewable raw materials and organic residues in rural areas. A cross-sectional task is to evaluate the use of technology in agricultural supply chains - from field to consumer. Forschen in Programmen Die Forschungsarbeiten finden innerhalb von vier Programmen statt. Dies ist Ausdruck der Interdisziplinarität und des Systemansatzes in unseren Forschungszielen. Konkrete Forschungsaufgaben leiten wir ab aus der Analyse globaler und regionaler Herausforderungen. Übergeordnetes Ziel ist die Ressourceneffizienz landwirtschaftlicher Produktionssysteme im Hinblick auf nachhaltige Entwicklung. Unsere Forschung konzentriert sich auf wettbewerbsfähige, umwelt- und tiergerechte Produktionsverfahren, auf die Qualitätssicherung landwirtschaftlicher und gärtnerischer Produkte sowie auf die stoffliche und energetische Nutzung nachwachsender Rohstoffe und biogener Reststoffe im ländlichen Raum. Eine Querschnittsaufgabe ist es, die Auswirkungen der eingesetzten Verfahren über die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette zu bewerten - vom Feld bis zum Verbraucher. 12

13 Research Programs Forschungsprogramme 13

14 Research Program Precision agriculture and precision livestock farming The ever-increasing world population and the limitation of resources call for new answers to existential questions: How can we produce high quality food with less input of energy, water, and other resources? How can we reduce workload and environmental impact? How can we maintain health and wellbeing of livestock? And, last but not least, how can we secure and improve competitiveness of our farms? In seeking the answers to these questions, we use the most recent methodologies. A major topic is the development of sensors for soil, crop and livestock. These sensors enable precise management of fertilization, crop protection, irrigation, harvesting, climate condition, or milking resulting in the reduction of inputs and improvement of quality. Other focus areas cover the modelling and the design of production processes. Forschungsprogramm Technik und Verfahren im Pflanzenbau und in der Tierhaltung Angesichts einer wachsenden Weltbevölkerung und knapper werdenden Ressourcen arbeiten wir an Antworten auf existentielle Fragen: Wie können hochwertige Produkte mit einem möglichst geringen Verbrauch an Energie, Wasser und weiteren Ressourcen erzeugt werden? Wie lassen sich Verluste, z. B. bei der Ernte, reduzieren? Wie lassen sich Arbeits- und Umweltbelastungen, z.b. Emissionen aus Ställen, vermindern? Wie können Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden von Nutztieren erhalten werden? Und nicht zuletzt: Wie kann die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der landwirtschaftlichen Betriebe erhalten und gesteigert werden? Ein Schwerpunkt des Forschungsprogramms ist die Entwicklung von Sensoren für Zustandserfassungen bei Böden, Pflanzen und Tieren. Mit ihnen lassen sich u. a. Düngung, Pflanzenschutz, Bewässerung, Ernte, Stallklima und Melktechnik wesentlich präziser steuern, was Einsparungen und Qualitätsteigerungen ermöglicht. Weitere Schwerpunkte bilden die Modellierung und die Gestaltung von Produktionsverfahren. Coordinator of the research program Koordinator des Forschungsprogramms Dr. Robin Gebbers Contact: 14

15 Proximal soil sensing Innovative technologies such as THz spectroscopy and fusion of multiple sensors on a mobile platform offer new opportunities for sustainable soil management. Optical sensors and image processing methods A new low-cost camera design suits for a wide range of applications in agriculture, a rapid method for early detection of mildew-resistant lettuce lines accelerates breeding, hyperspectral imaging helps to identify allergenic ragweed Nahbereichs- Bodenanalytik Innovative Technologien wie THz-Spektroskopie und die Sensorfusion auf einer mobilen Plattform eröffnen neue Chancen für eine nachhaltige Bodenbewirtschaftung Optische Sensoren und Bildverarbeitungsmethoden Eine speziell entwickelte Low-Cost-Kamera bietet vielfältige Einsatzmöglichkeiten in der Landwirtschaft, eine Schnell- Methode zur Früherkennung Mehltau-resistenter Salatlinien beschleunigt den Züchtungserfolg, hyperspektrale Verfahren helfen, Ambrosia-Pflanzen zu erkennen. Smart solutions... for automated and precise data acquisition and management in arable farming and fruticulture: application of unmanned aerial systems equipped with sensors for assessing biomass and N status, non-invasive and wireless technologies for tree-wise monitoring of growth and ripening, and a wireless irrigation control system Intelligente Lösungen für die automatisierte und präzise Datenerfassung in Acker- und Obstbau: der Einsatz von Sensoren auf unbemannten Flugsystemen, nicht-invasive und drahtlose Technologien für die baumweise Erfassung von Wachstums- und Reifungsprozessen, sowie ein funkbasiertes Bewässerungssteuersystem. Animal welfare and livestock emissions Gentle technologies: A new teat cup reduces stress on the cow udder, thermography non-invasively measures body temperature in sows and cattle. Improved methods: A triple-bottom-line model for studying flow characteristics in and around dairy barns Tierwohl und Emissionen aus der Tierhaltung Sanfte Technologie: Ein neuer Melkbecher verringert Belastungen am Kuheuter, Thermografie erfasst nicht-invasiv die Körpertemperatur bei Sauen und Rindern. Weiterentwickelte Methoden: ein Drei-Säulen-Modell zur Untersuchung von Strömungscharakteristiken in und in der Umgebung von Stallgebäuden. 15

16 Proximal soil sensing: New opportunities for sustainable land use Proximal soil sensing: Neue Chancen für eine nachhaltige Landnutzung Eine Ursache für die globale Verschlechterung der Bodenfruchtbarkeit sind unzureichende Informationen über den Bodenzustand. Nahbereichs-Bodenanalytik ist eine junge Disziplin, die mithilfe neuer Sensoren und mathematischer Verfahren räumlich und zeitlich hochaufgelöste Informationen über den Boden gewinnt und dabei preisgünstiger und schneller als die traditionellen Labormethoden sein will. Eigene Forschungsarbeiten mit einer Multi-Sensorplattform zur mobilen Bodenkartierung belegen die hohe Variabilität der Böden und die Notwendigkeit ihrer räumlich präzisen Erfassung. Results from mapping in highly variable diluvial soils are promising. The figures below show the quality of sensor based prediction for soil ph and total Mg content as well as maps of these parameters derived from the sensor measurements. Sensor readings were calibrated by partial least squares regression models. It demonstrates the high spatial variability of the soil constituents and the necessity of high resolution soil observation which can only be provided by sensors. Proximal soil sensing provides means for famers to improve soil management based on more detailed yet affordable information. Soil is the most fundamental and basic resource in agriculture. One approach to maintain or improve soil fertility is to better know this valuable resource in order to make informed decisions. Proximal soil sensing is an emerging discipline which develops methods to obtain soil information at a high spatial resolution while keeping expenses low in terms of time and money. Its application in agriculture targets towards the mapping of soil fertility parameters such as soil texture, water, organic matter, ph, and nutrients. This information allows farmers to adapt management to virtually every square meter of their field in order to reduce excess application of chemicals and improve yield and quality of produce. The recent Global Workshop on Proximal Soil Sensing, organized in 2013 by ATB, University of Potsdam and the Leibniz-Institute of Vegetable and Ornamental Crops, brought together researchers from all over the world. A large number of contributions were related to soil spectroscopy in the visible and near infrared (Vis- NIR) which has gained increasing interest over the last years. Nevertheless, classical and advanced geo-electrical methods are still considered as very valuable tools for proximal soil sensing. A lot of progress has been made in the combination of soil sensors such as geo-electrical methods with passive gamma ray radiometry and / or radar. It is evident that there is no single sensor that can handle all situations and meet all requirements. Thus, sensor data fusion and advanced mathematical methods for data analysis are an integral part of proximal soil sensing. New sensor technologies include terahertz (THz) transmission, cosmic ray neutron sensing, photo-acoustic spectroscopy and advanced electrochemical methods. Applications range from agriculture (soil fertility, soil moisture, soil biology, ph, soil texture) to archaeology and to environmental protection. The ATB is doing cutting-edge research in the field of proximal soil sensing. Besides basic research on THz properties of soils (see next page), the institute cooperates with Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (HNEE) in further developing a multi sensor platform which integrates geo-electrical resistivity, ph, and Vis-NIR spectrometric sensors. Predictions [ - ] Kings Field Red Sea Soil ph RPD= Measurements [ - ] < < 6.7 Predictions [ppm] Kings Field Red Sea Mg total RPD= Measurements [ppm] Quality of sensor based prediction of ph extracted by CaCl (left) and total Mg (right) on two fields in Northeast Germany. Qualität sensorgestützter Vorhersagen des ph-wertes auf Basis von CaCl (links) und Gesamt-Mg (rechts) auf zwei Feldern im Nordosten Deutschlands. ph Mg total [ppm] Sensor derived maps of soil ph (left) and total Mg content (right), Kings Field, ATB experimental station. Schlagkarten für Boden-pH (links) und Mg-Gehalt (rechts) auf Basis von Sensordaten, Kings Field, ATB-Versuchsstation. Authors: Robin Gebbers, Michael Schirrmann Contact: 1 16

17 Precision Farming and Precision Livestock Farming Terahertz (THz) technology - not only for soil sensing Terahertz (THz) Technologie - nicht nur für die Bodenerkundung Adaptive agriculture requires a huge amount of information which cannot be collected economically by the current standard methods. Thus, new sensors have to be developed which provide data at high spatial-temporal resolution and at low costs. In particular, the development of soil sensors for continuous in field measurements of soil parameters is an important prerequisite for precision agriculture. These measurements should deliver knowledge on the spatial distribution of soil moisture, soil texture, plant nutrients, and organic matter as a basis for site-specific nutrient and water management. Die Entwicklung von Bodensensoren für die kontinuierliche Messung von Bodenparametern im Feld ist von besonderer Bedeutung für die Präzisionslandwirtschaft. Hierfür wurde ein spektrales THz-System zur Messung von Transmissions- und Reflexionsparametern eingesetzt. Das System ermöglicht uns spektrale Messungen im Frequenzbereich von 258 bis 375 GHz mit ca. 1 mw Leistung. Erste qualitative Ergebnisse mit Frequenzen im Bereich von 340 bis 360 GHz zeigen eine gute Differenzierbarkeit von unterschiedlichen Bodenarten. Power Supply THz electromagnetic wave sensors, working in the range of 300 GHz to 3 THz, provide a novel approach to detect organic matter, water content, and other soil parameters for different penetration depths. THz systems can have several advantages compared with other sensors: the radiation is not harmful, it can penetrate samples to a certain depth, and appropriate systems can be produced rather cheap. However, before THz systems can become functional soil sensors THz properties need to be explored carefully. In particular, the depth and information content of the backscattered waves are not fully understood. Thus, the analysis of the soil dependent absorption coefficient is the first step to evaluate the applicability of THz measurement technique. First quantitative results with frequencies from 340 to 360 GHz show a good separation of different soil types. Al-though soil samples with higher organic content have a lower density, they show significant higher absorption. This effect is induced by the organic material itself and by the higher amount of substance bound water. GPIB Bus fout = GHz BWO fout = F1x MHz Module Direction Coupler PLL Output RF in PLL 300 MHz Reference 300 MHz fout = GHz 2 nd fout = GHz HM fout = F1x MHz Triple DUT Tripler Direction Coupler IF = 903MHz HM HM RF in LO LNA LO MHz PLL Input Input Reference MHz Reference 10 MHz Synthesizer GHz, F1 QuickSyn FSW-0020 IF = 1.5 MHz LNA BPF 1.5+/-0.05 MHz 901.5MHz x 3 Detector Additional investigations should analyze if other absorption and scattering effects can be separated and quantified. Therefore, we established a new THz system which is able to sweep electromagnetic frequencies from 258 to 375 GHz with 1 mw output power. Based on our knowledge on the required sensitivity and spectral bandwidth, the new setup was designed to sweep in small steps and to use a second harmonic mixer for down-converting the THz frequencies. This method gives a dynamic range of the system of 10 8, due to the low noise level of the mixer. High sensitivity and the spectral coverage of the system make it useful for many agricultural applications, including the basic research on 1. analyzing the principle usage of the THz technology for soil sensing, 2. analyzing livestock conditions, 3. assessing water supply in crops, and 4. detecting asparagus and root vegetables in ridge cultivation. BWO Module BA PLL Output ADC 14bits Power Supply The new system is mounted on an optical table and is flexible and adaptable to match different experimental setups. The setup will be completed with a XYZR-stage and an optical path for bright field and dark field signals. Combined with a switchable mirror, the system can measure both signals. This provides the possibility to estimate the amount of scattering and absorption. Additionally, the spectral sensitivity enables us to establish spectral features for frequenciesdependent contrasts and material analysis. USB Authors: Volker Dworak, Jörn Selbeck, Robin Gebbers Contact: Technik und Verfahren im Pflanzenbau und in der Tierhaltung 17

18 Simple and smart - a new and low-cost camera for agricultural applications Einfach smart - eine neue kostengünstige Kamera für die Landwirtschaft Kameras, die in der Landwirtschaft für eine Vielzahl von Anwendungen eingesetzt werden, sind technisch meist sehr komplex und zudem teuer. Vor diesem Hintergrund entwickelten wir eine kostengünstige Alternative. Mit modifizierter Technik, integrierter Automatisierung und angepassten Algorithmen kann die Pflanzen-Kamera für eine Vielzahl von Anwendungen eingesetzt werden, u. a. zum Nachweis von Unkräutern, für quantitative NDVI Analysen oder zum Monitoring der Chlorophyllaktivität. Plant cameras are widely used in agricultural research. The main hinderance in becoming a practical tool for farmers is the high price and the complexity to run these cameras for good results. Therefore, we developed a low-cost plant camera which is fully automated and easy to use. Due to its technical design the price for a commercial camera will be predictably low. We use a single camera chip in combination with an optical dual band pass filter, resulting in a camera with a red channel and a NIR channel. These channels are commonly used to calculate the Normalized Differenced Vegetation Index (NDVI), but under many different illumination conditions, the NDVI is not adequate enough to separate plants from soil. On this basis we implemented a more robust algorithm that allows to use the camera comfortably under different illumination conditions. Most of the CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) based RGB camera chips are sensitive in the NIR regime with a peak sensitivity at typical 850 nm for all channels. Therefore, these cameras usually have a NIR-cut filter fixed on top of the chip to eliminate the NIR sensitivity. We removed this filter and replaced it by a dual band pass filter. Consequently, the camera has two NIR sensitive channels instead of G and B, and a channel which is sensitive to R and NIR instead of just R. Algorithms for calculating the NDVI and a new, range extended rendvi CMOS were implemented. The adaptation to illumination conditions by automatic gain control is an essential feature. Standard RGB cameras are using the G channel for this purpose. However, in the new plant camera the R channel is most sensitive. Additionally, our filter causes different pixel functionality compared to standard RGB cameras, were pixels are typically arranged in a bayer pattern (RGGB for one square). Therefore, the existing debayering algorithms for enhancing RGB images are not functional for our new non-bayer pattern like pixel array. Consequently, all standard algorithms used in RGB cameras were not applicable. They had to be replaced by new procedures for adjusting exposure, gain, and color balance. Based on these innovations, the camera can be used for a wide range of applications: the detection of weeds, the assessment of coverage, quantitative NDVI analyses, the monitoring of leaf chlorophyll activity, path identification and auto-steering for robots, and for biomass detection in general. Due to its low-cost design, one of the first applications of the camera will be the automatic section control of field sprayers, where each section within a sprayer boom will be equipped with its own camera for adjusting the spray rate. Authors: Jörn Selbeck, Volker Dworak Contact: Image taken under direct sunlight in different formats: (a) raw, (b) rendvi CMOS, (c) binary images for the NDVI and (d) for the rendvi CMOS. Both binary images are fivepoint Gaussian filtered results. Aufnahme bei direktem Sonnenlicht in verschiedenen Formaten: (a) raw, (b) rendvi CMOS, (c) Binärbilder für NDVI, und (d) rendvi CMOS. Beide Binärbilder sind mit Hilfe eines Gauß-Fünf-Punkt-Filters geglättet.

