Governance in Vocational and Professional Education and Training

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1 Eidgenössisches Departement für Wirtschaft, Bildung und Forschung WBF Staatssekretariat für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation SBFI Berufliche Grundbildung und höhere Berufsbildung Stand 2017 Bibliografie der Leading Houses Governance in Vocational and Professional Education and Training Publikationen in Zeitschriften (peer-reviewed): Auer, D., Bonoli, G., & Fossati, F. (2017). Why do immigrants have longer periods of unemployment? Swiss evidence. International Migration, 55, Bonoli, G. (2016). Europe's Social Safety Net under Pressure. Current History, 115, Bonoli, G., Pisoni, D., & Trein, P. (2017). En Europe, le temps se gâte pour l État-providence. La vie économique, 3, Bonoli, G., & Trein, P. (2016). Cost-Shifting in Multitiered Welfare States: Responding to Rising Welfare Caseloads in Germany and Switzerland. Publius: The Journal of Federalism, 4, Bonoli, G., & Turtschi, N. (2016). Inequality in social capital and labour market re-entry among unemployed people in Switzerland. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 42, Busemeyer, M.R., & Seitzl, L. (2017). The partisan politics of early childhood education in the German Länder. Journal of Public Policy, published online first. De la Porte, C., & Emmenegger, P. (2017). The European Court of Justice and Fixed-Term Workers: Putting a Brake on Labour Market Dualisation? Journal of European Social Policy. Forthcoming. Emmenegger, P. (2015). From Drift to Layering: The Historical Development of Job Security Regulations in Western Europe. Politics and Society, 43(1), Emmenegger, P. (2015). Maximizing Institutional Control: Union Power and Dismissal Protection in the First Half of the Twentieth Century. Comparative Politics, 47(4), Emmenegger, P.; Marx, P.; Schraff D. (2015). Labour Market Disadvantage, Political Orientations and Voting: How Adverse Labour Market Experiences Translate into Electoral Behaviour. Socio-Economic Review, 13(2), Emmenegger, P., Marx, P., & Schraff, D. (2017). Gescheiterte Berufseinstiege und politische Sozialisation. Eine Längsschnittsstudie zur Wirkung früher Arbeitslosigkeit auf politisches Interesse. Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 46(3), Emmenegger, P.; Marx, P., & Schraff, D. (2017). Off to a Bad Start: Unemployment and Political Interest during Early Adulthood. Journal of Politics, 79(1), Graf, L. (2016). Betrieblich-hochschulbasierte Ausbildungsformen in Deutschland und den USA: Eine (Re)Konzeptualisierung. Zeitschrift für Pädagogik, Special Issue Berufsbildungssysteme im Wandel, edited by Gonon, P., 62(3),

2 Graf, L. (2016). The rise of work-based academic education in Austria, Germany and Switzerland. Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 68(1), Graf, L. (2017). Combined modes of gradual change: the case of academic upgrading and declining collectivism in German skill formation. Socio-Economic Review. Advance Access published January 10, 2017: Graf, L. (2017). Multi-actor corporatist governance in higher education: A comparison of work-based higher education programmes in Germany and the United States. Policy and Society, 36(1), Graf, L., & Powell, J.J.W. (2017). How Employer Interests and Investments Shape Advanced Skill Formation, PS: Political Science & Politics, 50(2), Graf, L., & Powell, J.J.W., Fortwengel, J., & Bernhard, N. (2017) Integrating International Student Mobility in Work-based Higher Education: The Case of Germany. Journal of Studies in International Education, 21(2), Liechti, F., Fossati, F., Bonoli, G., & Auer, D. (2017). The signalling value of labour market programs. European Sociological Review, 33, /17

