EDC-52005 ELECT/27644. ELECT The European Localisation Exchange Centre. Restricted. Month 24, January 2004 D4.2-1

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Project ref. no. Project title EDC-52005 ELECT/27644 ELECT The European Localisation Exchange Centre Deliverable status Contractual date of delivery Restricted Month 24, January 2004 Actual date of delivery Month 24, January 2004 Deliverable number D4.2-1 Deliverable title Localisation Europe Newsletter (September 2002) Type Other Status & version Final 1.0 Number of pages 12 WP contributing to the deliverable WP / Task responsible Author(s) EC Project Officer Keywords Abstract (for dissemination) WP4 LRC Reinhard Schäler, Angelika Haas Erwin Valentini Localisation Europe, Newsletter, September September 2002 edition of the Localisation Europe

LS_Loc_Eur_ Newsletter 9/26/02 8:37 AM Page 1 localisation europe september 2002 0Welcome Welcome to a new world where books are no longer printed, pictures no longer framed, games don t come in cardboard boxes and training is not delivered by tutors. This is the world of electronic content, or for short: econtent. econtent is online, it can be accessed anywhere, anytime and by anyone who has access to a computer. But because econtent can so easily be accessed it also needs to be adapted, culturally and linguistically, so that it can also be understood. This process of cultural and linguistic adaptation of econtent is generally known as localisation. This edition of Localisation Europe will introduce you to the European-funded ELECT project, the European Localisation Exchange Centre based at the Localisation Research Centre (LRC) at the University of Limerick, Ireland. ELECT will help you survive on what the Wall Street Journal has called the Battleground for the Defence of European Culture. Reinhard Schäler, Director LRC, University of Limerick Bienvenue dans un nouveau monde Bienvenue dans un nouveau monde, où les livres ne sont plus imprimés, les images ne sont plus encadrées, les jeux ne sont plus dans des boîtes en carton et la formation n'est plus dispensée par un professeur. Bienvenue dans le monde du contenu électronique, ou plus simplement du econtent. Le econtent est en ligne : toute personne ayant accès à un ordinateur peut donc le consulter n'importe où, n'importe quand. C'est justement parce qu'il est si facile d'y accéder qu'il doit être adapté, culturellement et linguistiquement, afin d'être aussi compris. Ce processus d'adaptation culturelle et linguistique est généralement qualifié de «localisation». Cette édition de Localisation Europe vous présentera le projet ELECT (European Localisation Exchange Centre), financé par l'union européenne et basé au Localisation Research Centre (LRC) de l'université de Limerick, Irlande. ELECT vous aidera à survivre à ce que le Wall Street Journal a qualifié de «champ de bataille pour la défense de la culture européenne». ÏÒ Ïı Ù ÛÂ Ó Ó Ó Ô ÎfiÛÌÔ ÏÒ Ïı Ù ÛÂ Ó Ó Ó Ô ÎfiÛÌÔ, fiappleô Ù È Ï ÂÓ Ù appleòóôóù È appleï ÔÓ Û ÚÙ, ÔÈ ÂÈÎfiÓ ÂÓ Ìapple ÓÔ Ó Û ÎÔÚÓ Â, Ù apple È Ó È ÂÓ Î ÎÏÔÊÔÚÔ Ó Û ÎÔ ÙÈ Î È Ë ÂÎapple  ÛË ÂÓ appleú ÁÌ ÙÔappleÔÈÂ Ù È applefi ÛÎ ÏÔ. Ùfi Â Ó È Ô ÎfiÛÌÔ ÙÔ ËÏÂÎÙÚÔÓÈÎÔ appleâúèâ ÔÌ ÓÔ ECONTENT. Ô ËÏÂÎÙÚÔÓÈÎfi appleâúèâ fiìâóô Â Ó È ONLINE Î È Ë appleúfiû ÛË Û Ùfi ÌappleÔÚÂ Ó Á ÓÂÈ applefi ÔappleÔ appleôùâ, ÔappleÔÈ appleôùâ ÛÙÈÁÌ Î È applefi ÔappleÔÈÔÓ appleôùâ ÂÈ ÛÙË È ıâû ÙÔ Ó Ó appleôïôáèûù. ŸÌˆ ÂappleÂÈ Ë appleúfiû ÛË ÛÙÔ ËÏÂÎÙÚÔÓÈÎfi appleâúèâ fiìâóô Â Ó È ÙfiÛÔ appleï, appleúôî appleùâè Ë Ó ÁÎË appleúôû ÚÌÔÁ ÙÔ, appleôïèùèûìèî Î È ÁψÛÛÔÏÔÁÈÎ, ÙÛÈ ÒÛÙÂ Ó Á ÓÂÙ È Î Ù ÓÔËÙfi. È ÈÎ Û ÙË appleôïèùèûìèî Î È ÁψÛÛÔÏÔÁÈÎ appleúôû ÚÌÔÁ ÙÔ ËÏÂÎÙÚÔÓÈÎÔ appleâúèâ ÔÌ ÓÔ Â Ó È ÁÂÓÈÎ ÁÓˆÛÙ Ì ÙÔÓ ÁÁÏÈÎfi fiúô "LOCALISATION" ( ÏÏÈÒ "ÙÔappleÈÎÔappleÔ ËÛË"). Ù Ë Î ÔÛË ÙÔ Localisation Europe ( ÔappleÈÎÔappleÔ ËÛË ÛÙËÓ ÚÒappleË), ÂÈ ÛÎÔapplefi Ó Û ÁÓˆÚ ÛÂÈ ÙÔ Û ÈÔ ELECT (European Localisation Exchange Centre - ÓÙÚÔ appleèîôèóˆó ÁÈ ÙËÓ ÔappleÈÎÔappleÔ ËÛË ÛÙËÓ ÚÒappleË) ÙÔ ÔappleÔ Ô ÚËÌ ÙÔ ÔÙÂ Ù È applefi ÙËÓ Úˆapple Î ŒÓˆÛË Î È ÙÔ ÔappleÔ Ô Â Ú ÂÈ ÛÙÔ LRC (Localisation Research Centre - ÓÙÚÔ Ú ÓÒÓ ÁÈ ÙËÓ ÔappleÈÎÔappleÔ ËÛË) ÛÙÔ ÓÂappleÈÛÙ ÌÈÔ ÙÔ Limerick ÙË πúï Ó. Ô ELECT ÊÈÏÔ ÔÍÂ Ó Ì ÔËı ÛÂÈ Ó ÂappleÈ ÈÒÛÔ Ì ÛÂ Ó ÒÚÔ appleô Ë ÂÊËÌÂÚ Wall Street Journal appleôî ÏÂÛ " Ô appleâ Ô Ì Ë ÁÈ ÙËÓ appleâú ÛappleÈÛË ÙÔ Â Úˆapple ÎÔ appleôïèùèûìô " 1

