Chess more than a game The first board game for one of the oldest board games in the world!

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1 CHESS more than a game! Quick-Start at the end! Chess more than a game The first board game for one of the oldest board games in the world! 2 Dice - 4 difficulty levels 8 categories - 32 significant chess locations to the game on 4 fields 2-8 players try to move through the board as fast as possible starting in Madrid (location of the first chess tournament in Europe in 1575) and finishing in Tromsö (location of the Chess Olympiad in 2014). The board shows important chess players and other interesting details. The players roll with a normal die (numbers 1 to ) and the new speed die (two times the numbers 1-3). After moving the normal die s number of pips the speed die adds dynamics to the game: when answering one of the 512 questions of 8 categories the player can either advance it s number or go back according to whether or not answering correctly. Test your knowledge concerning the history, the rules, the board and its chess pieces and much much more around one of the most popular board games of the world. For 2-8 players starting at the age of 8 Author: Dr. Dirk Jordan, Illustration and Design: Na.iV Design Nadine Villwock L gicus

2 Game Material 3 token cards in 9 different colours 9 game cards 1 per category Welche Weltmeistergattin ohrfeigte den Sekundanten ihres Mannes nach einer verlorenen Partie? A Frau Klitschko B Frau Petrosjan (x) Ein Schachmeister stand in Wimbledon und war zudem Landesmeister im Badminton. Wer ist gemeint? A Carl-Uwe Steeb B Sir George Thomas (x) Nenne die Figuren eines Schachspiels. K,D,L,S,T Nenne die Koordinaten der weißen Eckfelder. h1, a8 - ren in englischer Sprache? Bishop and Knight Auf wieviele Felder eines leeren Brettes kann ein Springer ziehen wenn er auf d5 steht? Was ist im Schach eine Analyse? genaue und umfassende Begutachtung einer Stellung Was versteht man unter Abspiel? Bezeichnung für bestimmte Varianten (insbesondere in Eröffnungen) Matt in 1, Weiß zieht XABCDEFGHY XABCDEFGHY 8 r+lwq-tr-mk( k+( 7pz ppz -sn-pz -' 7 pz -pz -+-pz p' -+-pz -Pz ppz & -pz -+-+r+& 5+-vl-pz -sn-% 5+-+-pz -+-% 4-+LsnP+-+$ 4-+-+N+-Pz $ 3+-+P+-+-# 3vLP+PsnqPz -# 2PPz P+-+PPz " 2P+-+n+-mK" 1tR-vL-mK-+n! 1tR-tR-+-+Q! xabcdefghy xabcdefghy Matt in 2, Schwarz zieht 1.Tf8# 1.Txe8# 8 XABCDEFGHY 8r+l+k+-tr( 7pz p+-+-pz p' -+pvl-sn-+& 5+-+pwq-+-% 4-+-+p+ +$ 3+LsN-vL-Pz -# 2PPz P+-Pz -Pz " 1tR-+Q+RmK-! xabcdefghy Im Film die Thomas Crown Affaire von 198 lieferten sich Faye Dunaway und Steve Mc- Queen die wohl e rotischste Schachpartie der Filmgeschichte. Die eigentliche Partie wurde 1899 in Wien ausgetragen. Welcher Partie ist das oben aufgeführte Diagramm entnommen? Zeissl - Walthoffen oder Carlsen - Kasparov Nach 1 Lg4 2.Dd2 Lf3 3.Lf4 Dh5 4.Sd1 Dh3 5.Se3 setzt Schwarz in 3 Zügen matt. Wie? Deutschland 1...Kd 2.Sd3#; 1...Kd4 2.Sc#; 1...Kxb5 2.Sb# Wie heißen die farbig markierten Felder? XABCDEFGHY Wie heißt diese Eröffnung? XABCDEFGHY ( 8rsnlwqkvlntr( 7+z ' 7pz ppz p+ppz p' & & % 5+-+-pz -+-% $ PPz -+$ # # " 2PPz PPz -+PPz " 1t ! 1tRNvLQmKLsNR! abcdefgh xabcdefghy 2.Sb1-c3 e7-e5 3.Sg1-f3 Budapester Gambit Wie heißt die Internationale Schachorganisation? A WWF B UEFA C FIDE (x) D PETA Wie heißt das kürzestmögliche Matt? A Narrenmatt (x) B Idiotenmatt C Patzermatt D Deppenmatt Die FIDE Schachregeln gelten für: A das Spielen am Brett (x) B das Spielen auf dem Fußballfeld C das Spielen in einer Sporthalle Das Ziel eines jeden Spielers ist es, A die generische Dame zu schlagen B alle Figuren des Gegners zu schlagen C den gegnerischen König so anzugreifen, dass der Gegner keinen regelgemäßen Zug zur Verfügung hat. (x) 8 token card holders - 2 dice, 1 normal, 1 speed 1 game board 2