19 Precision Farming and Precision Livestock Farming Hyperspectral investigations for detection of ragweed Hyperspektrale Untersuchungen zur Detektion der Beifußblättrigen Ambrosie Ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) is an invasive plant in Europe that may cause heavy allergic reactions. The plant often occurs together with other innoxious species of the Asteraceae family. They are almost indistinguishable in appearance. First investigations aiming at technical solutions for an unambiguous visual identification of ragweed were started with mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris L) and the garden flower marigold (Tagetes ssp.). As a first step, high-resolution hyperspectral images (400 to 1000 nm and 900 to 1700 nm) were generated indoors. Die Ambrosie (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) ist eine einjährige Pflanze, deren Pollen Allergien beim Menschen auslösen kann. Um ihre weitere Ausbreitung zu stoppen, müssen sich etablierende Pflanzennester frühzeitig lokalisiert und vernichtet werden. Die Ambrosie zu identifizieren ist nicht einfach, denn die Pflanze ist u. a. dem weit verbreiteten Gemeinen Beifuß (Artemisia vulgaris L.) sehr ähnlich. Für effektive Monitoringstrategien könnten optische Kamerasensoren in Handgeräten oder fahrzeuggestützt zum Einsatz kommen. In einem speziellen Anwendungsfall wurden jeweils zwei relevante Wellenlängen gefunden, die es ermöglichen, die beiden Pflanzenarten zu unterscheiden. The general colour of plant leaves of different species is green with spectral similarity. Optical detection systems, however, require differences in the spectral reflectance properties of one plant species compared with others. Because of the complex spectral reflectance under outdoor conditions, the discrimination of weed species using the spectral properties of plant leaves is difficult. Therefore, image analysis was performed according to tissue classes (leaf, stem) and growth stages separately (mugwort: rosette growth, inflorescence emergence, and fruit development; marigold: start of main shoot elongation, internode elongated, start of flowering, fruit development). Because of changing illumination conditions in the field at least two wavelengths should be defined, which can clearly be set in proportion for classification purpose. Therefore, a method was developed to determine characteristic wavelengths. For the band of the visible spectrum the two wavelengths 550 and 650 nm, and for the near infrared band 1100 and 1400 nm were determined for appropriate classification of ragweed and mugwort. As a result, only stems of ragweed at fruit development stage clearly showed different reflectance behaviour compared with its leaves and with the stems and leafs of mugwort at the same developmental stage. When comparing ragweed and marigold, no characteristic wavelength could be found: classification efforts failed. Because of the various influencing parameters it is planned to build up a spectral data base in order to support technical solutions for Ambrosia detection in the future. Top: Pseudocolor images, fruit development stage, ragweed (left), mugwort (right). Below: Binary images after classification, thresholding 0.1 (min) and 1.0 (max) of the 550 nm/650 nm ratio image, ragweed (left), mugwort (right). Oben: Falschfarbenbilder, Stadium Fruchtentwicklung, Ambrosie (links), Beifuß (rechts). Unten: Schwarzweißbilder nach Klassifikation, Schwellenwertsetzung 0,1 (Min) and 1,0 (Max) des 550 nm/640 nm Verhältnisbildes, Ambrosie (links), Beifuß (rechts). Author: Karl-Heinz Dammer Contact: Technik und Verfahren im Pflanzenbau und in der Tierhaltung 19

20 A rapid method for early-detection of mildew-resistant lettuce lines Frühzeitige Erkennung von Mehltau-Resistenzlinien in der Salatzüchtung Im Projekt SalatBild (Förderung BMEL/BLE) wurde die Chlorophyllfluoreszenzbildanalyse (CFBA) genutzt, um für den Züchtungsprozess eine leistungsfähige nichtinvasive Methode zu entwickeln, die die Resistenz von Salatjungpflanzen gegenüber Falschem Mehltau (Bremia lactucae) frühzeitig und rasch erkennt. Aufbauend auf bestehenden visuellen Methoden zur Testung der Bremia-Anfälligkeit von Salatsorten wurde die neue Analysetechnik erfolgreich für die objektive Schnellerkennung von Resistenzen optimiert und angepasst. The project SalatBild (funded by BMEL/BLE) aimed to develop a rapid, non-destructive chlorophyll fluorescence imaging-based technique for early and objective selection and evaluation of Bremia-sensitive and resistant lettuce cultivars. Chlorophyll fluorescence analysis (CFA) is a well-accepted method to comprehensively investigate photosynthetic processes and to characterize plant response to various stresses even in an early stage of development. To ensure practical relevance, chlorophyll fluorescence investigations were based on current visual rating procedures for testing the Bremia-susceptibility of different lettuce cultivars and lines. The CFA approach will be further optimized and adjusted project-specifically. Due to the increasing variability and capability of B. lactucae to rapidly overcome specific resistances it becomes more and more difficult for salad breeders to continuously develop new resistant cultivars. Hence, non-invasive chlorophyll fluorescence imaging (CFI) should facilitate the breeding process due to rapid differentiation of Bremia-sensitive and resistant lettuce cultivars. The analysis of the maximum photochemical efficiency (F v /F m ) is an adequate approach to detect Bremia-induced damage of the photosynthetic apparatus. To closely meet the practical demands of plant breeders, CFI was directly based on the two standard visual resistance testing methods (seedling- and leaf disc test; UPOV 2011). These testing methods were also optimized. In addition, the approach was proven to successfully testing different Bremia strains. For leaf disc tests, discs were punched out of three-month-old leaves of different lettuce cultivars and laid on wet filter paper. After inoculation with a freshly prepared suspension (1 x 10 5 conidia ml -1 ) of Bremia lactucae (strain Bl:18), leaf discs were cultivated in a climate chamber at 15 C (day/night) and a 12 h photo period. For seedling tests, seven-day-old plants were inoculated. CFI was measured from 0 to 14 days after inoculation (dai). Experiments clearly showed that advanced analysis of F v /F m largely facilitates differentiation of Bremia-sensitive and resistant cultivars. Photosynthetic competence, as indicated by F v /F m, pronouncedly decreased in highly Bremia-infected leaf discs ten days after inoculation. In Bremia-infected seedlings, F v /F m decreased, though to a lesser extent, when strong sporulation on leaf surface could be visually rated between four and eight days after inoculation. In plants of resistant cultivars, however, photosynthetic efficiency even slightly increased during this time. The new optimized CFI analysis technique may assist breeders to improving the time-consuming standard resistance testing methods and allows clear differentiation of Bremia-infected plants even in an early stage of infection and of plant development. Authors: Elke Bauriegel, Hanna Brabandt, Ute Gärber, Werner B. Herppich Contact: CFI breeders CFI analysis of photochemical efficiency (F v /F m ) should enable breeders to rapidly differentiate between resistant and susceptible lettuce cultivars. Die Analyse der mit CFI ermittelten photochemischen Effizienz (F v /F m ) soll dem Züchter helfen, resistente Salat- Linien schnell zu finden. resistant / susceptible cultivars 20

21 Precision Farming and Precision Livestock Farming Application of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) in agriculture Unbemannte Flugsysteme (UAS) in der Landwirtschaft Over the recent years, light weighted, battery powered unmanned aerial systems (UAS) have gained a lot of interests in agriculture as tools for quick and simple data collection. Micro UAS weigh less than 10 kg, have either fixed wings or one to eight rotors, and are steered by remote control or can fly automatically. In particular, multi-rotor UAV (unmanned aerial vehicles, copters) have made remote sensing easy due to their good flight performance, the ease of operation, the rich choice of high quality equipment, and the availability of easy-touse data processing software. The figure below shows an octocopter and his red-green-blue (RGB) and near-infrared (NIR) cameras mounted on a gimbal (pan-tilt unit). Single-board computer Kleine unbemannte Flugsysteme (UAS) mit Elektroantrieb zur schnellen und einfachen Datenerfassung sind in der Landwirtschaft auf großes Interesse gestoßen. Der Beitrag beschreibt ein System zur Kartierung der Biomasse auf Feldern. Dies kann zur ortspezifischen Düngung genutzt werden (Precision Farming). Andere Anwendungen sind die Überwachung von Herden und die Inspektion von landwirtschaftlicher Infrastruktur wie z.b. Zäune, Dächer oder Bewässerungsanlagen. Die Arbeiten im Projekt ADLER erfolgten in enger Zusammenarbeit mit der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. a large area. The gimbal actively adjusts the vertical orientation of the cameras. The two cameras, controlled by the single-board computer and the positioning system, split the light into four wavebands in order to obtain enhanced spectral information from the crop. In particular, the red and NIR wavebands are used to calculate the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) which is known to be a sensitive indicator of green biomass and nitrogen supply. The figure below shows the results from mapping a 50 ha field. A biomass map derived from an NDVI image as shown here can be used to derive site-specific fertilizer rates which can improve crop quality and yield and reduces environmental impacts. Beyond crop management, there are many other applications of UAV in agriculture such as monitoring and herding of livestock, and inspection of farm infrastructure (fences, irrigation systems, roofs, solar panels). RGB NDVI image // NIR-Bild RGB and NIR cameras Gimbal GNSS NIR NDVI Karte No Da D Flying octocoper UAV (top) and camera mount (below) with RGB and NIR cameras, single-board computer for camera control, and positioning system (GNSS). Octocoper UAV im Einsatz (oben) und Kamerahalterung (unten) mit RGB- und NIR-Kameras, Single-Board-Computer für die Kamerasteuerung und Positionierungssystem (GNSS). The system was designed in the research project ADLER (funded by Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt DBU) for assessing crop biomass and nitrogen status, but it might also be used for detecting crop damage and weeds. It can take images from a nadir (vertical) view at predefined geographic positions which allows to generate a georeferenced image mosaic (map) covering Meters 0 Authors: Robin Gebbers, Volker Dworak, Jörn Selbeck Contact: W Biomass // Biomasse NDVI Karte No Data N Low Niedrig High Hoch Biomass assessment of a 50 ha field by UAV based remote sensing. Biomasse-Beurteilung eines 50 ha großen Feldes mittels UAS-basierter Fernerkundung. N S Technik und Verfahren im Pflanzenbau und in der Tierhaltung 21

22 Non-invasive and wireless - Technologies for Precision Fruticulture Nicht-invasiv und drahtlos - Technologien für den Präzisions-Obstbau Präzisions-Obstbau hat präzise, zonen- oder baumspezifische Produktionsmaßnahmen in Obstanlagen zum Ziel, womit die Ressourceneffizienz verbessert und der ökologische Fußabdruck der Lebensmittelproduktion verringert wird. Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien (ICT) bieten Werkzeuge für die automatisierte Anlagenüberwachung und räumliche Auswertung. Im Rahmen des transnationalen ERA-Net Projektes 3D-MOSAIC wurde ein Konzept für den Erwerbsobstbau auf der Datenbasis von zwei Versuchsstandorten erarbeitet. Räumliche Muster des vegetativen und generativen Wachstums weisen auf das Potenzial zonen- oder einzelbaumindividueller Bewirtschaftung hin. Precision Fruticulture targets zone-specific production measures that shall trim down the environmental footprint of food production through enhanced resource efficiency. The fruit producer needs decision support with varying weather conditions and increasing demands for fruit quality by the consumer and processing industry. The application of information and communication technologies has a high potential to cope with this problem, when considering automated plant monitoring and spatial evaluation tools. The transnational ERA-Net project 3D-MOSAIC, coordinated by ATB, captured a horizontal approach bringing together 11 work groups with synergistic multidisciplinary expertise, facilities, and infrastructure to develop a concept for the precise fruit culture. For automated plant readings, an autonomous platform (Universität Hohenheim, Germany) was adapted to carry and control Autonomous platform (below) for collecting data a.o. from fruit sensors (right) in the orchard. Autonome Plattform (unten) zur Datenerfassung u.a. von Fruchtsensoren (rechts) in der Obstanlage. various vision systems (Züricher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften, Switzerland). By means of geo-electrical tomography, 3D information on the soil was obtained. Non-invasive sensors were employed including LiDAR, thermal-, NDVI-, and hyperspectral cameras (ATB, Potsdam) for gaining information on the canopies of each individual tree in two model orchards. The development of fruit sensors connected by wireless sensor network was approached by spatial and time-resolved spectroscopy (ATB and Politecnico di Milano, Italy). In 3D-MOSAIC field trials undertaken in the Mediterranean on Citrus paradisii (grapefruit) and in temperate climate on Prunus domestica (plum) spatial patterns of yield parameters were studied by manual rating of flower set and developmental stages of the fruits as well as instrumental readings of canopy and fruit properties. The results can be interpolated on a 3D grid, in which plant, soil, and climate data can be considered. The numerous data sets, structured in GIS, were evaluated by means of a spatial decision support system (Agricultural Research Organisation, Israel). Extreme situations within the orchard were found by means of the global and local neighborhood using Getis-Ord hotspot analysis. Consistent with findings in precision agriculture of arable crops, correlation was found between soil electrical conductivity and yield parameters. Within the two years of 3D-MOSAIC, we were able to achieve a better view on precision fruticulture, while applying and learning in synergistic work groups on specific targets. The adapted hot-spot approach for the tree-wise data assessment in combination with advanced fruit sensors will be studied further in the project USER-PA. The new research group will use the results on the conceptual work done for the development of real-world applications. We expect the new movement for decision making based on plant readings to have substantial impact on the orchard management. From a farmers perspective farming with sensors is so much easier. By bringing facilities together the project outcome benefits the economically and socially necessary automation of agricultural processes and supports the precision fruticulture concept. ( Authors: Manuela Zude, Jana Käthner, Jörn Selbeck, Robin Gebbers Contact:

23 Precision Farming and Precision Livestock Farming Smart wireless irrigation control - IFuB Intelligente funkbasierte Bewässerungssteuerung - IfuB In practice, irrigation water is frequently given plentiful and at the wrong time. Modern irrigation systems apply water by using pre-set timing or soil humidity values. A demand-oriented irrigation, which depends on the current consumption of the plant, is hardly ensured with existing systems. IFuB is presenting an alternative by smartly merging all relevant and available information to give an optimal irrigation recommendation and by executing the irrigation. For the IFuB system a decentralized network of sensors, control- and communication modules was developed. It is to be installed in the field, where it supplies itself autonomously with data from the irrigation area and with data from outside. A long-lasting autarkic power supply, and the wireless data transmission over several hundred meters provide the system with high flexibility and good range performance. On a web-based data server a computing module with the irrigation-control module is implemented together with soil- and crop-specific data, maps and field-data. For user-friendly operation and adjustment of the system to local and operational conditions a web interface is available. Häufig wird in der Praxis zu reichlich und zum falschen Zeitpunkt bewässert. Moderne Bewässerungssysteme applizieren das Wasser mit Hilfe fest voreingestellter Zeit- oder Bodenfeuchtewerte. Eine Bewässerung, die sich nach dem aktuellen Verbrauch der Pflanze richtet, ist mit den vorhandenen Systemen kaum gewährleistet. Hier setzt IFuB an, eine automatisierte, intelligente und funkbasierte Bewässerungssteuerung. Sie ermöglicht eine bedarfsgerechte, ressourcensparende Bewässerung und ist in einer großen Bandbreite in Landwirtschaft und Gartenbau flexibel einsetzbar. IFuB is the first system to combine actual soil humidity values measured by sensors with modeled soil moisture and evapotranspiration. For the calculation of an irrigation recommendation, IFuB links these data with a decision network that includes more information on i.e. type of crop, system capacity etc.. Simultaneously, a plausibility check, interpretation and weighting of the data is carried out and taken into account for recommending irrigation measures. Schematic diagram of the network radio path and its components. Schema der Netzwerk-Funkstrecke und ihrer Komponenten. Calculation is done in three steps: 1. assessing the need for irrigation (is it necessary or not), 2. defining the optimum quantity of irrigation water, 3. determining the best timing for irrigation, taking into account technical specifications and user preferences. The user receives an irrigation schedule containing all relevant information needed to perform optimum irrigation. He can choose from several irrigation strategies ranging from water saving and tolerating moderate water stress to is ensuring that no water stress occurs at any time. Different emergency scenarios, such as leakage, loss of data import, or failure of radio connection will be stored in the system. In case of a malfunction, appropriate emergency protocols are available and will in most cases ensure irrigation. In addition, the user will be informed promptly by SMS of any operating faults. Since the project started in 2012, IFuB is being developed and tested in different crops such as plum, potato and asparagus. For the final transfer into practice and the application of IFuB in arable and horticultural crops adjustments of software and hardware will have to be made. IFuB will provide optimal irrigation recommendations with the innovative combination of both modeling and sensor data, complemented with performance checks in the overall system - including emergency protocols. This enables an autonomous and smart irrigation control that will save resources, is less labor intensive and reduces production costs. Authors: Ursula Genge, Hilde Klauss, Martin Geyer Contact: 23

24 A newly developed teat cup for gentle milking Ein neu entwickelter Melkbecher für sanftes Melken Weiterentwicklungen in der Melktechnik tragen dazu bei, das Tierwohl zu steigern und die Produktionskosten z. B. Tierarztkosten zu senken. Eine Reduzierung des Unterdrucks im Melkbecher entlastet das Eutergewebe. Wir konnten zeigen, dass bereits eine leicht erhöhte Reibung zwischen Zitze und Zitzengummi ausreicht, die Zitzenspitze in einigen Melkabschnitten von Unterdruck zu befreien, ohne dass der Melkbecher abfällt. Möglich macht dies ein neu entwickelter Melkbecherprototyp mit einer Funktionstrennung für Melken und Halten. In modern milking systems, all quarters of the cow udder are milked with the same machine settings. Over the whole milking process the milk flow is, however, influenced by different milking characteristics of the single udder quarters. Each quarter produces a different amount of milk, and thus, the time needed for milking differs between the quarters. Therefore at each milking, first one, then two, and then three quarters are milked with very high negative teat-end pressure before the milking cluster is taken away. That is needless and harms the teat tissue. It is known that stable and adjustable vacuum conditions are very important for the udder health. Decreasing the teat-end vacuum to atmospheric pressure is not yet possible, because teat cups would drop due to their weight. For that reason the development of a new teat cup seemed necessary. by introducing two inflatable seals between the liner and the teat cup shell (figure). The new teat cup will improve animal welfare by reducing the stress on the udder tissue. Health conditions of the cows will be ameliorated and costs for veterinarian treatments can be avoided - a considerable benefit for the dairy farmers. Further tests with the new teat cup should indicate, whether the seals would lead to such high frictional force that a total ventilation of the teat ends can be realised for times when the milk flow at the teat end is low. The project was financed in the framewoork of innovation funding by the German Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) with support by the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE). Our aim was to determine the minimum pressure at the teat-end that is needed for holding the cup at the teat. On basis of these data we developed a teat cup with a functional separation for milking and for holding the teat cup. For our experiment we used a teat cup weighing 304 g. An ISOnorm-teat was used (ISO 6690, 2007) as artificial teat. Measurements with and without pulsation as well as with and without milk flow, respectively, were recorded. For each measurement we recorded the pressure at the teat end. To evaluate the experimental data we used a script written in Matlab. We measured the minimum flows at which the teat cup did not yet fall off the udder as well as the pressures shortly before the cups dropped. The results show that a negative pressure of 10 kpa is enough to hold a teat cup weighing 304 g at the teat. The reason for this is the hydrostatic pressure in the teat cup. It was also found, that the negative pressure of sucking the teat cup to the teat is larger than the negative pressure for holding the teat cup. We could prove for all measurements that the negative pressure for holding (the liner at the teat end) is significant lower, when the cup is already adhered at the teat. This relationship supported the development of a teat cup prototype with separated functions. The functional separation of milking and holding is solved Prototype of the teat cup: Holding function is realized by two inflatable seals at the upper end of the cup. Prototyp des Melkbechers: Die Haltefunktion wird über zwei aufblasbare Dichtringe im oberen Bereich der Melkbecherhülse realisiert. Authors: : Ulrich Ströbel, Sandra Rose-Meierhöfer, Thomas Luhdo Contact: 24

