Rapid Transformation Best Practice Business Excellence Komplexität reduzieren, Prozesse optimieren

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1 Rapid Transformation Best Practice Business Excellence Komplexität reduzieren, Prozesse optimieren Jochen Jahraus, Partner KPS Consulting Competence Center Konsumgüter Seite

2 Komplexitätsreduktion durch eine ganzheitliche Harmonisierung von Prozessen, Organisation und IT-Systemlandschaft Zur Aufrechterhaltung oder Verbesserung ihrer Wettbewerbsfähigkeit sind Unternehmen heute gezwungen, sich an veränderte Kundenanforderungen, technische Entwicklungen, aber auch Regulierungen anzupassen Mobility, Big Data, soziale Netzwerke, Sustainability sind hier die Schlagworte, in denen die Dynamik der sich verändernden Unternehmensumwelt zum Ausdruck kommt. Viele Unternehmen sind heute allerdings trotz abgeschlossener SAP-Einführungen - nicht in der Lage, diese Entwicklungen als Chancen zu sehen und Prozessveränderungen rasch, effizient und ohne Friktionen umzusetzen die Komplexität im Unternehmen erweist sich oftmals als zu hoch, die Transparenz und einheitliche Steuerbarkeit sind in der Regel erheblich eingeschränkt. Oftmals wird versucht, dem durch lokal begrenzte Prozessoptimierungsinitiativen in Teilbereichen des Unternehmens sowie die isolierte Implementierung neuer IT-Lösungen beizukommen. Es zeigt sich jedoch in der Regel sehr schnell, dass solche Initiativen bestenfalls kurzfristig für Verbesserungen sorgen, insgesamt jedoch oft Kosten und Komplexität noch erhöhen. Mittel- und langfristig bedarf es eines gesamthaften, integrierten Ansatzes zur Harmonisierung und Verbesserung der Unternehmensabläufe, der Unternehmensorganisation und der IT-Systemlandschaft. Die Erinnerung vieler Mitarbeiter an langwierige, nicht immer erfolgreiche SAP-Einführungsprojekte sind allerdings größtenteils noch sehr präsent und lassen Unternehmen vor großen Projekten mit IT-Bezug zurückschrecken. Ein erfolgreicher, ganzheitlicher Ansatz zur dauerhaften Verbesserung der Flexibilität und Reduktion der Komplexität in einem Unternehmen muss hier ansetzen und wesentliche Erfolgsfaktoren berücksichtigen November 2012 Copyright KPS, 2012 Competence Center Konsumgüter Seite 2 Seite 2

3 Prozesse, Organisation und Systemlandschaften von Konsumgüterunternehmen erweisen sich oftmals als hoch komplex Organisatorische Komplexität Symptome Verkaufsbüro Verkaufsbüro Vertriebsgesellsch. Supply Chain Produktion Vertriebsgesellsch. Lieferant Lieferant Lieferant Die Transparenz und zentrale Steuerbarkeit des Unternehmens ist erheblich eingeschränkt Funktionsübergreifende Zusammenarbeit erweist sich oftmals als schwierig Fire Fighting ist der normale Arbeitsmodus Die Integration und Desintegration von Unternehmensteilen ist komplex Verbesserungsprojekte laufen parallel, z.t. IT-, z.t. fachbereichsgetrieben und sind nicht übergeordnet abgestimmt Die Zusammenarbeit an der Schnittstelle Fachbereiche/ IT wird von den Beteiligten als nicht optimal wahrgenommen Die Systemlandschaft ist heterogen oder die Systeme werden unterschiedlich genutzt Die Reaktion auf neue Technologien oder Anforderungen erfolgt häufig dezentral und nicht abgestimmt Eigenes Unternehmen, Tochtergesellschaften November 2012 Copyright KPS, 2012 Competence Center Konsumgüter Seite 3 Seite 3

