German Business in Indonesia

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1 German Business in Indonesia Edited by: Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany Jakarta Jl. M.H. Thamrin No. 1, Jakarta Indonesia Tel.: +62 (0)21 / , Fax: +62 (0)21 / Issue: Desember

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3 Inhaltsverzeichnis / Table of Contents Allgemeine Hinweise / General Remarks Zeichenerklärung / Explanation of Symbols Organisationen / Organizations Deutsche Botschaft / German Embassy Honorarkonsuln / Honorary Consuls EKONID Deutsch-Indonesische Industrie- und Handelskammer GTAI Gesellschaft für Außenwirtschaft & Standortmarketing mbh / Germany Trade and Invest GIZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für International Zusammenarbeit DEG Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft SES Senior Experten Service Poltische Stiftungen / Political Foundations Goethe-Institut e.v. Deutsches Haus Surabaya DAAD Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst DSJ Deutsche Schule Jakarta IULI International University Liaison Indonesia SGUW - Swiss German University Westphalia Stiftung e.v. Kirchengemeinden Die Brücke Yayasan Sosial Jembatan Elektronische Portale / Electronic Portals Deutsche Firmen von A bis Z / German Companies in Alphabetical Order Deutsche in weiteren Firmen / German Citizens in Other Companies 3

4 Allgemeine Hinweise / General Remarks Die Telefon- und Telefaxnummern in Indonesien und Deutschland werden jeweils für die nationale Anwahl angegeben. Die internationalen Vorwahlen sind für Indonesien +62 für Deutschland +49 Phone and fax numbers in Indonesia and Germany are indicated for national access. For international access from Indonesia to Germany please replace the initial digit 0 with the country code for Germany (+49). Die Zeitverschiebung Jakartas zu Deutschland beträgt +6 Std während der deutschen Winterzeit +5 Std während der deutschen Sommerzeit. The German time zone is WIB -6 during German winter time (November - March) WIB -5 during German summer time (April - October) Für die Vollständigkeit und Richtigkeit der Angaben kann die Botschaft keine Gewähr übernehmen. The German Embassy will not assume responsibility for any errors and omissions. Zeichenerklärung / Explanation of Symbols Telefon / phone number Telefax / fax number Postanschrift / Postal address Mobiltelefon / handphone Website 4

5 Organisationen Organizations 5

6 Botschaft der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Amtsbezirk / Administrative District Jl. M.H. Thamrin No. 1 Jakarta Indonesien und Osttimor +62 (0)21 / (operator) (other extensions: -xxx) +62 (0)21 / Arbeitszeiten / Office hours Juni Februar / June - February Mo 07.15h 15.30h Di/Tue Do/Thu 07.15h 15.45h Fr 07.15h 13.00h März Mai / March May Mo Do/Thu 07.15h 15.00h Fr 07.15h 13.15h Besuchszeiten / Visiting hours Mo Fr (oder nach Vereinbarung 08.30h 11.30h / or by appointment) Bereitschaftsdienst für Notfälle In case of emergency only +62 (0) Rechts- und Konsularabteilung +62 (0)21 / / -173 / (0)21 / Besuchszeiten / Visiting hours Mo Fr 07.30h 11.30h Visaabteilung / Visa Section +62 (0)21 / Visabeantragung / apply for visa Terminvergabesystem +62 (0)21 / Visaabholung / pick up visa Mo Fr 11.00h 12.00h 6

7 Informationen für Deutsche in Indonesien (auch Reise- und Sicherheitshinweise) The Embassy s website in German and Bahasa Indonesia for - Visa regulations - Information on the Embassy s departments - Links to many German organizations in Indonesia and Germany and to the website of the Federal Foreign Office 7

8 +62 (0)21 - Botschafter Ambassador Ständiger Vertreter Leiter der Abteilung für Wirtschaft und Globale Fragen Deputy Head of Mission Director General for Economic Affairs and Global Issues Wirtschaftsdienst Economic & Commercial Michael Freiherr von Ungern-Sternberg Hendrik Barkeling Dr. Andreas Kleine Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit Development Cooperation Rafael Teck Dr. David Tantow Forschung & Wissenschaft Science & Technology Verwaltung Administration Dr. Svann Langguth Beate Marold Politik Politics Jens Hoch David Gudisch Timo Goosmann Kultur und Presse Culture & Information Rechts- und Konsularabteilung Consular Section Pass- & Visastelle Passport & Visa Section Verteidigungsattaché Defence Attaché Gesundheitsdienst Medical Service Jörg Kinnen Kathrin Mahdi-Hegewald Gregor Fiedler O i.g. André Bösing Dr. med. Christoph Johannes Klose

9 Honorarkonsuln Mr Robert Jantzen Honorary Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany Jl. Pantai Karang No. 17 Batujimbar-Sanur / Bali P.O. Box 100 Denpasar Amtsbezierk: Bali & NTB Besuchszeiten / Visiting hours +62 (0)361 / (0)361 / 08:30h 16:30h Monday Friday Mr Harjanto Tjokrosetio, Dipl.-Ing. Honorary Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany Jl. Dr. Wahidin No. 29 Surabaya (0)31 / / (0)31 / Amtsbezirk: Ostjava Bürozeiten / Office hours 08.30h 15:00h Monday - Friday 9

