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1 GEORG SPEYER HAUS INSTITUT FÜR TUMORBIOLOGIE UND EXPERIMENTELLE THERAPIE Zelluläre Kommunikation in der Stammzellnische Zell-Zell Interaktionen im Tumorstroma Experimentelle Therapie Annual Report Georg-Speyer-Haus

2 Die Grundfinanzierung des Georg-Speyer- Hauses wird vom Bundesministerium für Gesundheit und dem Hessischen Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst getragen. The basic funding of the Georg-Speyer-Haus is provided by the Federal Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and the Arts of the State of Hessen. 2

3 Forschen für das Leben Research for Life 3

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5 Content Inhalt Vorwort Das Georg-Speyer-Haus Organisationsstruktur Highlights Zelluläre Kommunikation in der Stammzellnische Cellular Communication in the Stem Cell Niche Prof. Dr. D. Krause Dr. H. Medyouf I Zell-Zell Interaktionen im Tumorstroma Cell-Cell Interaction in the Tumor Stroma PD Dr. M. C. Arkan Dr. H. Farin Prof. Dr. F. R. Greten Dr. L. Sevenich II Experimentelle Therapie Experimental Therapy Prof. Dr. W. Wels III Transgenic Core Madina Karimova Publikationen Finanzen und Administration Service Veranstaltungen, Lehre und Nachwuchsförderung Der Verein»Freunde und Förderer des Georg-Speyer-Hauses«Zuwendungsgeber 5

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7 Introduction Florian R. Greten Direktor Georg-Speyer-Haus Institut für Tumorbiologie und experimentelle Therapie Paul-Ehrlich-Str D Frankfurt / M. Tel. (069) Fax (069) Liebe Leserinnen und Leser, liebe Freunde des Georg-Speyer-Hauses, auch 2019 standen die Aktivitäten des GSH unter dem Zeichen der Veränderung. Nach 16 Jahren als Kaufmännischer Leiter des GSH hat Herr Dornberger gebeten sich von dieser Position zurückziehen zu dürfen. Das gesamte GSH ist Herrn Dornberger für seine sehr wertvolle Arbeit über diesen langen Zeitraum sehr dankbar. Sehr glücklich können wir uns schätzen, dass wir mit Frau Franziska Hasslinger-Pajtler eine ausgesprochen dynamische, zielorientierte und motivierte Nachfolgerin gefunden haben, die es innerhalb kürzester Zeit geschafft hat die Leitungsfunktion äußerst kompetent zu übernehmen. Nach einer noch längeren Zeit, nämlich über 30 Jahre als Gruppenleiterin am GSH, hat sich Ursel Dietrich in den wohlverdienten Ruhestand verabschiedet. Mit dem Ausscheiden von Ursel Dietrich und ihrer Arbeitsgruppe findet auch die Ära der HIV-Forschung am GSH ein Ende. Ursel Dietrich hat über die vielen Jahre hinweg nicht nur wertvolle wissenschaftliche Beiträge zu diesem wichtigen Thema geleistet, sondern hat sich auch immer für die verschiedenen Belange des Instituts eingesetzt. Insbesonders zu erwähnen in diesem Zusammenhang sind die von ihr jährlich organisierte Schülervorlesung sowie das daran geknüpfte Schülerpraktikum in den verschiedenen Arbeitsgruppen am GSH sowie die Organisation der Teilnahme des Instituts am Lauf für mehr Zeit, dem Benefiz-Lauf für die AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt e.v.. Dear Reader, dear friends of the Georg-Speyer-Haus, Also in 2019, the activities of the GSH were under the sign of change. After 16 years as Administrative Director of the GSH, Mr. Dornberger asked to withdraw from this position. The entire GSH is very grateful to Mr. Dornberger for his valuable work over this long period of time. Yet, we are very happy that we have found a decidedly dynamic, goal-oriented and motivated successor in Mrs. Franziska Hasslinger- Pajtler, who has managed to successfully take over the leadership function in a very short time. After an even longer time period, more than 30 years as group leader at the GSH, Ursel Dietrich has retired. With the departure of Ursel Dietrich and her group, the era of HIV research at the GSH comes to an end. Importantly, over the years, Ursel Dietrich has not only made valuable scientific contributions to this important topic, but has also always supported the various interests of the institute. Particularly noteworthy in this context are the annual lectures for High School Students she has been organizing as well 7

8 Introduction Mit dem Ausscheiden von Ursel Dietrich werden wir auch unseren Betrieb im S3-Labor einstellen und diesen Bereich komplett restrukturieren und renovieren. Weiterhin haben wir uns entschieden die in zunächst einzelnen Labors notwendig gewordenen Renovierungsarbeiten im Institut systematisch anzugehen und in den nächsten Jahren sukzessive alle Laborbereiche, Büroräume und Flure zu renovieren. Dies stellt eine große Herausforderung dar, da wir dies im laufenden Betrieb bewerkstelligen müssen. Bereits in diesem Jahr konnten wir einzelne Räume fertigstellen: so wurde unter anderem unser Konferenzraum, der Brede-Saal komplett neugestaltet und modernisiert. Außerdem sind wir auf alte Schätze gestoßen und haben in unserem historischen Treppenhaus aus dem 19. Jahrhundert die ursprüngliche Eichentreppe entdeckt, welche nun wunderschön restauriert werden konnte. Das einzigartige Flair unsers Institutsgebäudes, das sich durch die Kombination aus historischer Bausubstanz aus der Zeit von Paul Ehrlich und modernsten Forschungsmöglichkeiten auszeichnet, kommt nun noch besser zum Ausdruck. Auch die Planungen für das neue Gebäude für das Frankfurt Cancer Institut sind inzwischen in vollem Gange und wir erwarten den eigentlichen Baubeginn für Herbst nächsten Jahres. Da das FCI auf verschiedenen Ebenen mit dem GSH verbunden wird, ist davon auszugehen, dass auch diese Baumaßnahme mit Einschränkungen unseres täglichen Betriebs und weiteren Herausforderungen einhergehen wird, bevor wir im Frühjahr 2024 das neue Gebäude in Betrieb nehmen können. Besonders erfreulich ist jedoch, dass wir die wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten und eigentlichen Projekte im FCI bereits im Januar dieses Jahres beginnen konnten. Ermöglicht wurde dies durch den erfolgreichen Start unseres neuen LOEWE-Zentrums Frankfurt Cancer Institute (FCI). Die Gruppen des GSH sind auf vielfältige Weise in die kooperativen Aktivitäten des LOEWE-Zentrums FCI eingebunden und haben auf dem im Oktober in Königstein gemeinsam mit dem DKTK und dem Mildred-Scheel-Nachwuchszentrum durchgeführten Rhein-Main Cancer Retreat eindrucksvoll über ihre ersten Ergebnisse berichten können. Auch auf andere Weise konnten unsere Gruppen in diesem Jahr wieder überzeugen. Neben einer Reihe hochkarätiger Publikationen in diversen führenden internationalen Journalen gelang es, wie bereits in den vergangenen Jahren, die Summe as the student internship in the various laboratories at the GSH and the organization of the institute's participation in the Lauf für mehr Zeit, the charity run for AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt e.v. With the departure of Ursel Dietrich, we will also cease to operate a S3 laboratory and completely restructure and renovate this area. Furthermore, we have decided to systematically approach the renovation work that has become necessary in individual laboratories at the institute and to gradually renovate all laboratory areas, offices and corridors over the next few years. This is a big challenge as we have to do it during our regular scientific work. Already this year we were able to finish individual rooms. Among these, our conference room, the Brede Hall, was completely redesigned and modernized. We also came across old treasures and discovered the original oak staircase in our historic 19th century stairwell, which has now been beautifully restored. The unique flair of our institute building, which is characterized by the combination of a historic building from the time of Paul Ehrlich and state-of-the-art research facilities, is now even better expressed. The planning for the new building for the Frankfurt Cancer Institute is also in full swing and we expect the actual start of construction for fall next year. As the FCI will be physically connected to the GSH at various floors, it is expected that this construction will also limit our daily operations before we can put the new building into operation in spring of However, it is particularly pleasing that we were able to start the scientific work and actual projects at the FCI in January of this year. This was made possible by the successful launch of our new LOEWE-Center Frankfurt Cancer Institute (FCI). The groups of the GSH are involved in the cooperative activities of the LOEWE-Center FCI in many different ways and have been able to impressively report on their first results at the Rhein-Main Cancer Retreat held in Königstein in October together with the DKTK and the Mildred Scheel Youth Center. Also in several other ways our research groups impressed again this year. In addition to a series of high-profile publications in various leading international journals, we once again succeeded in increasing the amount of third-party funds raised, as in previous years. Special mention should also be made of the various personal awards: Hind Medyouf was awarded with the EMBO Young Investigator Program at the 8

9 CONFIRMED SPEAKERS ALBERTO BARDELLI TURIN, KEYNOTE EDUARD BATLLE BARCELONA PEER BORK HEIDELBERG FRED DE SAUVAGE SAN FRANCISCO MATTHIAS ERNST MELBOURNE RICCARDO FODDE ROTTERDAM SERGEI GRIVENNIKOV PHILADELPHIA JOSH LEECH GLASGOW SIMON LEEDHAM OXFORD JAN PAUL MEDEMA AMSTERDAM JACCO VAN RHEENEN AMSTERDAM SABINE TEJPAR LEUVEN ZLATKO TRAJANOSKI INNSBRUCK DOUG WINTON CAMBRIDGE GEORG SPEYER HAUS INSTITUT FÜR TUMORBIOLOGIE UND EXPERIMENTELLE THERAPIE SAVE THE DATE SEPT 19 20, 2019 FRANKFURT/M FOR2438 Introduction der eingeworbenen Drittmittel erneut zu steigern. Besonders erwähnenswert sind außerdem die diversen persönlichen Auszeichnungen: Hind Medyouf wurde Ende des vergangenen Jahres in das EMBO Young Investigator Programm aufgenommen, Lisa Sevenich erhielt den Forschungspreis 2019 der Beug Stiftung für Metastasierungsforschung und Daniela Krause erhielt den Langener Wissenschaftspreis Neben der bereits oben erwähnten Schülervorlesungsreihe und dem anschließenden Schülerpraktikum, dem alljährlichen Auswahlsymposium für den Paul-Ehrlich-und-Ludwig-Darmstaedter Nachwuchspreis organisierte Hind Medyouf im Juni großzügig SYMPOSIUM PLASTICITY IN COLORECTAL CARCINOGENESIS unterstützt durch die Else-Kröner- Fresenius Stiftung ein GSH Symposium mit dem Titel Novel Concepts in Nichedirected Cancer Therapies. Auch das im Rahmen der DFG Forschungsgruppe 2438 Cell Plasticity in Colorectal Carcinogenesis organisierte internationale Symposium fand großen Zuspruch. Die oben skizzierten Veränderungen stehen für den stetigen Fortschritt des GSH. Verbunden mit der positiven Entwicklung unserer finanziellen Situation sowie den zunehmend steigenden wissenschaftlichen Erfolgen unserer Gruppen blicken wir sehr zuversichtlich in die Zukunft und sind optimistisch, dass die Einschränkungen durch die anstehenden Baumaßnahmen uns nicht allzu sehr beeinträchtigen werden. Zwei weitere Professuren für Tumormetabolismus und Tumorimmunologie werden derzeit im Rahmen des LOEWE-FCI besetzt und werden im nächsten Jahr zu uns stoßen um uns bei unseren Bemühungen zu unterstützen. Wir freuen uns darauf! end of last year, Lisa Sevenich received the Research Award 2019 from the Beug Foundation for Metastasis Research and Daniela Krause received the Langen Science Award In addition to the student lecture series already mentioned above and the subsequent student internship, the annual selection symposium for the Paul-Ehrlich-and-Ludwig-Darmstaedter Junior Award, in June Hind Medyouf organized a GSH Symposium entitled Novel Concepts in Niche-directed Cancer Therapies, generously supported by the Else-Kröner- Fresenius Foundation. The international symposium organized by the DFG Research Group 2438 Cell Plasticity in Colorectal Carcinogenesis in September was also well received. The changes outlined above nicely illustrate the ongoing progress of the GSH. Combined with the positive development of our financial situation as well as the increasing scientific success of our groups, we are very optimistic about the future and believe that the limitations of the upcoming construction measures will not affect us too much. Two additional professorships in Tumor Metabolism and Tumor Immunology are currently staffed as part of the LOEWE-FCI and will join us next year to support our efforts. We are looking forward to it! Florian R. Greten, Direktor 9

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11 The Georg-Speyer-Haus Die Stiftung privaten Rechts Chemotherapeutisches Forschungsinstitut Georg-Speyer-Haus wurde 1904 in Frankfurt am Main gegründet, um eine Forschungsstätte für Paul Ehrlich, den ersten Direktor des Hauses, zu schaffen. Die Stiftungsverfassung bestimmt als Zweck der Stiftung die wissenschaftliche Forschung auf den Gebieten der Chemotherapie und verwandter Wissenschaften, die dem Fortschritt der Biomedizin dienen. Es werden ausschließlich und unmittelbar gemeinnützige Zwecke verfolgt. Die laufenden Geschäfte des heutigen Instituts für Tumorbiologie und experimentelle Therapie nimmt der Direktor wahr. Er ist in dieser Tätigkeit dem Stiftungsvorstand verantwortlich. Das Georg-Speyer-Haus ist durch einen Kooperationsvertrag mit der Goethe- Universität Frankfurt verbunden. Das Gebäude des Georg-Speyer-Hauses in der Paul-Ehrlich-Straße 42 44, 1906 eröffnet, wurde von der Stadt Frankfurt am Main zur Nutzung für Institutszwecke zur Verfügung gestellt. Der gesamte Gebäudekomplex wurde in den Jahren aus Mitteln des Bundesministeriums für Gesundheit und des Hessischen Ministeriums für Wissenschaft und Kunst saniert und modernisiert. Er umfasst eine Gesamtfläche von 4710 qm. Die Laboratorien sind für Arbeiten unter verschiedenen biologischen und gentechnischen Sicherheitsstufen (L2, L3, S1, S2, [S3]) zugelassen. Forschen für das Leben Research for Life The private foundation Chemotherapeutisches Forschungsinstitut Georg- Speyer-Haus (Chemotherapeutic Research Institute Georg-Speyer-House) was established in 1904 in order to provide a research institute for Paul Ehrlich, its first director. The constitution of the institute, originating from its foundation, defines its purpose as an establishment for scientific research in the field of chemotherapy and related sciences. It is an independent institution under public law which is exclusively engaged in non-profit work. Today s Institute for Tumor Biology and Experimental Therapy is headed by the Scientific Director who reports to the Board of the Foundation. The Georg- Speyer-Haus has a cooperative agreement with the Goethe University Frankfurt. The Georg-Speyer-Haus is located in a building on Paul-Ehrlich-Str , which has been provided by the City of Frankfurt. The building which was opened in 1906 was renovated in the years from with support from the Federal Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and the Arts of the State of Hessen. 11

12 The Georg-Speyer-Haus Das Georg-Speyer-Haus wird finanziell vom Bundesministerium für Gesundheit (BMG) sowie vom Hessischen Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst (HMWK) unterstützt. Zusätzlich stehen Mittel aus der Drittmittelförderung öffentlicher und privater Forschungsförderungsorganisationen, aus Kooperationsvereinbarungen mit Unternehmen, aus Erträgen des Stiftungskapitals und aus Spenden zur Verfügung. Als Partner im Universitären Centrum für Tumorerkrankungen (UCT), dem LOEWE Zentrum für Zell-und Gentherapie (LOEWE-CGT) sowie dem Deutschen Konsortium für translationale Krebsforschung (DKTK) führt das Georg-Speyer-Haus international kompetitive Grundlagenforschung auf dem Gebiet der Tumorbiologie unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Tumormikromilieus durch. Durch die enge Kollaboration mit den klinischen Partnern der Goethe-Universität im Rahmen der oben genannten Verbünde werden die Ergebnisse aus der Grundlagenforschung in frühe klinische Studien überführt. Darüberhinaus engagiert sich das Georg- Speyer-Haus in der Wissensvermittlung sowie in der Umsetzung neuer Einsichten in therapeutische Applikationen, Dienstleistungen und Produkte und kann so als ein Zentrum der translationalen onkologischen Forschung angesehen werden. It comprises an area of 4710 m 2. The laboratories are certified for work under different biological and gene technology safety regulations (L2, L3, S1, S2, S3). The Georg-Speyer-Haus is supported by the Federal Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and the Arts of the State of Hessen. Additional funding is provided by competitive grants, by cooperation agreements with companies, by returns from the investment of the foundation and by private donations. As a strong partner within the University Cancer Center, the LOEWE Center for Cell and Gene Therapy as well as the German Cancer Consortium the Georg- Speyer-Haus is performing internationally competitive basic research in the field of tumor biology with a particular focus on the tumor microenvironment. In close collaboration with clinical partners at the Goethe-University, results are translated into early clinical trials and the Georg- Speyer-Haus can therefore be considered a center of translational oncology. 12

