L O T O S. by stephan schmidt

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by stephan schmidt GOLDCOLLECTION 2017

LOTOS schreibt Brillengeschichte Hommage an ein Vermächtnis! LEIDENSCHAFT BRINGT ERFAHRUNG Seit 1872 setzt das Handwerk mit einer uneingeschränkten Leidenschaft höchste Maßstäbe bei LOTOS. Das Unternehmen steht für einen Erfahrungsschatz, der seit fünf Generationen weitergegeben und vertieft wird. In der über 140-jährigen Firmengeschichte ist ein Wissen von unschätzbarem Wert gewachsen. Dieses Wissen ist Garantie und Versprechen zugleich, dass eine LOTOS Brille mit Beständigkeit und ihrer einzigartigen Attraktivität lebt und begleitet gestern, heute und morgen. INNOVATION LEBT TRADITION Dafür bürgt Stephan Schmidt, Inhaber der im Süden Deutschlands beheimateten Manufaktur. Mit Authentizität und aus tiefster, innerer Überzeugung führte er die Brillenmanufaktur weltweit zur ersten Adresse für handgefertigte Goldbrillen. Durch seine stetige Pionierarbeit bei der Erschließung neuer Märkte, hat LOTOS ein internationales, unvergleichliches Renommee gewonnen. Verantwortung und handwerkliche Fertigkeiten werden von ihm in der Familientradition weitergeführt. Seine Wertschätzung für das Produkt, die Liebe zum Detail, sein kompromissloses Streben nach Perfektion, werden in jeder einzelnen LOTOS Brille sichtbar. PERFEKTION VERBINDET EINZIGARTIGES Jahrzehntelange Erfahrung verbindet sich mit scheinbar unerschöpflichen Unternehmensressourcen in höchster Perfektion. Goldschmiedemeister der Spitzenklasse und hochmotivierte Mitarbeiter in den LOTOS Ateliers bilden mit einer eigens entwickelten Maschinentechnik von höchster Qualität eine Einheit der Präzision. Nahezu vergessene Techniken werden mit neuester Technologie fortschrittlich umgesetzt und weitergeführt. Außergewöhnliche Diamant-Kreationen und Hand-Gravuren machen eine LOTOS Brille zu dem, was sie ist - einzigartig auf der Welt. KREATIVITÄT SCHAFFT INDIVIDUALITÄT Zeitgenössische Designs werden mit historischen Elementen kreativ und meisterhaft kombiniert. Nichts ist so individuell wie Handarbeit und fast grenzenlos die Möglichkeiten, Dingen ihr ganz eigenes Gesicht zu geben. Persönlichkeit und Kreativität, vom Entwurf bis zur Fertigstellung, geben bei LOTOS der hohen Handwerkskunst die Vollendung. MAGIE TRIFFT LEGENDEN Die Magie der Diamanten, die Faszination exotischer Edelsteine, die Macht des Goldes bewegen die Menschheit seit Jahrtausenden. LOTOS schafft aus Legenden Emotionen. Durch unverwechselbare Schöpfungen voller Anmut und Schönheit lässt LOTOS Träume wahr werden. Edelstes Material mit meisterhafter Handwerkskunst zu verbinden, zollt nicht nur jedem Anspruch Respekt - es ist auch ein uneingeschränktes Bekenntnis zur eigenen Wertigkeit.