25 Precision Farming and Precision Livestock Farming Thermography for health control in sows and cattle Thermografie zur Gesundheitsüberwachung bei Sauen und Rindern One of the most important disease indicators in livestock production is the body temperature of the animals. The standard procedure of rectal measurement is, however, time consuming and requires direct contact with animals. As alternative, infrared thermography represents a non-invasive, contactless method of measuring the temperature. The aim of our study was to evaluate the suitability of a videobased infrared camera (IRC) as an early detection tool of diseases by monitoring the body temperature of sows and cattle. Therefore, the body surface temperatures of sows as well as of cows and calves were measured contactless using videos from an IRC (PI 160, Optris, Berlin, Germany) installed near to the animal. Body surface temperatures were analyzed at bounded body regions (eye, back of the ear, shoulder, vulva) as well as for two larger areas (figure below) called head area (before forehead) and body area (behind forehead). The rectal temperature was measured with a digital thermometer (Microlife VT 1831, Microlife AG, Widnau, Switzerland) at the corresponding time point and served as reference temperature. Kann eine videobasierte Infrarot-Wärmebildkamera die Körpertemperatur bei Schweinen und Rindern erfassen? Verschiedene Körperstellen der Tiere wurden auf diese Frage hin in die Untersuchung einbezogen. Die zeitgleich erfasste Rektaltemperatur diente als Referenz. Im Ergebnis erschienen Auge und Ohrgrund am besten geeignet, die Körpertemperatur mittels Infrarottechnik zu erfassen. Bei beiden Tierarten konnte ein Anstieg der Körperkerntemperatur mit der Wärmebildkamera detektiert werden. The mean of the IRC temperature was always significantly lower than the corresponding rectal temperature (mean ± SD: 38.8 ± 0.2 C). In both species (swine and cattle) the eye and the back of the ear proved to be suitable for continuous and contactless temperature monitoring. Infrared image of a calf showing defined measuring areas. Infrarotaufnahme eines Kalbes mit definierten Messbereichen. Altogether, 30 lactating sows (Large White x German Landrace), 10 milking cows and 9 calves (Holstein-Friesians) were examined. In sows, the threshold value denoting an increased body core temperature was selected as 39.5 C and in the case of IRC it was defined as 90 % percentile. In cattle, differences between body regions and between measurement methods were tested with mixed linear models. With IRC measurement of the body temperature on the back of the ear 7 out of 10 feverish sows (rectal temperature > 39.5 C) could be identified, where the 90 % percentile of the IRC temperatures was 38.1 C. The measurements on the eye with the IRC correctly identified 6 out of 10 sows as feverish, the 90 % percentile of the IRC temperatures lay in this case at 36.9 C. In cows, the differences between the measured IRC temperatures among the bounded body regions, i.e. eye (mean: 37.0 C), back of the ear (35.6 C), shoulder (34.9 C) and vulva (37.2 C), were significant (P < 0.01), except between eye and vulva (P = 0.99). Rectal temperature (REC) and body surface temperature (IRC), measured at the head and body area of 9 calves. Rektal- (REC) und Körperoberflächentemperatur (IRC), gemessen im Kopf- (head) und Körperbereich (body) von 9 Kälbern. Temperatures of these two regions could also be assessed by using the maximum temperatures of head and body area. Advanced analyses, using only the maximum temperatures of both areas, showed an increase for the maximum temperature measured by IRC at head and body area with an increase of rectal temperature in cows and calves. Investigations are continued in order to define algorithms and reference values. With an IRC more than one picture per animal can be analyzed in a short period of time. This is a benefit in contrast to single picture cameras. IRC shows potential as an indicator tool for continuous temperature measurements in livestock farming. Authors: Gundula Hoffmann, Mariana Schmidt Contact: Technik und Verfahren im Pflanzenbau und in der Tierhaltung 25

26 Evaluating the airflow within and around naturally ventilated dairy barns - a triple bottom line concept Untersuchungen zur Dynamik von Strömungsfeldern an frei gelüfteten Milchviehställen - ein Drei-Säulen-Konzept Am ATB wurde ein Drei-Säulen-Modell zur Untersuchung von Strömungscharakteristiken in und in der Umgebung von Stallgebäuden entwickelt. Mit Hilfe dieses Konzeptes können Fragestellungen in Zusammenhang mit Emissionen und ihrer Ausbreitung sowie zum Tierwohl umfassend untersucht und charakterisiert werden. Das Drei-Säulen-Konzept integriert Feldmessungen, physikalische Modellierung und numerische Simulation zu einem System, das die Vorteile der einzelnen Methoden miteinander verbindet und gleichzeitig die Methoden evaluiert. We developed a triple bottom line concept to evaluate the airflow characteristics within and around animal houses. These airflow characteristics are the driving force for many questions related to emissions and their dispersion from livestock buildings and animal welfare. The concept consists of three integral parts complementing each another: 1. field measurements, 2. flow field measurements in a boundary layer wind tunnel (physical modelling), and 3. numerical simulations using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The triple bottom line concept was developed to gain further knowledge on and to improve methods for the determination of the airflow within and around naturally ventilated animal houses. The single methods have restrictions. For example, the statistical sound representativeness of field data often lack due to steady varying boundary conditions in the field. Only the integration of all three general methods, field measurements, physical modelling and numeric simulation, can provide substantial progress. Field measurements have to be complemented by modelling and simulation. Modelling and simulation need validation of data and algorithms by measurements. Physical modelling provides statistical sound representative data under controlled laboratory conditions with a 3D resolution of turbulent flow. Numerical simulations allows a better understanding of air flow conditions which can only be investigated partly in the field or in the wind tunnel, but need to be validated because they use parameterisations by the solution of turbulent flow describing equations. In this figure (center) the concept is shown schematically and how it is implemented in the ATB structure. With reciprocal validation method we ensure maximal robustness of our results. Single measurements of the flow fields within a naturally ventilated barn showed a strong heterogeneity even though the structure of the building is homogeneous. Laserlight sheet and flow measurements in the wind tunnel as well as numerical simulation give a more comprehensive knowledge on the flow within the building. Authors: Jost Fischer, Merike Fiedler, Chayan Kumar Saha, Thomas Amon Contact: Examples of the three parts of the tripple bottom line concept: field measurements (left), wind tunnel flow visualisation with laser light sheet (middle), numerical 2D simulation of turbulent kinetic energy (right). Beispiele für das Drei-Säulen-Modell: Feldmessungen (links), Laserlichtschnitt zur Strömungsvisualisierung im Windkanal (Mitte), numerische 2-D Simulation turbulenter kinetischer Energie (rechts). ATB - Scenario B_02a, barnin turb. atm. boundary H_ref=200m 10 k 1 0,01 0,0001 1e-6 Time: 1000 s 26

27 Precision Farming and Precision Livestock Farming Numerical simulation of the dynamics of flow fields in and around naturally ventilated dairy buildings Numerische Untersuchung der Dynamik von Strömungsfeldern in frei gelüfteten Milchviehställen und deren Umgebung Ventilation airflow in buildings is paramount important for creating comfortable environmental conditions with respect to indoor air quality. At the same time it transports pollutants (i.e. gas, odor and dust) from livestock buildings which adversely affect animals, workers, neighbors and the environment. Dairy cows need a constant source of fresh and clean air to maximize their milk production potential. Natural ventilation systems in dairy cow barns with large side wall openings and a roof opening are commonly used in mild climate regions. Hence, the emission from naturally ventilated dairy (NVD) buildings directly depends on atmospheric influences under continuously changing conditions. The great variability of the climate parameters involved makes it difficult to understand airflow characteristics in and around NVD buildings and estimate air exchange rates per hour (ACH) accurately. A computational fluid dynamics (CFD) based numerical simulation model would be a useful tool for a detailed understanding of airflow characteristics and for the estimation of ACH of NVD buildings where a direct measurement is not possible or not feasible. CFD is also cheaper and faster than performing full scale or pilot scale tests with a range of different designs and conditions. The user may explore the merits of alternative designs without physically building the systems. However, a validation of the model is needed to assess its reliability. Die Lüftung von Gebäuden ist bestimmend für ein gutes Innenraumklima. In frei gelüfteten Gebäuden ist die Luftwechselrate pro Stunde (LWS) direkt von variablen Strömungscharakteristiken innerhalb und im Nahfeld des Gebäudes beeinflusst. Zurzeit gibt es keine Methode, die eine zuverlässige Bestimmung der LWS in frei gelüfteten Gebäuden ermöglicht. Numerische Lösungsverfahren (CFD) sind eine leistungsfähige Methode, um die Strömungsvorgänge und die LWS frei gelüfteter Gebäude zu untersuchen. Numerische Modellierungen sollen einhergehen mit Feldmessungen und physikalischen Modellierungen. wind tunnel at the ATB. This gives a unique opportunity to do further emission model studies taking into account full scale measurement data. The research was supported by the Alexander von Humboldt foundation through a Georg Forster Postdoctoral research fellowship. This project presents isothermal CFD simulations of coupled local wind flow and indoor natural ventilation to assess the influence of wind speed, wind direction, openings of the NVD barn and surroundings (e. g. surrounding buildings, manure storage tanks etc.) on the airflow characteristics and ACH of a naturally ventilated dairy barn. A typical NVD building and its surroundings located in Northeast Germany was selected for model development and simulation. ANSYS 14.5 was used for creating model geometry, meshing and simulation. In order to improve the quality of CFD calculations, i. e. to make calculations with sufficient accuracy, several important issues (e. g. grid independency and convergence criteria etc.) were carefully considered for both the governing equations and the computation. Results showed that the ACH of the NVD building was increased with the increase of external air velocity. Different opening combinations also showed significant changes in ACH and airflow patterns in and around the building. The combination of wind direction and building surroundings showed significant influences on airflow pattern and ACH in comparison to without building surroundings at the same wind speed. CFD simulation results can be validated with experimental results in a boundary layer Horizontal airflow patterns in and around a naturally ventilated dairy building at the external wind speed of 5 m s -1 and turbulence intensity of 5 %. Horizontale Luftströmungsmuster in einem frei gelüfteten Milchviehstall und in dessen Umgebung bei einer Windgeschwindigkeit von 5 m s -1 und einer Turbulenzintensität von 5 %. Authors: Chayan Kumer Saha, Werner Berg, Merike Fiedler, Thomas Amon Contact: Technik und Verfahren im Pflanzenbau und in der Tierhaltung 27

28 Publications (selection) of the research program Precision agriculture and precision livestock farming Publikationen (Auswahl) aus dem Forschungsprogramm Technik und Verfahren im Pflanzenbau und in der Tierhaltung Bachmann, F.; Herbst, R.; Gebbers, R.; Hafner, V.V.: Micro UAV based geo-referenced orthophoto generation in Vis+NIR for precision agriculture. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XL-1/W2, p , 2013 Bauriegel, E.; Brabandt, H.; Gärber, U.; Herppich, W.: Chlorophyllfluoreszenz-basierte Bildanalyse zur Erkennung resistenter Salatsorten bei Bremia lactucae. In: Zude, M. (ed.): Tagungsband 19. Workshop Computer-Bildanalyse in der Landwirtschaft & 2. Workshop Unbemannte autonomfliegende Systeme (UAS) in der Landwirtschaft, Berlin, , Bornimer Agrartechnische Berichte, Heft 81. Leibniz-Institut für Agrartechnik Potsdam-Bornim e.v., Potsdam, 2013, (ISSN ), p Dammer, K.; Adamek, R.: Sensor-based insecticide spraying to control cereal aphids and preserve lady beetles. Agronomy Journal 104 (6): , 2012 Dammer, K.; Intreß, J.; Beuche, H.; Selbeck, J.; Dworak, V.: Discrimination of Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. and Artemisia vulgaris L. by hyperspectral image analysis during the growing season. Weed Research 53 (2): , 2013 Dammer, K.; Ustyuzhanin, A.; Hoffmann, M.; Hamdorf, A.; Tackenberg, M.; Garz, A.: Bestimmung von Pflanzenparametern mit Hilfe von digitalen Farbbildern für eine sensorgesteuerte Applikation von Fungiziden in Getreide. Gesunde Pflanzen 65 (4): , 2013 Douphrate, D.; Lunner Kolstrup, C.; Nonnenmann, M.; Jakob, M.; Pinzke: Ergonomics in modern dairy practice: A review of current issues and research needs. Journal of Agromedicine 18 (3): , 2013 Dworak, V.; Selbeck, J.; Dammer, K.; Hoffmann, M.; Zarezadeh, A.; Bobda, C.: Strategy for the development of a smart NDVI camera system for outdoor plant detection and agricultural embedded systems. Sensors 13 (2): , 2013 Ehlert, D.; Heisig, M.: Sources of angle-dependent errors in terrestrial laser scanner-based crop stand measurement. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture (93): 10-16, 2013 Fiedler, M.; Berg, W.; Ammon, C.; Loebsin, C.; Sanftleben, P.; Samer, M.; von Bobrutzki, K.; Kiwan, A.; Saha, C.: Air velocity measurements using ultrasonic anemometers in the animal zone of a naturally ventilated dairy barn. Biosystems Engineering 116 (3): , 2013 Gebbers, R.; Lück, E.; Rühlmann, J.: Proceedings 3rd Global Workshop on Proximal Soil Sensing International Union of Soil Sciences, Working Group on Proximal Soil Sensing. Potsdam, , Bornimer Agrartechnische Berichte, Heft 82. Leibniz-Institut für Agrartechnik Potsdam-Bornim e.v., Potsdam, 2013, 317 S. Hoffmann, G.; Ammon, C.; Volkamer, L.; Sürie, C.; Radko, D.: Sensor-based monitoring of the prevalence and severity of foot pad dermatitis in broiler chickens. British Poultry Science 54 (5): , 2013 Hoffmann, G.; Schmidt, M.; Ammon, C.; Rose-Meierhöfer, S.; Burfeind, O.; Heuwieser, W.; Berg, W.: Monitoring the body temperature of cows and calves using video recordings from an infrared thermography camera. Veterinary Research Communications 37 (2): 91-99, 2013 Jakob, M.; Liebers, F.; Behrend, S.: The effects of working height and manipulated weights on subjective strain, body posture and muscular activity of milking parlour operatives - laboratory study. Applied Ergonomics 43: , 2012 Kiwan, A.; Berg, W.; Brunsch, R.; Özcan, S.; Müller, H.; Gläser, M.; Fiedler, M.; Ammon, C.; Berckmans, D.: Tracer gas technique, air velocity measurement and natural ventilation method for estimating ventilation rates through naturally ventilated barns. Agricultural Engineering International the CIGR Ejournal 14 (4): 22-36, 2012 Kiwan, A.; Berg, W.; Fiedler, M.; Ammon, C.; Gläser, M.; Müller, H.; Brunsch, R.: Air exchange rate measurements in naturally ventilated dairy buildings using the tracer gas decay method with 85Kr, compared to CO 2 mass balance and discharge coefficient methods. Biosystems Engineering 116 (3): ,

29 Precision Farming and Precision Livestock Farming Pforte, F.; Selbeck, J.; Hensel, O.: Comparison of two different measurement techniques for automated determination of plum tree canopy cover. Biosystems Engineering 113 (4): , 2012 Rose-Meierhöfer, S.; Öz, H.; Degirmencioglu, A.; Bilgen, H.; Ströbel, U.; Brunsch, R.: Development of vacuum drop prediction functions in conventional and quarter individual milking systems using response surface methodology. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science 19 (6): , 2013 Rose-Meierhöfer, S.; Ströbel, U.; Bauermeister, A.; Jaroszynski, C.; Ammon, C.; Brunsch, R.: Einfluss von Drosselventilquerschnittfläche und Durchflussmenge auf das Melkvakuum an der Zitzenspitze bei viertelgetrennten Melksystemen. Landbauforschung - Applied Agricultural and Forestry Research 63 (2): , 2013 Saha, C.; Ammon, C.; Berg, W.; Loebsin, C.; Fiedler, M.; Brunsch, R.; von Bobrutzki, K.: The effect of external wind speed and direction on sampling point concentrations, air change rate and emissions from a naturally ventilated dairy building. Biosystems Engineering 114 (3): , 2013 Saha, C.; Zhang, G.; Kai, P.: Modeling ammonia mass transfer process from a model pig house based on ventilation characteristics. Transactions of the ASABE 55 (4): , 2012 Samer, M.; Ammon, C.; Loebsin, C.; Fiedler, M.; Berg, W.; Sanftleben, P.; Brunsch, R.: Moisture (H 2 O) balance and tracer gas technique for ventilation rates measurement and greenhouse gases and ammonia emissions quantification in naturally ventilated buildings. Building and Environment 50 (4): 10-20, 2012 Schirrmann, M.; Gebbers, R.; Kramer, E.: Performance of automated near infrared reflectance spectrometry for continuous in-situ mapping of soil fertility at field scale. Vadose Zone Journal 12 (4): 1-10, 2013 Schirrmann, M.; Herbst, R.; Wagner, P.; Gebbers, R.: Area-to-Point Kriging of soil phosphorus composite samples. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 43: , 2012 Schmidt, M.; Ammon, C.; Schön, P.; Manteuffel, C.; Hoffmann, G.: Assessment of continuous vaginal logger-based temperature monitoring in fever-induced gilts. American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences 8 (2): 55-65, 2013 Schmidt, M.; Lahrmann, K.; Ammon, C.; Berg, W.; Schön, P.; Hoffmann, G.: Assessment of body temperature in sows by two infrared thermography methods at various body surface locations. Journal of Swine Health and Production 21 (4): , 2013 Ströbel, U.; Rose-Meierhöfer, S.; Öz, H.; Brunsch, R.: Development of a control system for the teat-end vacuum in individual quarter milking systems. Sensors 13: , 2013 Thöle, H.; Richter, C.; Ehlert, D.: Strategy of statistical model selection for precision farming on-farm experiments. Precision Agriculture 14 (4): , 2013 von Bobrutzki, K.; Ammon, C.; Berg, W.; Einert, P.; Fiedler, M.; Müller, H.; Scherer, D.; Strohbach, B.: Ammonia emissions from a broiler farm: spatial variability of airborne concentrations in the vicinity and impact on adjacent woodland. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 184 (6): , 2012 Vougioukas, S.; Anastassiu, H.; Regen, C.; Zude, M.: Influence of foliage on radio path losses (PLs) for wireless sensor network (WSN) planning in orchards. Biosystems Engineering 114 (4): , Zude, M.; Peeters, A.; Selbeck, J.; Käthner, J.; Gebbers, R.; Bengal, A.; Hetzroni, A.; Jaeger-Hansen, C.; Griepentrog, H.; Pforte, F.; Rozzi, P.; Torricelli, A.; Spinelli, L.; Ünlü, M.; Kanber, R.: Methoden für die präzise obstbauliche Produktion. Landtechnik 67 (5): 338, 2012 Technik und Verfahren im Pflanzenbau und in der Tierhaltung 29