3 Buchbeiträge Baumeler, C., Engelage, S. (2016). Neue Steuerung durch Klassifikationssysteme: Nationale Qualifikationsrahmen in der Schweiz, Österreich und Deutschland. In A. Bolder, H. Bremer & R. Epping (Eds.), Bildung für Arbeit unter neuer Steuerung (pp ). Wiesbaden: Springer VS. Baumeler, C., Kriesi, I., & Barabasch, A. (2017). Berufsbildungskarrieren jenseits der Akademisierung. Impulse zur Profilierung der Aufstiegsfortbildung aus schweizerischer Perspektive. BWP - Berufsbildung in Wissenschaft und Praxis, 3, Bernhard, N.; Graf, L.; Powell, J.J.W. (2015). Stratifizierung von Berufs- und Hochschulbildung in Europa: Deutschland und Frankreich im Spiegel klassischer Vergleichsstudien. In A. Dietzen, J.J.W. Powell, A. Bahl & L. Lassnigg (Eds.) Soziale Inwertsetzung von Wissen, Erfahrung und Kompetenz in der Berufsbildung (pp ). Weinheim: Beltz Juventa. Bills, D.B., Graf, L., & Protsch, P. (2017). Vocationalism. In A. Furlong (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of Youth and Young Adulthood, 2 nd edition (pp ). New York, NY: Routledge. Bonoli, G. (2016). Shifting reform strategies in European welfare states. In D. Qi & L. Yang (Eds.), Social development and social policy. International experiences and China's reform (pp ). New Jersey: World Scientific. Busemeyer, M.R., & Trampusch, C. The Politics of Vocational Training. In D. Guile & L. Unwin (Eds.), The Wiley Handbook on Vocational Education and Training. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons Inc. Forthcoming. Emmenegger, P. (2016). The Political Economy of Flexicurity: Preferences for Job Security Regulations, Generous Unemployment Benefits and Active Labour Market Policies in Comparative Perspective. In D. Clegg, P. Graziano & M. Jessoula (Eds.). The Politics of Flexicurity in Europe. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan. Emmenegger, P. (2017). Arbeitsmarkt. In J. Bonvin, C. Knöpfel, V. Hugentobler, P. Mäder & U.Tecklenburg (Eds.), Wörterbuch der Schweizer Sozialpolitik. Forthcoming (e-book and paper version). Emmenegger, P., Graf, L., & Trampusch, C. (2017). La formation professionnelle selon la perspective de l économie politique comparée: l exemple de la Suisse. In J.-L. Berger, L. Bonoli & N. Lamamra (Eds.), Enjeux structurels, sociaux et pédagogiques de la formation professionnelle en Suisse. Zürich: Seismo. Forthcoming. Engelage, S. (2016). Promotion und Karriere - Lohnt es sich zu promovieren? Neubetrachtung der Schweizerischen Absolventenstudie unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Geschlecht und Migration nach Bildungsherkunft. In I. Horwath, I. Kriesi, B. Liebig & B. Riegraf (Eds.), Gender und Migration in der tertiären Hochschulbildung (pp ). Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot. Graf, L. (2015). El modelo educativo europeo y su paradójico impacto a nivel nacional. In D. Tröhler & T. Lenz (eds.), Trayectorias del desarollo de los sistemas educativos modernos. Entre lo nacional y lo global (pp ). Barcelona: Editorial Octaedro. Graf, L. (2015). Germany: Stability and Change. In T. Corner (Ed.), Education in the European Union. Pre-2003 Member States (pp ). London: Bloomsbury. Graf, L. (2015). Hybridisierung von Berufs- und Hochschulbildung in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. In U. Banscherus, O. Engel, A. Mindt, A. Spexard & A. Wolter (Eds.), Differenzierung im Hochschulsystem: Nationale und internationale Entwicklungen und Herausforderungen (pp ). Münster: Waxmann. 3/17

4 Graf, L. (2015). The European Educational Model and its Paradoxical Impact at the National Level. In D. Tröhler & T. Lenz (Eds.), Trajectories in the Development of Modern School Systems: Between the National and the Global (pp ). New York: Routledge. Graf, L.; Tröhler, D. (2015). Berufsausbildung in Luxemburg: historische Ursprünge, institutionelle Struktur und aktuelle Herausforderungen. In Bildungsbericht Luxemburg Band 2: Analysen und Befunde (pp ). Luxembourg: Ministère de l'éducation nationale, de l'enfance et de la Jeunesse. Graf, L. (2016). Die Governance dualer Studiengänge. In B. Jungkamp and M. John-Ohnesorg (Eds.), Gerechtigkeit fängt bei der Bildung an (pp ). Berlin: Schriftenreihe des Netzwerk Bildung, (Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung), No. 37. Graf, L., Powell, J. J. W., Fortwengel, J., & Bernhard, N. (2016). Die Internationalisierung dualer Ausbildungsformen im Tertiärbereich. In U. Faßhauer, & E. Severing (Eds.), Verzahnung beruflicher und akademischer Bildung. Duale Studiengänge in Theorie und Praxis (pp ). Bielefeld: Bertelsmann Verlag. Graf, L., & Tröhler, D. (accepted). Skill development at the nexus of the French and German educational models: the case of Luxembourg. In T.D. Jules, & P. Ressler (Eds.), Is small always small and big always big? Re-reading Educational Policy and Practice in Small States. Frankfurt/M.: Peter Lang. Orban, A., Sauermann, J., & Trampusch, C. (2017). Varianten des Institutionalismus: Sozial- und wissenschaftliche Institutionenanalyse. In K. Mause, C. Müller, & K. Schubert (Eds.), Kompendium Politik und Wirtschaft. Wiesbaden: Springer Verlag. Strebel A., Engelage S., & Baumeler C. (in press). Der Beitrag der institutional work-perspektive zu Educational Governance: Dezentrale institutionelle Arbeit in der Berufsbildung. In R. Langer, & T. Brüsemeister (Eds.), Handbuch Educational Governance-Theorien. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. 4/17