LOTOS makes eyewear history tribute to a legacy! PASSION BRINGS EXPERIENCE Ever since 1872, craftsmanship paired with unreserved passion has set ultimate standards at LOTOS. The company stands for a wealth of experience that has been passed on and enhanced over five generations. The know-how acquired over the more than 140 years of the company s history is of inestimable value. This know-how is both guarantee and pledge that a LOTOS frame epitomises permanence and unique appeal yesterday, today and tomorrow. INNOVATION EXPERIENCES TRADITION Stephan Schmidt, owner of the manufactory situated in the South of Germany, vouches for this. With profound inner conviction and authenticity he has steered the eyewear manufacturer to become the top name in the world for hand-crafted gold spectacles. As a result of his constant pioneering in opening up new markets, LOTOS has gained an international reputation that is beyond compare. He carries on the responsibility and craftsmanship in the family tradition. His appreciation of the product, his love of detail, his uncompromising aspiration for perfection can be seen in every single LOTOS frame. PERFECTION JOINS HANDS WITH INIMITABILITY Decades of experience join hands with what appear to be inexhaustible company resources in ultimate perfection. Top-class master goldsmiths and highly motivated employees in the LOTOS workshops together with specially developed top-quality machine technology constitute an entity of absolute precision. Techniques that have virtually been forgotten are progressively implemented and perpetuated using state-of-the-art technology. Unusual diamond creations and hand engravings make a LOTOS frame what it is unique the world over. CREATIVITY PRODUCES INDIVIDUALITY Contemporary designs are creatively and expertly combined with historical elements. Nothing is as individual as craftsmanship, and the potential for giving things their very own look is practically infinite. At LOTOS, character and creativity from the design stage to the finished product consummate the high craftsmanship. MAGIC ENCOUNTERS LEGENDS The magic of diamonds, the fascination of exotic jewels and the potency of gold have stirred mankind for thousands of years. LOTOS creates emotions out of legends. With distinctive creations full of elegance and beauty, LOTOS makes dreams come true. To combine the most precious materials with masterly craftsmanship pays respect not only to every demand it is also unequivocal acknowledgement of one s own value.

TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE RETRO 11-27 BASIC 29-59 Rimless / Randlos 32-51 Halfrim / Nylor 52-55 Fullrim / Vollrand 56-59 CLASSIC 61-115 Rimless / Randlos 64-87 Halfrim / Nylor 88-109 Fullrim / Vollrand 110-115 SUN 117-121 JEWELRY 123-165 POS 167-173


Model L-7F13-T 750/- 18kt Gold Size 42-22 140-14 -

Model L-7F15-T 750/- 18kt Gold Size 43-22 140-15 -

Model L-0G002 750/- 18kt Gold Size 46-20 140 Size 48-20 145-16 -

Model L-0G002 750/- 18kt Gold Size 46-20 140 Size 48-20 145-17 -

Model L-10G002 750/- 18kt Gold Size 42-23 140 Size 46-23 140-18 -

Model L-13V888 750/- 18kt Gold Size 46-20 145 Art Engraving - 20 -

Model L-13V888 750/- 18kt Gold Size 46-20 145 Art Engraving - 21 -

Model L-16D004 750/- 18kt Gold Size 48-20 145 Art Engraving - 22 -

Model L-16D004 750/- 18kt Gold Size 48-20 145 Art Engraving - 23 -

Model L-16D666 750/- 18kt Gold Size 48-20 145 Art Engraving - 24 -

Model L-16D666 750/- 18kt Gold Size 48-20 145 Art Engraving - 25 -

Model L-16D007 750/- 18kt Gold Size 45-23 145 Art Engraving & SUN Lenses ZEISS Z - 26 -

Model L-16D007 750/- 18kt Gold Size 45-23 145 Art Engraving & SUN Lenses ZEISS Z - 27 -


Model L-10A666 750/- 18kt Gold Size 54-19 140-32 -

Model L-10A777 750/- 18kt Gold Size 56-19 145-33 -

Model L-10A888 750/- 18kt Gold Size 46-20 140-34 -

Model L-14A555 750/- 18kt Gold Size 54-19 140-35 -

Model L-14A999 750/- 18kt Gold Size 55-17 140-36 -

Model L-16A333 750/- 18kt Gold Size 55-18 145-37 -

Model L-16A777 750/- 18kt Gold Size 55-18 145-38 -

Model L-16A888 750/- 18kt Gold Size 56-18 145-39 -

Model L-16A999 750/- 18kt Gold Size 57-18 145-40 -

Model L-16A999 750/- 18kt Gold Size 57-18 145-41 -

Model L-16B111 750/- 18kt Gold Size 53-18 140-42 -

Model L-16B222 750/- 18kt Gold Size 56-17 140-43 -

Model L-16B333 750/- 18kt Gold Size 57-18 145-44 -

Model L-16B333 750/- 18kt Gold Size 57-18 145-45 -

Model L-16B555 750/- 18kt Gold Size 55-19 140-46 -

Model L-16B666 750/- 18kt Gold Size 54-19 140-47 -

Model L-16B777 750/- 18kt Gold Size 53-19 140-48 -

Model L-16B888 750/- 18kt Gold Size 55-18 140-49 -

Model L-16B999 750/- 18kt Gold Size 55-18 140-51 -

Model L-15A099 750/- 18kt Gold Size 56-18 145-52 -

Model L-15A099 750/- 18kt Gold Size 56-18 145-53 -

Model L-16G011 750/- 18kt Gold Size 56-19 145-54 -

Model L-16G011 750/- 18kt Gold Size 56-19 145-55 -

Model LBA-018 750/- 18kt WG & Acetate Size 56-17 145 Fusion 30 Limited Edition - 56 -

