Lösungen Lesen Englisch (HAK) HT 2012/13, 7. Mai 2013

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Lösungen Lesen Englisch (HAK) HT 2012/13, 7. Mai 2013 Hinweise zur Korrektur Bei der Korrektur werden ausschließlich die Antworten auf dem Antwortblatt berücksichtigt. Korrektur der Aufgaben Bitte kreuzen Sie bei jeder Frage im Bereich von der Lehrperson auszufüllen an, ob die Kandidatin/der Kandidat die Frage richtig oder falsch beantwortet hat. Falls Sie versehentlich das falsche Kästchen markieren, malen Sie es bitte vollständig aus (n ) und kreuzen das richtige an (T ). Gibt eine Kandidatin/ein Kandidat bei einer Frage zwei Antworten an und eine davon ist falsch, so ist die Antwort als falsch zu werten. Bei den Testmethoden Kurzantworten und Richtig/Falsch/Begründung zählen alle Wörter, die nicht durchgestrichen sind, zur Antwort. Es werden bei der Beurteilung nur ganze Punkte vergeben. (Die Vergabe von halben Punkten ist unzulässig.) Akzeptierte Antworten bei der Testmethode Richtig/Falsch/Begründung (nur Lesen B2) Bei der Testmethode Richtig/Falsch/Begründung müssen beide Teile (Richtig/Falsch und Die ersten vier Wörter) korrekt sein, um mit einem Punkt bewertet werden zu können. Beim Begründungsteil zählen nur Antworten als korrekt, die die ersten vier Wörter des Satzes, der die Antwort enthält, angeben. Akzeptierte Antworten bei der Testmethode Kurzantworten Das Ziel der Aufgaben ist es, das Hör- bzw. Leseverständnis der Kandidatinnen und Kandidaten zu überprüfen. Grammatik- und Rechtschreibfehler werden bei der Korrektur nicht berücksichtigt, sofern diese die Kommunikation nicht verhindern. Um die Verlässlichkeit der Testergebnisse österreichweit garantieren zu können, ist eine Standardisierung der Korrektur unerlässlich. Die Antworten Ihrer Kandidatinnen und Kandidaten sind vielleicht richtig, auch wenn sie nicht im erweiterten Lösungsschlüssel aufscheinen. Falls Ihre Kandidatinnen und Kandidaten Antworten geben, die nicht eindeutig als richtig oder falsch einzuordnen sind, wenden Sie sich bitte an unser Team aus Muttersprachlerinnen und Muttersprachlern sowie Testexpertinnen und Testexperten, das Sie über den Online-Helpdesk bzw. die telefonische Korrekturhotline erreichen.

Lösungen Lesen E (HAK) HT 2012/13 2 Online-Helpdesk Ab dem Zeitpunkt der Veröffentlichung der Lösungen können Sie unter http://srp.bifie.at Anfragen an den Online-Helpdesk des BIFIE stellen. Beim Online-Helpdesk handelt es sich um ein Formular, über das Sie Antworten der Kandidatinnen und Kandidaten, die nicht im Lösungsschlüssel enthalten sind, an das BIFIE senden können. Sie erhalten von uns zeitnah eine Rückmeldung, ob die Antworten als richtig oder falsch zu bewerten sind. Sie können den Helpdesk bis zum unten angegebenen Eingabeschluss jederzeit und beliebig oft den in Anspruch nehmen, wobei Sie nach jeder Anfrage eine Bestätigung per E-Mail erhalten. Jede Anfrage wird von uns garantiert beantwortet. (Die Antwort-E-Mails werden zum unten angegebenen Zeitpunkt zeitgleich an alle Lehrer/innen versendet.) Anleitungen zur Verwendung des Helpdesks für AHS und BHS finden Sie unter: http://srp.bifie.at/anleitung_helpdesk_ahs.pdf (AHS) http://srp.bifie.at/anleitung_helpdesk_bhs.pdf (BHS) Online-Helpdesk Englisch Eingabe Helpdesk: 7. Mai 2013 bis 9. Mai 2013 Eingabeschluss: Versand der Antwort-E-Mails: 9. Mai 2013 um 15.00 Uhr 11. Mai 2013 bis 12.00 Uhr Telefon-Hotline Die Telefon-Hotline ist ausschließlich zu den unten angegebenen Zeiträumen besetzt. Bitte ordnen Sie Ihre Anfragen nach Fertigkeit, Aufgabe und Fragenummer, um dem Hotline-Team eine rasche Bearbeitung zu ermöglichen. Vielen Dank! Telefon-Hotline Englisch Telefon-Hotline Termin 1: Telefon-Hotline Termin 2: Telefonnummern: 11. Mai 2013 14.00 Uhr bis 16.00 Uhr 13. Mai 2013 14.00 Uhr bis 16.00 Uhr 0512 507 96998 oder 0512 507 96999

