STELLUNGNAHME. Zum Papier Post-2015 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Key Positions of the German Government (February 2014)

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1 STELLUNGNAHME Zum Papier Post-2015 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Key Positions of the German Government (February 2014) VENRO begrüßt die Möglichkeit, zu der Positionierung der Bundesregierung zur zukünftigen Post Agenda Stellung zu nehmen. Auch die in dem Dokument angekündigte Einbeziehung der Politik, Zivilgesellschaft und Wissenschaft bei der Weiterentwicklung dieser Position werten wir als ein sehr positives Signal, um das neue universell gültige Zielsystem in einem möglichst partizipativen Prozess aufzustellen. Die Bundesregierung sollte dabei international eine aktive Rolle einnehmen. Wir unterstützen daher auch die Absicht, die Post Agenda zum Thema der deutschen G-8 Präsidentschaft zu machen. Unsere Inhaltliche Stellungnahme gliedert sich in einige übergeordnete Verbesserungsvorschläge, die wir nachfolgend aufführen sowie konkrete Formulierungsvorschläge, die im Text sichtbar eingefügt wurden. Eine ausführliche Darstellung der VENRO-Vorschläge und Forderungen zu einer neuen globalen Agenda finden Sie im Positionspapier Die Weichen richtig stellen Für eine zukunftsfähige Entwicklungs- und Nachhaltigkeitsagenda nach 2015 (Berlin, 2013). 1. Übergeordnete Bemerkungen Die Menschenrechte sollten als verbindliche Grundlage der neuen Agenda stärker hervorgehoben werden. Nahezu alle Staaten haben die zentralen UN- Menschenrechtsverträge ratifiziert und sich damit verpflichtet, unter anderem das Recht auf Nahrung, Wasser, Bildung, soziale Sicherheit und Gesundheit zu achten, zu schützen und zu gewährleisten. Deshalb muss betont werden, dass die Post Agenda nicht hinter die bereits in den Menschenrechtspakten völkerrechtlich verbindlichen Standards zurückfallen darf, sondern vielmehr zu deren verstärkter Umsetzung beitragen muss. Dies gilt natürlich in gleichem Maße für alle internationalen Umweltabkommen.

2 STELLUNGNAHME Die universelle Geltung sowie der notwendige Paradigmenwechsel hin zu einer nachhaltigen Produktions- und Konsumweise, die eine neue globale Agenda auszeichnen müssen, sollten stärker hervorgehoben werden. Dabei ist auffällig, dass bislang die überwiegende Zahl der Ziele so formuliert ist, dass sie nur für Entwicklungs- und Schwellenländer gelten. Für die Industrieländer relevante Ziele müssen ebenfalls benannt werden. Ein Hinweis auf die soziale Marktwirtschaft in Deutschland ist nicht ausreichend. Auch die soziale Marktwirtschaft hat bei allen unbestreitbaren Erfolgen noch keinen Weg aufgezeigt, wie wirtschaftliche Entwicklung in Einklang gebracht werden kann mit der Einhaltung der planetarischen Grenzen. Eine zentrale Herausforderung der zukünftigen Agenda ist die Überwindung der wachsenden Ungleichheit, sowohl innerhalb der einzelnen Staaten, als auch zwischen Staaten. Die ansteigende soziale und ökonomische Ungleichheit erschwert den Kampf gegen Armut und führt zu wachsenden sozialen Spannungen Deshalb muss ein stärkerer Fokus auf der Überwindung von sozialer und ökonomischer Ungleichheit liegen. Diese Perspektive spiegelt sich weder in den Zielen noch in den Unterzielen/Indikatoren konsequent wider. Die konkreten Verbesserungen in allen Zielen sollten sich jeweils in besonderer Weise bei 20% der am schlechtesten gestellten und verletzlichsten Bevölkerungsgruppen niederschlagen. In der Einleitung und dann bei der Wahl der Indikatoren müssen die Querverbindungen zwischen den Zielen deutlicher benannt werden. So können z.b. Armutsbekämpfung und Umweltschutz in einem Spannungsverhältnis stehen, das nicht zu Gunsten eines Zieles allein aufgelöst werden darf. Ausgehend von einem holistischen Begriff von Armut, wie er im Dokument beschrieben ist, sollten im Rahmen des Ziels zur völligen Abschaffung extremer Armut über Einkommen hinausgehende Indikatoren definiert werden. Die Perspektive der Überwindung jeglicher Armut und der Schaffung 2

