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Zertifikat UMWELTMANAGEMENTSYSTEM ISO 14001:2004 Hiermit wird bestätigt, dass: MENTOR GmbH & Co. Präzisions-Bauteile KG Otto-Hahn-Straße 1 40699 Erkrath Deutschland Inhaber des Zertifikates Nr.: EMS 528741 (6579) das Umweltmanagementsystem gemäß ISO 14001:2004 für den folgenden Geltungsbereich anwendet: Entwicklung und Herstellung von elektromechanischen sowie elektronischen Komponenten, Baugruppen und Geräten Für und im Namen von BSI: Peter U. E. Leveringhaus, BSI Group Germany GmbH Ursprünglich zertifiziert: 04/05/2005 Start Datum: 04/05/2017 Letzte Ausgabe: 06/03/2017 Ablaufdatum: 14/09/2018 Seite 1 von 1 Dieses Zertifikat wurde elektronisch erstellt und bleibt Eigentum der BSI und ist an die Vertragsbedingungen gebunden. Ein elektronisches Zertifikat kann online bestätigt werden. Kopien können auf www.bsigroup.de/de/audit-und-zertifizierung/kundenverzeichnis oder per Telefon +49 (0)69 2222 8 9200 bestätigt werden. Information und Kontakt: BSI Group Deutschland GmbH, Hanauer Landstraße 115, 60314 Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland. Ein Mitglied der BSI Unternehmensgruppe.

Certificate of Registration ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ISO 14001:2004 This is to certify that: Mentor GmbH & Co. Präzisions-Bauteile KG Otto-Hahn-Straße 1 40699 Erkrath Germany Holds certificate No.: EMS 528741 (6579) and operates an Environmental Management System which complies with the requirements of ISO 14001:2004 for the following scope: Development and manufacture of electro-mechanical and electronic components, assemblies and devices For and on behalf of BSI: Peter U. E. Leveringhaus, BSI Group Deutschland GmbH Originally registered: 04/05/2005 Effective date: 04/05/2017 Latest issue: 06/03/2017 Expiry date: 14/09/20178 Page 1 of 1 This certificate was issued electronically and remains the property of BSI and is bound by the conditions of contract. An electronic certificate can be authenticated online. Printed copies can be validated at www.bsi-global.com/clientdirectory or telephone +49 (0)69 2222 8 9200. Information and Contact: BSI Group Deutschland GmbH, Hanauer Landstraße 115, 60314 Frankfurt am Main A Member of the BSI Group of Companies.

CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION This is to certify that Poland has been audited and found to meet the requirements of standard ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System Scope of certification Development and production of electromechanical and electronic elements, components and devices. Certificate number: 2823 Issue number: 2017-01 Certificate start date: 20 February 2017 Certificate expiry date: 19 February 2020 Date of initial certification: 20 February 2017 Karen Prendergast Sector Director - Certification Exova BM TRADA Exova (UK) Ltd, (T/A Exova BM TRADA), Chiltern House, Stocking Lane, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, HP14 4ND, UK Registered Office: Exova (UK) Ltd, Lochend Industrial Estate, Newbridge, Midlothian EH28 8PL United Kingdom. Reg No. SCO70429. This certificate remains the property of Exova (UK) Ltd. This certificate and all copies or reproductions of the certificate shall be returned to Exova (UK) Ltd or destroyed if requested. Further clarification regarding the scope of this certificate and verification of the certificate is available through Exova BM TRADA or at the above address or at www.exovabmtrada.com The use of the UKAS accreditation mark indicates accreditation in respect of those activities covered by the accreditation certification 012 Multisite clients The scope of certification shown above includes the participating sites shown in appendix A