Model LBA-018 750/- 18kt WG & Acetate Size 56-17 145 Fusion 30 Limited Edition - 57 -

Model L-11B001 750/- 18kt Gold Size 56-20 145-58 -

Model L-11B004 750/- 18kt Gold Size 52-20 145-59 -


Model L-15A111-V 750/- 18kt Gold Size 56-18 145 PT950 - Platin Guilloche Engraving - 64 -

Model L-15A111-V 750/- 18kt Gold Size 56-18 145 PT950 - Platin Guilloche Engraving - 65 -

Model L-15G333 750/- 18kt Gold Size 55-18 145-66 -

Model L-15G333 750/- 18kt Gold Size 55-18 145-67 -

Model L-15G555 750/- 18kt Gold Size 57-18 145 Enamel Decor - 68 -

Model L-15G555 750/- 18kt Gold Size 57-18 145 Enamel Decor - 69 -

Model L-16E222.E 750/- 18kt Gold Size 56-17 135 Enamel Decor Alternativ: 2 Diamond Marquise Cut 0.24 ct. - 70 -

Model L-16E222.E 750/- 18kt Gold Size 56-17 135-71 -

Model L-16G444 750/- 18kt Gold Size 55-18 140-72 -

Model L-16G444 750/- 18kt Gold Size 55-18 140-73 -

Model L-16G555 750/- 18kt Gold Size 56-19 140-74 -

Model L-16G555 750/- 18kt Gold Size 56-19 140-75 -

Model L-16G888 750/- 18kt Gold Size 56-18 140-76 -

Model L-16G888 750/- 18kt Gold Size 56-18 140-77 -

Model L-16G999 750/- 18kt Gold Size 55-19 140-78 -

Model L-16G999 750/- 18kt Gold Size 55-19 140-79 -

Model L-16R222 750/- 18kt Gold Size 56-18 145-80 -

Model L-16R222 750/- 18kt Gold Size 56-18 145-81 -

Model L-16PT888 PT950 - Platin Size 56-19 145 Platinum 88 Limited Edition - 82 -

- 83 -

Model L-16V222 H 750/- 18kt Gold Size 57-19 145 Art Engraving / Buffalo Horn - 84 -

Model L-16V222 H 750/- 18kt Gold Size 57-19 145 Art Engraving / Buffalo Horn - 85 -

Model L-16V999 H 750/- 18kt Gold Size 54-19 140 Art Engraving / Buffalo Horn - 86 -

Model L-16V999 H 750/- 18kt Gold Size 54-19 140 Art Engraving / Buffalo Horn - 87 -

Model L-14D088 750/- 18kt Gold Size 55-18 140-88 -

Model L-14D088 750/- 18kt Gold Size 55-18 140-89 -

Model L-15A044 750/- 18kt Gold Size 56-19 145-90 -

Model L-15A044 750/- 18kt Gold Size 56-19 145-91 -

Model L-15A055 750/- 18kt Gold Size 53-19 140 Mat / Shiny - 92 -

Model L-15A055 750/- 18kt Gold Size 53-19 140 Mat / Shiny - 93 -

Model L-15B011 750/- 18kt Gold Size 51-21 140-94 -

Model L-15B011 750/- 18kt Gold Size 51-21 140-95 -

Model L-15B033 750/- 18kt Gold Size 56-18 145 Mat / Shiny - 96 -

Model L-15B033 750/- 18kt Gold Size 56-18 145 Mat / Shiny - 97 -

Model L-15D033 750/- 18kt Gold Size 57-19 145-98 -

Model L-15D033 750/- 18kt Gold Size 57-19 145-99 -

Model L-15D066-H 750/- 18kt Gold Size 55-19 140 Size 57-19 145 Buffalo Horn - 100 -