13 Organizational Structure STIFTUNGSRAT DIREKTORIUM WISSENSCHAFTLICHER BEIRAT Vorsitzender G. Wiesheu Dr. U. Bollert Prof. Dr. W. Müller-Esterl Prof. Dr. S. Offermanns Prof. Dr. J. Pfeilschifter Dr. B. Schnieders MinR in A. Steinhofer-Adam Wissenschaftlicher Direktor Prof. Dr. F. R. Greten Stellvertreter Prof. Dr. W. Wels Kaufmännische Leiterin F. Hasslinger-Pajtler Vorsitzender Prof. Dr. A. Radbruch Prof. Dr. M. van den Broek Prof. Dr. T. Brunner Prof. Dr. K. L. Rudolph Prof. Dr. M. Sibilia Prof. Dr. T. Tüting Prof. Dr. D. Tuveson FORSCHUNGSBEREICH 1 Zelluläre Kommunikation in der Stammzellnische Prof. Dr. D. Krause Dr. H. Medyouf Hygieneund Labormanagement Hana Kunkel SERVICE-EINRICHTUNGEN Durchflusszytometrie Histologie Präklinische Einheit und Bildgebung Transgenic Core Facility Dr. S. Stein Dr. B. Ritter Dr. B. Brill Dr. M. Karimova FORSCHUNGSBEREICH 2 Zell-Zell Interaktionen im Tumorstroma PD Dr. M.C. Arkan* Dr. H. Farin Prof. Dr. F. R. Greten Dr. L. Sevenich VERWALTUNG Personal, Finanzen, IT, Innendienst, Einkauf, Arbeitssicherheit F. Hasslinger-Pajtler FORSCHUNGSBEREICH 3 Experimentelle Therapie Dr. U. Dietrich Prof. Dr. W. Wels * Kooperationsgruppe mit Institut für Biochemie II, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt In cooperation with Institute of Biochemistry II Goethe University Frankfurt 13

14 Highlights Verleihung des Förderpreises des Biologischen Vereins Herr Paul Ziegler wurde für seine Dissertation zum Thema Stat3-Dependent Mitophagy and Lysosomal Membrane Permeabilization in Intestinal Epithelial Cells Trigger Adaptive Immunity During Tumorigenesis mit dem Förderpreis des Biologischen Vereins 2018 ausgezeichnet. EKFS SYMPOSIUM Novel Concepts in Niche-directed Cancer Therapies Mr. Paul Ziegler was honored from the Biological Society for his dissertation Stat3- Dependent Mitophagy and Lysosomal Membrane Permeabilization in Intestinal Epithelial Cells Trigger Adaptive Immunity During Tumorigenesis. JUNE 13 14, 2019 FRANKFURT/MAIN GERMANY GEORG SPEYER HAUS INSTITUTE FOR TUMOR BIOLOGY AND EXPERIMENTAL THERAPY Blood-brain barrier by Alexander Schäffer Juni 2019 Symposium Novel Concepts in Niche-directed Cancer Therapies Das Treffen war ein anregendes Gremium, das hochrangige und junge Wissenschaftler zusammen brachte, um das aktuelle Thema der Tumormikroumgebung bei Krebs und dessen Nutzung als potenzielle Quelle für neuartige therapeutische Ziele zu diskutieren. Das diesjährige Symposium hat zwei Hauptvorträge geboten: Carla Rothlin (Yale University, USA) und Florent Ginhoux (A*STAR, Singapur) sowie eine einstündige Get together -Sitzung, die sich in erster Linie an Doktoranden und Postdocs richtet, um die Referenten zu treffen und in einer entspannten Atmosphäre zu diskutieren. The meeting will bring together a stimulating panel of senior and junior scientists to discuss the hot topic of the tumor microenvironment in cancer and its exploitation as a potential source of novel therapeutic targets. This year's symposium features two keynote lectures by Carla Rothlin (Yale University, USA) and Florent Ginhoux (A*STAR, Singapore) as well as a one hour Get together session which will be primarily dedicated for PhDs and Postdocs to meet the speakers in a relaxed atmosphere in our forum. 14

15 GSH-Retreat Am 25. Juni war es wieder so weit, das Georg- Speyer-Haus hat mit seinen Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern einen spektakulären Ausflug nach Wald-Michelbach zur Sommerrodelbahn & in den Kletterwald unternommen. Ein heißer Tag, an dem die GSH ler sehr viel Spaß hatten. The employees from the Georg-Speyer- Haus made a spectacular trip to Wald- Michelbach to the Summer toboggan run & into the climbing forest. A hot day, where the GSH'ler had a lot of fun. 15

16 GEORG SPEYER HAUS INSTITUT FÜR TUMORBIOLOGIE UND EXPERIMENTELLE THERAPIE Auswahlsymposium zum Paul-Ehrlich- und- Ludwig-Darmstaedter- Nachwuchspreis Am Donnerstag, 12. September fand das Auswahlsymposium zum Paul-Ehrlich-und Ludwig- Darmstaedter-Nachwuchspreis 2019/20 im Hörsaal des Georg- Speyer-Hauses statt. Dieser Preis wird von der Paul-Ehrlich- Stiftung einmal jährlich an eine/n promovierte/n Nachwuchswissenschaftler/in verliehen, die/der an einer Forschungseinrichtung in Deutschland herausragende Leistungen auf dem Gebiet der biomedizinischen Forschung erbracht hat. Das Preisgeld beträgt bis zu Euro und darf ausschließlich forschungsbezogen verwendet werden. Die Preisverleihung findet in Form einer feierlichen Übergabe durch die Stiftung am 14. März 2020 in der Paulskirche in Frankfurt statt. On Thursday, September 12, the selection symposium for the Paul Ehrlich and Ludwig Darmstaedter Young Talent Award 2019/20 took place in the lecture hall of the Georg-Speyer-Haus. This prize is awarded once a year by the Paul Ehrlich Foundation to post-doctoral researchers who have performed outstandingly well in the field of biomedical research at a research institution in Germany. The prize money is up to 60,000 euros and may only be used for research purposes. The award ceremony will include a formal handover by the Foundation on 14 March 2020 in the Paulskirche in Frankfurt. CONFIRMED SPEAKERS ALBERTO BARDELLI TURIN, KEYNOTE EDUARD BATLLE BARCELONA PEER BORK HEIDELBERG FRED DE SAUVAGE SAN FRANCISCO MATTHIAS ERNST MELBOURNE RICCARDO FODDE ROTTERDAM SERGEI GRIVENNIKOV PHILADELPHIA JOSH LEECH GLASGOW SIMON LEEDHAM OXFORD JAN PAUL MEDEMA AMSTERDAM JACCO VAN RHEENEN AMSTERDAM SABINE TEJPAR LEUVEN ZLATKO TRAJANOSKI INNSBRUCK DOUG WINTON CAMBRIDGE Foto: Uwe Dettmar SAVE THE DATE SEPT 19 20, 2019 FRANKFURT/M IN COLORECTAL CARCINOGENESIS FOR Symposium Cell Plasticity in Colorectal Carcinogenesis Am 19. und 20. September 2019 fand das Symposium Cell Plasticity in Colorectal Carcinogenesis in Frankfurt mit über 250 Teilnehmern, 20 nationalen sowie internationalen Sprechern statt, welches von Prof. Florian R. Greten, Direktor vom Georg-Speyer-Haus organisiert wurde. Das Symposium war ein voller Erfolg für Sprecher, Teilnehmer und Interessierte. On 19 and 20 September 2019, the symposium "Cell Plasticity in Colorectal Carcinogenesis" took place in Frankfurt with over 250 participants, 20 national and international speakers, organized by Prof. Florian R. Greten, Director of the Georg-Speyer-Haus, The symposium was a big success for speakers, participants and interested parties. 16

17 FCI Retreat Am Oktober fand das erste Rhein-Main Cancer Retreat statt, als gemeinsame Veranstaltung von FCI, DKTK Frankfurt/Mainz und MSNZ in Königstein im Taunus. Es waren zwei spannende Tage wissenschaftlichen Austauschs und die Teilnehmer haben das Retreat als großen Erfolg eingestuft. Fotos: Felicitas Cremer On October 17-18, the first Rhein-Main Cancer Retreat took place as a joint venture of FCI, DKTK Frankfurt / Mainz and MSNZ in Königstein im Taunus. It has been two exciting days of scientific exchange and the participants have rated the retreat as a great success. Dr. Lisa Sevenich erhält den Forschungspreis 2019 der Beug Stiftung für Metastasierungsforschung Verleihung des Beug Preises u.a. an Dr. Lisa Sevenich vom Georg-Speyer-Haus (Dritte von rechts) für Metastasierungsforschung während der EACR Konferenz Seed and Soil: Mechanisms of Mestastasis in Berlin. Langener Wissenschaftspreisträgerin 2019: Prof. Dr. Daniela Krause vom Georg-Speyer-Haus erforscht das Mikromilieu des Knochenmarks als Angriffspunkt für neue Therapien gegen Blutkrebs Am Freitag, 15. November 2019, erhielt Prof. Dr. Daniela Krause im Paul-Ehrlich- Institut den mit Euro dotierten Langener Wissenschaftspreis. Den Preis übergab Ministerialdirigent Dr. Lars- Christoph Nickel, Bundesministerium für Gesundheit (BMG). Mit dem Langener Wissenschaftspreis werden Forscherinnen und Forscher geehrt, die sich mit hohem Engagement dem medizinischen Fortschritt verschrieben haben, sagte Dr. Nickel. Wir freuen uns, mit Prof. Daniela Krause eine Wissenschaftlerin auszuzeichnen, die innovative Therapieansätze erforscht und deren schnelle Erprobung in klinischen Prüfungen maßgeblich vorbereitet, ergänzte Prof. Klaus Cichutek, Präsident des Paul-Ehrlich-Instituts (PEI), Bundesinstitut für Impfstoffe und biomedizinische Arzneimittel. On Friday, November 15, 2019, Prof. Dr. Daniela Krause from the Georg-Speyer-Haus received the Langener Science Award, endowed with 15,000 euros. The prize was handed over by Ministerialdirigent Dr. Lars-Christoph Nickel, Federal Ministry of Health (BMG). The Langener Wissenschaftspreis honors researchers who have devoted themselves to medical advancement with great dedication, said Dr. med. Nickel. We are pleased to honor Prof. Dr. Daniela Krause, a scientist who is researching innovative therapeutic approaches and who is preparing for their rapid trials in clinical trials, added Prof. Klaus Cichutek, President of the Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI), Federal Institute for Vaccines and biomedical drugs. Quelle: B. Morgenroth / PEI Dr. Lisa Sevenich (third from the right) from the GSH received the award of the Beug Foundation for metastasis research during the EACR conference Seed and Soil in Berlin. Quelle: Kathryn Wass, EACR V.l.n.r.: Manfred Pusdrowski, Frieder Gebhardt, Prof. Dr. Daniela Krause, Dr. Lars-Christoph Nickel, Prof. Klaus Cichutek 17

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19 Laboratories I I Zelluläre Kommunikation in der Stammzellnische Cellular Communication in the Stem Cell Niche 19

20 Bone marrow microenvironment Daniela Krause Die Rolle des Knochenmarksmikromilieus bei den Leukämien Gruppenleiterin Daniela Krause Tel.: Fax: Mitarbeiter Dr. Rahul Kumar Dr. Valentina Minciacchi Dr. Pablo Llavona Sonika Godavarthy Christina Karantanou Raquel Pereira Costanza Zanetti Justin Denner Joscha Ender Wahyu Minka leukaemia The role of the bone marrow microenvironment in leukaemia The bone marrow microenvironment (BMM) is increasingly being considered as a novel target to augment existing therapies for haematological malignancies. This is important, as the overall survival rate for all leukaemias in adults is only 44% and leukaemic stem cells are rarely eradicated. Eradication of cancer stem cells or leukaemia stem cells in leukaemia, however, is thought to be important for cure of a cancer. bone marrow microenvironment pharmacological modulation Based on our previous work our laboratory focuses on various pathways of interaction of leukaemia cells with their surrounding bone marrow microenvironment in an effort to eventually target these interactions and eradicate leukaemic stem cells (LSC). The vascular niche, the extracellular matrix, the coagulation system and novel pathways of adhesion to the BMM, studied by various in vitro and in vivo modelling systems, as well as in vivo 2-photon based imaging (in collaboration with Prof. S. Dimmeler), hereby, form the basis of our studies. 20

21 Bone marrow microenvironment Daniela Krause I Trotz verbesserter Therapien, z.b. in Form von Tyrosinkinaseinhibitoren, liegt die 5-Jahres-Überlebensrate bei Erwachsenen für alle Leukämien bei nur 40%. Deshalb hat es sich unsere Arbeitsgruppe zur Aufgabe gemacht, neue Therapien, vor allem solche mit neuem Therapieansatz, zu entwickeln. Wie bereits von uns und anderen Gruppen publiziert, kann eine gezielte Modulation des Knochenmarksmikromilieus (KMMM), dem Ort, wo eine Leukämie entsteht und voranschreitet, eine Verringerung von leukämischen Stammzellen nach sich ziehen. Dies ist notwendig, denn leukämische Stammzellen können zu Therapieresistenz und Krankheitsrückfall führen. Das KMMM, welches leukämische Stammzellen vor der Chemotherapie beschützen kann, besteht aus verschiedenen Zelltypen wie Osteoblasten, Osteoklasten, mesenchymalen Stammzellen, Endothelzellen, und der extrazellulären Matrix. Wir haben gezeigt, durch welchen Mechanismus eine Blockade eines auf Endothelzellen exprimierten Proteins, E-Selektin, das Überleben von leukämischen Stammzellen beeinträchtigt und wie die Lokalisation von leukämischen Stammzellen innerhalb des KMMMs und ihre spezifische Interaktion mit der extrazellulären Matrix des KMMMs den Krankheitsverlauf einer Leukämie beeinflussen kann. Ferner sind die Rolle des Blutgerinnungssystems im KMMM und die Adhäsion von Leukämie-induzierenden Zellen im KMMM Fokus unserer Arbeitsgruppe. As we have previously shown that CD44 and selectins and their ligands play a role for the engraftment of LSC in chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) we have now shown that the E-selectin-specific inhibitor GMI-1271 may be beneficial for the reduction of LSC in CML. Indeed, our data indicate that inhibition of E-selectin in murine CML may lead to non-adherence to the vascular niche, reduced engraftment of leukaemia-initiating cells and possibly an altered cell cycle of LSC, likely via non-adhesion to the vascular niche, a novel finding in leukaemia. Simultaneously, we have implicated that BCR-ABL1, the causative oncogene giving rise to CML, regulates the expression of CD44, which is essential for the engraftment and, as we show, the cell cycle of CMLinitiating cells, via Akt and Scl/Tal-1. This work was published in Haematologica. In other work we have shown by confocal 2-photon in-vivo microscopy of the calvarium in live mice that leukaemic stem cells in CML have a distinct location in the bone marrow niche, which is different from the location of normal haematopoietic stem cells. Prior in vitro treatment of leukaemic stem cells with imatinib, considered standard of care in CML, reversed this phenotype. Furthermore, LSC in CML, harbouring the T315I point mutation in BCR-ABL1 (BCR-ABL1 T315I ), which conveys resistance to imatinib, were found closest to the endosteum. As patients and mice with CML due to BCR-ABL1 T315I have an accelerated clinical course and a worse outcome, we are currently investigating whether an altered interaction with the bone marrow microenvironment via altered signaling from BCR-ABL1 or its respective mutants may be a cause of this. Indeed, in comparison to BCR-ABL1 WT+ cells we have been able to implicate an altered expression of adhesion molecules, increased engraftment, increased adhesion, alterations of the actin cytoskeleton and differences in signaling pathways, both in murine and human BCR-ABL1 T315I+ cells. We hold a patent for these discoveries, on the basis of which we in future hope to initiate clinical trials in collaboration with a pharmaceutical company. Thirdly, the coagulation system is a complex system comprised of various proteases and other factors which result in the formation of a blood clot. The bone marrow microenvironment has been implicated in the maintenance of haematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPC), but proteases such as metalloproteinase 9 have only been implicated in the mobilisation of HSPC, but not for HSPC homeostasis. Therefore, we hypothesized that the proteases of the coagulation system may play a role in the normal physiology of the BMM and that modulation of coagulation factors may have an effect on HSPC, for instance via degradation of the extracellular matrix and increased mobilisation of HPSC. Indeed, by this approach we discovered that periostin, a secreted extracellular matrix protein, which requires γ-carboxylation for its function, influences the homeostasis and maintenance of HSPC. This work was published in Blood. 21

22 Bone marrow microenvironment Daniela Krause In a fourth project we are investigating the role of lipid raft-associated molecules for adhesion of leukaemia cells to the BMM. We have found that lipid raft-associated molecules play a prominent role for the engraftment of leukaemia cells, possibly via association with certain adhesion molecules. In a project not related to the BMM, we have shown that the transcriptional regulator FUBP1 influences disease outcome in murine and human myeloid leukemia. This was published in Leukemia. In summary, the laboratory focuses on the role of the different constituents of the BMM on the initiation, maintenance and progression of leukaemias in an attempt to develop novel therapies which can augment our existing armamentarium against this intractable disease. Fibronectin IGF1 Fibronectin + IGF1 Merge WT ANXA2 KO Mesenchymal stromal cells stained with anti- CD63 (green), DAPI (blue) and phalloidin (pink). Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) stained with anti-lc3 (green), anti-lamp1 (red), DAPI (blue) and phalloidin (pink). Immunofluorescence images showing the levels of fibronectin (green) or insulin-like growth factor (pink) in mice. 22

