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1 FO RE IG N RI GH TS GU ID E SP RI N G 2018 PI CT UR E BO OK S CH ILD RE N S BO OK S YO UN G AD ULT Cover illustration: Ramona Wultschner

2 CONTACTS & AGENTS CONTENT ANDREA SEIBERT RIGHTS DIRECTOR T: F: English language CONSTANZE CHORY DEPUTY RIGHTS DIRECTOR T: F: Scandinavia Dutch language Asia JULIA SEIDL Greece, Turkey, RIGHTS MANAGER Israel, Arab World, Africa T: F: On maternity leave starting May 2018 SONJA SCHMIDT RIGHTS MANAGER T: F: France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, South America, Eastern Europe, Russia, Baltic States HIGHLIGHT TITLES ACTIVITY BOOKS 4 10 NICOLA BIEG From May 2018 on CHILDREN S BOOKS 14 YOUNG ADULT 20 MAINLAND CHINA Beijing Star Media Co.,Ltd. Ms. Wang Xing JAPAN Meike Marx Literary Agent Ms. Meike Marx KLETT KINDERBUCH PICTURE BOOKS NON-FICTION CZECH & SLOVAK REPUBLIC Dr. Ivana Beil Literary Agent Ms. Ivana Beil POLAND AKF Agency Ms. Anna Kolendarska-Fidyk BACKLIST 28 DUTCH LANGUAGE Marianne Schönbach Literary Agency Ms. Marianne Schönbach ROMANIA Marilena Iovu Literary Agency Ms. Marilena Iovu HUNGARY DS Budapest Ms. Margit Gruber RUSSIA Maria Schliesser Literary Agent Ms. Maria Schliesser ITALY Berla & Griffini Rights Agency Ms. Vanessa Maus SCANDINAVIA schøne agentur Ms. Anna Richter KOREA Momo Agency Ms. Geenie Han SPANISH & PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE Ute Körner Literary Agent Ms. Sandra Rodericks Translation by Rachel Hildebrandt 2 3

3 Top Titles Spring 2018 Highlights / Recommendations from our Backlist Highlights / Recommendations Preview Top Titles from Autumn our Backlist 2018 R. T. Acron Ocean City Until the very last second (vol. I) Ocean City floats out on the open sea, a modern, ecologically optimized floating city at the turn of the 22 nd century. Everyone s needs are taken care of at the highest level possible. The common currency is not money, but free time. Hardly anyone revolts against the system... until Jackson and Crockie discover that they can use an astonishingly simple trick to crack and manipulate the time administration system. PRELIMINARY COVER dtv junior Alex Rühle Zippel, the Little Keyhole Ghost Zippel is a little keyhole ghost. Who ever said that ghosts had to haunt spooky old castles? No, Zippel lives with Paul and his parents - in one of the keyholes in their old apartment. Paul discovers him there the day after his summer vacation, and this is how the most hilarious time of his life gets started. Zippelzefix there has never been a ghost like this one! A whimsical, feel-good book for the whole family. Age 12 and up 288 pages Pub. Date: March 2018 The furious opening to a thrilling action series. A page turner with tense character relationships, thematic depth, and political relevance. Age 6 and up 128 pages 4c-illustrations Pub. Date: August 2018 Illustrations by Axel Scheffler, creator of The Gruffalo. Frank Schwieger I, Caesar, and the Roman Gang Live from ancient Rome Prominent figures from Roman history, such as Romulus, Caesar, Cleopatra, and Nero, as well as the fictional characters of a gladiator, a slave, and a schoolgirl, all speak in this book. They share stories about exciting historical events and humorous anecdotes from their lives. To add context, each character has their own overview page, which provides biographical dates and other significant facts. Reihe Hanser _ Friedbert Stohner Minzi Monster Goes to School Oh, isn t she sweet! - That s what everyone says when they see Minzi, and she can t stand to hear it one more time. Even Ole, the fright of the kindergarten, calls her little cuddle monster, and when Minzi gets upset, he just rolls his eyes and looks smitten. But fortunately, Minzi is starting school now. This is where little monsters learn to be wild and dangerous. Minzi is so excited! A wonderfully funny story about a world turned upside down. Age 10 and up 257 pages b/w-illustrations Pub. Date: March 2018 A unique presentation of Roman history and culture: straightforward and direct, told from the first-person perspective. Age 8 and up 80 pages 4c-illustrations Pub. Date: August 2018 Silke Schmidt Happy Planting: 37 Ideas for Garden & Co. Antje Szillat Friends on Horses The secret of the stunt horse (vol. I) Gardening - it is so much more than just sticking seeds in the ground and waiting for weeks until something finally grows. With very simple means, children can beautify their window sills, press flowers, create pictures from petals, make cosmetics from fruits and vegetables and, of course, learn how to stick seeds in the ground. Nelly, Katya and Mia spend every free minute at their equestrian farm. It is located right next to a well-known film studio lot. This is why the film animal school with several stunt horses is also housed at the stud farm. However, this idyllic setting harbors dark secrets, exciting adventures, dangerous cases, and all sorts of challenges... Age 9 and up 144 pages 2c-illustrations Pub. Date: February ideas focused on gardens and plants - no theories, easy to get started. Age 10 and up 160 pages Pub. Date: July 2018 A horse series for girls 10 and up, set in a very unique location. A combination of two of this target group s absolutely favorite topics: horses and movies! 4 dtv Verlagsgesellschaft dtv Verlagsgesellschaft mbh & Co. KG Tumblingerstraße mbh & Co. KG Tumblingerstraße München Germany München Germany 11 dtv Verlagsgesellschaft dtv Verlagsgesellschaft mbh & Co. KG mbh Tumblingerstraße & Co. KG Tumblingerstraße München Germany München Germany 115

