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Fit für den Außenhandel Mag. Nikolaus Somogyi Multinational Corporates 2 Wien, 16.6.2015

Global Trade Finance with UniCredit Cash Management & ebanking UniCredit combines leadership positions in the European markets and experience of a sophisticated global transaction bank Strong positioning in Austria* Italy* FX-, Interest Rate-, Commodity Price-Hedging Innovative Trade Products Germany* Poland* * Commodity Trade Finance Traditional Trade Products Turkey* Some local brands Private Risk Insurance / Credit Insurance to offer a truly integrated range of Trade & Supply Chain Finance solutions designed to meet your needs in international trade Trade Finance Products Other Trade-related Products 2 (*) Ranking and market shares in terms of total customer loans as of 31 December 2014 (**) Ranking and market shares in terms of total assets as of 31 December 2014 Source: Company data

Traditional Trade & Supply Finance Product Offer Our Mission Our mission in Trade Finance is to prove in everyday business as well as in complex transactions our commitment to make your business a success Traditional Trade Finance Innovative Trade Finance Guarantees Documentary Business Trade Finance Supply Chain Finance Bank Payment Obligation Electronic Tools Guarantees Documentary Business Trade Finance Bilateral or syndicated L/G facilities including multi-issuer L/G facilities Issuing of direct and indirect guarantees in different countries and currencies Guarantee issuance under project and ECA-covered financing structures Advising on draft wording in several languages for import or export L/Cs Professional handling of L/C documents and documentary services Proven operational excellence, numerous awards won Confirmation of L/Cs, D/P for export and import L/C financing Forfaiting & receivables financing and customised factoring solutions UniCredit s reach beyond CEE With our local presence in 20 European countries and correspondent banks in 150 countries, we are well positioned to actively support your Trade Finance requests both at home and abroad (e.g. Middle East, Africa, Asia, Latin America) 3

Innovative Trade & Supply Finance Product Offer Product offer By combining traditional and innovative state-of-the-art trade finance products, our specialists make sure that your supply chain is operated as efficiently as possible, while generating the highest level of customer satisfaction Traditional Trade Finance Innovative Trade Finance Guarantees Documentary Business Trade Finance Supply Chain Finance Bank Payment Obligation Electronic Tools Supply Chain Finance Bank Payment Obligation Electronic Tools UniCredit s Value Proposition Optimisation of the company s working capital situation via TPB (Trade Purchase for Buyers) or TPS (Trade Purchase for Suppliers) web-based platform Irrevocable and independent undertaking of the risk taking, after successful electronic matching of data Time efficiency and process effectiveness through electronic presentation and verification of data vs documents TradeConnect is our web-based platform to handle the entire life-cycle of guarantees, stand-by L/Cs, L/Cs and documentary collections The platform is easy to handle and ensures a fast and efficient execution of transactions Our innovative working capital solutions are tailor-made and applicable across borders In Europe, we must overcome many different jurisdictions & regulations. UniCredit is able to provide the know-how of all legal aspects for a successful implementation of SCF programs 4

Why Bank Austria / UniCredit for Trade Finance Products? Operational excellence Best trade finance execution in the region Long-standing experience of staff (avg. > 10 years) incl. CDCS Certification of staff ( Certified Documentary Credit Specialist Certification by ICC) Award-winning service Guaranteed 24 hour execution Speed is crucial execution of your orders within 24 hours Special DHL pick-up service Tailor-made solutions Trainings with your staff feasible Tailor-made solutions and innovative products Special, tailor-made solutions for you, especially in the guarantee and SCF business Regional, easy-to-deal-with products like Guarantee Umbrella Facility Excellent banking network worldwide 17 Home markets with own subsidiary banks: Austria, Germany, Italy, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Ukraine Plus bank presence in all major financial centres (US, UK, Asia) > 4,000 correspondent banking relationships in 150 countries All currencies feasible