3 STELLUNGNAHME menschenwürdiger Lebensbedingungen für alle sollte als Ziel explizit erwähnt werden. Die Bedeutung der Gleichstellung von Mädchen und Frauen für nachhaltige Entwicklung sollte im gesamten Papier deutlicher gemacht werden, um der Forderung nach einem eigenständigen Ziel zur Gleichstellung der Geschlechter sowie einem durchgängigen Gender-Mainstreaming gerecht zu werden. Hierzu ist eine Desaggregation der Ziele nach Geschlecht, Alter und Einkommen zentral. Wir begrüßen, dass die Notwendigkeit der Schaffung von Arbeitsplätzen mit menschenwürdigen Arbeitsbedingungen ( decent jobs ) deutlich adressiert wird. Die Aussagen zur Verantwortung der Wirtschaft bei der Einhaltung von ökologischen, sozialen und menschenrechtlichen Normen und Standards fällt dagegen zu schwach aus. Die Verweise auf CSR und Global Compact sind nicht ausreichend. In einer neuen Agenda müssen klare Regeln für privatwirtschaftliches Handeln verankert werden. Die verbindliche Umsetzung der UN-Leitprinzipien Wirtschaft und Menschenrechte, die 2011 vom UN-Menschenrechtsrat einstimmig verabschiedet wurden, muss Ziel einer künftigen Agenda sein. Indikatoren, die die Zielerreichung messen, und Hinweise auf geplante Maßnahmen sollten besser voneinander unterschieden werden. Wir verstehen targets als Unterziele, die eine Schwerpunktsetzung ausdrücken, aber noch nicht als Indikatoren. Diese müssten noch entwickelt werden. Für die Indikatoren bestehen bereits in verschiedenen UN-Dokumenten hilfreiche konkrete Formulierungen, auf die wir teilweise in den eingefügten Kommentaren hinweisen. Es muss explizit gemacht werden, auf welches Referenzjahr sich die Ziele beziehen. Dort, wo das Zieljahr vom Jahr 2030 abweicht, sollte dies erläutert werden. Manchmal fehlt eine Zeitangabe. Bei prozentualen Ab- oder Zunahme muss der Bezugszeitpunkt und/oder die Ausgangslage geklärt werden. 3

4 STELLUNGNAHME 2. Änderungen im Text: Im Anhang finden Sie den Text mit farblich markierten Änderungsvorschlägen und Kommentaren. Herausgeber Verband Entwicklungspolitik deutscher Nichtregierungsorganisationen e.v. (VENRO) Dr. Werner-Schuster-Haus Kaiserstraße Bonn Tel.: 0228 / Internet: Bonn, April