10 Mr Liliek Darmadi, Dipl.-Ing., MM Honorary Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany Jl. Abdullah Lubis No. 47A Medan (0)61 / (0)61 / Amtsbezirk: Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Riau, Nord- und Westsumatra einschließlich der Mentawai-Inseln. Bürozeiten / Office hours 09.00h 13:00h Monday - Friday Mr Oswald Sirapandji Honorary Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany Jl. Hertasning Baru Halmin Residence Blok A No 10 Makassar (0)411 / (0)411 / Amtsbezirk: Sulawesi Bürozeiten / Office hours 10

11 EKONID - Deutsch-Indonesische Industrie- und Handelskammer German-Indonesian Chamber of Industry & Commerce Perkumpulan Ekonomi Indonesia Jerman Jl. H. Agus Salim No. 115 Jakarta P.O. Box 3151 Jakarta (0)21 / (0)21 / Executives Mr Jan Rönnfeld Managing Director Mr Martin Krummeck Deputy Managing Director Head of Business Development Department Mrs Ute Brockmann Deputy Managing Director Head of Training & Education Department Activities: Die Dienstleistungen der EKONID umfassen unter anderem: - Informationen über Zölle, Steuern, Kontingente, Industrienormen, Import- und Exportbedingungen - Auf individuelle Kundenwünsche zugeschnittene Marktforschung Erstellung von Firmenprofilen als Entscheidungshilfe für ein Agentenverhältnis, ein Joint Venture oder einen Geschäftsabschluss - Publikationen in deutscher und indonesischer Sprache - Rechtsberatung - Vertretung der wichtigsten deutschen Messegesellschaften, Organisation von Buchmessen Mailings und Begleitveranstaltungen, Betreuung - Vermittlung von Geschäftspartnern und -kontakten EKONID provides the following services: - Information on tariffs, taxes, quotas and industry standards as well as import and export terms - Customized market research and company profiles - Publications in German and Bahasa Indonesia - Legal advice - EKONID is sole agent to the most important German trade fairs, exhibition space, advice and support to exhibitors, organization of press conferences and presentations - Initiating cooperation between German and Indonesian companies, search for appropriate business-partners 11

12 GTAI Germany Trade and Invest Gesellschaft für Außenwirtschaft & Standortmarketing mbh Germany Trade Invest Außenwirtschaft: Villemombler Str Bonn Investment: Friedrichstr Berlin +49 (0)228 / (0)228 / (0)30 / (0)30 / Office Jakarta Jl. H. Agus Salim No. 115 Jakarta c/o AHK Indonesia +62 (0)21 / (0)21 / Executives Dr. Roland Rohde Delegate for Indonesia Activities: Germany Trade & Invest (GTAI) ist die Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Die Gesellschaft sichert und schafft Arbeitsplätze und stärkt damit den Wirtschaftsstandort Deutschland. Mit über 50 Standorten weltweit und dem Partnernetzwerk unterstützt GTAI deutsche Unternehmen bei ihrem Weg ins Ausland, wirbt für den Standort Deutschland und begleitet ausländische Unternehmen bei der Ansiedlung in Deutschland. Germany Trade & Invest (GTAI) is the economic development agency of the Federal Republic of Germany. The company helps create and secure extra employment opportunities, strengthening Germany as a business location. With more than 50 offices in Germany and abroad and its network of partners throughout the world, GTAI supports German companies setting up in foreign markets, promotes Germany as a business location and assists foreign companies setting up in Germany. 12

13 GIZ - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH Dag Hammerskjöld-Weg Eschborn Postfach Eschborn +49 (0)6196 / (0)6196 / GIZ Office Jakarta Menara BCA, 46 th floor Jl. M.H.Thamrin Jakarta (0)21 / (0)21 / Executives Mr Peter Palesch Country Director Mr Zulazmi Deputy Country Director Activities: Die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) ist ein weltweit tätiges Bundesunternehmen für internationale Zusammenarbeit. In mehr als 130 Ländern des Südens und Ostens realisiert die GIZ rund Entwicklungsprojekte und programme, vornehmlich im Auftrag der deutschen Bundesregierung. In Indonesien unterstützt die GIZ 20 Projekte und Programme. Im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) arbeitet die GIZ seit 1975 im Land und unterhält seitdem ein Büro in Jakarta. Weitere Auftraggeber sind unter anderem das Bundesumweltministerium, das Auswärtige Amt und die Europäische Union. Insgesamt beschäftigt die GIZ in Indonesien rund 350 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter, darunter 50 Auslandsmitarbeiter, 260 nationale Mitarbeiter, 22 Entwicklungshelfer und 13 CIM-Fachkräfte. Primäres Ziel aller ist es, die Lebensbedingungen und Perspektiven der Menschen in Indonesien zu verbessern. Bei den Regierungsverhandlungen im November 2013 wurde mit der indonesischen Regierung vereinbart, die bilaterale Entwicklungszusammenarbeit auf drei Schwerpunkte zu konzentrieren: Energie und Klimawandel Breitenwirksames Wachstum Gute Regierungsführung und globale Netzwerke Das GIZ-Büro in Jakarta ist außerdem zuständig für regionale Projekte mit dem ASEAN- Sekretariat sowie für die Zusammenarbeit mit der Demokratischen Republik Timor-Leste. The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is a government owned corporation for international cooperation with worldwide operations. In more than

14 partner countries, GIZ is supporting about 2,700 development projects and programs, chiefly under commissions from the German Federal Government. On behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), GIZ has been working in Indonesia since 1975 with the representative office in Jakarta. GIZ employs some 350 staff members in Indonesia, including 50 field staff members, 260 national personnel, 22 development advisors and 13 CIM experts. Their aim is to improve the living conditions and perspectives of the Indonesian people. At the government negotiations held in November 2013 it was agreed with the Indonesian Government that bilateral development cooperation should focus on three priority areas: Energy and Climate Change Inclusive Growth Good governance and Global Networks The GIZ office in Jakarta is also responsible for regional projects with the Secretariat of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). 14

