Working Group of the Social Dialogue Committee Central Government Administration

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1 Algemeen Secretariaat Secrétariat Général Generalsekretariat Secretariat General Secretaría General Working Group of the Social Dialogue Committee Central Government Administration Brussels (B), On 8 October 2013 took place the working group of the Social Dialogue Committee Central Government Administration. The CESI delegation was accompanied by Aurore Chardonnet (policy adviser). Members of the delegation were Geza Agg (KSZSZ, Hungary), Marcela Gatciova (SLOVES, Slovakia) and Willy Gloss (GÖD/FCG, Austria). The secretary general visited the colleagues at lunchtime and discussed with them the agenda and the evolution of the session. Please find below a brief summary of the main points discussed. Fitness check from the European Commission on 3 directives related to Information and Consultation of workers The fitness check says the 3 directives are fit for purpose. The speaker from the EU Commission highlighted that public services and administrations were not in the scope of the directives. Some EU countries however, do have information and consultation by law or collective agreements (AT/DE/IT/SE or BE for example). TUNED delegation asked the intentions of the EU Commission. The Commission indicated that Public Sector remains specific and did not push for an extension of the directive. EUPAE members are not in favour either. The topic will be in the next work program of the Committee. Europese Federatie van het Overheidspersoneel Fédération Européenne du Personnel des Services Publics Europäische Föderation der Öffentlich Bediensteten European Federation of Employees in Public Services Federación Europea del Personal de los Servicios Públicos Blijde Inkomstlaan 1-5, B-1040 Brussel, België Avenue de la Joyeuse Entrée 1-5, B-1040 Bruxelles, Belgique tel (0)

2 Brussels (B), Working Group of the Social Dialogue Committee Central Government Administration 2 Political Guideline // Anticipating of Change Few amendments were made (including using term social dialogue instead of consultation ) and text was adopted. Gender Equality EUPAE asked to maintain such topic in the next work program (2014/2016). Consultations Undeclared work: the common answer was disseminated for information. OSHA (Health and Safety): EUPAE could not agree on a common answer before the deadline. Statement could be approved next session, in Dec. Quality Framework for Traineeships: the committee decided to add this issue to the work program. Work Program 2014/2016 Next steering committee will elaborate a draft program based on discussion which took place on the 8th of Oct. It will be submitted during Dec. Session (10/12/2013). First ideas developed during the working group were: - Promoting the framework agreement through project - Working conditions within the central government administration - Crisis effects on public services - Information and consultation of workers - Health and safety (OSHA) - Youth (traineeships) To be noted, next plenary session will take place on the 10th of December. Please note that you will have to take decisions on: - Traineeships (tbc) - New work program - Statement on Health and safety (tbc) With thanks to Aurore Chardonnet, Policy Adviser of CESI. --- PRESENTATION COMMISSION. EUROFEDOP

3 Algemeen Secretariaat Secrétariat Général Generalsekretariat Secretariat General Secretaría General Arbeitsgruppe des Ausschusses für den sozialen Dialog Zentralregierungsverwaltung Brüssel (B), Am 8. Oktober 2013 traf sich die Arbeitsgruppe des Ausschusses für den sozialen Dialog Zentralregierungsverwaltung. Die Delegation von CESI wurde von Aurore Chardonnet (politischer Beraterin) begleitet. Die Delegation bestand aus Geza Agg (KSZSZ, Ungarn), Marcela Gatciova (SLOVES, Slowakei) und Willy Gloss (GÖD/FCG, Österreich). Der Generalsekretär besuchte die Kollegen während der Lunchpause und besprach mit ihnen die Tagesordnung und den Verlauf des Treffens. Nachstehend finden Sie eine kurze Zusammenfassung der Hauptpunkte auf der Tagesordnung. Eignungsprüfung der Europäischen Kommission über drei Richtlinien in Bezug auf die Unterrichtung und Anhörung der Arbeitnehmer/innen Aus der Eignungsprüfung stellte sich heraus, dass die drei Richtlinien zweckdienlich sind. Der Redner der EU-Kommission betonte, die öffentlichen Dienste und Verwaltungen sprengten den Rahmen der Richtlinien. In einigen EU-Mitgliedstaaten seien Unterrichtung und Anhörung aber gesetzlich bzw. tarifvertraglich geregelt (z.b. AT/DE/IT/SE). Die Delegation von TUNED erkundigte sich nach den Absichten der EU-Kommission. Die Kommission gab an, der öffentlich Sektor stelle nach wie vor einen besonderen Rahmen dar und die Kommission dränge nicht Europese Federatie van het Overheidspersoneel Fédération Européenne du Personnel des Services Publics Europäische Föderation der Öffentlich Bediensteten European Federation of Employees in Public Services Federación Europea del Personal de los Servicios Públicos Blijde Inkomstlaan 1-5, B-1040 Brussel, België Avenue de la Joyeuse Entrée 1-5, B-1040 Bruxelles, Belgique tel (0)