Model L-15D066-H 750/- 18kt Gold Size 55-19 140 Size 57-19 145 Buffalo Horn - 101 -

Model L-15E011 750/- 18kt Gold Size 49-19 140-102 -

Model L-15E011 750/- 18kt Gold Size 49-19 140-103 -

Model L-15H022 750/- 18kt Gold Size 53-19 145-104 -

Model L-15H022 750/- 18kt Gold Size 53-19 145-105 -

Model L-16P022 750/- 18kt Gold Size 56-19 145-106 -

Model L-16P022 750/- 18kt Gold Size 56-19 145-107 -

Model L-16R033 750/- 18kt Gold Size 55-18 140-108 -

Model L-16R033 750/- 18kt Gold Size 55-18 140-109 -

Model L-14D001-H 750/- 18kt Gold Size 55-19 140 Art Engraving & Buffalo Horn Temples Mat / Shiny - 110 -

Model L-14D001-H 750/- 18kt Gold Size 55-19 140 Art Engraving & Buffalo Horn Temples Mat / Shiny - 111 -

Model L-16D001 750/- 18kt Gold Size 57-19 145-112 -

Model L-16D001 750/- 18kt Gold Size 57-19 145-113 -

Model L-80603 750/- 18kt Gold Size 52-19 135-114 -

Model L-80603 750/- 18kt Gold Size 52-19 135-115 -


Model LOTOS SUN C15 750/- 18kt Gold Size 61-17 145 SUN Dark Green - 118 -

Model LOTOS SUN C15 750/- 18kt Gold Size 61-17 145 SUN Grey Gradient - 119 -

Model LOTOS SUN C16 E 750/- 18kt Gold Size 59-15 145 SUN Green Gradient - 120 -

Model LOTOS SUN C16 E 750/- 18kt Gold Size 59-15 145 SUN Blue Gradient - 121 -


Model L-14D666 750/- 18kt Gold Size 51-19 135 30 Diamond Brilliance Cut 0.24 ct. - 126 -

Model L-14D666 750/- 18kt Gold Size 51-19 135 30 Diamond Brilliance Cut 0.24 ct. - 127 -

Model L-14D088 750/- 18kt Gold Size 55-18 140 130 Diamond Brilliance Cut 0.56 ct. - 128 -

Model L-14D088 750/- 18kt Gold Size 55-18 140 130 Diamond Brilliance Cut 0.56 ct. - 129 -

Model L-15A111.V 750/- 18kt Gold Size 56-18 145 40 Diamond Brilliance Cut 0.20 ct. Vienna Engraving - 130 -

Model L-15A111.V 750/- 18kt Gold Size 56-18 145 40 Diamond Brilliance Cut 0.20 ct. Vienna Engraving - 131 -

Model L-15A044 750/- 18kt Gold Size 56-19 145 68 Diamond Brilliance Cut 0.34 ct. - 132 -

Model L-15A044 750/- 18kt Gold Size 56-19 145 68 Diamond Brilliance Cut 0.34 ct. - 133 -

Model L-15A999 750/- 18kt Gold Size 55-18 140 16 Diamond Princess Cut 0.80 ct. Enamel Decor - 134 -

Model L-15A999 750/- 18kt Gold Size 55-18 140 16 Diamond Princess Cut 0.80 ct. Enamel Decor - 135 -

Model L-15B022 750/- 18kt Gold Size 55-18 140 12 Diamond Princess Cut 0.60 ct. Enamel Decor - 136 -

Model L-15B022 750/- 18kt Gold Size 55-18 140 12 Diamond Princess Cut 0.60 ct. Enamel Decor - 137 -

Model L-15G333 750/- 18kt Gold Size 55-18 145 48 Diamond Brilliance Cut 0.24 ct. Diamond Gold Pads 18kt Extra - 138 -

Model L-15G333 750/- 18kt Gold Size 55-18 145 48 Diamond Brilliance Cut 0.24 ct. Diamond Gold Pads 18kt Extra - 139 -

Model L-15G555 750/- 18kt Gold Size 57-18 145 12 Diamond Princess Cut 0.45 ct. - 140 -