Zertifikat Hiermit wird bescheinigt, dass Polska auditiert wurde und die Anforderungen des folgenden Standards erfüllt: ISO 14001:2015 Umweltmanagementsystem Geltungsbereich des Zertifikats Die Entwicklung und die Produktion der Komponente, Unterteile sowie der elektromechanischen und elektronischen Geraeten. Zertifikatsnummer: 2823 Zertifikat-Registrier-Nr.: 2017-01 Zertifikat gültig ab: 20. Februar 2017 Zertifikat gültig bis: 19. Februar 2020 Datum der BM TRADA Erstzertifizierung: 20. Februar 2017 Karen Prendergast Sector Director - Certification Exova BM TRADA Exova (UK) Ltd, (T/A Exova BM TRADA), Chiltern House, Stocking Lane, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, HP14 4ND, UK Registered Office: Exova (UK) Ltd, Lochend Industrial Estate, Newbridge, Midlothian EH28 8PL United Kingdom. Reg No. SCO70429. This certificate remains the property of Exova (UK) Ltd. This certificate and all copies or reproductions of the certificate shall be returned to Exova (UK) Ltd or destroyed if requested. Further clarification regarding the scope of this certificate and verification of the certificate is available through Exova BM TRADA or at the above address or at www.exovabmtrada.com The use of the UKAS accreditation mark indicates accreditation in respect of those activities covered by the accreditation certification 012

CERTYFIKAT Niniejszym zaświadcza się, że firma Polska została poddana audytowi, w ramach którego stwierdzono, że spełnia wymagania normy ISO 14001:2015 dotyczące Systemu Zarządzania Środowiskowego Zakres certyfikacji Rozwój i produkcja komponentów, podzespołów oraz urządzeń elektromechanicznych i elektronicznych. Numer certyfikatu: 2823 Numer wydania: 2017-01 Data wydania certyfikatu: 20 lutego 2017 Data ważności certyfikatu: 19 lutego 2020 Data pierwszej certyfikacji: 20 lutego 2017 Tom Johnston General Manager Central Certification Services Exova (UK) Ltd, (T/A Exova BM TRADA), Chiltern House, Stocking Lane, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, HP14 4ND, UK, z siedzibą w Lochend Industrial Estate, Newbridge, Midlothian EH28 8PL United Kingdom. Nr Rej. SCO70429. Niniejszy certyfikat jest własnością Exova (UK) Ltd. Na żądanie Exova Ltd certyfikat ten oraz wszystkie jego kopie i reprodukcje powinny zostać zwrócone lub zniszczone. Wyjaśnienia odnośnie zakresu certyfikacji oraz informacje niezbędne do weryfikacji autentyczności niniejszego certyfikatu można uzyskać pod adresem wskazanym powyżej lub na stronie: www.exovabmtrada.com Zastosowanie znaku akredytacji UKAS oznacza, że akredytacja odnosi się do działań objętych zakresem certyfikatu akredytacyjnego nr 012

CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION This is to certify that Poland has been audited and found to meet the requirements of standard ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System Scope of certification Development and production of electromechanical and electronic elements, components and devices. Certificate number: 2823 Issue number: 2017-01 Certificate start date: 20 February 2017 Certificate expiry date: 19 February 2020 Date of initial certification: 20 February 2017 Karen Prendergast Sector Director - Certification Exova BM TRADA Exova (UK) Ltd, (T/A Exova BM TRADA), Chiltern House, Stocking Lane, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, HP14 4ND, UK Registered Office: Exova (UK) Ltd, Lochend Industrial Estate, Newbridge, Midlothian EH28 8PL United Kingdom. Reg No. SCO70429. This certificate remains the property of Exova (UK) Ltd. This certificate and all copies or reproductions of the certificate shall be returned to Exova (UK) Ltd or destroyed if requested. Further clarification regarding the scope of this certificate and verification of the certificate is available through Exova BM TRADA or at the above address or at www.exovabmtrada.com The use of the UKAS accreditation mark indicates accreditation in respect of those activities covered by the accreditation certification 012 Multisite clients The scope of certification shown above includes the participating sites shown in appendix A