Award-winning Trade Finance Services Trade & Supply Chain Finance Product Offer Traditional Trade Finance Innovative Trade Finance Guarantees Documentary Business Trade Finance Supply Chain Finance Bank Payment Obligation Trade Finance #1 Trade Finance Bank in Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Poland, Ukraine and CEE in 2015 #1 Trade Finance Bank in Austria, Bulgaria, Italy, Czech Republic, Ukraine and CEE in 2014 #1 Supply Chain Finance Provider in CEE in 2014 #1 Trade Finance Provider in Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Turkey and CEE in 2015 #1 Bank for Guarantees in 2015 #1 Bank for Open Account Payments in 2015 #1 Trade Bank in CEE in 2014 #2 Forfaiting Institution in 2014 #3 SME Financier #1 Bank for Financial Supply Chain Management in CEE in 2014 6

Erfolgreich auf ausländischen Märkten Inlandsinvestitionen Markterschließung Exporte Auslandsinvestitionen 7

Wann ist eine Ausfuhrförderung denkbar? Haben Sie Exportumsätze oder Umsätze aus Incoming Tourismus? Haben Sie laufende Exportaufträge und/oder Exportforderungen in Ihren Büchern? Mindestens 25 % Anteil der österr. Wertschöpfung am Exportumsatz? Gibt es Auslandsbeteiligungen, in die innerhalb des letzten Jahres investiert wurde (Kapital, Darlehen) und hatte diese Investition einen positiven Effekt auf die österreichische Leistungsbilanz oder ist eine solche geplant? Sobald Sie eine Frage mit beantworten können, ist die Möglichkeit einer Förderung gegeben! 8

FINANZIERUNG ABSICHERUNG Exportgeschäfte und Investitionen im Ausland EXPORTGESCHÄFTE AUSLANDSINVESTITIONEN Exportgarantien Private Kreditversicherer Garantie G4 der OeKB Beteiligungsgarantie Absicherung von politischem Risiko Wechselbürgschaft der RepÖ (bis zu 30% Corporate Risk) aws Austria Wirtschaftsservice Finanzierungs- und/oder Projektgarantie ExportfondsRahmenkredit (KMU) KRR revolvierender Exportkredit für GU Exportkredit Aktion Stadt Wien (KMU und GU) OeKB Beteiligungsfinanzierung erp-kmu-internationalisierung 9

Beteiligungsfinanzierung OeKB GRUNDLAGEN Bundesgarantie G4 der OeKB ODER aws Finanzierungsgarantie ODER Wechselbürgschaft des Bundes = Eintrittskarte ins Exportfinanzierungsverfahren, idr keine Absicherung!, im Einzelfall kann die OeKB im Ausmaß von bis zu 30% auch Corporate Risk übernehmen Kosten: 0,2 % p.a. Wechselbürgschaftsentgelt ohne Risikoübernahme 0,4 % (Laufzeit bis 5 Jahre) bzw. 0,5 % p.a. (Laufzeit über 5 Jahre) mit Risikoübernahme, berechnet vom besicherten Teil einmalige Bearbeitungsgebühr 1, max. EUR 720,-- KREDITNEHMER bei Kaufpreiszahlung und Kapitaleinbringung: jenes Unternehmen, welches die Beteiligung hält bei beteiligungsähnlichen Darlehen kann auch das ausländische Unternehmen direkt Kreditnehmer sein, ABER die Mithaftung der österreichischen Gesellschaft ist zwingend erforderlich! 10

News aus der OeKB BETEILIGUNGSFINANZIERUNG OeKB INVESTITIONEN im AUSLAND Wechselbürgschaft der OeKB Übernahme von bis zu 30% Kreditrisiko Kosten: Hausbankhaftung: 0,2% p.a. Bundesobligo: 0,4% p.a. (Laufzeit bis 5 Jahre) 0,5% p.a. (Laufzeit > 5 Jahre) NEU: Risikoübernahme auch bei SolaWechselbürgschaft möglich Kreditnehmer = ausländische Tochtergesellschaft NEU: Begünstigte Kombinationsmöglichkeit G4 (Absicherung politisches Risiko von Beteiligungen) mit Wechselbürgschaft (Kreditrisikoübernahme bis zu 30 % möglich) News aus der OeKB!! Die Refinanzierung durch die OeKB steht auch für die Vorfinanzierung von konkreten Exportaufträgen (Dokumentation erforderlich) und damit indirekt auch für Investitionen im INLAND zur Verfügung. 11