LS_Loc_Eur_ Newsletter 9/26/02 8:37 AM Page 2 0Willkommen Willkommen in einer neuen Welt, in der Bücher nicht mehr gedruckt und Bilder nicht mehr eingerahmt werden, in der Spiele nicht mehr aus der Schachtel kommen und Übungskurse nicht mehr von Schulungsleitern gehalten werden. Willkommen in der Welt des elektronischen Inhalts oder kurz econtent. econtent ist Online-Inhalt und steht allen, die Zugriff auf einen Computer haben, überall und jederzeit zur Verfügung. Da econtent jedoch so einfach abgerufen werden kann, muss er an die einzelnen Sprachen und Kulturen angepasst werden, damit er von den entsprechenden Zielgruppen verstanden wird. Der Prozess der kulturellen und sprachlichen Anpassung von econtent wird im Allgemeinen als Lokalisierung bezeichnet. In dieser Ausgabe von Localisation Europe wird das von der EU geförderte ELECT-Projekt vorgestellt. ELECT steht für European Localisation Exchange Centre (Europäisches Austauschzentrum für Lokalisierung) und gehört dem Localisation Research Centre, LRC (Lokalisierungsforschungszentrum) der Universität Limerick, Irland, an. ELECT soll Ihnen helfen, auf dem vom Wall Street Journal so bezeichneten Schlachtfeld zur Verteidigung der europäischen Kultur zu überleben. Bienvenido a un nuevo mundo Bienvenido a un nuevo mundo... Un mundo en que los libros ya no se imprimen, en que las fotografías ya no están enmarcadas, en que los juegos ya no vienen en cajas de cartón y en que los cursos ya no son dictados por instructores. Es el mundo de los contenidos electrónicos. O, para abreviar: econtent. econtent está en Internet. Puede entrar allí cualquier persona con acceso a un ordenador, desde cualquier lugar y en cualquier momento. Pero justamente por esa facilidad de acceso, econtent tiene que ser adaptado, cultural e idiomáticamente, para poder ser también entendido. Este proceso de adaptación cultural e idiomática de econtent suele denominarse localización. En esta edición de Localisation Europe le explicaremos qué es ELECT (European Localisation Exchange Centre), proyecto financiado por la Unión Europea y con sede en el Localisation Research Centre de la Universidad de Limerick, Irlanda. ELECT le ayudará a sobrevivir en lo que el Wall Street Journal ha denominado La batalla por la defensa de la cultura europea. Vítejte v novém světě Vítejte v novém světě, kde se již knihy netisknou, obrazy nerámují, hry nevybalují z krabic a kde nevyučují učitelé. Vítejte ve světě elektronického obsahu, pro který se vžívá zkratka econtent. K elektronickému obsahu může přistupovat kdokoli, kdykoli a odkudkoli, stačí mít přístup k počítači. Kvůli této snadné přístupnosti však musí být elektronický obsah kulturně i jazykově přizpůsoben, aby byl srozumitelný. Tento proces kulturního a jazykového přizpůsobení elektronického obsahu nazýváme lokalizací. Toto vydání časopisu Localisation Europe představuje Evropskou unií financovaný projekt střediska ELECT (European Localisation Exchange Centre, Evropské výměnné středisko lokalizací) působícího při Výzkumném středisku lokalizací na univerzitě v irském Limericku. Projekt ELECT Vám pomůže přežít v prostředí nazvaném deníkem Wall Street Journal bojiště za záchranu evropské kultury. Conference Announcement LRC 2002: econtent Localisation 12-13 November 2002 Dublin, Ireland This two-day conference, incorporating Localisation Europe, is one of Europe s longest running and largest event on the Localisation calendar. Attendants and speakers come from the world s largest software and content publishers, localisation services providers, tools developers, training organisations, consultants and political decision makers. For more information and booking forms visit: www.localisation.ie 2

LS_Loc_Eur_ Newsletter 9/26/02 8:37 AM Page 3 econtent Localisation Everyone who creates files to be published on the internet creates econtent. econtent is culture based and reaches out to business, spreading news, opinions and beliefs, scientific research reports, spreading and sharing knowledge of all kinds, political propaganda, education, entertainment, edutainment and many more. All econtent is originally created in one country and one language, closely connected to its underlying culture. It will be understood and interpreted correctly by most of the readers native to that country, language and culture. However, econtent is accessible world wide to everyone with internet access so the goal is in most cases to make the content comprehensible to everyone out there. Localisation not only translates the content but adapts it to the respective cultures (called locales) of the additional languages thus reaching a much broader audience and multiplying and diversifying business opportunities. Historically, English (US) is the mother of all languages on the web but reaches only a certain number of people world wide. If US companies want to enter the European market or if European companies and organisations want to make their content available to other markets for instance, they will require localisation services. Localisation is a very complex procedure that demands a highly specialised skillset, usually knowledge in a specific non-it area (e.g. medicine) combined with a deep knowledge and understanding of the latest IT technology. It is a costly procedure, too. And it cannot be avoided if market potentials outside the home market want to be exploited. No small wonder, that machine translation tools can be found on almost every website. Select the source and target language, enter the text or link to a web site and click translate... The translation does work. The quality of translation, however, is not yet adequate. So, for the time being, human translation by native speakers is a must. People need to understand their part of