4 Größe Viele Unternehmen der Konsumgüterindustrie haben dies erkannt und reagieren hierauf mit Transformationsprogrammen Erfolgreiche Reduktion der Komplexität durch ein globales Programm Regionale Programme ergänzt durch globale Initiative Top 10 HPC- Hersteller Top 10 Foodhersteller Regionale Programme zur Reduktion von Komplexität Top 10 Konsumgüterhersteller Einige Top-Unternehmen der Branche haben den Übergang zu weniger Komplexität bewältigt oder treiben entsprechende Projekte mit Nachdruck voran Erfolgreiches Harmonisierungsprogram 2011/ 2012 Programm zur Reduktion der Komplexität läuft Mittelgroßes globales Unternehmen, 5 Mrd. EUR Mittelgroßes Europäisches Unternehmen, 1 Mrd. EUR Auch in vielen mittelgroßen Unternehmen wächst die Komplexität, insbesondere durch Akquisitionen erheblich Um weiterhin Flexibilitätsvorteile ausspielen zu können, ist eine Komplexitätsreduktion notwendig Komplexität November 2012 Copyright KPS, 2012 Competence Center Konsumgüter Seite 4 Seite 4

5 KPS unterstützt diese Initiativen auf Basis des Rapid Transformation Business-Excellence-Ansatzes Unternehmensstrategie Ansatz Basis sind externe und interne Best Practice Informationen in den Dimensionen Prozess, Organisation und System Ein stringenter Business Case determiniert das Vorgehen Basis ist die bestehende Systemlandschaft Eine Mobilisierung des Gesamtunternehmens ist nicht notwendig Operating Model Prozess- und Organisationsdesign Konzeption der IT Unterstützung Umsetzung der Verbesserungen Vorgehen Maturity Assessment: Identifizierung der relevanten Prozessbereiche Design Businessprozesse, Strukturen auf Basis Konsumgüter-Best-Practices Konzeption Prozess-KPI s Konzeption IT Unterstützung Prozesse Entscheidung Umsetzung Prozesse, Organisation: Detailierung Prozessdesign, Umsetzung der Veränderungen, Einführung KPI-System, Aufbau Prozessgovernance Systemlandschaft: Optimierung, Konsolidierung, Implementierung neuer Lösungen Konzeptebene Umsetzungs- Ebene Kontinuierliche Verbesserung November 2012 Copyright KPS, 2012 Competence Center Konsumgüter Seite 5 Seite 5

6 KPS stellt externe Best Practice Inhalte für die Konsumgüterindustrie als Ausgangspunk des Rapid Transformation Ansatzes bereit Prozesse Aufbauorganisation IT Systeme KPS Best Practice content Vorausgeprägte Prozesslandkarte für die Konsumgüterindustrie Key Design Prinzipien für Best Practice Prozesse der Konsumgüterindustrie Wesentliche KPI s (Definition, Messung, Verantwortlichkeiten) Wesentliche Organisationskonzepte und Meetingstrukturen zur Unterstützung der bereichsübergreifenden Zusammenarbeit in end-to-end-prozessen Wesentliche Applikationen, durch die die Kernprozesse der Konsumgüterindustrie abgedeckt werden KPS Connector - BPM Tool zur Modellierung von Prozessen, Organisation und IT-Unterstützung und Integration von Fachbereichs- und IT-Perspektive auf die Prozesse Die KPS-Best-Practice-Inhalte sind hierarchisch aufgebaut und lassen sich einfach durch interne Best Practices eines Unternehmens einfach erweitern November 2012 Copyright KPS, 2012 Competence Center Konsumgüter Seite 6 Seite 6