23 Bone marrow microenvironment Daniela Krause I Ausgewählte Publikationen Verma D, Kumar R, Pereira RS, Karantanou C, Zanetti C, Minciacchi VR, Fulzele K, Kunst K, Hoelper S, Zia-Chahabi S, Jabagi M-J, Emmerich J, Dray- Spira R, Kuhlee F, Hackmann K, Schroeck E, Wenzel P, Müller S, Filmann N, Fontenay M, Divieti-Pajevic P, Krause DS. Vitamin K-antagonism impairs the bone marrow microenvironment and hematopoiesis Blood. 2019, 134(3): Krause DS, Fulzele K, Catic A, Sun CC, Dombkowski D, Hurley MP, Lezeau S, Attar E, Wu JY, Lin HY, Divieti-Pajevic P, Hasserjian RP, Schipani E, Van Etten RA, Scadden DT. Differential regulation of myeloid leukemias by the bone marrow microenvironment Nature Medicine 2013; 19(11): * Krause DS, Lazarides K, von Andrian UH, Van Etten RA. Requirement for CD44 in homing and engraftment of BCR-ABL-expressing leukemic stem cells Nat Med 2006; 12 (10): Krause DS, Van Etten RA. Tyrosine kinases as targets for cancer therapy. N Engl J Med 2005;353: Roumiantsev S*, Krause DS*, Neumann CA, Dimitri CA, Asiedu F, Cross NCP, Van Etten RA. Distinct stem cell myeloproliferative /T-lymphoma syndromes induced by ZNF198-FGFR1 and BCR-FGFR1 fusion genes from 8p11 translocations. Cancer Cell 2004;5: *co-first authorship... weitere Publikationen finden Sie auf Seite 59 Other activities We coorganized the third international scientific workshop on the Tumor environment in the haematological malignancies and its therapeutic targeting under the umbrella of the European School of Haematology in London. The fourth workshop will take place in We also coorganized the 21st international scientific meeting on Chronic myeloid leukaemia under the umbrella of the European School of Haematology in Bordeaux, France. We are actively collaborating with pharma on research involved in the leukaemic bone marrow microenvironment. Mesenchymal stromal cells stained with DAPI (blue) and mitotracker (green). Mesenchymal stromal cells stained with DAPI (blue) and mitotracker (green). 23

24 Bone Marrow Microenvironment Hind Medyouf Die Knochenmarks- Mikroumgebung in Krebserkrankungen Gruppenleiterin Hind Medyouf Tel.: Fax: Mitarbeiter Arnaud Descot Ewelina Czlonka Alexander Schäffer Ioanna Tsoukala Devona Soetopo Maresa Weitmann Noah Rider Irene Tirado-Gonzalez Bone marrow microenvironment Leukemia/Metastasis Immune escape The Bone Marrow Microenvironment in Cancers Although cellular transformation and cancer progression are thought to be driven by somatic mutational events that progressively provide neoplastic cells with a fitness advantage over normal cells, it is now well-recognized that the surrounding microenvironment actively contributes to this multistep process. The bone marrow represents a nurturing site for many types of blood cancers but also for disseminated bone metastatic cells which are frequently seen in some solid cancers (breast, lung and pancreatic cancers). The bone marrow microenvironment is a complex ecosystem composed of many cell types such as mesenchymal stem and progenitor cells, endothelial cells, nerve fibers as well as cells of the immune system, all of which have been shown to modulate the biology of normal hematopoietic stem cells but also that of their malignant counterpart, the so-called leukemic stem cells. Several studies, including from our group, have demonstrated that this so called tumor microenvironment (TME) is profoundly altered in many aspects during the tumorigenic process, including cellular composition, molecular features and functional properties. Changes in the 24

25 Bone Marrow Microenvironment Hind Medyouf I Das Mikromilieu des Knochenmarks stellt ein komplexes Ökosystem dar in dem eine Vielzahl unterschiedlicher Zelltypen wichtige Aufgaben in der Aufrechterhaltung der Hämatopoese spielen. Allerdings können diese Zelltypen krankheitsbedingte Veränderungen aufweisen oder physiologische Funktionen werden durch Tumorzellen zweckentfremdet, um deren Entstehung und Ausbreitung zu fördern (Medyouf, CSC, 2014, Medyouf, Blood, 2017). Das Forschungsziel unserer Arbeitsgruppe besteht in der funktionellen Analyse des Einflusses der Gewebsumgebung des Knochenmarks auf das Verhalten von Tumorzellen im Kontext von Blutkrebs sowie Metastasen solider Tumorarten. Unsere Arbeit stützt sich hierbei auf die Hypothese, dass die Aufklärung der Mechanismen, durch die die Knochmarks-Mikroumgebung das Verhalten der Tumorzellen beeinflusst, einen entscheidenden Beitrag zur Identifizierung neuartiger therapeutischer Ziele innerhalb der Knochenmarksnische beiträgt und Grundlagen zur Entwicklung verbesserter Behandlungsmöglichkeiten schafft. Wir verwenden unterschiedliche Omic -Methoden und Patientenmaterial, um die wechselseitigen Interaktionen zwischen Tumorzellen und Nischzellen zu analysieren. Ein besonderer Fokus wird hierbei auf die Rolle von Endothel-, Mesenchym- und Immunzellen gesetzt. Funktionelle und translationale Studien werden an einem breiten Spektrum an experimentellen System durchgeführt. Diese umfassen wie z.b. syngene Mausmodelle, xenotransplantierte Modelle ausgehend von Patientenmaterial (Tirado-Gonzalez, Leukemia, 2018) und humanisierte 2D und 3D Modelle der Knochenmarksnische, die kürzlich in unserem Labor etabliert wurden (Schäffer et al., unpublished). Wir sind davon überzeugt, dass Therapien, die gezielt gegen Funktionen der Tumormikroumgebung gerichtet sind, einen wichtigen Teil der Bemühungen zur Etablierung verbesserter Therapieansätze darstellen und uns dem Ziel der Krebsprävention oder gar Heilung näherbringen. TME also lead to important tissue and extracellular matrix (ECM) remodeling that may act in concert to promote the nurturing functions of the tumor stroma. In this context, our lab is actively exploring the specific contributions of the bone marrow microenvironment in promoting hematological cancers, with a particular emphasis on its potential contribution to leukemia immune evasion and its impact on cellular dynamics and clonal competition in pre-leukemic syndromes, referred to as myelodysplastic syndromes. Building on the knowledge gained in the context of leukemia, we expanded our research program to explore the interplay between the bone marrow microenvironment and disseminated tumor cells from solid cancer entities, particularly breast cancer (SPP 2084, µbone). Our research program is based on the rational that in order to devise better therapeutic strategies for patients and improve outcome, we need to gain deeper insight into how malignant cells co-opt their environment to promote tumor growth. Mesenchymal niche contributions to human myelodysplasia Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) are heterogeneous clonal hematopoietic stem cell diseases mainly affecting the elderly and characterized by ineffective production of mature blood cells with peripheral cytopenia and the propensity to evolve to acute myeloid leukemia. Our previous work revealed that patientderived mesenchymal niche cells are essential to propagate human MDS stem cells in vivo and that human MDS cells shape their environment into a self-reinforcing one, thus highlighting the crucial role of the niche in human MDS. Ongoing work is now focusing on deciphering the interplay between hematopoietic and mesenchymal niche cells in human MDS and assessing innovative means by which we could target diseased cells to improve the outcome for patients with MDS. This work program is carried out in close collaboration with clinical partners and is supported by funds from the European Research Council and the German José Carreras Leukemia Foundation. To functionally interrogate candidate niche factors and signaling axes that emerge from our screening efforts, we endeavor to develop disease model systems that allow us to study human cells in a relevant environment. For in vivo studies, we generate genetically engineered mouse models (GEMM) in a highly immunecompromised background to functionally probe the function of specific niche elements and niche-produced factors in the pathogenesis of human cancers (Tirado- Gonzalez, Leukemia, 2018). To reduce (3 R s) the number of animals used in experiments, we also develop fully humanized 2D and 3D bone marrow niche models, that can be used as higher throughput platforms to carry out functional experiments ex vivo and are amenable to experimental manipulation such as CRISPR/ Cas9 editing or ex vivo drug screening (Figure 1). We are hopeful that these systems will help us translate our findings into groundbreaking novel therapeutic strategies for MDS patients, by disrupting essential niche/mds stem cell interactions. 25

26 Bone Marrow Microenvironment Hind Medyouf Figure 1. Fully humanized 2D & 3D niche models 2D and 3D co-culture setting combining human derived Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) and endothelial cells (ECs) from bone marrow biopsies. Human CD31 marks endothelial cells and the vessel like structures that can be observed, asma marks activated mesenchymal cells, DAPI marks nuclei and Ki67 marks proliferating cells. Cancer cells are marked in green. The immune microenvironment in acute leukemia Acute leukemia is a group of disseminated hematological cancers that is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths in children and represents an appalling clinical challenge in adults and elderly patients. Treatment strategies are largely based on intensive chemotherapy combined with targeted therapy in specific disease subtypes (e.g. BCR-ABL inhibitors in BCR-ABL + B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia), but resistance remains a leading cause of death. Although new immunotherapeutic modalities have raised hope for a subset of acute leukemia patients, both cell intrinsic (e.g. antigen loss, secondary lesions, etc) and extrinsic events (e.g. Immune suppressive microenvironment) are thought to drive treatment failure and resistance. In this context, our group is exploring the molecular mechanisms underlying the immune-suppressive functions of the microenvironment in acute leukemias and evaluating new therapeutic means by which we could trigger an effective endogenous immune response that could eliminate malignant cells (Figure 2). 26

27 Bone Marrow Microenvironment Hind Medyouf I Ausgewählte Publikationen CRISPR/Cas9-edited NSG mice as PDX models of human leukemia to address the role of niche-derived SPARC. Tirado-Gonzalez I, Czlonka E, Nevmerzhitskaya A, Soetopo D, Bergonzani E, Mahmoud A, Contreras A, Jeremias I, Platzbecker U, Bourquin JP, Kloz U, Van der Hoeven F, Medyouf H. Leukemia Apr;32(4): The microenvironment in human myeloid malignancies: emerging concepts and therapeutic implications. Medyouf H. Blood Mar 23;129(12): Review. Mutational hierarchies in myelodysplastic syndromes dynamically adapt and evolve upon therapy response and failure. Mossner M, Jann JC, Wittig J, Nolte F, Fey S, Nowak V, Obländer J, Pressler J, Palme I, Xanthopoulos C, Boch T, Metzgeroth G, Röhl H, Witt SH, Dukal H, Klein C, Schmitt S, Gelß P, Platzbecker U, Balaian E, Fabarius A, Blum H, Schulze TJ, Meggendorfer M, Haferlach C, Trumpp A, Hofmann WK, Medyouf H*, Nowak D*. Blood Sep 1;128(9): *Co-senior authors Myelodysplastic cells in patients reprogram mesenchymal stromal cells to establish a transplantable stem cell niche disease unit. Medyouf H*, Mossner M, Jann JC, Nolte F, Raffel S, Herrmann C, Lier A, Eisen C, Nowak V, Zens B, Müdder K, Klein C, Obländer J, Fey S, Vogler J, Fabarius A, Riedl E, Roehl H, Kohlmann A, Staller M, Haferlach C, Müller N, John T, Platzbecker U, Metzgeroth G, Hofmann WK, Trumpp A*, Nowak D. Cell Stem Cell Jun 5;14(6): *Co-corresponding authors.... weitere Publikationen finden Sie auf Seite 59 Functional relevance of the extracellular matrix in the bone marrow niche Besides the cellular environment, emerging clinical data suggest that modifications in the composition of the extracellular matrix (ECM) play a critical role in malignant progression. In this context, our laboratory has been exploring the role of a highly conserved and multi-faceted matricellular protein, SPARC, in modulating the behavior of leukemia and metastatic bone cells. SPARC has pleiotropic activities, such as modulation of ECM structural organization and stiffness, cellular adhesion, growth factor activity as well as other biological aspects that could impact cancer progression. Despite its high stromal expression, little is known about the specific role of niche-produced SPARC in the TME and how it impacts the biology of leukemic cells and disseminated tumor cells. Initial studies from our lab have now established that niche-produced SPARC significantly impacts leukemic expansion in vivo (Tirado-Gonzalez, Leukemia, 2018) and may well be an important modulator of metastatic dormancy in solid cancers that home to the bone marrow (SPP 2084, µbone). Understanding the molecular mechanisms involved downstream of SPARC may generate new insights to help devise new therapeutic strategies that could be exploited to sensitize malignant cells to current treatments. Figure 2. Targeting the microenvironment to trigger a potent host-versus-leukemia immune response. AML cells were injected to immune competent (C57BL/6) or Immune compromised (NSG) that are either wild type or genetically modified to lack the expression of a candidate target that we recently identified as a potential immune suppressive factor in acute leukemia. 27

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29 Laboratories II II Zell-Zell Interaktionen im Tumorstroma Cell-Cell Interaction in the Tumor Stroma 29

30 Diet, Energy Metabolism, and Cancer Melek Canan Arkan Diät, Energiemetabolismus und Krebs Gruppenleiterin Melek Canan Arkan Tel.: Fax: Mitarbeiter Begüm Aküzüm Asude Callak Kirisözü Anna Zinoveva Metabolic derangements in cancer Early imaging in cancer Diet, microbiota, and cancer Diet, Energy Metabolism, and Cancer Diet is vital and nutrient imbalance is closely associated with a plethora of diseases. Whereas increased intake of fat-rich-diet alters energy metabolism leading to development of obesity and metabolic syndrome, it can also alter bacterial community profiles and accelerate tumorigenesis. Diet is shaped by multiple diverse factors such as culture, nutritional knowledge, price, availability, taste, and convenience. Given the reciprocal interaction between host and environmental factors during carcinogenesis, food consumption is becoming critical. Our research aims at delineating how changing diet is associated with cancer initiation and progression in the pancreas and intestine at a molecular and cellular level and at elucidating host, microbial, and tumor energy metabolism under a state of increased energy consumption. Using preclinical models as well as clinical samples, we aim at defining derangements in energy metabolism during tumor development and therapy in order to define whether there are vulnerabilities that can be targeted and customizing diet may eventually pave the way for individual-based interventions. 30

31 Diet, Energy Metabolism, and Cancer Melek Canan Arkan II Die Ernährung ist lebenswichtig und ein Nährstoffungleichgewicht ist eng mit einer Vielzahl von Krankheiten verbunden. Während eine erhöhte Zufuhr von fettreicher Nahrung den Energiestoffwechsel verändert, was zur Entwicklung von Fettleibigkeit und metabolischem Syndrom führt, kann dies auch das Profil der Bakteriengemeinschaft verändern und die Tumorentstehung beschleunigen. Die Ernährung wird durch verschiedene Faktoren wie Kultur, Ernährungswissen, Preis, Verfügbarkeit, Geschmack und Zweckmäßigkeit geprägt. Angesichts der Wechselwirkung zwischen Wirt und Umweltfaktoren während der Karzinogenese wird der Verzehr von Nahrungsmitteln kritisch. Unsere Forschung zielt darauf ab, herauszufinden, wie eine Ernährungsumstellung auf molekularer und zellulärer Ebene mit der Entstehung und dem Fortschreiten von Krebs in Bauchspeicheldrüse und Darm einhergeht, und den Energiestoffwechsel von Wirten, Mikroben und Tumoren bei erhöhtem Energieverbrauch aufzuklären. Mit Hilfe von präklinischen Modellen und klinischen Proben wollen wir Störungen des Energiestoffwechsels während der Tumorentwicklung und -therapie definieren, um zu bestimmen, ob es Schwachstellen gibt, die gezielt angegangen werden können, und um zu bestimmen, ob die Ernährung möglicherweise den Weg für individuelle Interventionen ebnet. Metabolic Derangements during Cancer Our studies focus on elucidating how host and tumor energy metabolism changes under a state of increased energy consumption. We aim to delineate the critical alterations that take place during disease initiation and progression and to target vulnerabilities, which may have a diagnostic value in cancer. Metabolic Profiling Treatment response +/- ECAR OCR Metabolic profileguided therapy Figure 1. Using preclinical models, derangements in bioenergetic pathways during tumor development and therapy are investigated in order to define and target vulnerabilities, which may set the stage for future drug discovery for therapeutic interventions. 31

32 Diet, Energy Metabolism, and Cancer Melek Canan Arkan Early Imaging in Cancer Late-stage presentation, inaccessible diagnosis and treatment represent the common cause of increased mortality rates in cancer patients. Although, the conventional imaging modalities are highend technologies, they still have restrictions with respect to their resolution, sensitivity, generating contrast, high costs, and side effects, suggesting the urgent need for alternative tools/approaches for cancer screening, diagnosis, and treatment monitoring. Our studies aim at using MRI-detectable probes for early detection and progression, which may have a diagnostic value and could be used as a reliable biomarker for defining disease location, stage, and therapy response. a b T 2 W T 1 W T 1 W+Gd Figure 2. Magnetic resonance imaging of tumors in preclinical mouse models. Coronal images showing a tumor located in the a. proximal duodenum, b. pancreas, which appears darker in T1-weighted Flash 3D pre-contrast scan and becomes brighter in post-gd, after i.v. injection of Gadovist, the contrast agent. 32

33 Diet, Energy Metabolism, and Cancer Melek Canan Arkan II Ausgewählte Publikationen Khasawneh J, Schulz MD, Walch A, Rozman J, Hrabe de Angelis M, Klingenspor M, Buck A, Schwaiger M, Saur D, Schmid RM, Klöppel G, Sipos B, Greten FR, and Arkan MC (2009) Inflammation and mitochondrial β-oxidation link obesity to pancreatic cancer. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA; 106(9): Schulz MD*, Atay C*, Heringer J*, Romrig FR, Schwitalla S, Aydin B, Ziegler PK, Varga J, Reindl W, Pommerenke C, Salinas-Riester G, Böck A, Alpert C, Blaut M, Polson SC, Brandl L, Kirchner T, Greten FR, Polson SW and Arkan MC (2014). High-fat-diet-mediated dysbiosis promotes intestinal carcinogenesis independently of obesity. Nature; 514(7523): Arkan MC (2016). Cancer: Fat and fate of pancreatic tumours. Nature; 536(7615): Arkan MC (2017). The intricate connection between diet, microbiota, and cancer: A jigsaw puzzle. Semin. Immunol.; 32: weitere Publikationen finden Sie auf Seite 60 Diet, Microbiota, and Cancer Nutrition can directly or indirectly modulate microbiome and play a decisive role in disease outcome. Our studies aim at unravelling the impact of microbiota structure and function during cancer and therapy response. We elucidate whether precision nutrition can pave the way for individual-based interventions in cancer by addressing microbiome functional profiles with altered energy metabolism. Cancer Sampling 16S rrna sequencing/ metagenomics Bioinformatics Diet Probiotics FMT Figure 3. Defining the alterations in microbiome and the effect of interventions designed to impact microbial community and function during disease development and therapy will be our ultimate goal. 33