the business before they will buy. Standards organisations like the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) are developing and maintaining standards which guide developers through the coding jungle and at the same time prepare the grounds for effective localisation, if standards are being adhered to. Localisation WBS (work breakdown structure) varies and is determined by the combination of operating systems, localisation tools, hardware and file formats used. This has lead to a vast number of proprietary localisation systems that are usually not shared. On a different level, it feels like being back in the good old hardware incompatibility days. Time-to-market is a major issue and crucial to the success of a product on the internet. Since localisation is at the very end of the production process, the most sophisticated planning process must be developed and followed to achieve this goal. Any localised product is only as good as its original input, so it is worth spending some time with the localisation partner prior to project start and develop the concept together. Client and vendor must work as a team in the best sense of the word to achieve a brilliant result that is worth every $ spent. One of the main components of the ELECT projects is LOTS, the Localisation Technology Laboratory and Showcase. It is situated at the LRC, University of Limerick, in a dedicated laboratory. All the latest localisation tools are available to be tested on all major operating systems. The LRC will carry out standards compliance testing and benchmarking on demand. Experts from the industry and researchers have either physical or remote access to the lab to carry out their tests. Sample files can be supplied so that a real-world scenario can be tested. This showcase and lab will save a lot of cost and time when it comes to finding the ideal localisation / testing / engineering tool for a specific project. The ELECT project with all its events, courses, guidelines and showcase will contribute significantly to the support of econtent creation and localisation world wide. Angelika Haas, LRC, University of Limerick ELECT Event Calendar More detailed information and application forms are available on www.electonline.org. 2002 Events Localisation Europe Conference and Industry Showcase Expert Workshop 1 Nov 12-13, Dublin Nov 14, Dublin 3 localisation europe

LS_Loc_Eur_ Newsletter 9/26/02 8:37 AM Page 4 econtent Localisation 4 Localisation de econtent Toute personne qui crée des fichiers en vue de les publier sur Internet crée du econtent. Le econtent s'inspire d'une culture et s'étend au commerce, à la diffusion d'informations, aux opinions et croyances, aux rapports de recherches scientifiques, à la diffusion et au partage de connaissances de toutes sortes, à la propagande politique, à l'éducation, au divertissement et bien plus encore. Créé à l'origine dans une langue et un pays donnés, le econtent est en rapport direct avec la culture qui le sous-tend. Il sera compris et interprété correctement par la plupart des lecteurs de ce pays partageant la même langue et la même culture. La localisation d'un tel contenu internationalisé est une nécessité pour les marchés étrangers et exige un ensemble de compétences très particulières. Le projet ELECT, par les événements, cours, directives et démonstrations qu'il propose, apportera une aide précieuse à la création et à la localisation de econtent dans le monde entier. ÔappleÈÎÔappleÔ ËÛË ËÏÂÎÙÚÔÓÈÎÔ appleâúèâ ÔÌ ÓÔ appleôèôû appleôùâ ËÌÈÔ ÚÁÂ Ú Â ÁÈ ËÌÔÛ Â ÛË ÛÙÔ Internet, ËÌÈÔ ÚÁ ËÏÂÎÙÚÔÓÈÎfi appleâúèâ fiìâóô. Ô ËÏÂÎÙÚÔÓÈÎfi appleâúèâ fiìâóô Ó ÎÂÈ ÛÙÔÓ appleôïèùèûìèîfi ÒÚÔ ÏÏ ÂÎÙ ÓÂÙ È Î È ÛÙÔÓ Âapple ÁÁÂÏÌ ÙÈÎfi È ÔÓÙ Ó, applefi ÂÈ Î È appleâappleôèı ÛÂÈ, Ó ÊÔÚ ÂappleÈÛÙËÌÔÓÈÎÒÓ ÂÚ ÓÒÓ, ÁÓÒÛÂÈ apple ÓÙfi  Ô, appleôïèùèî appleúôapple Á Ó, ÌfiÚʈÛË, ÁˆÁ Î È ÁˆÁÈÎfi ÂappleÈÌÔÚʈÙÈÎfi ÏÈÎfi. ıâ ÌÔÚÊ ËÏÂÎÙÚÔÓÈÎÔ appleâúèâ ÔÌ ÓÔ ËÌÈÔ ÚÁÂ Ù È Ú ÈÎ ÛÂ Ì ÒÚ Î È ÛÂ Ì ÁÏÒÛÛ, ÛÙÔÈ Â appleô Â Ó È È ÚÚËÎÙ Û Ó Â ÂÌ Ó Ì ÙÔ appleôïèùèûìèîfi applefi ıúô ÙÔ ÏÈÎÔ. Ô ÏÈÎfi Ùfi ı Á ÓÂÈ Î Ù ÓÔËÙfi Î È ı ÂÚÌËÓ ıâ ÛˆÛÙ applefi ÙÔ appleâúèûûfiùâúô Ó ÁÓÒÛÙ ÔÈ ÔappleÔ ÔÈ Ô Ó Û ٠ÙË ÒÚ, ÌÈÏÔ Ó Ù ÙË ÁÏÒÛÛ Î È Ô Ó Ó ÙÚ Ê Û Ùfi ÙÔ appleôïèùèûìèîfi appleï ÛÈÔ. 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Jeder econtent wird ursprünglich in einem Land und in einer Sprache erstellt und ist eng mit der Kultur des jeweiligen Landes verknüpft. Der econtent wird von den meisten Muttersprachlern dieses Landes bzw. Personen, die mit Land, Sprache und Kultur vertraut sind, verstanden und richtig interpretiert. Die Lokalisierung derartiger Inhalte ist zur Erschließung von Auslandsmärkten absolut notwendig und erfordert zudem ein ganz spezielles technisches und sprachliches Rüstzeug. Das ELECT-Projekt mit seinen zahlreichen Veranstaltungen, Kursen, Richtlinien und Präsentationen wird einen erheblichen Beitrag zur Unterstützung der weltweiten Erstellung und Lokalisierung von econtent leisten. Localización de econtent Todo aquel que crea archivos para publicarlos en Internet está creando