7 L Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level Corporate Strategy (Long-Term) N N N N N N 1 02 Enterprise Planning (mid-term 15 to 18 months; rolling plan) N N N N N N 1 03 Product Design, Development & Introduction N N N N N N 1 04 Supply Chain Planning Y Y Y Y Y Y 1 05 Purchasing Y Y Y Y Y 1 06 Manufacturing & Quality Management Y Y Y Y Y Y 1 07 Marketing Y Y Y Y 1 08 Sales Y Y Y Y Y Y 1 09 Storage & Distribution 1 10 Finance 1 11 Human Resource Management 1 12 Controlling 1 13 Raw Materials Y Y Y Y N N a Master Data Management (partner) Y Y Y Y N N b Master Data Management (transferred partner) Y N N N N N c Master Data Management (campaign) Y Y Y Y N N Delivery Rights Y Y Y Y N N To ensure the success of One Face to the Customer, internal alignment is essential (1/2) Illustrative Key Principles & Rules Exception-based Order Management and Order Meeting Monitoring (1/2) Meeting Meeting Topics Frequency Participants INITIATIVE No Daily Weekly Monthly Departm ent PROCESS AREA POTENTIAL POTENTIAL 1 General MDM H Centralised Master Data Management As-Is: The regional offices as well the central office are maintaining master data (e.g. Customer) and price conditions. This is an error prone, causing extra work, and decreases transparency and usability of sales data. To-Be: The master data and the price-conditions are maintained centrally in the country's head office. 3 Sales Planning Reporting Pricing 5 Sales Planning Reporting Pricing H O BENEFIT Efficiency: Eliminating duplication of work by having less People doing the same work Accuracy: Concentrating the work will increase the knowledge of the few people working with data, thus the quality will increase. Customer Satisfaction: precise and clean data decreases the chance of making an error at order taking, contract management, etc. This leads to less disputes and higher customer satisfaction Product Hierarchy optimization and harmonization Efficiency: A harmonized hierarchy will decrease workload, as sales planning, budgeting and pricing will be done on a an As-Is: The structure of the Product Hierarchy is aggregated level instead of product level. Working on an outdated, therefore it is not used as it could be, causing aggregated level also decreases the need for rework. extra work and decreasing transparency. Accuracy: More accurate figures in the sales reports, thus To-Be: Harmonized and optimized Product Hierarchy better control over the sales opportunities during the year. which fits the needs of every segment. Strategy: A sales strategy can be better planned and executed for the non- bulk products, potentially selling through channels which were earlier unnoticed Customer Hierarchy Harmonization As-Is: The Customer Hierarchy (CH) serves primarily customer service purposes, for sales planning and pricing it is not optimal. The CH lacks the Channel information also. To-Be: Optimized Customer Hierarchy, with channel attribute, which will assist at market trend prognosis, sales strategy definition and reporting. 7 Sales Promotion H Introduce Trade Spend Catalogue and mainstream promotion planning and managing process. As-Is: Each segment, selling in the retail channel plans end executes promotions in a different way, mostly without a tight integration with demand planning, which makes the promotions more expensive and less organized from the customer's perspective To-Be: Promotional guideline defines the steps and the cross-stream alignment joint points, resulting a clearer promotion management process. 8 Sales Planning Pricing Reporting H Product Group Harmonization and Optimization As-Is: The Product Groups are rarely used, which causes increased work as the data (e.g. price) must be captured on the product level To-Be: Optimized Product Groups, which serves as a third dimension (next to product level and product hierarchy level), resulting all necessary combination for sales planning and pricing 9 Sales Spot Sales H Define Intra EU Spot Sales Catalogue As-Is: Intra EU Spot-Sales to customers are mostly done without checking the complex international legal and tax regulations, which occasionally causes issues at the tax department To-Be: Intra EU Spot Sales Catalogue describes the possible scenarios and the necessary administration which needs to be followed when selling outside the EU. 10 Sales Customer Service H Discuss and resolve Rules order & Principles exceptions : Exception-based Order Management CS AR and Order Monitoring (1/2) Discuss and resolve credit blocks with Credit Control CS P Discuss (1) and resolve Customer product Service availability is monitoring issues order status on a regular basis at defined points in time (daily schedule) Analyze (2) reasons Orders for are order monitored fulfillment throughout failure for entire main customers order cycle from order CS entry and scheduling to delivery, billing Discuss and solve and payment deductions, credit notes, and overdue accounts CS AR S Analyze (3) and Exceptions define actions are for raised claims, automatically returns, refusals by the order management CS ARsystem PL Sand feed into CS work list Agree on (4) action Customer plan for Service products frequently in short supply reviews exception reporting CS and work P S lists as part of a daily activity Update on promotions/events, schedule including customer e.g.: prioritization etc. CS S Consider planned i. Warehouse EDI errors to and identify Transportation errors in order issues transmission process ii. Inaccurate Orders (e.g. EDI input doesn t match system determined values) Analyze KPI s iii. and reasons Non-confirmed for failure, order plan lines improvement report to identify I.e. stock-out CSsituations PL P (including S allocation, ATP Review trade failures debtors non-authorised and risk categories products) CS AR PL P S iv. Review at risk orders (orders committed against expected inventory) Review sales forecast against demand & supply planning CS AR S v. Blocked orders with reason codes for further analysis and action (e.g. credit block) vi. Business rules compliance check (efficient unit loads, order quantities etc.) Demand Customer Accounts vii. Returns report to identify Physical not processed returns CS AR PL P S Service Receivable viii. Physical Logistics Supply Sales Logistics issues with real-time visibility ix. Proof-of-Deliver (POD) confirmation report Planning 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved. x. Delivery discrepancies report SAP AG. All rights reserved. 