34 Microenvironmental crosstalk Henner Farin Gewebsinteraktionen und Signalmechanismen im Darmkrebs Gruppenleiter Henner Farin Tel.: Fax.: Mitarbeiter Mohammed Mosa Benardina Ndreshkjana Constantin Menche Lili Szabó Marco Bechtel Tahmineh Darvishi Patricia Schult-Dietrich Signaling crosstalk in the colon cancer microenvironment 3D organoid cultures from endoscopic biopsies and tumor samples Paracrine signaling mechanisms of the intestinal stem cell niche Targeting of the colon cancer microenvironment In Germany, colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most common cancer type with 60,000 new diagnoses and 25,000 death cases each year (Robert-Koch- Institut, 2016). Two major classes can be distinguished: microsatellite stable (MSS, ~85%) and microsatellite instable tumors (MSI; ~15%). Although great advances have been achieved in tumor prevention, the therapeutic options for patients with advanced disease are still limited. Main challenges are a high genetic heterogeneity in CRC both at the inter-individual and intratumoral level. In addition, prognosis and therapy response are strongly influenced by the tumor microenvironment. The improved molecular and cellular understanding has unfortunately not yet lead to more effective therapies. One limitation is the availability of predictive cancer models to test treatment strategies. Patient-derived tumor organoids (PDTOs) have recently emerged as promising preclinical models for CRC. The organoid technology is based on expansion of primary epithelial cells in 3D Matrigel under defined growth factors. Originally developed for mouse small intestine, 34

35 Microenvironmental crosstalk Henner Farin II Unsere Arbeitsgruppe am Georg-Speyer-Haus erforscht die zellulären und molekularen Vorgänge bei der Entstehung von Darmkrebs. Insbesondere interessiert uns die Kommunikation verschiedener Zelltypen in der unmittelbaren Umgebung des Tumors, dem so genannten Tumor-microenvironment. Dabei nutzen wir Organoide, ein neuartiges dreidimensionales Gewebekultur- System. Organoide können unter definierten Kulturbedingungen aus humanen Darm-Stammzellen etabliert werden und bilden Darmepithel-spezifische Strukturen wie Krypten (Furchen) oder Villi (Zotten) aus (so genannte Mini-Därme ). Dieses System ermöglicht die Expansion von Stammzellen in einem Gewebe-ähnlichen Zustand, was die Untersuchung von molekularen Signalen in einer definierbaren Mikroumgebung ermöglicht. So kann z.b. durch Zugabe von nicht-epithelialen Zellen wie Fibroblasten, Gefäß- oder Immunzellen der Organkontext nachgebildet werden. Im Mittelpunkt unserer Forschung steht die genetische Analyse der Entstehung und Progression des Darm-Karzinoms sowie der Einfluss körpereigener Abwehrmechanismen wie Entzündungsreaktionen. Dazu werden in klinischer Kollaboration Tumorbiopsien expandiert um Patienten-spezifische Signalmechanismen zu identifizieren. Mit Hilfe von genetischen Techniken (CRISPR/Cas9) und Hochdurchsatzanalysen (z.b. RNA-Sequenzierung und Proteomanalyse) versuchen wir zu verstehen wie einzelne onkogene Mutationen den zellulären Phänotyp beeinflussen, als Ansatzpunkt für zukünftige Therapien. Unsere Gruppe wird vom Deutschen Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ) im Rahmen des Deutschen Konsortiums für Translationale Krebsforschung (DKTK) am Georg-Speyer-Haus finanziert. the system has been adapted to normal and tumor tissues from human colon and other tumor entities. PDTOs can be expanded and cryopreserved to obtain living biobanks that represent the tumor heterogeneity among and within patients. This offers excellent research opportunities, e.g. to study the spectrum of drug responses and resistances in molecular subtypes. In addition, organoids represent a powerful genetic model that is accessible to transgenesis. The Farin group is funded by the German Consortium for Translational Cancer Research (DKTK) which is part of the German Cancer Research Centre (DKFZ). Research focus areas are: I. Maintenance and differentiation of intestinal stem cells during homeostasis Tissue homeostasis and regeneration depends on the capacity of stem cells to proliferate and to produce differentiated offspring. In the past years it has been recognized that signals from the stem cell niche govern turnover and plasticity of stem cells to meet the physiological demands (reviewed by Tetteh, Farin and Clevers, 2015). Organoids can serve as accessible models to investigate the mechanisms that govern homeostasis. We could identify that the Wnt3 protein is secreted by niche cells and specifies stem cells in close vicinity (Farin et al., 2016; Fig. 1). Our findings imply that localized production and the limited mobility of Wnt3 regulate self-organization of the intestinal epithelium. In addition, we have analyzed intestinal epithelial organoids as a model for microvillus inclusion disease, a human congenital defect that affects vesicle trafficking. Confocal time-lapse microscopy in reporter-transgenic organoids revealed that the cellular phenotype is linked with the level of cell differentiation (Mosa et al., CMGH 2018). Figure 1. Study of Wnt signals in self-renewal and differentiation. Localized production of Wnt3 in intestinal organoids (left, refer Farin et al., Nature 2016) that patterns the epithelium in stem cell and differentiation zones (right, from commentary of Gregorieff and Wrana, Cell Research 2016). 35

36 Microenvironmental crosstalk Henner Farin II. Molecular profiling of oncogenic signaling in CRC organoids Inactivating mutations of Adenoma polyposis coli (APC) act as the main driver of CRC by constitutive activation of the Wnt signaling pathway. Pharmacologic targeting of this activity has proven difficult because the Wnt pathway is crucial for tissue homeostasis of the gut. To identify responses that are specifically induced in tumors but not upon Wnt stimulation in normal stem cells we generated APC-deficient human colon organoids by CRISPR/Cas9 directed mutagenesis, followed by transcriptome and proteome profiling (Fig. 2; Michels et al., 2019). The study allowed us to identify and validate new markers for tumors and normal stem/progenitor cells. In addition, we could link the oncogene-specific Wnt signature with good prognosis in tumors of the consensus molecular subtype 2 (CMS2). In contrast, the normal-specific Wnt signature was associated with CMS4 tumors and poor prognosis. Taken together, our data represents a resource for stratification of Wnt responses in CRC. We suggest that similar profiling in human isogenic organoids could help to uncover oncogene-specific responses in other contexts for biomarker identification and identification of therapeutic targets. Figure 2. Profiling of human colon organoids reveals distinct physiologic and oncogenic Wnt responses. Graphical abstract from Michels et al., JEM

37 Microenvironmental crosstalk Henner Farin II Ausgewählte Publikationen Farin HF*, Jordens I, Mosa MH, Basak O, Korving J, Tauriello DVF, de Punder K, Angers S, Peters PJ, Maurice MM, Clevers H.* (2016). Visualization of a short-range Wnt gradient in the intestinal stem-cell niche. Nature 530, *co-correspondence Mosa MH, Nicolle O, Maschalidi S, Sepulveda FE, Bidaud-Meynard A, Menche C, Michels BE, Michaux G*, Basile G de S*, and Farin HF*. Dynamic Formation of Microvillus Inclusions During Enterocyte Differentiation in Munc18-2 Deficient Intestinal Organoids. Cellular and Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2018; 6: e1. *co-correspondence Michels BE, Mosa MH, Grebbin BM, Yepes D, Darvishi T, Hausmann J, Urlaub H, Zeuzem S, Kvasnicka HM, Oellerich T, Farin HF. (2019) Human colon organoids reveal distinct physiologic and oncogenic Wnt responses. J Exp Med 216: Schnalzger TE, de Groot MHP, Zhang C, Mosa MH, Michels BE, Röder J, Darvishi T, Wels WS, Farin HF. (2019) 3D model for CAR-mediated cytotoxicity using patient-derived colorectal cancer organoids. EMBO Journal 2019; 38(12), pii: e weitere Publikationen finden Sie auf Seite 60 III. Establishment of preclinical organoid models for cancer immunotherapy In CRC, cell-based immunotherapy could be beneficial, because checkpoint inhibitors alone are not effective in the majority of MSS patients. Lymphocytes can be engineered to specifically recognize tumor-associated antigens, however, application of such chimeric antigen receptors (CAR)-modified cells has proven challenging in solid tumors. An immunosuppressive tumor stroma prevents effector cell recruitment and function. In addition, common tumor-antigens are sparse in CRC and we lack predictive in vitro models for immuno-oncology. To address these challenges we have recently developed the first CAR-PDTO model (Fig. 3; Schnalzger et al., 2019). In collaboration with Prof. Winfried Wels (Georg-Speyer- Haus), we have used CAR-modified NK-92 cells directed against various tumor-antigens and measured PDTO killing by an enzymatic assay. In addition, we have performed quantitative confocal live imaging to monitor effector cell recruitment and cytotoxicity at a single organoid level. Our platform may help to evaluate CAR efficacy and tumor specificity for personalized immunooncology. Figure 3. 3D model for CAR-mediated cytotoxicity using patient-derived CRC organoids Graphical abstract from Schnalzger et al., EMBO Journal

38 Cell Plasticity Florian Greten Gruppenleiter Florian R. Greten, Direktor Tel.: Fax: Mitarbeiter Alexander Azimpour Verawan Boonsanay-Michel Fatih Ceteci Claire Conche Christin Danneil Esther Engel Jalaj Gupta Preeti Gupta Kilian Kennel Hana Kunkel Kathleen Mohs Adele Nicolas Charles Pallangyo Marina Pešić Valentina Petrocelli Birgit Ritter Eva Rudolf Mark Schmitt Viktoria von Manstein Zellplastizität im Mikromilieu des Kolonkarzinoms Colorectal carcinogenesis Cell Plasticity in the microenvironment of colorectal cancer Inflammation in tumor development, progression and therapy Cell plasticity in the tumor microenvironment Our research is mainly focused on colorectal carcinoma (CRC), one of the three most common and lethal cancer entities in industrial countries. The risk of developing CRC increases with age and the majority of cases occurs in people aged 50 or older. Risk factors include family history of CRC, inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), genetic syndromes and lifestyle factors such as low-fiber and high-fat diet, obesity, tobacco use and alcohol consumption, which presumably account for the increased prevalence in the western world. The known fact, that lifestyle factors can influence the probability of CRC development, already hints to the crucial finding that there is more to colorectal carcinogenesis than cell intrinsic oncogenic mutations, namely the tumor surrounding microenvironment. Although DNA mutations in tumor initiating cells are undoubtedly required, the microenvironment, consisting of stroma cells and their secreted chemokines and growth factors, as well as the intestinal microbiota are essential for tumor development as well and can shift the course of the disease to a favorable or poor outcome. In particular, inflammatory 38

39 Cell Plasticity Florian Greten II Der Fokus unserer Forschung liegt auf der funktionellen Analyse des Mikromilieus im Kolonkarzinom. Unter Verwendung von dreidimensionalen Zellkulturen und konditionalen Knockout-Mäusen, mit denen wir eine Zelltyp-spezifische Aktivierung oder Inaktivierung bestimmter Gene erreichen, führen wir funktionelle Untersuchungen durch. Hierbei kommen relevante Mausmodelle für das Kolonkarzinom zum Einsatz, welche die verschiedenen Arten und Stadien der Tumorentstehung valide abbilden. Seit vielen Jahren beschäftigen wir uns mit der systematischen Analyse eines entzündlichen Mikromilieus im sporadischen und Entzündungs-assoziierten Kolonkarzinom. Obwohl inflammatorische Prozesse allgemein Tumor-förderlich sind, ist eine inflammatorische anti-tumor Immunantwort besonders in der Therapie ausdrücklich erwünscht. Ebenso können die Zellen des Tumorstromas durch die von ihnen sezernierten Zytokine und Wachstumsfaktoren positiv oder negativ auf die Tumorprogression einwirken. Dass ein und der selbe Zelltyp je nach Tumorentität, Mikromillieu, Patient oder einfach nur Lokalisation innerhalb eines Tumors komplett gegensätzlich wirken kann, ist ein Beispiel von Zellplastizität. Die molekularen Prozesse, die Immun- und Stromazellen auf unterschiedliche Weise polarisieren, sowie differenzierte Zellen dazu bringen zu dedifferenzieren und Stammzell-artigen Charakter zu erlangen, sind bis heute nicht vollständig geklärt und Kernpunkt verschiedener unserer Forschungsprojekte. Durch die Erkenntnisse solch grundlegender Prozesse soll die Pathogenese des Kolonkarzinoms aufgeklärt und neue therapeutische Ansätze aufgedeckt werden, um das Leben der Patienten zu verlängern und deren Lebensqualität zu verbessern. processes are associated with various kinds of cancer, in a multitude of organs. Next to chronic infection, autoimmune diseases or exposure to harmful substances (e.g. alcohol or drugs), also obesity or hyperglycemia cause an albeit low grade smoldering inflammation, that can contribute to breast, colon or liver cancer. The tumor stroma consists of various cell types, including fibroblasts, vascular cells and recruited immune cells that communicate with each other and the tumor cells by the release of cytokines that act in a paracrine, autocrine and juxtacrine manner to activate intracellular signaling pathways, which in turn polarize the cells in a certain fashion. The respective polarization profiles, especially of infiltrating immune cells, contribute to define the high plasticity observed in tumors and whether immune cells confer pro- or anti-tumorigenic properties. Next to this functional shift, cell plasticity also refers to a profound switch of differentiated cells, either back into a more undifferentiated, stem cell like type, or in completely distinct cell types, as observed in the epithelial-to-mesenchymalor mesenchymal-to-epithelial transition (EMT or MET). EMT, an essential embryonic process, allows for metastatic spread of aberrantly activated malignant epithelial cells, that need to undergo MET after successful seeding to metastatic sites, where they form metastases, phenotypically resembling the primary tumor. In case of CRC, crypt like structures are formed in liver or lymph nodes. The activation of this transdifferentiation programs depends on microenvironmental signals and is orchestrated by a network of transcription factors that together with epigenetic regulators control the expression of proteins involved in cell polarity, cell-cell contact, cytoskeleton structure and extracellular matrix degradation, including the repression of key epithelial or mesenchymal genes respectively. Some of the underlying molecular mechanisms and key players are well established, like EMT activating transcription factor families ZEB, TWIST and SNAIL. However, the exact signaling networks and participating cell types that are involved in the promotion of cellular plasticity have only been partially unraveled so far. Another interesting example of this depicts the recurrence of Lgr5-positive intestinal stem cells following their chemical abrogation. Several differentiated cell types of the crypt seem to gain the ability to dedifferentiate back into Lgr5-positive stem cells and repopulate the formerly depleted pool. How this can be achieved on a molecular level is one of our current research projects. To study the mechanisms of colorectal carcinogenesis, cell plasticity and intracellular signaling following different kinds of stimuli, we make use of three-dimensional culture systems. Normal or malignant intestinal epithelial cells from mice or humans can be cultured in a gelatinous matrix, where they form crypt-like organoids [Figure 1A]. These can be exposed to chemo- or radiotherapy, co-cultured with different cell types from the tumor stroma or genetically modified to analyze pathways that follow up these procedures. The only caveat of this methodology is the fact that it is very much tumor cell centered and does not take the surrounding stroma into account. This can be overcome by co-culturing organoids and stromal fibroblasts or immune cells, yet carcinogenesis and metastasis are extremely complex processes, that involve a multitude of cell 39

40 Cell Plasticity Florian Greten types and the microbiota which currently cannot be sufficiently recapitulated in cell culture systems and explain the need to employ animal models for in vivo studies. In addition to orthotopic transplantation of organoids, we use conditional mouse models that allow for detailed molecular analysis during different phases of tumor development and under different conditions. To mimic sporadic CRC, the carcinogen azoxymethane (AOM) is administered repeatedly. After further processing in liver and intestine, a DNA alkylating product is formed, that causes distinct mutations in intestinal epithelial cells (IEC) that can also be commonly found in human tumors and that initiate tumor formation in mice and men [Figure 1B]. The increased susceptibility of CRC in IBD patients can also be reproduced in mouse models. Mice with induced chronic colitis form colorectal tumors after only a single injection of AOM, which allows to analyze carcinogenic pathways under inflammatory conditions, that differ from the mere chemical induction. Figure 1. Human CRC organoids and murine models of colorectal carcinogenesis. Human epithelial cells are isolated from CRC samples and unaffected healthy colon tissue and form tumor or normal colon organoids under selective media conditions. Mice are subjected to azoxymethane (AOM) and colitis-inducing dextran sodium sulfate (DSS), to mimic inflammatory adenocarcinogenesis (top). The spontaneous model is achieved by only injecting AOM repeatedly (middle). Genetically defined tumors can be transplanted orthotopically after DSS treatment (lower panel). Tumor progression is monitored by miniendoscopy and invasiveness and metastasis can be confirmed by histology (exemplary pictures on the right). Indeed, inflammation is involved in a multitude of processes that range from cancer progression to its opposite: anti-tumor immune responses and therapies. Since Rudolf Virchow observed immune cell infiltrates in tumor sections in the 19 th century, the idea of cancer-promoting inflammation progressed and was underlined by various findings. That chronic infection with Helicobacter pylori causes stomach ulcer, that is correlated with stomach cancer is known for decades as well as chronic liver inflam- 40