econtent. Se trata de un concepto cultural que trasciende al mundo empresarial, a la difusión de noticias, opiniones y creencias; a la investigación científica, a la divulgación de conocimientos de todo tipo. A la propaganda política, la educación, el ocio, la educación, etc. Todo el econtent se crea originalmente en un país y en un idioma, y está estrechamente relacionado con su cultura nativa. Podrá ser comprendido e interpretado correctamente por la mayoría de los lectores nativos de dicho país, idioma y cultura. La localización de tales contenidos internacionalizados es una necesidad para los mercados extranjeros y requiere unas aptitudes muy especializadas. El proyecto ELECT, a través de sus actividades, cursos, directrices y casos prácticos, contribuirá significativamente a la creación y localización de econtent en todo el mundo. Lokalizace elektronického obsahu Každý autor souborů publikovaných v síti Internet vytváří elektronický obsah. Elektronický obsah (econtent) vychází z kulturního prostředí autora a zasahuje do obchodování, šíření zpráv, názorů a přesvědčení, výzkumných zpráv, sdělování a sdílení znalostí všeho druhu, politické propagandy, vzdělávání, zábavy, jejich kombinací a mnoha dalších oblastí. Každá stránka elektronického obsahu pochází z nějaké země - je původně napsána jedním jazykem a úzce svázána s příslušnou kulturou. Většina osob, které jsou v dané zemi, jazyku a kultuře doma, takový obsah pochopí správně. Pro vstup na mezinárodní trhy je nutností lokalizace obsahu, která vyžaduje zvláštní schopnosti. Projekt ELECT a jeho setkání, kurzy, vytváření pravidel i přehlídky významně přispějí k podpoře vytváření a lokalizace elektronického obsahu v celém světě.

LS_Loc_Eur_ Newsletter 9/26/02 8:37 AM Page 5 www.tilponline.org See you at LRC 2002 Europe s biggest annual localisation event 12-13 November 2002 Dublin Ireland info: www.localisation.ie

LS_Loc_Eur_ Newsletter 9/26/02 8:37 AM Page 6 econtent Network A variety of companies and institutions are involved in the creation, localisation, training and standardisation of econtent. Networks, communities and special interest groups have begun to emerge with the aim to provide a concise information network of all econtent related matters. Organisations like the world wide web consortium (W3C) and universities like the University of Limerick contribute by developing and maintaining standards, rules and guidelines, providing professional localisation courses and research, organising international expert events and many more. White papers and case studies on complex econtent projects are being published (example: see the case study on the localisation of Encarta by Bowne Global Solutions on page 10). The econtent industry is a very creative and exciting place to be the ELECT project supports the industry network to meet the cultural challenges and make it a solid, mature and prospering market place on the internet. LOTS (The Localisation Technology Laboratory and Showcase) will enable experts from the industry and researchers to test the latest localisation tools and technology in a dedicated lab. Remote access will be provided to make the benefits truly global. Below you will find some of the leading companies and institutions dealing with econtent related matters. Angelika Haas, LRC, University of Limerick Réseau de econtent L'industrie du econtent est très créative et captivante : le projet ELECT entend assister le réseau de cette industrie pour répondre aux défis culturels auxquels il est confronté et pour en faire un marché solide, adulte et prospère sur Internet. Des organisations comme le World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) et des universités telles que celle de Limerick apportent leur contribution en élaborant et en garantissant le respect de normes, règles et directives, en organisant des cours professionels et des recherches sur la localisation, en organisant des événements destinés aux experts du monde entier, et bien d'autres choses encore. L'étude de cas proposée à la page 11, concernant la localisation d'encarta par Bowne Global Solutions, offre un aperçu très concret du econtent culturel. Vous trouverez à la page suivante certaines des principales sociétés directement impliquées dans le econtent. ÎÙ Ô ËÏÂÎÙÚÔÓÈÎÔ appleâúèâ ÔÌ ÓÔ ÙÔÌ ÙÔ ËÏÂÎÙÚÔÓÈÎÔ appleâúèâ ÔÌ ÓÔ Â Ó È Ó appleôï ËÌÈÔ ÚÁÈÎfi Î È Û Ó Úapple ÛÙÈÎfi ÒÚÔ. Ô Û ÈÔ ELECT appleôûùëú ÂÈ ÙË ÈÎÙ ˆÛË ÙÔ ÙÔÌ ÙÔ, apple Ú ÔÓÙ Ù apple Ú ÙËÙ ÂÊfi È ÁÈ ÙËÓ ÓÙÈÌÂÙÒappleÈÛË ÙˆÓ appleôïèùèûìèîòó È ÊÔÚÒÓ Î È ËÌÈÔ ÚÁÒÓÙ ÌÈ ÛÙ ıâú, ÒÚÈÌË Î È appleô ÔÙÈÎ Ó ÁÔÚ ÛÙÔ internet. ÚÁ ÓÈÛÌÔ fiappleˆ Ô fiìèïô World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Î È apple ÓÂappleÈÛÙ ÌÈ fiappleˆ ÙÔ apple ÓÂappleÈÛÙ ÌÈÔ ÙÔ Limerick Û ÓÂÈÛÊ ÚÔ Ó ÛÙËÓ appleúôûapple ıâè Ù Ó appleù ÛÛÔÓÙ Î È Û ÓÙËÚÒÓÙ appleúfiù apple, Î ÓfiÓÂ Î È Ô ËÁ Â, apple Ú ÔÓÙ Âapple ÁÁÂÏÌ ÙÈÎ appleúôáú ÌÌ Ù ÂÎapple  ÛË Î È ÂÚ ÓÒÓ Î È ÔÚÁ ÓÒÓÔÓÙ ÂÍÂÈ ÈÎÂ Ì Ó ÈÂıÓ ÂÎ ËÏÒÛÂÈ ÌÂÙ Í ÏψÓ. Ó Ï ÛË ÙË Bowne Global Solutions ÁÈ ÙËÓ ÙÔappleÈÎÔappleÔ ËÛË ÙË ÂÁÎ ÎÏÔapple ÂÈ ENCARTA ÛÙË ÛÂÏ 11 Ì apple Ú ÂÈ ÌÈ ÔÏÔÎÏËÚˆÌ ÓË ÂÈÎfiÓ ÁÈ ÙÔ ÙÈ ÛËÌ ÓÂÈ appleôïèùèûìèîfi ËÏÂÎÙÚÔÓÈÎfi appleâúèâ fiìâóô. ÙËÓ ÂapplefiÌÂÓË ÛÂÏ ı Ú Ù ÌÂÚÈÎ applefi ÙÈ ÌÂÁ Ï ÙÂÚ ÂÙ ÈÚÂ Â Î È È Ú Ì Ù appleô Ú ÛÙËÚÈÔappleÔÈÔ ÓÙ È ÛÙÔ ÒÚÔ ÙÔ ËÏÂÎÙÚÔÓÈÎÔ appleâúèâ ÔÌ ÓÔ. 6