17 Implement Electronic data exchange where possible (EDI, Portal) As-Is: Some customers are using EDI for order taking, but there is a potential to extend this opportunity for more customers. To-Be: Where possible customer uses EDI or the transportation portal to place order instead of faxes and phone calls, order is always taken in a written form. ETENDE D TEAM DECISIO N Agreed Agreed Efficiency: Decrease the ad-hoc production or packaging needs Discusse to the minimum, as unplanned activities bear higher costs, d and lowers customer satisfaction, if agreed time cannot be reached. Customer Satisfaction: If agreements with the customer are shared and discussed with supply chain and operations, there will be more time to prepare the agreed volume on the agreed price, thus there is less chance for a delay which leads to customer satisfaction Efficiency: Once the contract template is defined, the sales Agreed admin or key account manager chooses the proper template and completes the agreed information (e.g. Price, volume, date, etc.), then the contract is ready to be sent Auditing and reviewing the contract is becoming easy on the group level, as every segment will have the same template. Corporate Identity: The customer receives the same contract, regardless which segment issued the contract. This is especially important for the customers, which are trading with Südzucker in multiple segments Efficiency: A logical group of products (e.g. Bio, fair trade etc.) Agreed simplifies sales planning and pricing by having the plan or the price defined on an aggregated level instead of the product. The material groups are the third dimension (next to the product level and the product hierarchy level) which enables more precise pricing. Dependency: The Product Group harmonization helps defining an accurate Product Hierarchy, by elevating attributes out of it and define it as a group bridging product hierarchy levels. Efficiency: This initiative has an indirect impact on Discusse Commercials, as the work will significantly decrease at the tax d department and not at Sales, but on the group level this catalogue is necessary to stay within the legal and tax regulations all times. Decrease Disputes: When a deal is made incompliant with the International Regulation, the company is risking a penalty or fine. This risk can and should be fully eliminated SZ GERMANY SZ POLSKÁ RT SLS BENEO Orafti Beneo Palatinit CE Fuel CE Feed / Food PPE BUSINESS IT Resource Saving Customer satisfaction Timely Identify Risks Opportunity BENEFIT EFFORT Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y x FALSE Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y x FALSE Y Y Y Y Y Y N/A Y Y x FALSE Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y x TRUE Y Y Y Y Y Y N/A Y Y x Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y x FALSE Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y x FALSE Y Y Y Y Y Y N/A Y Y x Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y x TRUE QUICK WINS INITIATIVE DETAIL & REQUIREMENTS The future of the data management processes will be kicked off with the cross-stream meeting on the February Define person(s) responsible (must hold a sales business role with deceison making power) 2. Collect all scenarios for promotions in the retails channel and free goods / sample scenarios for the industry customers. 3. Sellect fitting scenarios 4. Create official document 5. Roll out at every segment 1. Set up a work-group, containing decesion makers from sales, finance and marketing from each segment (Sugar, By-product, Beneo, Ethanol, PPE). 2. Collect possible attributes from the segments. 3. Define new product groups 4. Roll out New Product groups to every organization 5. Set up product groups in the system ERP must be in place 1. Define Person Responsible (from sales with decision making power) 2. Collect all scenarios for intre EU Spot Sales 3. Compile Catalogue 4. Have the catalogue validated by the Tax department 5. Roll out the Catalogue 6. Check that catalogue is in use Efficiency: Automatize the order taking to the maximum will Discusse 1. Define Person(s) responsible releive resources to do more added value work. d 2. Analyse which customers have a potential to implement EDI Accuracy: Decrease error prone for having misunderstandings 3. Analyse which of the customers can implement at order taking. the portal Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y x TRUE 4. Negotiate with the customer to switch from fax / / telehope communication to electronic data exchange 5. Switch over for electronic data exchange Implemented ERP is an advantege SZ Germany SZ Polská SLS RT PPE CE Feed Receive and enter order Process Description IT Dept SD, CRM, MM, PP, QM system CO, FI, HR, Process Objective Process Steps (Level 4) Receive order Order entry Executing Role Sales desk manager Sales desk manager/ System coordinate Receive and enter order Process Description Process Objective R/A C Process Steps (Level 4) Receive order Order entry System R Customer Service RACI R/A Credit Management, Supply Chain C Executing Role Sales desk manager Sales desk manager/ System Commercial Controlling Operations QM Purchasing Finance HR R C-Level Division Management Head of Process owners Sales, Shipping Department I I System Customer Service RACI R/A R/A Credit Management, Supply Chain C C Description/ Rules& Principles/ Variants Sales, Shipping Department coordinate I I 08 Sales Or der mgmt &execution Claim smgmt Countries & segments business KPIs 09 St or age & Dist ribution Delivery planning & mgm t Tr ansp. planing & execut ion Outbound logistics Returns & r ef usals mgmt 08 Sales Or der mgmt &execution Claim smgmt A customer order can be received via EDI, web, fax, , phone call. Description/ Rules& Principles/ Variants KPIs 09 St or age & Dist ribution Delivery planning & mgm t Tr ansp. planing & execut ion Outbound logistics Returns & r ef usals mgmt A customer order can be received via EDI, web, fax, , phone call. Automated order entry has to follow the principle to reduce the number of touches for the whole organization. 10 Finance Cr edit mgmt Stocks m gmt Account sreceivable Automated order entry has to follow the principle to reduce the number of touches for the whole organization Fact or ing 10 Finance Cr edit mgmt Stocks m gmt Account sreceivable Fact or ing Der KPS Ansatz liefert klar definierte Ergebnisse und Zwischenschritte Level 4 Ist-Prozesse 1 Optionales Ergebnis auf Basis der KPS Level 4 Referenzlandkarte Konsumgüterindustrie Dient als Ausgangspunkt für Business Case Level 3 Soll-Prozesse 2 Soll-Prozess-Design- PrinzipienAuf Basis KPS- und ggf. interner Best-Practice- Inhalte Level 4 Soll-Prozesse 3 Level 4 Soll-Prozesse auf Basis der Level 3 Design- Prinzipien Meetingstrukturen, Organisationskonzepte, KPIs Basis für einen kontinuierlichen Verbesserungsprozess Business Case Umsetzungsinitiativen 4 2 Sales Pricing H Implement Pricing Scheme As-Is: Price Scheme does not exist (e.g. Poland) or is not used (e.g. Germany) or is misused (e.g. RT). With the current pricing model it is not possible to analyse the price components thus price optimization is difficult. The companies within the segment are not comparable, as the pricing rules differ largely. To-Be: A consistent price building model and pricing scheme in place across all segments and all organizations, which deviates only to satisfy legal and fiscal regulations. 