30 Research Program Quality and safety of food and feed For the handling, processing, and storage of fruits, vegetables, grains, feed silage, milk, and meat, we develop innovative, interdisciplinary approaches, such as sensor-based monitoring and control strategies for process design and non-invasive methods for quality and safety assessment. Our research spans the spectrum from primary production to consumption of food and feed. We carry out basic and applied research horizontally along the supply chains as well as vertically, from the molecular level to pilot scale. By providing strategies for sustainable, product-specific techniques we can reduce losses. Designing processes to be energy-efficient, eco-friendly, ergonomic, and economical will help to ensure the quantity, quality, and safety of food and feed in the future. Forschungsprogramm Qualität und Sicherheit von Lebens- und Futtermitteln Für die Aufbereitung, Verarbeitung und Lagerung von Obst, Gemüse, Getreide, Futtersilage, Milch und Fleisch entwickeln wir innovative, interdisziplinäre Lösungsansätze, z. B. sensorgestützte Kontroll- und Regelstrategien für die Verfahrensgestaltung und nicht-invasive Methoden zur Qualitäts- und Sicherheitsbewertung. Unsere Forschung umfasst das gesamte Spektrum zwischen Primärproduktion und dem Konsum von Lebens- und Futtermitteln. Grundlagenorientierte sowie angewandte Untersuchungen erfolgen sowohl horizontal entlang der Wertschöpfungsnetze als auch vertikal, von der molekularen Ebene bis zum Pilotmaßstab. Nachhaltige, produktspezifische Technikstrategien ermöglichen es, Verluste zu reduzieren, Prozesse energieeffizient, ressourcenschonend, ergonomisch und wirtschaftlich zu gestalten und somit auch zukünftig die Ernährung in Menge, Qualität und Sicherheit zu gewährleisten. Coordinator of the research program Koordinator des Forschungsprogramms Dr.-Ing. Oliver Schlüter Contact: 30

31 Quality from field to fork Causes of the bent-neck sensitivity in cut roses, effects of a newly developed harvester on the quality of pickling cucumbers, and the Fresh Terminal : an innovative information system for consumers. Improved safety... using new hygienization methods: the application of high isostatic pressure for the inactivation of pathogenic EHEC and the treatment of dry and fresh products with cold plasma have been successfully tested Qualität vom Feld bis zum Verbraucher Ursachen der Bent-neck -Empfindlichkeit bei Schnittrosen, Auswirkungen eines neu entwickelten Vollernters auf die Qualität von Einlegegurken, und das Frischeterminal : ein innovatives Informationssystem für Verbraucher Verbesserte Sicherheit durch schonende Behandlungsverfahren: der Einsatz von isostatischem Hochdruck zur Inaktivierung pathogener EHEC-Bakterien und die Behandlung trockener und frischer Produkte mit Kaltplasma wurden erfolgreich getestet. Efficient savings up to 30 % through a new geometry for mixed-flow grain dryers - the scientific basis of the drying behavior of particulate agricultural products is laid by means of a new thin layer dryer Effizient Aufbereiten 30 % Energieeinsparungen durch eine neue Trocknergeometrie für Getreide-Schachttrockner - die Grundlagen zum Trocknungsverhalten von u.a. Getreidekörnern werden im neuen Dünnschichttrockner erarbeitet. Feed and biodiversity Which ensiling factors affect the bacterial community within grass silage? Edible insects: an alternative protein source? Futtermittel und Biodiversität Welche Silierungsfaktoren beeinflussen die bakterielle Gemeinschaft in Grassilage? Essbare Insekten: eine alternative Proteinquelle? 31

32 Synchrotron X-ray microtomography to non-invasively analyse functional plant micro-anatomy Röntgen-Synchrotron Computer-Tomographie zur zerstörungsfreien Analyse der funktionellen Pflanzenanatomie Die Bent-neck -Empfindlichkeit von Schnittrosen wird durch die Blütenstielfestigkeit bestimmt, die möglicherweise von Auftreten und Verteilung von Calciumoxalat-Drusen im Stielgewebe beeinflusst wird. An drei Schnittrosensorten, die sich deutlich in der Bent-neck -Empfindlichkeit unterscheiden, wurden am Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie in-situ Untersuchungen mit Phasenkontrast Röntgen-Synchrotron Computertomographie durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass diese Hypothese ausgeschlossen werden kann. Bent neck syndrome is a widespread multifactorial problem in cut flower production. Every year, millions of cut roses are damaged worldwide. Although extensively studied, the reasons for this disorder are yet not fully understood. Among other hypotheses, it is assumed that deficient water supply lowers peduncle water status, reducing tissue strength and, concomitantly, the mechanical stability of flower stems. These complex interactions may cultivar specifically determine the sensitivity of roses to bent neck syndrome. Advanced knowledge of functional plant micro-anatomy and microstructures is implicitly necessary to fully understand the underlying has been assumed that occurrence of calcium oxalate (CaOx) crystals can increase tissue strength. They may also contribute to bent-neck resistance. Regarding this, calcium oxalate crystals have been documented in leaves and rachis of various Rosa species and in various organs of plants of other Rosaceae genera. crystals, the relative radial druse density and the CaOx crystal size largely differed in peduncles of the three rose cultivars investigated. Akito roses had the highest radial druse density and largest crystals, mostly concentrated in the cortex close to the stem surface. In contrast, smaller druses were much more evenly distributed in Milva roses and also occurred in the outer pith. Although the relative druse distribution resembled that in Akito, stems of Red Giant roses contained the smallest CaOx crystals. Nevertheless, despite all these differences, no clearcut relationship between distribution pattern, radial distribution density and size of CaOx crystals, and the stage of peduncle development or bent-neck susceptibility could be deduced. This clearly rules out that these crystals may contribute to bent-neck resistance in cut roses. Synchrotron X-ray microtomography (sxmt) is suitable for continuous three-dimensional in-situ observation of plant microstructures and can be applied without destructive sample preparation. By using edge-enhancement effects of phase-contrast imaging, sxmt provides high resolution - even individual cells - and enables to distinguish between plant materials with minor differences in biochemical compositions. In the model systems of three rose cultivars, Akito, Milva, and Red Giant, largely differing in bent-neck susceptibility, the functional plant anatomy of peduncles was investigated in-situ using sxmt to non-invasively analyse the tissue strength-related 3D structure of peduncles of cut rose samples. In-vitro CT scans were conducted at BAMline at Helmholtz Center Berlin for Materials and Energy in Berlin. In particular, the possible contribution of CaOx crystals to bent-neck resistance was investigated. With this synchrotron X-ray imaging approach, the inner structure of peduncles of the different rose cultivars was successfully evaluated. 3D images obtained with this technique are invaluable for the comprehensively analysis of functional microanatomy of plant material. With sxmt, occurrence, amount and distribution of CaOx crystals in rose peduncles could be investigated in truly intact tissue. Results show that the distribution patterns of CaOx Top: 3D reconstruction of an Akito peduncle (A). (B) white arrows: large CaOx crystals in the cortex. Below: 2D projections of 3D sxmt-reconstructions of Akito (A), Milva (B) and Red Giant peduncles. Cultivar-specific variation in distribution and size of all CaOx druses is clearly visible (adapted from MAT- SUSHIMA et al. 2012). Oben: 3D Rekonstruktion eines Akito Blütenstiels (A). (B) weiße Pfeile: CaOx-Kristalle in der Rinde. Unten: 2D Projektionen der 3D sxmt-rekonstruktionen von Akito (A), Milva (B) und Red Giant Blütenstielen: sortenspezifische Unterschiede in Verteilung und Größe der CaOx-Drusen sind deutlich (nach MATSUSHIMA et al. 2012). Authors: Werner B. Herppich, Wolfgang Graf, Nikolay Kardjilov, André Hilger, Simon Zabler, Martin Dawson, Ingo Manke, Gerard Choinka und Uzuki Matsushima Contact: 32

33 Quality and safety of food and feed Mechanical harvest of pickling cucumbers Vollmechanische Ernte von Einlegegurken Spreewald, a region in Southern Brandenburg, is the second largest pickling cucumbers producing area in Germany. Cucumbers are harvested by hand supported by so called cucumber flyers. This kind of harvest is labour and cost intensive and needs about 1400 to 1800 labour hours per ha for a total yield of 70 to 90 tons. Wages are rising and the cost pressure on this harvesting method increases steadily. Competitiveness of the entire production chain is, in addition, under the pressure of seasonal employment. For this reason, there is an increasing demand to reducing labour costs by mechanizing the harvesting process. The European ELER project Mechanical harvesting of pickling cucumbers under the conditions of Southern Brandenburg aimed to develop a process chain for an improved cultivation and mechanical harvesting for pickling cucumbers under local conditions. In this context, the ATB work focused on evaluating the technical process and on optimizing the mechanical harvesting technique. The tomato harvester Super Cosmo (Pomac Co., Italy) served as base model. Extensive modifications were necessary to adapt this machine to harvest cucumbers. This included a new construction of the intake unit and the mounting of a cucumber separator. Elevator chains transport the fruits together with the detached tendrils into the separating unit. After separation of these tendrils, cucumbers are hand-sorted and via conveyors transported to the trailer. Um den Einlegegurkenanbau im Spreewaldgebiet auch in Zukunft wettbewerbsfähig zu gestalten, wurde eine innovative Erntetechnologie entwickelt. Die mit der Maschine geernteten Gurken wurden mit einem 3D-Beschleunigungssensor im Hinblick auf Qualitätsverluste durch mechanische Belastungen analysiert. Für einen wirtschaftlichen Einsatz sind weitere, insbesondere züchterische Anstrengungen erforderlich. Die vollmechanische Einmalernte ist auf Sorten angewiesen, die zu einem Termin hohe Erträge gleichmäßig kleiner Einlegegurken erzielen. According to our results, smaller pickling cucumbers can be harvested mechanically. However, damages are still much too high. Hence, the harvester must be further improved with regard to the mechanical loads. To introduce one-time mechanical harvest of pickling cucumbers in Europe, it is additionally necessary to breed improved cucumber cultivars that assure high yields of small and consistent fruit sizes at one harvest date. Additionally, the costs for the seeds need to be considerably reduced and the growth of weeds needs to be controlled by mechanical and chemical treatment when producing without film mulch. To examine the consequences of mechanical stress on produce quality, intensity and effects of impacts during machine harvesting were recorded by using the 3D-acceleration sensor (Mikras, Esys GmbH, Germany) implanted in single test cucumbers. These test cucumbers were placed on the intake unit and ran through the harvesting machine together with the produce stream. The mechanically harvested cucumbers were visually evaluated according to damage patterns. Results of mechanical load measurements point out that drop step 2 with a drop height of 82 cm must be considered as critical. Impact intensities with accelerations of approx. 150 g were measured. Quality of mechanically harvested cucumbers is not satisfactory up to now: 21 % of harvested cucumbers showed minor to severe damages. This can be attributed to the height of drop step 2, the sharp plastic edges on the conveyor chain and the contra-rotating separating rollers, which were not installed optimally. Drop steps (DS) during the run through the cucumber harvesting machine recorded by the 3D-acceleration sensor, from intake unit to fall into container (DS 1-6). Fallstufen (FS) in der vollmechanischen Erntemaschine ermittelt mit einem 3D- Beschleunigungssensor von der Aufnahmeeinheit bis zum Fall in die Großkiste (FS 1-6). Authors: Martin Geyer, Jelena Surdilovic Contact: Qualität und Sicherheit von Lebens- und Futtermitteln 33

34 Fresh Terminal a decision support system for consumers Frischeterminal ein Informationssystem für Verbraucher Verbraucher erhalten beim Einkauf nur wenig detaillierte Informationen über die Qualität bzw. den aktuellen Zustand von Obst und Gemüse. Ziel des von BMEL/BLE geförderten Projekts Frischeterminal war es daher, ein innovatives Informationssystem zu entwickeln, das dem Verbraucher am Entscheidungsund Verkaufsort detaillierte Informationen zur Herkunft, zum aktuellen Frischezustand und zur optimalen Handhabung nach dem Kauf bereitstellen kann. Diese Informationen sind auch über das Internet abrufbar ( Decision support and traceability systems play an increasing role within horticultural value chains. Their primary function is to reduce the microbiological risks and ensure food security. Up to now, consumers get no detailed information about fruit and vegetables properties at the point of sale (POS). The aim of the Fresh Terminal project (funded by BMEL/BLE) was to develop an innovative information platform for providing detailed produce information to the consumer at POS. The platform will provide information about the product (type, origin, region, etc.), the current level of freshness, and the optimum produce handling after POS. It will also offer additional information such as recipes. This platform will complete a missing link between retailers / consumers and the process of production / distribution. This will help consumers to get more detailed information about the product and its quality, storage conditions, and remaining shelf life. Thus, consumers can plan optimum usage, minimize quality loss in fruits and vegetables and avoid waste. management throughout the whole supply chain. Providing precise information on the quality and freshness of fruits and vegetables by using a variety of measuring and simulation methods is one of the core competences of ATB. For the project, shelf life models of different fruits and vegetables were developed to simulate the current state of the produce. This information is fed into the platform of the fresh terminal. In collaboration with an industrial partner (ESYS GmbH, Berlin), a soft- and hardware concept has been developed. This includes an interface for the efficient transfer of data from the producer to the local terminal at the POS. This terminal will enable consumers access to the required information in the form of a user friendly interface at the POS. Alternatively, the information is also available by reading the QR code from product packages via smartphone, as well as via internet ( Additionally to assisting the consumer in his purchase decision at POS, the fresh terminal will also provide information on the optimal product handling at home, the optimum form of storage (inside or outside the refrigerator, packed or unpacked), information on storage compatibility according to ethylene sensitivity, and finally tips for preparation, cooking, and consumption. The project covers the following steps: 1. identifying the type of information asked for by consumers, 2. presenting this information in a way that it fits into shopping habits, and 3. developing of an innovative information platform which informs consumers at the point of sale. For designing the decision support system the product information relevant for the purchase decision and for strengthening of the consumer s control function for ethical and sustainable consumption had to be elaborated first. Hence, a survey was conducted at the beginning of the project adressing consumers in organic supermarkets as well as representatives of the value chain such as producers, wholesalers, and store managers. Among other results, the survey indicated that the consumer primarily wants information on the provenience of the produce, followed by information on its freshness and shelf life, respectively. Simplified predictive model for visual assessment of the remaining shelf life for bananas at 20 C. Vereinfachtes Vorhersage-modell zum Abschätzen der Haltbarkeit von Bananen bei 20 C. Estimation of the produce shelf life is one of the greatest challenges, since it requires data concerning the ripeness or developmental stage of the produce at harvest and the temperature Authors: Guido Rux, Manfred Linke, Pramod Mahajan, Martin Geyer Contact: 34

35 Quality and safety of food and feed Everything CLEAN? Use of ClO 2 for quality assurance of ready-to-eat lettuce Alles CLEAN? ClO 2 für mehr Sicherheit in der Salatwäsche In recent years, the consumption of prepackaged ready-to-eat salads has strongly increased in economically developed countries. The production process of such products is very simple: vegetables are sorted, trimmed, washed, dried, and packaged. Due to their short shelf life, fresh-cut salads are stored for only a few days. Sensory attributes, such as browning, and the occurrence of off-odour and microbial loads are the major quality criteria of packaged cut iceberg lettuce. To minimize the health risk for consumers, the Committee of Food Microbiology and Sanitation of the German Association for Sanitation and Microbiology (DGHM) recommended standards for prepackaged mixed salads. The consumer is able to assess quality only by the product s visual appearance. More important, however, is the microbial load. The contamination with microorganisms not only causes spoilage of produces, it can also be a considerable risk for human health. Worldwide, chlorine dioxide is of increasing interest as disinfectant of fresh produces. It has a high oxidative capacity and produces much fewer harmful by-products than e.g. chlorine, which potentially forms carcinogenic trihalomethanes. The project CLEAN, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economics (BMWi), aimes to evaluate the potential of chlorine dioxide for decontamination of iceberg lettuce during washing. It also studies its potential effects on physiological and textural properties of the produce. The scientific findings shall be incorporated in a new washing machine for processing of ready-to-eat lettuce, which includes a ClO 2 disinfection unit. The study was performed in collaboration with industry partners. Bei der Lagerung von geschnittenem folienverpackten Eisbergsalat ist neben sensorischen Veränderungen der mikrobielle Befall das entscheidende Qualitätskriterium. Der Käufer entscheidet jedoch nur nach dem frischen Aussehen und kann keine Abschätzung des mikrobiologischen Status vornehmen. Ziel des vom BMWi geförderten Projekts CLEAN ist es, die Eignung von Chlordioxid (ClO 2 ) in der Salatwäsche zu testen, unerwünschte Mikroorganismen zu eliminieren - bei gleichzeitigem Erhalt der Produktqualität. Vitamin C content was not affected by the treatment. In addition, lettuce leaves were stored after the treatment and their colour measured during 5 d of storage at 5 C. Overall leaf colour was not affected by ClO 2 washing. Further experiments are planned to investigate the disinfection effect on microorganisms already established on the produce surface. In a next experimental stage, the sustainability of the treatment will be evaluated. Therefore, treated lettuce will be packaged and stored for up to 6 d and their microbiological and physiological status concomitantly analysed. In a first stage of the experiments, the effect of ClO 2 enriched water on relevant human pathogens (Escherichia coli, Salmonella enterica, Listeria monocytogenes) were investigated. Disinfection efficacy of ClO 2 strongly depends on temperature and organic matter load of washing water, in which low temperature results in a poorer ClO 2 efficacy. The experiments were conducted under relevant industrial process conditions at 2 C and a chemical oxygen demand (COD) of 350 and Starting from cfu (colony-forming units) g FM -1, complete reduction was obtained for E. coli and L. monocytogenes, while S. enterica was reducted by 4 log units. At high COD of washing water, the ClO 2 demand is approx. tenfold higher than in tap water. This is due to the fact that ClO 2 primarily reacts with organic matter (for instance lettuce sap from cut cells) and only then inactivates microorganisms. Mixture of microorganisms cultured from artificially produced salad wash water for laboratory experiments. Kultiviertes Mikroorganismengemisch aus künstlich hergestelltem Salatwaschwasser zur Durchführung von Laborversuchen. Furthermore, the effects of aqueous ClO 2 treatment on produce quality were analyzed. Therefore, the Vitamin C content of lettuce leaves was determined before and after washing with ClO 2 containing water. Up to a ClO 2 concentration of 30 mg l -1, the Authors: Karin Hassenberg, Ulrike Praeger, Werner B. Herppich Contact: Qualität und Sicherheit von Lebens- und Futtermitteln 35

