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Kalifornien Sehr geehrte Kunden, liebe Weinfreunde, Oberndorfer Str. 2 D-78628 Rottweil Tel. 0741 / 1 72 06 Fax 0741 / 1 72 07 info@bacchus-vinothek.com www.bacchus-vinothek.com Aktualisiert am 16. Mai 2016 warum Kalifornien?? Das werde ich heute eigentlich nur noch von den Kunden gefragt, die noch keinen oder nur wenige Weine aus dem Golden State getrunken haben. Weine aus Kalifornien sind fett, plump und überholzt. Stimmt auch diese Phase gab es. Aber für die Weine, um die es uns geht, ist dies schon lange Vergangenheit. Weine aus Frankreich, allen voran die Rotweine aus Bordeaux, sind auch heute noch der Inbegriff für Finesse, Struktur und Komplexität. Bei den Weißweinen steht vor allem der deutsche Wein und die weißen Burgunder für feine Nuancen und Eleganz. Und es ist deshalb sicher kein Zufall, dass es vor allem Winzer, Châteaubesitzer und Oenologen aus Bordeaux und Deutschland sind, die sich seit Jahrzehnten in Kalifornien engagieren und die besten Weine erzeugen. Namen wie Schug, Krug oder Moueix, Rothschild, Derenoncourt, Stephane Asseo oder Pierre Salin,. Die ersten vinologischen Schritte unternahmen spanische Missionare auf dem trockenen Weg von Mexiko nach Mendocino. 21 Missionsstationen wurden errichtet und überall musste für Messwein gesorgt werden. Es folgte eine turbulente Geschichte für Kalifornien und den kalifornischen Weinbau. Goldrausch, Prohibition, Weltwirtschaftskrise, Weltkriege,.. Auch dem Weinbau blieb nichts erspart. Aber der amerikanische Geist gibt nicht auf. Nach jedem Hurricane scheint die Sonne wieder und man beginnt, zerstörte Häuser wieder aufzurichten und möglichst bald wieder zum normalen Leben überzugehen. So auch beim kalifornischen Weinbau. Noch in den 50er und 60er Jahren des letzten Jahrhunderts wurden einfache und einfachste Weine erzeugt. Nur wenige Winzer konzentrierten sich auf die Erzeugung von wirklichen Qualitätsweinen. Als aber der kalifornische Weinbau durch the judgement of Paris 1976 über Nacht zu internationaler Anerkennung kam, stand fortan die Qualität im Vordergrund. Kalifornische Chardonnay und Cabernet belegten die ersten Plätze vor Mouton, Haut-Brion, Ramonet oder Leflaive. Aus heutiger Sicht sehe ich den Wettkampf zwischen Kalifornien auf der einen und den besten französischen Weinen auf der anderen Seite als Initialzündung, das große Potential zu wecken, welches in der kalifornischen Weinregion schlummerte. Mehr nicht. Ständig Vergleiche zu ziehen, wird den Weinen nicht gerecht. Klingt Bach besser als Mozart? Malte Van Gogh besser als Cézanne? Keine Konkurrenz. Genuss in unterschiedlicher Art auf höchstem Niveau. Französische Rebsorten wie Cabernet oder Merlot, Pinot Noir und Chardonnay trafen auf optimales Terroir gepaart mit amerikanischem Pioniergeist. Bordeaux war Lehrer. Seit mehr als 200 Jahren blicken die Winzer weltweit auf diese Region und die Weine sind Nimbus und Ziel. Auch im Westen der USA orientierte sich alles an diesen großen Weinen. Kalifornien war Schüler. Aber dieses Weinbauland hat sich entwickelt, ist erwachsen geworden. Die USA sind ein verhältnismäßig junges Land und heute Großmacht. Kalifornien ist eine verhältnismäßig junge Weinbauregion, aber zählt heute zur absoluten Weltspitze. Nur selten lernt der Lehrer aber auch vom Schüler. In diesem Fall ist es so. Bordeaux bewegt sich heute auf Kalifornien zu. Warme Frucht, reife Tannine, frühere Trinkreife, ohne an Lagerfähigkeit einzubüßen. Dies war lange Jahre ein Attribut der kalifornischen Weine. Nun zieht Bordeaux nach. Gibt es eine größere Anerkennung für die Qualität der kalifornischen Weine und das Engagement der Winzer??? Die Weine beider Provenienzen kitzeln offensichtlich dieselben Stellen am Gaumen. Denn unsere besten Bordeauxkunden sind auch unsere besten Kunden für kalifornische Weine und umgekehrt. Wenn Sie also ohnehin schon Kalifornienliebhaber sind, so sollten Sie sich doch einmal einen Bordeaux einschenken und als Bordeauxliebhaber sollten Sie sich die großartige Qualität der heutigen Kalifornier nicht entgehen lassen. Ihr Michael Grimm

Art. Jahr Wein Weingut Einh. EUR/Fl. EUR/Fl. netto brutto Roederer Estate Anderson Valley - Sparkling 11384 Quartet Brut Sparkling Brut 0,75 25,13 29,90 Roederer Estate Brut, the California sparkling wine produced by Champagne Louis Roederer, builds upon a 200-year tradition of fine winemaking that has made Roederer Champagne among the most sought-after wines in the world. Roederer Estate's winemaking style is based on two elements: ownership of its own vineyards and the addition of oak-aged reserve wines to each year's blend or cuvée. All the grapes for the Anderson Valley wines are grown on the Estate. Oak-aged wines from the Estate's reserve cellars are added to the blend, creating a multi-vintage cuvée in the traditional Louis Roederer style. Only the cuvée (first pressing of 120 gallons/ton) is used; no premiere or deuxieme taille. The fermentation takes place in high-grade stainless steel tanks at 65 degrees Fahrenheit. Zero to minimal malolactic fermentation is used in order to ensure the wines age well and retain the fresh, precise and well-defined style that is one of the characteristics of Roederer Estate wines. 12339 Quartet Rose Sparkling Brut 0,75 25,13 29,90 As with most rosés primarily made with more Pinot Noir than Chardonnay, the Roederer Estate Rosé is a blend of 60% Pinot Noir and 40% Chardonnay. For color, the winemaker prepares a small portion of Pinot Noir with extended maceration and adds about 5 percent to the blend before secondary fermentation, imparting a subtle salmon tinge. Both the 60/40 blend and addition of the small amount of red wine create a charming wine of discreet finesse. Trentadue North Coast 8142 2013 Trentadue Old Patch Red 0,75 13,36 15,90 Cooper Henderson: Old Patch Red- Lot #41 is comprised of 48% Zinfandel, 29% Petite Sirah and 23% Carignane. This is a delicious "bistro" blend with an elegant smooth mouthfeel. Flavors of black cherries and plums followed by a little pepper and spice! This wine is guaranteed to please all palat Greystone Cellars California Im Herzen des Napa Valley befindet sich das beeindruckende Steinhaus, welches 1889 gebaut wurde und in welchem zwischen 1950 und 1990 das Weingut Christian Brothers beheimatet war. Heute ist darin das Culinary Institute of America untergebracht. Das Nachbarweingut, Markham Vineyards, erzeugt unter dem label Greystone Cellars eine kleine Selektion an kalifornischen Klassikern für das Culinary Institute. Viel Wein fürs Geld. 6788 2009 Merlot 0,75 8,32 9,90 6787 2011 Sauvignon Blanc 0,75 8,32 9,90