15 DEG Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbh Kämmergasse Köln Postfach Köln +49 (0)221 / (0)221 / Representative Office in Indonesia DEG Office Jakarta Menara BCA, 46 th floor Jl. M.H. Thamrin No. 1 Jakarta (0)21 / (0)21 / Executives Mr Matthias Goulnik Director DEG Office Jakarta Activities: As a subsidiary of KfW Group/ Germany (AAA-related) DEG provides investment financing for private sector companies across industries. Products and activities: Project and corporate finance through long-term senior loans, mezzanine finance and equity capital Business Suport Servicees Public Private partnership program (developpp) on behalf of the German Government. 15

16 Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.v. Hansastr. 27 C München +49 (0)89 / (0)89 / Fraunhofer Representative Office Indonesia Menara Thamrin Suite 2505 Jl. M.H. Thamrin Kav. 3 Jakarta (0)21 / (0)21 / Executives Dr.-Ing. Ida Bagus Kesawa Narayana Country Representative Activities: Non-profit Applied research / Contract Reseach Organization in the fields: - Pharmaceuticals and Biomedicines - ICI on Transport and Mobility - Food and Packing Industry - Electronics Industry - Biotechnology on Agriculture - Surface and Photonic Technology - Natural Polymers and Materials - Materials and Components - Open Telecommunication Systems - Manufacturing Technology - Digital Media - Glass and Ceramics - ICI on Culture and Entertainment - Automotive Industry - E-Business - Steel Industies - E-Health - Oil and Gas Industry - E-Government - Energy, Water and Waste - E-Security - Technology Management - ICT on Production - Publik Innovation System - Software Technology - Technology Venture Management 16

17 SES Senior Experten Service Buschstr Bonn Postfach Bonn +49 (0)228 / (0)228 / SES Representative Office Jl. Nusa Indah I-1/ 12 Puspita Loka III-2, BSD Tangerang (0)21 / Executives Mr. Hubert Born Honorary Representative for Indonesia Activities: Der SES, der ehrenamtliche Dienst der Deutschen Wirtschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit, ist eine gemeinnützige Gesellschaft, die auf Anfrage mit ihren mehr als aus dem Berufsleben ausgeschiedenen Fachkräften aus allen Branchen Industrieunternehmen, Institutionen und Verwaltungen im In- und Ausland technische und praxisnahe Beratungshilfe honorarfrei anbietet. Durch Einsatz von Senior Experten fördert der SES auch beruflich-fachliche Aus- und Fortbildung sowie Qualifizierung von Fach- und Führungskräften. More than 11,000 retired German experts are standing by to take on worldwide assignments on a honorary basis. Their activities are orientated towards quick and pragmatic assistance, predominantly in technical and economic sectors. They focus on training of specialists and management personnel as well as guidance combined with problem solving to achieve selfreliance. The experts assistance concentrates mainly on: Error identification and optimization Training of personnel in quality control and quality assurance measures The company s technical and organizational modernization efforts Production layouts and installation of machinery Training of personnel for proper operations, including maintenance In-house and institutional Vocational Trainings 17

18 Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Hiroshimastr Berlin Godesberger Allee Bonn +49 (0)30 / (0)228 / Representative Office in Indonesia Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Indonesia Jl. Kemang Selatan II No. 2A Jakarta (0)21 / (0)21 / Executives Mr Sergio Grassi Country Director Activities: Social Security & Welfare State Sustainable Economic Development Social Tranfformation on City Level International Cooperation in the Region and Beyond 18

19 Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit Truman Haus Karl-Marx-Str Potsdam - Babelsberg Representative Office in Indonesia Friedrich-Nauman-Stiftung für die Freiheit +49 (0)30 / (0)30 / Jl. Kertanegara 51 Kebayoran Baru Jakarta Selatan (0)21 / / (0)21 / Executives Mr Moritz Kleine-Brockhoff Head of Office Indonesia +62 (0) Activities: Die Friedrich Naumann Stiftung für die Freiheit (FNF) ist eine Stiftung, die der Freien Demokratischen Partei (FDP) nahe steht. Die Stiftung wurde 1958 gegründet und setzt sich seitdem für Demokratie, Marktwirtschaft und Menschenrechte ein. Die FNF organisiert politische Bildung, fördert Dialog und unterstützt Publikationen. Die Arbeit der Stiftung in Deutschland und in 60 Ländern weltweit - wird vom Deutschen Bundestag finanziert. Die FNF will ein besseres Verständnis von Politik vermitteln und Bürger dazu inspirieren, sich an politischen Prozessen zu beteiligen. Dabei kooperiert die Stiftung mit staatlichen Institutionen und mit zivilgesellschaftlichen Organisationen, besonders mit politischen Parteien. Die Friedrich Naumann Stiftung für die Freiheit hat seit 1969 ein Büro in Jakarta. In Indonesien wird derzeit zusammengearbeitet mit dem Ministerium für Justiz und Menschenrechte und der Regierung von Wonosobo, mit der PDIP, der PKB und der Partai Demokrat sowie mit SEJUK und dem Freedom Institute. The Friedrich Naumann Stiftung for Freedom (FNF) is a foundation with close ties to Germany s Free Democrat Party (FDP). Founded ist 1958, FNF promotes democracy, market economy and human rights by organizing political education, facilitating dialogue and supporting publications. The foundation is funded by Germany s parliament. We work in Germany and in 60 countries around the world. FNF seeks to promote greater understandings of politics and inspire citizens to take part in political processes. FNF cooperates with government institutions, civil society organizations and political parties. FNF has had an office in Jakarta since In Indonesia, we currently work with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights and the Government of Wonosobo, with PDIP, PKB and PD as well as with SEJUK and the Freedom Institute 19

