Hallo! Guten Tag. a Listen to the dialogs. Guten Tag, Herr Schulze. Mein Name ist Ina Huber. Ich heiße Martin.

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1 1a Look at the picture with your sts. and ask where the people are. Then play the dialogs on the CD. see TIPP on p. 97 1b Play the dialogs several times to familiarize sts. with the sounds of the new language while they read along quietly. Then have sts. read with a partner. Distribute roles among the class and have sts. read the dialog out loud. Correct the pronunciation if necessary. see TIPP on p. 19 At this time, individual sentences should not be analyzed for their grammar points yet. At this early stage, sts. should learn phrases and short sentences as a whole. We will learn: how to say hello and goodbye introducing yourself and others spelling numbers from 0 to 20 W-questions and answers: wer and wie? verb forms: sein and heißen Hallo! Guten Tag. a Listen to the dialogs. b Listen again and read along. Guten Tag, Herr Schulze. Mein Name ist Ina Huber. Ich heiße Martin. Hallo! Ich bin Nora. Wer bist du? Hallo Lukas! Hallo Alex! 2a Sts. listen to the entire text and speak along. Then they close the books and try to list the names they heard. Discuss, if it is clear whether the names are girls or boys names. You might want to explain that many female first names end in -a. Guten Tag, Frau Huber! Herzlich willkommen! Ich bin Julia. Und du? Wie heißt du? 2b Ask the sts. if they know any more German first names, collect those on the board, and sort according to male and female names. Ask them to think of well-known German, Austrian and Swiss personalities (e.g. Michael Schumacher, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Heinrich Heine, Albert Einstein, Martin Luther, Jakob und Wilhelm Grimm, Lukas Podolski, Michael Ballack). To aid the sts., write categories like Sportler, Schauspieler, Wissenschaftler, etc. (athlete, actor, scientist) either in German or English on the board. Use those of your sts. names which have German equivalents and are pronounced differently (George/Georg, Peter/Peter, Susan/Susanne, John/Johann(es)). Discuss the differences with sts. to make clear the differences between the German spelling and the original, have the sts. write the German equivalent of their names on the board themselves. Point out that it is perfectly normal to make mistakes at this stage. see TIPP on p. 19 MP2 in class 3a-b This activity introduces the regular conjugation in the singular. Play the listening text Vornamen a Listen and repeat the first names. b Do you know more German names? Make a list on the board. acht and begin with the chain exercise. With the continued repetition in class the sts. will remember the sentences. see TIPP on p. 19 3c The sts. learn to introduce another person. Play the dialog and afterwards, together with two sts. read it out loud to the class. Separate the class into groups of three ( see TIPP on p. 31). The groups read the dialog several times and switch roles. Have some groups act out the dialog for the class ( see TIPP on p. 79). The sts. replace the names from the dialog with their own names. Make sure that sts. Nora, Julia, Ina say the endings -e and -t of heißen correctly. Reference the grammar box. Lukas, Alex, Martin 14 vierzehn

