Let s go Reading 1. Tim s story. a) Read the text and find out who s who in the story. Tick ( ) the right box(es).

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Let s go Reading 1 Seite 1 Tim s story When the stone hit my head, time suddenly went more slowly. First I heard somebody shout and then I heard a police car. As I fell to the ground, I had time to think about how I got into this mess. We were in the park when one idiot dropped a bottle and it broke on the path. An old man saw it and shouted at us. He said we should pick up the glass. Well, the gang weren t too happy about that. They laughed at the man. But it didn t bother the guy; he just said that somebody could hurt themselves. Some of the guys laughed at him but the old guy wasn t worried and he didn t go away. Then somebody threw a stone. I don t think he wanted to hit the man; he just wanted to scare him. Well, this guy was not easily scared. But I was scared. Throwing stones at old men is not cool and I didn t want to be a part of it, so I said that we should go now but nobody listened. Then somebody threw another stone. I don t know why. Our gang s never attacked anybody before. Maybe it was the alcohol. I told my mates that they were stupid and that we should leave but nobody listened. Then I saw a stone hit the old man and I saw him fall to the ground. I wanted to run away but I just couldn t leave him there. I ran in front of him and held my hands up. I shouted again and again that they should stop it. I couldn t understand it. They were my friends or so I thought. That was when the stone hit my head. When I woke up, the police were standing next to me and I heard Pete tell the policeman that I started it. I couldn t believe it. The policeman said that we all had to go to the police station. It all felt foggy inside my head. It was like a dream. The police wanted to arrest me, too. Then I saw this girl who was talking to another policeman. I knew this girl from somewhere. School, maybe. Then they walked over to me and the girl asked me if I was OK. Then she said to the policeman that I had tried to save the old man and that I was really brave. The policeman looked at me and said that I should go to hospital, too. He said that he would come and see me at home the next day. The girl wanted to come to hospital with me. She told me that her name was Cathy and that I was brave. She smiled at me. I asked what happened to the old man and the police said that he was on his way to hospital and that he would be OK. Cathy said that I had saved him and smiled at me again. It was really lucky that she had seen everything. We sat in the ambulance together and I began to feel better. I still couldn t understand it all though. And it made me sad when I thought that I almost walked away and left the old man. 5 10 15 20 25 30 a) Read the text and find out who s who in the story. Tick ( ) the right box(es). Who Tim the gang Pete the old man 1. gets hit by a stone? 2. gets hurt and faints? 3. attacked someone in the park? 4. is a member of the gang? 5. is lying to the police? 6. do the police take to the police station? 7. do they take to hospital? b) Match the sentence parts. Write the letters into the boxes. 1. Tim doesn t know who the girl is, but he 2. Cathy said to the policeman that Tim... 3. The policeman 4. The policeman also explains that he 5. Finally the police say that they took 6. It was really lucky for Tim that a. had tried to save the old man. b. Cathy saw everything. c. will come and see Tim at home the following day. d. the old man to hospital, but that he would be OK. e. says that Tim should go to hospital. f. knows her from somewhere, school maybe. 1. f 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Autorinnen: Bernadette Kestin, Breitenworbis; Pauline Ashworth, Stuttgart Quellen: Avenue Images GmbH RF (Banana Stock) Seite aus: Orange Line 5 Standardaufgaben ISBN: 978-3-12-547554-0