Model L-15G555 750/- 18kt Gold Size 57-18 145 12 Diamond Princess Cut 0.45 ct. - 141 -

Model L-15H055 750/- 18kt Gold Size 55-18 140 16 Diamond Princess Cut 0.80 ct. Enamel Decor - 142 -

Model L-15H055 750/- 18kt Gold Size 55-18 140 16 Diamond Princess Cut 0.80 ct. Enamel Decor - 143 -

Model L-15H111 750/- 18kt Gold Size 56-18 140 84 Diamond Princess Cut 4.20 ct. Gold Pads 18kt Included - 144 -

Model L-15H111 750/- 18kt Gold Size 56-18 140 84 Diamond Princess Cut 4.20 ct. Gold Pads 18kt Included - 145 -

Model L-15H555 750/- 18kt Gold Size 56-18 140 16 Diamond Princess Cut 0.80 ct. Enamel Decor - 146 -

Model L-15H555 750/- 18kt Gold Size 56-18 140 16 Diamond Princess Cut 0.80 ct.. Enamel Decor - 147 -

Model L-15H999 750/- 18kt Gold Size 54-17 140 310 Diamond Brilliance Cut 1.55 ct. - 148 -

Model L-15H999 750/- 18kt Gold Size 54-17 140 310 Diamond Brilliance Cut 1.55 ct. Gold Pads 18kt Included - 149 -

Model L-15P222 750/- 18kt Gold Size 55-17 140 126 Diamond Brilliance Cut 0.63 ct. - 150 -

Model L-15P222 750/- 18kt Gold Size 55-17 140 126 Diamond Brilliance Cut 0.63 ct. - 151 -

Model L-15R222 750/- 18kt Gold Size 56-18 145 166 Diamond Brilliance Cut 0.28 ct. - 152 -

Model L-15R222 750/- 18kt Gold Size 56-18 145 166 Diamond Brilliance Cut 0.28 ct. - 153 -

Model L-16D888 750/- 18kt Gold Size 54-17 140 86 Diamond Brilliance Cut 0.43 ct. - 154 -

Model L-16D888 750/- 18kt Gold Size 54-17 140 86 Diamond Brilliance Cut 0.43 ct. - 155 -

Model L-16G333 750/- 18kt Gold Size 55-18 145 78 Diamond Brilliance Cut 0.71 ct. - 156 -

Model L-16G333 750/- 18kt Gold Size 55-18 145 78 Diamond Brilliance Cut 0.71 ct. - 157 -

Model L-16G555 750/- 18kt Gold Size 56-19 140 28 Diamond Brilliance Cut 0.14 ct. - 158 -

Model L-16G555 750/- 18kt Gold Size 56-19 140 28 Diamond Brilliance Cut 0.14 ct. - 159 -

Model L-16H666 750/- 18kt Gold Size 56-18 140 120 Diamond Brilliance Cut 0.58 ct. - 160 -

Model L-16H666 750/- 18kt Gold Size 56-18 140 120 Diamond Brilliance Cut 0.58 ct. - 161 -

Model L-16P022 750/- 18kt Gold Size 56-18 145 68 Diamond Brilliance Cut 0.34 ct. - 162 -

Model L-16P022 750/- 18kt Gold Size 56-18 145 68 Diamond Brilliance Cut 0.34 ct. - 163 -

Model L-16P555 750/- 18kt Gold Size 55-17 140 120 Diamond Brilliance Cut 0.60 ct. - 164 -

Model L-16P555 750/- 18kt Gold Size 55-17 140 120 Diamond Brilliance Cut 0.60 ct. - 165 -


- 168 -

- 169 -

- 170 -

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- 172 -

POS 90006 Eyewear Display LARGE 90007 Eyewear Display SMALL 90008 Logo Display LARGE 90009 Logo Display SMALL 90043 Gloves SMALL / MEDIUM / LARGE 90044 Cleaning Cloth SMALL / LARGE 90025 Repair- and Spare part set

LOTOS is an international registered trademark by LOTOS Goldbrillen GmbH Germany LOTOS Masterseal is a certified and registered hallmark under the own and use by LOTOS Goldbrillen GmbH Germany LOTOS copyright 2017 This catalogue was prepared by LOTOS marketing department.
