Englisch Aufgabenheft Lesen für Schülerinnen und Schüler

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A Englisch Aufgabenheft Lesen für Schülerinnen und Schüler Name: Klasse/Kurs: Kennnummer: Zentrale Lernstandserhebungen in der Jahrgangsstufe 9 Nordrhein-Westfalen 2004

2004 Herausgeber: Ministerium für Schule, Jugend und Kinder des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen Völklinger Straße 49, 40221 Düsseldorf Testentwicklung und Projektkoordination: Landesinstitut für Schule Paradieser Weg 64, 59494 Soest Grafik und Gestaltung: Ramona Marchitto; Andrea Pöpping Druck: DruckVerlag Kettler GmbH Postfach 1150, 59193 Bönen/Westf. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Jegliche Verwertung dieses Druckwerks bedarf soweit das Urheberrechtsgesetz nicht ausdrücklich Ausnahmen zulässt der vorherigen schriftlichen Einwilligung des Herausgebers.

Lernstandserhebungen NRW 2004 Englisch Aufgabenheft A Lesen Liebe Schülerin, lieber Schüler, Ziel dieses Tests ist es festzustellen, was du in der Fremdsprache Englisch gelernt hast. Für die Bearbeitung des Tests steht dir ausreichend Zeit zur Verfügung. Er dauert insgesamt ca. 3 Schulstunden. Er besteht aus einem Teil zum Lesen und einem Teil zum Schreiben. Zwischen dem ersten und zweiten Teil liegt eine Pause von 15 Minuten. Hier sind noch einige Informationen zum ersten Testteil Lesen: Du sollst Aufgaben zu 4 Lesetexten bearbeiten. Hierzu hast du insgesamt 60 Minuten Zeit. Für die Bearbeitung eines jeden Lesetexts hast du also ungefähr 15 Minuten Zeit. Falls du eine Aufgabe nicht lösen kannst, lasse sie aus und gehe zur nächsten weiter. Halte dich also nicht zu lange bei einer Aufgabe auf. Schau dir die übersprungene Aufgabe am Ende der Bearbeitungszeit noch einmal an. Vielleicht hast du ja noch einige Ideen. Wenn du eine von mehreren Antworten auswählen sollst, dann ist auch immer nur eine Antwort richtig. Wenn du also aufgefordert wirst, die richtige Antwort zu markieren ( Tick the correct answer. ), darfst du immer nur in ein Kästchen ein Häkchen ( ) oder ein Kreuz (x) machen. Wenn du bei einer Aufgabe mehrere Angaben machen sollst, z. B. drei Gründe (a c) für etwas nennen, dann musst du auch genau drei Angaben machen nicht mehr und nicht weniger. Wenn du auf eine Frage eine kurze Antwort geben sollst ( ), dann antworte immer auf Englisch. Wir wünschen dir viel Erfolg! 3

Englisch Aufgabenheft A Lesen Lernstandserhebungen NRW 2004 Lesen 1 Hollywood Boulevard a new start The following text is from a website about Hollywood. It is about Hollywood today and in the past. First read the text and then do tasks 1 8. When you looked at tourists arriving on Hollywood Boulevard for the first time, you could see the question on their faces: "This is Hollywood?" Looking around, they were shocked and disappointed. Except for the Capitol Records Building and the nearby Pantages Theatre, there was simply nothing much to see there. Most people think of Hollywood as the place where the stars live, where they keep their million dollar homes and live their lifestyles of the rich and famous. But that describes Beverly Hills, not Hollywood. There are usually no movie stars to be found on Hollywood Boulevard. Between the 1970s and 2000, the boulevard and the area around were run-down, and many of the people who lived there were young runaways, homeless people and wannabe heavymetal rockers. Traffic was heavy, and there were always crowds of tourists trying to find traces of the old glamour. There were mostly shops on Hollywood Boulevard. The buildings looked shabby and some were not in use. Most shops offered T-shirts and cheap souvenirs, fast food, and an X-rated movie here and there. The area had turned into a bad dream. But millions of curious people still came to that famous street. Hollywood Boulevard was the official "centre" of Hollywood. The great news today is that there is light at the end of the tunnel. The long-awaited rebirth of Hollywood is on its way: The historic Egyptian Theatre, the first movie palace built in Hollywood (back in 1922), reopened in 1999 as the new home of the American Film Museum. The Pantages Theatre reopened in 2000 after a "facelift" that cost 10 million dollars, and is now the home of Disney's hit Broadway musical, "The Lion King". And there are many more examples. [ ] from: Seeing Stars: the Ultimate Guide to Hollywood & Celebrities (www.seeing-stars.com). (Copyright 2005 Gary Wayne) 4