5 Editorial Boards und Wissenschaftliche Beiräte Baumeler, Carmen. Board member of the Swiss Society for Research in Education. Baumeler, Carmen. Board member of the Swiss Society of Applied Research in Vocational Education and Training. Bonoli, Giuliano. Editorial Board member of the Journal of European Social Policy. Bonoli, Giuliano. Editorial Board member of the Journal of Social Policy. Emmenegger, Patrick. Co-Editor of the Journal Socio-Economic Review. Emmenegger, Patrick. Editorial Board member of DeFacto. Emmenegger, Patrick. Advisory board member at the project Moving Trades (Norwegian Research Council). Emmenegger, Patrick. Member of the Federal Commission on Vocational Education and Training (EBBK). Emmenegger, Patrick. President of the Swiss Political Science Association. Graf, Lukas. Consultant to European Commission-funded research study on VET-Business Cooperation (project carried out by LSE Enterprise Ltd a subsidiary of LSE, among other organizations); the study supports the actions foreseen under the EC s New Skills Agenda for Europe. Trampusch, Christine. Editorial board member of the European Journal of Political Research. Trampusch, Christine. Editorial board member of the journal German Politics. Trampusch, Christine. Editorial board member of the journal Zeitschrift für Sozialreform (ZSR). Trampusch, Christine. Executive council member of SASE (Society for the Advancement of Socio- Economic Studies). Trampusch, Christine. Chair of the Network Industrial Relations, Skill Formation and Welfare State Policies at the Council for European Studies (CES), together with Marius R. Busemeyer (Konstanz) and Julia Moses (Oxford). Trampusch, Christine. Advisory council member at the project Skill Mismatch: Measurement Issues and Consequences for Innovative and Inclusive Societies (University of Torino). Trampusch, Christine. Advisory council member at the project Entwicklung nationaler Ausbildungsstandards Akteure, Verfahren, und Gestaltung im europäischen Vergleich (Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training, Bonn, Germany). Trampusch, Christine. Advisory council member at the project Überbetriebliche Unterstützung der Interessenvertretung in der betrieblichen Weiterbildung (funded by Hans-Böckler-Foundation). Trampusch, Christine. Co-editor of the Series Vergleichende Analyse Politischer Systeme, Nomos Verlag. 5/17

6 Konferenzbeiträge Di Maio, G. Between Social-democratic Concerns and Neo-liberal Realities: What Type of Social Model Does the EU Promote in the Field of Higher Education? Presentation at the International Conference on Public Policy (ICPP), Milan Graf, L. Firms Increasing Control over Practice-Oriented Higher Education Programs: A Comparative Analysis of France, Germany, and the U.S. Presentation at the 27th Annual Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics, London School of Economics and Political Science Trampusch, C. The Financialization of Sovereign Debt Management between 1980 and 2010: A Cross-national Analysis of 23 OECD-countries. Talk at 22th International Conference of Europeanists, Paris Emmenegger, P. Off to a Bad Start: Unemployment and Political Interest During the Impressionable Years. Annual Conference, Council of European Studies, Sciences Po, Paris Emmenegger, P. The European Court of Justice and Fixed-Term Workers: Putting a Brake on Labour Market Dualisation? Annual Conference, Council of European Studies, Sciences Po, Paris Graf, L.; Strebel, A. GOVPET Leading House. Presentation ("Marktstand ) at Herbsttagung der Berufsbildung des SBFI, Bern Bonoli, G. Cost-Shifting in Multi-tiered Welfare States: Responding to Rising Social Assistance Caseloads in Germany and Switzerland. ESPAnet Annual Conference, Odense, Denmark Di Maio, G. Between Social-democratic Concerns and Neo-liberal Realities: What Type of Social Model Does the EU Promote in the Field of Higher Education? Presentation at the Annual Conference of the Academic Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES), Bilbao Emmenegger, P. The GOVPET Leading House. Presentation at Sonderforum Leading Houses. Annual Conference of the Sektion Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft (DGfE), University of Zurich Graf, L. The Decline of Collective Skill Formation? German Firms Cooperate with Universities to Expand Customized Dual Study Programmes. Talk at Department of Political Science Research Seminar, University of St. Gallen Graf, L. Besser verzahnt: Berufs und Hochschulbildung in Österreich und der Schweiz. Invited presentation at conference Schule trifft Arbeitswelt, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Berlin Pisoni, D. Matthew effect in training interventions for disadvantaged unemployed youth? A street-level bureaucracy analysis. Paper presented at conference about street level research in the employment and social policy area, Aalborg University, Copenhagen. 6/17