4 PREVIEW HIGHLIGHT / AGE 6 AND UP ENGLISH SAMPLE TRANSLATION AVAILABLE Preview Highlight Autumn 2018 list PRELIMINARY COVER Zippelzefix there has never been a ghost like this one! dtv junior Heike Bogenberger Alex Rühle Zippel, the Little Keyhole Ghost A whimsical, feel-good book for the whole family. Liam Jackson Zippel is a little keyhole ghost. Who ever said that ghosts had to haunt spooky old castles? No, Zippel lives with Paul and his parents - in one of the keyholes in their old apartment. Paul discovers him there the day after his summer vacation, and this is how the most hilarious time of his life gets started. After all, Zippel is a very young keyhole ghost, one who keeps coming up with the most ridiculous nonsense. Spending time with Zippel is so hectic and exciting that Paul quickly grows very fond of his new little friend. But what will happen when the door s entire locking mechanism needs to be replaced - and Zippel s home is suddenly jeopardized? Alex Rühle Zippel, the Little Keyhole Ghost 4c-illustrations by Axel Scheffler 128 pages Pub. Date: August 2018 ALEX RÜHLE, born in 1969, started out as a hospital clown, a café waiter, and an elementary school builder in Malawi. Since then, he has become a highly esteemed journalist and now works as the cultural editor for Süddeutsche Zeitung. Warm-hearted, witty and achingly lovely - a delightful read-aloud from the first page to the last. With illustrations by Axel Scheffler, creator of The Gruffalo. BESTSELLING ILLUSTRATOR AXEL SCHEFFLER is one of the world s most successful children s book illustrators. He was born in Hamburg in 1957, and has worked as a freelance illustrator in London since completing his studies at the Bath Academy of Art. His books unmistakable, humorous drawings are loved around the world. With The Gruffalo, which he published with author Julia Donaldson, he created a work now acknowledged as a modern children s classic. Axel Scheffler lives with his family in London. 6 7

5 JUNIOR HIGHLIGHT AGE 11 AND UP HIGHLIGHT / AGE 12 AND UP ENGLISH SAMPLE TRANSLATION AVAILABLE Highlight Spring 2018 Jens Neumann R. T. Acron Ocean City Until the very last second (vol. I) The furious opening to a thrilling action series for boys and girls over age 11. Ocean City floats out on the open sea, a modern, ecologically optimized floating city at the turn of the 22 nd century. Everyone s needs are taken care of at the highest level possible - assuming that each person works their average twelve-hour day in service to the system. The common currency is not money, but free time. Misconduct results in significant time reductions. Hardly anyone revolts against the system... until Jackson and Crockie discover that they can use an astonishingly simple trick to crack into and manipulate the time administration system. But Crockie jumps the gun and starts the process too early, all on his own. On their way to school, the friends run into a time checkpoint. Instead of presenting his armband showing the amount of time left in his account, Crockie makes a run for it. And suddenly they are surrounded by security guards. They are armed - and they fire. Crockie is hit, though Jackson is able to get away. From his hiding place, he is forced to watch helplessly as the guards carry away Crockie s lifeless body. R. T. Acron Ocean City Until the very last second (vol. I) 288 pages Pub. Date: March 2018 R. T. ACRON is the pseudonym for Christian Tielmann and Frank Reifenberg, two renowned children s and young adult authors, who have a particular instinct when it comes to the needs of boy readers. Christian Tielmann was born in Wuppertal in He studied philosophy and German in Freiburg and Hamburg. Today he lives with his family in Cologne, and writes books for children and teens. A page turner with tense character relationships, thematic depth, and political relevance. Jackson reacts immediately: Under no circumstances can the secret police be allowed to find the treacherous device that Crockie used to tap into the time system. The only problem is that he has no idea where to begin his search in this city of 15 million citizens Frank Reifenberg, born in 1962, was a trained bookseller. He now lives and writes full-time in Cologne. He primarily writes children s and young adult books, in addition to screenplays for film and television. For years, he has been actively involved in efforts to promote reading among boys. 8 dtv Verlagsgesellschaft dtv Verlagsgesellschaft mbh & Co. KG mbh Tumblingerstraße & Co. KG Tumblingerstraße München Germany München Germany 119

6 ACTIVITY BOOKS / AGE 8 AND UP ACTIVITY BOOKS / AGE 8 AND UP dtv launches a new collection of activity books for children age 8 and up - full of fun, creativity and ideas! With 2c-illustrations by the author 128 pages February 2018 Small garden, great delight ACTIVITY BOOK Silke Schmidt Happy Planting 37 Ideas for Garden & Co. Gardening - it is so much more than just sticking seeds in the ground and waiting for weeks until something finally grows. With very simple means, children nine and older can beautify their window sills, press flowers, create pictures from petals, make cosmetics from fruits and vegetables, learn which blossoms are edible, upcycle vases and flower pots, and, of course, learn how to stick seeds in the ground. Once they are done, they can preserve and record it all in this plant book. Silke Schmidt Activity books-series 176 pages With 2c-illustrations by the author dtv junior dtv junior dtv junior The Do-It-Yourself Holiday Manual For every day of the summer holidays there s two pages for you to jot down your observations about the weather, your mood, your activities, as well as a double-page spread featuring creative ideas and suggestions you can pan your day around. The Do-It-Yourself Christmas Manual The pre-christmas season has always been a time for creativity. This book is filled with fabulous ideas for presents to give and receive; last minute stocking-fillers for an unforgettable Christmas. The Do-It-Yourself Best Friends Manual 37 activities for girls and their friends - from baking to handicrafts, or just finding out how well you really know each other. Because everything s twice as much fun if there s two of you. Which is why there s always two sections to fill in! private SILKE SCHMIDT was born in She studied literature in Mainz and Edinburgh and fine arts at the Academy of Arts in Berlin. Since then she has been working as an artist and illustrator for various magazines, publishers and companies. She lives in the Uckermark region north of Berlin with her family. Rights sold: Czech Republic 37 ideas focused on gardens and plants - no theories, easy to get started A plant journal to fill, record and paint Decorative layout, bicolor illustrations So bastelst du einen Kindergarten für Blumen und Gemüse. Schon ab Februar kannst du aus Samen Pflanzen auf der Fensterbank vorziehen. Das bedeutet, dass die Pflänzchen geschützt im Warmen aufwachsen, bis sie nach draußen umziehen. Meistens ist dies ab Mitte Mai der Fall. Unterirdisch haben sie dann schon eine Wurzel gebildet, oberirdisch wächst die Pflanze. Am wohlsten fühlen sie sich in einem kleinen Gewächshaus, das du ganz einfach für sie bauen kannst. - 1 Blumentopf (Durchmesser ca. 10 cm) mit Untersetzer - 1 leere PET-Flasche (ca. 1,5 l) - Nagelschere oder kleines, scharfes Messer - Schere - Anzuchterde - kleine Schaufel oder großen Löffel - Samen 1. Entferne das Etikett von der Flasche (evt. musst du die Flasche in Wasser einweichen, bis sich das Etikett ablösen lässt). Stich mit der Nagelschere oder dem Messer ein Loch in die Flasche. Schneide dann den unteren Teil der Flasche rundherum ab. 2. Fülle den Blumentopf mit der Erde. Drücke die Erde leicht an und befeuchte sie mit Wasser. Stecke ein oder mehrere Samenkörner in die Erde, etwa so tief, wie die Samen groß sind. vor dem Computer im Garten auf einem Berg wunderbarer fürchterlicher gewöhnlicher zum Haareraufender großartiger superduper... am Strand im Freibad im Bett Montag Dienstag Mittwoch Donnerstag Freitag Samstag Sonntag Glückstag Pechtag... cool, aber nicht zu kühl eher was für Regenwürmer Sonne pur ein bisschen von allem vor dem Fernseher in der Stadt... Die Sonne erwärmt die Erde, Warme Luft steigt auf, kann aber nicht so schnell entweichen. 3. Schraube den Deckel von der Flasche ab und stecke die Flasche in die Erde

