Innofüher: Innovation in LLL Fremdenführer Trainings, Fremdenführer als Partner für ein nachhaltiges, vielfältiges und aufregendes Europa!

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Innofüher: Innovation in LLL Fremdenführer Trainings, Fremdenführer als Partner für ein nachhaltiges, vielfältiges und aufregendes Europa! 510487-LLP-1-2010-1-BE-LEONARDO-LMP 1

LLP-1-2010-1-BE- LEONARDO-LMP) Projektinformation Titel: Projektnummer: Innofüher: Innovation in LLL Fremdenführer Trainings, Fremdenführer als Partner für ein nachhaltiges, vielfältiges und aufregendes Europa! 510487-LLP-1-2010-1-BE-LEONARDO-LMP Jahr: 2010 Projekttyp: Status: Marketing Text: Zusammenfassung: Beschreibung: Innovationsentwicklung abgeschlossen EU-Zentralisierte Projekte Fremdenführer arbeiten in einem lokalen, regionalen, nationalen und europäischen Umfeld. Sie können im europäischen Integrationsprozess eine sehr wichtige Rolle spielen, indem Sie das Verständnis für verschiedene kulturelle Hintergründe steigern und die europäische Identität bewerben. Sie können auch das Bewusstsein der Touristen für den nachhaltigen Tourismus in Europa steigern. Darüber hinaus können Fremdenführer den Erwerb von Schlüsselkompetenzen für LLL für Touristen erleichtern. Jedoch sind diese Elemente momentan kein substantieller Teil in der Ausbildung der Fremdenführer. Das innovative Schlüsselelement ist es die Basis der benötigten europäischen Rahmenbedingungen zu generieren und dies als integralen Teil der zukünftigen Berufsausbildung zu promoten. Diese integrierte europäische Annäherung wird durch geteiltes inhaltliches Verständnis sowie auch durch die Entwicklung der pädagogischen Instrumente einen beachtlichen Einfluss auf den europäischen Level sicherstellen. The objectives of the 3 year project are: - to make a comparative study of the training programmes for tourist guides in the partner countries. They will be compared on level (EQF norm), duration and content. The outcome will support the development of the new training modules. - to develop 3 training modules (and 3 trainers manuals) in English for teachers of tourist guides and for tourist guides (in training) studying at level 4 or 5 of the EQF. The modules will focus on sustainability, intercultural skills and creation of (LLL-)experience. The materials will integrate the Eur. dimension by developing a common practice and by enhancing mobility between trainers. Competences aimed at in the three modules will be developed in relation to descriptors at level 4 and 5. The modules will be tested, peer reviewed and finalised. - to establish a platform for sharing of the experiences to ensure active continuation. In the implementation an interactive knowledge transfer model is developed to facilitate efficient dissemination, valorisation and future sharing of the innovations. The project has three concrete aims: - to benchmark the current professional training programme of tourist guides to the EQF reference via a comparative study in each partner country and in relation to the European standard made up by the CEN. - to develop new European training modules for trainers and guides, integrating in every module common European vision and practices. The topics covered are: a) Sustainability A module to strenghten the tourist guide to be a significant partner in Europe's sustainable development. Guides' interpretative skills are important because of the influence they can have in the environmental, socio-cultural and economic arenas of an area. b) Intercultural skills and European dimension A module exploring on the different ways in which tourist guides can bridge the gap between different cultures within Europe and between Europe and other cultures. The European dimension, which is present in all modules, is emphasised here because this module will expand on the role of European Union, the way in which guides can clearify that role to tourists and on Europe's unique culture and its contribution to world heritage. b) Creation of experience A module on how to create different experiences (smelling, feeling,...but also a LLLexperience) in a guided tour. Stories and storytelling can distinguish both destination 2