Lösungen Lesen E (HAK) HT 2012/13 3 Task 1: Franchises beat recession Key T F First four words 0 x The number of New Q1 x Study leader Susan Flint-Hartle About 70 per cent Q2 x It looks like the Q3 x Flint-Hartle said franchises were Q4 x But the franchise industry Finding people with good Q5 x Flint-Hartle said franchisors were Q6 x Since then, the number Q7 x Flint-Hartle said the study Q8 x The study would now Justifications 0/True + the first four words from the table above The text says: The number of New Zealand businesses operating under a franchise format has almost doubled since 2003, a Massey University study has found. This sentence confirms that Franchise New Zealand 2010 is a study conducted by Massey University. Q1/True + one of the accepted first four words from the table above The text says: Study leader Susan Flint-Hartle, of Massey University's school of economics and finance, said the research suggested most franchise businesses had come through the recession largely unscathed. This means that the franchises remained mostly unharmed by the recession. The text further says: About 70 per cent of the franchisors those who operate franchise systems who took part in the study reported sales revenue increasing or staying the same since 2008 [ ]. Q2/False + the first four words from the table above The text says: It looks like the franchise format is protective of businesses. [ ]this means that franchises are also safer in times of crisis. Q3/False + the first four words from the table above The text says: Flint-Hartle said franchises were an important part of New Zealand's commercial landscape, and she expected the growth seen since 2003 to continue. Q4/True + one of the accepted first four words from the table above The text says: But the franchise industry in New Zealand had enduring challenges, including the difficulty franchisors sometimes had in recruiting good franchisees, Flint-Hartle said. So the franchise owners have trouble enlisting able partners. The text further says: "Finding people with good business and time-management skills is not that easy [ ], which further indicates that the statement is true.

Lösungen Lesen E (HAK) HT 2012/13 4 Q5/True + the first four words from the table above The text says: [ ] franchisors were reducing costs through increased efficiency and staff training to counter the effects of the economic downturn. This means they reduced costs by promoting employee s professional development. Q6/False + the first four words from the table above The text says: [ ] the number of systems operating internationally had increased by only three percentage points, although 32 per cent had a strategy for going overseas [...]. This means that only 3 per cent actually had expanded outside the country, which is not most. Q7/True + the first four words from the table above The text says: [ ] the study was done to collect robust figures that could be provided to the public, franchise businesses and policymakers. This means that the aim was to offer data to those involved with franchises, franchise businesses and policy makers. Q8/True + the first four words from the table above The text says: The study would now be carried out every second year, provided money to pay for it could be obtained. This means that there is a plan to repeat the study regularly, every second year, but it actually depends on the funds. Task 2: Your National Express e-ticket Key T F First four words 0 X You must print this Q9 X In this instance the Q10 X Refunds can be made Q11 X When travelling to an Q12 X Extra luggage, including awkwardly Q13 X Customers aged 14 years Q14 Q15 X Justifications X Most National Express and However, we do use Calls from UK landlines Mobile telephone charges may 0/False + the first four words from the table above The text says: You must print this ticket and show it to the driver as you board every coach. This sentence confirms that you do not need to quote the ticket number, but you have to show your ticket to the driver.