3 XABCDEFGHY 8r+l+k+-tr( Wie Welche heißt die Was Nenne Weltmeistergattin Internationale Schachorganisation? p+-+-pz ohrfeigte im die Schach Figuren eine eines Analyse? Schachspiels. 7pz den Sekundanten p' ihres -+pvl-sn-+& Mannes genaue nach und einer umfassende verlorenen Begutachtung einer Stellung A WWF K,D,L,S,T 5+-+pwq-+-% Partie? B UEFA 4-+-+p+ C FIDE A Frau (x) +$ Klitschko 3+LsN-vL-Pz D PETA B Frau Nenne Petrosjan die Koordinaten -# (x) der weißen 2PPz P+-Pz Eckfelder. -Pz " tr-+q+rmk-! h1, a8 Im Film die Thomas Crown Affaire von 198 lieferten sich Faye Dunaway und Steve Mc- Queen die Wie wohl Ein heißt e rotischste - Was Schachmeister das kürzestmögliche Schachpartie versteht man stand der unter in Filmgeschichte. Abspiel? Matt? Die ren eigentliche in englischer Partie Sprache? wurde 1899 in Wien ausgetragen. Wimbledon und war zudem Landesmeister Bishop (x) A Narrenmatt Welcher Partie and Knight Bezeichnung das im oben Badminton. für aufgeführte bestimmte Wer Varianten (insbesondere Zeissl - Walt- in Eröffnun- Diagramm B Idiotenmatt ist gemeint? entnommen? hoffen C Patzermatt oder gen) Carlsen - Kasparov D Deppenmatt A Carl-Uwe Auf wieviele Steeb Felder eines leeren Nach 1 Lg4 B Sir Brettes 2.Dd2 George Lf3 kann Thomas 3.Lf4 ein Dh5 Springer (x) ziehen 4.Sd1 Dh3 5.Se3 wenn setzt er auf Schwarz d5 steht? in 3 Zügen matt. Wie? Kxb5 2.Sb# Game Preparation Put the board and the game cards in the middle of the table. (The board depicts a map of Europe with 32 important locations of chess: Madrid - Sevilla - Linares - Calvia - Turin - Bled - Novi Sad - Sofia - Istanbul - Teheran - Jerewan - Tiflis - Tuapse - Chisinau - Budapest - Paris - London - Amsterdam - Hamburg - Dresden - Wroclaw - Kiev - Moscow - Volgograd - Elista - Zlatoust - Khanty-Mansiysk - Saint Petersburg - Riga - Tonsberg - Reykjavik - Tromsö, as well as local characteristics and chess players. A more specific list can be found at the end of this manual.) Every player chooses a token card. The pawn is the easiest, the queen the hardest game level. The token card is placed into the holder. Every player has now been asigned his own colour and game level. easy hard Both dice are rolled by each player, passing them around. The player with the highest sum of the numbers starts. The player opposite the one whose turn it is has to ask the questions. Alternatively you can appoint a person responsible for the game cards at the beginning, should there be somebody wanting to watch a round for example. 1 xabcdefghy Deutschland 1...Kd 2.Sd3#; 1...Kd4 2.Sc#; 3

4 Course of the Game All token cards start at the field start. Variation - start Before the first player can move his token card he/ she has to answer a question correctly of the first category. If he does not succeed a) the second player can start without having to do so. b) the second player has to try answering the question. The first player throws the dice with for example a 4_ with the normal and a 3 with the speed die. He advances the corresponding pip number, here 4 fields. 4 Arrival at the blue field, category: Board and Chess Pieces The player opposite takes a card of the corresponding category and reads the question according to the chosen game level aloud. In the example that would be the pawn question. The player now has the chance to answer. This is where the speed die comes in. If the answer is correct the player is allowed to advance the number of pips _ 3, if not he has to return _ 3. How many black squares does the chess board have? 32 How many squares does the diagonal between a3 and f8 have? How many black squares does the diagonal between c1 and h have? What is the name of the queen in Russian? Fers Variation - Answering the Questions 1) A question can be declined once. 2) Before every move the player can decide whether or not he wants to play with or without the game cards, thus the speed die. 3) After throwing the dice the player can decide whether or not to play with the questions and the speed die. 3 After carrying out the move it is the next player s turn. The dice are passed on clockwise. 3 4