LLP-1-2010-1-BE- LEONARDO-LMP) Projektinformation and guides and will be tackled in this module. - To stimulate mobility between teachers and students. The European modules should be validated in the partner countries. Train-the-trainersessions for teachers of tourist guides will be organised to test the developed materials. In a second phase students can follow foreign courses in the institutes of the partner countries. The e-learning is an integrated part of the programme to ensure a flexible lifelong learning strategy. The mobility of teachers during the project will assist in developing a shared understanding of the framework. The intended users are primarily the organisations providing vocational training for tourist guides. However the tools will be useful for alle organisations active in the training of tourist guides across Europe. In addition, national tourist guide associations and the European Federation of Tourist Guides Associations (FEG) will benefit from the material that will be generated. The partnership involves training centres for tourist guides, governmental tourist bodies with strong links to the national and regional tourist guide associations, schools and universities that have tourism courses and private non- profit organisations with expertise in tourism education and LLL learning projects. The project will - allow tourist guide training providers across Europe to include in their courses components that address sustainability while stressing European intercultural mediation as a contribution to LLL; - facilitate the intercultural dialogue between tourists and guides; - increase tourists' awareness about environmental and socio-cultural challenges thus promote a sustainable tourism; - improve the quality of training programmes for tourist guides and of qualification systems across Europe in a LLL perspective. While the project is progressing the appropriate information will be published on the project website. The summary of research information, good practices and recommendations will be published online during and beyond the life of the project. Through access to the partners' network, the project will be presented and discussed around Europe. The long term target groups will be the organisations working in the tourism sector in all Member States. In particular the organisations that are involved in training and/or employing tourist guides. The target organisations therefore include the local authorities with responsability in tourism, LLP national agencies, public and private tourism institutions, vocational schools and universities. The group will be reached thanks to the wide contacts of the partnership with European tourism sector. It should be noticed that several partners in this project are linked to the national governmental tourist bodies and have strong links with guide associations and training providers. Partners that provide training courses for tourist guides, will include these modules in their permanent courses. Each partner will stimulate the introduction of these modules in the permanent courses for tourist guides across Europe via their national and international networks. Partners will also provide lectures at conferences presenting (the results of) the project and publications in professional journals Themen: *** Nutzung und Verbreitung von Ergebnissen *** Qualität *** Interkulturelles Lernen *** Nachhaltigkeit *** Lebenslanges Lernen *** Anerkennung, Transparenz, Zertifizierung *** Berufsorientierung und -beratung ** Arbeitsmarkt ** Fernlehre 3

LLP-1-2010-1-BE- LEONARDO-LMP) Projektinformation Sektoren: Produkt Typen: Produktinformation: Projektwebseite: ** Ökologie * Sozialer Dialog * Unternehmen, KMU *** Erbringung von Sonstigen Dienstleistungen *** Erziehung und Unterricht *** Kunst, Unterhaltung und Erholung * Erbringung von Freiberuflichen, Wissenschaftlichen und Technischen Dienstleistungen * Information und Kommunikation Evaluierungsmethoden Unterlagen für offenen Unterricht andere Module Fernlehre Verfahren zur Analyse und Prognose des Berufsbildungsbedarfes Programme/Curricula Transparenz und Zertifizierung Lehrmaterial Homepage - Development of training modules, and manuals for trainers. - Publications - Study on the training programmes for guides in 8 countries digital report - Current practices in guide training digital report - Train-the-trainer-sessions - website/forum - e-learning courses - The e-learning system embedded in the website will make the courses accessible to everybody. A wide set of information, good practices and recommendations will be publicised online during and beyond the life of the project. This will allow institutions and practitioners working in tourism to exploit good practices in tourism sustainability, intercultural exchange and creation of experience. 4

LLP-1-2010-1-BE- LEONARDO-LMP) Vertragnehmer Land/Region: Organisationstyp: Toerisme Vlaanderen/Tourist Office For Flanders Brussels Bruxelles Cap, Brussel Hof BE-Belgien National Agency Kontaktperson Adresse: Telefon: Fax: E-Mail: Petra Huyst BE-Belgien 0032 50 40 461 0032 50 40 405 5

LLP-1-2010-1-BE- LEONARDO-LMP) Koordinator Land/Region: Organisationstyp: Toerisme Vlaanderen/Tourist Office For Flanders Brussels Bruxelles Cap, Brussel Hof BE-Belgien National Agency Kontaktperson Adresse: Telefon: Fax: E-Mail: Petra Huyst BE-Belgien 0032 50 40 461 0032 50 40 405 6

Partner Partner 1 Land/Region: Organisationstyp: Centro Di Ricerche Economiche e Sociali Rome Lazio IT-Italien Forschungseinrichtung Partner 2 Land/Region: Organisationstyp: Turismo Sant Ignasi (ESADE-Universitat Ramon Llull) Barcelona Cataluna ES-Spanien Universität/Fachhochschule/Akademie Partner 3 Land/Region: Organisationstyp: Generalitat de Catalunya Direcció general de Turisme Barcelona Cataluna ES-Spanien Öffentliche Einrichtung Partner 4 Land/Region: Organisationstyp: Institute of Tourism Studies St. Julians Malta MT-Malta Weiterbildungseinrichtung 7