Lösungen Lesen E (HAK) HT 2012/13 5 Q9/True + the first four words from the table above The text says: When amending tickets a new fare category may apply. In this instance the difference between the two fares (excess fare) will be charged in addition to the standard 5 amendment fee. This means that in some cases passengers will be charged 5 and in others more than 5. Therefore changing tickets will cost at least 5. Q10/False + the first four words from the table above The text says: Refunds can be made on tickets cancelled 72 hours prior to departure, subject to a 5 per person cancellation fee. This means that returning a ticket at least 72 hours before using it costs 5 and is not free of charge. Q11/True + the first four words from the table above The text says: When travelling to an airport or other important event, please allow ample time between coach arrival time and your check-in opening time - a minimum of 1 hour extra is required. This means that passengers should allow at least 60 minutes between the coach arrival time and the time when check-in opens. Q12/True + one of the accepted first four words from the table above The text says: Extra luggage, including awkwardly shaped items, will only be carried if there is space available and the additional item/s are paid for. This means that National Express does not guarantee that all of a passenger s luggage will be transported. The sentence You can take two medium sized suitcases, at no more than 23kg each, per person free of charge is not accepted because this sentences only states that luggage heavier than 23 kg has to be paid extra, not that it will not be transported. Q13/False + the first four words from the table above The text says: Customers aged 14 years and over are now legally required to wear seatbelts at all times on coaches where fitted. This means that some coaches may have seat belts, others may not, i.e. not all coaches have seat belts. Q14/True + one of the accepted first four words from the table above The text says: Most National Express and Eurolines coaches are white with red and blue writing. However, we do use other coaches to meet demand at busy times. This means that not all coaches look alike. Q15/False + one of the accepted first four words from the table above The text says: Calls from UK landlines cost no more than 4.5 pence per minute. Mobile telephone charges may vary. This means that there is no standard fee people have to pay for emergency calls. There is a maximum for landline calls and charges may differ for calls from mobile phones.

Lösungen Lesen E (HAK) HT 2012/13 6 Task 3: Small Business Owners and Vacations Key 0 Q16 Q17 Q18 Q19 Q20 Q21 Q22 Q23 D K H B C I G A J Justifications 0/D The first paragraph is about taking vacations and states that small business owners don t take many vacations, so D is the only option that fits in the gap contextually. The correct answer is D (take only major holidays off or nothing at all). Q16/K The survey speaks about the difficulty of having a worry-free vacation and the first part of the sentence, [ ] entrepreneurs worry while on vacation, about everything from missed business opportunities [ ] suggests that something else business owners worry about has to be added. Thus, through employees slacking off is the only option that fits in the gap contextually. The correct answer is K (through employees slacking off). Q17/H The previous paragraph states that [ ] many small business people are reluctant to take some downtime. The conjunction but at the beginning of the sentence with the gap suggests that the gap will contain some form of contradiction to this statement. The part of the sentence immediately following the gap signals that a vacation is something positive, particularly important [ ] when times are stressful. Thus, option H is the only option that fits contextually. The correct answer is H (is a necessity not a luxury). Q18/B The heading of the paragraph Close the Shop is a first indication that this is an option for small business owners that will be discussed in the following. The sentence after the gap provides an example of a bakery which closes in a particular month. As the beginning of the next sentence also refers to the closing down of a service for a brief period of time [ ], the only option that fits in the gap contextually is to close down during vacations. The correct answer is B (to close down during vacations). Q19/C The part of the sentence preceding the gap suggests that the option of closing the shop and what this entails is going to be described in more detail. The sentence following the gap talks about issues related to planning and lists examples for advance planning. Hence, the only option that fits in the gap contextually is option C. The correct answer is C (is also possible with some advance planning). Q20/I The paragraph that refers to [ ] closing your business as a vacation solution [ ] deals with what happens when you close your business, particularly the drawbacks as the author does not recommend this option. It is clear from the sentence preceding the gap that two reasons for this opinion will be listed. As the sentence with the gap states one reason, it is clear that another negative effect of closing the shop is required. The part of the sentence after the gap indicates that this second reason has to do with people [ ] who can t wait to take their business elsewhere. Thus, option I is the only option that fits in the gap contextually. The correct answer is I (forces your customers and/or clients).