36 Inactivation of pathogenic EHEC outbreak strains by isostatic high pressure Inaktivierung von pathogenen EHEC-Ausbruchstämmen durch isostatischen Hochdruck Jedes Jahr erkranken Tausende durch den Verzehr von Obst und Gemüse, das mit enterohämorrhagischen E. coli (EHEC) kontaminiert ist. Um innovative nicht-thermische Technologien zur schnellen und produktschonenden Inaktivierung von EHEC zu etablieren, forschen wir an einer möglichen Anwendung von isostatischem Hochdruck. Die Versuche an zwei EHEC Stämmen zeigten, dass ihre thermische und Druckresistenz deutlich höher ist als die von nicht-pathogenen E. coli Stämmen. Weiterhin konnte durch durchflusszytometrische Analysen gezeigt werden, dass der Inaktivierungsmechanismus unter Druck anders verläuft als während einer thermischen Pasteurisation. Several outbreaks of gastroenteritits have been linked to the consumption of contaminated fresh vegetables. Between the different pathogens, enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli are the most common cause of traveller s diarrhea. Each year 75,000 cases of illnesses in the United States are associated with the enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) strain O157:H7. In some cases EHEC infections are accompanied by the hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), as in the 2011 outbreak in Germany, which was caused by the E. coli serotype O104:H4 associated with the consumption of contaminated produce presumably sprouts. that the inactivation behavior of pathogenic E. coli strains and non-pathogenic surrogates are not comparable and that an adaptation of the cells to the treatment matrix is essential to get experimental data with industrial relevance. Flow cytometric analysis used in this study enabled a rapid estimation of the pressure impact on the membrane potential, membrane permeabilization and the inactivation of intracellular esterase for E. coli DSM1116 cells treated in buffer solution at ph 5 and 7. Again significant differences were found for E. coli cells pre-cultivated and treated at a lower ph-value. These cells showed a stronger ability to retain its membrane potential, but a higher rate of membrane permeabilization at lower pressures (< 200 MPa), possibly denoting that differences in the fatty acid composition and membrane fluidity are responsible for this stabilization phenomenon. A comparison of the data for cell inactivation with flow cytometry data indicates that under high pressure a loss of culturability did not correlate with the absence of esterase activity. However, a thermal ( 60 C) induced esterase inactivation was possible with and without membrane permeabilization, depicting a different pathway of cell inactivation, during the commonly used heat pasteurization. The common method to inactivate EHEC in low acid food, is a mild heat treatment, which can cause changes in the color, flavor and texture of the processed product. To overcome these unwanted side-effects non-thermal technologies like irradiation, cold atmospheric plasma or isostatic high pressure are investigated for treatment of solid and liquid food. The high pressure treatment is often regarded as one of the recent technological innovations in food preservation and has been extensively studied. Food spoiling and vegetative pathogenic microorganisms as well as several enzymes, which cause food deterioration, can be inactivated at ambient temperature and pressures between 300 to 700 MPa. Despite the steadily increasing commercial production of high pressure pasteurized food (more than 400,000 t/a), some important scientific and technological questions are still unsolved. To overcome this lack of knowledge, we tested the pressuretemperature resistance of the two EHEC strains O157:H7 and O104:H4 isolated from HUS-patients and compared it with a non-pathogenic reference strain. For sake of clarity all experimental data were calculated as a functional relationship of pressure, temperature and time. Both pathogenic strains showed a much higher pressure resistance, which further increased, after pre-cultivation in nutrient broth at ph 5 and inactivation in carrot juice. These data denote Isorate lines for the STEC strain O104:H4 suspended in carrot juice (ph 5.1) represent the 3 log 10 inactivation under isothermal and isobaric conditions during pressure dwell time. 3 log 10 Inaktivierung von STEC O104:H4 in Karottensaft (ph 5,1) unter isothermen und isobaren Bedingungen während der Druckhaltezeit. Authors: Matthias Baier, Christian Hertwig, Antje Fröhling, Kai Reineke, Oliver Schlüter, Traute Janßen, Lothar Wieler Contact: 36

37 Quality and safety of food and feed Plasma for decontaminating and modifying dry food products Plasma zur Dekontamination und Modifikation trockener Lebensmittel Consumer demands for minimal processed agricultural products are steadily increasing. This does not only apply to products from fresh fruits and vegetables but also to dry food and feed materials. Innovative technologies are needed to retain the naturalness of the products by simultaneously ensuring product safety and / or improving techno-functional properties. We pursue one possible approach: the application of cold atmospheric plasma. Plasma is a well-established physical process in different industrial applications such as the processing of high-quality circuit boards. In textile industry, plasma is applied for desizing, functionalization and designing of surface properties of fibers since the technology is suitable to modify the chemical structure as well as the surface topography of the material. These plasma-induced effects are also applicable to fibers and dry bulk materials in food and feed processing. Unlike conventional thermal, chemical, or enzymatic methods the application of cold atmospheric plasma offers an innovative approach to design new and desired techno-functional properties at low temperature (below 40 C) and moisture levels. As a non-thermal antimicrobial treatment cold plasma is applied on heat sensitive food surfaces. High priority should equally be given to the sensitive but effective decontamination of dry products. Especially herbs and spices are naturally highly contaminated with bacterial endospores, molds and sometimes also human pathogens like salmonella. Compared to established non-thermal processes such as the application of pulsed electric fields and isostatic high pressure the plasma treatment is advantageous since it is also applicable for dry products. The investigation of microbial inactivation and product-process interactions during cold atmospheric plasma treatment on dry product surfaces is addressed by the ATB in close cooperation with the Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology (INP) Greifswald. INP especially focuses on the testing and evaluation of different plasma setups while ATB, besides the classic methods of microbiology and food material science, uses modern analytical methods as flow cytometry, DNA analysis, HPLC techniques and a broad spectrum of protein analysis methodologies in order to elucidate the mechanisms of plasma-induced antimicrobial effects and product-process interactions. Die stetig steigende Nachfrage nach sicheren und minimal verarbeiteten Lebensmitteln verlangt den Einsatz innovativer Technologien. Ein besonderes Potenzial zur schonenden Dekontamination von Produktoberflächen wird nicht-thermischen Plasmen zugeschrieben. Neben der mikrobiellen Sicherheit steht auch die Untersuchung der Produkt-Prozess Interaktionen im Fokus, um den Einfluss der Plasmabehandlung auf die Produktqualität zu erfassen und daraus gezielte Applikationsmöglichkeiten entlang der gesamten Nacherntekette abzuleiten. Swelling capacity of plasma treated ground pea pods in dependency of the swelling time at 100 C (left) and effects of direct plasma treatment on surface topography of pea pods (right, A: 0 min, B: 5 min, C: 10 min), scanning electron microscopy (x 6000). Quellkapazität plasmabehandelter gemahlener Erbsenschalen in Abhängigkeit der Quellzeit bei 100 C (links). Effekte der direkten Plasmabehandlung auf die Oberflächentopografie von Erbsenschalen (rechts, A: 0 min, B: 5 min, C: 15 min), Rasterelektronenmikroskopie (x 6000). Studies on the impact of different direct plasma treatments on techno-functional properties of flour fractions from pea seed (Pisum sativum Salamanca ) pointed out that cold plasma mainly affects properties such as swellability and water / fat binding capacities of flours containing high proportions of proteins and fibers. In current studies, these effects are further investigated with emphasis on plasma-induced effects on protein functionality (structure, solubility, composition) in order to create tailormade products that meet the specific requirements of producers, processors and costumers. Additionally, the antimicrobial effect of an indirect plasma treatment on whole black pepper was investigated. A 4 log 10 inactivation of the natural microbial flora and inoculated Salmonella enterica was detected without any adverse effects on the intrinsic quality of the pepper seeds. Plasma treatment did not affect the product color or cause a significant loss of aroma compounds. The achieved inactivation level fulfills the industrial requirements. Authors: Sara Bußler, Christian Hertwig, Franziska Gzregorzewski, Kai Reineke und Oliver Schlüter Contact: Qualität und Sicherheit von Lebens- und Futtermitteln 37

38 Novel thin layer dryer to determine the drying kinetics of particles Neuartiger Dünnschichttrockner zur Ermittlung der Trocknungskinetik von Partikeln Die Kenntnis des Trocknungsverhaltens hygroskopischen Materials ist Voraussetzung für die Modellierung und Entwicklung von Trocknungsprozessen. Um das Trocknungsverhalten teilchenförmiger landwirtschaftlicher Produkte wie Getreidekörner, Fasern oder Hackschnitzel experimentell bestimmen zu können, wurde am ATB ein Dünnschichttrockner aufgebaut. Eine Luftkonditionierungsanlage ermöglicht die Einstellung variabler Trocknungsbedingungen. Ziel unserer Arbeiten war die experimentelle Ermittlung trocknungskinetischer Parameter. Alternativ kann der Versuchsaufbau auch für Untersuchungen zur Trocknung ruhender Schüttschichten verwendet werden. In order to model and develop drying processes, the drying characteristics of the hydroscopic material must be known. To experimentally determine the drying behavior of particulate agricultural products, a new thin layer dryer with air conditioning system was built up at ATB. The apparatus was designed so as to measure the drying kinetics of one layer of particles (e.g. grains, fibres, wood chips) at variable process air conditions in terms of temperature, humidity and flow rate. The kinetic parameters obtained from the experiments are used as boundary conditions in the numerical modeling of drying processes, e.g. using zonal models or Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) models. Based on it, the drying of the respective product can be predicted in the whole drying apparatus and, hence, new drying processes can be developed. With the new test equipment, it is possible to analyze the drying of agricultural products under different conditions from single particle layers up to thick layers with a maximum height of 10 cm or a maximum sample weight of 3 kg, respectively. To ensure constant drying conditions, the state of the drying air in terms of temperature, humidity and velocity is controlled throughout the experiment. For this purpose, a control system based on LABView was installed. The temperature can be controlled in the range from ambient temperature up to 140 C, the relative humidity between 5 and 95 % r.h. and the air velocity from 0.2 to 1.5 m s -1. Air humidity is controlled by an adsorber and an absorber column. Before entering the adsorber, the process air is pre-cooled to increase the drying potential and is preheated before entering the absorber column to increase the water capacity of the air. The preheater of the absorber column is also used to regenerate the adsorber material. It is also feasible to use ambient air for drying experiments. The highly precise weighing system of the test station with an accuracy of ±1 mg allows for measuring small changes of the sample moisture content down to ±0.002 % w.b. To ensure an accurate weighing of the sample during the drying experiment, the air is bypassed during the short weighing period. For it, high speed flaps are used (closing time < 2.5 s). This is done to avoid lift or drag forces which can influence the weighing procedure. In addition, the permeability and the quadratic loss coefficient of the bulk material can be determined in the test equipment using a pressure drop sensor attached to the drying chamber. The new thin layer dryer forms basic equipment for fundamental research on agricultural drying at ATB. It is used for mathematical modeling and the development of novel drying processes. The buildup of the test equipment was realized by conveyance of the European Union (EFRE). Schematic view of the thin layer dryer. Fließschema des Dünnschichttrockners. Authors: Holger Scaar, Teodor Teodorov, Georg Franke, Jochen Mellmann Contact: 38

39 Quality and safety of food and feed Grain dryer: new design increases energy efficiency Getreide-Schachttrockner: energieeffizienter im neuen Design CO 2 -Concentration (Vol.-%) Mixed-flow dryers (MFD) are widely used in agriculture to preserve large mass flows of grain but are also found in industry. Although this technology has been established for convective grain drying, there is still the necessity to optimize the process and the dryer apparatus in order to reduce economic losses due to over- and under-drying. The design development started with evaluating traditional designs of mixed-flow dryers based on numerical and experimental investigations of particle flow, airflow, and the drying process. This was done to discover design deficits and to identify and develop advantageous design elements. The numerical methods of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Discrete Element Method (DEM) as well as new experimental methods were applied. Regarding the particle flow, a typical core flow like in silos was detected with a retarded particle flow at the dryer walls and a fast flow region in the centre of the dryer. Concerning airflow in the horizontal air duct arrangement it could be confirmed, both experimentally and numerically, that the classical quartering of the airflow from one inlet air duct to the four surrounding outlet air ducts occurred almost ideally (figure below). The diagonal arrangement, however, revealed an uneven airflow distribution displaying high air velocities as well as dead zones over the cross section. As compared to the diagonal arrangement, the horizontal arrangement revealed a more uniform air flow. Yet, grain moisture distribution exhibited higher fluctuations due to the existence of vertical rows of hot inlet and cold exit air ducts in the horizontal arrangement. This was discovered from comparative drying experiments at semi-technical scale. Time (ms) Residence time distribution of the airflow from one inlet air duct, measured at the four surrounding outlet air ducts. The symbols (+) and (-) denote inlet and outlet air ducts, respectively. Verweilzeitverteilung des Luftstroms von einem Zuluftkanal, gemessen an den vier umliegenden Abluftkanälen. Die Symbole (+) und (-) bezeichnen Zuluft- bzw. Abluftkanäle. In Deutschland muss im Zehnjahresdurchschnitt bis zu ein Drittel der Getreideernte getrocknet werden. Zur sicheren und schnellen Haltbarmachung in feuchten Erntejahren sind leistungsfähige und effiziente Trocknungsverfahren von zentraler Bedeutung. Am ATB wurde ein neues Apparatedesign zur konvektiven Durchlauftrocknung entwickelt. Erste, vielversprechende Ergebnisse aus der Entwicklungsphase und Testung eines Prototyps im Technikumsmaßstab werden vorgestellt. Against this background, we developed a new geometry for a mixed-flow dryer. The new design is characterized by sectional inclined side walls (figure) and triangular shaped air ducts. The zigzag pattern of the dryer and removable air ducts allow for creating regions with different particle and air velocities. In contrast to the traditional MFD geometry, airflow and particle velocity can be adjusted to each other in certain regions. Thus, regions with low air flow and particle velocities near the dryer walls can be generated as well as regions with high air flow and particle velocities in the centre of the dryer. In addition, a multi-stage cross-mixing of produce was introduced increasing the drying efficiency. Based upon this, the drying conditions are widely homogenized - increasing both energy efficiency and product quality. Schematic of a) traditional design, b) new developed geometry. Schematische Darstellung einer a) traditionellen, b) neu entwickelten Trocknergeometrie. Using a first prototype of the new design at pilot scale, we attained energy savings up to 30 % during semi-technical drying experiments as compared to the traditional design. Further research is necessary to better understand the effect of the novel design elements on the drying process, product quality and energy efficiency in terms of shape, dimension and arrangement. Authors: Fabian Weigler, Holger Scaar, Georg Franke, Jochen Mellmann Contact: Qualität und Sicherheit von Lebens- und Futtermitteln 39

40 Which ensiling factors affect the bacterial community within grass silage? Welche Silierfaktoren beeinflussen die bakterielle Gemeinschaft in Grassilagen? Mikroorganismen in Silagen können diese unter bestimmten Umständen verderben lassen. In dieser Studie wurde ein kulturunabhängiger molekularer Ansatz zur Erfassung struktureller Veränderungen der mikrobiellen Gemeinschaften während der Silierung sowie in Folge verschiedener Prozessfaktoren verwendet. Die mikrobielle Gemeinschaft wird wesentlich durch die Zugabe einer Starterkultur beeinflusst. Nekrotisches Material hatte wider Erwarten keinen negativen Einfluss auf die mikrobielle Gemeinschaft und aerobe Stabilität der Silage. Das Projekt wurde gefördert von der DFG. terial 16S-rRNA gene, the so-called terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (TRFLP) analysis, was applied. This rapid and sensitive molecular approach enables the characterization of complex microbial communities and their dynamics, excluding the bias associated with culturing. Within the DFG funded research project, the impact of different compaction, the addition of starter cultures, in this study Lactobacillus buchneri, or the presence of necrotic plant material on the bacterial community structure in grass silage was investigated. Notably, the effect on the aerobic stability of the silage after opening was monitored Gras silage is one of the predominant ruminant feed stocks. It is the product of lactic acid bacterial fermentation, occurring when crops are stored under anaerobic conditions. The herbage dry matter concentration, biomass compaction, microbial composition and application of silage additives affect the outcome of preservation. During the aerobic stage after opening, a previously established stable and functional microbial community is assumed as crucial to avoid spoilage. Traditionally, the ensilage process has been investigated by measuring the chemical composition and changes in the microbial community by cultivation-dependent approaches. To overcome the known limitations of these approaches, a cultivation-independent technique based on molecular fingerprinting of the bac- 10 A A4 T608 T A7 A4 T605 Axis 2 49 A2 T T599 A A4 T607 A2 10 A7 A4 A A7 Axis 1 T609 A2 A4 A2 49 The redundancy analysis (RDA) visualizes the differences between the bacterial communities as influenced by the different process factors (see figure). Obvious are the structural alterations during ongoing ensiling: the largest differences in community composition overall were observed between the starting material at day 0 (grey circle) and after 49 days of ensiling. The data also showed a distinct grouping of samples treated with the starter culture L. buchneri (blue circles) and those of untreated silages (green). After opening, air infiltrated silages (open circles) showed only slight differences in the community structure. After 4 and 7 days of aerobic storage the highest dynamic of the microbial community occurred in the low compacted variants. Necrotic tissues are supposed to initiate aerobic spoilage. Surprisingly, no significant differences in the community composition of untreated silages (green circles) and silages inoculated with necrotic material (orange) were observed after 2, 4 and 7 days of aerobic storage. In fact, the necrotic material silages were still stable after 7 days of aerobic storage. The RDA also reveals the contribution of distinct bacterial species or even groups, as indicated by terminal restriction fragments, to the development of the microbial community as consequence of different processing. By 16S-rRNA gene sequence analyses, T609 was identified as closely related to L. buchneri. T599, showing major impact on the microbial community in absence of starter cultures, was assigned to L. pentosus. During the early stage of ensiling, L. sakei (T605) and Weissella cibaria (T608) were found as predominant micro-organisms. Variants of preparation: Starting material No additive, high compaction Addition of L. buchneri, high compaction Addition of necrotic material No additive, low compaction Addition of L. buchneri, low compaction Impact of different process factors on the bacterial community structure. Numbers in circles: time points (days) of fermentation and aerobic (A) storage after opening. Arrow lines: effect of main bacterial species/groups as indicated by terminal restriction fragments (T) labeled according to the respective fragment length. Einfluss verfahrenstechnischer Größen auf die Zusammensetzung der Bakteriengemeinschaft. Zahlen in Kreisen: Silierdauer und aerobe Lagerung nach Öffnung (A) in Tagen. Pfeile: Einfluss verschiedener Arten bzw. Gruppen von Mikroorganismen. In conclusion, the applied cultivation independent approach is well suited to monitor the impact of silage additives or different abiotic factors on the microbial community. A similar approach will also allow the monitoring of yeast communities or distinct groups of microorganisms in silages after primer modification to the target gene. Authors: Katrin Graf, Christine Idler, Michael Klocke Contact: 40