5 1 German Federal Government February 2014 Post-2015 Agenda for Sustainable Development Key Positions of the German Government 2015 will be an important year in international politics; the international community will - take stock with regard to the Millennium Declaration adopted by the United Nations in 2000 and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) derived from that Declaration, - make efforts to conclude a new global climate agreement and - adopt the post-2015 agenda for sustainable development. This post-2015 agenda, which will apply for all countries, is to be adopted at a UN summit in September Germany will also be promoting the agenda as part of its G8 presidency. Great successes have been achieved in reaching the MDGs. The proportion of people living in extreme poverty was cut in half even before 2015, and developing countries have seen great progress with regard to the access to education and clean drinking water and the fight against malaria and tuberculosis. Unfortunately the achievements have been unevenly distributed according to different regions and some MDGs won t be achieved by end of The aim of the post-2015 agenda is to continue working on the goals that have not been achieved by 2015, and to merge them with the sustainability agenda of the Rio+20 process. In that context, some dimensions of the Millennium Declaration, like for example human rights and good governance, are also to be included in the agenda. At the Rio+20 Conference of the United Nations, an Open Working Group for Sustainable Development Goals (SDG-OWG) and an Expert Committee on Sustainable Development Financing (ICESDF) were mandated to present reports to the UN General Assembly. The UN Secretary General will take these reports into consideration for his synthesis report on the post-2015 agenda. The post-2015 agenda is to be negotiated in an intergovernmental negotiating process in the framework of the United Nations by all Member States by September On 21 August 2013, the Federal Cabinet decided on a first report on the post-2015 agenda. On that basis, in light of previous talks at the UN level and drawing on numerous statements made by civil society, the German government intends to focus on the following priorities in the negotiation process in the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals. The Federal Government will evaluate the following catalogue of goals in light of the two reports mentioned above and the synthesis report of the UN Secretary General. In doing so, suggestions from politics, civil society and the scientific community will be taken into account. The financial aspects of the post-2015 agenda will also be an important subject of discussions and negotiations. In this regard, both internal and external sources of finance to achieve the 0,7% goal as well as innovating funding mechanisms and the creation of efficient framework conditions will need to be taken into account. These issues will be addressed in the report of the UN expert group ICEDSF.

6 2 A. A new Global Partnership as a framework A "Global Partnership" is to be the overarching framework of the future agenda for sustainable development, which takes into account and is adapted to planetary boundaries. The pertinent reference documents are the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other Human Rights Treaties, the Millennium Declaration and the outcome document of the UN Conference on Sustainable Development, The Future We Want. The Federal Government is guided by the following principles in this regard: rule of law, equality, non-discrimination, transparency, participation and inclusion. The purpose of the Global Partnership is to induce a paradigm shift, breaking with traditional views such as the classic North-South or donor-recipient thought patterns and defining joint goals for reducingeradicating poverty, creating economic, political and social opportunities, and transforming economies worldwide, making them more sustainable. The existing economic, ecological and social interdependencies in and between all countries require all states and all stakeholders to assume joint responsibility for the global common good. Paradigm shift will mean a fundamental change in ways of producing and consuming goods, both in the North as in the South. Kommentar [BvB1]: One of the four strategic issues of the Federal Government is to protect and foster human rights (p.2). A stronger foundation in existing human rights mechanisms - including newer treaties that cover issues which are not covered by the Human Rights Declaration - would be recommendable These are the key characteristics of the Global Partnership: 1. Universally applicable goals, building on mutual respect and shared values, i.e. all countries are responsible for both the goals and for achieving them (developing countries, industrialised countries and emerging economies) and for all policy areas, while ensuring that national realities, capacities and levels of development are taken into account and national policies and priorities are respected. 2. Shared responsibility for global wellbeing through the protection of global public goods and the creation of structural framework conditions that are conducive to development 3. Effectiveness, transparency and monitoring at the international level through compelling indicators, disaggregated data and mutual accountability 4. Not only national governments but also civil society, the private sector and academia must play a vital role in the development process and in bringing the concept of partnership to life. The German government supports the proposal of establishing a Global Partnership. It is willing to take on the responsibility associated with that Partnership, but expects all other members of the UN to do the same. Emerging economies, in particular, must assume new responsibility as part of the post-2015 agenda. Germany's contribution to achieving the goals of the post-2015 will depend to a great extent on a coherent concept pursued by all Ministries. Kommentar [BvB2]: The examplary goals and targets/indicators frequently state [...] "for all" and "universal access to" [...]. To ensure that in fact no person regardless of ethnicity, gender, geography, disability, race or other status is left behind (cf. HLP Report) data should be disaggregated by income, gender, disability, age, location, ethnicity, social origin and other factors. The reference on disaggregation would be based upon the Statement on behalf of France, Germany and Switzerland at OWG Session 8 B. Strategic issues and exemplary goals The German government focuses on the following strategic issues: Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, secure a life in dignity for all Preserve the natural resource base and ensure its sustainable use Achieve the creation of decent jobs and adequate income for all through ecologically sound growth