Backhouse California In 1994, Roy and Rachael Cecchetti purchased a two and a half acre parcel in the Sonoma Valley, one mile east of the Plaza. On that parcel, situated next to the grand willow tree and the natural spring fed pond, was an old backhouse. Through some research of the property, it was discovered that the old backhouse was once home to vintners, writers, artists and those who craved the solitude and enjoyment of nature. Backhouse wines were created to bring these memories back to life for a new generation. 3635 2013 Cabernet Sauvignon 0,75 8,32 9,90 7288 2013 Chardonnay 0,75 8,32 9,90 Silver Palm - North Coast At Silver Palm, our passion is creating extraordinary wine. We select choice grapes from the finest wine valleys of northern California and with traditional and cutting-edge artisan winemaking techniques, craft sumptuous, seamless wines that beautifully enhance the dining experience. Some consider us obsessed with quality decorating each of our bottles with platinum, for example but beauty is in the details Silver Palm winemaker Matt Smith sources small lots of grapes from outstanding vineyards in California s leading North Coast wine regions. Using cutting-edge and traditional artisan winemaking techniques, Matt meticulously fashions this superb fruit into delicious wines 1891 2012 Zinfandel 0,75 10,84 12,90 Mother Nature was kind in 2009! Here on the North Coast, we had cool, mild weather, which caused grape ripening to develop slowly and evenly. This resulted in above average fruit quality and full, opulent flavors. "For the premier release of our Chardonnay, made from selected grapes from Sonoma County and Mendocino County, I chose to present the varietal in a chic and elegant manner. By fermenting in stainless steel, I was able to preserve delicate fruit characteristics and avoid any overbearing flavors that an oak barrel might impart. Purpose-built to enhance the dining experience, this wine pairs exceptionally well with a wide variety of light fish and shellfish dishes." Our debut Chardonnay (98% Chardonnay & 2% Viognier) glistens in the glass and greets the nose with the perfume of apple blossom & pear. On the palate, ripe flavors of white peach, Gravenstein apple & Meyer lemon glide seamlessly like a silk ribbon. A near flinty finish provides balanced acidity & leaves the palate yearning for another sip. 13.5% JC Cellars Kalifornien Als ich vor vielen Jahren (1992 = echt vielen) mit den Napa-Valley Vintners auf Tour von Frankfurt nach Stuttgart war, war dies das Motto - Everything Goes! Aber nur wenige leben so sehr nach diesem wie Jeff Cohn. Nach College und Uni-Abschluss arbeitete er sehr bald bei Rosenblum als winemaker. Schnell machte er sich einen Namen und gründete 1996 seine eigene Kellerei. In

Oakland bei San Francisco. Waren Sie schon einmal in Oakland? Weinberge gibt es da nicht. Aber eine klimatisierte Lagerhalle mit Barriques, Gärtanks und es gibt Jeff Cohn. Everything goes! Ein Qualitätsfanatiker. Nur die besten Lagen und Trauben sind ihm gut genug. Eigene Weinberge auf dem Niveau, wie Jeff dies für seine Weine benötigt, kann sich in Kalifornien niemand mehr leisten oder sind einfach nicht zu kaufen. Fred Schrader, Stephane Derenoncourt, Realm, Jonathan Maltus,.sie alle beziehen ihre Trauben von Weinbergen, die bspw. von Legenden wie Andy Beckstoffer ua. bewirtschaftet werden. Jeff hat lange Kontrakte mit growern von feinsten Weinlagen wie Rockpile in Sonoma County, Fess Parker in Santa Barabra oder Stagecoach in Napa. "The Rhône stuff is my passion," sagt Jeff Cohn "but right now we are looking at some Zin vineyards including Dusi Ranch, Sweetwater Springs, Iron Hill, and the remarkable St. Peter s Church Seine besten Weine sind deshalb auch die Rhone-Rebsorten und Zinfandel. Mit seinem 2003er Rockpile Road Zinfandel schaffte er es auf den 3. Platz in der TOP 100 Liste des Magazins Winespectator. Ein Durchbruch. Für Jeff und vor allem auch für die Rebsorte Zinfandel, die es bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch nie so weit nach vorne geschafft hatte. Und nun konnten wir uns einen Anteil an seinen großen 2012er Zinfandel sichern. Wer noch keinen Jeff Cohn getrunken hat, kennt nur einen Teil von Kalifornien. Robert Parker: Jeff Cohn makes a dizzying array of wines, all of which have enormous appeal and character. Sadly, he still does not own any vineyards, but he manages to source fruit from some of the most interesting sites in California, and when they are not mono-cépage wines, he assembles fascinating blends. Cohn is definitely a source for high-quality, full-flavored, pedal-to-the-metal wines. Kudos to Jeff Cohn who has put together 13 riveting wines from fabulous sources that reflect his impeccable craftsmanship. As it says on his labels, You ll never know unless you try it. Bild links. Nina und Michael Grimm mit Jeff Cohn 2012 Jeff Cohn Cellars Zinfandel Rosendin Vyd Parker (95): The sensational 2012 Zinfandel Rosendin Vineyard possesses abundant quantities of blackberry and blueberry fruit, licorice and floral notes, a meaty, full-bodied, opulent mouthfeel, and fabulous purity as well as length. Drink this magnificent Zin over the next 7-8 years 2012 Jeff Cohn Cellars Zinfandel Cassata Vineyard Robert Parker (95): The super-rich, nicely structured, pure, fullbodied, opulent 2012 Zinfandel Cassata Vineyard possesses a heady 15.6% alcohol. This dense purple-colored effort is as good as this varietal can be. Now-2022. 2012 Jeff Cohn Cellars Iron Hill Vineyard Robert Parker (94): The 2012 Zinfandel Iron Hill Vineyard exhibits licorice, blackberry, cassis, jammy cherry, earth and spring flower characteristics. Full-bodied and decadently rich with terrific purity and density, this stunning offering can be drunk over the next decade 8155 2012 Casseta Zinfandel 95 Parker 0,75 32,77 39,00 6163 2012 Iron Hill Zinfandel 94 Parker 0,75 29,41 35,00 6935 2012 Rosendin Vineyard Zinfandel 95 Parker 0,75 32,77 39,00 10474 2009 Syrah - Fess Parker 0,75 19,92 23,70 6064 2009 Syrah - Rockpile Buffalo Hill 0,75 58,74 69,90 5243 2009 Syrah - Rockpile Haley 0,75 39,92 47,50 7963 2009 The Impostor 0,75 39,92 29,00 7962 2009 Zinfandel - St.-Peter's Church 0,75 32,77 39,00 7669 2008 Misc. Stuff 0,75 29,83 35,50 7053 2007 Petite Syrah - Eaglepoint Ranch 0,75 25,13 29,90 1443 2011 Stagecoach Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 0,75 57,98 69,00 Atalon Napa Valley 4832 2004 Cabernet Sauvignon 0,75 25,13 29,90