20 Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung Lazarettstr München +49 (0)89 / (0)89 / Representative Office in Indonesia Hanns Seidel Foundation Menara Cakrawala (Skyline Building), 9 th floor Jl. M.H. Thamrin No 9 Jakarta (0)21 / (direct) +62 (0)21 / Executives Dr. Daniel Heilmann Resident Representative Mrs Hetty Fatonah Office Manager +62 (0) Activities: German Political Foundation Support for Democratic Values, Rule of Law, Environment and Economy 20

21 Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Rathausallee Sankt Augustin +49 (0)2241 / (0)2241 / Konrad Adenauer Foundation Plaza Aminta, 4 th floor Jl. let. Jend. TB Simatupang Kav. 10 Jakarta (0)21 / (0)21 / Executives Mr. Jan Senkyr Representative to Indonesia & Timor Leste Activities: International development cooperation and civic education; promotion of democracy, rule of law and social market economy; projects in intercultural and inter-religious dialogue; parliamentary consultancy; support of decentralization. 21

22 Goethe Institut e.v. Dachauer Str München Representative Office in Jakarta Goethe-Institut Jakarta Jl. Sam Ratulangi No Jakarta (0)89 / (0)89 / (0)21 / (0)21 / Programme Department Language Department Library Secretariate Executives Dr Heinrich Blömeke Institutsleitung Goethe-Institut Indonesien Regionalleitung Goethe-Institut Südostasien / Australien / Neuseeland Representative Office in Bandung Goethe-Institut Bandung - German Cultural Center Jl. Martadinata 48 Bandung (0)22 / (0)22 / Executives Mrs Lisa Huber Institutsleitung (lokal) Activities: German Cultual Center 22

23 Deutsches Haus Surabaya Wisma Jerman Taman A.I.S. Nasution 15 Surabaya (0)31 / ext (0)31 / Executives Mr Mike Neuber Managing Director Activities: WISMA JERMAN operates in close cooperation with the Goethe-Institut Indonesien and EKONID On behalf of EKONID, the German-Indonesian Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Wisma Jerman has been building up a network of political and economic contacts to promote trade and investment within the region. Ever since its foundation in 2012 it has been organizing networking activities as well as seminars and has been providing support for the organization of business delegations to East Java. Furthermore Wisma Jerman is commissioned by the Goethe-Institute to organize cultural programs, workshops and trainings in Surabaya. It also offers language courses as well as the official language tests following the standards and under the supervision of the Goethe-Institut. Wisma Jerman also supports the worldwide PASCH-initiative of the German government and conducts cultural events in order to enhance the cooperation between German and local artists. 23

24 DAAD Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst e.v. Kennedyallee Bonn Representative Office in Indonesia DAAD Regional Office Jakarta Summitmas Building 2, 14 th floor Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav Jakarta (0)228 / (0)228 / (0)21 / (0) Executives N. N. Director Activities: Higher Education Promoting study and research in Germany Supporting academic exchange between Germany and Indonesia and internalization of universities Strengthen German alumni network in Indonesia 24

25 DSJ - Deutsche Schule Jakarta Jl. Puspita Widya No. 8 Bumi Serpong Damai Tangerang (0)21 / (hunting) +62 (0)21 / (Sekretariat) Executives Mr Jörg Peter Hoffmann Head of School DSJ Mr Thomas Freudendahl Chairman Yayasan Deutsche Internationale Schule Jakarta Activities: Die Schule bietet an: Kindergarten, Vorschule, Grundschule mit Beobachtungs-stufen in den Klassen 5 und 6, Sekundarstufe I für alle Schulformen mit Hauptschulabschluss nach Kl. 9 u. Realschulabschluss nach Kl. 10, Sekundarstufe II mit Reifeprüfung (Abitur) nach Klasse 12/13. 25

26 IULI International University Liaison Indonesia IULI Eco Campus The Breeze, BSD City PO Box 150 BSD CPA (0) Boards / Executives Board of Trustees Dr.-Ing. Ilham A. Habibie, MBA; Chairman (Founder) Prof.Dr.rer.nat. Peter Al. Pscheid; Co-Chairman (Founder) Prof.Dr.rer.nat. Dr.h.c Peter Scharff (Rector TU Ilmenau) Board of Management Prof. Dr. mult. Richardus Eko Indrajit, chairman Rektor Dr. Ir. Tutuko Prajogo, MSMfgE European University Consortium (EUC) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.h.c. Heinrich Kern, TU Ilmenau (Coordinator) Activities: Bachelor Degree: Master Degree: Doctoral Degrees: Kepmendiknas RI No. 425/E/O/2014 European Universities Consortium (EUC); European Unversities Consortium (EUC) Bachelor Degree (S-1) 4 years fulltime, double degree with Partner Universities; Semester 1 6: Academic education in IULI Semester 7: Research Semester in one of the partner universities Semester 8 (4months): Elective: Internship abroad or project at IULI Language of Instruction: English Engineering Bachelor Degrees Life Sciences Business & Social Sciences Automotive Engineering Biomedical Engineering Aviation Management Aviation Engineering/Avionics Computer Science Electrical Engineering Chemical Engineering (Pharmaceutical Engineering) Food Technology Hotel- & Tourism Management International Business Administration International Relations Industrial Engineering Management Mechanical Engineering Mechatronics Engineering Master and Doctoral Degrees Transnational Education programs (in coorperation with EUC) 26