2 Ich heiße Nora. Wie heißt du? a Listen to the dialog and read along. Hallo! Ich heiße Nora. Wie heißt du? b Ask around in class and answer. Ich heiße Wie heißt du? Ich heiße Julia. c Listen and practice it with two others. Ich heiße Alex. Und das ist mein Freund. Er heißt Lukas. Hallo! Ich bin Martin. Entschuldigung, wie heißt du? Lukas! 4 Wie ist dein Name? Listen and read along Mein Name ist Ina Huber. Ich bin die Deutschlehrerin. Wie ist dein Name, bitte? Ich heiße Lukas. Und wie ist dein Familienname? Löscher. Ich heiße Hallo! Ich heiße Dora. heißen Ich heiße... Wie heißt du? Er heißt... 4 Play the listening text and explain the difference between first names and last names by using a few sts. names as examples. Have the sts. read the dialog with a partner. One st. takes over the role as the teacher and sits at the teacher s desk. One by one, all sts. come up to the desk. The teacher asks each for his or her name (family and first name) and writes them down. The teacher can be exchanged part way through the activity. Finally, the list of names is hung up on the wall. ALTERNATIVE: This version is suited for sts. who don t know each other (well) yet. Instead of writing the names on a list, the teacher can write down the names on index cards. Then he or she shuffles the cards and gives each st. one. Now each st. has to find the st. to whom the name belongs. 5 Ich bin Alex. Wer bist du? a Listen to the dialog and read along Ich bin Alex. Wer bist du? Ich bin Julia. Und das ist Hanna. Sie ist meine Freundin. 6 b Fill in the blanks and write out the whole dialog. Ich... Nora. Wer... du? Ich... Hanna. Und das... Alex. Er... mein Freund. Dialoge in der Klasse Write dialogs with a partner. Act them out for the class. Hallo!Guten Tag!Ich bin Ich heiße Mein Name ist Wer bist du?entschuldigung, wie heißt du? Wie ist dein Vorname/Familienname?Das ist Er ist / Sie ist sein Ich bin Wer bist du? Er ist Sie ist neun 9 5a Sein is introduced first in the singular. Play the listening text as often as necessary and have sts. practice the dialog with a partner. Refer to the grammar box. 5b The sts. write the dialog down. In groups of two fill in the verbs and practice the dialog. Afterwards, several groups act out the dialog for the class. The books should be closed. Correct mistakes and pronunciation as needed. see TIPP on p. 19 Answer: Ich bin Nora. Wer bist du? Ich bin Hanna. Und das ist Alex. Er ist mein Freund. 6 In this exercise, sts. use everything they have learned so far. The sts. read the expressions in the box and then write down their own dialog in pairs. They may need some help and pointers. Then sts. can act out their dialog for the class. MP6 in class fünfzehn 15

3 7a Play the dialog. The sts. choose the matching picture. Sts. listen for a second time before you verify the correct answer. Answer: Bild B 7b Have the sts. read in groups of two. Then have the dialog read out loud several times and correct pronuncia - tion. MP7 in class. Discuss with the sts. why there is one answer each that does not match Wie bitte? a Listen to the dialog. Which picture matches: A or B? A B 8a-b Have sts. listen to the alphabet twice and then repeat in choral response. Afterwards, practice the letters that are particularly difficult for the sts. You may also want to have sts. say the alphabet in a chain exercise. One st. begins by saying A, the next one B, then the next says C, etc. Practice this in several runs and begin with a different st. each time. Ask sts. for the difference between the German alphabet and the English alphabet. For useful phrases refer to Dora s advice. see TIPP on p. 19 MP8 in class. Point out the useful phrases given in the bubbles and encourage sts. to use their newly acquired German. 9a-b Clapping and singing along makes memorizing letters easier. You may also want to have the sts. get up and rap along. Play the rap several times. MP9 in class or as homework b Read and practice the dialog with a partner. Paul: Aua! Pia: Entschuldigung! Paul: Wer ist denn das? Pia: Das ist Plato, mein Hund. Paul: Wie bitte? Wie heißt er? Pia: Plato. Paul: Wie buchstabiert man das? Pia: P-L-A-T-O. Das Alphabet a Listen and repeat. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Ä, ä Ö, ö ß Ü, ü b What about your alphabet? What s different from the German? Der ABC-Rap a Listen and clap along. b Listen and sing along. Namen in der Klasse Spell it and let the others guess. zehn J-U-L-I- The German Z is pronounced tsett. Julia! Aa Bbe Cce Dde Ee eff 10 If the sts. don t know each other very well yet, you may want to give out index cards with the first names of the sts. or use the cards from exercise 4. 11a Ask sts. to look at the photo ( see TIPP on p. 97). Ask for the name of the teacher (Frau Huber), where the people are, and what they do. Refer to p. 8. Play the listening text once. During the second listening, sts. repeat in choral response. Have sts. read out the numbers several times and correct the pronunciation. You may want to have sts. read out the numbers in a chain exercise. see TIPP on p _008_013_kap01*.indd 10 11b To form (new) pairs, you can prepare cards. Write the number on one card and the number written out in letters on the other card. Sts. look for the correct partner ( see TIPP on p. 49). The pairs then practice the numbers by alternately counting out loud. More advanced sts. can also try this with closed books or by counting backwards. All sts. should be able to count to 20 by the end of this exercise. Practice once more with the chain exercise from exercise 11a. VARIATION: You could also write the numbers on slips of paper and randomly pick one to hold up to the class. The sts. call out the number. You can reuse the number slips in the following sessions to review numbers. MP11b in class. Discuss the mathematical signs. The sts. read out the math exercises in class. Dora helps with it :17:13 Uhr 16 sechzehn