41 Quality and safety of food and feed Insects - an alternative protein source for food and feed Insekten - eine alternative Proteinquelle in Lebens- und Futtermitteln Recently, insects have significantly gained in importance as a potential sustainable alternative protein source in food and feed due to a growing global population and an increasing demand in animal proteins. Generally, edible insects have high energy and protein contents, a well-balanced nutrient profile, meet amino acid requirements for humans and livestock, are high in mono- und polyunsaturated fatty acids and generally rich in micronutrients, e.g. copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, selenium, zinc, as well as in vitamins such as riboflavin, pantothenic acid, and biotin. In addition to the nutrient profile, the presence of potentially harmful ingredients such as toxins, allergens, and antinutrients should also be taken into consideration. In comparison to conventional livestock, insects have generally a higher feed conversion efficiency, i.e. need less amount of feed for the production of 1 kg biomass, have a higher fecundity, are mostly omnivorous and can be raised on organic waste, equally nutritious and take up less space in the rearing process. It has even been indicated that 80 insects might contribute less greenhouse gases than pig and cattle. 70 Since the majority of the insects consumed worldwide are still harvested in the wild, there is still an immense research demand before safe insectbased food and feed products can be successfully marketed in Europe. In order to produce insects on an industrial scale technological improvements of rearing facilities for automated, cost-effective production processes, the development of hygienic measures and sanitary standards for the prevention of diseases and contamination throughout the rearing process as well as processing and handling steps, and the development of reliable preservation and preparation methods to ensure food and feed safety are required. Regarding food and feed safety, development of standardized effective decontamination procedures for increased storage and shelflife stability as well as the inactivation of human pathogens and spore forming bacteria is needed. In addition to the inactivation of microorganisms on the surface of insects careful attention has to be paid to the inactivation of the intestinal microflora since in contrast to most other animal products e.g. from conventional livestock no gut removal occurs before processing and consumption. Average content [%] (based on dry matter) Blattodea (n=3) Insekten stellen eine alternative Proteinquelle in Lebens- und Futtermitteln dar. Die Mehrheit der verzehrten Insekten weltweit wird in der Wildnis gesammelt. Für die gezielte Produktion und Nutzung sicherer Lebens- und Futtermittelprodukte basierend auf essbaren Insekten besteht vermehrt Forschungsbedarf. Eine Arbeitsgruppe des ATB beschäftigt sich seit zwei Jahren mit dem Thema essbare Insekten. Langfristig sollen die am ATB vorhandenen Expertisen hinsichtlich Tierhaltung, Biomasseabbau, Technikbewertung, Sicherheit und Prozessoptimierung für die wissenschaftliche Bearbeitung das Themas essbare Insekten zusammengeführt werden. As a first output two review articles have been published that were cited by international bodies such as the FAO (Edible Insects, FAO, 2012). Coleoptera (n=45) Diptera (n=6) Hemiptera (n=27) Hymenoptera (n=45) Protein Fat Fibre NFE Ash Isoptera (n=7) Lepidoptera (n=50) Odonata (n=2) Average nutrient contents [%] (dry matter) of edible insects. n=number of insect samples from literature; NFE=nitrogen-free extract; Orders (examples): Coleoptera (beetles), Hymenoptera (ants and bees), Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies). Durchschnittliche Nährstoffgehalte [%] (Trockenmasse) essbarer Insekten. n=datenmenge aus Literatur; NFE=Stickstoff-freier Extrakt; Ordnung (Beispiel): Coleoptera (Käfer), Hymenoptera (Bienen und Ameisen), Lepidoptera (Schmetterlinge und Motten). Orthoptera (n=51) An ATB group has been working for almost two years on the topic edible insects with the long-term goal to integrate and extend the existing expertise of the ATB in the fields of animal husbandry, biomass degradation, technology and life cycle assessment, sensor systems, safety and process optimization in order to install the topic in the institute s research agenda. Authors: Birgit Rumpold, Antje Fröhling, Oliver Schlüter Contact: Qualität und Sicherheit von Lebens- und Futtermitteln 41

42 Publications (selection) of the research program Quality and safety of food and feed Publikationen (Auswahl) des Forschungsprogramms Qualität und Sicherheit von Lebens- und Futtermitteln Baier, M.; Foerster, J.; Schnabel, U.; Knorr, D.; Ehlbeck, J.; Herppich, W.B.; Schlüter, O.: Direct non-thermal plasma treatment for the sanitation of fresh corn salad leaves: Evaluation of physical and physiological effects and antimicrobial efficacy. Postharvest Biology and Technology (84): 81-87, 2013 Bolling, J.; Fröhling, A.; Durek, J.; Schlüter, O.; Paquet-Durand, O.; Hitzmann, B.: Kontaminationsmonitoring in der Fleischzerlegung mittels Autofluoreszenzsignaturen. Fleischwirtschaft 93 (3): , 2013 Delele, M.; Ngcobo, M.; Getahun, S.; Chen, L.; Mellmann, J.; Opara, U.: Studying airflow and heat transfer characteristics of a horticultural produce packaging system using a 3-D CFD model. Part I: Model development and validation. Postharvest Biology and Technology (86): , 2013 Delele, M.; Ngcobo, M.; Getahun, S.; Chen, L.; Mellmann, J.; Opara, U.: Studying airflow and heat transfer characteristics of a horticultural produce packaging system using a 3-D CFD model. Part II: Effect of package design. Postharvest Biology and Technology (86): , 2013 Fröhling, A.; Baier, M.; Ehlbeck, J.; Knorr, D.; Schlüter, O.: Atmospheric pressure plasma treatment of Listeria innocua and Escherichia coli at polysaccharide gel surfaces: Inactivation kinetics and flow cytrometric characterization. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 13 (1): , 2012 Fröhling, A.; Durek, J.; Schnabel, U.; Ehlbeck, J.; Bolling, J.; Schlüter, O.: Indirect plasma treatment of fresh pork: Decontamination efficiency and effects on quality attributes. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 16: , 2012 Fröhling, A.; Klocke, S.; Hausdorf, L.; Klocke, M.; Schlüter, O.: A method for viability testing of Pectobacterium carotovorum in postharvest processing by means of flow cytometry. Food and Bioprocess Technology 5 (7): , 2012 Hashim, N.; Pflanz, M.; Regen, C.; Janius, R.; Rahman, R.; Osman, A.; Shitan, M.; Zude, M.: An approach for monitoring the chilling injury appearance in bananas by means of backscattering imaging. Journal of Food Engineering 116 (1): 28-36, 2013 Hassenberg, K.; Huyskens-Keil, S.; Herppich, W.B.: Impact of postharvest UV-C and ozone treatments on microbiological properties of white asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L.). Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality 85 (2): , 2012 Hausdorf, L.; Mundt, K.; Winzer, M.; Cordes, C.; Fröhling, A.; Schlüter, O.; Klocke, M.: Characterization of the cultivable microbial community in a spinach-processing plant using MALDI-TOF MS. Food Microbiology: 34 (2): , 2013 Huyskens-Keil, S.; Herppich, W.: High CO 2 effects on postharvest biochemical and textural properties of white asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L.) spears. Postharvest Biology and Technology 75: 45-53, 2013 Lorente, D.; Zude, M.; Regen, C.; Palou, L.; Gómez-Sanchis, J.; Blasco, J.: Early decay detection in citrus fruit using laser-light backscattering imaging. Postharvest Biology and Technology (86): , 2013 Matsushima, U.; Graf, W.; Zabler, S.; Manke, I.; Dawson, M.; Choinka, G.; Hilger, A.; Herppich, W.B.: 3D-analysis of plant microstructures: as advantages and limitations of synchrotron X-ray microtomography. International Agrophysics 27 (1): 23-30, 2013 Matsushima, U.; Hilger, A.; Graf, W.; Zabler, S.; Manke, I.; Dawson, M.; Choinka, G.; Herppich, W.B.: Calcium oxalate distribution in rose peduncles: Non-invasive analysis by synchrotron X-ray micro-tomography. Postharvest Biology and Technology (72): 27-34, 2012 Mellmann, J.; Hoffmann, T.; Fürll, C.: Flow properties of crushed grain as a function of the particle shape. Powder Technology 249: , 2013 Mollazade, K.; Omid, M.; Akhlaghian, F.; Rezaei Kalaj, Y.; Saeid Mohtasebi, S.; Zude, M.: Analysis of texture-based features for predicting mechanical properties of horticultural products by laser light backscattering imaging. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture (98): 34-45,

43 Quality and safety of food and feed Müller, A.; Rose-Meierhöfer, S.; Ammon, C.; Brunsch, R.: The effects of quarter-individual milking in conventional milking parlours on the somatic cell count and udder health of dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Research 80: 36-44, 2012 Praeger, U.; Surdilovic, J.; Truppel, I.; Herold, B.; Geyer, M.: Comparison of electronic fruits for impact detection on a laboratory scale. Sensors 13: , 2013 Reineke, K.; Ellinger, N.; Berger, D.; Baier, D.; Mathys, A.; Setlow, P.; Knorr, D.: Structural analysis of high pressure treated Bacillus subtilis spores. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 17: 43-53, 2013 Reineke, K.; Mathys, A.; Heinz, V.; Knorr, D.: Mechanisms of endospore inactivation under high pressure. Trends in Microbiology 21 (6): , 2013 Reineke, K.; Schlumbach, K.; Baier, D.; Mathys, A.; Knorr, D.: The release of dipicolinic acid - The rate-limiting step of Bacillus endospore inactivation during the high pressure thermal sterilization process. International Journal of Food Microbiology 162: 55-63, 2013 Rose-Meierhöfer, S.; Demba, S.; Ammon, C.; Öz, H.; Elsholz, S.; Hoffmann, G.; Brunsch, R.: Effect of individual quarter milking with periodic air intake on free fatty acids (FFA) in the milk of dairy cows. Journal of Food Safety and Food Quality 63 (4): , 2012 Rumpold, B.; Schlüter, O.: Nutritional composition and safety aspects of edible insects. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research 57 (5): , 2013 Rumpold, B.; Schlüter, O.: Potential and challenges of insects as an innovative source for food and feed production. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 17 (1): 1-11, 2013 Schlüter, O.; Ehlbeck, J.; Hertel, C.; Habermeyer, M.; Roth, A.; Engel, K.; Holzhauser, T.; Knorr, D.; Eisenbrand, G.: Opinion of the use of plasma processes for treatment of foods. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research 57 (5): , 2013 Schnabel, U.; Niquet, R.; Krohmann, U.; Winter, J.; Schlüter, O.; Weltmann, K.; Ehlbeck, J.: Decontamination of microbiologically contaminated specimen by direct and indirect plasma treatment. Plasma Processes and Polymers 9 (6): , 2012 Sunkara, K.; Herz, F.; Specht, E.; Mellmann, J.: Influence of flight design on the particle distribution of a flighted rotating drum. Chemical Engineering Science 90: , 2013 Sunkara, K.; Herz, F.; Specht, E.; Mellmann, J.; Erpelding, R.: Modeling the discharge characteristics of rectangular flights in a flighted rotary drum. Powder Technology (234): , 2013 Surdilovic J.; Geyer M.: Vollmechanische Ernte von Einlegegurken. Landtechnik. 68 (3): , 2013 Surowsky, B.; Fischer, A.; Schlüter, O.; Knorr, D.: Cold plasma effects on enzyme activity in a model food system. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 19: , 2013 Weigler, F.; Mellmann, J.; Franke, G.; Scaar, H.: Experimental studies on a new developed mixed-flow dryer. Drying Technology 31 (15): , 2013 Weigler, F.; Scaar, H.; Mellmann, J.: Investigation of particle and air flows in a mixed-flow dryer. Drying Technology 30 (15): , 2012 Zdunek, A.; Herppich, W.B.: Relation of biospeckle activity with chlorophyll content in apples. Postharvest Biology and Technology (64): 58-63, 2012 Ziegler, T.; Jubaer, H.; Mellmann, J.: Simulation of a Heat Pump Dryer for Medicinal Plants. Chemie Ingenieur 85 (3): , 2013 Qualität und Sicherheit von Lebens- und Futtermitteln 43

44 Research Program Material and energetic use of biomass The use of biomass becomes more and more important due to the progressive depletion of fossil raw materials and the global climate change. The research program meets this challenge to build up a bio-based energy and material economy. The whole chain from the production of biomass, its processing e. g. to fibres and woodchips, storage and finally its thermal and chemical conversion to biogas, biochar, and lactic acid is being studied. The objectives are integrated solutions, which are geared to a biorefinery with extensively closed material and energy fluxes. A sustainable material flow management includes site specific cropping systems. This is one way to maintain the humic matter and the fertility of soil, which is both the most important factor of agricultural production and also a considerable carbon sink. Forschungsprogramm Stoffliche und energetische Nutzung von Biomasse Die Nutzung von Biomasse erlangt mit der fortschreitenden Erschöpfung fossiler Rohstoffe und dem sich ändernden Klima auf der Erde eine ganz neue Dimension. Das Forschungsprogramm stellt sich der Herausforderung, eine biobasierte Stoff- und Energiewirtschaft aufzubauen. Die Forschung bildet die gesamte Verfahrenskette ab: vom Anbau der Biomasse, deren mechanischer Aufbereitung, z. B. zu Fasern und Holzhackschnitzeln, ihrer Lagerung bis hin zur thermischen und biotechnologischen Stoffwandlung zu Biogas, Biokohle und Milchsäure. Das Ziel sind integrierte Lösungen, die sich am Leitbild einer Bioraffinerie mit weitgehend geschlossenen Stoff- und Energieströmen orientieren. Ein nachhaltiges Stoffstrommanagement schließt standortangepasste Anbausysteme für Pflanzen ein. Auf diese Weise kann die Humusversorgung und die Fruchtbarkeit des Bodens - wichtigster Produktionsfaktor in der Landwirtschaft und Kohlenstoffsenke zugleich - erhalten werden. Coordinator of the research program Koordinator des Forschungsprogramms Dr. Jürgen Kern Contact: 44

45 Material use of biomass Improved processes: sensorbased online-monitoring for process stability in biotechnological lactic acid production, harvesting of seeds as by-product from fibre hemp. Promising applications: waste bread for producing biopolymers, plant fibres for mastic asphalt concrete. Short Rotation Coppice Transferred to practice: A new mower-chipper for harvesting agrowood. The storage behaviour of the harvested coarse wood chips was investigated Stoffliche Biomassenutzung Verbesserte Prozesse: Sensorbasiertes Online- Monitoring für mehr Prozessstabilität bei der biotechnologischen Produktion von Milchsäure, Ernte von Samen als Nebenprodukt von Faserhanf. Vielversprechende Anwendungen: Reste aus der Backwarenindustrie für die Herstellung von Biopolymeren, Pflanzenfasern für Splitt- Mastix-Asphalt Kurzumtriebsplantagen Zur Praxisreife gebracht: Ein neuer Mähhacker für die Ernte von Feldholz. Das Lagerverhalten der geernteten groben Hackschnitzel wurde untersucht. Biogas Insights into a complex ecosystem: Ecological niches within biogas reactors, cultivation of hitherto unknown microbial species, identification of process relevant microorganisms, microbial specialists for enhancing digestion of nitrogenrich substrates. Moreover: a novel floating bed digester for biogas production from grass, and quality silage as a key factor in the biogas process chain Biogas Einblicke in ein komplexes Ökosystem: Ökologische Nischen in Biogasreaktoren, Kultivierung bisher unbekannter Mikroorganismen, Identifizierung prozessrelevanter Species, mikrobielle Spezialisten für den Einsatz in stickstoffreichen Substraten. Weiterhin: ein neuartiger Schwimmbett-Reaktor für die Biogasproduktion aus Gras, und Qualitätssilage als Schlüsselfaktor in der Biogasprozesskette. Biochar Innovative char production: Upgrading and stabilisation of HTC char and its by-products, onepot synthesis of magnetic carbon particles by HTC Biokohle Innovative Produktionsverfahren: Veredelung und Stabilisierung von Produkten der Biokohleherstellung, Synthese magnetischer Biokohlen durch HTC in einem einstufigen Verfahren. 45