7 Dazu brauchst du, na klar, einen Gegner. Dein Nachbar wäre Überbewertete Freizeitfresser ACTIVITY BOOKS / AGE 8 AND UP AGE 8 AND UP ACTIVITY BOOKS / AGE 8 AND UP ACTIVITY BOOK 144 pages With b/w-illustrations by Stephan Rürup May 2018 Be careful, don t let it fall in the wrong hands! Imke Stotz The Ultimate School Survival Book Everything you need to survive the boring school hours: cartoons, teacher and student slang, pages to play dots and boxes as well as Battleship, instructions on how to make paper airplanes, jokes, little riddles, pages to design and destroy, teacher evaluation questionnaires, comics to personalize, teacher cartoons to complete, and much, much more. Includes cartoons, jokes, little puzzles, and much more. IMKE STOTZ (born 1966) and STEPHAN RÜRUP (born 1965) both studied visual communications at Munster and work for various different publishing houses. Stephan Rürup s cartoons appear on a regular basis in the satirical magazine Titanic. private ACTIVITY BOOK 144 pages With b/w-illustrations by the author March 2018 Constanze Guhr My Very Favorite Book for Drawing and Keeping This book contains space for drawings and all your favorite things: the wrapper from your favorite candy, the pressing of your favorite flower, the photo of your best friend, a test daub of your favorite nail polish, etc. Through its sketchbook quality, the book is also designed space for your own drawings and will eventually become a distinct, individualized keepsake for you. Christine Langer CONSTANZE GUHR, born in 1975, grew up in Leipzig. She drew her first picture at the age of two, but unfortunately, it has been lost to time. She studied art at the HdK Berlin and special education at Humboldt University Berlin. In 2000, she participated in the illustrators exhibit in Bologna. Since 2004, she has worked in collaboration with three other illustrators in the Atelier petit4 in Berlin. Wenn du dich mal wieder so richtig unterfordert fühlst, spiel dieses kleine Spielchen. Hier geht es nicht nur um die Bestätigung deines überirdischen IQs, sondern auch um Schnelligkeit. Ungesunde, aber leckere Wabbeltiere CHIBEMMRÄGU Diese Leute mag ich am liebsten Mal wieder viel zu spät dran? Immer cool bleiben, denn du hast die perfekte Ausrede zur Hand! Total doof, ich bin mit dem Fuß im Gulli stecken geblieben! Ich habe geträumt, heute sei Sonntag... Sorry, hatte Gegenwind. Tut mir Leid, ich bin in den falschen Bus eingestiegen. Mein Hund hat den Schulweg gefressen! Mein Fahrrad ist zu langsam gefahren. Meine Oma hat mich aufgehalten Ich musste noch ihren neuen Pudding probieren. Mein Wecker hat geklingelt, als ich noch geschlafen habe. Mein Bus hat sich verfahren. Ich bin leider zu spät, weil es gegongt hat, bevor ich hier war. Gestern war Schule? Echt? Mein Wecker war krank. Ich wurde vom Bus verpasst. die einfachste Variante. Wer am schnellsten die durcheinander gewirbelten Begriffe richtig zusammensetzt, hat gewonnen und darf sich ab sofort MEGABRAIN nennen. Cooles Gehüpfe und Gewerfe TAKBALSBEL Wo teilt es sich am Schönsten? GIRANSTAM Seeehr seeehr langsam und süß TILAUFER Ort des Elends und Zumutung für alle Schüler LUCHSLOK UFHANEBASUGA Wüste Drohung genervter Eltern TYDEVORBAHN Toller Tag TUBSEGGRA dtv Verlagsgesellschaft dtv Verlagsgesellschaft mbh & Co. KG Tumblingerstraße mbh & Co. KG 21 Tumblingerstraße München 21 Germany München Germany 9 13

8 AGE 8 AND UP AGE 8 AND UP AGE 8 AND UP 128 pages With 4c-illustrations by Jan Birck April 2018 Fletcher is the greatest! Antje Szillat Fletcher Rogues Ahoy! (vol. IV) Fletcher, the coolest skunk in the city, can t believe it: top chef and bread dumpling supplier Bode has temporarily closed his restaurant. What a catastrophe! Hunger drives Fletcher to the nearby weekly market. However, a very suspicious seller of wonder paste and a legendary treasure lure the master detective further and further from his beloved courtyard, all the way to the furthest corner of an abandoned harbor. It is here that a powerful light bulb goes on for Fletcher. private ANTJE SZILLAT is a full time author who has written numerous books for children, teenagers and young readers. Her children s book series Rick was a huge success. Szillat lives near Hanover with her husband and four children. JAN BIRCK spent many years freelancing for various advertising agencies. Later, he took the world of animation by storm and went on to carve a niche for himself in the realm of children s and young adults literature. The winner of the Troisdorf Picture Book Award, Jan Birk lives in Munich with his wife and two daughters. Antje Szillat 144 pages With 4c-illustrations by Jan Birck Fletcher-series What a Stinker! (vol. I) Fletcher, the cleverest and coolest striped skunk in town by a long shot, has made his home in the back yard of the Wild Elk Restaurant. One day, he meets Bode s son Theo. The two of them discover that they both harbour dreams of becoming famous detectives! Soon they find themselves up to their necks in their first case: Bode, of all people, who is constantly hunting down poor Fletcher, is in danger himself! A Rumble in the Tunnels (vol. II) Something very strange is going on... right on Fletcher s doorstep! Chloe, his charming secretary who also happens to be the exceptionally talented singer of the Back Yard Band, has disappeared. Fletcher soon begins to sense great danger lying in wait for the inhabitants of his much loved back yard. One after another, all the animals seem to be literally vanishing into thin air Where have they all gone so suddenly? With Stink Cannon and a Nose for Clues (vol. III) How did the old briefcase get into his firstclass backyard detective agency? Scuffed black leather, fraying seams, and a rusted silver lock difficult to open. But then there is the stuff inside: an expensive pipe, a remarkable magnifying glass, and a tastefully checkered cap. Could this be the briefcase of Sherlock Holmes, the greatest detective of all time? BEST SELLER Rights sold: Denmark, Romania, VR China, Russia PRESS ACCLAIMS: ENGLISH SAMPLE TRANSLATION AVAILABLE Antje Szillat s wonderfully offhand texts and Jan Birck s fabulous four-colour illustrations are a perfect match: the illustrations seamlessly pick up where the texts leave off. A colourful comic novel which borrows liberally from cinematic sources, with changing perspectives, slo-mo and zooms Eagerly anticipated by every boy I know! eselsohr A wonderfully written, entertaining book for young readers. Sueddeutsche Zeitung With fantastic illustrations by Jan Birck Fletcher guarantees non-stop excitement, fast-paced action, much accidental hilarity, loads of chaos and plenty of drama - a massively enjoyable read! 14 dtv Verlagsgesellschaft dtv Verlagsgesellschaft mbh & Co. KG Tumblingerstraße mbh & Co. KG 21 Tumblingerstraße München 21 Germany München Germany 9 15