Partner Partner 5 Land/Region: Organisationstyp: Universitetet i Stavanger (University of Stavanger) Stavanger Agder Og Rogaland NO-Norwegen Universität/Fachhochschule/Akademie Partner 6 Land/Region: Organisationstyp: Stichting NHTV Internationale hogeschool Breda Breda Zuid-Holland NL-Niederlande Universität/Fachhochschule/Akademie Partner 7 Land/Region: Organisationstyp: Toerisme Vlaanderen Bruxelles Cap, Brussel Hof BE-Belgien National Agency Partner 8 Land/Region: Organisationstyp: Kodolanyi Janos University of Applied Sciences Székesfehérvár Közép-Dunántúl HU-Ungarn National Agency 8

Partner Partner 9 Land/Region: Organisationstyp: Via Via Tourism Academy Mechelen Antwerpen BE-Belgien Verband/nicht regierungsgebundene Organisation Partner 10 Land/Region: Organisationstyp: Centre de Culture Européenne Saint-Jean-d Angély Poitou-Charente FR-Frankreich Verband/nicht regierungsgebundene Organisation 9

Projektdateien 10 Newsletter FullTurisme..htm 2010_3563_FR_ITGT_pub.pdf 3 Focus group overview report.pdf 5 Learning outcomes for module on sustainable tourist guiding..pdf 6 Learning outcomes for module on interculturality..pdf 7 Learning outcomes for module on experiential tourist guiding.pdf 8 Innoguide dissemination leaflet.pdf 9 Innoguide powerpoint presentation.pdf executive summary pdf.pdf Innoguide 2012 LR.pdf Interim_report_public_part_2010_3563_PR_ITGT_pub.pdf Interim public report 10

Produkte 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Study on training programmes for guides (Study Report) Current practices in guide training (Study Report) Sustainable tourist guiding Intercultural European tourist guiding Experiential tourist guiding Innoguide portal/website Innoguide dissemination materials Innoguide conference Interim public report Final report public part 11

Produkt 'Study on training programmes for guides (Study Report)' Titel: Study on training programmes for guides (Study Report) Produkttyp: andere Marketing Text: Beschreibung: Zielgruppe: Resultat: Anwendungsbereich: Produktsprachen: Englisch product files 10 Newsletter FullTurisme..htm 1 Innoguide research report.pdf 2 Executive summary Innoguide research report.pdf 3 Focus group overview report.pdf 5 Learning outcomes for module on sustainable tourist guiding..pdf 6 Learning outcomes for module on interculturality..pdf 7 Learning outcomes for module on experiential tourist guiding.pdf 8 Innoguide dissemination leaflet.pdf 9 Innoguide powerpoint presentation.pdf innoguide research study &prd=1 12

product files 1 Innoguide research report.pdf 3 Focus group overview report.pdf

Produkt 'Current practices in guide training (Study Report)' Titel: Current practices in guide training (Study Report) Produkttyp: Marketing Text: Beschreibung: Zielgruppe: Resultat: Anwendungsbereich: Produktsprachen: product files 2 Executive summary Innoguide research report.pdf Executive summary of the research report Innoguide research study executive summary 2 Executive summary Innoguide research report.pdf &prd=2 14

Produkt 'Sustainable tourist guiding' Innofüher: Innovation in LLL Fremdenführer Trainings, Fremdenführer als Partner für Titel: Sustainable tourist guiding Produkttyp: Lehrmaterial Marketing Text: Beschreibung: Zielgruppe: Resultat: Anwendungsbereich: Produktsprachen: product files sustainable tourist guiding 5 Learning outcomes for module on sustainable tourist guiding..pdf &prd=3 15

Produkt 'Intercultural European tourist guiding' Titel: Intercultural European tourist guiding Produkttyp: Lehrmaterial Marketing Text: Beschreibung: Zielgruppe: Resultat: Anwendungsbereich: Produktsprachen: Englisch product files intercultural tourist guiding 6 Learning outcomes for module on interculturality..pdf &prd=4 16

Produkt 'Experiential tourist guiding' Innofüher: Innovation in LLL Fremdenführer Trainings, Fremdenführer als Partner für Titel: Experiential tourist guiding Produkttyp: Lehrmaterial Marketing Text: Beschreibung: Zielgruppe: Resultat: Anwendungsbereich: Produktsprachen: product files Experiential guiding 7 Learning outcomes for module on experiential tourist guiding.pdf &prd=5 17

Produkt 'Innoguide portal/website' Innofüher: Innovation in LLL Fremdenführer Trainings, Fremdenführer als Partner für Titel: Innoguide portal/website Produkttyp: Homepage Marketing Text: Beschreibung: Zielgruppe: Resultat: Anwendungsbereich: Produktsprachen: Englisch product files Innoguide website and portal 4 Links to the Innoguide website and moodle.pdf &prd=6 18