7 3 Strengthen good governance, anchor equality and non discrimination of vulnerable groups, protect and foster human rights, secure peace To flesh out and implement the strategic issues, thirteen goals for sustainable development are proposed. These are merely examples at this stage so as to avoid premature decisions and definitions, be able to take up further input from national and international actors, also after September 2014, and remain flexible during the negotiation process. Each of these goals is attributed to one of the four strategic issues: I. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, secure a life in dignity Global poverty has been reduced significantly since the year Yet there are still some 1.3 billion people in extreme poverty, and more than 840 million people suffer from hunger. This is unacceptable. A holistic understanding of poverty is needed in order to fight the root causes of poverty and hunger. This understanding does not only include income poverty but also and especially the lacking foundations of sustainable development, such as health and education, orientation towards human rights and gender equality and equality for marginalized groups gender equality, and the necessary general framework conditions such as good governance, secure property rightsrule of law and peacekeeping. Political, social and economic inclusion and participation and equity of opportunity are of pivotal importance. This requires the political will to overcome social inequalities as far as possible. In the Global Risks 2014 Report of the World Economic Forum in Davos, global risks that result from unemployment and social inequality are high on the scale of importance. Africa but also the emerging economies continue to be problem regions; two thirds of people in extreme poverty live in these regions. For reasons of population policy, among other things, the key approach must be to eradicate poverty among women, who account for 70% of the poor worldwide, and to give young people better prospects for the future. Reducing income poverty, furthering education and professional qualification among grown-up women is a key factor in the fight against hunger and malnutrition. The concept of social protection floors of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) is an important instrument in the fight against poverty. This concept is meant to enable developing countries and emerging economies to build and expand basic systems of social protection. Health, too, is a crucial fundament of social, economic and political development and stability. Health and access to affordable health care are both preconditions as well as the result of social development and contribute to a significant extent to poverty reduction. Access to affordable healthcare is an effective protection against impoverishment. 1. Leaving no one behind - end extreme poverty o By 2030, end extreme income poverty (1,25$ PPP/day) o Establish and maintain national floors of social protection comprising basic social security guarantees in order to prevent or alleviate poverty, vulnerability and social exclusion according to ILO recommendation No. 202 Kommentar [BvB3]: To define extreme poverty should be left for indicators and not be limited to income. Germany emphasizes a "multidimensional understanding of poverty" (see 2013 Kabinettsbeschluss). Yet, this goal does not tackle poverty in all its dimensions, including social inequalities within countries.