LS_Loc_Eur_ Newsletter 9/26/02 8:37 AM Page 7 econtent Network econtent Netzwerk Die econtent-industrie ist ein sehr kreativer und spannender Bereich. Das ELECT-Projekt unterstützt das Industrienetzwerk, damit die kulturellen Herausforderungen gemeistert werden und das Netzwerk sich zu einem soliden, ausgereiften und blühenden Marktplatz im Internet entwickeln kann. Organisationen wie das World Wide Web-Konsortium (W3C) und Universitäten wie die Universität Limerick tragen durch die Entwicklung und Pflege von Standards, Regeln und Richtlinien, durch professionelle Lokalisierungskurse und -forschung sowie durch die Organisation von internationalen Fachveranstaltungen und viele weitere Maßnahmen zur Unterstützung dieses Netzwerks bei. Die Fallstudie von Bowne Global Solutions zur Lokalisierung von Encarta auf Seite 11 ist ein eindrucksvolles Beispiel für die kulturelle Bedeutung von econtent. Auf der folgenden Seite sind einige führende Unternehmen und Organisationen aufgeführt, die sich mit dem Thema econtent auseinander setzen. Red de econtent El sector de econtent es altamente creativo y atractivo. El proyecto ELECT presta apoyo a la red de localización en su empeño por enfrentarse a los desafíos culturales y convertirse en un mercado de Internet sólido, maduro y próspero. Las organizaciones tales como el World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) y las instituciones educativas como la Universidad de Limerick contibruyen mediante el desarrollo y mantenimiento de normas, reglamentos y directrices, la oferta de cursos e investigaciones de localización profesionales, la organización de reuniones internacionales de expertos, y mucho más. El caso práctico de la página 11, que explica el trabajo de localización de Bowne Global Solutions para la enciclopedia Encarta, presenta un ejemplo excelente de econtent cultural. En la siguiente página encontrará algunas de las grandes empresas e instituciones que trabajan en temas relacionados con econtent. Elektronický obsah jako nový obor Obor vytváření elektronického obsahu je velmi kreativní a vzrušující. Projekt ELECT podporuje obor při reagování na odlišnosti jednotlivých kultur a činí z něj zralý a prosperující tržní segment Internetu. Organizace (například W3C - World Wide Web Consortium) a univerzity (například Univerzita Limerick) k tomu přispívají vytvářením a udržováním norem, pravidel a pokynů, zajišťují profesionální kurzy a výzkum v oboru lokalizací, organizují mezinárodní setkání expertů a vyvíjejí mnohé další aktivity. Typickým příkladem multikulturního elektronického obsahu je případová studie na stránce 11 o lokalizaci encyklopedie Encarta firmou Bowne Global Solutions. Na následující stránce naleznete některé z předních společností a institucí pracujících v oborech týkajících se elektronického obsahu. PUBLISHER INFORMATION Localisation Europe Newsletter is a publication of the Localisation Research Centre (LRC). This is part of the ELECT project managed by the LRC in cooperation with the European Commission. It is distributed free of charge to localisation professionals and academia. Editors: Reinhard Schäler, Angelika Haas Production editors: Catherine Osborn, Alan Phelan, Localisation: Bowne Global Solutions Origination: Litho Studios Published by: Localisation Research Centre (LRC), Department of Computer Science and Information Systems (CSIS), University oflimerick, Limerick, Ireland. Tel. +353-61-202881 Fax +353-61-202734 Email: LRC@ul.ie Web www.localisation.ie 7

LS_Loc_Eur_ Newsletter 9/26/02 8:37 AM Page 8 LOTS LRC Localisation Technology Laboratory and Showcase Are you looking for the latest Localisation Technology? Would you like to get independent advice on the suitability of specific tools for your projects? Do you need advice on localisation standards and the compliance of your technology with those standards? The Localisation Research Centre (LRC) is one of the world s leading intelligence, technology and educational centres for the localisation industry. This year the LRC will open the LRC Localisation Technology Laboratory and Showcase as part of ELECT The European Localisation Exchange Centre at the University of Limerick, funded by the European Union under its econtent Programme. Pragmatics for Industry Localisation professionals searching for suitable technology to localise their products currently often duplicate their efforts. This central facility will enable them to identify suitable technology faster and more efficiently and localisation technology developers will find it easier to establish contacts with potential customers. Research and Development Researchers and developers do currently not have easy access to a dedicated localisation laboratory and showcase. With this new facility, they will be able to experiment with different