Parker (90): The impressive 2004 Cabernet Sauvignon comes primarily from a hillside vineyard above Lake Hennessy as well as Howell Mountain, Spring Mountain, and a tiny quantity from Mt. Veeder and Oakville. Its deep ruby/purple color is accompanied by a big, sweet bouquet of creme de cassis, spicy new oak, graphite, and licorice. Full-bodied, powerful, and long in the mouth, it will benefit from 1-3 years of bottle age, and last for 12-15 or more years. Atalon is pure Napa, sourced and blended exclusively from a handful of the valley s most historically significant vineyards. These sites include Keyes Vineyard (Howell Mountain), Stagecoach Vineyard (Atlas Peak), Veeder Peak Vineyard (Mount Veeder), To Kalon Vineyard (Oakville Bench) and Caranalli Vineyard (Saint Helena Bench). Having access to fruit from these sites represents a tremendous quality statement, and in the hands of Tom Peffer, the fruit is blended to create a wine of purpose and intensity that is seldom found at all, much less at a moderate price. These wines are truly an insider s choice, selected from top vineyard sites and blended by a master. Tom s approach is straight-forward: Select vineyards with individuality, those that naturally provide color and concentration; use a basket press to minimize skin tearing and allow for flavor fractioning, primarily use indigenous yeast to provide nuance to the wines, select vineyards with naturally high levels of color and extraction mitigating need for saignée, use only French oak. Create a blend that offers the structural elements necessary for longevity and balance, with an eye out for a lush full mid-palate and finish. In this way, Tom builds a wine much as we would throw a great party. Fruit is selected based on quality and personality and each component is introduced to the others in such a way that they all get along. The result is a memorable event. Caymus - Napa Valley 10139 2012 Cabernet Sauvignon - Special Selection 0,75 166,39 198,00 11418 2012 Cabernet Sauvignon - Special Selection 3,0 718,49 855,00 6148 2013 Cabernet Sauvignon 0,75 63,03 75,00 Blankiet - Napa Valley Blankiet Estate is nestled high on the western foothills of the Mayacamas Mountains above Yountville. The vineyard, named Paradise Hills, is planted on one of the most acclaimed viticultural areas of the Napa Valley. The Estate was created in 1996 by Claude & Katherine Blankiet with the single vision of producing wines in the tradition of the great Bordeaux First Growth. The Goal to produce world-class wines at Blankiet Estate has been accomplished, combining the extraordinary power of the site with unbelievable elegance and definition. Robert Parker Claude and Katherine Blankiet have refined their approach over the last few years. Under the direction of Denis Malbec, the vines are now being farmed with the goal of keeping a more robust canopy in an effort to places less

stress the vines than has been the case in the recent past. In the cellar, Malbec is focusing on longer macerations and gentler extractions. He is also aging the component wines separately for a longer period of time, as opposed to Michel Rolland s approach, which was to create the blends earlier. It will be fascinating to see what develops here. These hillside vineyards are some of the most pristine in the Valley Antonio Galloni 6704 2009 Prince of Hearts Red Wine 91 Parker 0,75 57,98 69,00 2364 2010 Prince of Hearts Red Wine 93 Parker 0,75 66,39 79,00 Parker (93): Blankiet's 2010 Prince of Hearts Paradise Hills Vineyard offers up gorgeous aromatics, refined fruit and a total sense of harmony from the very first taste. Juicy red berries, plums, roses and cinnamon meld together in this effortless, gracious wine. In 2010 the Prince of Hearts boasts lovely depth and roundness backed by the acidity and vibrancy of this great vintage. All of the Blankiet hallmarks are in the glass. If that sounds appealing, believe me, it is. This is a fabulous effort. At many estates, this would be the top wine, here it is the second label. Incidentally, Prince of Hearts is the most fairly priced among the second wines of Napa Valley's elite properties. The 2010 is 76% Cabernet Sauvignon, 20% Merlot, 3% Cabernet Franc and a drop of Petit Verdot. 1694 2010 Blankiet MERLOT Rive Droite 0,75 133,61 159,00 Parker (96+): The 2010 Rive Droite Paradise Hills Vineyard is endowed with serious richness and depth, all backed up by an equally serious core of pure, saline-infused minerality. The Rive Droite is far from an easygoing Merlot-based wine, rather it is endowed with tons of structure and pure power. Today, the 2010 is incredibly young. I don't see it giving much pleasure before the age of ten, but its balance is beyond impeccable. This is a dazzling effort that stands out for its pure energy. The 2010 is 90% Merlot and 10% Cabernet Franc, with a drop of Petit Verdot 7629 2009 Blankiet Estate Proprietary Red - Paradise Hill 95 Parker 0,75 166,39 198,00 7035 2009 Blankiet Estate Proprietary Red - Paradise Hill 95 Parker 1,5 334,45 398,00 Parker (95): The 2009 Proprietary Red Paradise Hills Vineyard (81.8% Cabernet Sauvignon, 16.7% Merlot and the rest Cabernet Franc and Petit Verdot that achieved 14.9% alcohol) exhibits a beautiful perfume of scorched earth, chocolate, espresso beans, creme de cassis, plums and Asian spices. Full-bodied, deep and just beginning to strut its stuff, with formidable tannins in the finish, it has 20-25 years of upside potential. The Blankiet Estate owned by Claude and Katherine Blankiet is beautifully situated on the lower hillsides of the Mayacamas Mountains, just behind the large Napanook estate of Dominus. An enviable group of talented people have provided assistance here, beginning with David Abreu, Helen Turley and John Wetlaufer, followed by Michel Rolland, Martha McLellan, and more recently Denis Malbec. Production remains between 1,800 and 2,500 cases with nearly half of that devoted to their second wine, the Prince of Hearts. The other cuvees include the Proprietary Red (Cabernet Sauvignon-dominated) and the Rive Droite (a Pomerol / St.-Emilion look-a-like wine), and in 2012, they added a tiny, 100% Cabernet Sauvignon cuvee called Mythicus. I could be wrong, but it seems to me these wines, which performed very well, and are among the finest of the so-called cult wines of Napa Valley, remain under-the-radar. Perhaps that is due to the small production. The 2009s are all stunning. In the challenging 2011 vintage, the Blankiets along with their winemaker Denis Malbec have fashioned very good examples, although they are much lighter and less concentrated and authoritative than the top vintages. The 2012s are among the finest wines Blankiet has yet made Beringer - Napa Valley Napa Valley History: The peculiar thing about passion is that it rarely knows any bounds. It has the uncanny power to turn mere objects into an obsession, to transform everyday tasks into art. At Beringer Vineyards, we have been living this passion for over 134 years, and just like our wine it gets better with each passing day. From a humble start as one of the first vineyards in the Napa Valley, our passion for the fine art of winemaking continues to make us a brand synonymous with unsurpassed standards of quality. Furthermore, it is with an equal sense of pride that we share our story, replete with the ups and downs, accomplishments and challenges, with our patrons. We hope you enjoy reading the history of Beringer Vineyards as much as we enjoy recollecting it. The Beginning: Our history dates back to the year 1868, when Jacob Beringer, enticed by the splendid opportunities of the new world, sailed from his home in Mainz, Germany to New York. However, New York did not appeal to Jacob and after hearing that the warm and Mediterranean