4 Sales Planning H Implement Monthly Operational Meetings As-Is: Bi-monthly management meeting (GSF) for the sugar segment, monthly Risk Management at Crop Energies. Currently there is no harmonized monthly operational meeting in place, on the execution (not management) level. To-Be: Monthly Operation Meeting, at each segment per country lead by the Sales function, with the participation of demand planning, finance and operations. The coming month is discussed in more details (article level), and two month on top on higher level (product hierarchy or product group level). 6 Sales Contracts H Create and Implement Customer Contract-Template As-Is: Each segment has it's understanding of what a contract should include but the customer contracts, sent to the customer differ largely (e.g. Crop Energies Fuel sends an with the AGB, SZ DE prints out the price and the volume and has it signed by the customer, CE FF prints the invoice from the ERP and has it signed with the customer). To-Be: Define contract categories (e.g. Annual Customer Contract, Framework Agreement, etc.) which has a form and a minimum which is compulsory for all segments. Efficiency: A harmonized Base-Price setting Process and Agreed Pricing Scheme will largely decrease the time spent with pricing, through maintaining the price components instead of the end-price. This way when a component changes (e.g. logistical discount) the whole price doesn't need to be recalculated. Accuracy: Having an optimized pricing procedure will decrease the error prone, thus decrease the number of complaints from the customer. Analysis: A harmonized pricing procedure will provide the opportunity to analyse the price components and classify them, so an optimal price can be defined. Strategy: When a harmonized Customer Hierarchy is in place, Agreed a segment wide Key Account strategy can be defined, which leads to understanding the customers better, thus the company has more chance to act on an opportunity or prepare for a risk. Market Trend Prognosis: Analysing the sales channels through sales reports gives a more clear understanding of the market as a whole, and the change of trend which directly impacts the sales. Reporting: The sales results can be better analysed on the group level if the Customer Hierarchy is built with the same structure for each business. Efficiency: The key account managers are forced to plan and Discusse communicate their promotional volume needs (and evtl. d subcontracting needs) early enough, making the supply chain more efficient for promotions - thus saving cost for the company Customer Satisfaction: The customers will receive their promotions as agreed, no delays, no deviations from the plan Reporting: Analysing the promotional expenses and their success along a guidline will help the management to define what type of promotions should be more and which should be done less Strategy: The Sales Management defines the Trade Spend strategy (for promotions, samples, free goods, trade fairs, etc.) which is followed by the Key Account Managers 1. Set up a work-group, containing decesion makers from sales, finance from each segment (Sugar, By-product, Beneo, Ethanol, PPE). 2. The work-group defines the price components. 3. Draft Pricing Scheme 4. Validate the Pricing Scheme with every organization (local fiscal or legal regulations might have a large effect on the pricing procedure - e.g. non-standard currencies, therefore the validation must happen before the roll-out) 5. Adjust Pricing Procedure 6. Roll-out Pricing Procedure 7. Set up PricProc in the system ERP must be in place 1. Set up a work-group, containing decesion makers from sales, finance and marketing from each segment (Sugar, By-product, Beneo, Ethanol, PPE). 2. The work-group prioratizes the possible use of the product hierarchy 3. Create Product hierarchy 4. Roll out the new Product Hierarchy 5. The marekets are localizing the product hierarchy 6. Set up PH in the system The deceision on the master data management point might impact the above steps 1. Define Process owner (must hava business role in sales, or operations) 2. Define the meeting details: - goal of the meetings - owner (should be the Sales Director) - source of information (should be ERP, or reports, never Excel) - the timing (e.g. The second Friday of each month) - agenda (broken down to e.g. 20 minutes per stream) - follow up 3. Implement the meetings group-wide 4. The Board should receive the minutes of these meetings. 1. Set up a work-group, containing decesion makers from sales, finance and marketing from each segment (Sugar, By-product, Beneo, Ethanol, PPE). 2. The work-group prioratizes the possible use of the customer hierarchy 3. Modify Customer hierarchy where needed. 4. Roll out the new Customer Hierarchy structure. 5. The markets are localizing the product hierarchy 6. Set up CH in the system The deceision on the master data management point might impact the above steps ERP must be in place 1. Define person(s) responsible. 2. Collect all contract-template in use today at the Südzucker-Group world wide. 3. Analyse Contracts to find the major requirements 4. Define the "contract management solution" (Microsoft Word, ERP, CRM, etc.) 5. Build a backbone contract 6. Roll out at the markets, where the local fiscal and legal requirements are added. 7. Check if the contract template is in place Implemented ERP is an advantege Business Case zur Bewertung der Prozess- Organisationsund Systemverbesserungen 5 Initiative A Initiative B... Initiative N Gruppierung der Verbesserungen unter Berücksichtigung von Interdependenzen Initiativenbewertung auf Basis des Business Cases Konzeptebene Umsetzungsebene Detaildokumentation/ Prototypen 6 Detaildokumentation Prozesse, Organisation, Spezifikationen Prototypen Prozessgovernance 7 Governance- Organisation zur Sicherstellung der nachhaltigen Umsetzung Laufende Prozesse. Organisationen, Systeme November 2012 Copyright KPS, 2012 Competence Center Konsumgüter Seite 7 Seite 7