41 Cell Plasticity Florian Greten II Ausgewählte Publikationen Greten, FR, Grivennikov, SI Inflammation and Cancer: Triggers, Mechanisms and Consequences. Immunity Jul 16;51(1):27-41 Ziegler, PK, Bollrath, J, Pallangyo, CK, Matsutani, T, Canli, Ö, DeOliveira, T, Diamanti, MA, Müller, N, Gamrekelashvili, Putoczki, T, Horst, D, Mankan, AK, Öner, MG, Müller, S, Müller-Höcker, J, Kirchner, T, Slotta-Huspenina, J, Taketo, MM, Reinheckel, T, Dröse, S, Larner, AC, Wels, WS, Ernst, M, Greten, TF, Arkan, MC, Korn, T, Wirth, D, Greten, FR Mitophagy in intestinal epithelial cells triggers adaptive immunity during tumorgenesis. Cell Jun 28;174(1): Varga, J., Greten FR Cell Plasticity in Epithelial Homeostasis and Tumorigenesis. Nat Cell Biol. 2017, 19: weitere Publikationen finden Sie auf Seite 61 mation increases the risk of liver cancer, just to name a few. A more recent finding is the fact, that surgery, even years after removal of a primary tumor, can cause the outgrowth of dormant circulating tumor cells by inducing cascades, necessary for wound healing and neoangiogenesis, that ultimately shape a tumor promoting niche. On the other hand, an inflammatory anti-tumor immune response is crucial to contain tumor growth and for the success of most therapies. Tumors can be divided in immune deserted, immune excluded or immune infiltrated. The first two types lack a sufficient immune response either completely (deserted) or that immune cells are recruited but cannot infiltrate the tumor mass (excluded), rendering them relatively useless at the sidelines. Only the third type the immune infiltrated tumor shows proper T cell infiltration and activation and these tumors have generally the best prognosis and respond best to immune therapies. Current therapeutic strategies therefore try to shift the tumor immune status to an infiltration-inflamed phenotype and promote host anti-tumor immune responses via several possible mechanisms [Figure 2]. A major breakthrough several years ago, was the development of immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI), that prevent the exhaustion of recruited cytotoxic T cells. Nevertheless, T cells have to be already there, for the inhibitors to work upon. Several of our ongoing projects aim to elucidate mechanisms that would enhance T cell infiltration into tumors, which could help to overcome the resistance of colorectal cancers to immune checkpoint inhibition. Figure 2. Current tumor therapies try to change the tumor immune status to an infiltration-inflamed phenotype. In infiltration-excluded tumors, cytotoxic T cells (CTL) are prevented from entering the tumor core (partially by cancer associated fibroblasts, CAF). Therapies aim to improve immune cell infiltration and associated anti-tumor responses, resulting in an infiltration-inflamed phenotype and efficient cancer rejection. TAM tumor associated macrophage, DC dendritic cell, TLR toll like receptor, ICB immune checkpoint blockade 41

42 Microenvironmental regulation Lisa Sevenich Die Rolle der Tumormikroumgebung in der Hirnmetastasierung Gruppenleiterin Lisa Sevenich Tel.: Fax: Mitarbeiter Katja Niesel Anna Salamero Boix Michael Schulz Woon Hyung Chae Julian Anthes Aylin Möckl Elisabetta De Iaco Tijna Alekseeva CNS immune landscape Brain metastasis-associated inflammation Radio-immunotherapy Microenvironmental regulation of brain metastasis The development of targeted- or immunotherapies has revolutionized intervention strategies for different primary cancers. However, response rates vary among distinct tumor types and individual patients. Moreover, metastases often show lower response rates compared to primary tumors. The microenvironment represents a critical factor that determines disease progression and the outcome of therapeutic intervention. Given the immune-privileged status of the central nervous system (CNS), brain metastases (BrM) represent a particularly challenging entity for successful immunotherapy. Even though BrM induce the recruitment of myeloid and lymphoid cells into the CNS, the environment poses an immune suppressive pressure to prevent tissuedamaging inflammation. Consequently, strategies that aim to reactivate T cell function in the CNS will be blunted by immune suppressive functions of myeloid cells. Hence, immune-modulatory strategies that transiently revoke the suppressive milieu in BrM are expected to synergize with immunotherapy. We therefore seek to gain detailed insight into the complex interplay between innate and adoptive 42

43 Microenvironmental regulation Lisa Sevenich II Die Einführung von zielgerichteten- oder Immuntherapien in der Klinik hat große Fortschritte in den Behandlungsmöglichkeiten vieler Krebserkrankungen erzielt. Metastasen stellen jedoch weiterhin die Haupttodesursache bei Tumorpatienten dar, da die verfügbaren Behandlungsmöglichkeiten, insbesondere bei Hirnmetastasen, nur begrenzt wirksam sind. Bei der Entwicklung neuartiger Therapieansätze zur Bekämpfung von Hirnmetastasen ist es daher wichtig, gewebsspezifische Hürden, die zu Therapieresistenzen führen, zu verstehen und diese gezielt zu überwinden. Das Forschungsziel unserer Nachwuchsgruppe besteht darin, die komplexen Interaktionen zwischen Tumorzellen unterschiedlicher Entitäten (Melanom, Bronchial- oder Mammakarzinom) und hirnresidenten- sowie rekrutierten Zelltypen während der Hirnmetastasierung zu entschlüsseln. Ein besonderer Fokus liegt hierbei auf der Identifizierung von Gensignaturen tumor-assoziierter Immunzellen. Wir erhoffen uns hierdurch wichtige Erkenntnisse zur Aufklärung der Mechanismen zu gewinnen, durch die Krebszellen tumorfördernde Funktionen in Zellen der Gewebsumgebung induzieren und körpereigene Abwehrreaktionen hemmen. Unser Ziel besteht darin, dieses Wissen in wirksame Therapieansätze zu übersetzen und in präklinischen Modellen zu überprüfen. immunity in BrM to provide scientific rationale for the development of combination therapies that aim to block immunesuppression while promoting effective anti-tumor responses with minimal risk to induce neurotoxic tissue damage. Establishment of an immunosuppressive environment by recruited myeloid cells Tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs), that comprise brain-resident, yolk sacderived microglia and bone marrowderived macrophages, represent the most abundant non-malignant cell type in primary and metastatic brain cancers. There is accumulating evidence from glioma models that in particular bone marrowderived macrophages (TAM-BMDM) are implicated in the establishment of an immune suppressive environment, while microglia (TAM-MG) largely maintain their house keeping functions including synaptic pruning and host defense mechanisms (Figure 1). Our goal is to gain detailed mechanistic insight into effector functions of distinct immune cell types in BrM-associated inflammation as indicated in Figure 1. Our data suggest that BrM induce the recruitment of different myeloid and lymphoid populations into brain metastatic lesions in a stage- and tumor type dependent manner. Interestingly, gene expression analyses of TAM-BMDM and TAM-MG show similar changes in gene signatures compared to glioma as well as neurodegenerative diseases indicating common danger signaling signatures. Novel concepts for tumor microenvironment-targeted and immunotherapies Tumor associated macrophages/microglia are emerging as promising targets for tumor microenvironment-directed therapies. Major limitations of previously tested strategies stem from the inability to discriminate between brain-resident microglia and bone marrow-derived macrophages. However, based on insight from glioma mouse models it appears crucial to develop strategies that specifically disrupt cell type-dependent tumor promoting functions of TAMs. Strategies that prevent the induction of tumor-educated phenotypes by disrupting tumor cell-tam interaction are therefore expected to be more efficient in controlling tumor progression compared to TAM depletion strategies that also affect important house keeping functions. We therefore seek to gain detailed insight into the communication between tumor cells and TAM-MG and TAM-BMDM to unravel pathways that induce tumor education gene signatures in TAMs in BrM. This knowledge will be critical to develop therapeutic intervention strategies with the aim to (i) maintain host defense responses in TAM-MG or (ii) block tumor promoting, immune suppressive functions of TAM-BMDM (Figure 2). In particular local and transient resolution of TAM mediated immune suppression could significantly improve the efficacy of T cell directed that are otherwise blunted by the immune suppressive pressure of the myeloid cell compartment. 43

44 Microenvironmental regulation Lisa Sevenich Figure 1. The central nervous system (CNS) contains a complex immune landscape. Microglia, the brain resident macrophages represent the most abundant immune cell type in the brain parenchyma. Border-associated regions (meninges, choroid plexus and the perivascular space) harbor border-associated macrophages (BAMs) as well as a large variety of myeloid and lymphoid cell types. Different brain malignancies including neurodegenerative disorders and primary and metastatic brain cancers induce significant changes in the cellular composition of the immune landscape and trigger disease-associated activation states that modulate immune cell functions. 44

45 Microenvironmental regulation Lisa Sevenich II Ausgewählte Publikationen Schulz M, Salamero-Boix A, Niesel K, Alekseeva T and Sevenich L. Microenvironmental regulation of tumor progression and therapeutic response in brain metastasis. Front Immunol Jul 24;10:1713 Bowman RL, Klemm F, Akkari L, Pyonteck SM, Sevenich L, Quail DF, Dhara S, Simpson K, Gardner E.E., Iacobuzio-Donahou C, Brennan CW, Tabar V, Gutin P.H., Joyce J.A. (2016) Macrophage ontogeny underlines differences in tumor-specific education in brain malignancies. Cell Reports 22;17(9): Sevenich L, Bowman RL, Mason SD, Quail DF, Rapaport F. Elie BT, Brogi E, Brastianos PK, Hahn WC, Holsinger LJ, Massague J, Leslie CS, Joyce JA. Analysis of tumour- and stroma-supplied proteolytic networks reveals a brain-metastasis-promoting role for cathepsin S. Nat Cell Biol Sep;16(9): weitere Publikationen finden Sie auf Seite 61 Radiotherapy as a sensitizer for tumor microenvironment-targeted and immunotherapies The use of radiotherapy has largely been guided by the dogma that IR induces DNA damage leading to cell cycle arrest or cell death in rapidly proliferating cells. Apart from the notion that necrosis elicits inflammation due to the release of cellular content, radiotherapy has long been regarded as an immunologically inert process. While immunological effects of radiotherapy were neglected for decades, several discoveries, including abscopal effects and immunogenic cell death (ICD) established a close link between radiation and inflammation. Hence, radiation is increasingly regarded as a potent sensitizer of tumors towards immunotherapy (Figure 2). Indeed, there is accumulating evidence from clinical and pre-clinical studies, that the combination of radiotherapy and checkpoint inhibitors is more efficient than monotherapies. Importantly, it is increasingly recognized that fractionation and scheduling represents critical regulators of immune responses that are elicited in response to radiotherapy. Future systematic evaluation in clinical and pre-clinical trials is needed to define the optimal fractionation and schedule of radio-immunotherapy to induce additive effects. A central aim of our work is to evaluate the effects of radiotherapy on brain metastasis-associated inflammation in pre-clinical models to understand the molecular basis of the synergy between radiation and immunotherapy. Figure 2. Model figure depicting different strategies of TAM-targeted therapies to maintain host defense mechanisms or block tumor-promoting, immune suppressive functions of TAMs that are expected to synergize with immunotherapy or standard of care e.g. radiotherapy. 45

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47 Laboratories III III Experimentelle Therapie Experimental Therapy 47

48 CAR-engineered lymphocytes for adoptive cancer immunotherapy Winfried Wels CAR-exprimierende Lymphozyten für die adoptive Krebs-Immuntherapie Gruppenleiter Winfried Wels, stellvertretender Direktor Tel.: Fax: Mitarbeiter Anita Bhatti Pranav Oberoi Idan Ben-Horin Malena Bodden Aline Lindner Jordi Pfeifer Serrahima Jasmin Röder Anne Scherer Sophie-Christin Linkenbach Thorsten Geyer Barbara Uherek chimeric antigen receptors natural killer cells tumor microenvironment CAR-engineered lymphocytes for adoptive cancer immunotherapy Expression of chimeric antigen receptors (CARs) in cytotoxic lymphocytes constitutes a promising strategy for adoptive cancer immunotherapy with effector cells of defined specificity. CARs consist of a tumor-specific single-chain antibody fragment (scfv) connected via a flexible spacer and a transmembrane domain to intracellular signaling domains such as CD3ζ chain or CD3ζ together with one or more costimulatory protein domains. CAR-engineered T cells targeting CD19 have demonstrated remarkable clinical efficacy in patients with malignancies of B-cell origin. Natural killer (NK) cells represent another valuable effector cell population for adoptive cancer immunotherapy, but experience with CARengineered NK cells is still limited. NK cells are part of the innate immune system and play an important role in cancer immunosurveillance, with their cytotoxicity being triggered rapidly upon stimulation through germline-encoded cell surface receptors. In addition, NK cells modulate T-cell mediated antitumor immune responses by maintaining the quality of dendritic cells and enhancing the presentation of tumor antigens. In cancer 48

49 CAR-engineered lymphocytes for adoptive cancer immunotherapy Winfried Wels III Ziel unserer Arbeiten ist die Erforschung und Entwicklung effektiver Immuntherapien zur Behandlung von Krebserkrankungen. Einen Schwerpunkt bilden dabei natürliche Killerzellen (NK-Zellen), die Teil des angeborenen Immunsystems sind und eine wichtige Rolle bei der Abwehr maligner Zellen spielen. Durch Expression sogenannter chimärer Antigenrezeptoren (CARs) generieren wir mittels lentiviralem Gentransfer genmodifizierte NK-Zellen, die Tumorzellen selektiv abtöten. CARs tragen ein extrazelluläres Antikörperfragment mit Tumorzellspezifität, das über eine flexible Verbindungsregion und eine Transmembrandomäne mit intrazellulären Signaldomänen verbunden ist. Damit lösen die Rezeptoren nach Zielzellerkennung gerichtete zytotoxische Aktivität der Effektorzellen aus. Daneben modulieren CAR-NK-Zellen indirekt auch die endogene adaptive Anti-Tumor-Immunantwort. Als Zielantigene nutzen wir tumorassoziierte Oberflächenantigene wie das zelluläre Proto-Onkogen ErbB2 (HER2), den epidermalen Wachstumsfaktor-Rezeptor EGFR und Differenzierungsantigene wie CD19 und FLT3. Eine in enger Kooperation mit akademischen Partnern am Standort Frankfurt generierte ErbB2-spezifische Variante der klinisch einsetzbaren humanen NK-Zelllinie NK-92 wird gegenwärtig in einer Phase-I-Studie bei Patienten mit rezidiviertem, ErbB2-positivem Glioblastom eingesetzt (CAR2BRAIN; NCT , patients NK cells are often functionally compromised due to the immunosuppressive activity of the tumor. Hence, for adoptive cancer immunotherapy donorderived allogeneic NK cells are preferred since they do not recognize tumor cells as 'self', thereby bypassing inhibitory signals. transfer to express a CAR that recognizes the receptor tyrosine kinase FLT3. These CAR-NK cells displayed high and selective cytotoxicity against FLT3-positive B-ALL cell lines and primary blasts in vitro and markedly inhibited disease progression in a B-ALL xenograft model in NSG mice. To facilitate flexible targeting of tumor cells, we generated in collaboration with the Institute of Radiopharmaceutical Cancer Tumor-specific natural killer cells Similar to donor-derived primary NK cells, the continuously expanding human NK cell line NK-92 has been safely applied in clinical trials as an allogeneic cell therapeutic, with durable responses observed in some of the cancer patients treated. In earlier work we demonstrated that the therapeutic utility of NK-92 can be further enhanced by expression of CARs targeting antigens such as CD19, ErbB2 (HER2), epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), or the tumor-specific EGFR mutant EGFRvIII (Figure 1). In a recent example, we showed together with the group of Henner Farin potent activity of CAR-NK cells targeting EGFRvIII or other solid tumor antigens against patient-derived colorectal carcinoma organoids growing in a tissue-like fashion. Likewise, we engineered NK-92 cells by lentiviral gene Figure 1. Killing of tumor cells by CAR-NK cells. Specific binding of the chimeric antigen receptor to its target antigen on the tumor-cell surface triggers CAR activation. This results in re-orientation of cytotoxic granules toward the immunological synapse formed between NK and target cell, followed by release of perforin and granzymes from cytotoxic granules into the synaptic cleft. Perforin and granzymes taken up by the target cell then trigger apoptotic cell death indicated by membrane blebbing and disintegration of the nucleus. The confocal microscopy image to the right shows conjugate formation between a human glioblastoma cell expressing EGFR and EGFRvIII with a CAR-NK cell that recognizes both target antigens. Tumor (T) and CAR-NK cells expressing enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) as a marker (N, green) were co-incubated for 1 hour, fixed, permeabilized and stained for perforin (red) to identify cytotoxic granules. Cell nuclei were labeled with DAPI (blue). 49