plains of California were quite similar to the vineyards back home, he soon made his way to the Napa Valley. It was here that Jacob Beringer, along with his brother, Frederick Beringer, purchased land for the first Beringer Vineyard in 1875. Today: Beringer Vineyards holds the distinction of being the oldest continuously operating winery in the Napa Valley. It is also one of the very few wineries that survived the draconian prohibition of 1922, which lasted over a decade. The estate is also in the National Register for Historic Places as a historic district, a status it has held since 2001. With its perfect blend of modern technology and age old traditions, Beringer still produces memorable wines that continue to bring recognition to the company and all of Napa Valley 6000 2011 Cabernet Sauvignon Napa Valley 95+ Punkte Decanter 0,75 37,82 45,00 Das Weinmagazin DECANTER hat sich dem nicht ganz einfachen Kalifornien-Jahrgang 2011 angenommen und eine Vielzahl an Weinen verkostet. Auf Platz 1 landete mit 95+ Punkten der 2011er Cabernet Sauvignon von Beringer. Decanter (95+ score):...under its celebrated, long-term winemaker, Ed Sbragia, the historic Beringer winery established a reputation for big powerful Cabernets and Chardonnays at the expensive Private reserve end of its range. Under his successor Laurie Hook, the wines are more refined. This regular Napa Valley bottling has long been excellent (notably in 2009), although it is mid-tier rather than bargain basement. Aged for about 20 months in barriques, it cuts no corners. Beringer owns or leases high-quality vineyards throughout the valley. The best fruit is destined for the Private reserves, but whatever is left over, together with purchased fruit, will end up in the Napa bottlings. Romain Bourger Very perfumed nose of baked plum, mint and florals. Lovely, delicate palate with great concentration but not overextracted. A long finish with lingering tannins. A hint of bitterness brings lively freshness. Stephen Brook Charred oak dominates the nose with plum and black cherry fruit behind. Rich and voluptuous with surprising acidic lift. Intense, peppery and a bit linear, but has fine tension. Impeccable balance and a toasty finish. Angela Mount Very Napa: dark, rich, seductive. Powerful and textured with complex layers and depth of black fruits. Tannins are well integrated. Super concentration and balance. Incredibly bright sweet finish. A gorgeous wine. 7296 2010 Cabernet Sauvignon - Knights Valley - Sonoma 0,75 19,92 23,70 Parker (91+): Beringer s 2010 Cabernet Sauvignon (Knights Valley) is endowed with serious minerality and tension. Firm tannins support an expressive core of dark red fruit, grilled herbs, asphalt and savory herbs, all of which come to life in a vibrant Cabernet Sauvignon long on personality and character. This is a serious wine for the money. Like so many wines in this vintage, it has tons of energy and vibrancy. If opened within the next few years, the 2010 is likely to require decanting to open up. The blend is 93% Cabernet Sauvignon, 4% Merlot and 3% Cabernet Franc. Anticipated maturity: 2013-2020. This lineup from Beringer is full of highlights. The top Cabernet Sauvignon bottlings are terrific, but I am just as drawn to the entry and mid-tier offerings for their superb value and wide availability in the market Joseph Phelps, Napa Valley 6109 2008 Cabernet Sauvignon "Insignia" 0,75 142,01 169,00 5034 2012 Cabernet Sauvignon "Insignia" 96 Parker 0,75 192,44 229,00 8951 2012 Cabernet Sauvignon "Insignia" 96 Parker 1,5 394,12 469,00 8952 2013 Cabernet Sauvignon "Insignia" 96-100Parker 0,75 217,65 259,00 1508 2013 Cabernet Sauvignon "Insignia" 96-100 Parker 1,5 415,65 495,00

Robert Parker (96-100): The flagship wine of the estate in reds is their Insignia, which has been one of the great Bordeaux blends made in California since the debut vintage in 1974. It usually has 30+ years aging potential, even in lighter vintages, of which the 2012, 2013 and 2014 are decidedly not. The 2013 Proprietary Red Insignia was scheduled for bottling after my visit. A blend of 88% Cabernet Sauvignon and the rest smaller proportions of Petit Verdot, Merlot, Malbec and Cabernet Franc, this is a smaller cuvée of about 12,300 cases. This could turn out even better than the 2012, although the final judgment will have to take place from bottle. An amazing, inky purple color offers up notes of pen ink, white flowers, blueberry and blackberry liqueur. Nicely coiled, its tense, but rich and extracted palate is full-bodied with layers of concentrated fruit, well-integrated wood, acidity and tannin, and a finish of a good 40-45 seconds. This stunner should hit its prime in 5-6 years and last 30-40 years. The venerable Joseph Phelps Vineyards Napa facility has undergone a complete facelift and renovation. They started their Sonoma Coast Freestone project in 1998, and it s hard to believe it s nearly 17 years of age. They are making some very Burgundian, cool-climate Chardonnays and Pinot Noirs from sites they own, and the wines merit considerable attention. Most of the Chardonnay vineyards are planted with the Old Wente selection, along with some of the newer Dijon clonal material. With the Pinot Noir, it is both California clones and Dijon clones Diamond Creek, Napa Valley 10003 1990 Red Rock Terrace 0,75 150,42 179,00 Château Montelena, Napa Valley 2026 2012 Cabernet Sauvignon Estate 0,75 66,39 79,00 Schrader Cellars - Napa Valley what started as a dream has become a reality for Napa Valley vintner Fred Schrader to produce world-class wines that bear his name. It all started back in 1988, when Fred attended the Napa Valley Wine Auction with good friend and Chrisitie's auctioneer, Brian Cole. At the time, Fred simply wanted to come out to the valley, have a great time and enjoy fine wines. Twenty years later, in a ddition to having a great time and enjoying fine wines, Fred produces namesake Cabernets that consistently garner top-ratings from America's most renowned critics. After his visit to the wine auction, Fred was captivated by the wine business and in soon cofounded the now legendary Colgin-Schrader Cellars and ensconced the husband-and-wife team of Helen Turley and John Wetlaufer at the winemaking helm. In Helen and John, Fred found a stellar team absolutely committed to making the highest quality wines possible.