5 End of the Game The game is finished as soon as somebody passes over the final game field, be it through throwing the dice or answering one of the questions correctly. Thereby it is not important to reach the field exactly. Passing over is enough. Variantion - End of the Game 1) The final field has to be reached exactly. If a player passes it a) he has to go back the amount surpassing it. b) he is not allowed to move this turn but has to wait until the next one. 2) The final field has to be reached exactly. Now the player has to answer the question of the category of the final field. Does he answer correctly he has won the game, if not he has to go back the amount of pips of the speed die. 3) The final field is reached when the player stops exactly on it or passes it. Now he still has to answer the final question. Does he do so correctly he has won the game, if not he has to go back the amount of pips of the speed die. How many black squares does the chess board have? 32 How many squares does the diagonal between a3 and f8 have? How many black squares does the diagonal between c1 and h have? What is the name of the queen in Russian? Fers The FIDE Laws of Chess cover: A over-the-board play of chess (x) B over-the-football-field play C in-the-sports-hall play The objective of each player is to A capture the opponent s Queen B capture all opponent s chess pieces C place the opponent s king under attack in such a way that the opponent has no legal move. (x) 5

6 Game board with locations 1. Madrid first chess tournament in Sevilla Kasparow s title defence in Linares Jaín Xie Jun loses her title against Susann Polgar in Calviá Chess Olympiad Torino Turin Chess Olympiad 200. Bled Chess Olympiad Нови Сад Novi Sad Chess Olympiad София Sofia: 2010 Anand s second title defence against Topalov 9. Istanbul Chess Olympiad 2012, Hou Yifan becomes world champion in Teheran Anand becomes world champion in Jerewan birthplace of Petrosjan s,bkbcb Tiflis birthplace of Gaprindaschwili 13. Туапсе Tuapse birthplace of Kramnik 14. Chișinău interzonal tournament in Budapest birthplace of the Polgar Sisters 1. Paris foundation of the FIDE in London Steinitz defeats Anderssen in 18, Menchik dies in Kent in Amsterdam birthplace of Euwe 19. Hamburg Chess Olympiad Dresden Chess Olympiad Wroclaw birthplace and place of death of Anderssen, birthplace of Tarrasch 22. Київ/Kyjiw Kiev birthplace of Bogoljubow 23. Москва Moscow Candidates Tournament in 1952, birthplace of Bykowa, Rubzova, Kasparov defeats Karpov in 1984/ Волгоград Volgograd Tschiburdanidse s title defence in Elista Chess Olympiad 1998, Stefanowa becomes world champion in 2004 after winning against Kowalewskaja, Kramnik defeats Topalov in 200

7 2. Златоуст Zlatoust birthplace of Karpov 27. Ханты-Мансийск Khanty-Mansiysk Chess Olympiad Санкт-Петербург Saint Petersburg birthplace of Kortschnoi, Tschigorin and Spasski, place of death of Rudenko 29. Rīga birthplace of Tal 30. Tønsberg birthplace of Magnus Carlsen 31. Reykjavíkurborg Spasski vs. Fischer in Tromsø Chess Olympiad

8 Glossary of Chess Players 1st World Chess Champion Wilhelm Steinitz (* 14/5/183 in Prague, Czech Republic; 12/8/1900 in New York, USA) 8th World Chess Champion Michail Nechemjewitsch Tal (* 9./11/193 in Riga, Latvia; 27/0/1992 in Moscow, Russia) 2nd World Chess Champion Jonathan Bertold (Berthold) Lasker (* 31/12/180 in Berlinchen, Neumark; 19/10/1928 in Berlin, Germany) 9th World Chess Champion Tigran Wartanowitsch Petrosjan (* 17//1929 in Tiflis, Georgia; 13/8/1984 in Moscow, Russia) 3rd World Chess Champion José Raúl Capablanca y Graupera (* 19/11/1888 in Havanna, Cuba; 8/3/1942 in New York City, USA) 10th World Chess Champion Boris Wassiljewitsch Spasski (* 30/1/1937 in Leningrad, Russia) 4th World Chess Champion Alexander Alexandrowitsch Aljechin (*31/10/1892 in Moscow, Russia; 24/3/194 in Estoril, Portugal) 11th World Chess Champion Robert James Bobby Fischer (* 9/3/1943 in Chicago, USA; 17/1/2008 in Reykjavík, Iceland) 5th World Chess Champion Machgielis (Max) Euwe (* 20/5/1901 2/11/1981 in Amsterdam, Netherlands) 12th World Chess Champion Anatoli Jewgenjewitsch Karpow (* 23/5/1951 in Zlatoust, Russia) th World Chess Champion Michail Moissejewitsch Botwinnik (* 17/8/1911 in Kuokkala, commune Terijoki, today Repino part of Saint Petersburg; 5/5/1995 in Moscow, Russia) 13th World Chess Champion st PCA World Champion Garri Kimowitsch Kasparow (* 13/4/193 as Garik Weinstein in Baku, Azerbaijan) 7th World Chess Champion Wassili Wassiljewitsch Smyslow (* 24/3/1921 in Moscow; 27/3/2010 in Moscow, Russia) 14th World Chess Champion FIDE World Champion nd PCA World Champion Wladimir Borissowitsch Kramnik (* 25//1975 in Tuapse at the Black Sea, Russia, former Soviet Union) 8