9 AGE 8 AND UP AGE 8 AND UP Anna Lott Tilda s Animal Gang Whiskers, the Fuzzy Wishing Rabbit (vol. II) Kathrin Truhart Knut Krüger Quick! Wake Up the Sloth! Nadja Bucciero-Kurtulus 144 pages With b/w-illustrations by Verena Körting March 2018 What could possibly be more charming than the Animal Gang? Tilda and her friends from Truffle Street spend every day off from school with Muffin the woolly pig, Kasi the silky chicken, and Whiskers the angora rabbit. When the boys from next door try to strike it rich with snail slime, the girls hit on their own idea: Isn t Whiskers actually a magical wishing rabbit? Tilda is convinced that if you stand under the silver birch in the forest at 11:11 AM and gently twist his little cottontail while making a wish, that wish will come true. The following morning, the Animal Gang enthusiastically strikes off for the forest, but once again, the girls have failed to take the boys into account in their plans. A series which has all the ingredients guaranteed to make girl readers hearts miss a beat: three girls, three delightful animals and adventures galore The banter between Tilda s Animal Gang and Gregor s Group of Ghastlies ensures plenty of fun, excitement and turmoil ANNA LOTT was born in 1975; she trained as a screenwriter and went on to work as an editor in Bremen for many years. She still lives there, regularly presenting children s books on radio. In 2014, she turned her hand to freelance writing. After studying visual communication at Düsseldorf Polytechnic, VERENA KÖRTING went on to work as a graphic designer. But she really prefers drawing and writing stories, so she began illustrating children s books in 2001, with great success. She lives and works in Cologne. 192 pages With b/w-vignettes by Verena Körting April 2018 Everyone loves Stanley, the sloth Finn, Zoe and Henry are more than a little astonished when one day a sloth swings into the kitchen. And what a sloth it is! Stanley s charm doesn t just stem from his friendly, laid-back demeanor; he is a cunning soccer player (in slow motion, of course), is capable of repeating single words, and seems to possess a built-in lie detector. He very quickly becomes part of the family, as well as the best friend of dwarf mammoth Norbert, who recently started living with Henry s family. However, sloth researcher Stockmann is already lurking out in the bushes. What is he up to? Reading fun for the entire family! For all the children who have ever wished for a cuddly pet sloth KNUT KRÜGER was born in After studying German he went on to work in the book trade and publishing industry. He now works as a self-employed author, editor and translator of English and Scandinavian books. Knut Krüger lives with his family in Munich. After studying visual communication at Düsseldorf Polytechnic, VERENA KÖRTING went on to work as a graphic designer. But she really prefers drawing and writing stories, so she began illustrating children s books in 2001, with great success. She lives and works in Cologne. OTHER TITLES IN THE SERIES: OTHER TITLES BY THE AUTHOR: Tilda s Animal Gang - A woolly pig in the living room! (vol. I) 160 pages July 2017 Six new kids have just moved into a small estate of terraced houses on what used to be a farm. The clever Tilda starts a gang with two other girls, Tomma and Tati. They call themselves Tilda s Animal Gang, and their mission is to look after three animals. 46 Quick! Save the Mammoth! 224 pages February 2017 One day at the beginning of the Easter holidays Henry stumbles across a mound of leaves in the forest concealed underneath it is a primordial creature; a frozen dwarf-mammoth! Henry and his best friends Finn and Zoe decide to hide it in his garden