4 11 Die Zahlen von 0 bis 20 a Listen and read the numbers b Practice with a partner. 0 null 10 zehn 20 zwanzig 1 eins 11 elf 2 zwei 12 zwölf 3 drei 13 dreizehn 4 vier 14 vierzehn 5 fünf 15 fünfzehn 6 sechs 16 sechzehn 7 sieben 17 siebzehn 8 acht 18 achtzehn 9 neun 19 neunzehn 12 Fünf drei acht Listen to the numbers. Draw a line from one number to the next. What do you see? 1.12 TM eins zwei drei Eins! Drei! Zwei! Vier! Wie ist deine Telefonnummer? a Listen to the dialog. Read it with a partner Pia: Wie ist deine Telefonnummer? Paul: Pia: Paul: Nein! ! Pia: 7-2 Paul: Und dann Pia: Paul: Ja, genau! Pia: Ich rufe an. Tschüs! b Practice with a partner: Exchange telephone numbers in German. Speaking only! 14 Wie alt bist du? a Listen to the dialog. Read the dialog with a partner Pia: Wie alt bist du, Paul? Paul: Ich bin 14. Und du? Pia: Ich bin 13 Jahre alt. b Practice the dialog with a partner. Then act it out for the class. elf Make a copy of the re - producible page for exercise 12, cut it in strips, and hand one of the strips to each st.. Also make a copy for the OHP. It is recommended that the sts. use a pencil. The sts. hear numbers, which they should connect with each other in the box. Demonstrate the first two to three steps on the OHP. One st. combines the numbers on the OHP sheet. The projector is turned off. Play the first listening text several times if necessary. Compare with the OHP sheet, before you go on to play the next text. Answer: 1 Haus; 2 eins; 3 vier 13a Sts. look at the picture. Ask them who the people are, what they are holding in their hands, and what they are doing. Play the dialog once. The sts. read the dialog with a partner. Then a few pairs read it out loud. Watch for pronunciation. see TIPP on p b Sts. dictate their own telephone number to their partner. For some assistance, sts. may want to have a look at the dialog in exercise 13a again. Sts. may want to create a class telephone list with everyone s phone number. VARIATION: Prepare cards with made up phone numbers and hand them out in class. The sts. get up and look for a partner, ask each other for their phone number and then go on to the next partner. see TIPP on p. 31 MP13 in class or as homework 14a-b Ask sts. to practice the dialog with their own name and age, too. siebzehn 17

5 15a Sts. look at the pictures. Ask them who the people are and where they are (you may want to use English for clarification at some point ( see TIPP on p. 97). Up until now, only Pia and Plato have appeared. The sts. reflect on who the other figures could be and what their relation with each other could be. Play the dialogs once Tag für Tag a Look at the pictures. Listen to the dialogs b-c Sts. read sentences A-F. Hand out a copy from the reproducible page. Sts. match pictures and sentences and complete the dialogs in the bubbles together with a partner. Play the dialogs once again. Sts. then read out the dialogs to the class. You may want to prepare a poster by enlarging the reproducible page. Explain the different greetings and goodbyes in more detail. see TIPP on p. 37 INFO: Young people as well as adults greet and say goodbye to each other by using Hallo and Tschüs. This also applies to children with respect to their parents. After getting up in the morning, one uses Guten Morgen with each other even in a family, however. Otherwise the formulas of Guten Morgen, Guten Tag and Guten Abend are used particularly if people don t know each other very well. Gute Nacht is only used when going to bed. It is not a greeting. Answer: 1D; 2B; 3F; 4A; 5C; 6E TM 3 5 Ulfurstud b Match the statements below to the pictures above. A Guten Tag, Kinder. Guten Morgen, Frau Müller! B Auf Wiedersehen, mein Schatz! Tschüs, Mama! C Guten Abend. D Guten Morgen, Pia! Guten Morgen. E Gute Nacht, Papa! F Hallo, Pia! Hallo, Nadja! c Listen to the dialogs again to check your work zwölf 47421_008_013_kap01*.indd :17:22 Uhr 18 achtzehn