Lösungen Lesen E (HAK) HT 2012/13 7 Q21/G The part of the sentence after the gap states that small business owners can take their business with them when they travel. The following two sentences outline in detail that [ ] technological resources are required for this option. Thus, option G is the only option that fits this gap contextually. The correct answer is G (take advantage of current technology). Q22/A The beginning of the sentence states that, in some cases, [ ] taking the business with you [ ] is not a viable option and indicates that the gap will define these cases in detail. The part of the sentence after the gap gives an example of such a case. Thus, option A is the only option that fits contextually. The correct answer is A (require face-to-face interactions). Q23/J The first sentence of this paragraph indicates that there can be negative effects of this option on a person s health. The part of the sentence before the text and the part immediately following the paragraph suggest that the information in the gap should define explicitly what the purpose of a vacation is. Thus [ ] rejuvenate and refresh you [ ] is the only option that fits this gap contextually. The correct answer is J (rejuvenate and refresh you). Task 4: Millions of people can lead better lives thanks to you Key accepted 0 17 million people Q24 62 countries in 62 countries 62 countries last year many countries Q25 Q26 Q27 Q28 Sri Lanka the conflict in Sri Lanka the Sri Lanka conflict generosity high welfare attitude donations financial help financial support a global food crisis the global economic crisis the recession climate change global warming the earthquake in Haiti the earthquake an earthquake January s earthquake in Haiti January s earthquake Q29 Bookfest Bookfest ECHO festival book Oxfam not accepted more than 62 countries Haiti, Indonesia, Asia, East Asia responding to emergencies emergencies and crisis shelters, water and hygiene [any country but Sri Lanka] many countries economic crisis global economic crisis food crisis earhquakes, typhoons and conflicts emergency poverty help / support (not specific enough) belts being tightened despite belts leading the way engagement earthquakes natural disasters [any figures, numbers] in Haiti earthquakes, typhoons and conflicts by regular givers

Lösungen Lesen E (HAK) HT 2012/13 8 Justifications 0 The text says: Al Kinley explains how Oxfam has helped more than 17 million people in 62 countries in the last year. The text also says: Did you know Oxfam has helped more than 17 million people in 62 countries in the last year? Q24 The text says: Al Kinley explains how Oxfam has helped more than 17 million people in 62 countries in the last year. The text also says: Did you know Oxfam has helped more than 17 million people in 62 countries in the last year? Q25 The text says: According to our latest report, Oxfam s work responding to emergencies such as the Haiti and Indonesia earthquakes, the typhoon in south-east Asia and conflict in Sri Lanka, as well as development and campaigning work, has helped millions [...]. Q26 The text says: Barbara Stocking, our Chief Executive, said, We thank the British public. Despite belts being tightened at home the British are still leading the way when it comes to generosity. Q27 The text says: We re operating in the midst of a recession, a global food crisis and the effects of climate change are hitting poor people hard now if anything our ambition needs to grow. Q28 The text says: Our huge fundraising appeal following January s earthquake in Haiti saw digital donations top 3m, raising 1,000 a minute at its peak. Q29 The text says: Oxfam shop teams launched Bookfest, comprising 200 literary events over the UK. During the festival book donations rose by 40%.