10 AGE 8 AND UP AGE 10 AND UP I, Zeus, and the Olympic Gang Gods and heroes from Greek Mythology 80 pages With 4c-illustrations by Paul Giraud March 2018 Emmy Abrahamson Desta and the Garden Pond Labyrinth Wild and dangerous - the world of the garden pond A terrible fright for Desta: while trying to poke a lily pad with a stick, she plunges into the garden pond. It is vast and deep, and suddenly, Desta is not only wet, but also tiny and trapped in the underwater world. She must solve three riddles, and hold her own against all sorts of wildlife, vines and much more before she can once again reach the solid ground of the bank, on the other side of her adventures. She could never do this alone, but fortunately, pond dweller Til is willing to help Desta complete her tasks. At the end of her adventures, she has a hard time saying goodbye to Til. Nonetheless, little girls belong nowhere else except on land. Finally, the first children s book from the popular young adult author A whimsical Alice in Wonderland-story Numerous 4-color illustrations by Paul Giraud Jenny Backlin EMMY ABRAHAMSON spent her childhood in Moscow and a variety of other places, before studying theatre arts in London and Manchester, and working in Amsterdam and Vienna. She currently lives in southern Sweden with her husband and twins, Desta and Til. She has written young adult books, and this is her first children s novel. PAUL GIRAUD was born in 1982 near Paris, but grew up in the Province countryside and in Périgord. He studied art in Bordeaux, before later moving to Rome and Marseille. Since 2011, he has lived and worked in Berlin. With b/w-illustrations by Ramona Wultschner 256 pages April 2017 With b/w-illustrations by Ramona Wultschner 208 pages March 2018 Twenty-four episodes from the lives of the greatest Greek heroes and heroines, gods and goddesses straight from the Trojan Horse s mouth! Each story is complemented by a wittily illustrated profile of the starring character, detailing their family connections, their likes and dislikes and distinguishing features So readers discover at first-hand why Achilles, the greatest hero of them all, runs around in girl s clothes and why Apollo is such a tree-hugger - and of course what part Big Boss Zeus plays in all this. I, Caesar, and the Roman Gang Live from Ancient Rome In this book, Romulus, Caesar and Nero, and their many friends and foes are finally able to speak for themselves. Live and unvarnished, they provide their own versions of history. Readers will learn why two best friends had to battle each other in a gladiatorial fight, why Cleopatra allowed herself to be wrapped in a rug, and why people should avoid eating geese. You will be right there as conspiracies are concocted and secrets are overheard. Whenever the Romans fight or celebrate, chaos is not far behind Ancient Rome in the format of a friendship book with fact pages With humorous illustrations by Ramona Wultschner privat FRANK SCHWIEGER was born in 1968 and grew up in Holstein, in the northernmost region of Germany. He studied Latin and history, and has been working as a grammar school teacher since RAMONA WULTSCHNER was born in Heilbronn She studied design in Pforzheim and works on animated cartoon productions, children s books and game development. Rights sold: Greece, Turkey, Czech Republic, Romania, Russia, Hungary, Bulgaria Complete Swedish manuscript available Dass ich gegründet habe! Und dass diese großartige Stadt nicht nur nach benannt wurde, sondern dass sie auch bald 3000 Jahre nach ihrer Gründung noch auf der Welt bekannt ist und mein Name damit auch DIE FORMEL 1 DER ANTIKE Die Wagenrennen im Circus Maximus waren so spannend und gefährlich wie die heutige Formel-1, ihre Rennfahrer so berühmt wie die Fußballstars unserer Zeit. Vor allem Nero soll ein großer Fan der Grünen gewesen sein, er feuerte sie schreiend und jubelnd an. Andere hohe Herren fanden das ziemlich peinlich. Ein Kaiser sollte sich besser im Griff haben als das gemeine Volk: mein Vater ein Gott ist, nämlich, der Kriegsgott. Von ihm haben mein Bruder Remus und Ich wohl unser Temperament geerbt. Außerdem haben wir Mütter: Unsere Mama Rhea Silvia, die unfreiwillig zur Priesterin wurde, unsere berühmte Wolfsmutter und unsere Stiefmutter Acca, die Frau eines einfachen Hirten. Meine. Wenn sie mich einmal überfällt, kann ich mich einfach nicht mehr beherrschen. hen. Und das kann Folgen haben... Meinem Bruder Remus Streiche spielen das war zu Lebzeiten schon mein Hobby und macht in der noch genauso viel Spaß! 1 Aureus (Gold) = 25 Denare Unter den Fans der gegnerischen Rennställe gab es nämlich öfter Prügeleien. Sie malten Graffitis von den Gesichtern und Namen ihrer Stars an die Häuser der Stadt. Vor allem aber brachten sie ihr Geld in die Wettbüros. Wenn sie Glück hatten und auf den Sieger setzten, konnten sie ihren Geldbeutel ordentlich füllen, oder aber alles verlieren ABER WAS WAR IHR GELD WERT? UND WIE SAH ES AUS? 1 Denar (Silber) = 4 Sesterzen 1 Sesterz (Messing) = 4 As der Palatin, das ist einer der sieben Hügel, auf denen erbaut wurde von 1 As (Bronze) 2 3 = 50 Hühner = 2 Hühner = 1/2 Huhn = 1/8 Huhn 18 19

