Streben: Bauend; Wachsend; unterstutzend das Unternehmen von Frauen

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UK/12/LLP-LdV/TOI-525 1

Projektinformation Titel: Projektnummer: Projekttyp: Jahr: 2012 Status: Marketing Text: Streben: Bauend; Wachsend; unterstutzend das Unternehmen von Frauen UK/12/LLP-LdV/TOI-525 Innovationstransfer bewilligt UK-Vereinigtes Königreich Wir haben eine innovative Methologie um das Wachstum von von Frauen gegründeten Firmen zu fördern entwickelt, getestet und weitergegeben. Außerdem haben wir preisgekrönte Dienstleistungen arbeitslosen Frauen zur Verfügung gestellt um diese, in dessen Weg zur Firmengründung, zu unterstützen. Wir haben auch einen Entwurf für einen internationalen Standard erstellt, der die Qualität der angebotenen Unterstützung und Förderung von Firmengründerinnen weltweit auszeichen soll. Auch ein Werkzeugsatz wurde entwickelt, um Netzwerke zu erstellen die den Zugang von Frauen zu Kapital für die Firmengründung oder den Firmenwachstum zu verbessern sollen. Zusammenfassung: WBDA programmes in the UK have been heavily oversubscribed as we have tapped into significant unmet need. Partners and clients identified under-capitalisation and inability to access finance as the main reasons for the failure of women-owned businesses Support to overcome this does not exist in partner countries and is very patchy across Europe. Our research highlighted both the lack of business start-up programmes specific to female entrepreneurs and the poor levels of engagement between business support agencies and women. Mentoring support for women, if it exists, is not benchmarked to any standard of good practice, nor is training offered and women preferred a transformational rather than a transactional approach to learning. During our project: Created a comprehensive enterprise service for women entrepreneurs,capable of replication across Member States, supporting them from pre-start through to business start up and growth. It is about VET to support women in business. We: Delivered innovative investment readiness programmes in 4 countries, UK, Poland, Italy, Spain. Created a methodology for women-friendly access to finance networks in any country. Developed a blueprint for an international mentoring standard for excellence in supporting women entrepreneurs. This will be exploited after the end of the project. Delivered business start-up programmes supporting women facing particular challenges in the UK, Italy, Spain and Poland. Our consortium was led by the Women s Business Development Agency. The Polish national Chambers of Commerce and the Turin Association of SMEs (women's section) brought their experience in business support for women. AEFAEMME (the association of organisations supporting women-owned businesses in the Mediterranean basin) and NBJ Associates of Italy offered extensive dissemination routes. Birmingham University Business School provided an independent and academic evaluation of the project. Beschreibung: Project results Women s business start up and growth programmes translated into English, Spanish and Polish Business mentors and trainers trained in programme delivery Blueprint for European quality assurance standard agreed in outline and accreditation agreement reached Investment readiness programme delivered in UK, Spain, Poland and Italy. 2

Projektinformation Business Start-up programme delivered in UK, Spain, Poland and Italy Toolkit for access to finance network for women developed Website available in English, Spanish, Polish and Italian Outreach manual completed Mentoring manual revised and available in English, Spanish. Italian and Polish Dissemination activities undertaken in Italy, Spain, Uk, Poland and Belgium Evaluation of project Themen: Sektoren: Produkt Typen: Produktinformation: SUSTAINABILITY Partners wish to remain as a consortium after the end of the project, inviting new organisations to join us. Through this we will gain considerable geographical and strategic reach. As well as meeting and partnering for future bids we will maintain our website which, by the end of the project will offer training, advice, networking and trading opportunities to women in six EU countries. We believe that our mentoring standard will be highly instrumental in improving and 'mainstreaming' women-friendly business support. *** Nutzung und Verbreitung von Ergebnissen *** Arbeitsmarkt *** Lebenslanges Lernen *** Anerkennung, Transparenz, Zertifizierung *** Fernlehre *** Unternehmen, KMU *** Zugang für Benachteiligte *** Chancengleichheit *** Weiterbildung *** Erbringung von Freiberuflichen, Wissenschaftlichen und Technischen Dienstleistungen *** Information und Kommunikation *** Erziehung und Unterricht ** Erbringung von Finanz- und Versicherungsdienstleistungen ** Gesundheits- und Sozialwesen * Exterritoriale Organisationen und Körperschaften Lehrmaterial Fernlehre Module Unterlagen für offenen Unterricht Evaluierungsmethoden Transparenz und Zertifizierung Homepage The project used and adapted materials developed by the Women's Business Development Agency over the last decade. These are for both trainers and clients and include: - 'Why Women?'. A course for trainers and mentors on the 'transformational' approach to business support,which is needs-led and concentrates on whole person, rather than just the 'transactional' nature of mainstream business support. It also presents the socio-economic rationale for specialist business support to women. - train the trainer methodology and support materials for all courses - an award-winning outreach programme to engage women considered hard to reach by mainstream business support - confidence-building, transferable skills and basic business know-how courses for women,particularly those suffering multiple disadvantage,to help them start a business - investment readiness course for women-owned businesses with significant growth potential - a tool kit for building women friendly access to finance networks, financial products and services. - a standard for excellence in supporting women entrepreneurs. - a sustainability plan for further development of project objectives. We intend to commercialise all products. For further information, please contact Sally 3