9 15th World Chess Champion since 2007 FIDE World Champion Viswanathan Anand (* 11/12/199 in Madras, India) Adolf Anderssen (actually Karl Ernst Adolf Anderssen; * // //1879 in Wroclaw, Poland) German Chess Master and one of the strongest chess players of the 19th century FIDE World Champion Alexander Walerjewitsch Chalifman (Khalifman) (* 18/1/19 in Leningrad, Russia) Efim Bogoljubow (* 14/4/1889 in Stanislawtschik, Kiev Governorate, Russian Empire; 18//1952 in Triberg in the Black Forest, Germany) Russian-German Chess Grand Master FIDE World Champion Ruslan Ponomarjow (* 11/10/1983 in Horliwka, Oblast Donezk, Ukraine) Magnus Øen Carlsen (* 30/11/1990 in Tønsberg, Norway) leading the FIDE-rankings in 2011 FIDE World Champion Rustam Kasimjanov (daneben auch usbekisch Rustam Qosimjonov; * 5/12/1979 in Taschkent, Uzbekistan) George Henry Mackenzie (* 24./3/1837 in North Kessock, Scottland; 14/4/1891 in New York City, USA) important Chess Master of the 19th century FIDE World Champion Wesselin Topalow (* 15/3/1975 in Russe, Bulgaria) Siegbert Tarrasch (* 5/3/182 in Wroclaw, Poland; 17/2/1934 in Munich, Germany) German Master in chess and one of the world s best chess players end of the 19th, beginning of the 20th century Johannes Hermann Zukertort (* 7/9/842 in Lublin, Russian Empire; 20//1888 in London, England) Polish-German Chess Master 9

10 Glossary of Chess Players 1st World Chess Champion Vera Menchik (* 1/2/190 in Moscow, Russia; 27//1944 in London, England) 9th World Chess Champion Zsuzsa Polgár (* 19/4/199 in Budapest, Hungary) 2nd World Chess Champion Ljudmila Wladimirowna Rudenko (* 27/7/1904 in Lubny, Poltawa Governorate; 2/2/198 in Leningrad, Russia) 11th World Chess Champion Zhu Chen (* 1/3/197 in Wenzhou, China) 3rd and 5th World Chess Champion and Jelisaweta Iwanowna Bykowa (* 14/11/1913 in Bogoljubowo, Russia; 8/3/1989 in Moscow, Russia) 12th World Chess Champion Antoaneta Stefanowa (* 19/4/1979 in Sofia, Bulgaria) 4th World Chess Champion Olga Nikolajewna Rubzowa (* 20/8/1909; 13/12/1994 in Moscow, Russia) 13th World Chess Champion Xu Yuhua (* 29/10/197 in Jinhua, China) th World Chess Champion Nona Gaprindaschwili (* 3/5/1941 in Sugdidi, Mingrelien, former Soviet Union) 14th World Chess Champion Alexandra Konstantinowna Kostenjuk (* 23/4/1984 in Perm, Russia) 7th World Chess Champion Maia Tschiburdanidse (* 17/1/191 in Kutaissi, Imeretien, former Soviet Union) 15th World Chess Champion since 2010 Hou Yifan (* 27/2/1994 in Xinghua, Province Jiangsu, China) 8th and 10th World Chess Champion und Xie Yun (* 30/10/1970 in Beijing, China) 10