Seite 2 Leseverstehen (Reading) Read the following text and answer the questions: First read the whole text once and try to get a general idea of the information given. Then read the questions. Re-read the text and answer the questions. Finally check your answers. School exchange program Some students from your school want to take part in a school exchange program. This is the brochure they have ordered and received from the Atlanta School Exchange Office. They have asked you if you want to come, too. LIVE AND LEARN PROGRAM USA 1. Live with a carefully selected host family 1 2. Attend a real American high school 3. Learn English and have fun at the same time 4. Exciting free time activities (kayaking, riding, sailing, etc.) 5. Weekend sightseeing trips with your host family Start your adventure today! Write to Kay Taylor, Atlanta School Exchange Office (ASEO) P.O. Box 321, Atlanta, GA 30301 and request our brochure, or visit our website at http://www.atlanta-seo.com Here are some FAQ 2 answered by former exchange students to help you get an idea what to expect. 1. I ve heard that American schools are really easygoing 3. Is that true? 2. Do you have to learn a foreign language at high school in the USA? 15 5 10 Our school was actually quite strict. We weren t allowed to run in the school building. Baseball caps were forbidden, and, of course, you were not allowed to have piercings or tattoos. We had to get written permission from the teacher if we wanted to leave the class to go to the restroom. There was even a rule that said: Couples are not permitted to walk hand in hand. In the past students at high school weren t forced to take language classes, although teachers always tried to encourage students to do it. But last year, for example, our German teacher managed to change the rules at our school. Now we have to learn at least one foreign language. continued on next page 20 1 host family a family that somebody stays with when they are abroad; 2 FAQ frequently asked questions; 3 to be easy-going to have a relaxed attitude to something Quellen: Jupiter Images photos.com (RF/photos.com)

Seite 3 25 30 35 3. Will my host family expect a present from me? You don t have to take a present, but you ll please your host family if you do. The gesture is important, so it needn t be expensive. It s a good idea to take something typical of your region. 4. Should I call my host parents by their first names? If they introduce themselves with their first names, then that s probably what they would like you to call them. But if you re not sure, you d better use Mr or Mrs and their family name. the beginning of your stay: When to be back in the evening; whether you re expected to clean your own room; how to pay for your phone calls, etc. If you take our advice, you ll take the host family s rules seriously. Your relationship with the family will be easier. 6. Americans are said to have funny table manners 4, like holding their fork in their right hand when they eat. Is this true? What s so funny about that? As an exchange student, it s best to be open to different ways of doing things, and, of course, willing 5 to try them yourself. If you are too critical, you won t be very popular. 45 50 5. How late will I be able to stay out at night? 40 You really ought to ask your host family. Some house rules should be discussed at 1 The text is taken from a) a book. TIP b) a brochure. c) a newspaper. d) a magazine. With multiple choice questions only one answer is correct. 2 The text is about a) an American high school in Atlanta. b) an adventure. c) a school exchange program. d) cultural differences. 3 Where will the students live who take part in the school exchange program? a) They will live in Atlanta. b) They will live with a host family. c) They will live at the high school. d) They will live in a hotel. 4 table manners rules about how to eat and how to behave at the table; 5 to be willing to do something to do something because you want to do it, and not because you are forced to do it

Seite 4 4 What does the program offer students during their stay? Name three things. 5 Are the following sentences true or false? Put a cross (X) in the box. true false a) At American high schools there are no strict rules that students have to follow. b) Each American high school can decide if students have to learn a foreign language or not. c) If the students bring a present they will make a good impression on the American host family. d) People in America always call each other by their first names. e) If students want to get on well in their host family, they should follow the family s house rules. f) A lot of Americans hold their fork in their right hand when they eat. g) Exchange students do not need to be very open-minded. It is good to be critical.

Let s go Reading (Lösungen) Seite 5 Tim s story a) 1. Tim, the old man; 2. Tim, the old man; 3. the gang; 4. Tim, Pete; 5. Pete; 6. the gang, Pete; 7. Tim, the old man b) 2. a; 3. e; 4. c, 5. d; 6. b Leseverstehen (Reading) 1 b) 2 c) 3 b) 4 classes at high school; exciting freetime activities; weekend sightseeing trips with the host family 5 a) false b) true c) true d) false e) true f) true g) false Autorinnen: Bernadette Kestin, Breitenworbis; Pauline Ashworth, Stuttgart; Wilma Brings, Bedburg, Christa Kathmann-Fuhrmann, Bonn; Ulrike Rath, Aachen Seite aus: Orange Line 5 Standardaufgaben ISBN: 978-3-12-547554-0 Trainingsheft Zentrale Prüfung