Projektinformation Projektwebseite: Arkley at 4

Vertragnehmer Women's Business Development Agency Coventry West Midlands UK-Vereinigtes Königreich Weiterbildungseinrichtung Kontaktperson Adresse: Telefon: Fax: E-Mail: Sally Arkley The Venture Centre, Sir William Lyons Road Coventry UK-Vereinigtes Königreich + 44 (0) 2476 415495 5

Koordinator Women's Business Development Agency Coventry West Midlands UK-Vereinigtes Königreich Weiterbildungseinrichtung Kontaktperson Adresse: Telefon: Fax: E-Mail: Sally Arkley The Venture Centre, Sir William Lyons Road Coventry UK-Vereinigtes Königreich + 44 (0) 2476 415495 6

Partner Partner 1 Association of Organisations of Mediterranean Businesswomen Barcelona Cataluna ES-Spanien Verband/nicht regierungsgebundene Organisation Partner 2 University of Birmingham Birmingham West Midlands UK-Vereinigtes Königreich Universität/Fachhochschule/Akademie Partner 3 Apid Imprenditorialità Donna Turin Piemonte IT-Italien Verband/nicht regierungsgebundene Organisation Partner 4 Polish Chambers of Commerce Warsaw Mazowieckie PL-Polen Kammer 7

Partner Partner 5 NBJ Associates Biella Piemonte IT-Italien KMU - Klein- und Mittelunternehmen (bis zu 250 Mitarbeiter) 8

Projektdateien E.7.1 Evaluation FINAL.docx This is the final evaluation of our project Imagining Growth 2. If you would like further information, please contact Sally Arkley at: 9

(UK/12/LLP -LdV/TOI-525) Produkte 1 2 Business Start up Programme for women suffering socio-economic disadvantage Improving Investment Readiness and Access to Finance for Women 10

(UK/12/LLP -LdV/TOI-525) Produkt 'Business Start up Programme for women suffering socio-economic disadvantage' Titel: Business Start up Programme for women suffering socio-economic disadvantage Produkttyp: Lehrmaterial Marketing Text: An award-winning transformational outreach and business support programme which is designed to engage and enable women who suffer particular socio-economic disadvantage Beschreibung: A business start-up training and one to one mentoring programme for women who wish to be self- employed. One, three and four-day modules covering confidence-building, basic business planning, marketing, finance and money management. Includes website resoures Zielgruppe: Women suffering disadvantage e.g. long-term unemployed, ex-offenders, refugees, older women 'returners' Resultat: Delegate and Training Manuals, A guide to outreach and A guide to gender-sensitive mentoring Anwendungsbereich: Suitable for delivery by vocation training and business support agencies. Also for NGOs supporting women into self-employment. Easily replicated in any area Produktsprachen: Spanisch Italienisch Polnisch &prd=1 11

(UK/12/LLP -LdV/TOI-525) Produkt 'Improving Investment Readiness and Access to Finance for Women' Titel: Improving Investment Readiness and Access to Finance for Women Produkttyp: Lehrmaterial Marketing Text: A unique investment readiness programme designed for women-owned businesses coupled with a toolkit telling you all you need to know about creating women friendly access to finance networks Beschreibung: A one and a half day training programme, one-to-one mentoring, networking and learning events and a practice pitch to investors. A toolkit and other resources for the development of a finance network for women entrepreneurs, the finance and business support sectors Zielgruppe: Women-owned businesses with growth potential. Finance and business support professionals Resultat: A delegate and a training manual. A toolkit and website resources Anwendungsbereich: For use by women's business organisations, the finance sector and business support professionals Produktsprachen: Polnisch Spanisch Englisch Italienisch &prd=2 12