50 CAR-engineered lymphocytes for adoptive cancer immunotherapy Winfried Wels Research at the Helmholtz Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf NK-92 cells which express a universal CAR (UniCAR) directed to a defined peptide epitope not naturally present on the surface of cells. For tumorspecific cell killing, these off-the-shelf Uni- CAR NK cells are combined with recombinant adapter proteins ('target modules') that contain a tumor-specific binding domain of choice, fused to the peptide epitope recognized by the UniCAR. CAR-NK cells for clinical applications In close collaboration with colleagues at the Institute for Neurooncology, the Department of Neurosurgery and the German Red Cross Blood Donation Service in Frankfurt, a protocol for a single center, open label phase I clinical trial of intracranial injection of the clonal ErbB2-specific CAR NK-92 cell line NK-92/5.28.z in patients with recurrent ErbB2-positive glioblastoma was designed (CAR2BRAIN; NCT , clinicaltrials. gov). The CAR2BRAIN study includes a dose escalation cohort (single dose injection into the wall of the resection cavity during relapse surgery), to be followed by an expansion cohort scheduled to receive additional weekly treatments through an implanted catheter and reservoir. Patient recruitment for the dose escalation cohort and evaluation of the three planned dose levels of CAR-NK cells has recently been completed. Up to now no dose-limiting toxicities were encountered. Patient recruitment for the expansion cohort is expected to commence in early As a prerequisite for extending this approach to other ErbB2-expressing cancers such as breast carcinoma and non-small cell lung carcinoma, we are currently testing the activity of NK-92/5.28.z cells in respective preclinical models. Modulation of the tumor microenvironment by CAR-engineered NK cells In addition to direct killing of tumor cells, CAR-NK cells can contribute to tumor control by recruitment of and cross-talk with other immune cells through cytokines and chemokines secreted after effector cell activation. In glioblastoma models in immunocompetent mice, treatment of syngeneic murine tumors expressing human ErbB2 with ErbB2-specific NK-92/5.28.z cells induced endogenous humoral and cellular antitumor immune responses resulting in tumor rejection and long-term protection of the animals against tumor rechallenge at distant sites. In ongoing work we are investigating means to further enhance this immunostimulatory effect of CAR-NK cells through modulation of their cytokine profile. One such approach is based on the expression of immunocytokines which harbor a PD-L1-specific antibody domain, fused to an IL-15 superagonist or singlechain IL-12. Secretion of such molecules by CAR-NK cells and retention within the tumor microenvironment by binding to PD-L1 on cancer cells can simultaneously block the PD-1/PD-L1 immune checkpoint and provide high local concentrations of the cytokines to support the antitumor activity of CAR effector cells and bystander immune cells (Figure 2). 50

51 CAR-engineered lymphocytes for adoptive cancer immunotherapy Winfried Wels III Ausgewählte Publikationen Zhang C, Burger MC, Jennewein L, Genßler S, Schönfeld K, Zeiner P, Hattingen E, Harter PN, Mittelbronn M, Tonn T, Steinbach JP, Wels WS. ErbB2/HER2-specific NK cells for targeted therapy of glioblastoma. J Natl Cancer Inst May;108:djv375. Zhang C, Oberoi P, Oelsner S, Waldmann A, Lindner A, Tonn T, Wels WS. Chimeric antigen receptor-engineered NK-92 cells: An off-the-shelf cellular therapeutic for targeted elimination of cancer cells and induction of protective anti-tumor immunity. Front Immunol May 18;8:533. Oelsner S, Waldmann A, Billmeier A, Röder J, Lindner A, Ullrich E, Marschalek R, Dotti G, Jung G, Große-Hovest L, Oberoi P, Bader P, Wels WS. Genetically engineered CAR NK cells display selective cytotoxicity against FLT3-positive B-ALL and inhibit in vivo leukemia growth. Int J Cancer Oct 1;145(7): Burger MC, Zhang C, Harter PN, Romanski A, Strassheimer F, Senft C, Tonn T, Steinbach JP, Wels WS. CAR-engineered NK cells for the treatment of glioblastoma: Turning innate effectors into precision tools for cancer immunotherapy. Front Immunol Nov 14;10: weitere Publikationen finden Sie auf Seite 62 Figure 2. Concept of the stimulation of bystander immune cells by PD-L1-targeted immunocytokines. CAR-T or CAR-NK cells are further engineered to secrete immunocytokines that harbor a PD-L1-specific antibody domain which is fused to an IL-15 superagonist (IL-15) or single-chain IL-12 (IL-12). The immunocytokines can bind to PD-L1 on the surface of tumor cells, thereby retaining high cytokine activity in the tumor microenvironment for stimulation of the CAR effector cells themselves and bystander immune cells through activation of IL-15 or IL-12 receptor complexes (IL-15R, IL-12R). Furthermore, immunocytokines bound to PD-L1 can simultaneously act as immune checkpoint inhibitors by preventing the interaction of PD-L1 with PD-1 on neighboring T cells. 51

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53 Zentrale Einheit Transgenic Core Transgenic Core Facility 53

54 Transgenic Core Facility Madina Karimova Neue Mausmodelle Gruppenleiterin Madina Karimova, PhD Tel.: Fax: Mitarbeiter Aditi Patel Isabel Hellmuth Yvonne Peterson Zhaodai Bai Sandy Eckhardt CRISPR and Cre/loxP genome editing mouse model generation Genetically engineered mouse models (GEMMs) in TCF Recent advances in genome editing, in particular the CRISPR/Cas9 technology, have revolutionized the generation of mouse models. The combined strategies of CRISPR, homology-directed targeting, and Cre/loxP open novel opportunities in modelling biological processes. But generating GEMMs with relevant in vivo readouts remains a hurdle for many research labs due to lack of expertise in genetic strategies and construct assembly, and due to the dependence on microinjection expertise. The complexity of the DNA constructs, and the high costs and long waiting time for a microinjection slot have often impeded progress to high-impact in vivo data. 54

55 Transgenic Core Facility Madina Karimova Die Transgenic Core Facility (TCF) am Georg-Speyer-Haus generiert erfolgreich neue Mausmodelle für Forschungsgruppen. Dr. Madina Karimova entwickelt Strategien für gentechnisch veränderte Mausmodelle (GEMMs) und setzt die Generierung der Mausmodelle mit ihrem Team um. TCF erstellt ab initio neuartige CRISPR-Modelle, wie z. B. Gen- Knockout, Punktmutationen, Patienten-Allele, präzise Deletionen, Protein-Verkürzungen und andere. Um eine robuste CRISPR-Effizienz in den Eizellen sicherzustellen, hat TCF hochwertige Embryo- Reagenzien und -Protokolle entwickelt (Cas9 RNP, stabilisierte sgrna- und HDR-Spender, lange ssdna) und hocheffiziente Abgabemethoden wie die Batch-Embryo-Elektroporation. Routinemäßig F1-Sequenz-validierte CRISPR-Modelle werden innerhalb weniger Monate abgeschlossen, und mehrere CRISPR-Modelle wurden 2019 erfolgreich generiert. Dr. Karimova entwickelt in enger Kollaboration mit den Forschern ebenfalls die genetischen Strategien für komplexe in vivo Modelle. Wir entwickeln Strategien für Mausmodelle wie Cre-induzierbare gewebespezifische Punktmutationen, Multiplexed Lineage Tracing, neuartige Cre-Deleter Linien und induziertes in vivo Gen- Silencing gekoppelt mit Zell Rückverfolgung. Wenn Vektoren in der TCF-Gruppe oder von Kollaborationen erstellt wurden, werden mes-zellen unter Anwendung von CRISPR modifiziert. Embryonale Stammzellklone werden in Blastozysten mikroinjiziert, hochwertige Chimären zur Keimbahnübertragung gezüchtet und Nachkommen durch DNA-Analyse validiert. Abgesehen von der Erzeugung von Mausmodellen wurden mehr als 55 vorhandene GEMMs von Spermien in 2019 kryokonserviert. Wir bieten Spermien-Kryokonservierung und Rederivierung von Mäusestämmen. Our group combines fundamental steps in the GEMM generation process, such as genetic design of the desired in vivo model, construct and reagent development, and delivery methods to ensure high-impact mouse models. Our group applies its considerable expertise and comprehensive experience in CRISPR/ Cas9 and Cre/loxP, genome editing of cells and embryos and embryo delivery methods, to the development of novel models for research needs. As both fertilized oocytes and embryonic stem cells can be modified genetically, we exploit targeted CRISPR techniques to advance the GEMM generation. Our primary focus lies on the latest know-how in CRISPR genome editing and devising the best strategies. We create novel models ab initio, such as gene knockouts, point mutations, patient alleles, precise small and large deletions (>10kb), and protein truncations. To ensure robust CRISPR efficiencies in the oocytes, we have developed high-quality embryo reagents and protocols (Cas9 RNP, stabilized sgrna and HDR donors, long ssdna), and high-efficiency delivery methods, such as batch embryo electroporation. Our CRISPR models provide 100% germline transmission and are analyzed for mosaicism. Routinely, F1 sequence validated CRISPR mice are generated within few months. Several CRISPR models were completed during the course of Our long-term plan is to enable to generate most of the genetic modifications directly in oocytes, independently of the size and complexity of DNA constructs. Figure 1. Core transgenic techniques of embryo modification, embryonic stem cells and cryopreservation 55

56 Transgenic Core Facility Madina Karimova Dr. Karimova also develops genetic strategies for the desired in vivo model in close collaboration with research groups. We devise strategies for complex genetic mouse models, such as Cre-inducible tissue-specific point mutations, multiplexed lineage tracing, novel Cre-drivers, and induced in-vivo gene silencing coupled to in vivo cell tracing. When targeting vectors are constructed by collaborators or by us, we target mouse embryonic stem cells utilizing transient Cas9 expression. Targeted embryonic stem cell clones are microinjected into blastocysts, high-grade chimeras are bred for germline transmission, and offspring is validated by DNA analysis. Furthermore, more than 55 existing GEMMs were cryopreserved by sperm in We provide sperm cryopreservation and rederivation of mouse strains. Figure 2. CRISPR Mouse: internal protein truncation with deletion of 2 domains of interest 56

57 Transgenic Core Facility Madina Karimova Publikationen Madina Karimova, Oliver Baker, Aylin Camgoz, Ronald Naumann, Frank Buchhol, Konstantinos Anastassiadis. A single reporter mouse line for Vika, Flp, Dre, and Cre-recombination, Scientific Reports, Nature Publishing Group, 2018 Madina Karimova, Victoria Splith, Janet Karpinski, M. Teresa Pisabarro & Frank Buchholz. Discovery of Nigri/nox and Panto/pox site-specific recombinase systems facilitates advanced genome engineering. Scientific Reports, Nature Publishing Group, 2016 Figure 3. CRISPR Mice: small and large precise genomic deletions 57

58 Publikationen

59 Publications I AG Krause Verma D*, Zanetti C*, Godavarthy PS*, Kumar R, Minciacchi VR, Pfeiffer J, Metzler M, Lefort S, Maguer-Satta V, Nicolini FE, Burroni B, Fontenay M, Krause DS Bone marrow niche-derived extracellular matrix-degrading enzymes influence the progression of B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia Leukemia; in press Dash BP, Schnoeder TM, Kathner C, Mohr J, Weinert S, Herzog C, Godavarthy S, Zanetti C, Perner F, Hartleben B, Huber T, Walz G, Naumann M, Ellis S, Vasioukhin V, Kaehne T, Krause DS, Heidel FH Diverging impact of cell fate determinants Scribble and Llgl1 on adhesion and migration of hematopoietic stem cells Journal Cancer Res Clin Oncol, 2018 Aug 6. Hoang VT +, Verma D +, Godavarthy PS, Llavona P, Steiner M, Gerlach K, Michels BE, Bohnenberger H, Wachter A, Oellerich T, Müller-Kuller U, Weissenberger E, Voutsinas JM, Oehler VG, Farin HF, Zörnig M*, Krause DS*. *shared last co-authourship The transcriptional regulator FUBP1 influences disease outcome in murine and human myeloid leukemia Leukemia Jan 11. Verma D, Kumar R, Pereira RS, Karantanou C, Zanetti C, Minciacchi VR, Fulzele K, Kunst K, Hoelper S, Zia-Chahabi S, Jabagi M-J, Emmerich J, Dray-Spira R, Kuhlee F, Hackmann K, Schroeck E, Wenzel P, Müller S, Filmann N, Fontenay M, Divieti-Pajevic P, Krause DS Vitamin K-antagonism impairs the bone marrow microenvironment and hematopoiesis Blood. 2019, 134(3): Godavarthy PS, Kumar R, Herkt SC, Pereira RS, Hayduk N, Weissenberger ES, Aggoune D, Manavski Y, Lucas T, Pan K-T, Voutsinas JM, Wu Q, Müller MC, Saussele S, Oellerich T, Oehler VG, Lausen J, Krause DS The vascular bone marrow niche influences outcome in chronic myeloid leukemia via the E-selectin SCL/TAL1 CD44 axis Haematologica Apr 24. pii: haematol Mohr J, Dash B, Schnoeder TM, Wolleschak D, Herzog C, Santamaria NT, Weinert S, Godavarthy PS, Zanetti C, Hartleben B, Huber TB, Krause DS, Kähne T, Bullinger L, Heidel FH The cell fate determinant Scribble is required for maintenance of hematopoietic stem cell function Leukemia, 2018 May;32(5): , IF: 12.1 Reviews, Editorials, Book Chapters Krause DS Killing the minotaur in its amazing maze Blood, 2019, in press Krause DS, Divieti-Pajevic P Osteocyte Regulation of Bone and Blood Bone Feb;119:13-18 Windisch R, Pirschtat N, Kellner C, Chen-Wichmann L, Lausen J, Humpe A, Krause DS, Wichmann C Oncogenic deregulation of cell adhesion molecules in leukemia Cancers Mar 5;11(3).pii:E311 Forte D, Krause DS, Andreeff M, Bonnet D, Méndez-Ferrer S Updates on the hematological tumor microenvironment and its therapeutic targeting. Haematologica Sep 12. pii: haematol Krause DS Et tu, E2F1? The assassins of CML stem cells. Blood Apr 5;131(14): Kumar R, Godavarthy PS, Krause DS The bone marrow microenvironment in health and disease at a glance J Cell Sci Feb 22;131(4). pii: jcs Karantanou C, Godavarthy PS, Krause DS Targeting the bone marrow microenvironment in acute leukaemia Leuk Lymphoma Feb 12:1-11 Verma D, Krause DS Targeting the bone marrow niche in haematological malignancies Advances in Stem Cells and Their Niches, In Dominique Bonnet, editor (2017): Hematopoietic Stem Cell Niche, Vol 1, ASN, UK: Academic Cell, Akademische Ausbildung Divij Verma Vitamin K-antagonism Impairs the Bone Marrow Microenvironment and Hematopoiesis Dissertation, Goethe Universität Frankfurt, März 2019 Julian Niemann The role of Flotillin-2, a lipid raft associated protein, in regulating CD44 localization and signalling during leukaemia progression Bachelor Thesis, Hochschule Fresenius, Juni 2018 Selina Lehrian The role of calcium ions in the bone marrow microenvironment (BMM) in myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN) Master Thesis, Technische Universität Darmstadt, April 2019 AG Medyouf Tirado-Gonzalez I, Czlonka E, Nevmerzhitskaya A, Soetopo D, Bergonzani E, Mahmoud A, Contreras A, Jeremias I, Platzbecker U, Bourquin JP, Kloz U, Van der Hoeven F, Medyouf H CRISPR/Cas9-edited NSG mice as PDX models of human leukemia to address the role of niche-derived SPARC. Leukemia Apr;32(4): doi: /leu Epub 2017 Dec 6. Medyouf H The microenvironment in human myeloid malignancies: emerging concepts and therapeutic implications. Blood Mar 23;129(12): doi: /blood Epub 2017 Feb 3. Review. Schanda J, Lee CW, Wohlan K, Müller- Kuller U, Kunkel H, Coco IQ, Stein S, Metz A, Koch J, Lausen J, Platzbecker U, Medyouf H, Gohlke H, Heuser M, Eder M, Grez M, Scherr M, Wichmann C.Haematologica Suppression of RUNX1/ETO oncogenic activity by a small molecule inhibitor of tetramerization. Haematologica May; 102(5):e170-e

60 II Publications AG Arkan Ziegler PK, Bollrath J, Pallangyo CK, Matsutani T, Canli Ö, De Oliveira T, Diamanti MA, Müller N, Gamrekelashvili J, Putoczki T, Horst D, Mankan AK, Öner MG, Müller S, Müller-Höcker J, Kirchner T, Slotta-Huspenina J, Taketo MM, Reinheckel T, Dröse S, Larner AC, Wels WS, Ernst M, Greten TF, Arkan MC, Korn T, Wirth D, and Greten FR (2018) Mitophagy in Intestinal Epithelial Cells Triggers Adaptive Immunity during Tumorigenesis. Cell 174 (1): Arkan MC (2017) The intricate connection between diet, microbiota, and cancer: A jigsaw puzzle. Semin. Immunol.; 32: AG Farin Schnalzger TE, de Groot MHP, Zhang C, Mosa MH, Michels BE, Röder J, Darvishi T, Wels WS, Farin HF 3D model for CAR-mediated cytotoxicity using patient-derived colorectal cancer organoids. EMBO J 2019; 38(12), pii: e Michels BE, Mosa MH, Grebbin BM, Yepes D, Darvishi T, Hausmann J, Urlaub H, Zeuzem S, Kvasnicka HM, Oellerich T, Farin HF Human colon organoids reveal distinct physiologic and oncogenic Wnt responses. Journal of Experimental Medicine 2019;216: Schwiebs A, Juan MHS, Schmidt KG, Wiercinska E, Anlauf M, Ottenlinger F, Thomas D, Elwakeel E, Weigert A, Farin HF, Bonig H, Scholich K, Geisslinger G, Pfeilschifter JM, Radeke HH Cancer-induced inflammation and inflammation-induced cancer in colon: a role for S1P lyase. Oncogene 2019; 38: Hoang VT, Verma D, Godavarthy PS, Llavona P, Steiner M, Gerlach K, Michels BE, Bohnenberger H, Wachter A, Oellerich T, Müller-Kuller U, Weissenberger E, Voutsinas JM, Oehler VG, Farin HF, Zörnig M, Krause DS The transcriptional regulator FUBP1 influences disease outcome in murine and human myeloid leukemia. Leukemia 2019; 33: Taniguchi K, Moroishi T, de Jong PR, Krawczyk M, Grebbin BM, Luo H, Xu R-H, Golob-Schwarzl N, Schweiger C, Wang K, Di Caro G, Feng Y, Fearon ER, Raz E, Kenner L, Farin HF, Guan KL, Haybaeck J, Datz C, Zhang K, and Karin M YAP-IL-6ST autoregulatory loop activated on APC loss controls colonic tumorigenesis. PNAS 2017; doi: / pnas Akademische Ausbildung Mohammed H. Mosa: Role of Wnt Signaling in the Tumor Microenvironment of Colorectal Cancer. Dissertation am Mathematisch Naturwissenschaftlichen Fachbereich der Goethe-Universität am Birgitta E. Michels: Unbiased identification of tumour suppressor function by pooled CRISPR/Cas9 screening in human colon organoids. Dissertation am Mathematisch Naturwissenschaftlichen Fachbereich der Goethe-Universität am Lehle AS, Farin HF, Marquardt B, Michels BE, Magg T, Li Y, Liu Y, Ghalandary M, Lammens K, Hollizeck S, Rohlfs M, Hauck F, Conca R, Walz C, Weiss B, Lev A, Simon AJ, Groß O, Gaidt MM, Hornung V, Clevers H, Yazbeck N, Hanna-Wakim R, Shouval DS, Warner N, Somech R, Muise AM, Snapper SS, Bufler P, Koletzko S, Klein C, and Kotlarz D (2018) Intestinal Inflammation and Dysregulated Immunity in Patients with Inherited Caspase-8 Deficiency. Gastroenterology 2019;156: Mosa MH, Nicolle O, Maschalidi S, Sepulveda FE, Bidaud-Meynard A, Menche C, Michels BE, Michaux G*, Basile G de S*, and Farin HF* Dynamic Formation of Microvillus Inclusions During Enterocyte Differentiation in Munc18-2 Deficient Intestinal Organoids. Cellular and Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2018; 6: e1. *co-correspondence 60