7 November 2015 Trampusch, C. Varieties of cooperation between schools and employers in vocational training. Keynote at the Forum for Quality in Vocational Education and Training, Bergen Wilson, A. Paths, politics and patterns of convergence - A comparative case study of the motives of youth unemployment policy change in Sweden, the United Kingdom and France. Presentation of workin-progress paper at annual conference of the Swiss Political Science Association, Basel Di Maio, G. Cross-national Comparison of Regional Governance Systems of VPET. Project presented at the GOVPET Graduate Workshop Governance and Inclusion in Vocational and Professional Education and Training. University of St. Gallen Emmenegger, P. Analytical Framework of GOVPET Leading House. Project presented at the GOVPET Graduate Workshop Governance and Inclusion in Vocational and Professional Education and Training. University of St. Gallen Wilson, A. Inclusion of Disadvantaged Youth in dual VET Systems: The Role, Behaviour and Attitudes of Private Actors in the Pursuit of Societal Goals in the World of Vocational Education and Training. Project presented at the GOVPET Graduate Workshop Governance and Inclusion in Vocational and Professional Education and Training. University of St. Gallen Pisoni, D. Mathew Effect in Training Programmes for Disadvantaged Unemployed Youths. Project presented at the GOVPET Graduate Workshop Governance and Inclusion in Vocational and Professional Education and Training. University of St. Gallen Seitzl, L. Tertiarization and Decentralized Cooperation in VPET: A Cross-national Comparison across Economic Sectors. Project presented at the GOVPET Graduate Workshop Governance and Inclusion in Vocational and Professional Education and Training. University of St. Gallen Strebel, A. Decentralized Cooperation on the Sectoral Level: Various Forms of Intermediary Organizations in the Swiss VPET System. Project presented at the GOVPET Graduate Workshop Governance and Inclusion in Vocational and Professional Education and Training. University of St. Gallen Emmenegger, P. The Power to Dismiss: Business, Unions and the Regulation of Job Security in Western Europe. Invited Talk, University of Cardiff Bonoli, G. Cost-Shifting in Multi-tiered Welfare States: Responding to Rising Social Assistance Caseloads in Germany and Switzerland. Paper presented at seminar on social assistance in Southern Europe, University of Milan Baumeler, C. Aktuelle Entwicklungen der Berufsbildung in der Schweiz. Presentation at contact seminar of German-speaking vocational institutes 2016, Vienna /17

8 Bonoli, G. The signaling value of labor market programs. Paper presented at retraite, NCCR On The Move, Macolin/Magglingen Baumeler, C. Die höhere Berufsbildung in der Schweiz: gegenwärtige Herausforderungen. Paper presented at contact seminar of German-speaking vocational institutes 2016, Vienna Bonoli, G. The signaling value of labor market programs. Paper presented at active labour market policies workshop, Free University, Amsterdam Graf, L. Corporatist Governance in Higher Education? A Comparison of Work based Higher Education Programs in Germany and the U.S. Paper presented at the 23th International Conference of Europeanists, Philadelphia Trampusch, C.; Graf, L.; Emmenegger, P. The Governance of Decentralized Cooperation in Collective Training Systems. Paper presented at the 23th International Conference of Europeanists, Philadelphia Trampusch, C. Reexamining the Relationship between Skills and Demand for Social Insurance: Evidence from Imperial Germany. Paper presented at the 23th International Conference of Europeanists, Philadelphia Bonoli, G. The signaling value of labor market programs. Paper presented at graduate seminar, Collegio Carlo Alberto, Torino, Italy Emmenegger, P.; Graf, L. The Governance of Decentralized Cooperation in Collective Training Systems at the Regional and Sectoral Levels: A Conceptual Framework. Paper presented at education science research Colloquium, University of Zurich Baumeler, C. Fachkräftebedarf Lehrpersonen für die berufliche Grundbildung. Paper presented at joint meeting of the Swiss Federal Conference of Vocational Education Agencies, the round table of Vocational Schools and Swiss Vocational and Professional Education and Training, Berne Graf, L. Durchlässigkeit als mehrdimensionale Aufgabe Bedingungen für flexible Bildungsübergänge (with U. Banscherus/N. Bernhard). Presentation at conference Übergänge im Bildungssystem fair und flexibel gestalten, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Berlin Bonoli, G. The signaling value of labor market programs. Public lecture, University of Peloponnese, Corinth, Greece Baumeler, C. The Swiss VPET System. General overview and training firms. Presentation at University of St.Gallen. 8/17