Following the success of Colgin-Schrader Cellars, Fred founded his namesake Schrader Cellars in 1998 with the finest vineyard resources and winemaking talents available. Today, along with his wife Carol and gifted winemaker Thomas Brown, Fred creates benchmark wines from the Napa Valley's premier vineyard estates. According to Fred, "Every year is a new child. We come out on a yearly basis with both guns blazing, no-holds-barred, to make the purest and finest wines possible. Wines we love to enjoy. That's what makes it so interesting and so exciting." Along with his passion for wine, Fred is an avid collector and dealer fine art and antiques, aficionado of fine cigars, and most recently, an accomplished racer of vintage sports cars. 6299 2009 Vieux Os Zinfandel "Black Sears" 0,75 32,77 39,00 Robert Parker: The Schraders, working with well-known winemaking consultant Thomas Rivers Brown, continue to farm and produce some of the world s greatest Cabernet Sauvignons from three fabulous Beckstoffer-owned vineyards: the To Kalon Vineyard in O- akville, the Georges III Vineyard in Rutherford and the Las Piedras Vineyard in St. Helena. To Kalon is gravelly, eluvial, loamy soils; Georges III Vineyard is an old creek bed; and Las Piedras Vineyard in St. Helena is planted on old river rock and gravelly loam. All of these blocks utilized for Schrader s wines encompass over 25+ acres and are custom-farmed as Fred Schrader likes to say, essentially virtual vineyards, even though they re not owned by the Schraders. Their initial focus, which has proven so successful, is essentially a microscopic study of different clones planted in different blocks with exactly the same philosophy of viticulture, harvesting, winemaking, élevage and bottling. Production of all the 2012s, which was a slightly more generous and later harvest than 2013 with bigger berries, ranges from 200 cases for the Old Sparky and Georges III, to 520 for the CCS, 420 for the T6, 625 for the RBS, 370 for the Schrader, 620 for the LPV and 100 cases for the newest baby, the Colesworthy, which is a selection of the best barrels of their Las Piedras offering. Some of the other characteristics of these wines are that they all spend about 20 months in barrel, but the percentages of new Darnajou and new Taransaud varied from cuvée to cuvée, although the CCS is 100% new Darnajou, as are the Old Sparky and the Colesworthy. Finished alcohol on the 2012s is in line with other vintages, at 14.4%-14.6%. And in 2013, virtually identical numbers of 14.4%-14.6% were achieved. The consistency and the analytical aspects of the wines is mirrored in the incredible quality that Schrader has produced. 3373 2011 Cabernet Sauvignon "CCS" 0,75 250,42 298,00 6021 2011 Cabernet Sauvignon "RBS" 0,75 250,42 298,00 6253 2011 Cabernet Sauvignon "Las Piedras" 0,75 250,42 298,00 4881 2012 Cabernet Sauvignon "Las Piedras" 98 Suckling 0,75 250,42 298,00 2463 2012 Cabernet Sauvignon "To Kalon" T6 95 Parker 0,75 250,42 298,00 4286 2012 Cabernet Sauvignon "Colesworthy" 1,5 670,59 798,00 5896 2013 Cabernet Sauvignon "To Kalon" T6 98 Parker 0,75 315,13 375,00 8195 2013 Cabernet Sauvignon "RBS" 98 Parker 0,75 315,13 375,00 6062 2013 Cabernet Sauvignon "Las Piedras" 94 Parker 0,75 298,32 355,00 8922 2012 Pinot Noir Boar s View Sonoma Coast 95 Parker 0,75 199,16 237,00 2506 2010 Aston Pinot Noir 0,75 58,74 69,90 Stunningly rich and complex with voluminous fruit aromas and flavors, tremendous body and silky mouthfeel, this wine is the epitome of New World Pinot Noir. Handcrafted from grapes grown on our prime site in the heart of California's "True" Sonoma Coast, the 2010 Aston Estate brilliantly delivers on the promise of this spectacular vineyard estate Derenoncourt California - Napa Valley Selbst den absoluten Kalifornienliebhabern unter Ihnen wir dieses Weingut kaum etwas sagen. Aber vielleicht sagt Ihnen der Name Stéphane Derenoncourt etwas. Aber sicher haben Sie schon über die großartigen Weine Canon La Gaffeliere, La Mondotte, Aiguilhe, Pavie-Macquin oder Larcis Ducasse gehört. Der Oenologe hinter all diesen Spitzenweinen ist Stéphane. Stéphane kam Anfang der 1980er Jahre nach Bordeaux - als blutiger Anfänger, aber voller Ergeiz und Neugier. Als Autodidakt hat verkrustete Strukturen aufgebrochen und sich schnell einen sehr gute Namen erarbeitet. Er respektiert die Terroir-Vielfalt ebenso wie die Natur selbst, weshalb er auf einen naturnahen Anbau größten Wert legt. 1999 verwirklichte er dann auch seinen Traum von einem eigenen Weingut - Domaine de l'a in Castillon. Im letzten

Jahr besuchte ich das Weingut Arkenstone in den Howell Mountains, Napa Valley, in welchem Stéphane, zusammen mit der Oenologin Helene, die Weine für Derenoncourt California vinifiziert. Wie bei Schrader, so selektioniert auch Stéphane die Trauben ganz bestimmter Parzellen und baut diese aus. All dies geschieht auf Aktenstone. The story of Stéphane Derenoncourt s career is one of a man mastering his craft the right way from the bottom up. Considered by many to be one of the greatest winemakers in France and Bordeaux s most sensitive vintner, Stéphane comes from humble origins. Born the son of a steel worker in northern France, Stéphane developed a taste for manual labor and a love for nature early in life. In 1982 at the age of nineteen, he hitchhiked to Bordeaux on a whim, taking a job as a vineyard worker in Fronsac. For the next decade, Stép hane lived, worked, and breathed in the vineyards of Bordeaux s Right Bank, becoming intimately familiar with the life of the vine and each plot of land s capacity to stamp its unique qualities on its grapes. Stéphane s first opportunity to prove his mettle in the cellar came in the early 1990s at Saint- Émilion s venerable Chateau Pavie Macquin. His success there notably during the difficult 1993 vintage in which Stéphane