6 W-Fragen und Antworten Wer bist du? Ich bin... Wie heißt du? Ich heiße... Wie heißt er? Er heißt... Wie heißt sie? Sie heißt... Wer ist das? Das ist... Wie ist dein Name/Vorname/Familienname? Mein Name/Vorname/Familienname ist... sich/andere vorstellen Ich bin die Deutschlehrerin. Das ist mein Freund. Er heißt Lukas. Das ist Hanna. Sie ist meine Freundin. Das ist mein Hund. Hallo und tschüs Hallo! Guten Morgen. Guten Tag. Guten Abend. Gute Nacht. Herzlich willkommen! Tschüs. Auf Wiedersehen. buchstabieren ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ, ÄÖÜ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz, äöü, ß Wie buchstabiert man das? Zahlen von 0 bis 20 0 null, 1 eins, 2 zwei, 3 drei, 4 vier, 5 fünf, 6 sechs, 7 sieben, 8 acht, 9 neun, 10 zehn, 11 elf, 12 zwölf, 13 dreizehn, 14 vierzehn, 15 fünfzehn, 16 sechzehn, 17 siebzehn, 18 achtzehn, 19 neunzehn, 20 zwanzig Telefonnummer und Alter Wie ist deine Telefonnummer? Wie alt bist du? Ich bin 14. Ja. Nein. Genau. Entschuldigung! Wie bitte? W-questions and answers Find out names. Wer...? Ich/Du/Er/Sie Wie...? Ich/Du/Er/Sie Wie ist dein Name?... Introducing yourself and others Introduce yourself. Introduce a friend. Ich bin... Das ist... Hello and goodbye Give more greetings. Spelling Recite the alphabet. A, B, C Numbers Count from , 1, 2, 3 Telephone numbers, ages Ask. Wie...? Entschuldigung! dreizehn 13 TIPPS Pronunciation: Correction for pronunciation in the beginning stages can be tricky. The sts. first have to get used to the new and strange sounds. After modeling for the sts., have the sts. practice the difficult words or sentences with choral response. When repeating as a class, the sts. can practice pronunciation loudly and without fear. Pronunciation and spelling: In class, point out repeatedly the connection between pronunciation and spelling. Especially with vowels and diphthongs the opportunity arises to make sts. aware of the simplest rules: written: ei ie eu/äu spoken: ai i oi When you write words on the board in class (e.g. Sophie), you can always point out the connection between spelling and the sounds and have the sts. repeat. Chain exercise: This type of exercise is suited to practice and solidify learning objectives, e.g. certain question-and-answer-combinations, vocabulary, the alphabet or the numbers. A st. begins with a question (e.g. Wie heißt du? / Wie alt bist du? / Wie ist deine Telefonnummer?). His neighbor answers and then poses the same question to his own neighbor and so on. The exercise is completed when everybody has had a chance to speak. The sts. can also be arranged in a circle for this exercise. neunzehn 19

Hallo, ich heiße! 1 Hallo! Guten Tag. a Listen to the dialogs. 1.02. b Listen again and read along.