9 Bonoli, G. GOVPET Conceptual Framework Research Area 2. Promoting inclusiveness in VET systems concepts and working hypotheses. Paper presented at GOVPET advisory board meeting, University of St. Gallen. Bonoli, G.; Wilson, A. Promoting the accessibility of VPET: an overview of policy interventions in five countries. Paper presented at GOVPET advisory board meeting, University of St. Gallen. Di Maio, G. The Regional Governance of Dual Vocational Education in the Light of Changing Demand and Supply on Apprenticeship Markets. Paper presented at GOVPET advisory board meeting, University of St. Gallen. Graf, L. The Governance of Decentralized Cooperation in Collective Training Systems at the Regional and Sectoral Levels: A Conceptual Framework. Paper presented at GOVPET advisory board meeting, University of St. Gallen. Graf, L. Economic Cooperation at the Crossroads of Corporatist, State-led, and Meditarranean Capitalisms? The Case of Skill Formation in Swizerland. Paper presented at GOVPET advisory board meeting, University of St. Gallen. Pisoni, D. Matthew Effect in training programmes for disadvantaged youth. Paper presented at GOVPET advisory board meeting, University of St. Gallen. Seitzl, L. Economic dynamics and changing skill requirements: A sectoral comparison of the politics of content definition in VET. Paper presented at GOVPET advisory board meeting, University of St. Gallen. Strebel, A. The Activities of Intermediary Organisations at the Occupational Level Understanding Decentralised Cooperation in the Swiss Skill Formation System. Paper presented at GOVPET advisory board meeting, University of St. Gallen. Wilson, A. Firms and the inclusion of disadvantaged youth in dual VET systems. Paper presented at GOVPET advisory board meeting, University of St. Gallen Bonoli, G. Why Do Some Migrants Stay Unemployed for Longer? An Analysis of Unemployment Duration by Nationality in Switzerland. Paper presented at 2nd Annual Conference of the NCCR on the move, Neuchâtel Seitzl, L. Labor Market Trends and Skill Needs: The Sectoral Politics of content Definition in Vocational Education and Training. Paper presented at the workshop The Politics of Education, University of Constance Graf, L.; Gardin, M. Welfare States, Varieties of Capitalism, and Transnationalisation: The Puzzling Case of Skill Formation in Luxembourg. Paper presented at the workshop The Politics of Education, University of Constance, Germany. 9/17

10 Bonoli, G. The signalling value of labour market programs. Keynote presentation at the summer school on the welfare state (PROMEBI), Oviedo, Spain Baumeler, C. Organisationen der Arbeitswelt und Unternehmen als zentrale Berufsbildungsakteure, Tagung Das Versprechen der Bildung: Ziele, Befunde und Defizite der Schweizerischen Akademie für Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften SAGW, Thun, Switzerland Baumeler, C. The Translation of Swiss Vocational Education and Training into Other Cultural Contexts, 3rs ISA Forum of Sociology, Vienna, Austria Bonoli, G. Cost-Shifting in Multitiered Welfare States: Responding to Rising Welfare Caseloads in Germany and Switzerland, Annual ESPAnet conference, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Netherlands Emmenegger, P., Graf, L., Trampusch C. The Governance of Decentralized Cooperation in Collectively Organized Training Systems. Paper presented at the 10th ECPR Annual Conference, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic Wilson, A. Preferences for apprentices in the commercial sector: evidence from an experimental vignette survey. Project proposal presented at Doctoral colloquium Transition from school to work, Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz, Solothurn, Switzerland Graf, L. Reputation von Hochschulen und ihre Auswirkungen. Invited speaker at Wissenschaftskonferenz Wettbewerbsorientierung und Strategiefähigkeit Impulse für die strategische Debatte in der Wissenschaft (Netzwerk Exzellenz an deutschen Hochschulen), Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Berlin, Germany Di Maio, G. The Regional Governance of Dual Vocational Education in the Light of Changing Demand and Supply on Apprenticeship Markets. Poster presented at Conference on VET research, SBFI, Basel, Switzerland Emmenegger, P. Cooperation between Science and Practice: the GOVPET Leading House. Invited talk, Conference on VET research, SBFI, Basel, Switzerland Seitzl, L. Economic dynamics and changing skill requirements: A sectoral comparison of the politics of content definition in VET. Poster presented at Conference on VET research, SBFI, Basel, Switzerland Strebel, A. How is the Swiss Vocational Education and Training System maintained? Institutional Work in Organisations of the Working World. Poster presented at Conference on VET research, SBFI, Basel, Switzerland Wilson, A. Firms and inclusion of disadvantaged youths in dual VET systems. Poster presented at Conference on VET research, SBFI, Basel, Switzerland /17