technologies, operating systems and language and locale settings. This laboratory will provide them with access to state-of-the-art localisation technology and encourage and facilitate high-end research. Independent Evaluation and Certification The facility will also enable the LRC to provide test and independent certification facilities to publishers for products developed in accordance with emerging standard specifications. Support Staff The staff at the LRC Localisation Technology Laboratory and Showcase will guide and assist visitors with their tasks. Visibility of your products Localisation tools and technology developers are invited by the LRC to make their products available to interested parties through LOTS for research, evaluation and demonstration purposes. Products featured in LOTS will be covered on the ELECT website and in Localisation Ireland, the LRC's localisation journal. Benefits There are a number of benefits to both, developers and users of localisation technology. Through their support of this central repository and showcase, developers raise the awareness of the tools and technologies currently available, make it easy for potential customers and users to access their products, and expand the market for localisation tools and technologies. Potential users have easy, hands-on access to tools and technologies for evaluation purposes, they can gain an immediate overview of available tools and technologies, and they can easily match their specific requirements with available tools and technologies. Should you wish your product (hardware or software) to be included in the LRC s Localisation Technology Laboratory and Showcase, please contact LRC@ul.ie subject: LOTS contribution. For more information email (LRC@ul.ie) or telephone the LRC (+353-61-202881)

LS_Loc_Eur_ Newsletter 9/26/02 8:37 AM Page 9 econtent Network Links Web I18N Standards W3C consortium http://www.w3.org American National Standards Institute (ANSI) http://www.ansi.org/public/std_info.html Unicode Consortium http://www.unicode.org UC developed the Unicode standard - a character coding system designed to support the worldwide interchange, processing, and display of the written texts of every language of the world. OASIS http://www.oasis-open.org/ Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards XML Localisation Interchange File Format - XLIFF Universities, Profess. Development Courses, Summer Schools UMIST UK http://mull.ccl.umist.ac.uk/dle/ MSc in Machine Translation MSc in Natural Language Processing Universidad Rovira I Virgili Spain http://www.ice.urv.es/trans/future/m1_2.html Postgraduate diploma in Technical Translation and Localization University of Limerick - Ireland http://www.csis.ul.ie/software_localisation/default.htm Graduate diploma in Software Localisation Master of Science in Software Localisation Localisation Research Centre Ireland http://www.localisation.ie/learning/courses/2002/prodevelopment_feb/index.htm LRC Professional Development Courses, Summer School, Conferences, Research Lab Lingualizer USA http://www.lingualizer.net Localisation crash course for beginners Organizations & Associations Globalization.com http://www.globalization.com/ The portal to information on globalisation, internationalisation, translation and localisation TILP The Institute of Localisation Professionals http://www.tilponline.org PAL Professional Association Localisation http://www.pal10n.net GALA Globalisation and Localisation Association http://www.gala-global.org 9

LS_Loc_Eur_ Newsletter 9/26/02 8:37 AM Page 10 Case Study Bowne Global Solutions localises Microsoft Encarta A long-term partnership with Bowne Global Solutions (BGS) has enabled Microsoft to extend the success of its Encarta Encyclopaedia to German and Spanish-speaking markets. The Challenge Microsoft decided to build on the success of its Encarta Encyclopaedia and produce multiple versions for key international markets. Merely translating the existing U.S. content into the local languages would render the new editions inappropriate for the target markets. The product had to be re-engineered with new, more relevant content covering subjects such as the law, culture, history and geography of these locales. Microsoft chose to work with Bowne Global Solutions to create German and Spanish editions of the product in the most ambitious consumer product localization ever undertaken. The Solution BGS assembled teams of several hundred subject specialists and advisors in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Columbia, Germany, Mexico, Peru, Spain and Venezuela. These teams ensured that the new versions would be appropriate for the German and Spanish-speaking markets by: Establishing editorial guidelines Determining which US content to edit, delete or replace in the new versions Suggesting new articles and features Recommending authors and consultants Other team members handled project engineering and management, multimedia development and product testing. Technical engineers created workflow management, and custom editing and testing