8 4 o reduce relative poverty between and within countries and address inequalities at both national and international levels 2. Quality education and lifelong learning for all o By 2030, ensure that every child receives at least a full cycle of basicboy and girl has access to free and inclusive quality education (preprimary, primary and lowerat all levels (including early child and secondary) with education) and establish recognized and measurable learning outcomes o IncreaseReduce the dropout rate to zero and increase adult literacy to X% o By 2020, include sustainable development concepts, health and nutrition related issues, human rights, gender equality and non-discrimination of marginalized groups including gender equality as well as comprehensive sexuality education at all levels into education and training curricula. o By 2030 ensure that competencies and skills for understanding and implementing the Post-2015 Agenda for Sustainable Development (Global Citizenship Education) are integrated at all levels of formal and non-formal education. o Ensure that by 2030 public funding for education encompasses 6% of GDP and 20% national budgets. Kommentar [BvB4]: There is a universal understanding that success on the achievement of the MDGs has been unevenly distributed not only between countries but also within countries (see 2013 EU Council Conclusion The Overarching Post 2015 Agenda / SG Report A/68/202). According to the OWG Draft report it is necessary to tackle absolute and relative poverty in order to eradicate poverty in all its forms. As possible issues under this target, the report suggests: "eliminating discrimination in laws, policies and practices; reducing inequalities between social groups, including economic, social, political and environmental inequalities; empowering and inclusion of marginalized groups, including indigenous peoples, minorities, migrants, refugees, persons with disabilities, older persons, children and youth; strengthening social protection systems; promoting differentially high per capita income growth at the bottom of the income distribution; ensuring equality of economic opportunities for all, including marginalized groups." Kommentar [BvB5]: cf. SDSN Draft Report 2014 Indicators for Sustainable Development Goals 3. Ensure food and nutrition security for all o By 2025, end hungerundernutrition and reduce malnutrition and stunting among children under five by 2/3 o o By 2015 reduce anaemia in women of reproductive age by 50% o All households have access to an adequate nutrient rich diet (measured by Household Dietary Diversity Score) o Achieve a land and soil degradation neutral world o Increase sustainable agricultural production and sustainable fisheries o By 2030, reduce by 50% worldwide post-harvest loss and food waste o Increase Secure access of smallholder farmers, especially women in rural areas to agricultural land, markets & finances, education and training, capacity building, knowledge and innovative practices o Promote nutrition sensitive cross-sectorial policies (especially agriculture, health, sanitary,water, sanitation and hygiene education and social welfare) and strengthen political commitment to do so. o By 2030, increase by at least 40 % the share of women and men, local communities and businesses with legally recognised evidence of tenure rights.

9 Maximizing health for all through achieving universal health coverage o By 2030, at least 80% of the poorest 40% of the population have coverage to ensure access to essential and quality health care services. and to affordable, adapted or new health products such as diagnostics, vaccines, microbicides and drugs for poverty-related and neglected diseases. o o By 2030, significantly increase coverage and protect people from financial risk of being pushed into poverty or kept in poverty because of expenditure on health services.. o By 2030, endreduce maternal and child mortality by 2/3 and, ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health and guarantee sexual and reproductive rights o By 2030 reduce the disease burdenend preventable deaths due to infectious diseases, such as HIV/AIDS, TB, Malaria by 2/3 and reduce disease burden due to priority non-communicable diseases (NCDs) by 1/3 o No increase in childhood overweight (prevalence of overweight in children <5) 5. Achieve gender equality, empower all women and girls and enforce women s rights o Promote women s voice, leadership and participation in political and economic decision- making processes as well as in public and private institutions o Improve women s economic opportunities, including entrepreneurship, capabilities, income security, as well as access to and control over productive assets and a fairer distribution between men and women of family care and household work Kommentar [BvB6]: see OWG Draft Report Kommentar [BvB7]: Da UHC auf Menschenrechte und equity basiert, sollte ein ehrgeiziges Ziel über alle Einkommensquintile formuliert werden, sowie Zugang zu Gesundheitsdienstleistungen für marginalisierten Gruppen ambitionierter sein und eine 100%-ige Abdeckung der primary health care fordern. Das 80:40 Ziel würde viele Menschen nicht erreichen. In einem Land wie Indien hieße dies ca 100 Mill. Menschen auszugrenzen. Dies würde weder dem Anspruch Leaving no one Behind noch dem multidimensionalen Verständnis von Armut gerecht, wenn hier ausschließlich nach Einkommen differenziert wird. Die Daten, die erhoben werden, sollten so disaggregiert sein, dass sie neben den herkömmlichen Daten wir Alter und Geschlecht sozialen Kategorien wie Behinderung, Migrationsstatus etc. erfassen. Kommentar [BvB8]: Siehe das gemeinsame Diskussionspapier von Weltbank und WHO Monitoring Progress towards Universal Health Coverage at Country and Global Levels: A framework. Der dortige 100%ige Schutz vor Verarmung durch direkte Gesundheitsausgaben wird von VENRO unterstützt. Der vorgeschlagener Indikator verbindet Schutz mit öffentlichen Gesundheitsausgaben: All least/low income countries should have a health expenditure per capita or at least $ to reduce the out of pocket payments to <20%. o Enact and enforce laws, regulations and policies that prohibit all forms of discrimination against women and girls, protect, fulfill and promote their human rights, including their sexual and reproductive right and review existing laws in this regard, ensure women s and girls access to justice and work towards the generation and dissemination of genderdisaggregated data and information for planning and evaluation. o Prevent, respond to, and end impunity of violence against women and girls including forced genital mutilation, forced and early marriage and other harmful traditional practices. II. Preserve the natural resource base and ensure its sustainable use Global ecological developments such as climate change, soil degradation or the loss of biodiversity are not only a threat to the integrity of creation but also to the very foundation of prosperous societies. In both developing and industrialised countries, protecting the natural resource base and global public goods plays a central role in ensuring continued survival especially for poorer sections of the population