8 Alle Services werden an Ihre Ausgangssituation angepasst - KPS Service Portfolio Prozessoptimierung für die Konsumgüterindustrie KPS Service Portfolio Prozessoptimierung für die Konsumgüterindustrie KPS Rapid Transformation - SAP Implementation KPS Rapid Transformation - Best Practice Business Excellence KPS Rapid Transformation - Innovative Process Optimization Ansatz Inhalt Beteiligte Erstgespräch/ Referenzkundengespräche Zusätzliche Information zu Services Inhalt, Vorgehen, Ergebnisse Unternehmensleitung, Bereichsleitung, CIO Workshop Maturity Assessment Analyse der Ausgangssituation, Ermittlung der passenden Services, Diskussion Optimierungspotenziale Prozesse, Organisation, IT Detaillierte Analyse der Ausgangssituation, Detaillierte Analyse Optimierungspotenziale, Projektscoping Unternehmensleitung, Bereichsleitung, CIO Projektsponsor, Bereichsleitung, Experten Pilotprojekt Umfassende Prozessoptimierung Prozessoptimierung im Rahmen eines klar abgegrenzten Prozessbereiches Proof of concept Umfassendes Prozessoptimierungsprojekt, GuV wirksame Erhöhung der operativen Exzellenz Projektsponsor, Bereichsleitung, Experten Projektsponsor, Bereichsleitung, Experten November 2012 Copyright KPS, 2012 Competence Center Konsumgüter Seite 8