tools as needed. Meanwhile, translators with expertise in specific subjects, such as medicine, history or music, localized existing content in these subjects. Similarly qualified writers contributed new articles, and experienced subject editors revised content and adapted captions to include relevant local references. Through multiple editions, the products continued to grow. Containing more than 45,000 articles, over 17,000 images and hours of audio and video clips, the most recent German and Spanish editions of Encarta offer unprecedented breadth and depth of knowledge to users in the target markets. These editions also enable registered users to continually expand the body of the product by downloading new, updated and revised articles via the Internet. Encarta Online Encarta Online (http://www.encarta.msn.de/; http://www.encarta.msn.es/) is a free site within Microsoft s online service network MSN. The encyclopaedic part of Encarta Online covers a subset of articles and media. The journalistic part, in particular of the German site, is very broad and covers quizzes, polls, essays and features for parents, teachers and children as well as other attractive features, which are updated daily, weekly or fortnightly. This set of features is different from the equivalent US site, and even the content of common features is completely different. In fact, these quizzes, polls, etc. are created from scratch by the local Encarta teams, which work closely together with a network of external authors. Of course, the Encarta teams have their local audience in mind: they react to local events and act in a similar way to the editorial groups of big newspapers or magazines. In order to maintain the sites both Encarta teams use a specific, Microsoft-owned, Content Management System. This arrangement shows the synergies between online and offline (CD/DVD) work. It also shows BGS skills and expertise in managing current affairs content, opinion-oriented topics and edutainment, which significantly differ from encyclopaedic articles. The Benefits A long-term partnership with BGS has enabled Microsoft to extend the success of its Encarta Encyclopaedia to the German-speaking markets of Europe and the Spanish-speaking markets of the Americas and Europe. Both Microsoft and its German and Spanish users acknowledge that the work of BGS significantly adds to the value of the encyclopaedia. The German and Spanish editions of Encarta have been tremendous successes for Microsoft. They have received consistently positive reviews in leading magazines, as well as several prestigious awards. 10

LS_Loc_Eur_ Newsletter 9/26/02 8:37 AM Page 11 Case Study Bowne Global Solutions Microsoft Encarta Étude de cas Imaginez tout ce qu'implique l'adaptation d'une encyclopédie complète d'un contexte culturel vers un autre. C'est dans cette aventure que Microsoft s'est lancé, en choisissant Bowne Global Solutions pour créer les éditions allemande et espagnole de son encyclopédie Encarta. Il s'est agi là de l'opération d'internationalisation la plus ambitieuse jamais entreprise pour un produit grand public, qui a fait de Microsoft le principal éditeur d'encyclopédies à l'échelle mondiale. Il existe également des versions en ligne d'encarta sur Internet. Les versions sur CD-ROM et en ligne rencontrent un vif succès sur leur marché respectif. Une conclusion s'impose : la localisation d'un contenu numérique en accroît la valeur. Elle implique parfois la création de contenu et le développement de sujets particuliers. Il peut alors en résulter un travail éditorial continu sur plusieurs années, qui touche tout autant au contenu encyclopédique traditionnel qu'au contenu adapté à l'opinion, à l'éducation et au divertissement propres au pays. Ú ÎÙÈÎ ÂÊ ÚÌÔÁ ªappleÔÚ ÙÂ Ó Ê ÓÙ Û٠٠applefiûô ÛÎÔÏË Â Ó È Ë ÌÂÙ ÊÔÚ ÌÈ ÔÏfiÎÏËÚË ÂÁÎ ÎÏÔapple ÂÈ applefi Ó appleôïèùèûìèîfi appleâúè ÏÏÔÓ ÛÂ Ó ÏÏÔ; Microsoft appleôê ÛÈÛÂ Ó ÙÔ ÙÔÏÌ ÛÂÈ. È ÙË ËÌÈÔ ÚÁ ÙË ÂÚÌ ÓÈÎ Î È πûapple ÓÈÎ Î ÔÛË ÙË ÂÁÎ ÎÏÔapple ÂÈ Encarta ÂappleÂÏ ÁË Ë Bowne Global Solutions ÚfiÎÂÈÙ È ÁÈ ÙÔ appleèô ÊÈÏfi ÔÍÔ Û ÈÔ ÈÂıÓÔappleÔ ËÛË ÂÓfi Î Ù Ó ÏˆÙÈÎÔ appleúô fióùô appleô ÂÈ ÂappleÈ ÂÈÚËı appleôù Î È ÊÂÚ ÙË Microsoft ÛÙËÓ appleúòùô ı ÛË ÛÙËÓ Î ÔÛË ÂÁÎ ÎÏÔapple È ÂÈÒÓ Û apple ÁÎfiÛÌÈ ÎÏ Ì Î. Àapple Ú Ô Ó Âapple ÛË online ÂÎ fiûâè ÙË ÂÁÎ ÎÏÔapple ÂÈ Encarta ÛÙÔ Internet. fiûô ÔÈ ÂÎ fiûâè Û CD fiûô Î È ÔÈ online ÂÎ fiûâè Â Ó È appleôï ÂappleÈÙ ËÌ Ó ÛÙÈ ÓÙ ÛÙÔÈ Â ÁÔÚ ÙÔ. È Ì È ÛÎÂÈ Ùfi: Ô ËÊÈ Îfi appleâúèâ fiìâóô Â Ó È Ó appleâúèô ÛÈ Îfi ÛÙÔÈ Â Ô ÙÔ ÔappleÔ Ô Í ÓÂÈ ÙËÓ Í ÙÔ Ì Ûˆ ÙË appleúôû ÚÌÔÁ ÛÙËÓ ÙÔappleÈÎ ÁÔÚ.  