10 6 and future generations (intergenerational equity). Resilience to natural disasters also depends to a large extent on well-functioning ecosystems. In future, resources must be used more efficiently and sparingly to ensure that the needs of the people can be met in our times of population growth. This is extremely important in the areas of soils, water, energy and food security, which are inextricably linked and interdependent. On the international stage, Germany is an active and widely acknowledged pioneer in climate and environmental politics. With its energy turnaround, Germany stands like no other country for the transformation to an environmentally sound economy. Emerging economies, too, must step up their efforts to protect natural resources and ecosystems Achieve universal access to WASH (water and, sanitation and hygiene) and implement an integrated water resources management o By 2030, ensureeliminate open defecation; to achieve universal accessacess to safebasic drinking water, sanitation and hygiene for allhouseholds, school and health facilities; to halve the proportion of the population without access at home to safely managed drinking water and sanitation services; and to progressively eliminate inequalities ind access. o Improve the resilience of societies, especially the most vulnerable groups and societies, and economies to floods, droughts and other water-related disasters. Kommentar [BvB9]: cf. HLP Report o By 2030, improve and secure the status of water quality and quantity and reduce water pollution including with hazardous chemicals from households, industrial and agricultural sources. o By 2030, significantly improve water efficiency in all sectors, in particular in agricultural/ food, industrial and energy production 5.7. Secure sustainable energy o By 2030, ensure universal access to modernpostfossil energy services. o By 2030, double the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency. o By 2030, double the share of renewable energy sources in the energy mix. o Hold the increase in global average temperature below 2⁰ C above pre-industrial levels, in line with international agreements. Kommentar [BvB10]: Hier sollte die common but differentiated responsibility konkretisiert werden, z.b. durch einen eigenen Punkt, dass auch Deutschland durch Ausbau der erneuerbaren Energien und Effizienzsteigerung den CO2 Ausstoß um eine konkrete Prozentzahl reduziert.

11 Preserve the environment and manage natural resources sustainably o Ensure participation and access of all individuals and population groups in a transparent and equal manner in/to the sustainable use of natural resources o By 2020, effective and urgent action has been taken to halt the loss of biodiversity, all Aichi biodiversity targets are reached and ecosystems are resilient and continue to provide essential services, with a view to reach the 2050 vision of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity o By 2020, manage cropland area in a sustainable manner, also to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and preserve the global area of grasslands, savannahs, wetlands and forests o By 2030, reach zero net deforestation. o Strengthen forest governance frameworks and promote sustainable forest management including the expansion of the global certified forest areas o By 2020, develop and implement the necessary measures to ensure that marine ecosystems are clean, healthy, productive and resilient, marine biodiversity is maintained, and habitats, in particular coral reefs, and species are protected and on track to being restored, i.a. by reducing significantly the direct or indirect input of substances or energy into the oceans which result or are likely to result in deleterious effects, such as harm to living resources and marine ecosystems, e.g. chemicals, waste, hazardous substances, nutrients into the oceans and underwater noise and collect the scientific data available on marine litter, minimize negative impact of fishing activities o By 2019, gradually eliminate discards by avoiding and reducing, as far as possible, unwanted catches III. Achieve the creation of decent jobs and adequate income through ecologically sound growth Economic development must take place within Earth's ecological carrying capacity. Therefore, any future agenda must support the objective of enforcing ecologically sound, inclusive and market-based growth strategies and of establishing sustainable consumption and production patterns worldwide, thereby ensuring the integration of the social, economic and ecological dimension of sustainability. The orientation towards growth based on GDP has to be overcome and new concepts and measures be discussed and agreed upon. In that context, it has to be borne in mind that 600 million more people will enter the labour market by Most of them will be living in cities. Although high growth rates and market based reforms in emerging countries have lifted many people to the middle class, reduction of extreme poverty has not been