9 KPS Ihr Ansprechpartner KPS Consulting ist ein auf die Bereiche Business Transformation und Prozessoptimierung spezialisiertes Beratungsunternehmen und zählt hier zu den führenden Häusern in Europa. Mit fundiertem Prozess-, Organisationsund IT-Konw-how verbindet die KPS AG Strategie und Prozessberatung mit der Umsetzungskompetenz der Implementierungsberatung und schließt damit die Lücke zwischen Strategie, Prozess, Organisation und IT Der Competence Center Konsumgüter berät Unternehmen in den Segmenten Consumer Packaged Goods, Durables und Consumer Electronics. Hierbei liegt der Schwerpunkt der Beratungstätigkeit auf der GuV-wirksamen Verbesserung der operativen Exzellenz. Jochen Jahraus Partner, Competence Center Konsumgüter Mobil 0157/ Sowohl bei Groß- als auch bei mittelständischen Unternehmen werden komplexe Transformationsprojekte zügig, ganzheitlich und erfolgreich umgesetzt. KPS begleitet seine Kunden erfolgreich bis zur Realisierung von Projektpotenzialen auf Prozess-, Organisations- und IT-Seite. Hohe Seniorität, umfassende Branchenexpertise und konsequente Nutzenorientierung führen bei unseren Kunden zu einem überdurchschnittlichen Return on Consulting November 2012 Copyright KPS, 2012 Competence Center Konsumgüter Seite 9

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p^db=`oj===pìééçêíáåñçêã~íáçå= p^db=`oj===pìééçêíáåñçêã~íáçå= Error: "Could not connect to the SQL Server Instance" or "Failed to open a connection to the database." When you attempt to launch ACT! by Sage or ACT by Sage Premium for


Exercise (Part VIII) Anastasia Mochalova, Lehrstuhl für ABWL und Wirtschaftsinformatik, Kath. Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt 1

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GURUCAD - IT DIVISION CATIA V5 PLM EXPRESS CONFIGURATIONS Hamburg, 16th February 2010, Version 1.0 Engineering & IT Consulting GURUCAD - IT DIVISION CATIA V5 PLM EXPRESS CONFIGURATIONS Hamburg, 16th February 2010, Version 1.0 IT DIVISION CATIA V5 DEPARTMENT Mobile: +49(0)176 68 33 66 48 Tel.: +49(0)40


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