made a highly regarded wine drew attention to his skill. Soon thereafter he was recruited to be winemaker for La Mondotte, a new micro-cuvée from a tiny limestone plot near Pavie Macquin. La Mondotte s first vintage, 1996, stunned the wine world, receiving unprecedented acclaim from critics and consumers alike. La Mondotte quickly became one of the most collectible Bordeaux on the market. Stéphane credits his success to the many years he spent working in the vineyard, learning the subtleties of soil, vine and climate that are essential to crafting wine that is fresh, sensual and above all honest. An avid proponent of natural viticultural methods and minimal intervention in the cellar, Stéphane seeks through each of his wines to draw out the identity of the locality and imprint it on the fruit, in order to present the wine enthusiast with a pleasurable and profound terroir experience. The 2006 vintage of Derenoncourt California Stéphane s own wine, not a consulting project marks the first grapes-to-bottle wine he has ever made in the United States. WINEMAKING AND TERROIR Stéphane Derenoncourt has a profound commitment to terroir, the French term that invokes the subtlety, artistry and mystery of deeply respectful vine-tending. Stéphane s devotion to the interaction between site, soil and climate that gives a wine its defining character is the touchstone of his quest to find authenticity in each wine he makes.this quest always begins with singular vineyards, lovingly tended by skilled vineyard workers who share Stéphane s passion for growing the purest fruit nature can offer. Stéphane seeks out parcels with ideal soil composition, ample sun exposure, high elevation and low yields. Uncompromising in his belief that he must be attentive to the land in order to make compelling wine, Stéphane spends countless hours among the vines becoming intimately familiar with each plot from which his grapes come. The result is intensely concentrated but delicately sophisticated fruit that reflects the soul of the vineyard. After hand-sorting the harvested grapes with the utmost care, Stéphane employs only those vinification methods that ensure absolute respect for the fruit and do not interfere with nature s ability to express itself. He believes that the more discrete the human influence, and the more pronounced the natural, the better. Stéphane thinks of the winemaking process as sculpting liquid taking what nature provides and carefully shaping it into a pleasurable form that shows the inner beauty of the rough material. Accordingly, Stéphane adapts his winemaking to the demands of each vintage, using traditional techniques designed to preserve the grapes inherent freshness and elegance including slow whole-berry fermentation at cool temperatures and punch-down extraction.

Stéphane does not seek to imprint any particular style on his wines. Instead, by harvesting the highest quality fruit from the best sites and by using a sensitive hand in the cellar, Stéphane consistently crafts distinctive, terroir-driven wines that exhibit freshness, precision and balance while possessing a palate-pleasing sensuality. Because of his dedication to care and quality, Stéphane has ensured that a trusted colleague and kindred spirit, Hélène Mingot, is on the ground full-time in Napa to oversee every detail in the vineyards and the cellar. Hélène collaborated with Stephane on projects in Europe after working as a winemaker in Bordeaux and Tuscany. Stéphane selected Hélène to be his hands and feet in Napa when his other responsibilities call him away because of their common commitment to the art of terroir expression. Stéphane and Hélène are pleased to bring to Napa s distinguished terroir their sensibility a tireless pursuit of transparency that reminds us to stay humble before the complex work of nature. Having enjoyed fifteen years of winemaking success in Europe, Bordeaux-based vigneron Stéphane Derenoncourt set out to make his first-ever American wine, Derenoncourt California. Stéphane was drawn to California because of its increasing potential to produce great wine. Exploratory trips to the area convinced Stéphane of the possibility of crafting high quality wines that are marked by Napa s distinctive terroir but retain the balance and freshness for which he is known. Made from small plots specifically chosen by Stéphane for their cool microclimates, high elevations, and volcanic soils, the 2006 Derenoncourt California wines exude a rich sensuality while possessing the sort of refinement you expect from an accomplished Bordeaux vintner. Expressing a pitch-perfect harmony between New World power and Old World elegance, each of these vineyard-designate wines offers not only a memorable drinking experience, but also a fresh perspective into the beauty and diversity of Northern California s dynamic terroir. 9727 2006 Syrah 0,75 49,58 59,00 Der 2006er Syrah war für mich der erstaunlichste Wein beim wine&dine am 14. Juni im Pauly Saal Berlin (paulysaal.com). Zusammen mit Stephane Derenoncourt und ihm Rahmen eines Menüs verkosteten wir alle 2006er und 2009. Der 2006er Syrah präsentierte sich unglaublich frisch und mit großer Finesse. 2494 2009 Cabernet Sauvignon Red Hills 0,75 41,93 49,90 Michael Grimm sehr schöne,ganz klare Frucht, sauber, super Nase, sher schöne Struktur, Kirschen satt, weich, soft, kräftige Säure im Finish, Power und viel Schmelz, spicy und kräftige Tannine; 18,5+ 8023 2006 Cabernet Franc 0,75 98,32 117,00 Wine-Spectator (94):..A bold, rich, fleshy style, this is deep, concentrated and focused on full-bodied currant and loamy earth, with scents of herb and sage. Ends with a long, mouthcoating, chocolaty finish. Drink now through 2017.» 