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DOWNLOAD. Meet and greet. Erste Schritte in Englisch. Anne Scheller. Downloadauszug aus dem Originaltitel: Klasse 3 4

DOWNLOAD. Meet and greet. Erste Schritte in Englisch. Anne Scheller. Downloadauszug aus dem Originaltitel: Klasse 3 4 DOWNLOAD Anne Scheller Meet and greet Erste Schritte in Englisch Klasse 3 4 auszug aus dem Originaltitel: Mit Geschichten, vielfältigen Übungen und Materialien zur Portfolio-Arbeit PAULA THE PIRATE QUEEN


II. Matching. What answers listed below would be logical answers for the following There may be more than one answer for each:

II. Matching. What answers listed below would be logical answers for the following There may be more than one answer for each: KET German I Kapitel 6 Study Sheet Name: I. Listening A. Students should decide if answer given to a question is appropriate is appropriate. Expressions from chapter 6 are used (see dialogues in chapter.)


Slide 3: How to translate must not and needn t with two sentences to illustrate this.

Slide 3: How to translate must not and needn t with two sentences to illustrate this. Teaching notes This resource is designed to revise the use of modal verbs in the present tense and includes a starter card sort, PowerPoint presentation and Word worksheet. Suggested starter activities


Hausaufgabe 1-4. Name: If homework late, explanation: Last class homework is being accepted: If correction late, explanation: Student Self-Grading

Hausaufgabe 1-4. Name: If homework late, explanation: Last class homework is being accepted: If correction late, explanation: Student Self-Grading Hausaufgabe 1-4 To Be Filled Out By Instructor Inspected Self-Grade Accepted Lateness of Homework Accepted Instructor s Grade: Name: To Be Filled Out By Student (White Fields Only) Class # due: 1-4 Turned


Kapitel I: Wer bist du? Study Guide for Test

Kapitel I: Wer bist du? Study Guide for Test Kapitel I: Wer bist du? Study Guide for Test Name: Your Unit 1 Chapter Test will be on. This study guide will help you prepare for the test. The study guide is due on. Please read through it carefully


Zu + Infinitiv Constructions

Zu + Infinitiv Constructions Zu + Infinitiv Constructions You have probably noticed that in many German sentences, infinitives appear with a "zu" before them. These "zu + infinitive" structures are called infinitive clauses, and they're


Orientierungsarbeit Englisch

Orientierungsarbeit Englisch Sächsisches Staatsministerium Geltungsbereich: Klassenstufe 6 für Kultus Mittelschule / Förderschule Schuljahr 2007/2008 Orientierungsarbeit Englisch Mittelschule Klassenstufe 6 Material für Schüler Allgemeine


Haslingden High School MFL Faculty Y8 German Block A Homework In der Stadt

Haslingden High School MFL Faculty Y8 German Block A Homework In der Stadt Haslingden High School MFL Faculty Y8 German Block A Homework In der Stadt Name: Form: Subject Teacher: Date Given: Date to Hand in: Grades: Reading Writing WWW: KS3 Target : Effort : House Points: IOTI





Im Original veränderbare Word-Dateien

Im Original veränderbare Word-Dateien Schulaufgabe aus dem Englischen Klasse:... Name:... gehalten am:... 1. Dictation 2. Compare these things! Take the given adjectives in brackets and use the comparative once and the superlative once. (1)


Nürnberg und der Christkindlesmarkt: Ein erlebnisreicher Tag in Nürnberg (German Edition)

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Wer bin ich - und wenn ja wie viele?: Eine philosophische Reise. Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically

Wer bin ich - und wenn ja wie viele?: Eine philosophische Reise. Click here if your download doesnt start automatically Wer bin ich - und wenn ja wie viele?: Eine philosophische Reise Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Wer bin ich - und wenn ja wie viele?: Eine philosophische Reise Wer bin ich - und


Der Topos Mütterlichkeit am Beispiel Bertolt Brechts "Der kaukasische Kreidekreis" und "Mutter Courage und ihre Kinder" (German Edition)

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2 von 30 Halloween (Kl. 8/9) Exploring life and culture 12 IV. A spooky and special holiday Eine Lerntheke zu Halloween auf zwei Niveaus (Klassen 8/9)

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Materialien zu unseren Lehrwerken