Produkt 'Innoguide dissemination materials' Innofüher: Innovation in LLL Fremdenführer Trainings, Fremdenführer als Partner für Titel: Innoguide dissemination materials Produkttyp: andere Marketing Text: Beschreibung: Zielgruppe: Resultat: Anwendungsbereich: Produktsprachen: product files Innoguide dissemination 10 Newsletter FullTurisme..htm 8 Innoguide dissemination leaflet.pdf &prd=7 19

Produkt 'Innoguide conference' Innofüher: Innovation in LLL Fremdenführer Trainings, Fremdenführer als Partner für Titel: Innoguide conference Produkttyp: Marketing Text: Beschreibung: Zielgruppe: Resultat: Anwendungsbereich: Produktsprachen: product files Innoguide conference presentation 9 Innoguide powerpoint presentation.pdf &prd=9 20

Produkt 'Interim public report' Innofüher: Innovation in LLL Fremdenführer Trainings, Fremdenführer als Partner für Titel: Interim public report Produkttyp: andere Marketing Text: Tourist guides work in a local, regional, national and European context. As such they play an important role in increasing mutual understanding and in stimulating the development of a European identity. More concretely this project: Makes a comparative study of the training programmes for tourist guides Develops three training modules in English for teachers of tourist guides and for tourist guides (in training). The modules deal with sustainability, interculturality and experiential guiding. These three topics are the central competences of this project. Establishes a platform for sharing experiences to ensure active continuation and to stimulate mobility between teachers and students. Beschreibung: 2. PROJECT OBJECTIVES 6 3. PROJECT APPROACH 7 4. PROJECT OUTCOMES & RESULTS 10 5. PARTNERSHIPS 12 6. PLANS FOR THE FUTURE 14 7. CONTRIBUTION TO EU POLICIES 15 Zielgruppe: Tourism guides, vocational trainers, public authorities in charge of tourism Resultat: Progress results of the project Anwendungsbereich: Tourism sector Produktsprachen: Englisch product files Interim_report_public_part_2010_3563_PR_ITGT_pub.pdf Interim public report &prd=10 21

Produkt 'Final report public part' Innofüher: Innovation in LLL Fremdenführer Trainings, Fremdenführer als Partner für Titel: Final report public part Produkttyp: andere Marketing Text: Beschreibung: Zielgruppe: Resultat: Anwendungsbereich: Produktsprachen: Englisch product files 2010_3563_FR_ITGT_pub.pdf &prd=11 22

Veranstaltungen Brussels final meeting Datum 19.09.2013 Beschreibung A two day closing event of the Innoguide project. On Thursday 19th September the results of the project are presented to the general public. On Friday 20th September there is a workshop day where participants discover the online teaching modules more in-depth Zielgruppe Öffentlich Kontaktinformation Zeitpunkt und Ort General public but guide trainers, guides and guide organisations in particular Öffentliche Veranstaltung 19/09/2013-20/09/2013 Barcelona meeting Datum 18.03.2013 Beschreibung Zielgruppe Öffentlich all project partners of Innoguide Geschlossene Veranstaltung Kontaktinformation Zeitpunkt und Ort 18-20 March 2013 Hungary meeting 5-7 September 2012 Datum 05.09.2012 Beschreibung Zielgruppe Öffentlich Geschlossene Veranstaltung Kontaktinformation Zeitpunkt und Ort 5-7 September, Hungary 23

Veranstaltungen Brussels'meeting 2012 Datum 01.02.2012 Beschreibung Zielgruppe Öffentlich Project partners, content and field experts, general public Geschlossene Veranstaltung Kontaktinformation Zeitpunkt und Ort 01-03 February 2012, Brussels Stavanger meeting Datum 07.09.2011 Beschreibung Zielgruppe Öffentlich project partners' meeting Geschlossene Veranstaltung Kontaktinformation Zeitpunkt und Ort Stavanger, 7-10 September 2011 Steering committee meeting Datum 10.11.2010 Beschreibung Zielgruppe Öffentlich Kontaktinformation Zeitpunkt und Ort Meeting to discuss and plan financial reporting and dissemination activities Co-ordinators Geschlossene Veranstaltung Brussels, 12-11-2010 24

Veranstaltungen Kick off meeting Datum 13.10.2010 Beschreibung Zielgruppe Öffentlich Kontaktinformation Zeitpunkt und Ort Kick off meeting for the start up of the project partners Geschlossene Veranstaltung Breda (Netherlands), 13-15 October 2010 Brussels' meeting 4-5 July 2011 Datum 04.07.2010 Beschreibung Zielgruppe Öffentlich Geschlossene Veranstaltung Kontaktinformation Zeitpunkt und Ort Brussels, 4-5 July 2011 25

Project Tags The project belongs to the following group(s): Best Projects ( 23