46 Sensorbased online-monitoring for the biotechnological lactic acid production Sensorbasiertes Online-Monitoring für die biotechnologische Milchsäureproduktion Räumliche Inhomogenitäten im Fermenter können bei biotechnologischen Prozessen wie der Herstellung von Milchsäure zu Instabilitäten und Verlusten führen. Daher stand die Entwicklung einer sensorbasierten Systemlösung für das Online-Monitoring von Bioprozessen in Fermentern im Fokus eines AiF-geförderten Vorhabens. Die im Fermenter ablaufenden Stoffwechselvorgänge wurden im Hinblick auf metabolische und Prozessparameter einer Echtzeit-Analyse unterzogen und Strategien für eine Erhöhung der Ausbeute entwickelt. case of lactic acid fermentation first results were generated for a bioreactor volume of up to 1 m³. Thanks to special analytical devices provided by our industry partner a better understanding of the turbulences has been achieved. The arrangement of several sensors allows an individual positioning for further measurements concerning the influences of process-determining parameters. Lactic acid (LA) is a well-known chemical. It is used as an acidulant or flavor additive, for pharmaceutical purposes, in the leather and textile industries, and for the production of base chemicals. Increasing attraction is paid to its use for polymerization to decomposable Poly Lactic Acid (PLA). Fermentative production of LA offers the advantage that, by choosing a certain strain of microorganisms, a pure isomer can be produced, whereas synthetic production always results in a racemic mixture of D- and/or L -LA. In recent years, methodologies have been developed to comprehensively investigate the molecular and biochemical processes of microbes, the so called omics technologies. The paradigm of linear information flow from DNA over proteins to metabolites has shifted to a more complex regulation where each level can influence each other. This understanding of the complete set of metabolites - the metabolome - and its effects on cellular regulation is very important not only for high-value fine chemicals or pharmaceuticals, but also for the efficient industrial production of lactic acid in large quantities and related bioreactors, respectively. Together with an industry partner, a number of fermentation samples for Bacillus coagulans, both cells and the fermentation broth, has been analyzed in view of known and partly unknown metabolites. The aim was to investigate their behaviour in laband pilot-scale bioreactors (3 and 300 litres) to find out any key substances for the optimization of the process. More than 580 peaks have been identified altogether. About 90 metabolites could be defined as known substances, the molecular mass and formula have been determined for more than residual compounds still remain unknown. As a second step, the characteristic broth parameters like ph value and conductivity have been estimated. For improving the performance of the entire fermentation, which is often carried out in big stirred tanks, a new approach based on wireless sensors has been investigated. Our aim was to identify any zones of inhomogeneities for the bulk liquid in order to optimize process conditions. Besides installing the sensors, a specific experimental set-up has been developed to avoid disturbances of the hydrodynamic behaviour of the system. For the specific From left: measuring bar, sensor mount, measuring bar mounted on flow breaker, complete system with sensor bracket installed on the flow breaker. Von links: Messschiene, Sensorhalterung, Messschiene befestigt an Strömungsbrecher, Komplettsystem mit Sensorhalterung installiert am Strömungsbrecher. In our study, metabolomics methods together with macro process parameter estimation were applied to evaluate the performance of B. coagulans during laboratory and pilot scale fermentation processes. Another upscale is necessary, because factors such as mixing shear and flooding tendency vary with scale, and changes in metabolites levels appear in correspondence to responses of biological systems to the environmental variations within the bioreactor. Working under comparable conditions and parameters is essential for process optimization and the appropriate quantification of the process procedures on industry level. Due to the model character of our research results can be transferred to other bioprocesses in order to increase their performance as well. Authors: Joachim Venus, Sascha Thormann Contact: 46

47 Material and energetic use of biomass Bread in bread - use of waste bread for lactic acid fermentation Das Brot im Brot - Nutzung von Restbrot für die Milchsäurefermentation Biodegradable plastic materials are a well-known alternative to fossil based plastics and already in use for certain industrial applications such as packaging. A lot of these biodegradable materials are obtained from renewable plant sources like corn, potato, sugarcane or sugar beet. However, the non-food utilization of these crops has caused both social and political alarms due to the increasing competition with food production. It is obvious that for the production of biodegradable materials alternative biogenic sources need to be sought. BREAD4PLA ( is a European project to demonstrate the technical viability of producing a biopolymer like polylactic acid (PLA) from by-products of the bakery industry at pilot plant scale. The PLA obtained from the waste bread will be used for producing biodegradable packages for new bakery and pastry products, thus, closing the substance cycle. The project is coordinated by AIMPLAS, Spain, and runs over three years. At first, different bakery and pastry by-products have been characterized regarding their suitability for the biotechnological processing. After receiving the waste bread samples from the industry partners, characteristic material parameters in terms of the further use as main substrate for the fermentation processes were determined by different analytical methods. From the selected wastes, lactic acid (LA), the base monomer for the later production of PLA, has been produced at different scales. After a set of lab-scale fermentation runs (1 litre) the next trials were performed in bench and pilot scale bioreactors (55 and 600 litres) based on the results for optimization of pre-treatment, hydrolysis, and fermentation parameters. Parallel to this, the performance of the waste bread samples in fermentation runs has been investigated using different enzymes for the enhanced release of nutrients and/or fermentable sugars. The figure presents a summary of the results for the bench-scale bioreactor. According to these Auf europäischer Ebene soll mit dem LIFE+ Demonstrationsprojekt BREAD4PLA gezeigt werden, wie Reststoffe aus der Backwarenindustrie einer innovativen, verbraucherfreundlichen und umweltverträglichen Wiederverwendung zugeführt werden können. Innerhalb des geschlossenen Kreislaufs von der Reststofferfassung über deren Verarbeitung zu Kunststoffen für die Verpackung von frischen Backwaren wird am ATB die enzymatisch-fermentative Herstellung von Milchsäure bearbeitet. Das Verfahren ist auf andere Reststoffe aus dem Agrar- bzw. Lebensmittelsektor übertragbar. data the crust bread seems to reach a better performance than the sugar bread with respect to the lactate formation and the utilization of carbohydrates (starch and sugars). The feasability of the production of LA from bakery and pastry wastes could be demonstrated. However, for a final evaluation of the best bakery waste feedstock it will be necessary to calculate the costs for the overall process (including downstream processing) together with the requirements for product quality (impurities) at the end. Subsequently to the evaluation of different waste bread samples a series of experimental trials was carried out in order to convert the containing carbohydrates directly and/or after enzymatic hydrolysis. Based on these results the optimization of pre-treatment, hydrolysis, and fermentation steps together with the screening of other LA producing bacteria will be continued. The use of waste bread for producing lactic acid that will be subsequently processed to bioplastics for folia packages in which the fresh bread can be wrapped is an excellent illustration of how to tackle one single material stream in terms of reducing waste, saving natural resources, and add an additional value. Author: Joachim Venus Contact: Vergleich des Fermentationsverlaufs von zwei Brotsorten (55 L Reaktor). Comparison of the fermentation course for two bread samples (55 L reactor). Stoffliche und energetische Nutzung von Biomasse

48 Seed harvesting from hemp Samenernte bei Hanf Die Ernte homogener und vollständig abgereifter Hanfsamen aus Faserhanfbeständen ist unter den klimatischen Bedingungen Nord- und Mitteldeutschlands problematisch. In einem BMWigeförderten Projekt haben wir daher die Bergung der Samen aus der Schwade untersucht. Trotz der Verluste, die während des Schneidens und Schwadens auftraten, zeigte sich, dass vergleichbar hohe Samenerträge wie beim konventionellen Mähdruschverfahren möglich sind. Das ermittelte Zeitfenster für die Ernte hoher Samenerträge korreliert mit dem empfohlenen Zeitfenster für die Faserernte. Initially, hemp seeds were harvested solely to cover the necessary amount of seed for the sowing of the following season. Today, the nutritional advantages of the seeds or of the extracted oil are gaining more and more importance. Seeds are ideal for human nutrition. They contain all eight essential amino acids, especially the rare gamma-linolenic acid, as well as fatty acids in a nutritionally optimal ratio. According to available data, a yearly demand of approx. 12,000 t of hemp seed can be estimated for Europe at present. About 6,000 t are covered by European production, and about the same quantity is imported from Asia and North America. In Europe, hemp seeds are harvested primarily as a by-product of the fiber hemp cultivation. The additional yield generates higher income - contributing to stabilize or even reduce prices for fibers and shives production. Due to the sequential ripening of seeds on the plant, conventional harvesting of seeds using a combined harvester is hardly possible under the climatic conditions of Northern and Central Germany. Within an R&E project funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) a machine and processing chain was developed for selectively harvesting seeds from special crops. The aim was to attain homogenous and fully ripened seeds from swaths, i.e. from rows of the cut crop that remains for several days on the field for retting. The innovation consists in harvesting the seeds while the swaths are turned. Therefore, the post-ripening of the crops in the swaths was examined in a modell experiment using a standardized method of field-(or dew-)retting. Two grids of 1 m² each with different mesh widths were tightened one above Experimental swaths under a bird protection net. Versuchsschwaden unter einem Vogelschutznetz. the other in wooden frames. The upper grid had a mesh width of 6 cm to ensure appropriate ventilation of the swath comparable with the stacking on stubbles. The lower grid had a mesh width of 1 mm in order to collect falling seeds. To protect them from uptake by animals, the frames were put up under a bird protection net in the open air. Despite some losses of seeds which fell out during cutting and swathing, it could be shown that yields comparable with those obtained with conventional harvesting techniques are possible. In 2012, e.g. the time window for harvesting a high quantity of seeds besides attaining fibers of a good quality was nine days. Maximum yields were 364 kg DM/ha for variety `Santhica 27 and 1060 kg DM/ha for `Fedora 17. With 22 % the highest seed losses were observed for variety `Fedora 17. These losses occurred after the time of maximum yield. The differences between the two varieties as well as the respective fractions of the seeds obtained and the seeds lost are shown below. As varieties with high losses can reduce the possible seed yield substantially, special attention should be given to carefully choose the variety Geerntete Samen Santhica / Seeds Harvested obtained Seeds Ausfallverluste Santhica / Seeds Lost Seeds lost Geerntete Samen Fedora / Harvested Seeds obtained Seeds Ausfallverluste Fedora / Lost Seeds seeds lost Zeit seit Aussaat [d] / Time since sowing [d] Relation obtained to lost seeds, hemp varieties `Santhica 27 and `Fedora 17, trial period to Verhältnis geernteter zu ausgefallenen Samen, Sorten `Santhica 27 und `Fedora 17, Versuchsperiode bis As the plants are deseeded during the inevitable turning of the swaths, no additional procedural costs arise. A mobile machine is being developed as a trailed implement that allows to take up the swaths without seed losses, shakes the seeds out, bunkers them, and puts the turned swaths down to the field ground. Comparatively low investment costs are to be expected. Authors: Jörn Budde, Hans-Jörg Gusovius Contact: Foto: ATB Samenertrag und verlorene Samen [kg TM/ha] Seed yield and lost seeds [kg DM/ha]

49 Material and energetic use of biomass Natural fibre pellets for mastic asphalt concrete Naturfaserpellets für Splitt-Mastix-Asphalt Mastic asphalt concrete (Splitt-Mastix-Asphalt SMA) is used for the construction of highways with comparable high traffic congestions. It is characterized by specifically coarse aggregates and an extreme high amount of binders like construction or polymer modified bitumen. The high amount of bitumen is needed to improve the gluing effect in-between the aggregates as well as the durableness of the road surface. Regardless, binder dripping or run-off has to be prevented in order to secure a high product quality and in order to avoid impurity of transport carriers or environment pollution. The adding of 0.2 to 0.5 % fine fibre materials is an established procedure since years. Pelletized fine fibres are mixed with the heated aggregate prior to adding the bitumen into the asphalt blender. During the 30 to 60 seconds mixing procedure pellets need to be disintegrated and distributed homogeneously. At present, the main raw material for this fine fibre material is cellulose - based on recycling paper. The availability of recycling paper in constant quality and quantity as well as at economic feasible prices is more and more limited. In order to investigate alternative agriculture or forestry based raw materials as well as the respective processing technologies for the production of sufficient fibrous materials a collaborative research project was started. It brings together two SMEs as industry partners with the Leibniz Application Laboratory Plant Fibres at the ATB. The project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy. In Splitt-Mastix-Asphalt werden gegenwärtig Zellulosefaserstoffe aus Recyclingpapier zur Bindung eines höheren Bitumenanteils eingesetzt. Rohstoffe aus der Land- und Forstwirtschaft bieten hier eine interessante Alternative. In Zusammenarbeit mit Industriepartnern haben wir hierfür die Grundlagen erarbeitet. Elemente des daraus abgeleiteten technologischen Konzeptes wurden im großtechnischen Versuch zur Herstellung von Faserstoffpellets umgesetzt und erprobt. Die Eignung einiger Faserstoffe konnte im Labor und in der Praxis in Asphaltfahrbahnen nachgewiesen werden. a drum dryer was included. All main elements of the concept were realized and subsequently tested at large scale. Resulting test batches of fibre pellets were used by an industry partner to manufacture specific asphalt mixtures which were tested in road construction trials. Different bio-based raw materials as well as mixtures thereof were supplied by drying respectively specific adjustment of the optimal moisture content for fundamental research activities. The subsequent processing was carried out by systematic dosage and disintegration with a two screw extruder. Adjustments and process parameters were recorded and afterwards analyzed in order to assess the disintegration process. The resulting fibrous material was dried by means of a stream dryer followed by the characterization of composition and fibre morphology. Samples with a sufficient fibre structure were tested by means of the Schellenberg drop-off procedure with asphalt mixtures at the laboratory of one of the project partners. Specific power demand for the extrusion of different raw materials (moisture content 40 %). Spezifischer Energiebedarf für das Extrudieren verschiedener Rohstoffe (Feuchte ca. 40 %). First results show that fibre pellets made of different agricultural raw materials can meet the demands of an application in mastic asphalt concrete. Further research is necessary to secure a constant high quality of fibre pellets at industrial scale. In dependence of the raw material the energy demand for the disintegration with the extruder can differ by factor 3 as shown by exemplarily chosen fibre materials with a moisture content of 40 % (see figure). Also the drop-off value D shows a span of between < 0.2 to > 0.3 what describes good to unsuitable. A facility for the production of fibre material based pellets was designed based on ATB laboratory experiments. Main component of this machine line is a 250 kw extruder similar to the one operating at the ATB pilot plant. Existing equipment like Authors: Hartmut Schemel, Ralf Pecenka, Hans-Jörg Gusovius Contact: Stoffliche und energetische Nutzung von Biomasse 49

50 New mower-chipper for harvesting short rotation coppice Neuartiger Anbaumähhacker für die Ernte von Kurzumtriebsgehölzen Schnellwachsende Gehölze im Kurzumtrieb besitzen ein erhebliches Potential für die nachhaltige Biomasseproduktion. Für eine Erweiterung der Anbaufläche sind leistungsfähige Erntemaschinen gefragt. Das ATB hat gemeinsam mit einem Industriepartner einen neuartigen Mähhacker für Standardtraktoren entwickelt (Patentanmeldung EP ), der sich u. a. durch eine leichte Bauweise auszeichnet. Mehrjährige Einsatzerprobungen haben gezeigt, dass der Praxis hiermit eine flexible und leistungsfähige Erntemaschine für Pappeln, Weiden und Robinien zur Verfügung steht.. Wood from short rotation coppice (SRC) is a promising option for the sustainable production of biofuels and biomaterials. Problems in mechanization of SRC are particularly caused by the lack of appropriate harvesting machinery. Although a lot of machines were developed and tested during the last 30 years, only a few have exceeded the prototype stage. High investment costs, high machine weight accompanied by technical as well as weather problems during harvest are some of the most important obstructions for SRC at present. More than 30 % of the total production costs relate to harvest and transport. Therefore, we developed a mower-chipper for single-row harvesting of SRC in cooperation with an industry partner (Jenz GmbH, Petershagen). The novel mower-chipper can be mounted on medium sized standard tractors ( kw). Existing SRC-harvesters require separate machine groups for mowing the trees, chipping the stems and for ejecting the chips. This is why harvesters are typically complex heavy-weighted machines. The new mower-chipper unites these three modules in one. It crushes the trees in a vertical position - one prerequisite to avoid uprooting of rootstocks during harvest as well as for the harvest at longer rotation cycles (4 to 6 years). Feeding and discharging is a novel feature: The horizontal movement of the cut tree is converted into a vertical advancing movement, feeding the trees to the chipping knives. A hydraulically driven pair of rolls in front of the counter bar ensures both the horizontal feeding of the trunk between the feeding rolls and the vertical feeding movement. Design of the tractor-mounted mower-chipper. Konstruktion des Anbaumähhackers. The chipper is designed for flexible harvest of wood with maximum stem diameters of 15 cm. It supplies wood chips in variable particle sizes: medium to coarse chips of up to 100 mm length can be produced, which fulfil the requirements according to the standards of CEN/TS and Ö-Norm The new mower-chipper is characterized by a simple design, a wide range of applications, and low investment costs. It will, thus, contribute to make the cultivation of short rotation coppice for part-time farmers more attractive. Due to its compact dimensions the mower-chipper can be used for harvesting of SRC at sites difficult to access. In comparison to conventional harvesters the low machine weight reduces soil compaction and allows harvesting even under difficult weather conditions. The machine has been tested in two harvest seasons in combination with different tractors (e.g. Fastrac, JCB, or Xerion, Claas). Tests indicated that the combination of the mower-chipper and a bunker on a carrier vehicle building an autonomous harvest unit will improve the efficiency of the harvesting operation even more and can reduce costs. For the new machine and the processing technology a European patent has been filed (EP ). Technology has been successfully transferred to industry (JENZ GmbH, Petershagen) and is now commercially availabe. Authors: Detlef Ehlert, Ralf Pecenka Contact:

51 Material and energetic use of biomass Storage of wood chips from short rotation coppice Lagerung von Holzhackschnitzeln aus Kurzumtriebsplantagen Provided that production technologies, logistic chains and end user structures are well designed in farmers regional structures, wood from short rotation coppice (SRC) may provide a secure source of income in the long term. However, only 5,000 ha of mainly poplar plantations are currently grown in Germany. Besides the cost-efficient harvest of short rotation coppice the high dry matter losses during storage are still matters of much concern. Relative to storage time and chip size which is determined by the harvest system, the common production lines supply woody biofuels of very different quality. Modified forage harvesters are commonly used for the harvest of fine chips. However, own experiments with small piles (volume 10 m³) have shown that bigger particles such as coarse chips or chunks wood could be advantageous for long term storage due to improved drying by natural aeration. The tractor-mounted mower-chipper developed by ATB (see left page) enables the harvest of coarse wood chips. For the evaluation at practice scale, coarse chips (G50, Ö-Norm 7133) produced with this mower-chipper have been compared to fine chips (G30) harvested with a forage harvester (New Holland FR 9000/KUP 130 header). Fine (G30) and coarse (G50) wood chips from poplar. Feine (G30) und grobe (G50) Pappelhackschnitzel. More than 3,000 m³ wood chips have been produced from poplar (clone Max) and storage piles (500 m³ each) have been built up. The development of water content, temperatures, thermophilic mould, gas concentration (CO 2 and O 2 ) and dry matter losses during storage have been analysed to identify the best solutions for storage of wood chips at practice scale. The results indicate major differences for the storage behaviour of the wood chips produced with the two different harvesters. However, the assumed favourable storage properties of coarse chips could not be proven for big storage piles with a volume of 500 m³. After 7.5 month storage, fine chips showed slightly better results than coarse chips with a moisture content 33 % and dry matter losses of 24 % (coarse chips: moisture content 34 %, dry matter losses 27 %). A key for these results probably has to be seen in the different concentrations of CO 2 and O 2 enabling Für die wirtschaftliche Produktion von Feldholz sind insbesondere für die Verfahrensabschnitte Ernte und Hackschnitzellagerung leistungsfähige Praxislösungen gefragt. Mit dem am ATB entwickelten Mähhacker können nicht nur Fein- sondern auch Grobhackschnitzel geerntet werden. Diese Hackschnitzel wurden hinsichtlich ihrer Lagereigenschaften (Temperaturentwicklung, Trocknung, Verlust und Pilzbefall) in Praxisversuchen detailliert untersucht und mit herkömmlichen Feinhackschnitzeln verglichen. microbiological and chemical degradation processes in dependence to different temperature levels. Comparing the different storage designs of all practice tests conducted between 2011 and 2013, a fleece protected pile of fine chips stored in a bunker silo showed best results regarding drying and mass losses. Masseverlust / Massloss [% d.m. ] G30-Masseverlust / Mass loss G30-Wassergehalt / Water content G30-Lagertemperatur / Pile temperature Einzelmessung / Manual temp. measurem. G50-Masseverlust / Mass loss G50-Wassergehalt / Water content G50-Lagertemperatur / Pile temperature Außentemperatur / Ambient temperature Jahr / Year 2013 Comparison of the storage behavior of fine and coarse wood chips from poplar. Vergleich des Lagerverhaltens von Fein- und Grobhackschnitzeln (Pappel). Furthermore, the results from microbiological investigations of wood chip samples from the different storage systems endorse the assumption that the extent of contamination of wood chips with thermophilic mould is a good indicator for dry matter losses during storage. Further research on microbiological and chemical degradation processes in storage piles and their influence on mass respectively energy losses is necessary to identify best practice solutions. Authors: Ralf Pecenka, Christine Idler, Hannes Lenz, Detlef Ehlert Contact: rpecenka@atb-potsdam Wassergehalt / Moisture content [%] Temperatur / Temperature [ C] Stoffliche und energetische Nutzung von Biomasse 51