4 Brüssel (B), Arbeitsgruppe des Ausschusses für den sozialen Dialog Zentralregierungsverwaltung 2 auf eine Ausweitung der Richtlinie. Auch die Mitglieder von EUPAE sind keine Befürworter einer solchen Ausweitung. Die Frage wird in das nächste Arbeitsprogramm des Ausschusses aufgenommen werden. Politische Leitlinie // Vorgriff auf Abänderung Es wurden einige Abänderungsvorschläge vorgelegt (z.b. die Benutzung des Worts sozialer Dialog statt Anhörung ), und der Text wurde angenommen. Gleichstellung der Geschlechter EUPAE forderte die Beibehaltung dieses Themas im nächsten Arbeitsprogramm (2014/2016). Anhörungen Nicht angemeldete Erwerbstätigkeit: die gemeinsame Antwort wurde nachrichtlich ausgeteilt. OSHA (Gesundheit und Sicherheit): EUPAE fand termingerecht keine Übereinstimmung über eine gemeinsame Antwort. Die Erklärung könnte auf der nächsten Sitzung, im Dezember, genehmigt werden. Qualitätsrahmen für Praktika: Der Ausschuss beschloss, dieses Thema in das Arbeitsprogramm aufzunehmen. Arbeitsprogramm 2014/2016 Der nächste Lenkungsausschuss wird aufgrund der Debatte vom 8. Oktober einen Programmentwurf erarbeiten. Der Entwurf wird während der Dezembersitzung (10/12/2013) vorgelegt werden. Die Arbeitsgruppe entwickelte die nachstehenden Denkanstöβe: - Förderung des Rahmenvertrags durch Projekt - Arbeitsbedingungen in der Zentralregierungsverwaltung - Folgen der Krise für die öffentlichen Dienste - Unterrichtung und Anhörung der Arbeitnehmer/innen - Gesundheit und Sicherheit (OSHA) - Jugend (Praktika) Die nächste Plenarsitzung ist für den 10. Dezember angesetzt. Merken Sie sich bitte, dass von Ihnen Beschlüsse in den folgenden Bereichen erwartet werden: - Praktika (noch zu bestätigen) - Neues Arbeitsprogramm - Erklärung über Gesundheit und Sicherheit (noch zu bestätigen) Mit Dank an Aurore Chardonnet, politische Beraterin von CESI. --- PRESENTATION COMMISSION. EUROFEDOP

5 'Fitness check on EU acts in the area of information and consultation of workers' 1. General Three directives on information and consultation of workers at national level: - 98/59 on collective redundancies /23 on transfer of undertakings /14 on general framework of I&C Adopted at different times, on different legal bases; the first two were amended once and later consolidated The first two are specific dealing with particular situations; the third is general establishing a permanent system of I&C Similarities and differences in objectives (in particular greater protection of workers and level playing field for companies), scope (e.g. thresholds) and wording (e.g. as regards application to public sector) 1

6 General The goal of the fitness check was to identify excessive burdens, overlaps, gaps, inconsistencies or obsolete measures which may have appeared over time since the EU law at issue was first adopted and implemented Evidence based approach covering legal, economic and social themes. External study to evaluate the operation and effects of the three I&C Directives in the EU/EEA. Stakeholders closely associated through the external study and an ad hoc Working Group bringing together representatives of governments and the European Social Partners. General conclusion The three directives as amended are broadly fit for purpose. They are generally relevant, effective, coherent and mutually reinforcing. The benefits they generate are likely to compensate the costs. They prescribe minimum requirements and are quite flexible to be adapted to the particular contexts and industrial relations systems of the EU Member States. These findings have also been largely supported by the different stakeholders that were consulted during the Fitness Check exercise, and by the external study complementing it. 2