11 AGE 12 AND UP AGE 12 AND UP Carly Wilson 256 pages August 2017 October 2017 March 2018 Myriad High-series The Things Hannah Doesn t Know At long last, the day has come for fifteenyear-old Hannah and her friends Sophie and Chloe to start at the prestigious Myriad High School in Silicon Valley. Myriad High is the school where tomorrow s elite is educated in unusual subjects. Of course the boys are just as interesting. But suddenly, there are all kinds of weird going-ons at Hannah s new boarding school and before long she s not sure anymore who she can trust... Sophie s Secret (vol. II) Ever since Myriad High s homecoming dance, Hannah and her childhood friend Matt have been a couple. But she obviously still harbors some feelings for Ryan. Sophie, too, must find a way to cope with disappointment. Ben has broken up with her, and it is Evan of all people who is trying to comfort her. A a situation arises on the cheerleading team during which Sophie ends up looking less than great. And as for the consequences Chloe s Discovery (vol. III) Chloe is having a hard time with Connor. Whenever he admits his true feelings, he pulls away again right afterward. Only once Dylan becomes increasingly interested in Chloe does Connor finally wake up to reality. Nonetheless, all this drama becomes incidental as the clues multiply, all of which indicate that Myriad s co-founder, Matt s adopted mother, was somehow involved with the death of Hannah s father. A delightfully addictive high school soap opera played out against the hyper-modern backdrop of Silicon Valley Friendship, first love and a series of mind-boggling events: Hannah and her friends are in for plenty of excitement during their first year at high school Mary Grace Long Born in 1990 as the daughter of a German mother and an American father, CARLY WILSON grew up in a bilingual home. She studied computer science in college and worked for several years as a web developer for a well-known internet company, which is where the idea of a boarding school came to her. She now works as a freelance author in Northern California, where she continues to plot the fates of the Myriad High students. In her free time, she skates and surfs with her boyfriend, besides being actively involved in animal welfare efforts. She also creates sculptures from the driftwood that is regularly tossed up in front of her home by the Pacific tides. Rights sold: Turkey With b/w-illustrations by the author 272 pages May 2018 See you later, losers! Hans-Jürgen Feldhaus Crash Course for Five Southern France, end-of-year school trip for Class 10. The fact that Fynn, Cem and Helge are sitting in one canoe, and Thalia and Judith are in another is nothing except annoying coincidence. They have managed to successfully avoid each other for the past five long years. And now this. Yet, Interestingly enough, these are the five heroes who spontaneously break away from everyone else on the group canoe trip down the Ardèche. The fact that the Fantastic Five go on to really get to know and to value each other over the course of their crazy trip through the South of France, heading toward the Mediterranean, is nothing less than a completely ordinary miracle. A cool summer road trip story - perfect reading for boys 12 and over Snotty, irreverent, whacky - with lots of hysterical pen drawings OTHER SERIES BY THE AUTHOR: Totally -series (4 volumes) 240 pages Pub. Date: Since 2012 Wildly funny an offbeat, spaced-out graphic novel series! Over copies sold of the series Rights sold: Turkey, Lithuania, Romania, Czech Republic, Latvia HANS-JÜRGEN FELDHAUS, born in 1966, studied graphics design at Münster and works as a freelance illustrator for various firms and publishers. He has illustrated numerous books in the dtv junior series. Und Fynn, dem seit seinem tollkühnen Backslide in der Stromschnelle tatsächlich ein paar Infos fehlten, fragte:»worum geht s?jesses!«, seufzte Helge von hinten und Cem von vorne ein bisschen irre:»wir haben einen Auftrag! Die schöne Thalia retten und dem ihre weiße Schwester.Deren Schwester!«, korrigierte Helge.»Deren auch schön!hast du was geraucht?«, fragte Fynn.»Noch nicht!«, antwortete Cem.»Das ist Kinderkacke. Lass uns umdrehen!«, meinte Fynn und Helge darauf:»yep! Mein Reden!Ich kann nicht!«, konnte Cem nicht und paddelte weiter.»cem, du bist irre!«, stöhnte Fynn.» komplett gestört!«, ergänzte Helge.»Ich weiß!«, grinste Cem nach hinten. Fynn sah sich achselzuckend zu Helge um, der hob genauso fragend die Schultern an und dann paddelten sie mit. Und ganz klar: Natürlich war das total bescheuert, es war Kinderkacke. Thalia und Judith mussten nicht gerettet werden. Die beiden Ladys kamen sehr wohl alleine klar. Das wussten Fynn, Helge und selbst Cem. Schwer zu erklären also, was die Jungs genau antrieb. Vielleicht so eine Mischung aus purer Langeweile und Jagdinstinkt und in Cems Fall ein Haufen Fortpflanzungshormone. Jedenfalls: Der Ehrgeiz war geweckt, als die drei Jäger mit ihrem Kanadier ziemlich unsportlich um die nächste Fluss Levin Stuckenholz biegung eierten und dort ihre Beute, Thalia und Judith also, entdeckten. Was jetzt nun wirklich keine Meisterleistung war, dass die Jungs tatsächlich aufgeholt hatten. Thalia und Judith standen mit ihrem Kajak schlicht im Stau. Vor einer weiteren Stromschnelle. Wegen all der anderen Kanufahrer, die da natürlich auch durchmussten und da sag ich dir jetzt mal eins: Wenn du mal vorhast an die Ardèche zu fahren und das solltest du, weil es wirklich richtig schön da ist dann mach das in der Nachsaison, weil Hauptsaison: nicht ganz so schön! Da paddelst du die Ardèche runter und da kannst du sie streckenweise auch nur erahnen, weil du vor lauter Kanus kein Wasser mehr siehst

12 PREVIEW / AGE 8 AND UP KLETT KINDERBUCH Preview: Our Recommendation Autumn 2018 Reihe Hanser _ 80 pages With 4c-illustrations by Isabel Kreitz August 2018 Friedbert Stohner Minzi Monster Goes to School Oh, isn t she sweet! - That s what everyone says when they see Minzi, and she can t stand to hear it one more time. Even Ole, the fright of the kindergarten, calls her little cuddle monster, and when Minzi gets upset, he just rolls his eyes and looks smitten. But fortunately, Minzi is starting school now. This is where little monsters learn to be wild and dangerous. Minzi is so excited! Once she is wild and dangerous, Ole will get what s coming to him. - It takes exactly one school day for the word to get around that everyone needs to be careful around Minzi because she has the most dangerous eraser in the world. But all she had wanted to do was hit the infatuated Ole in the head with it! How was she to know that this would set off the biggest uproar in the entire history of the monster school? A wonderfully funny story about a world turned upside down For children who enjoy loudly expressing their minds FRIEDBERT STOHNER, born in 1951, lives in Altlussheim am Rhein. After many years in the publishing industry, he now devotes himself to writing. ISABEL KREITZ (born in 1967) studied at the Hamburg School of Design and Parsons School of Design in New York. She draws comics and graphic novels, and illustrates children s books. She has been honored with numerous prizes for her work, including the Max and Moritz Prize as the best illustrator in Germany. Nina Stohner Picture Books Fiction Non-Fiction A glimpse into the illustrator s workshop Illustrations will be in 4c! 22 23

13 KLETT KINDERBUCH AGE 3 AND UP KLETT KINDERBUCH AGE 4 AND UP Martin Fuchs The Absssoluuutely Normal Mr. Gnirzdefrrrtz Saskia Hula 100 Reasons to (not) Spend Your Vacation in a Tent Klett Kinderbuch 32 pages With 4c-illustrations by Fréderic Bertrand February 2018 As crazy as the rest of us Who says there s anything wrong with Mr. Gnirzdefrrrtz? He s completely normal! You can tell that right away from his ordinary name. And his beard of a thousand funny green millipedes is also nothing special. Neither are his teeth, which are just as checkered as ours are whenever we smile. With each page, we get to know this loony gentleman with all his strange characteristics - at the same time, the story makes it quite clear why he is anything but crazy or unusual. Children will be delighted by this hysterical tale of reversed expectations, thanks in no small part to the irreverent, silly illustrations by Fréderic Bertrand. Don t we alll have a little Gnirzdefrrrtz in us? A marvelously whimsical nonsense book to inspire laughter, amazement and conversation An important message: Each of us should be just the way we are! private After completing his university degree in German studies in Berlin, MARTIN FUCHS moved back to Hamburg. He has worked as a freelance copywriter for many years, and as an author of books for young (and young-atheart) readers for not quite so many years. Besides writing and performing, Martin Fuchs loves his dachshund Jolla, wild guitar pop music, and cycling tours that last for weeks. Born in 1981, FRÉDERIC BERTRAND studied graphic design in Bremen. Since then, he has been holed up in a garage on the eastern edge of Berlin. This is where he works, day in and day out, on a large array of children s book. Other than that, he is completely normal. Klett Kinderbuch With 4c-illustrations by Felicitas Horstschäfer 32 pages March 2018 Just don t go camping! The child who takes us through her vacation in 100 pictures has 100 reasons why going on a camping vacation is the total pits. The funny thing is, though, that with each reason she provides, the reader gets the feeling that this is one of the best vacations the child has ever experienced. A real adventure spent with new friends and an irresistible, hungry cat! Whimsically illustrated, succinctly told: a perfectly imperfect family vacation. A wonderful vacation story for children and adults A quirky narrative voice 100 humorous illustrations private SASKIA HULA was born in 1966, and has worked as an elementary school teacher for many years. In 2004, she began to write children s books. Among other awards, she is the recipient of the Austrian Children and Young Adult Book Prize. Saskia Hula lives in Vienna with her family. FELICITAS HORSTSCHÄFER studied design at the FH Münster, and since 2009, she has worked as a freelance designer for publishers in Germany and abroad. She currently lives in Berlin, because everything there is so vibrant and colorful. When she isn t creating books, she spends her time watching the woodpecker and hedgehog in her garden. 42. Man liegt hart und schief und man hat eine Wurzel im Rücken. 68. Das Wasser ist kalt