Export- und Investitionsfinanzierungen (EXIN) Wir bieten innovative und maßgeschneiderte Finanzierungslösungen für Ihren nachhaltigen Unternehmenserfolg langjährige Erfahrung in allen Bereichen der Export- und Investitionsförderung/-finanzierung Fazilitäten wie Exportkreditaktion der Stadt Wien und EIF Risk-Sharing defacto exklusiv via UniCredit Bank Austria im Bereich der Beteiligungsfinanzierung Marktführerschaft in Österreich ausgezeichnete Kontakte zu allen Bundesund Landesförderstellen kompetente Betreuung über den gesamten Finanzierungszeitraum 12

AWS Internationalisierung Mission Unterstützung österreichischer Unternehmen bei der Vorbereitung und Umsetzung von Internationalisierungsprojekten durch das Bereitstellen und die Absicherung von Finanzierungen und Projektrisken sowie begleitende Beratung durch Marktrecherchen und Schutzrechtsförderung Programme zur Unterstützung von Internationalisierungsprojekten Projektvorbereitung Marktrecherche (auch für Inlandsinvestitionen) Absicherung des wirtschaftlichen Risikos Internationalisierungsgarantien (gefördert/beihilfenfrei) Finanzierung mit zinsgünstigen Krediten ERP-KMU-Programm Förderung von Schutzrechtsaufbau und Schutzrechtsdurchsetzung IP.Finanzierung, IP.Durchsetzung 13

AWS Internationalisierung wesentliche Eckpunkte Auslandsinvestitionen (Gründung, Beteiligung an einem bestehenden Unternehmen, Anteils- oder Kapitalerhöhung bei einem bestehenden Unternehmen) Investive und nicht investive Kosten Unternehmens(teil)erwerb Ausstattung des Beteiligungsunternehmens mit Betriebsmittelfinanzierung Finanzierungsgarantien gefördert für KMU, beihilfenfrei für mittelständische Unternehmen (Marktkondition) Projektgarantien nur beihilfenfrei Einmaliges Bearbeitungsentgelt 0,5% des Projektvolumens Gefördertes bzw. beihilfenfreies, ratingabhängiges Garantieentgelt, kontokorrentmäßig verrechnet, mind. 0,6 % p.a. 14

Kontaktdaten Besuchen Sie auch unseren Förderratgeber auf der BA-Homepage : Nikolaus Somogyi Multinational Corporates 2 Tel. +43 (0)5 0505-42715 15