12 8 sufficient yet. Many peoplewhile there has been success, there were short comings in areas such as ensuring decent work and including the most marginalized in economic growth trategies and social protection. Many people with a fair level of education see migration as their only way out. Migration can only be prevented by creating income opportunities through training and decent jobs. Financial and global trade systems that are stable, crisis-proof and conducive to development are a key prerequisite for long-term growth and sustainable economic activity. Functional framework conditions which provide incentives for environmentally sound technological innovations and their diffusion play a role in this respect. Technical innovations can, e.g., contribute to the enhancement of economic productivity and energy efficiency and the mitigation of climate change. Germany can make a contribution: Germany follows the overall concept of a social market economy and with its circular economy and resource efficiency scheme, is a pioneer for the transformation necessary to make national economies more sustainable. Promoting employment through vocational training is regarded as a German trademark Make economic development inclusive and sustainable o By 2030, significantly speed up the decoupling of economic growth from resource use o By 2030, take action to implement a circular economy, in particular by increasing the prevention, reuse, recycling and energy recovery of waste and significantly reducing landfilling, so that by 2030 the majority of waste globally is managed as a resource. o By 2030, phase out environmentally harmful subsidies including for fossil fuels. o By 2030, significantly increase the internalization of environmental external costs, inter alia in the areas of transport, energy and agriculture. o By 2030, ensure that natural resources are used efficiently and sustainably within the carrying capacity of the planet. o By 2020, ensure the sound management of chemicals throughout their life cycle, so that chemicals are used and produced in ways that lead to the minimization of significant adverse effects on human health and the environment. o By 2030, significantly increase the market share of sustainable products and services (e.g. marked with reliable labels) and increase their share in public procurement. o By 2030, publish and use economic, social and environmental accounts and implement comprehensive and ambitious environmental management system in addition to existing conventional growth/wealth indicators such as GDP in all governments, major companies and international institutions (Natural Capital Accounting including valuation of ecosystem services)

13 9 o Preserve cultural heritage, strengthen cultural and creative industries and foster sustainable tourism Create decent jobs and improve the global enabling economic environment o By 2030, significantly increase the number of decent jobs including fair wages (according to the concept of the Decent Work Agenda of the ILO) for women and men alike with a special focus on the employment of women, youth, ethnic minorities and disabled peoplepersons with disabilities and the reconciliation of work and family life o By 2030, decrease the number of young people not in employment or training by x% i.a. by promoting education, vocational training, productive skills and employability Kommentar [BvB11]: we suggest to use the by the UN agreed upon term "persons with disabilities" (term also in line with wording in goal 12 ) o Promote an open, rules-based and development-friendly multilateral trading system and ensure the stability of the global financial system incl. the promotion of responsible finance o Promote Corporate Social Responsibility worldwide through the Global Compact and the development of reporting standards and agree legal frameworks to fulfil social and ecological standards. o By 2030, strengthen productive capacity by sharing access to science, technology and innovation and by increasing the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) by x% o encourage transition from informal sector to formal sector employment. Persons working in informal sector need to benefit from social protection systems Ensure that urbanization is sustainable o By 2030, ensure universal access to a secure and affordable built environment and accessible basic urban services Kommentar [BvB12]: see recommendation OWG Draft Report. Often, the most marginalized such as women, migrant workers or persons with disabilities work in the informal sector, and do not appear in labor market statistics; nor are they covered by employment legislation or social protection. o Increase resilience of city regions through efficient land and resource use, climate protection and disaster risk reduction o Increase the proportion of cities with sustainable and integrated urban development plans based on participatory inclusive processes o By 2030, significantly reduce the severity of air pollution, in particular by reducing the particulate concentration and SO2, NOx and Ozone in urban air. IV. Strengthen good governance, anchor gender equality, protect and foster human rights, secure peace Violence, corruption, lack of legal security, deficient access to information and restricted freedom of opinion and expression, flight of capital, despotism and a lack of space for private initiatives and entrepreneurship continue to be significant