14 KLETT KINDERBUCH AGE 9 AND UP / Non-Fiction KLETT KINDERBUCH AGE 8 AND UP / Non-Fiction Non-Fiction Highlights Monika Osberghaus Thomas Engelhardt In Prison A Child s Book about Life behind Bars private Katharina von der Gathen The Love Lives of Animals Peter Nierhoff Klett Kinderbuch With 4c-illustrations by Susann Hesselbarth 120 pages March 2018 The place no one knows Sina s father has to go to prison. He has done something bad and now has to answer for it. Sina doesn t understand what all is happening. She has no idea what the place is like where her Papa is now living. This book is for children like her, as well as for everyone else. Prisons are places that we all know exist, but at the same time, we know next to nothing about them, horrible and interesting as they are. We accompany Sina s Papa every step of the way, starting with his first day in prison. We learn all there is about day-to-day life behind bars: what there is to eat, who lives and works there, what a holding cell looks like, what prisoners do with their days. And what it is like when someone comes out of the prison system. Susann Hesselbarth s lively illustrations move beyond the popular stereotypes of today. MONIKA OSBERGHAUS and THOMAS ENGELHARDT (both born in 1962) live and work together in Leipzig. They focus primarily on the management of Klett Kinderbuch Publishing House. Born in 1964, SUSANN HESSEL- BARTH completed training as a bricklayer before studying at the Leipzig College for Graphic Design and Book Art. She lives and works in Leipzig. Klett Kinderbuch With 4c-illustrations by Anke Kuhl 144 pages When animals fall in love How do animals do it? Children are always especially eager to learn about this whenever Katharina von der Gathen talks to them about sex education. And so she began to look into it, and discovered a treasure trove of information about seductive arts, mating rituals, and family forms. This spectacular book is the result of her extensive research. In its pages, we learn about the tenderness of scorpions and the brutality of bedbugs, the gory rivalry that occurs in the stomachs of shark mothers, and the loving care provided by some animal fathers for their progeny. The book s distinct layout combined with Anke Kuhl s illustrations will remind the reader of a classic nature encyclopedia, distinguished by a unique charm and humor. And the fold-out pages, such as Animal Baby Exhibition and Penis Gallery are great fun! KATHARINA VON DER GATHEN was born in She studied special needs education and developed an interest in sex education as a student. Gathen works with children and adolescents from a wide range of educational backgrounds. She lives in Bonn with her husband and four children. ANKE KUHL, born in 1970, studied illustration and has been a freelance illustrator since She lives in Frankfurt with her husband and two children. What is life like inside a prison? A fascinating book that provides the answer in a kid-friendly way. Exciting insights into an unknown world To inspire dialogue and contemplation: a mixture of a storybook and a factual resource ANKUNFT IM GEFÄNGNIS Heute ist der Tag, an dem Robert seine Haft antreten muss. Er hat sich daheim von seiner Tochter und auf dem Parkplatz von seiner Frau verabschiedet. Nun schultert er seine Reisetasche und geht zur Pforte. Dort muss er klingeln. Der Türöffner summt und Robert öffnet die Tür. Er geht hinein. Die Tür fällt hinter ihm ins Schloss. Jetzt ist Robert im Gefängnis. Zuerst muss er durch einen Metallrahmen gehen, wie am Flughafen. Dann schreibt ein Justizvollzugsbediensteter seinen Namen auf, das Datum und die genaue Uhrzeit. In dieser Minute beginnt die Haftzeit. Ein anderer Bediensteter holt ihn ab und bringt ihn mit seinen Sachen zur Kammer das ist die Abteilung, in der ein neuer Gefangener Lavishly illustrated and intriguing: The amazement never ends here! Funny, captivating and fascinating - for children and adults OTHER TITLES BY THE AUTHOR AND ILLUSTRATOR: Rights sold: English language, Spain (cast., cat.), Poland, Estonia, Sweden, Netherlands, PR China ganz nah und ganz fern seine Gefängnis-Sachen bekommt. Die Kammer ist oft im Keller des Gefängnisses. Das Erste, was einem auffällt, wenn man noch nie in einem Gefängnis war, sind die vielen verschlossenen Türen und Stahlgitter, vor denen man immer warten muss, bis ein Beamter sie mit einem seiner vielen Schlüssel öffnet. Auf Schritt und Tritt hört man das Schlüsselklirren. Als Robert in der Kammer ankommt, stellt ihm Herr Neuer, der Leiter der Kammer, einige Fragen. Er will sich einen ersten Eindruck verschaffen, was für ein Mensch der neue Gefangene ist. Robert wird auch gemessen und fotografiert. Seine Fingerabdrücke werden genommen und er kriegt eine Nummer. All das wird im Computer gespeichert. Er muss sich nackt ausziehen, damit Herr Neuer sehen kann, ob Robert etwas ins Gefängnis schmuggeln will, was dort verboten ist. Robert muss schlucken. Hier bei Herrn Neuer merkt er zum ersten Mal so richtig, dass sein Leben in Freiheit für lange Zeit vorbei ist. 24 noch 730 Tage In manchen Gefängnissen kann man seine eigene Kleidung tragen, in anderen gibt es eine Anstaltskleidung, die für alle ähnlich ist. Diese Sachen sind aber nicht gestreift wie in alten Filmen. Meistens sind es Jeans, T-Shirts und Hemden. In Roberts Gefängnis gibt es diese Anstaltskleidung. Seine eigenen Sachen werden weggepackt. Wenn er Hafturlaub bekommt, wird er sie zum ersten Mal wieder anziehen. Aber bis dahin wird es noch lange dauern. Es ist ein komisches Gefühl, Sachen anzuziehen, die man sich nicht selbst ausgesucht hat. 25 Tell Me the Facts of Life 101 real-life children s questions about an exciting topic 208 pages July 2014 Over copies sold Translated into nine languages Wenn sie ausgewachsene Quallen sind, geht das Ganze wieder von vorne los: Eine männliche trifft auf eine weibliche Qualle, beide geben ihre Samen- und Eizellen ins Wasser ab. Daraus entstehen jedoch keine Baby-Quallen Stecken bleiben: Hunde Kann man eigentlich beim Sex im Partner stecken bleiben? Bei Hunden ist das tatsächlich ganz normal. Wenn der Rüde von hinten auf die Hündin steigt, schiebt er seinen durch einen Knochen versteiften Penis in die Scheide der Hündin. Nun bewegt er sein Hinterteil so lange hin und her, bis das Sperma herausgespritzt ist. Wenn er damit fertig ist, kann er aber nicht so einfach wieder absteigen, denn seine Peniseichel und auch die Scheidenwände der Hündin sind so stark angeschwollen, dass der Rüde regelrecht in der Hündin stecken bleibt. Beide Tiere kommen nun erst einmal nicht mehr voneinander los. Das sieht wirklich komisch aus aber eigentlich hat die Natur das schlau eingerichtet