27 Swiss German University Westphalia Stiftung e.v. - SGUW Head Office in Germany FH Südwestfalen Lübecker Ring 2 Building 3, Room Soest Subsidiary in Indonesia The Prominence Tower Jl. Jalur Sutera Barat No. 15 Alam Sutera Tangerang (0)2921 / (0)2921 / sguw.php +62 (0) Executives Dr. rer. nat. Filiana Santoso Rector Mrs Christie Kanter Director of Communication Activities: Higher Education Institution Swiss German University (SGU) was established in 2000 as the first international university with a dual academic license recognized as a university under Indonesian law. The license was issued by the National Ministry of Education (DIKNAS). SGU was formed through a joint effort between Indonesia, Germany, Switzerland and Austria with the objective of bringing a strong international focus and promoting knowledge and technology in the higher education system of Indonesia. Ever since its establishment SGU has been dedicated to delivering quality education in line with international standards, and aims to develop skilld professionals that s meet the demands of industry. 90% of the SGU s lectures earned an academic degree abroad and have had experience in working as professionals in their related field. SGU Bachelor s Degree Programs offer courses which combine both theretical and practical training (internship), while Master s Degree Programs are uniquely designed to produce business leaders who are fit to compete globally. 27

28 Deutschsprachige Katholische Gemeinde St. Thomas Jakarta Gemeindezentrum und Pfarrhaus: Jl. Pejaten Barat I / No. 4-B Jakarta Selatan (0)21 / (0)21 / Executives Pfarrer Kasimir Fatz +62 (0) Activities: Gottesdienste in der Seminarkirche Wacana Bhakti, Jl. Pejaten Barat 10A, Jakarta Selatan, Kommunionsunterricht, weitere Veranstaltungen wie Familienfreizeiten auf dem Punjak usw. Neue engagierte Mitglieder sind herzlich willkommen! 28

29 Die Brücke Yayasan Sosial Jembatan Jerman Yayasan Sosial Jembatan Jerman PT Sumi Asih, ANZ Tower 17 th Floor Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 33A Jakarta Executives Dr. Triyanti Chairman/ President Activities: Die Brücke is a registered foundation in Indonesia that has been promoting cultural exchange and understanding since Die Brücke brings together German- speaking people of all nationalities, living in Indonesia. Anyone can join! Come and exchange stories, meet people and have fun. Engage with the community or support our social commitment. Go to to find out more about our activities such as orientation for the newcomers, monthly gatherings and interesting talks, trips within and outside of Jakarta, exchange information through Die Brücke s website, Facebook page and magazine, etc.. 29

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31 Elektronische Portale für Wirtschaftskontakte mit Deutschland Electronic Portals for Business Contacts to Germany 31

32 Germany is an international market leader and a driving innovator in the field of Renewable Energy Technologies. To share German expertise with other countries and support their efforts to enhance renewable energy technologies the Renewable Energies Export Initiative was launched by the German Parliament in 2002 and started its activities under the responsibility of the Federal Ministry of Economics an Technology in Under the label Renewables made in Germany, this initiative assists foreign partners in establishing productive contacts with German companies in the area of Renewable Energy Technologies. The websites enables you to get information about the initiative itself and to locate German companies business contacts wishes concerning renewable energy technologies. Die Exportinitiative Erneuerbare Energien wurde 2002 durch den Deutschen Bundestag gegründet und wird vom Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie durchgeführt. Ziel dieser Initiative ist es, Klein- und mittelständischen Unternehmen der Erneuerbaren Energien Branche beim Zugang zu ausländischen Märkten weltweit zu unterstützen und Kooperationspartner zu finden. Die Websites beinhalten Informationen über die Exportinitiative Erneuerbare Energien und deren Angebote an Deutsche Unternehmen. 32

33 Germany is an international market leader and a driving innovator in the fields of energy efficiency technology and energy consulting. To share German expertise with other countries and support their efforts to enhance energy efficiency the Energy Efficiency Export Initiative was launched by the German Federal Government under the responsibility of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology. Under the label Energy efficiency made in Germany, this initiative assists foreign partners in establishing productive contacts with German companies and energy efficiency experts. The website contains a database of German providers of the energy-efficient technologies together with the associated services they offer. The Energy Efficiency Export Initiative will help to make contact among partners and experts with regard to energy efficiency technologies. Die Exportinitiative Energieeffizienz wurde im Juli 2007 von der Bundesregierung beschlossen, federführend ist das Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie. Sie hat zum Ziel, den Marktanteil deutscher Technologien, Dienstleistungen und industrieller Verfahren im Ausland durch gezielte Unterstützungsmaßnahmen signifikant zu steigern. Im Rahmen des Programms werden deutsche Unternehmen in direkten Kontakt mit potenziellen ausländischen Geschäftspartnern gebracht, was eine wichtige Voraussetzung für erfolgreiche Geschäftsanbahnungen schafft. Die Website beinhaltet Informationen über die Exportinitiative Energieeffizienz und deren Angebote an Deutsche Unternehmen. 33