61 Publications II AG Greten Heichler C, Scheibe K, Schmied A, Geppert CI, Schmid B, Wirtz S, Thoma OM, Kramer V, Waldner MJ, Büttner C, Farin HF, Pešić M, Knieling F, Merkel S, Grüneboom A, Gunzer M, Grützmann R, Rose-John S, Koralov SB, Kollias G, Vieth M, Hartmann A, Greten FR, Neurath MF, Neufert C STAT3 activation through IL-6/IL-11 in cancer-associated fibroblasts promotes colorectal tumour development and correlates with poor prognosis. Gut Nov 4, pii: gutjnl De Oliveira T, Ramakrishnan M, Diamanti MA, Ziegler PK, Brombacher F, Greten FR Loss of Stat6 affects chromatin condensation in intestinal epithelial cells causing diverse outcome in murine models of inflammation-associated and sporadic colon carcinogenesis. Oncogene Mar;38(11): Schulz-Heddergott R, Stark N, Edmunds SJ, Li J, Conradi LC, Bohnenberger H, Ceteci F, Greten FR, Dobbelstein M, Moll UM Therapeutic Ablation of Gain-of-Function Mutant p53 in Colorectal Cancer Inhibits Stat3-Mediated Tumor Growth and Invasion. Cancer Cell Aug 13;34(2): Ruder B, Murtadak V, Stürzl M, Wirtz S, Distler U, Tenzer S, Mahapatro M, Greten FR, Hu Y, Neurath MF, Cesarman E, Ballon G, Günther C, Becker C Chronic intestinal inflammation in mice expressing viral Flip in epithelial cells. Mucosal Immunol Nov;11(6): Finkelmeier F, Canli Ö, Peiffer KH, Walter D, Tal A, Koch C, Pession U, Vermehren J, Trojan J, Zeuzem S, Piiper A, Greten FR, Grammatikos G, Waidmann O Circulating hypoxia marker carbonic anhydrase IX (CA9) in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma and patients with cirrhosis. PLoS One Jul 16;13(7):e Ziegler, PK, Bollrath, J, Pallangyo, CK, Matsutani, T, Canli, Ö, DeOliveira, T, Diamanti, MA, Müller, N, Gamrekelashvili, Putoczki, T, Horst, D, Mankan, AK, Öner, MG, Müller, S, Müller-Höcker, J, Kirchner, T, Slotta- Huspenina, J, Taketo, MM, Reinheckel, T, Dröse, S, Larner, AC, Wels, WS, Ernst, M, Greten, TF, Arkan, MC, Korn, T, Wirth, D, Greten, FR Mitophagy in intestinal epithelial cells triggers adaptive immunity during tumorgenesis. Cell Jun 28;174(1): Moll F, Walter M, Rezende F, Helfinger V, Vasconez E, De Oliveira T, Greten FR, Olesch C, Weigert A, Radeke HH, Schröder K NoxO1 Controls Proliferation of Colon Epithelial Cells. Front Immunol May 8;9:973 Tuppi M, Kehrloesser S, Coutandin DW, Rossi V, Luh LM, Strubel A, Hötte K, Hoffmeister M, Schäfer B, De Oliveira T, Greten FR, Stelzer EHK, Knapp S, De Felici M, Behrends C, Klinger FG, Dötsch V Oocyte DNA damage quality control requires consecutive interplay of CHK2 and Ck1 to activate p53. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 2018; 25(3): Schwab A, Siddiqui A, Vazakidou ME, Napoli F, Böttcher M, Menchicchi B, Raza U, Saatci Ö, Krebs AM, Ferrazzi F, Rapa I, Dettmer-Wilde K, Waldner MJ, Ekici AB, Rasheed SAK, Mougiakakos D, Oefner PJ, Şahin Ö, Volante M, Greten FR, Brabletz T, Ceppi P Polyol pathway links glucose metabolism to the aggressiveness of cancer cells. Cancer Res Apr 1;78(7): Neumann T, Canli Ö, Greten FR Canonical NF-κB signaling in myeloid cells promotes lung metastasis in a mouse breast cancer model. Oncotarget Mar 30;9(24): Canli Ö, Adele M Nicolas, Gupta J, Finkelmeier F, Olga Goncharova, Pesic M, Neumann, T, Horst D, Löwer M, Sahin U, Greten FR Myeloid cell-derived reactive oxygen species induce epithelial mutagenesis. Cancer Cell, 2017 Dec 11;32: Cammareri P, Vincent DF, Hodder MC, Ridgway RA, Murgia C, Nobis M, Campbell AD, Varga J, Huels DJ, Subramani C, Prescott KLH, Nixon C, Hedley A, Barry ST, Greten FR, Inman GJ, Sansom OJ TGFβ pathway limits dedifferentiation following WNT and MAPK pathway activation to suppress intestinal tumourigenesis. Cell Death Differ 2017 Oct;24(10): Bergmann H, Roth S, Pechloff K, Kiss EA, Kuhn S, Heikenwälder M, Diefenbach A, Greten FR, Ruland J Card9-dependent IL-1β regulates IL-22 production from group 3 innate lymphoid cells and promotes colitis-associated cancer. Eur J Immunol Aug;47(8): Srivatsa S, Paul MC, Cardone C, Holcmann M, Amberg N, Pathria P, Diamanti MA, Linder M, Timelthaler G, Dienes HP, Kenner L, Wrba F, Prager GW, Rose-John S, Eferl R, Liguori G, Botti G, Martinelli E, Greten FR, Ciardiello F, Sibilia M EGFR in Tumor-Associated Myeloid Cells Promotes Development of Colorectal Cancer in Mice and Associates With Outcomes of Patients. Gastroenterology Jul;153(1): van Wijk SJL, Fricke F, Herhaus L, Gupta J, Hötte K, Pampaloni F, Grumati P, Kaulich M, Sou YS, Komatsu M, Greten FR, Fulda S, Heilemann M, Dikic I Linear ubiquitination of cytosolic Salmonella Typhimurium activates NF-κB and restricts bacterial proliferation. Nat Microbiol May 8;2:17066 Diamanti MA, Gupta J, Bennecke M, De Oliveira T, Ramakrishnan M, Braczynski AK, Richter B, Beli P, Hu Y, Saleh M, Mittelbronn M, Dikic I, Greten FR IKKα controls ATG16L1 degradation to prevent ER stress during inflammation. J Exp Med Feb; 214(2): Reviews and Editorials Greten FR, Grivennikov SI Inflammation and Cancer: Triggers, Mechanisms, and Consequences. Immunity Jul 16;51(1): Ritter B, Greten FR Modulating inflammation for cancer therapy. J Exp Med Jun 3;216 (6): Conche C, Greten FR Fungi Enter the Stage of Colon Carcinogenesis. Immunity Sep 18;49(3): Varga J., Greten FR Cell plasticity in epithelial homeostasis and tumorigenesis. Nat Cell Biol Oct;19(10): Koliaraki V, Pallangyo CK, Greten FR, Kollias G Mesenchymal Cells in Colon Cancer. Gastroenterology Apr;152(5): Greten FR Cancer: Tumour stem-cell surprises. Nature 2017 Mar 29; 543(7647): Akademische Ausbildung Paul Ziegler: Stat3 Prevents Mitophagy and Lysosomal Membrane Permeabilization in Intestinal Epithelial Cells to Suppress Adaptive Immunity during Tumorigenesis Dissertation an der Fakultät für Medizin, Technische Universität München, Februar 2019 Alexander Azimpour: The Role of Glutathione Peroxidase 4 (GPx4) and Ferroptosis in Colorectal Carcinoma Masterarbeit im Studiengangs Molekulare Medizin, Goethe Universität Frankfurt, Juni 2019 AG Sevenich Chae W-H, Niesel K, Schulz M, Klemm F, Joyce JA, Prümmer M, Brill B, Bergs J, Rödel F, Pilatus U and Sevenich L Evaluating magnetic resonance spectroscopy as a tool for monitoring therapeutic response of whole brain radiotherapy in a mouse model for breast-to-brain metastasis. Front. Oncol. 2019; in press Schulz M, Salamero-Boix A, Niesel K, Alekseeva T and Sevenich L Microenvironmental regulation of tumor progression and therapeutic response in brain metastasis. Front Immunol Jul 24;10:1713 Sevenich L Turning cold into hot tumors opportunities and challenges for radioimmunotherapy against primary and metastatic brain cancers. Front. Oncol Mar 19;9:163 Sevenich L Brain-Resident microglia and bloodborne macrophages orchestrate central nervous system Inflammation in neurodegenerative disorders and brain cancer. Front Immunol Apr 6;9:697 Akademische Ausbildung Maja Strecker: The effect of various irradiation regimens on TREX1 expression and cgas-sting signaling in brain metastases Masterarbeit im Studiengang Molekulare Medizin, Goethe Universität Frankfurt 2019 Elisabetta De Iaco: Untersuchung der Rolle von CSF2 in der Neuroinflammation in Hirnmetastasen Bachelorarbeit im Studiengang Biotechnologie, HAW, Hamburg

62 III Publications AG Wels Burger MC, Zhang C, Harter PN, Romanski A, Strassheimer F, Senft C, Tonn T, Steinbach JP, Wels WS CAR-engineered NK cells for the treatment of glioblastoma: Turning innate effectors into precision tools for cancer immunotherapy. Front Immunol Nov 14;10:2683. Oelsner S, Waldmann A, Billmeier A, Röder J, Lindner A, Ullrich E, Marschalek R, Dotti G, Jung G, Große- Hovest L, Oberoi P, Bader P, Wels WS Genetically engineered CAR NK cells display selective cytotoxicity against FLT3-positive B-ALL and inhibit in vivo leukemia growth. Int J Cancer Oct 1;145(7): Schnalzger TE, de Groot MH, Zhang C, Mosa MH, Michels BE, Röder J, Darvishi T, Wels WS, Farin HF 3D model for CAR-mediated cytotoxicity using patient-derived colorectal cancer organoids. EMBO J Jun 17;38(12):e Pfeiffer A, Thalheimer FB, Hartmann S, Frank, AM, Bender RR, Danisch S, Costa C, Wels WS, Modlich U, Stripecke R, Verhoeyen E, Buchholz CJ In vivo generation of human CD19-CAR T cells results in B-cell depletion and signs of cytokine release syndrome. EMBO Mol Med Nov;10(11):e9158. Deola S, Guerrouahen BS, Sidahmed H, Al-Mohannadi A, Elnaggar M, Elsadig R, Abdelalim EM, Petrovski G, Gadina M, Thrasher A, Wels WS, Hunger SP, Wang E, Marincola FM, ATH Consortium, Maccalli C, Cugno C Tailoring cells for clinical needs. Meeting report from the Advanced Therapy in Health Care Symposium (October , Doha, Qatar). J Transl Med Oct;116:276. Ziegler PK, Bollrath J, Pallangyo CK, Matsutani T, Canli Ö, DeOliveira T, Diamanti MA, Müller N, Gamrekelashvili J, Putoczki T, Horst D, Mankan AK, Öner MG, Müller S, Müller-Höcker J, Kirchner T, Slotta-Huspenina J, Taketo MM, Reinheckel T, Dröse S, Larner AC, Wels WS, Ernst M, Greten TF, Arkan MC, Korn T, Wirth D, Greten FR Mitophagy in intestinal epithelial cells triggers adaptive immunity during tumorigenesis. Cell Jun 28;174(1): Krackhardt AM, Anliker B, Hildebrandt M, Bachmann M, Eichmüller SB, Nettelbeck DM, Renner M, Uharek L, Willimsky G, Schmitt M, Wels WS, Schüssler-Lenz M Clinical translation and regulatory aspects of CAR/TCR-based adoptive cell therapies - the German Cancer Consortium approach. Cancer Immunol Immunother Apr;67(4): Byrd TT, Fousek K, Pignata A, Szot C, Samaha H, Seaman S, Dobrolecki L, Salsman V, Oo HZ, Bielamowicz K, Landi D, Rainusso N, Hicks J, Powell S, Baker ML, Wels WS, Koch J, Sorensen PH, Deneen B, Ellis MJ, Lewis MT, Hegde M, Fletcher BS, St. Croix B, Ahmed N TEM8/ANTXR1-specific CAR T cells as a targeted therapy for triple-negative breast cancer. Cancer Res Jan 15;78(2): Nowakowska P, Romanski A, Miller N, Odendahl M, Bönig H, Zhang C, Seifried E, Wels WS, Tonn T Clinical grade manufacturing of genetically modified, CAR-expressing NK-92 cells for the treatment of ErbB2- positive malignancies. Cancer Immunol Immunother Jan;67(1): Merker M, Pfirrmann V, Oelsner S, Fulda S, Klingebiel T, Wels WS, Bader P, Rettinger E Generation and characterization of ErbB2-CAR-engineered cytokineinduced killer cells for the treatment of high-risk soft tissue sarcoma in children. Oncotarget Sep 12;8(39): Ahmed N, Brawley V, Hegde M, Bielamowicz K, Kalra M, Landi D, Robertson C, Gray TL, Diouf O, Wakefield A, Ghazi A, Gerken C, Yi Z, Ashoori A, Wu MF, Liu H, Rooney C, Dotti G, Gee A, Su J, Kew Y, Baskin D, Zhang YJ, New P, Grilley B, Stojakovic M, Hicks J, Powell SZ, Brenner MK, Heslop HE, Grossman R, Wels WS, Gottschalk S HER2 chimeric antigen receptor-modified virus-specific T cells for progressive glioblastoma: a phase I dose-escalation trial. JAMA Oncol Aug 1;3(8): Wagner J, Pfannenstiel V, Waldmann A, Bergs JWJ, Brill B, Hünecke S, Klingebiel T, Rödel F, Buchholz CJ, Wels WS, Bader P, Ullrich E A two-phase expansion protocol combining IL-15 and IL-21 improves NK cell proliferation and cytotoxicity against rhabdomyosarcoma. Front Immunol Jun 12;8:676. Zhang C, Oberoi P, Oelsner S, Waldmann A, Lindner A, Tonn T, Wels WS Chimeric antigen receptor-engineered NK-92 cells: An off-the-shelf cellular therapeutic for targeted elimination of cancer cells and induction of protective anti-tumor immunity. Front Immunol May 18;8:533. Oelsner S, Friede ME, Zhang C, Wagner J, Badura S, Bader P, Ullrich E, Ottmann OG, Klingemann H, Tonn T, Wels WS Continuously expanding CAR NK-92 cells display selective cytotoxicity against B-cell leukemia and lymphoma. Cytotherapy Feb;19(2): Akademische Ausbildung Jordi Pfeifer Serrahima: Generierung und funktionelle Charakterisierung rekombinanter Antikörpermoleküle zur tumorspezifischen Aktivierung von UniCAR NK-Zellen. Masterarbeit im Fachbereich Chemie, Studiengang Molekulare Biotechnologie der Technischen Universität Darmstadt,