ÔÚÈÛÌ Ó appleâúèappleùòûâè, Ô fiúô ÙÔappleÈÎÔappleÔ ËÛË appleâúèï Ì ÓÂÈ ÙË ËÌÈÔ ÚÁ appleâúèâ ÔÌ ÓÔ Î È ÙËÓ Ó appleù ÍË Ó ÙÔÙ ÙˆÓ ÛÙÔ ÏÔÁÈÛÌÈÎfi. ÔÏÏ ÊÔÚ apple ÈÙÂ Ù È ÂappleÂÍÂÚÁ Û Ë ÔappleÔ È ÚΠÚfiÓÈ. Ù Ë ÂappleÂÍÂÚÁ Û Â Ó È apple Ú ÙËÙË ÙfiÛÔ ÁÈ ÙÔ apple Ú ÔÛÈ Îfi ÂÁÎ ÎÏÔapple È ÈÎfi appleâúèâ fiìâóô fiûô Î È ÁÈ ÙÔ ÁˆÁÈÎfi ÂappleÈÌÔÚʈÙÈÎfi appleâúèâ fiìâóô Î È ÙÔ appleâúèâ fiìâóô appleô Û ÂÙ ÂÙ È Ì appleúôûˆappleèî applefi ÂÈ. Eine Fallstudie Können Sie sich vorstellen, welche Anstrengungen unternommen werden müssen, um eine komplette Enzyklopädie von einem kulturellen Kontext in einen anderen zu übertragen? Microsoft hat sich an diese schwierige Aufgabe gewagt und Bowne Global Solutions mit der Erstellung einer deutschen und einer spanischen Version von Encarta Enzyklopädie beauftragt. Hierbei handelte es sich um das ehrgeizigste Projekt einer Produktglobalisierung, das jemals in Angriff genommen wurde. Microsoft entwickelte sich damit zum weltweiten Marktführer im Bereich Multimedia- Enzyklopädien. Darüber hinaus stehen im Internet Onlineversionen von Encarta zur Verfügung. Sowohl die CD- als auch die Onlineversionen gelten im jeweiligen Zielmarkt als ausgesprochen erfolgreich. Fazit dieser Fallstudie: Digitaler Inhalt ist ein wichtiges Kapital, dessen Wert durch Lokalisierung noch gesteigert werden kann. Lokalisierung bedeutet gelegentlich die komplette Neuerstellung von Inhalten und die Entwicklung von Features. In manchen Fällen ist sogar kontinuierliche redaktionelle Arbeit über mehrere Jahre erforderlich. Diese redaktionelle Arbeit erstreckt sich sowohl auf enzyklopädische Artikel als auch auf meinungsorientierten und edutainmentbezogenen Inhalt. Caso práctico Puede usted imaginarse lo que se requiere para trasladar toda una enciclopedia de un contexto cultural a otro? Microsoft decidió hacerlo, y seleccionó a Bowne Global Solutions para crear las ediciones en alemán y en español de su enciclopedia Encarta. Hasta este momento, ha sido el proyecto de globalización de un producto de consumo más ambicioso jamás encarado, y convirtió a Microsoft en el editor de enciclopedias más importante a escala mundial. Además, existen versiones de Encarta en Internet. Tanto las versiones en CD y en Internet han tenido un enorme éxito en sus respectivos mercados. Lecciones aprendidas: el contenido digital es un activo que incrementa su valor gracias a la localización. En ocasiones, la localización implica la creación de contenidos y el desarrollo de funciones. En otras requiere un trabajo editorial constante durante muchos años. Este trabajo editorial incluye el contenido enciclopédico tradicional por una parte, y los contenidos de opinión y entretenimiento educativo por el otro. Případová studie Dovedete si představit, co obnáší převedení celé encyklopedie z jednoho kulturního prostředí do jiného? Společnost Microsoft se rozhodla tento krok provést - a pro vytvoření německé a španělské verze encyklopedie Encarta si vybrala společnost Bowne Global Solutions. Šlo o nejambicióznější globalizaci produktu všech dob a společnost Microsoft se stala předním vydavatelem encyklopedií v celosvětovém měřítku. Encyklopedie Encarta existuje i v internetové verzi. Verze na discích CD i elektronická verze jsou ve svých tržních segmentech velmi úspěšné. Poučení: Digitální obsah je aktivum, jehož hodnota se zvyšuje lokalizací. Lokalizace někdy znamená vytváření nového obsahu a vývoj nových funkcí. Někdy také znamená mnohaletou redakční práci. Taková redakční práce se zabývá tradičním encyklopedickým obsahem i obsahem orientovaným na názory a zábavné vzdělávání. 11

LS_Loc_Eur_ Newsletter 9/26/02 8:37 AM Page 12 The Elect Project what is it? ELECT will provide reliable information on good practice, facilitate easy access to know-how and technology, make available guidelines on linguistic and cultural customisation of digital material, and enhance the visibility and recognition of the elocalisation and econtent industries in Europe and world-wide. Bowne Global Solutions Germany GmBH is the localisation partner for this project. The ELECT web portal will be Europe s central information exchange for econtent localisation and will be accessible on www.electonline.org. The LOTS Showcase/Repository of localisation tools and technologies gives access to industry and researchers to test and evaluate the latest tools on all major operating systems. The LRC supplies performance and standards compliance testing. Remote access facilities will save time and cost. Satellite repositories will be established together with supporting organisations in other European countries. Events like expert workshops, executive briefings and foundation courses will take place in a number of European countries (see Events on page 2). The annual Localisation Europe Conference and Industry Showcase will take place in Dublin. Details and appli-cations are available on www.localisation.ie (Research / Projects / Elect Online). Publications will be prepared by technical authors and subject experts at the LRC and reviewed by panels of external experts. Summaries will be published by ELECT in English, German, Spanish, Czech and Greek. The publication of this material in digital format will itself serve as a case study for good practice. Awards will be announced by ELECT for the Best Thesis, a Scholarship and the Best International Web Site. It is anticipated that these awards will be sponsored by the industry, similar to the LRC Best Thesis Award, which has been sponsored over the past five years by Symantec Ireland. 12