34 GERMAN BUSINESS PORTAL informiert zu allen Fragen internationaler Unternehmer über Geschäfte mit Deutschland. Von Arbeitserlaubnis bis Zolltarif, im Warenverkehr wie bei grenzüberschreitenden Dienstleistungen. Alle Infos in Englisch Das Portal weist den Weg zu den richtigen Ansprechpartnern im Netz der Fördereinrichtungen und bietet alle Informationen rund um Geschäftsreisen nach Deutschland. Das Forum ist das zentrale Element des GERMAN BUSINESS PORTAL. Hier treffen ratsuchende Unternehmer mit Experten zusammen, hier werden Fragen rund um Handelsgeschäfte mit deutschen Partnern beantwortet. GERMAN BUSINESS PORTAL supports your business with Germany. It offers answers to all trade-related questions and concerns and facilitates crossborder trade in the field of goods and services from work permit to customs duty. All information is provided in English straight to your desktop. This portal helps you to reduce the red tape with the authorities and to find the right contacts. It has all the information necessary for business trips to Germany. The core element of GERMAN BUSINES PORTAL is its forum. Here traders meet experts, hot topics are discussed and instant help is provided free for anyone to enter. Bei ixpos finden Sie alle Serviceangebote und Dienstleistungen zur Förderung von Export und Aussenhandel gebündelt zusammengestellt. ixpos wurde vom Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie ins Leben gerufen. Die Bundesagentur für Außenwirtschaft koordiniert den Inhalt der Website. ixpos offers you the entire spectrum of German foreign trade promotion opportunities at a glance and provides guidance through the jungle of tools and services and information which various government and semi-independent players in Germany provide. ixpos is a Federal Ministry of Economics and Labour initiative. The German Office for Foreign Trade (bfai) is responsible for coordinating the website content. 34

35 A service provided by the Euroean Commission The Export Helpdesk is an online service to facilitate market access for developing countries to the European Union. The Export Helpdesk assist exporters from developing countries. It take a maximum advantage of the EU's preferential trade regimes available for developing countries and obtain information about EU and member States requirements as well as internal taxes. The Export Helpdesk help to find trading partners and contacts within the EU. Der AUMA, der Verband der deutschen Messewirtschaft, informiert Aussteller und Besucher über Termine, Angebote, Aussteller- und Besucherzahlen von in- und ausländischen Veranstaltungen durch Internet, Printmedien und individuelle Informationen. Ergänzend dazu veröffentlicht er Fachbroschüren zur konkreten Vorbereitung und Durchführung von Messebeteiligungen. AUMA, the Association of the German Trade Fair Industry, informs exhibitors and visitors about dates, product ranges, exhibitor and visitor figures of German and foreign events by internet, printed media and individual information. As a complement to this, it publishes specialist brochures for the preparation and staging of trade fair partipation. 35

36 Wer liefert was? Wer liefert was? ist eine Lieferantensuchmaschine. Bereits seit 1995 steht Wer liefert was? im Internet allen Nutzern kostenlos zur Verfügung. Was auch immer Sie für Ihr Unternehmen suchen - bei Wer liefert was? finden Sie schnell, präzise und einfach die passenden Hersteller, Händler und Dienstleister für Ihren gesamten gewerblichen Bedarf. "Wer liefert was?" is a Supplier Search Engine for the business-to-business sector. As early as 1995 WLW went onto the Internet and has been available to all its users free of charge ever since. Whatever you are looking for - with WLW you will easily and quickly find competent manufacturers, suppliers and service providers for all your commercial needs. Der VDMA (Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau e.v.) ist ein Netzwerk von rund 3000 Unternehmen in Europa und ist einer der bedeutendsten Verbandsdienstleister, der das größte Branchennetzwerk der Investitionsgüter-industrie anbietet. Fachverbände, regionale Landesverbände, zentrale Fachabteilungen sowie Servicegesellschaften bilden die Organisation. The VDMA (Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau German Engineering Federation) is a network of around 3,000 engineering industry companies in Europe and is one of the key lobby groups and service providers to the engineering industry. The organisation consists of specialist associations, regional state associations, central specialist departments and service companies. 36

37 Deutsche Firmen von A bis Z German Companies in Alphabetical Order 37

38 adidas AG Adi-Dassler-Str Herzogenaurach +49 (0)9132 / (0)9132 / Representative Office in Indonesia adidas Sourcing Limited Artha Graha Building, 10 th Floor SCBD Lot. 25 Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav Jakarta (0)21 / (0)21 / Corporate Executives Mr Wojciech Kur Country Manager Business line: Footwear, Apparel, A&G 38

39 Airbus Willy-Messerschmitt-Str Ottobrunn München Airbus Indonesia Representative Office: One Pacific Place, 12 th floor, suite 1207 Sudirman Central Business District, Lot 3-5 Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav Jakarta (0)89 / (0)89 / (0)21 / (0)21 / Corporate Executives Mr Laurent Godin Country Manager Mr Eka Meiryawan Representative Business line: Civil aviation (Airbus); military planes and helicopters; satellites, launch vehicles; defence electronics, telecommunications, services 39

40 Albert Ziegler GmbH & CO. KG Postfach Fiengen / Brenz +49 (0)7322 / (0)7322 / PT Ziegler Indonesia Delta Silicon Industrial Park Jl. M.H. Thamrin Blok A10 / 2 Cikarang Selatan Bekasi (0)21 / (0)21 / Corporate Executives Mr Zhang GuoZhong President Director Business line: Fire and rescue vehicles 40