Lernstandserhebungen NRW 2004 Englisch Aufgabenheft A Lesen Now do tasks 1 8. Tick the correct answer ( ). (0) 1 2 The text says that things are getting better again for Hollywood Boulevard. In the past tourists expected a better place when they went to Hollywood Boulevard. It is only 50 metres from the Capitol Records Building to the Pantages Theatre. true false not in the text example 3 A lot of people with problems lived in the Hollywood area. 4 5 6 There were places on Hollywood Boulevard where you could buy hamburgers and hotdogs. The shops on Hollywood Boulevard did not sell anything for tourists. Many tourists came to Hollywood Boulevard, although it was not a nice place. 7 The Egyptian Theatre was built in 1999. 8 $10,000,000 was necessary to repair and modernize the Pantages Theatre. 5

Englisch Aufgabenheft A Lesen Lernstandserhebungen NRW 2004 Lesen 2 Stormy weather Lesen 3 Victorian inventions Für die Texte Stormy weather und Victorian inventions wurden leider die Copyrights für die Veröffentlichung im Internet nicht erteilt. 6

Lernstandserhebungen NRW 2004 Englisch Aufgabenheft A Lesen Lesen 4 London tour Your class is planning a week in London and you want to have a guided walking tour. Before you book the tour you would like to have some more information. You will find the brochure: TOUR LONDON on foot on the next pages. Look for the information you need to answer questions 1 11 and write down in the box or boxes the number of the page(s) where you can find the information. Sometimes the information is given on two different pages. Your questions: Information in the brochure on: (0) Example: How long will the tour last? page and page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Who is the guide? Are there special prices for young people of 14? How many people are there in a group? Will you go by bus, underground or any other form of travel? Do you have to pay extra money to visit famous buildings? Will you have to wait outside famous buildings before you can enter? Will you have time enough to take photographs? Where does the tour finish? Can you book the tour by phone? How far will you have to walk? Can you have a tour every day of the week? 1 and and and and and 3 7

Englisch Aufgabenheft A Lesen Lernstandserhebungen NRW 2004 Page 1 Page 2 Welcome to London! I'm Mike Keene, a registered (Blue Badged) tour guide. I've been running my tour since 1989 providing visitors with an insider's knowledge of discovering historic London. It's an alternative to sightseeing in large groups by bus. My tour is restricted to a maximum of 12 people. ONLY 12 PER GROUP FULL DAY TOUR GUIDED SITE VISITS ENTRANCE FEES INCLUDED AVOID LONG LINES Walking is by far the most effective way to see the city, so most of the time is spent on foot, walking about 2 miles (3 kms) overall with a couple of short rides on public transport for longer journeys. I explain what you are seeing and give you time to take pictures, especially at the Changing of the Guard. There will also be plenty of opportunity for you to talk with me and ask questions. So if you're looking for a stress-free, time-saving way of seeing London, please give me a call. 8

Lernstandserhebungen NRW 2004 Englisch Aufgabenheft A Lesen Page 3 Page 4 Price Adults 30.00 Discounts** 25.00 Children (under 15) 20.00 ** Senior citizens / Student Card holders Group & Family discounts available. Sorry, no credit cards Price Includes Site entrance charges* * Site visits and Changing of the Guard subject to availability Transport fares during the tour. My tour is a relaxed, informative and interpersonal exploration of historic London. I take you on three fully guided visits inside: Westminster Abbey St Paul s Cathedral Tower of London And there are no long lines (queues) at point of entry! Tour Duration Monday Saturday 8.30 am 4 pm approx. For Reservations (Have a pen/paper ready for details) Tel: 01494 888 520 Daytime only. Mike: 020 8531 8243 Evenings / weekends. Fax: 020 8527 2107 Mobile: 07 947 707 754 Email: mail@tourlondon.com Web: www.tourlondon.com Westminster Abbey Poets Corner Coronations Famous Burials Royal Weddings and Funerals Tour London PO Box 19430 London E4 9FB England Printed by NPL Printer, Bookham, Surrey KT23 3EU 01372 451234 www.nplprint.com St Paul s Cathedral Christopher Wren s masterpiece Magnificent dome American Chapel 9

Englisch Aufgabenheft A Lesen Lernstandserhebungen NRW 2004 Page 5 Page 6 In addition you see: Changing of the Guard Big Ben Buckingham Palace Houses of Parliament London Eye River Thames St James s Park Tower Bridge Trafalgar Square National Gallery Time permitting, other features may include: St James s Palace Piccadilly Circus Leicester Square China Town Covent Garden Millennium Bridge Overlooking the River Thames and the famous Tower Bridge is the Tower of London, our final destination. Entry to the Tower includes the Crown Jewels. I will take you on an introductory tour, after which you can explore independently. The Tower of London The Crown Jewels Site of Executions Yeoman Warders Traitors Gate Before leaving you, I will ensure you are able to find your next destination. from: NPL Printers, Tour London, Bookham (www.nplprint.com). 10