63 Financial affairs Finanzen und Administration Franziska Hasslinger-Pajtler Leiterin der Abteilung Finanzen/ Administration Tel.: Fax: Robert Dornberger Stellv. Leiter der Abteilung Finanzen/ Administration Tel.: Fax: Die Abteilung Finanzen/Administration setzt jährlich ein Finanzvolumen von etwa 10 Millionen Euro um und betreut dabei rund 100 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter. Sie wird geführt von Franziska Hasslinger-Pajtler, die dabei von Robert Dornberger unterstützt wird. Christiane Bormann-Strack im Personalbüro erledigt sämtliche Personalfragen. Verstärkt wird sie dabei von Ilka Grau, die auch in der Finanzbuchhaltung/Drittmittelverwaltung insbesondere die Projektfördermittel des Bundes betreut. Gabriele Heckl erstellt die Bilanz, bearbeitet alle Ausgangsrechnungen, die Reisekostenabrechnungen und ist für die Abrechnung internationaler Drittmittel zuständig. Giuseppina Virgillito betreut die Kreditorenrechnungen sowie die Drittmittel nationaler Stiftungen. Ansprechpartner in der Telefonzentrale und am Empfang ist Bernd Würdemann. Adrian Gresik ist verantwortlich für die vielfältigen Aufgaben des Innendienstes. Er, Michael Paul und Heinrich Krompiec kümmern sich um die haustechnischen Ausstattungen und Installationen und arrangieren alle Arten von wissenschaftlichen Tagungen und Veranstaltungen. Dabei werden sie von Volker Hopf unterstützt. Yoseph Alazar, Yasemin Piskin und Neriman Sarac reinigen die Laboratorien, entsorgen die anfallenden Abfälle und kümmern sich um die Bereitstellung von Laborbedarf. Sie werden dabei von Keziban Ata unterstützt. Our administration and services department is led by Franziska Hasslinger-Pajtler who oversees a yearly budget of approximately 10 million Euros. She also takes care of the administrative needs of about 100 staff members and is supported by Robert Dornberger. She is assisted by Christiane Bormann- Strack who heads the personnel department with the support of Ilka Grau. Ilka Grau is also engaged in financial accounting and the administration of external fundings. Gabriele Heckl prepares the balance sheets, is responsible for all outgoing invoices, all claims of travel expenses and is in charge of accounting of international grants. Giuseppina Virgillito handles grants from nationwide foundations and takes care of all incoming invoices. Bernd Würdemann is our receptionist and is the first contact with the Institute. Adrian Gresik is responsible for the internal service tasks. Together with Michael Paul and Heinrich Krompiec, they take care of the technical equipment and the installations and they arrange all kinds of scientific meetings and events. They are supported by Volker Hopf. Yoseph Alazar, Yasemin Piskin and Neriman Sarac clean the laboratories, dispose of the waste and restock the supplies. They are supported by Keziban Ata. 63

64 Scientific Services Wissenschaftlicher Service Dr. Birgit Ritter Tel.: Fax: Dr. Boris Brill Tel.: Fax: Zentrale Einheit Histologie Zur Anfertigung von histologischen Präparaten betreibt das Georg-Speyer- Haus eine Histologie-Serviceeinheit unter der Leitung von Dr. Birgit Ritter. Hier werden von Frau Petra Dinse, meist automatisiert, die Gewebeaufarbeitung sowie immunohistochemische Färbungen und Standardfärbungen durchgeführt. Weiterhin verfügt das Labor über ein automatisiertes Präparate-Scanner- und Bildanalysesystem, Aperio ScanScope CS2, einen Färbeautomat Leica Autostainer XL sowie einen Leica BOND max zur Anfertigung von automatisierten Immunfärbungen. Das Labor stellt seine Leistungen den Arbeitsgruppen des Georg-Speyer-Hauses sowie externen Forschergruppen zur Verfügung. Tierhaltung Das Georg-Speyer-Haus betreibt eine Tierhaltung, um den Forschungsgruppen die Zucht von Mäusen und Experimente zu ermöglichen. Die Tierhaltung stellt in vivo Imaging Systeme, wie Endoskopie (Storz Coloview Set), in vivo konfokale Mikroskopie (Cellvizio), ein Bruker 7T MRT und ein Detektionssystem für Fluoreszenz und Luciferase in vivo (IVIS Lumina II) zur Verfügung. Core Facility Histology The Georg-Speyer-Haus operates a histology core facility. It is supervised by Dr. Birgit Ritter. Petra Dinse is responsible for the mostly automated procedures of tissue processing and immunohistochemistry as well as hematoxylin / eosin staining. The laboratory is equipped with a slide scanner and image analysis system, Aperio ScanScope CS2, a Leica AutostainerXL and a Leica BOND max for automated immunostaining. The services of the histology core facility are available to all scientists of the Georg-Speyer-Haus as well as to external research partners in collaboration. Animal Husbandry The Georg-Speyer-Haus has an animal facility which provides capacity for our research groups for mouse breeding and experiments. Included in the animal facility are imaging techniques like endoscopy (Storz Coloview Set), in vivo confocal microscopy (Cellvizio), a Bruker 7T MRI and a detection system for fluorescence and luciferase in vivo (IVIS Lumina II). Dr. Stefan Stein Tel.: Fax: Zentrale Einheit Durchflusszytometrie Die zentrale Zytometrie-Einrichtung besteht aus drei Durchflusszytometern zur Zellanalyse (BD LSRFortessa, FACSCantoII, FACSCalibur) und zwei Zellsortern (BD FACSAriaI, FACSAria Fusion). Geleitet wird die Serviceeinheit von Dr. Stefan Stein, der auch Ansprechpartner für allgemeine Fragen zur Durchflusszytometrie und bei der Entwicklung und Anpassung neuer Mess- und Sortieransätze ist. Annette Trzmiel führt die anfallenden Hochgeschwindigkeits-Zellsortierungen durch und ist für den einwandfreien Zustand aller Durchflusszytometrie-Geräte am Institut verantwortlich. In einigen Fällen fungiert Thorsten Geyer als zusätzlicher Operator an den Zellsortern. Die Sortiereinheit steht primär den Arbeitsgruppen des Georg-Speyer-Hauses, aber auch Flow Core Unit (FCU) The Flow Core Unit (FCU) of the Georg Speyer Haus operates three flow cytometer instruments (BD LSRFortessa, FACSCantoII, FACSCalibur) and two cell sorters (BD FACSAriaI and BD FACSAria Fusion). Dr. Stefan Stein oversees the performance of the core facility and is available for scientific questions regarding flow cytometry in general and the establishment of new flow based assays. Annette Trzmiel is responsible for high-speed cell sorting as operator in this central service unit for all research groups of the GSH as well as for external researchers. Annette also takes care of the maintenance and functionality of the flow cytometers in the institute. Occasionally, Thorsten Geyer serves as an additional sorting operator. In 64

65 Scientific Services externen Forschergruppen zur Verfügung. Zusätzlich werden in der Einrichtung ein CQ1 Confocal Quantitative Image Cytometer (unter der Aufsicht von Dr. Tijna Alekseeva) zur 3D High-Throughput Zellanalyse sowie ein Bioplex200 zur Multiplex-Analyse betrieben. addition, a CQ1 Confocal Quantitative Image Cytometer (supervised by Dr. Tijna Alekseeva) for 3D high-throughput cell measurements as well as a Bioplex200 for multiplex analyses are installed in the facility. Geräte und Biologische Sicherheit Dr. Stefan Stein berät bei der Beschaffung der nötigen Laborausstattung / Arbeitsgeräte. Außerdem kümmert er sich als Beauftragter für biologische Sicherheit um die Arbeitssicherheit und ist zuständig für die Kommunikation mit den entsprechenden Aufsichtsbehörden. Devices and Biological Safety Dr. Stefan Stein attends for equipment and supply. As biosafety officer, he is responsible for biological safety at the institute and for communication with respective authorities. Steffen Luft Tel.: IT Steffen Luft leitet als Chief Information Officer (CIO) die IT. Er nimmt die zentralen Tätigkeiten der Unterstützung der Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter des Hauses in allen Fragen der IT, der Serverbetreuung, des IT-Projekt-Managements, der Netzwerkadministration und des Einkaufs wahr. IT Steffen Luft is Chief Information Officer (CIO) of the Institute. His main tasks are the maintenance of the servers, IT project management, administration of the networks and the support of the colleagues in the institute. Dr. Klaus Lehmen Tel.: Fax: Gefahrstoff-, Strahlenschutzund Abfallmanagement Dr. Klaus Lehmen hat die Verantwortung für den Bereich Gefahrstoff- und Abfallmanagement sowie den Aufbau eines digitalen Betriebsmittelkatasters. Hazardous substances, radiation protection and waste manegement Dr. Klaus Lehmen is in charge with managing of hazardous goods and disposal and implementing a digital register of all technical equipment and documents. Hygiene- und Labormanagement Hana Kunkel achtet auf die Einhaltung der geltenden Laborstandards und Arbeitssicherheitsbedingungen. Sie verantwortet den Spülküchenbereich und koordiniert die Reinigungsdienstleistungen. Facility- / Lab Management Hana Kunkel ensures the compliance with the current laboratory standards and safety regulations. She is responsible for managing all cleaning services. Hana Kunkel Tel.: 65

66 66 Veranstaltungen

67 Meetings and Lectures Scientific Advisory Board / Wissenschaftlicher Beirat Phenotype, clinical relevance and therapeutic modulation of tumorinfiltrating dendritic cells Professor Dr. Marc Schmitz, Technische Universität Dresden Bürgervorlesung "Leukämie: Von der Stammzelle zum Krebs" Prof. Dr. Daniela Krause, Georg- Speyer-Haus / Prof. Dr. Hubert Serve, Medizinische Klinik II, Uniklinik Frankfurt Innovative Optical Technologies by Miltenyi Biotec for Groundbreaking Research A new open drug discovery business modell Professor Dr. Aled Edwards, University of Toronto, Department of Molecular Genetics, Canada, CEO of SGC Incucyte: Real-time quantitative live-cell analysis Models and Insights in Translational Research Dr. Boris Brill, Georg-Speyer-Haus, Dr. Margit Wagenblast, Uniklinik Frankfurt DFG FOR 2438 Symposium Cell Plasticity in Colorectal Carcinogenesis Professor Dr. Florian R. Greten, Georg- Speyer-Haus Auswahlsymposium zum Paul- Ehrlich- und-ludwig-darmstaedter- Nachwuchspreis: Judith Reichmann Mechanisms of chromosome segregation at the beginning of life European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Heidelberg Nico Lachmann Stem cells meet macrophages: immunotherapies for infectious diseases and beyond Hannover Medical School (MHH), Institute of Experimental Hematology Michael Hudecek Game changer in cancer medicine: new targets and technologies for CAR-T cells University Hospital Würzburg, Comprehensive Cancer Center (CCC) Petra Bacher Immune regulation of airway tolerance and inflammation Kiel University, University Medical Center Alexander Bartelt On the molecular origin of immunometabolic disorders Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich, Institute for Cardiovascular Prevention Ana Banito Genetic and epigenetic mechanisms driving pediatric sarcomas Hopp Children s Cancer Center (KiTZ), DKFZ, Heidelberg Intravital imaging of the metastatic cascade: Impact of blood flow in the arrest, adhesion and extravasation of circulating tumor cells Dr. Sebastien Harlepp, University of Strasbourg, FR Novel Concepts in Niche-directed Cancer Therapies Dr. Hind Medyouf, Georg-Speyer-Haus Radial organization of the genome revealed by GPSeq / DNA barcoding and linear amplification in single-cell sequencing in research and diagnostics Dr. Magda Bienko, Dr. Nicola Crosetto, Karolinska Institute Stockholm, SE Using DNA methylation data to study the tumor microenvironment Dr. Tim Fenton, Lecturer in Molecular Biosciences, University of Kent, UK The HEROS story, and perspectives on rational engineering of effective CAR molecules Dr. Nabil Ahmed, Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Baylor College of Medicine, Housten TX, USA Genomic Landscape of Small Cell Lung Cancer and other Neuroendocrine Lung Tumor Dr. Julie George, University of Cologne, Department of Translational Genomics Divide and Conquer: Classification in cancer systems analysis Dr. Elke Markert, Institute for Cancer Sciences, University of Glasgow, UK Decomposing Intra Tumor Heterogeneity Dr. Ruping Sun, Cutis Lab, Departments of Medicine and Genetics, Stanford University, USA 67

68 Education Lehrveranstaltungen Regular Research Meeting Recent results, advances and problems of individual research projects are presented and discussed in English Schülervorlesung Lecture series and practical course for high school students Organisation: Dietrich U Krebsentstehung: genetische Grundlagen, Diagnostik und neue Therapieansätze Greten F Stammzellen und Krebsstammzellen Krause D Immuntherapie Sevenich L Gentechnologie: Grundlagen und Konsequenzen Dingermann T HIV / AIDS ein Immundefizienzvirus erobert die Welt Dietrich U Schülerpraktikum in den Laborgruppen des Georg-Speyer-Hauses WS 2018/19, WS 2019/20 Semesterbegleitend Seminarreihe Masterstudiengang Molekulare Medizin: Frankfurter Forschung Medyouf H, Sevenich L, Wels W, Greten F WS 2018/19, SS 2019, WS 2019/20 Anleitung zum wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten für Bachelor- und Masterstudenten Greten F, Wels W, Dietrich U, Medyouf H, Sevenich L, Farin H, Krause D WS 2018/19, SS 2019, WS 2019/20 Individuelle 6-wöchige Laborpraktika in Zusammenarbeit mit der Goethe- Universität Greten F, Wels W, Dietrich U, Medyouf H, Sevenich L, Farin H, Krause D und Mitarbeiter WS 2019/2020 Vorlesung Molekulare Onkologie und Tumorimmunologie (MOT) Tumormikroenvironment/Tumor und Entzündung/Tumormakrophagen Greten F, Krause D, Medyouf H, Farin H, Sevenich L SS 2019 Anwendungen der Biologie in der Hämatologie für Medizinstudenten Krause D 68

69 The Association Der Verein Freunde und Förderer des Georg-Speyer- Hauses The Association Friends and Sponsors of the Georg-Speyer- Haus Jährliche Mitgliedsbeiträge Annual membership fees Forschermitglied Scientist 100, Studenten Students 12, Freund Friend 150, Förderer Sponsor 1000, Innovative Forschung und wissenschaftlicher Fortschritt in unserer Gesellschaft sind nur möglich durch das Engagement der Wissenschaftler/ innen und die aktive Unterstützung von Forschungsförderern aus Öffentlichkeit, Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft. Diesem Engagement hat sich der Verein Freunde und Förderer des Georg-Speyer-Hauses verpflichtet: Sein Ziel ist es, über die Grundfinanzierung durch Bund und Länder hinaus für weitere erforderliche Mittel zu sorgen und so das hohe Niveau der Grundlagenforschung zu sichern. Mitglied im Verein kann werden, wer den wissenschaftlichen Fortschritt im Bereich der Krebsforschung und der experimentellen Therapie zum Wohle der Allgemeinheit fördern möchte und Interesse hat am Forschungsprozess und am Diskurs über Ergebnisse und deren Nutzen für die Allgemeinheit. Neben der einfachen Mitgliedschaft (Freund/innen) und der Forschermitgliedschaft (Wissenschaftler/innen, Student/innen) besteht die Möglichkeit der fördernden Mitgliedschaft für Einzelpersonen oder Firmen. Förderer können im Jahrbuch und auf der Spendentafel aufgeführt werden. Da der Verein eine gemeinnützige Einrichtung ist, sind Mitgliedsbeiträge und Spenden im Rahmen der zulässigen Höchstbeträge von der Steuer absetzbar. Innovative research and scientific advances are only possible through generous financial support from public and private sponsors. The association Friends and Sponsors of the Georg-Speyer-Haus has committed itself to this task. The major goal of the association is to raise the necessary funds to supplement the basic financing provided by the federal and state governments. This should ensure a continuing high quality of basic research. Everybody who would like to support research in the fields of cancer and experimental therapy is welcome to join the association. Private persons can become supporting members ( friend ) or research members (scientists and students). Moreover, private individuals and companies may obtain corporate membership. Sponsors will be listed in both the annual report and the table of benefactors in the Institute. Since the association is a non-profit organisation, all membership fees and donations are tax deductable. Firmenmitgliedschaft Company membership 5000, Kontakt Gabriele Heckl Mitgliederbetreuung und Schatzmeister / members care and treasurer Tel.: +49 (0) Fax: +49 (0) Prof. Dr. Bernd Groner 1. Vorsitzender / chairman Tel.: +49 (0) FREUNDE UND FÖRDERER DES GEORG SPEYER HAUSES E.V. 69

70 Funding Finanzierung des Georg-Speyer-Hauses Die Grundfinanzierung des Georg-Speyer-Hauses wird vom Bundesministerium für Gesundheit und dem Hessischen Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst getragen. Funding of the Georg-Speyer-Haus The basic funding of the Georg-Speyer-Haus is provided by the Federal Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and the Arts of the State of Hessen. Einzelne Projekte werden unterstützt durch: Individual projects are supported by: BerGenBio AS Beug Stiftung für Metastasierungsforschung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) Deutsche José Carreras Leukämie-Stiftung Deutsche Kinderkrebsstiftung Deutsches Konsortium für Translationale Krebsforschung (DKTK) Dr. Bodo Sponholz-Stiftung Dr. Hans Feith und Dr. Elisabeth Feith Stiftung Else Kröner-Fresenius-Stiftung European Research Council (ERC) H.J. und I. Brede Stiftung H.W. & J. Hector Stiftung Janssen Research & Development LLC Klinikum der Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Universität LOEWE Zentrum Frankfurt Cancer Institut Merck KGaA, Darmstadt Ruth und Lore Müller Stiftung Stiftung Deutsche Krebshilfe Für Zuwendungen von Privatpersonen und Organisationen sind wir dankbar. Gern stellen wir eine Spendenbescheinigung aus. Unsere Bankverbindung lautet: Deutsche Bank Frankfurt IBAN: DE BIC: DEUTDEFF 70


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Exercise (Part XI) Anastasia Mochalova, Lehrstuhl für ABWL und Wirtschaftsinformatik, Kath. Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt 1

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Student Contact with Local Peers Abroad Student Contact with Local Peers Abroad Dave Limburg - Chair, Professor of Foreign Languages Guilford College Daniel Diaz - Director of Study Abroad & International Student Advisor Guilford College Logan


Role of Foxa2 Acetylation in Diabetes and Obesity in Vivo

Role of Foxa2 Acetylation in Diabetes and Obesity in Vivo Research Collection Doctoral Thesis Role of Foxa2 Acetylation in Diabetes and Obesity in Vivo Author(s): Kondratiuk, Nadiia Publication Date: 2015 Permanent Link:


Occupational Medicine in Germany

Occupational Medicine in Germany Outline Occupational Medicine in Germany Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Kraus Occupational Medicine at Universities DGAUM German society for occupational and environmental medicine Legal