11 Bonoli, G. The signalling value of labour market programs, presentation at the INNOSI (EU FP7 project) workshop, University of Bologna, Italy Bonoli, G.; Wilson, A. States, firms and organised interests in the promotion of inclusiveness in dual vocational training system. Paper presented at Labour market colloquium, IDHEAP, Lausanne, Switzerland Graf, L. Where Switzerland, France, and Germany Come Together: Productive Incoherence and Cross-border Collective Competition Goods in the Trinational Upper Rhine Region. Paper presented at Research Seminar in Political Science, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland Di Maio, G.; Radulova, E. Between Social-democratic Concerns and Neo-liberal Realities: What Type of Higher Education Model Does the EU Promote? Paper presented at the Swiss Political Science Association Annual Congress, St. Gallen, Switzerland Trampusch, C. Numbers and Fashion: How the Active Debt Management Story Shapes Expectations in German Municipal Finance (together with Florian Fastenrath & Agnes Orban), Conference "Experience and Expectation", University of Mannheim, Germany Baumeler, C.; Emmenegger, P. Co-Chair of the 5th Congress on Research in Vocational Education and Training, Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training, Zollikofen, Switzerland Emmenegger, P.; Seitzl, L. Collective Action, Business Cleavages and the Politics of Control: The Reform of Commercial Training in Switzerland. Paper presented at the 5th Congress on Research in Vocational Education and Training, Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training, Zollikofen, Switzerland Graf, L. Governing Vocational Education and Training at the Crossroads of France, Germany, and Italy: Regional Variation in Swiss Skill Formation. Paper presented at the 5th Congress on Research in Vocational Education and Training, Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training, Zollikofen, Switzerland Bonoli, G.; Wilson, A. States, firms and organised interests in the promotion of inclusiveness in dual vocational training systems. Paper presented at GOVPET advisory board meeting, Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training, Zollikofen, Switzerland Di Maio, G.; Graf, L.; Wilson, A. The Institutionalization of Short-track Dual Training in Denmark, Germany and Switzerland: Between Economic Cooperation and Social Policy. Paper presented at GOVPET advisory board meeting, Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training, Zollikofen, Switzerland Emmenegger, P.; Graf, L.; Strebel, A. GOVPET Database Project. Paper presented at GOVPET advisory board meeting, Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training, Zollikofen, Switzerland /17

12 Emmenegger, P.; Seitzl, L. Collective Action, Business Cleavages and the Politics of Control: The Reform of Commercial Training in Switzerland. Paper presented at GOVPET advisory board meeting, Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training, Zollikofen, Switzerland Emmenegger, P. Presentation of the GOVPET Leading House. Presentation at the GOVPET advisory board meeting, Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training, Zollikofen, Switzerland Strebel, A.; Baumeler, C.; Engelage, S. From existential threat to empowerment. A case study of a small occupational association s organizational practices after the Swiss VET policy reform. Paper presented at GOVPET advisory board meeting, Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training, Zollikofen, Switzerland Di Maio, G.; Graf, L.; Wilson, A. Conceptualizing the Governance of Inclusiveness in VET: Short-track dual training programmes in Denmark, Germany, and Switzerland. Paper presented at the GOVPET Graduate Workshop Improving inclusiveness in dual VET systems. IDHEAP, Lausanne, Switzerland Emmenegger, P.; Seitzl, L. Collective Action, Business Cleavages and the Politics of Control: The Reform of Commercial Training in Switzerland. Paper presented at the GOVPET Graduate Workshop Improving inclusiveness in dual VET systems. IDHEAP, Lausanne, Switzerland Pisoni, D. Out of reach? Accessing dual-vet from social assistance: between Matthew Effects and structural challenges. Paper presented at the GOVPET Graduate Workshop Improving inclusiveness in dual VET systems. IDHEAP, Lausanne, Switzerland Strebel, A. Organizational practices of occupational associations after the Swiss VET policy reform. Paper presented at the GOVPET Graduate Workshop Improving inclusiveness in dual VET systems. IDHEAP, Lausanne, Switzerland Unterweger, D. Structural Power, Offshoring and Skill Formation Systems. Project proposal presented at the GOVPET Graduate Workshop Improving inclusiveness in dual VET systems. IDHEAP, Lausanne, Switzerland Wilson, A. Employer characteristics and preferences for apprenticeship candidates in dual vocational education and training. Paper presented at the GOVPET Graduate Workshop Improving inclusiveness in dual VET systems. IDHEAP, Lausanne, Switzerland Emmenegger, P. Who Controls the Workplace? Business, Unions and the Politics of Job Security Regulations in Western Europe. Paper presented at the conference Business Interests and the Modern Welfare State, University of Zurich, Switzerland Martin, C.J.; Graf, L. Industrial Coordination and Vocational Training in the Post-industrial Age. Paper presented at the conference Business Interests and the Modern Welfare State, University of Zurich, Switzerland /17