14 1 0 hindrances on the way to sustainable development in many countries. There is a need for action concerning the strengthening of institutions, legal systems, political participation, protection from violence and the enforcement of efficient framework conditions for sustainable development. The protection of our natural foundations of life is of particular importance in this respect. That aspect was therefore enshrined in Principle 25 of the Rio Declaration: Peace, development and environmental protection are interdependent and indivisible. Therefore the Federal Government is of the opinion that peace and security, good governance, the respect for and protection of human rights as well as gender equality are fundamental prerequisites and also goals of any development. Achieve gender equality, empower women and enforce women s rights Ensure good governance and effective institutions o Build, ensure and strengthen effective, accountable and transparent public and private institutions at all levels. Kommentar [BvB13]: Dieser Absatz würde inhaltlich besser unter 6. Passe (siehe Änderungsvorschlag) o IncreaseEnsure meaningful political participation for all and strengthen state society relations. o Strengthen commitment to Rule of Law at national and international level with focus on better access to justice and independence of the judiciary as well as other structures and procedures in accordance with rule of law. o Free and universal birth registration, regardless of ethnicity, class, gender or race. Prohibit all forms of discrimination against persons with disabilities and encouraging disaggregated data on the exclusion of persons with disabilities and other social groups and research on how to improve accessibility and inclusiveness in particular for planning and evaluation. Kommentar [BvB14]: lack of data has been one of the major impediments for tracking the situation of persons with disabilities (including for measuring the progress of the MDGs for this target group). It is crucial for new sets of data and disaggregated data to be established.

15 10 o guarantee the rights to freedom of information, expression and association and to protect the space for civil society organizations and human rights defenders to carry out their work to ensure transparency, accountability and participation in development processes. o Strengthen good financial governance (including improvement of domestic resource mobilization through sound and just fiscal systems and elimination of corruption and illicit financial flows). o Strengthen coherence of financial governance at international level between the UN, the G20, the international financial institutions multilateral development banks and bilateral actors (including exploring new institutional arrangements to address sovereign debt distress and improve tax coordination.) o Improve synergies of the international financial system for the global commons (global public goods) Ensure stable and peaceful societies o Strengthen effective, formal and informal mechanisms to manage disputes peacefully. o By 2030, significantly reduce violent deaths caused by homicides and per 100,000 inhabitants and sexual violence. Kommentar [BvB15]: Inequalities within countries can be socially destabilizing and also have negative consequences for economic growth (OWG Draft Report). There is no reference to social cohesion (as a prerequisite for stable and peaceful societies) in this goal. o A 75% reduction in the number of boys and girls subject to the most severe forms of violence in the home or community, defined as those banned by national laws. o By 2030, reduce proliferation of small arms and light weapons o By 2030, make more people feel safe and have confidence in public institutions and mechanisms to resolve conflicts. o By 2030, reduce significantly organized crime including through addressing its root causes (fight illicit flows of goods and human trafficking) o By 2030, increase capacities for and access to inclusive disaster risk management in order to reduce the social and economic impacts of natural hazards and increase the resilience of societies at risk.

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Copyright by Max Weishaupt GmbH, D Schwendi

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