41 Allianz Aktiengesellschaft Königstr München +49 (0)89 / Sudsidairy in Indonesia Allianz Life Indonesia Head Office, Allianz Tower Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kawasan Kuningan Persada Super Blok 2 Jakarta (0)21 / (0)21 / Corporate Executives Mr Joachim Wessling Country Manager & President Director Business line: Life, Health & General Insurance 41

42 Andritz Hydro Escher Wyss Str Ravensburg +49 (0)751 / (0)751 / PT. Andritz Hydro VA TECH Building, 2 nd Floor Jl. Talang No. 3 Proklamsi Jakarta (0)21 / (0)21 / Corporate Executives Mr Josef Ullmer President Director Mr G. Enzenhofer Vice President Director Business line: PT. Andritz Hydro is a leading EPC Company in Indonesia in the field of Hydro Power Plant Development. We offer integrated system solutions and advanced technologies in order to help our customers to develop, to operate and to maintain the following business line: Large hydro, compact hydro, hydro service Active in Indonesia since 1984 Andritz Hydro have been involved in the engineering, manufacturing, supply, installation and commissioning of mor than MW of Clean & Renewable Energy. 42

43 Ara Shoes AG Zur Schlenkhecke Langenfeld +49 (0) PT ara Shoes Indonesia Jl. PTP XIII Ngobo Karangjati, Kec. Bergas Ungaran (0)298 / (Hunting) +62 (0)298 / Corporate Executives Mr Michael Wölfle President Director Mr Lukas Sipayum Finance & HRD Director Business line: Footwear 43

44 BASF Aktiengesellschaft Ludwigshafen Subsidiary in Indonesia PT BASF Indonesia +49 (0)621 / (0)621 / DBS Bank Tower, 27 th Floor Ciputra World 1 Jl. Prof. Dr. Satrio Kav. 3-5 Jakarta Factory: Cengkareng: Jl. Daan Mogot KM 14 Cengkareng Jakarta Cikarang: Cikarang Industrial Estate Jl. Jababeka V Blok I-1 Bekasi Merak: Jl. Raya Salira-Merak Desa Mangunreja Kec. Pulo Ampel Kab. Serang +62 (0)21 / (hunting) +62 (0)21 / (0)21 / (0)21 / (0)21 / (0)21 / (0)254 / (0)254 / Corporate Executives Mr Daniel Hong Chye Loh President Director Mr Prawira Atmadja Director Finance & Corporate Mrs Paramita Dewi Wijaya Director Human Resources, Administration & General Affairs Mr Peter van der Zwan Director Local Business Management ASEAN Dispersions & Resins Business line: BASF Indonesia s products and solutions range from petrochemicals, monomers, intermediates, dispersions and resins, care chemicals, nutrition and health, performance chemicals, catalysts, construction chemicals, coatings and performance materials to crop protection. 44

45 PT BASF Care Chemical Indonesia DBS Bank Tower, 27 th Floor Ciputra World 1 Jl. Prof. Dr. Satrio Kav. 3-5 Jakarta (0)21 / (hunting) +62 (0)21 / Factory: Jl. Raya Jakarta - Bogor KM 31,2 Cimanggis Depok (0)21 / (0)21 / Corporate Executives Mr CP Chan President Director Mr Prawira Atmadja Director, Finance & Corporate Functions Mr Annuar Abu Bakar Head of Site & Operation Mrs Paramita Dewi Wijaya Director Human Resources, Administration & General Affairs Business line: Manufacturer and distributor of chemical products such as surfactants, processing chemicals (auxiliaries) for textiles, polymer coating & inks, plastics, cosmetics & toiletries industry and food additives. PT BASF Care Chemicals Indonesia develops innovative products and solutions for personal care and home care. 45

46 BayWa re Herzog-Heinrich-Str München +49 (0)89 / (0)89 / Subsidiary PT Bumiraya Suria Abadi Le Meridian Hotel Suite 237 Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav Jakarta (0)21 / Corporate Executives Mr Björn Heidrich President Director +62 (0) Mr Eddy Mulyadi Director +62 (0) Business line: The future belongs to renewables, even though the energy market itself is subject to constant change. We are by your side as a responsible and reliable partner to help you plan effectively now and in the future. We provide you with advice and support regarding innovative, tailor-made solutions based around solar energy, wind power, bio-energy and geothermal energy. In this way we help to make the generation of energy profitable for you over the long term. Since its formation in 2009, BayWa r.e. renewable energy has developed into one of the most wellrespected project developers and system suppliers of PV plants throughout Germany and the rest of Europe. We also offer additional forms of support to our customers by providing consultation and system management services. We specialise in a wide range of renewable technologies, and our activities extend across many countries. Working in partnership with our customers, BayWa r.e. renewable energy has already brought 1.7 gigawatts online. Today, we are one of Europe's leading suppliers in this sector. Our ambition is to promote an increase in the utilisation of renewables at a global level. We are fortunately placed as the size of our company, our global network of sales outlets and financial backing of BayWa AG, together with our extensive expertise in each of our business sectors, put us in a good position to achieve our ambitious aims. 46

47 Bauer Spezialtiefbau GmbH Wittelsbacherstr Schrobenhausen PO Box (0)8252 / (0)8252 / PT Bauer Pratama Indonesia Alamanda Tower 19 th Floor Jl. TB Simatupang Kav Cilandak Barat Jakarta (0)21 / (0)21 / Corporate Executives Mr Anthony Setiawan Managing Director Mr Hemanth P.N. Assistant Managing Director Business line: Specialist foundation 47