15 Recommendations from our Backlist Ulrike Rylance Penny Pepper-series 6 volumes so far Penny Pepper is a consummate example of what makes a good book. A fabulous premise executed with effortless panache, a whole bunch of cool characters and an exciting adventure complemented by first class illustrations. Penny Pepper has it all an intelligent buildup to a gripping and well-rounded story complete with fresh and vivid graphics that reflect the text s humour and put a fresh spin on it. In short, brilliant stuff! Jury s Motivation for granting the Hansjörg-Martin-Prize 2015 Age 8 and up 160 pages b/w-illustrations Rights sold: Spain (cast., cat.), Italy, Romania, Turkey, Greece, Czech Republic, Hungary Jürg Obrist Case Closed?! Mini detective stories to be solved Age 9 and up 96 pages 4c-illustrations Although Gitta Gurke and Kalle Bohne are very good private detectives, they would welcome some help. You can assist them in solving different mysteries, but don t think it is going to be easy. You will have to watch very carefully for visual clues! Over copies sold of the series (7 titles) Rights sold: PR China Rights available again: USA, France, Korea, Thailand, Turkey, Estonia, Czech Republic Marcus Sauermann The Little Boy and The Beast Klett Kinderbuch Age 5 and up 32 pages 4c-illustrations When your Mum has turned into a beast, a lot of things change. is the laconic beginning of this book. A little boy tells about the time when his mother has become sad and disgruntled, in short: a beast. How long does this monstrousness last? With beautifully sad and funny pictures and accompagnied by sparse sentences, the little boy tells how the heart-rending and adorable beast slowly reverts back to being his mum. Rights sold: Spain, Norway, Russia, PR China, Turkey 28

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Herders sämmtliche Werke: Band 13. Ideen zur Philosophie der Geschichte der Menschheit. Teile 1, 2 (German Edition)

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Jahrgangsstufentest Englisch. am Gymnasium

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g. If you don't know where you are, you must look at the h. If you can't find your way, you must for help: Can you me...the way to, please?

g. If you don't know where you are, you must look at the h. If you can't find your way, you must for help: Can you me...the way to, please? 1 Practise your vocabulary. Wortschatzübung. a. the opposite (Gegenteil) of child: b. uninteresting: c. 60 minutes are: d. not cheap: e. not early: f. The restaurant is in Olive Street. You can't it. g.


Martin Luther. Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically

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The ing form (gerund)

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Harry gefangen in der Zeit Begleitmaterialien

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Translated excerpt. Hans Traxler Willi. Der Kater, der immer größer wurde. Carl Hanser Verlag, München 2014 ISBN pp.

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RATAVA. COMPUTER: Mission Berlin. November 9, 2006, ten thirty am. You ve got 75 minutes, 2 lives and some help:

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Robert Kopf. Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically

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Hardwarekonfiguration an einer Siemens S7-300er Steuerung vornehmen (Unterweisung Elektriker / - in) (German Edition)

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Im Original veränderbare Word-Dateien

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Nein, ich esse nicht! Therapie und Folgen von Magersucht (German Edition)

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Willy Pastor. Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically

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Pluralisierung von Lebensformen - Veränderung familiärer Strukturen und innergesellschaftlicher Wandel (German Edition)

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Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod: Vier Kurzromane (German Edition)

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Killy Literaturlexikon: Autoren Und Werke Des Deutschsprachigen Kulturraumes 2., Vollstandig Uberarbeitete Auflage (German Edition)

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Die einfachste Diät der Welt: Das Plus-Minus- Prinzip (GU Reihe Einzeltitel)

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Welcome to Notting Hill

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Duell auf offener Straße: Wenn sich Hunde an der Leine aggressiv verhalten (Cadmos Hundebuch) (German Edition)

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Lesson A: Likes and Dislikes

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German translation: technology

German translation: technology A. Starter Write the gender and the English translation for each word, using a dictionary if needed. Gender (der/die/das) German English Handy Computer Internet WLAN-Verbindung Nachricht Drucker Medien


Diabetes zu heilen natürlich: German Edition( Best Seller)

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Harry gefangen in der Zeit Begleitmaterialien

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Mein Haus energetisch sanieren: Komfort verbessern, Kosten senken, Klima schützen (German Edition)

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Volksgenossinnen: Frauen in der NS- Volksgemeinschaft (Beiträge zur Geschichte des Nationalsozialismus) (German Edition)

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Schriftliche Prüfungsarbeit zur erweiterten Berufsbildungsreife und zum mittleren Schulabschluss 2017 im Fach Englisch

Schriftliche Prüfungsarbeit zur erweiterten Berufsbildungsreife und zum mittleren Schulabschluss 2017 im Fach Englisch Ministerium für Bildung, Jugend und Sport Senatsverwaltung für Bildung, Jugend und Familie Schriftliche Prüfungsarbeit zur erweiterten Berufsbildungsreife und zum mittleren Schulabschluss 2017 im Fach