7723 2006 Cabernet Sauvignon 0,75 166,39 198,00 Wine-Spectator (94):..Bold, rich, layered, intense and concentrated, with full-bodied currant, earth, mineral, sage and cedary oak notes that are big yet balanced, gaining depth and ending with a long, persistent finish and fine-grained tannins. Drink now through 2017. 100 cases made». Shafer Vineyard - Napa Valley Vor einigen Jahren hatte ich Besuch von Doug Shafer - Shafer Vineyards, Napa- Valley. Spontanes Recall. Ich erinnere mich gerne zurück an die Tasting-Tour der Napa Valley Vintners im Jahre 1994. Ich betreute damals für Mövenpick die Stände von Newton und Storybook. Auf dem Weg von Frankfurt nach Stuttgart saß ich neben John Shafer, dem Vater von Doug und Gründer von Shafer Vineyards. Seine Persönlichkeit hat mich sehr beeindruckt. Auch von seinen Weinen war ich stets begeistert, jedoch bekommt man diese so gut wie nie zu Gesicht, geschweige denn, ins Glas. Ein Weingut, welches chronisch ausverkauft ist. Parker: One of Napa s most prominent and respected wineries, Shafer is a poster boy for remarkable and consistent quality across the board. All of this is the work of the brilliant father and son team of John and Doug Shafer as well as their long-term winemaker and vineyard manager, Elias Fernandez. With over 200-plus acres of estate holdings, and 55 surrounding their winery in Stags Leap, this is a winery that never seems to disappoint. 5096 2012 Red Shoulder Ranch Chardonnay - Carneros 0,75 37,82 45,00 10974 2013 Red Shoulder Ranch Chardonnay - Carneros 0,75 41,93 49,90 7474 2012 Merlot 92-95 Parker 0,75 46,22 55,00 11544 2012 Cabernet Sauvignon - One Point Five 94 Parker 0,75 49,58 79,00 9731 2013 Cabernet Sauvignon - One Point Five 94 Parker 0,75 74,79 89,00 3570 2012 Syrah Relentless 94-97 Parker 0,75 74,79 89,00 9582 2005 Cabernet Sauvignon "Hillside Select" 0,75 284,87 339,00 8166 2010 Cabernet Sauvignon "Hillside Select" 100 Parker 0,75 334,45 398,00

Parker (100): The 2010 Cabernet Sauvignon Hillside Select offers a mindblowing display of blue, red and black fruits along with licorice and floral notes. The prodigious aromatics are followed by a precise, rich, pure blast of inky black currant, blueberry and mulberry flavors. The oak is virtually undetectable, and the wine, for all its power, richness and depth, is incredibly light on its feet and ethereal. It should drink well for 3 to 4 decades. Those who might argue that wines over 14% alcohol are hot, loathsome and heavy really need to objectively taste these wines rather than bloviate. This was a fascinating tasting with one of the superstar reference point/iconic wineries in all of California. Shafer-s Relentless project has been a huge success since the debut. Blending Syrah and Petite Sirah, aging it for a long time in French oak, and not compromising on any element of the winemaking process has put them at the top of the Rhone Ranger sweepstakes. From the Stags Leap District, the Cabernet Sauvignon One Point Five was named by the Shafers to honor the generation and a half of the family that has been involved in this winery-s success. Turning to Shafer-s Hillside Select Cabernet Sauvignon is akin to entering one of the world's museums of liquid art. This is unquestionably one of California-s, and the world's, most iconic and greatest wines. When Chateau Latour bought the Araujo estate, I thought the entire value of the Shafers and of this particular vineyard probably jumped by 30-50% because of that purchase. This is a first-growth wine from a magical site, and it has been one of the top half dozen or so California Cabernet Sauvignons in every vintage since the early nineties. That's a remarkable track record. In every vintage it is 100% Cabernet Sauvignon aged an uncommonly long time (32 months) in 100% French oak, yet you would never know that. The Shafers remain disarmingly modest about what they have achieved, but this is utterly profound, world-class wine that any wine lovers who enjoy Cabernet Sauvignon need to sample at least once in their life. 6814 2011 Cabernet Sauvignon "Hillside Select" 0,75 226,05 269,00 10189 2011 Cabernet Sauvignon "Hillside Select" 1,5 469,75 559,00 3854 2011 Cabernet Sauvignon "Hillside Select" 3,0 1172,27 1395,00 Robert Mondavi Winery, Napa Valley Viele Weinpersönlichkeiten habe ich bisher getroffen, die mich sehr beeindruckten und mich für ihre Weine begeisterten. In Bordeaux waren dies bspw. Jean-Michel Cazes von Lynch-Bages, Anthony Barton von Leoville-Barton oder Charles Chevalier von Lafite-Rothschild. Aber ein Mann hat ein Feuer in mir entfacht. Für seine Weine und die gesamte Region, der er half, auf eigenen Füssen zu stehen. Robert Mondavi. 1993 traf ich ihn anläßlich es Harvest Seminars auf der Robert Mondavi Winery. Nun verbrachte ich Ende April wieder ein paar Tage auf Mondavi. Das Thema war vor allem der Weinberg To Kalon. To Kalon kommt aus dem Griechischen und bedeutet soviel wie der/die Schönste. Dieser Weinberg wurde bereits 1868 bepflanzt und zählt heute zu den weltweit besten Lagen. Robert Mondavi: Walking through To Kalon, admiring its contours and vines, smelling the richness of its soil, I knew this was a very special place. It exuded an indefinable quality I could not describe, a feeling that was almost mystical. 6152 2012 Chardonnay 0,75 19,92 23,70 10772 2012 Fumé Blanc 0,75 19,92 23,70 2049 2012 Fumé Blanc Reserve - To Kalon 0,75 49,58 59,00 Sind Sie auch der Meinung, ein Fumé Blanc ist kaum haltbar? Wir sind größter Opus-One-Importeur in Deutschland. Und natürlich nutzte ich meinen Bordeauxbesuch Im April, um mit dem International Sales Vice President, der für Opus One in Bordeaux ein Büro unterhält, ein Glas Opus One zu trinken. Erfreulicherweise hat er eine ausgesprochen gut ausgestattete Küche. Als Gastgeschenk brachte ich eine 91er Fumé Blanc von Mondavi mit (siehe Bild