52 High quality silages a key factor in the biogas process chain Qualitätssilagen ein Schlüsselfaktor in der Biogas-Prozesskette Wesentlich für eine effiziente und verlustarme Nutzung von Biogaspflanzen ist die qualitätsgerechte Konservierung und Lagerung des Erntegutes. Schlechte Silagequalitäten und die damit verbundenen aeroben Umsetzungen und Nacherwärmungen bewirken hohe Verluste und eine Verringerung der Methanausbeuten. Bei Lagerung unter aeroben Bedingungen können innerhalb weniger Tage bis zu 50 % der potenziellen Biogasproduktion aus der organischen Trockenmasse verloren gehen. Silages provide a major portion of the feedstock inventory on many farm-based biogas plants in Germany. As feedstock costs account for up to 50 % of electricity generation costs, low-loss preservation and storage of whole crop plant material is essential for economical and sustainable use of biogas crops for anaerobic digestion. Thus, high quality silages (figure) for resource-efficient methane production are a major focus of research and of management recommendations. Within the framework of the long-term joint project Development and comparison of optimised cultivation systems for agricultural energy crop production at different sites in Germany - EVA ( our investigations focused on the impact of species and ensiling process on biogas yield and methane formation. Numerous lab-scale experiments were supplemented by large-scale experiments of cropping and ensiling as well as by the monitoring and evaluation of anaerobic digestion in full-scale biogas plants. Results obtained reveal that the choice of the crop species is a key factor for quantity and quality of full-scale biogas production. Especially compositional attributes such as the lignin content at harvest have a strong influence on methane yield. Organic dry matter based orienting values for methane yields were obtained for the full range of species within the EVA crop rotations. In addition to crop species further influencing factors were found: variety, position in crop rotation, site, and weather conditions. The preservation of difficult to hardly difficult ensiling crops can be improved by specifically mixing and simultaneously ensiling these crops with other species rich in sugar content or dry matter. Reduced losses during ensiling and a lower formation of silo effluents hence enable an increased utilization of the harvested biomass. A higher share of weeds has a negative impact on biogas production depending on the crop species as well as on the species and composition of weeds. Therefore, it is recommended to rather reduce the amount of herbicide application than to totally dispense it. Aerobic deterioration and reheating of silages significantly reduce biogas yield due to mass losses and decrease the methane portion. Losses can rise up to 50 % of the potential biogas yield within a few days of aerobic storage. Therefore, the mitigation of aerobic instability is an important factor for the quality of biogas silages. In case that optimal conditions for ensiling and storage cannot be guaranteed the application of suitable silage additives is recommended. Aerobic instability can result in dramatic variations in quality and consistence of the feedstock. Delivered to the mixing tank or fermenter in biogas plants it may account for process disturbances and methane production problems, and, at the end, finan-cial loss. Therefore, future work will be complemented by farmbased experiments using large-scale silo stocks to monitor and evaluate biogas silage management practices for an improved assurance and controlling of quality within in the biogas chain. Authors: Monika Heiermann, Christiane Herrmann, Christine Idler, Vincent Plogsties Contact:

53 Material and energetic use of biomass Novel floating bed digester for biogas production from grass Neuartiger Schwimmbettfermenter zur Biogasgewinnung aus Gräsern The use of grasslands for animal nutrition has been declining for years, giving way for an alternative utilization of grass as substrate for biogas production. Solid biomass such as grasses and other stalk material is mostly digested in cofermentation with liquid wastes, e.g. animal slurry, in completely stirred tank reactors (CSTR). However, the share of solid biomass in the mixture is limited, since stirring of the structure-rich biomass during the process is difficult and energy consuming. A simple and promising technology developed at the ATB for producing biogas on basis of such feedstocks is the floating bed digester (CFBD). It gives way to a stable and efficient biogas production even without costly mixing equipment. The digester is fed continuously on the front side. Solids ascent due to adhering biogas bubbles resulting in a phase separation of liquid and solid components with solids forming a bed floating on top of the liquid phase. Process liquid is periodically pumped from the bottom of the digester and distributed over the floating bed, thus, facilitating a gentle mixing and supplying the methanogenic population with nutrients. A significant advantage of the system is that the process liquid is almost free of solids and can be treated separately offering optimal conditions at high organic loading rates. In case of overloading, high concentrations of volatile fatty acids can be degraded in a high-rate digester in which biomass and liquid retention are uncoupled. Die Nutzung von Gräsern aus Grünland als Tierfutter ist seit Jahren rückläufig und ermöglicht alternativ die Gewinnung von Biogas. Da konventionelle Rührfermenter beim Einsatz von Gräsern Probleme mit der Durchmischung haben, wurde ein neuartiger Schwimmbettfermenter entwickelt, der Gräser auch als alleiniges Gärsubstrat verarbeiten kann. Dabei werden dem Fermenter die Gräser kontinuierlich zugeführt und mit Prozessflüssigkeit aus dem unteren Teil des Fermenters berieselt. Der neuartige Fermenter ermöglicht damit auch ohne aufwendige Rührtechnik eine stabile und leistungsfähige Biogasproduktion. thermophilic operation at 55 C was preferred. The digester was equipped with a gas meter, sensors for ph and oxygen-reduction-potential (ORP), a membrane pump and valves for testing different percolation cycles considering various digester sections. Biogas methane concentration was analysed and samples taken from the liquid for analysing ammonia nitrogen and volatile fatty acids (VFA). Having started the process we increased the organic loading rate (OLR) of the digester with liquid digestate from other thermophilic operated plants stepwise to a constant level of 3 g VS corr L -1 d -1. Full scale biogas plants are mostly operated at this OLR. In steady state the digester provided 84 % of the methane yield determined in the batch test (365 L N (kg VS corr ) -1 ). Steady state was observed after 30 weeks, when about 50 % of the organic nitrogen of the grass silage was degraded to NH 4 -N. The increase of volatile fatty acids in the steady state operation mode caused by the inhibitive effect of ammonia resulted in a slight decrease in methane yield. Results indicate that microbial population in the system can be adapted to high ammonia-nitrogen concentrations. This is confirmed by the increase of methane yield at the end of the long term experiments. The novel floating bed digester enables the development of a highly effective population of microorganisms with a stable and efficient biogas production. It can be applied for both, recalcitrant organic matter and organic matter with high nitrogen concentration opening a new field for biogas production since such materials are not widely used. Floating bed digester (CFBD) in the ATB biogas lab. Schwimmbettreaktor im Biogastechnikum des ATB. For long term experiments we used a 130 L digester (figure) with daily feeding of grass silage. Due to better degradability of the relatively recalcitrant organic matter and the higher biogas rates Authors: Bernd Linke, Christiane Terboven, Carsten Jost, Alejandra Munoz Contact: Stoffliche und energetische Nutzung von Biomasse 53

54 Ecological niches within biogas reactors Insights into a complex microbial ecosystem Biotop Biogasreaktor Einblicke in ein komplexes mikrobielles Ökosystem Die mikrobiellen Gemeinschaften in Biogasreaktoren und deren metabolische Fähigkeiten sind bislang nur ansatzweise charakterisiert. In mehreren Forschungsvorhaben mit Förderung durch BMBF und BMEL haben wir dieses komplexe Ökosystem näher charakterisiert. Schwerpunkte waren die Aufklärung der Struktur thermophiler Biofilme in zweiphasigen Reaktorsystemen, die Entwicklung von molekularen Markern auf DNA- und Proteinebene für besonders prozessrelevante Mikroorganismen, die Etablierung von halbautomatisierten zellbasierten Nachweisverfahren sowie die Kultivierung und Erstbeschreibung von neuen Arten von Mikroorganismen aus Biogasreaktoren. It was hypothesized that the anaerobic digestion (AD) and biomethanation of biomass and agricultural waste is conducted by a very limited number of microbial species namely hydrolytic / cellulolytic acidogenic bacteria and methanogenic archaea. In contrast, cultivation-independent molecular analysis of the microbial DNA in biogas reactors revealed the presence of several hundred microbial species, and the participation of a broad number of recently unknown microorganisms. Molecular analysis of biogas systems microbiology. Molekulare Analyse der Systemmikrobiologie in Biogasreaktoren. Structure analysis of thermophilic biogas communities: Phaseseparated staged AD systems are supporting the formation of functional namely hydrolytic / cellulolytic and methanogenic biofilms. Despite their proven functionality and in contrast to mesophilic communities, thermophilic systems are up to now barely investigated. To overcome this lack of knowledge, a collaborative research project was developed in context of the BioEnergie2021 initiative of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Above 65 C and parallel to the decrease in biogas production, the bacterial community structure changed from being Clostridiales-dominated toward being dominated by members of the Bacteroidales, Clostridiales, and Thermotogales. Especially the rise of Bacteriodales seems to be unfavorable for AD. Parallel conducted high-throughput sequencing of the microbial metagenome supported the hypothesis of a widely unknown ecosystem. Less than 30 % of the determined microbial DNA was identifiable by comparison with major gene databases. However, neither the enrichment of putative pathogenic microorganisms nor the presence of protein toxins, virulence factors or antibiotic resistance determinants was indicated. Application of DNA-based markers for microbiological monitoring: In previous studies, quantitative PCR assays were established for monitoring of main taxonomic groups of methanogenic archaea. This approach was now applied to study the impact of process manipulation on the methanogenic community in close collaboration with the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). It was shown that hydrodynamic shear forces suppress the formation of microbial aggregates namely by deterioration of aceticlastic Methanosaetaceae. Also the type and the supply with carbon sources affect the structure of the microbial community. Finally, the effect of abrupt temperature changes occasionally occurring in industrial wastewater treatment on the methanogenic community were investigated. Development of protein-based markers for metabolically active microbes: Enzymes are the principle components of the microbial metabolism. Hence, the analysis of microbial metaproteome should reflect the enzymatic capacities of the biogas community. In context of a BMBF -funded collaborative research project first steps towards the metabolic analysis of biogas reactors were conducted. Elementary protocols for accessing and monitoring the microbial metaproteome were established. As proof-ofprinciple, the developed approach was shown to be able for the detection of nearly all enzymes responsible for methanogenesis but also for the monitoring of hydrolytic and cellulolytic enzymes. The application of this approach for biological monitoring of agricultural biogas plants supported the previously assumed importance of aceticlastic Methanosarcinales for optimal AD. Establishment of semi-automated cell-based quantification by flow-cytometry: Molecular markers allow the detection of particular microbial groups up to single species without prior time-consuming cultivation. However, their application is still labor-intensive. Hence, there is the demand for automation. A combination of flow cytometry and fluorescence in situ hybridization was developed allowing the semi-automated quantification of distinct metabolically active groups of biogas microorganisms. The optimized purification procedure combines the use of the detergent sodium hexametaphosphate with ultrasonic treatment and a final filtration step. By this treatment, the detachment of microbial cells from particles as well as the disbandment of cell aggregates was obtained at minimized cell losses. Author: Michael Klocke Contact: 54

55 Material and energetic use of biomass Cultivation of hitherto unknown microbial species Kultivierung bisher unbekannter mikrobieller Arten To overcome the limitations of insufficient knowledge of microorganisms and microbial activities involved in the process of biogas formation, the efforts in cultivation and characterization of new species from biogas reactors were increased. A culture collection was build up comprising currently strains from 26 genera of seven classes representative for nearly all trophic groups typically found in anaerobic digestion processes. From these, eight strains can be taken as new species. The first species descriptions including studies about the physiological properties of these strains are in progress. Furthermore, sequencing of whole genomes of single organisms is carried out. Such genome data provide valuable insights into the physiological potential of these organisms. Additionally they serve as important references to interpret data from cultivation independent DNA analyses and hence to uncover in situ activities and participating microorganisms. The project was funded by BMEL. Im Prozess des anaeroben Abbaus von Biomasse zu Biogas sind die meisten der beteiligten Mikroorganismen ebenso wie ihre Stoffwechselleistungen bislang weitgehend unbekannt. Grundlage zur Entschlüsselung der komplexen Systemmikrobiologie von Biogasfermentationen ist die Charakterisierung der beteiligten Mikroorganismen. Hierzu werden aus Biogasreaktoren mikrobielle Laborkulturen isoliert, identifiziert und physiologisch charakterisiert. Für taxonomisch neuartige Isolate erfolgt eine Erstbeschreibung der Art. Mittels der Sequenzierung ihres Genoms wird zusätzlich deren Potential zum anaeroben Abbau auf molekularer Ebene erfasst. Authors: Sarah Hahnke, Thomas Langer, Michael Klocke Contact: Proteobacteria Bacteroidia Actinobacteria Methanomicrobia Methanobacteria Bacilli Clostridia ATB s culture collection for micro-organisms typically for AD. New isolates are marked in red. ATB-Stammsammlung für Mikroorganismen aus Biogasreaktoren. Neue Isolate sind rot markiert. Stoffliche und energetische Nutzung von Biomasse 55

56 Process-relevant microorganisms for biogas production identified Prozessrelevante Mikroorganismen für die Biogasproduktion identifiziert Welche Mikroorganismen leben in landwirtschaftlichen Biogasanlagen und wie lassen sich diese steuern? In dem vom Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft (BMEL) geförderten Verbundprojekt BIOGAS-BIOCOENOSIS wurden gemeinsam mit den Universitäten Bielefeld, Magdeburg und Hohenheim wichtige Grundlagen für die Identifizierung prozess-relevanter Mikroorganismen geschaffen. Die Ergebnisse beschreiben die ökologische Rolle von Generalisten und Spezialisten bei der Biogasbildung sowie die Lebensanforderungen für eine stresstolerante und effizient arbeitende mikrobielle Gemeinschaft. Es gelang zudem Mikroorganismen zu identifizieren, die verstärkt im Vorfeld kritischer Prozesszustände auftraten. Anaerobic digestion of biomass into energy-rich biogas is carried out by a complex and diverse community of many different microorganisms. However, the majority of the process-involved species, their impact on the biomethanation itself and the related process efficiency are still unknown. The aim of the BIOGAS-BIOCOENOSIS project was to investigate the process microbiology of agricultural biogas plants with special emphasis on the characterization of the entire microbial community structure and their dynamics in correlation to abiotic process parameters. The project was funded by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture, BMEL. Partners in the joint project were the Universities of Bielefeld, Magdeburg and Hohenheim. functional variations within the microbial community but without any negative effects on the process efficiency. We also succeeded in identifying specific microorganisms that occurred predominantly prior of critical process phases. These findings provide the basis for the development of biomarkers - possibly even as early warning indicators - for unfavorable process conditions such as fermentation failure according to acid accumulation events and process inhibition by toxic agents or the formation of floating layer. Future research has to focus on the isolation, cultivation and characterization of process-relevant microorganisms as well as the identification of appropriate biological indicators and their validation under practice-relevant conditions. The project results provide information on the ecological role of generalists and specialists in the biogas formation and, at the same time, on the requirements for a well-balanced, stress-tolerant and efficiently working microbial community. Structure and state - the health - of the microbial community play a crucial role in the stability and efficiency of biogas production and contribute significantly to the economic viability of a biogas plant. For the complex and sophisticated research tasks, a combination of modern, complementary molecular biological techniques were used: By means of high-throughput gene sequencing the microorganisms were identified at the genus level; processdependent changes within the microbial community were detected using a whole genome fingerprinting technique; and the enzymatic potential of the microbial community for digestion was assessed by analysis of the microbial metaproteome. Data were recorded over a period of ten months from selected agricultural biogas plants. Sampling and analyses were carried out in cooperation with the research project BiogasEnzymes, also funded by BMEL. The main result is that each biogas plant consists of its own microbial community which is specifically adapted to local conditions (figure). Depending on the reactor design, the supplied feedstock and the process performance, certain microorganisms accumulate. Additionally, biogas reactors exhibit spatially and temporally variable ecological niches which are occupied by entirely different types of microorganisms - without affecting the reactor performance. Different tolerances of individual species towards environmental changes in terms of temperature, ph, and/or free ammonia concentration appear to be physiologically compensated by the different species leading to structural and Comparison of bacterial communities in the studied biogas plants (BGA): Cluster analysis (tree diagrams) and relative abundances of the detected Bacteria (bar graphs). Up on BGA 05 (thermophilic, 52 C), all BGA were operated at mesophilic temperatures (40-45 C). Vergleich der Bakteriengemeinschaften in den untersuchten Biogasanlagen (BGA): Clusteranalyse (Baumdiagramme) und relative Häufigkeiten der erfassten Bakterien (Balkendiagramme). Bis auf BGA 05 (thermophil, 52 C) wurden alle BGAs bei mesophilen Temperaturen (40-45 C) betrieben. Authors: Susanne Theuerl, Michael Klocke Contact: 56

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