13 Bonoli, G. Re-invogorating the European social model, presentation made at the joint workshop Istituto Svizzero and Dip. di sociologia, Università la Sapienza, Rome Graf, L.; Powell Justin J.W. University-Business Cooperation and the Proliferation of Work-based Higher Education in France, Germany, and the US: Whose Interests Prevail? Paper presented at the conference Segmentalism re-visited: Transformation of the qualifications work-regime nexus in European Economies and its implications for education and skills, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark Emmenegger P.; Graf. L.; Trampusch C. The Governance of Cooperation in Collective Training Systems: A Review and Conceptualization. Paper presented at Brennpunktmodul Ökonomie und Politik der Bildung, University of Zurich, Switzerland Bonoli, G. Obstacles to childcare for disadvantaged children, keynote presentation at the expert workshop Investing in children, FUNCAS, Mardid Strebel A.; Engelage S.; Baumeler C. From threat of extinction to empowerment. A case study of a small occupational association s organizational practices after the Swiss VET policy reform. Paper presented at the Congress of the Swiss Sociological Association 2017 on Common good and selfinterest, Zurich Trampusch, C. Keynote Decentralized Cooperation in Collective Skill Formation Systems, Workshop Skill Mismatch: Measurement Issues and Consequences on Employment and Inclusive Societies, University of Torino, Department of Economics and Statistics, Canada Di Maio, G., & Trampusch, C. (2017). Employers Collective Action in Higher Vocational Training: An Analysis of Sectoral Differences in Switzerland. Paper presented at the 29th SASE Annual Conference, University de Lyon, France Graf, L. Cross-Border Economic Cooperation and Skill Formation in the Trinational Upper Rhine Region: Where Germany, France and Switzerland Meet. Paper presented at the 29th SASE Annual Conference, University de Lyon, France Emmenegger, P.; Seitzl, L. Collective Action, Business Cleavages and the Politics of Control: The Reform of Commercial Training in Switzerland. Paper presented at the 29th SASE Annual Conference, University de Lyon, France. 13/17

14 Andere Publikationen (Berichte, Buchrezensionen, Dossiers, Zeitungsartikel, Blogbeiträge) Banscherus, U, Bernhard, N, Graf, L. (2016). Durchlässigkeit als mehrdimensionale Aufgabe: Bedingungen für flexible Bildungsübergänge. [64 pages] Berlin, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, ISBN: , available at: Baumeler, C. (2016). Besoin d enseignant-e-s qualifié-e-s pour la formation professionnelle initiale. Fact sheet 1 pour la CSFP. Zollikofen: Institut fédéral des hautes études en formation professionnelle IFFP. Baumeler, C. (2016). Fachkräftebedarf Lehrpersonen für die berufliche Grundbildung. Fact Sheet 1 für die SBBK. Zollikofen: Eidgenössisches Hochschulinstitut für Berufsbildung EHB. Baumeler, C. (2016). Organisationen der Arbeitswelt und Unternehmen als zentrale Berufsbildungsakteure. SAGW Bulletin, 4, Bonoli, G.. Pisoni, D., Trein, P. (2015). Labour market innovations and policy learning: report on Switzerland. INSPIRES project (D5.2), Brussels: EU Commission. Emmenegger, P. (2015). Wie können Reformblockaden überwunden werden? Finanz und Wirtschaft. 7. August Longer version published by Wirtschaftspolitisches Zentrum of the University of St. Gallen (August 2015) De la Porte, C., Emmenegger, P. (2016). The Court of Justice of the European Union and Fixed-term Workers: Still Fixed, but at Least Equal. ETUI working paper No (published online January 25, 2016). Emmenegger, P. (2016). Book Review of Marius Busemeyer s (2015): Skills and Inequality: Partisan Politics and the Political Economy of Education Reforms in Western Welfare States. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Swiss Political Science Review, 22(1), Emmenegger, P. (2016). Book Review of Sanford F. Schram s (2015): The Return of Ordinary Capitalism: Neoliberalism, Precarity, Occupy. Oxford: Oxford University Press (Symposium). Perspectives on Politics, 14(2), Graf, L. (2015). Book Review of Sirkit Krone s (ed.): Dual Studieren im Blick. Entstehungsbedingungen, Interessenlagen und Umsetzungsverfahren in dualen Studiengängen. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. Berufsbildung in Wissenschaft und Praxis, 5/2015: 59. Graf, L. (2015). Developing Advanced Work-Based Higher Education What Germany and the U.S. Can Learn from Each Other. AICGS Transatlantic Perspectives Series (8 April 2015), Washington, DC: American Institute for Contemporary German Studies (AICGS), Johns Hopkins University. Graf, L. (2016). Book Review of Leemann, R.J., Christian, I., Powell, J.J.W., Sertl, M. (Eds.) Die Organisation von Bildung: Soziologische Analysen zu Schule, Berufsbildung, Hochschule und Weiterbildung. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa Swiss Journal of Sociology, 42(3), Graf, L. (2016). Expanding Work-Based Higher Education. Policy Lessons from Germany and the U.S. HSG Fokus. Das Magazin der Universität St.Gallen 3/2016, Kriesi, I., Neumann, J., Schweri, J., Griga, D., Kuhn, A., Schmid, E., & Baumeler, C. (2016). Bleiben? Gehen? Neu beginnen? Häufigkeit, Ursachen und Folgen von Lehrvertragsauflösungen. Trendbericht 1 des Schweizerischen Observatoriums für die Berufsbildung. Zollikofen: Eidgenössisches Hochschulinstitut für Berufsbildung EHB. 14/17