Materialien zu unseren Lehrwerken Word order Word order is important in English. The word order for subjects, verbs and objects is normally fixed. The word order for adverbial and prepositional phrases is more flexible, but their position





Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening

Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference 4 3 7 5 0 1 Surname Signature Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening Friday 22 May 2009 Morning Time: 30 minutes (plus reading


Mercedes OM 636: Handbuch und Ersatzteilkatalog (German Edition)

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Duell auf offener Straße: Wenn sich Hunde an der Leine aggressiv verhalten (Cadmos Hundebuch) (German Edition)

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Max und Moritz: Eine Bubengeschichte in Sieben Streichen (German Edition)

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English grammar BLOCK F:

English grammar BLOCK F: Grammatik der englischen Sprache UNIT 24 2. Klasse Seite 1 von 13 English grammar BLOCK F: UNIT 21 Say it more politely Kennzeichen der Modalverben May and can Adverbs of manner Irregular adverbs Synonyms


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Die besten Chuck Norris Witze: Alle Fakten über den härtesten Mann der Welt (German Edition)

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Question words revision

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Wortschatzliste 1-1. Students will be able to greet and say good-bye to others. Fine! / Good! / Well! Unit 1: Getting to Know You

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Deutsch 1 Kapitel 6: Meine Sachen items in a house, pronouns, adjectives, prepositions. Name: Seite

Deutsch 1 Kapitel 6: Meine Sachen items in a house, pronouns, adjectives, prepositions. Name: Seite 1. Label 10 things in the room with the correct gender (die, der, das) 2. Find the nine words related to household furnishing in the puzzle below. 3. Find the missing pieces of furniture. 4. The movers


Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening

Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference 4 3 7 5 0 1 Surname Signature Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening Tuesday 22 May 2007 Afternoon Time: 30 minutes (plus


Grammar summary. Statements. W-questions and answers. Yes/No-questions and answers. Sentences and W-questions with können

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BIRTHDAY PRESENTS FOR GRANDMOTHERS BIRTHDAY PRESENTS FOR GRANDMOTHERS Fertigkeit Hören Relevante(r) Deskriptor(en) Deskriptor 5: Kann einfachen Interviews, Berichten, Hörspielen und Sketches zu vertrauten Themen folgen. (B1) Themenbereich(e)


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Paper Reference. German Paper 1F Listening and Responding Foundation Tier Friday 22 May 2009 Morning Time: 30 minutes (+5 minutes reading time)

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Wie man heute die Liebe fürs Leben findet

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Fachübersetzen - Ein Lehrbuch für Theorie und Praxis

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Was Sie schon immer über Teneriffa wissen wollten: Erklärungen & Wissenswertes, Tipps & Highlights (German Edition)

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Wortschatzliste 1-1. Students will be able to greet and say good-bye to others. Fine! / Good! / Well! Unit 1: Getting to Know You

Wortschatzliste 1-1. Students will be able to greet and say good-bye to others. Fine! / Good! / Well! Unit 1: Getting to Know You Wortschatzliste 1-1 Students will be able to greet and say good-bye to others. Guten Tag! Hallo! Guten Morgen! Morgen! Guten Abend! Gute Nacht! Grüβ Gott! Grüβ dich! Auf Wiedersehen! Tschüs! Tschau! Bis


BIG PICTURE. Vocabulary that you need to know for the exam: Personal plans for the future. Reasons. What you would do if you could

BIG PICTURE. Vocabulary that you need to know for the exam: Personal plans for the future. Reasons. What you would do if you could Yr 9 German Assessment Preparation SUM 1 BIG PICTURE Vocabulary that you need to know for the exam: Personal plans for the future Reasons What you would do if you could Cultural knowledge about German


Haslingden High School German - Y8 2 nd MFL Block B - HOMEWORK Familie und Freizeit

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Accelerating Information Technology Innovation

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Ein Stern in dunkler Nacht Die schoensten Weihnachtsgeschichten. Click here if your download doesnt start automatically Ein Stern in dunkler Nacht Die schoensten Weihnachtsgeschichten Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Ein Stern in dunkler Nacht Die schoensten Weihnachtsgeschichten Ein Stern in dunkler


Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening

Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference 4 3 7 5 0 1 Surname Signature Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening Monday 17 November 2008 Morning Time: 30 minutes (plus


DOWNLOAD. Me and my body. Erste Schritte in Englisch. Anne Scheller. Downloadauszug aus dem Originaltitel: Klasse 3 4

DOWNLOAD. Me and my body. Erste Schritte in Englisch. Anne Scheller. Downloadauszug aus dem Originaltitel: Klasse 3 4 DOWNLOAD Anne Scheller Me and my body Erste Schritte in Englisch Klasse 3 4 auszug aus dem Originaltitel: Mit Geschichten, vielfältigen Übungen und Materialien zur Portfolio-Arbeit THE TERRIBLE TOM Luke


Star Trek: die Serien, die Filme, die Darsteller: Interessante Infod, zusammengestellt aus Wikipedia-Seiten (German Edition)

Star Trek: die Serien, die Filme, die Darsteller: Interessante Infod, zusammengestellt aus Wikipedia-Seiten (German Edition) Star Trek: die Serien, die Filme, die Darsteller: Interessante Infod, zusammengestellt aus Wikipedia-Seiten (German Edition) Doktor Googelberg Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Star


Unterrichtsmaterialien in digitaler und in gedruckter Form. Auszug aus: Vertretungsstunde Englisch 5. Klasse: Grammatik

Unterrichtsmaterialien in digitaler und in gedruckter Form. Auszug aus: Vertretungsstunde Englisch 5. Klasse: Grammatik Unterrichtsmaterialien in digitaler und in gedruckter Form Auszug aus: Vertretungsstunde Englisch 5. Klasse: Grammatik Das komplette Material finden Sie hier: School-Scout.de Pronouns I Let s talk about


Future plans. Exercise 1: Read the text below.

Future plans. Exercise 1: Read the text below. Exercise 1: Read the text below. Future plans Nächstes Jahr werde ich die Schule verlassen, weil ich die Schule hasse. Mit 18 werde ich einen Job finden. Ich möchte in einem Büro arbeiten, weil ich als


Martin Luther. Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically

Martin Luther. Click here if your download doesnt start automatically Die schönsten Kirchenlieder von Luther (Vollständige Ausgabe): Gesammelte Gedichte: Ach Gott, vom Himmel sieh darein + Nun bitten wir den Heiligen Geist... der Unweisen Mund... (German Edition) Martin


Harry gefangen in der Zeit Begleitmaterialien

Harry gefangen in der Zeit Begleitmaterialien Folge 029 Grammatik 1. The pronoun "es" (review) "es" is a pronoun that usually substitutes a neuter noun. Example: Ist das Bett zu hart? - Nein, es ist nicht zu hart. (es = it das Bett = the bed) But:


Arbeitsanweisungen Deutsch Englisch

Arbeitsanweisungen Deutsch Englisch Kapitel 1 Hallo! Chapter1 Hello! 1 Guten Tag 1 Hello! b b c Hören Sie und schreiben Sie. c Listen and write. d Step by step Practice. 2 Auf Wiederschauen 2 Goodbye a Hören Sie und ordnen Sie zu. a Listen


Worksheet 1: Don t worry, be happy!

Worksheet 1: Don t worry, be happy! Worksheet 1: Don t worry, be happy! Task 1: Listen to the song Don t Worry, Be Happy by Bobby McFerrin. Try to find out how many times the word happy appears in the song. Write the number down. Voc.: to


Level 2 German, 2013

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Der ischämische Schlaganfall: Eine praxisorientierte Darstellung von Pathophysiologie, Diagnostik und Therapie (Klinische Neurologie) (German Edition)

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Level 1 German, 2016

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Level 1 German, 2011

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Relative clauses in German

Relative clauses in German Grammar notes In English you can miss out the relative pronoun when translating from German, but in German it has to be there. Ich habe eine Schwester, die Louise heißt. = I have a sister called Louise.