48 Bayer AG Leverkusen-Bayerwerk Subsidiary in Indonesia PT Bayer Indonesia +49 (0) (0) MidPlaza I, 11th-15th floor Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav Jakarta (0)21 / (0)21 / Production Sites: Jl. Raya Jakarta Bogor KM 28 Jakarta Jl. Raya Bogor KM 32 Depok Jl. Rungkut Industri I / 12 Surabaya (0)21 / (hunting) +62 (0)21 / (0)21 / (0)21 / (0)31 / / (0)31 / (0)31 / Corporate Executives Board of Directors: Mr Angel-Michaelo Evangelista President Director Mr Stephan Rausch Director Mr Jose Marie Lopez Director Mr Mohan Babu Director Business line: Pharmaceuticals / Life Science Company Parmaceutical Division Consumer Health Division Crop Science Division Animal Health Business Unit 48

49 Beiersdorf AG Unnastr Hamburg +49 (0)40 / (0)40 / Subsidiary in Indonesia PT Beiersdorf Indonesia Ratu Praba 2, 5 th Floor Jl. TB. Simatupang Kav. I-B Jakarta (0)21 / (0)21 / Corporate Executives Mr Holger Welters President Director Mr Aidar Mumtazia HR Director Business line: Cosmetic products, Medical & Healthcare, Pharmaceutical; Production and Manufacturing 49

50 BMW AG Petuelring München BMW Forschungs- & Innovationszentrum (FIZ) Knorrstr (0)89 / (0)89 / BMW Group Indonesia The Plaza, 21st floor Jl. M.H. Thamrin Kav Jakarta (0)21 / (0)21 / Corporate Executives Mrs Karen Lim President Director Mr Felix Eckardt Finance Director Mrs Helena Abidin Corporate Communication Director Mrs. Jodie O tania Vice President Corporate Communication Mr. Bayu Riyanto Vice President Sales Mr Bernd Leschke Vice President Aftersales Mr Albert Reichel Production Network 2 Management Production Partner Indonesia Business line: BMW Group Indonesia is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Munich-based Bayerische Motoren Werke (BMW) AG in Germany. The establishment of this subsidiary in April 2001 reflects the BMW Group s confidence in the long-term future of Indonesia. BMW Indonesia Group activities cover the wholesale of BMW and MINI vehicles, spare parts and accessories, as well as the overall planning of sales, marketing, after-sales, and related activities in Indonesia. Its dealership network covers 18 new-car dealers and 7 BMW Premium Selection facilities spread out in various cities in Indonesia. Selected models of the BMW 3 Series, BMW 5 Series, BMW 7 Series,BMW X1, BMW X3, and BMW X5 are assembled in Indonesia by a local partner. 50

51 Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH Binger Str Ingelheim am Rhein +49 (0) 6132 / (0) 6132 / PT Boehringer Ingelheim Indonesia AIA Central Level 40 Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 48A Jakarta (0)21 / (0)21 / Corporate Executive Mr Jorge Wagner President Director Business line: Manufacturer of pharmaceuticals 51

52 Robert Bosch GmbH Robert-Bosch-Platz Gerlingen-Schillerhöhe +49 (0) 711 / (0) 711 / PT Robert Bosch Palma Tower, 10 th Floor Jl. RA Kartini II-S Kav. 6 Pondok Pinang Kebayoran Lama Jakarta (0)21 / (0)21 / Corporate Executives Mr. Andrew Powell Managing Director Business line: Automotive components & spareparts, car multimedia, power tools, gasoline system and accessories, security technology. 52

53 C. Illies & Co Handelsgesellschaft mbh Valentinskamp Hamburg +49 (0)40 / (0)40 / PT Illies Engineering Indonesia Wisma SLIPI 7 th Floor, Unit 707 Jl. Let. Jend. S.Parman Kav. 12 Jakarta Barat (0)21 / (0)21 / Corporate Executives Mr Rizki Roman President Director +62 (0) Mr. Dietmar Lonardoni Director +62 (0) Business line: Machineries and Services for different industries and technologies: Textile (Fabric, Finishing) Pharma Paper & Printing Film & Coating (Flexible Packing and Functional Films) Plastic & Metal (Heavy Industries, Plastic and Rubber Processing) 53

54 Commerzbank (Dresdner Bank) Kaiserplatz Frankfurt am Main Frankfurt am Main +49 (0) 69 / (0) 69 / Commerzbank AG Representative Office: World Trade Center 2, 18th floor Jl Jend Sudirman Kav Jakarta Corporate Executives Mr Christophe Marie Senior Representative +62 (0)21 / (0)21 / Mr Purnomo Ashari Representative Business line: Banking services 54

55 Covestro AG Kaiser-Wilhelm-Allee Leverkusen PT Covestro Polymers Indonesia MidPlaza 1, 14 th Floor Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav Jakarta (0)21 / Corporate Executives Mr Lars Kesternich Managing Director Business line: Covestro is a world-leading manufacturer of polymers and high-tech plastics and has three segments: Polyurethanes Polycarbonates Coating, Adhesives Specialties (CAS) 55

56 DHL Global Forwarding North Germany Kaltenkirchener Str Hamburg Representative Office in Indonesia DHL Global Forwarding Indonesia Soewarna Business Park Lot A No. 8 Soekarno-Hatta Int l Airport Tangerang Banten (0)21 / Corporate Executives Mrs Welani Widjaja Indonesia Country Manager Business line: Industrial logistics & forwarder 56

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APPLICATION. DeutscherAkademischerAustauschDienst GERMAN ACADEMIC EXCHANGE SERVICE 871 UN Plaza, New York, NY 10017

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