11 The Makers The Author Originally at home in the field of mathematics and chess Dr. Dirk Jordan developed this game idea for one of the oldest board games in the world adding a dimension of learning to it. The invention of the speed die gives the game a special dynamic. The Designer The Diplom-Designer (FH) Nadine Villwock breathed new life into the game by visualising the ideas and concepts in pictures and illustrations. Beside that she created a special chess piece graphic set and the category symbols especially for the game. Sources, Acknowledgement We want to give special thanks to everybody having enabled this game, especially for the permission of content usage to Hugo Kastner and the Humboldt publishing company [ Das grosse Humboldt Schach Sammelsurium ISBN ,...] and all photographers whos pictures we were allowed to use and Wikipedia. Imprint Chess - more than a game Loogicus UG (haftungsbeschränkt) Bünaustrasse 2c Dresden Tel: 0351/ Web: Contact: Author: Dr. Dirk Jordan Garfics and Design: Na.iV Design - Nadine Villwock Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt AZ:

12 Quick Start Put the board and the game cards onto the table. Assemble the tokens by putting the token cards into the holders as shown on the right. The first player throws the dice and moves the corresponding number of pips, in the example 4 Arrival at the blue field, category: Board and Chess Pieces The player opposite takes a card of the corresponding category and reads the question according to the chosen game level aloud. In the example that would be the pawn question. When answering correctly the player can advance the number of pips he achieved with the speed die 3, if he doesn t he has to go back 3. 4 It is the next player s turn. The dice are being passed on clockwise. The game ends as soon as a player passes over the final field. The exact description including different game variations can be found inside the manual. How many black squares does the chess board have? 32 How many squares does the diagonal between a3 and f8 have? How many black squares does the diagonal between c1 and h have? What is the name of the queen in Russian? Fers

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Level 2 German, 2015 91126 911260 2SUPERVISOR S Level 2 German, 2015 91126 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of written and / or visual German text(s) on familiar matters 2.00 p.m. Friday 4 December 2015 Credits: Five





Materialien zu unseren Lehrwerken

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Offenes Lernen 1: Pflichtaufgaben

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Benjamin Whorf, Die Sumerer Und Der Einfluss Der Sprache Auf Das Denken (Philippika) (German Edition)

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Level 2 German, 2016

Level 2 German, 2016 91126 911260 2SUPERVISOR S Level 2 German, 2016 91126 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of written and / or visual German texts on familiar matters 2.00 p.m. Tuesday 29 November 2016 Credits: Five


Level 1 German, 2014

Level 1 German, 2014 90886 908860 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 German, 2014 90886 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of German texts on areas of most immediate relevance 9.30 am Wednesday 26 November 2014 Credits: Five Achievement


Interkulturelle Kompetenzen: A test for tourists

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Max und Moritz: Eine Bubengeschichte in Sieben Streichen (German Edition)

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2 German sentence: write your English translation before looking at p. 3

2 German sentence: write your English translation before looking at p. 3 page Edward Martin, Institut für Anglistik, Universität Koblenz-Landau, Campus Koblenz 2 German sentence: write your English translation before looking at p. 3 3 German sentence analysed in colour coding;


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Accelerating Information Technology Innovation

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Schule mit Erfolg. Englisch Simple present adverbs time Unit Blatt What time is it? 7.50 Uhr Uhr Uhr Uhr 20. Englisch Simple present adverbs time Unit 3 2.1 Blatt 1 1. Vocabulary. a) Write down the opposites! big always after first late rude b) Put in the right prepositions. Luke gets up at 7 am the morning.


Die einfachste Diät der Welt: Das Plus-Minus- Prinzip (GU Reihe Einzeltitel)

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Willy Pastor. Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically

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Mitglied der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft

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Modern Foreign Languages

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Level 1 German, 2016

Level 1 German, 2016 90886 908860 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 German, 2016 90886 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of German texts on areas of most immediate relevance 2.00 p.m. Wednesday 23 November 2016 Credits: Five Achievement


Herders sämmtliche Werke: Band 13. Ideen zur Philosophie der Geschichte der Menschheit. Teile 1, 2 (German Edition)

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Willy Pastor. Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically

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Mobility trends in the Baltic Sea Region

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English grammar BLOCK F:

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Level 1 German, 2012

Level 1 German, 2012 90886 908860 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 German, 2012 90886 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of German texts on areas of most immediate relevance 9.30 am Tuesday 13 November 2012 Credits: Five Achievement


Notice: All mentioned inventors have to sign the Report of Invention (see page 3)!!!

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Wer bin ich - und wenn ja wie viele?: Eine philosophische Reise. Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically

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