15 Kriesi, I., Neumann, J., Schweri, J., Griga, D., Kuhn, A., Schmid, E., & Baumeler, C. (2016). Rester? S en aller? Recommencer? Fréquence, causes et répercussions des résiliations de contrats d apprentissage. Observatoire suisse de la formation professionnelle. Zollikofen: Institut fédéral des hautes études en formation professionnelle IFFP. Kriesi, I., Neumann, J., Schweri, J., Griga, D., Kuhn, A., Schmid, E., & Baumeler, C. (2016). Rimanere? Andarsene? Ritornare? Frequenza, cause e conseguenze degli scioglimenti di contratto di tirocinio. Rapporto sulle tendenze 1 del Osservatorio svizzero per la formazione professionale. Zollikofen: Istituto Universitario Federale per la Formazione Professionale IUFFP. Pisoni, D., Trein, P., Bonoli, G., & Champion C. (in print). Integrative national country report on policy learning infrastructure and the position of vulnerable groups Switzerland. INSPIRES Project (D7.5), Brussels: EU Commission (Forthcoming). Trein, P; Bonoli G; Pisoni D. (2015). Policy learning in Europe: social policy and labour market reforms in 11 countries. INSPIRES project (D5.3), Brussels: EU Commission. 15/17

16 Berichte zuhanden SBFI GOVPET Leading House (2016): Interim VET Research Report. July 2015-June St. Gallen. GOVPET Leading House (2016): State-of-the-Art Report. St. Gallen. GOVPET Leading House (2017): Interim VET Research Report. July 2016-June St. Gallen. 16/17

17 Konferenzorganisation Di Maio, G.; Emmenegger, P.; Graf, L.; Seitzl, L. Organization of the GOVPET Graduate Workshop Governance and Inclusion in Vocational and Professional Education and Training. University of St. Gallen, Switzerland. Emmenegger, P.; Graf, L.; Schraff, D. Organization of the GOVPET Advisory Board Meeting. University of St. Gallen, Switzerland Emmenegger, P. Organization of the Swiss Political Science Association (SVPW) annual conference 2017, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland Baumeler, C. Symposium on Variations of cooperation between learning locations, Organization and discussant. 5th Congress on Research in Vocational Education and Training, Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training, Zollikofen, Switzerland Graf, L. Symposium on The Complex Political Governance of VET: New Comparative Perspectives (organized together with J. Vossiek, University of Cologne). 5th Congress on Research in Vocational Education and Training, Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training, Zollikofen, Switzerland Baumeler, C.; Emmenegger, P.; Graf, L.; Strebel, A. Organization of the GOVPET Advisory Board Meeting. Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training, Zollikofen, Switzerland Bonoli, G.; Pisoni, D.; Wilson, A. Organization of the GOVPET Graduate Workshop Improving inclusiveness in dual VET systems. IDHEAP, Lausanne, Switzerland Graf, L. PhD and Postdoc conference Ökonomie und Politik der Bildung (organized together with Michael Geiss, University of Zurich, and Christian Grabau, University of Tübingen). University of Zurich, Switzerland. 17/17

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TMF projects on IT infrastructure for clinical research

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Magisterarbeit. Horizontal Consistency in the Areas of the European Union's External Action. Veronika Minkova.

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TRIFT Transfer of Innovation into the Field of Foreign Trade

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Cluster Health Care Economy has been established in 2008 Regional approach to develop health care industries Head of the cluster is Ms.

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elearning 02.07.2004 SIGNAL project Hans Dietmar Jäger 1

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Introduction to the diploma and master seminar in FSS 2010. Prof. Dr. Armin Heinzl. Sven Scheibmayr

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Extract of the Annotations used for Econ 5080 at the University of Utah, with study questions, akmk.pdf.

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CURRICULUM VITAE. 10/2009 - now Department of Economics and Social Sciences, University of Salzburg, A-5020 Salzburg, Research Assistent (Univ.Ass.

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EU-Japan industrial dialogue in railways: Market access procurement procedures in the German railway market

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Bertram Turner Teaching Activities

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Scenario Building Workshop - Interplay of problem framings

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Uncertainty, Financial Frictions, Business Cycles, Forecast of Germany s Foreign Trade, Empirical Macroeconomics.

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Kaiser, U., and G. Licht: R&D cooperation and R&D intensity: Theory and Micro- Econometric Evidence for Germany, ZEW discussion paper 98-32

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Altenberger Straße 69, 4040 Linz Citizenship: Austria. Mag. rer. soc. oec. (Master degree in Social and Economic Sciences),

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Austerity, Structural Reforms and economic growth

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