Disclaimer This publication is presented to you by: Corporate & Investment Banking UniCredit Bank AG, Vienna Branch Julius Tandler-Platz 3 A-1090 Vienna The information in this publication is based on carefully selected sources believed to be reliable. However we do not make any representation as to its accuracy or completeness. Any opinions herein reflect our judgement at the date hereof and are subject to change without notice. Any investments presented in this report may be unsuitable for the investor depending on his or her specific investment objectives and financial position. Any reports provided herein are provided for general information purposes only and cannot substitute the obtaining of independent financial advice. Private investors should obtain the advice of their banker/broker about any investments concerned prior to making them. Nothing in this publication is intended to create contractual obligations. Corporate & Investment Banking of UniCredit consists of UniCredit Bank AG, Munich, UniCredit Bank Austria AG, Vienna, UniCredit S.p.A., Rome and other members of the UniCredit. UniCredit Bank AG is regulated by the German Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin), UniCredit Bank Austria AG is regulated by the Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA) and UniCredit S.p.A. is regulated by both the Banca d Italia and the Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa (CONSOB). Note to UK Residents: In the United Kingdom, this publication is being communicated on a confidential basis only to clients of Corporate & Investment Banking of UniCredit (acting through UniCredit Bank AG, London Branch) who (i) have professional experience in matters relating to investments being investment professionals as defined in Article 19(5) of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotion) Order 2005 ( FPO ); and/or (ii) are falling within Article 49(2) (a) (d) ( high net worth companies, unincorporated associations etc. ) of the FPO (or, to the extent that this publication relates to an unregulated collective scheme, to professional investors as defined in Article 14(5) of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Promotion of Collective Investment Schemes) (Exemptions) Order 2001 and/or (iii) to whom it may be lawful to communicate it, other than private investors (all such persons being referred to as Relevant Persons ). 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We and/or any other entity of Corporate & Investment Banking of UniCredit may from time to time with respect to securities mentioned in this publication (i) take a long or short position and buy or sell such securities; (ii) act as investment bankers and/or commercial bankers for issuers of such securities; (iii) be represented on the board of any issuers of such securities; (iv) engage in market making of such securities; (v) have a consulting relationship with any issuer. Any investments discussed or recommended in any report provided herein may be unsuitable for investors depending on their specific investment objectives and financial position. Any information provided herein is provided for general information purposes only and cannot substitute the obtaining of independent financial advice. UniCredit Bank AG, London Branch is regulated by the Financial Services Authority for the conduct of business in the UK as well as by BaFIN, Germany. Notwithstanding the above, if this publication relates to securities subject to the Prospectus Directive (2005) it is sent to you on the basis that you are a Qualified Investor for the purposes of the directive or any relevant implementing legislation of a European Economic Area ( EEA ) Member State which has implemented the Prospectus Directive and it must not be given to any person who is not a Qualified Investor. By being in receipt of this publication you undertake that you will only offer or sell the securities described in this publication in circumstances which do not require the production of a prospectus under Article 3 of the Prospectus Directive or any relevant implementing legislation of an EEA Member State which has implemented the Prospectus Directive. Note to US Residents: The information provided herein or contained in any report provided herein is intended solely for institutional clients of Corporate & Investment Banking of UniCredit acting through UniCredit Bank AG, New York Branch and UniCredit Capital Markets LLC (together UniCredit ) in the United States, and may not be used or relied upon by any other person for any purpose. It does not constitute a solicitation to buy or an offer to sell any securities under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or under any other US federal or state securities laws, rules or regulations. Investments in securities discussed herein may be unsuitable for investors, depending on their specific investment objectives, risk tolerance and financial position. In jurisdictions where UniCredit is not registered or licensed to trade in securities, commodities or other financial products, any transaction may be effected only in accordance with applicable laws and legislation, which may vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction and may require that a transaction be made in accordance with applicable exemptions from registration or licensing requirements. All information contained herein is based on carefully selected sources believed to be reliable, but UniCredit makes no representations as to its accuracy or completeness. Any opinions contained herein reflect UniCredit s judgement as of the original date of publication, without regard to the date on which you may receive such information, and are subject to change without notice. UniCredit may have issued other reports that are inconsistent with, and reach different conclusions from, the information presented in any report provided herein. Those reports reflect the different assumptions, views and analytical methods of the analysts who prepared them. Past performance should not be taken as an indication or guarantee of further performance, and no representation or warranty, express or implied, is made regarding future performance. UniCredit and/or any other entity of Corporate & Investment Banking of UniCredit may from time to time, with respect to any securities discussed herein: (i) take a long or short position and buy or sell such securities; (ii) act as investment and/or commercial bankers for issuers of such securities; (iii) be represented on the board of such issuers; (iv) engage in market-making of such securities; and (v) act as a paid consultant or adviser to any issuer. The information contained in any report provided herein may include forward-looking statements within the meaning of US federal securities laws that are subject to risks and uncertainties. Factors that could cause a company s actual results and financial condition to differ from its expectations include, without limitation: Political uncertainty, changes in economic conditions that adversely affect the level of demand for the company s products or services, changes in foreign exchange markets, changes in international and domestic financial markets, competitive environments and other factors relating to the foregoing. All forward-looking statements contained in this report are qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement. This product is offered by UniCredit Bank AG who is solely responsible for the Product and its performance and/or effectiveness. UEFA and its affiliates, member associations and sponsors (excluding UniCredit and UniCredit Bank AG) do not endorse, approve or recommend the Product and accept no liability or responsibility whatsoever in relation thereto. Corporate & Investment Banking UniCredit Bank AG, Vienna Branch as of June 17, 2015 16