unten). Ich wusste nicht, was uns erwarten würde, aber die Flasche war leer, bevor der St.-Pierre verspeist war. Immer noch frisch und unglaublich komplex. Rechnen Sie nicht. Der Wein hatte 23 Jahre auf dem Buckel. 6733 2011 Cabernet Sauvignon Oakville 0,75 33,53 39,90 2646 2010 Cabernet Sauvignon Reserve - 95 Parker 0,75 82,35 98,00 Parker (95): The 2010 Cabernet Sauvignon Reserve (a blend of 94% Cabernet Sauvignon, 4% Petit Verdot and 2% Cabernet Franc) exhibits a dense purple color, more tannin, structure and spice, terrific richness and plenty of black currant, vanillin and loamy soil characteristics. Given past track records, this full-bodied, impressive Reserve should easily age for 25-35 years Opus One, Napa Valley Für meinen ehemaligen Arbeitgeber Mövenpick (1991 bis 1995) hatte ich Kalifornien mehrmals bereist und stets war ich von Opus One und den Weinen beeindruckt. Wie zu erwarten, habe ich die kalifornischen Weine mit der Gründung der Bacchus-Vinothek etwas aus den Augen verloren. Ein Glück, dass der Vertrieb immer noch hauptsächlich über den Platz Bordeaux abgewickelt wird, Rothschild sei Dank, und so ist mir Opus One immer wieder begegnet. Natürlich sicherte ich mir immer 20 bis 30 Kisten. Aber so richtig angefressen war ich erst wieder nach einer Vertikalprobe im Adlon, Berlin, zu welcher Opus One im Januar 2007 geladen hatte. Es waren vor allem die älteren Jahrgänge 1979 und 1983, welche mir einmal mehr zeigten, wie großartig das Potenzial dieses Weingutes ist. Mein Interesse und Engagement explodierte förmlich und heute sind wir der größte Importeur in Deutschland. Im Mai 2014 verbrachten Nina und ich eine Woche in der Maremma. Die Restaurants dort pflegen großartige Weinkarten mit Weinen aus jeder Ecke Italiens. Aber es finden sich auch viele Weine aus Frankreich udnw einige aus Kalifornien auf manchen Karten. Offensichtlich genießen die Gäste ausschließlich die Italiener. Auch gut. Der 97er Opus One im Ristorante I Due Cippi - Da Michele, Saturnia, (siehe unten) war beeindruckend. Halten Sie Ausschau nach älteren Jahrgängen von Opus One. 2401 1er Präsentpack Opus One 4,96 5,90 5117 2010 Opus One 1,5 584,03 695,00 4793 2011 Opus One 0,75 226,05 269,00 Antonio Galloni (94): The 2011 Opus One comes across as quite powerful and intense. Raspberry jam, rose petals, savory herbs and mint, all come together beautifully in the glass. The tannins are going to need a few years to soften, but the 2011 continues to develop very nicely in bottle. This is a very strong showing, especially within the context of the year. The 2011 is dark and even a bit rough round the edges, particularly when tasted alongside the surrounding vintages. The lithe, mid-weight, savory style is at times more Old World than New, yet all the elements are in the right place

11244 2012 Opus One 0,375 125,21 149,00 4579 2012 Opus One 0,75 250,42 298,00 Michael Grimm (19+): dichte, kompakte und komplexe Nase, tolle, reife Frucht, Blaubeeren, Kröäuter, Bleistift, Pflaumen, ganz tolle balance, feine Süße, sehr viel Charakter und Charme, sehr viel Struktur. Antonio Galloni (96): Rich, powerful and seductive, the 2012 Opus One blossoms in the glass with superb textural richness and volume. Dark red and black fruit, smoke, cedar, new leather and tobacco all meld together as the 2012 shows off its personality. Fine, silky tannins support the huge, creamy finish. The 2012 has just been bottled, but it is superb. I expect the 2012 will offer a long and broad drinking window of pure pleasure James Suckling (97): Glorious purity of fruit here with black currants, blueberries, dark chocolate, fresh herbs and forest floor. Hints of mint too, plus hazelnut and chocolate. Full body with seamless tannins and balance. Tight and compacted tannins with beautiful fruit and great length. Goes on for minutes. One of the best Opus' in years. Hard not to drink now but better in 2018. October 2015 release. This is 79% cabernet sauvignon, 7% cabernet franc, 6% merlot, 6% petit verdot and 2% malbec Philip Togni, Napa Valley 10747 2009 Cabernet Sauvignon 95 Parker 0,75 82,35 98,00 Paul Hobbs, Napa Valley 6180 2012 Cabernet Sauvignon Beckstoffer Dr. Crane Vineyard 98 Parker 0,75 133,61 159,00 Outpost, Napa Valley 1219 2007 Cabernet Sauvignon Howell Mountain 0,75 192,44 229,00 Ulysses Estate, Napa Valley 6793 2012 Ulysses Chritian Moueix 0,75 133,61 159,00 1174 2012 Ulysses Chritian Moueix 1,5 298,32 355,00 4135 2012 Ulysses Chritian Moueix 6,0 1924,37 2290,00 Odysseus (französisch Ulysses) war doch glatt 10 Jahre auf Irrfahrt, bevor er wieder in Ithaka landete und dem Freier seiner Penelope die Lichter ausknipste. Beinahe ebenso lange mussten wir Weinfreunde auf den release des 1. Jahrgangs des neuen Weinguts von Christian Moueix warten Ulysses. Allerdings war er nie auf Irrfahrt. Christian hatte die Möglichkeit, diesen historischen Teil der Charles Hopper Ranch 2008 zu erwerben und wusste die gesamte Zeit genau, wohin die Reise gehen sollte. Michael Grimm (18,5-19): sehr dichte Farbe, komplex, Aromen von Cassis und Kirschen, spicy, feine Röstnoten, alles noch sehr jung aber in großer Balance, lang mit sehr guten Tanninen. James Suckling (97): Subtle aromas of crushed berries and tile. Mushrooms. Almost dusty. Full to medium body, powdery tannins and mouthfeel. Bright acidity that gives the wine beautiful and enticing freshness. Gentle and ethereal red. The first vintage of the new wine from the owners of Dominus. The vineyard is located in Oakville near Vine Hill. Drink or hold Robert Parkler (93): The 2012 Ulysses (800 cases) is 95% Cabernet Sauvignon and the rest other Bordeaux varietals. A structured, dense purple wine that displays plenty of cedar wood, crème de cassis, licorice and graphite, the wine is full-bodied, rich, backward and dense, but beautifully pure fruit and an almost Pontet- Canet-like purity and density are hallmarks of this brilliant wine. Forget it for 4-5 years and drink it over the following 20-25.