7 2. Specific Relevance of Directives The I&C directives are relevant in addressing the stakeholders' needs. They consolidate the fundamental social right of workers to be informed and consulted at the workplace. They can increase trust between management and labour, involve workers in decisions affecting them, protect workers, solve work problems, contribute to increased adaptability and employability, improve staff and company performance, and ensure a more level playing field among companies However, there are gaps since a large part of the workforce are excluded (SMEs; public administration; seafarers) Need for further research as regards public administration and focus on the specific situation and needs of SMEs Effectiveness of Directives The I&C directives are effective: the stakeholders' needs have in general been met in practice. However, the extent to which this has been achieved has varied across the Directives and their objectives. Shortcomings. A large number of the establishments covered by the Directives do not have I&C bodies. While most I&C bodies have access to key resources (information, paid time off and training), consultation and strategic influence seems often limited or formal (e.g. restructurings). Strong concerns regarding enforcement of national legislation. Insufficient awareness at company level. Some aims (reduction of the number of collective redundancies; improved management and anticipation of change; better adaptability and employability) appear not to have been fully achieved. 3

8 Effectiveness of Directives (2) Effectiveness depends on several factors: the country and its industrial relations system, the size of the establishment, the culture of social dialogue, the attitudes of management and labour, employees support, etc. Different starting points across the EU Member States. Different dates of entry into force of Directives Room for improvement, particularly in countries with lessdeveloped traditions, by promoting I&C culture among social partners, strengthening institutions, promoting agreements on I&C, disseminating good practices, raising awareness of I&C rights and obligations as well as of benefits associated with I&C, funding of projects, better enforcement. Efficiency of Directives Notwithstanding concerns about the legitimacy of assessing costs and benefits relating to the exercise of a fundamental social right, and despite practical difficulties with such assessments, mapping of existing research and views on benefits/costs Significant economic benefits. I&C can contribute to solving problems at work, engage workers in changes in work organisation and work conditions, appease conflicts, promote trust and partnership, increase job satisfaction and commitment, reduce the rate at which workers leave the company, and improve the physical health and wellbeing of workers. Positive impact on staff performance and on company s competitiveness and reputation. 4

9 Efficiency of Directives (2) Employers incur costs. Mainly for supporting employees representatives including time off work, for carrying out I&C (in particular, set-up costs and operational costs for meetings of I&C bodies) and from delays to employers decisions. Not possible to quantitatively assess the above costs in a representative and reliable way. Costs may considerably vary per country and per company. Employees representatives incur costs associated mainly with handling I&C-related disputes and with training to enable them to perform their tasks. Overall, the benefits are likely to outweigh the costs incurred. Coherence of Directives The three I&C Directives appear coherent and mutually reinforcing. There is no evidence of any duplications or contradictions resulting in problems in their practical implementation. Clarity and coherence has been enhanced through amendments and ECJ case-law 5

10 Coherence of Directives (2) However, shortcomings. Some relate to the Directives' transposition and should be examined at national level (e.g., difficulties in identifying employees representatives or overlaps/duplication with regard to the representation bodies which have to be I&C) Several concerns of stakeholders regarding uncertainties or inconsistencies, gaps and practical problems. Wish for greater consistency in particular with regard to different definitions of 'I&C' in the different I&C Directives. Need for serious consideration and further discussion on the basis of the present evaluation. Consolidation / simplification through a recast is one option to be considered in due course. 3. Public administration The I&C Directives exclude public administration from their scope of application (in contrast to public undertakings which are covered) However, some countries with pre-existing general I&C systems such as AT, BE, FI, and DE (based on law); DK, IT and SE (based on collective agreements) had a separate system in the public sector prior to Directive 2002/14/EC. Among the Member States which did not already have general I&C systems, some such as IE, MT and UK implemented the above Directive without distinguishing between the public and private sectors whilst others such as BG and CY excluded public administration. 6

11 Public administration (2) Lack of comprehensive data regarding I&C in the public sector across the EU Some evidence that worker representation is in general more common in the public than in the private sector Need for further research regarding in particular the state of play in the EU Member States, and, specifically, what role I&C actually plays and could/should play in the light of the current restructurings in the public sector in several countries. Role of sectoral social dialogue committee. The results of the fitness check were published on 26 July 2013 in a Commission Staff Working Document available at: ( tid=707&newsid=1942&furthernews=yes) 7

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