Dr. Riccardo Fabbri 1. September Lebenslauf

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1 Lebenslauf Persönliche Daten Name: Riccardo Fabbri Geburtsdatum: Geburtsort: Sanremo, Italien Staatsangehörigkeit: Italienisch Adresse: Viale Talete 12, I Cesenatico Telefon: ( ) Webpage: Studium und Promotion März 1999: Studium und Diplomarbeit in Astronomie an der Università degli Studi di Bologna (Note: 108/110) Thema: 1/2 Spin Particles in a Time-Dependent Metrics Februar 2003: Doktorarbeit und Promotion in Physik an der Università degli Studi di Ferrara Thema: Hard Exclusive Electroproduction of Two Pions at Sprachen Italienisch (Muttersprache), Englisch (fließend in Wort und Schrift), Deutsch (An einem B2 Kurs teilgenommen) Beruflicher Werdegang Didaktik: Oktober : Arbeit am Lehrstuhl der Physik der Universität von Ferrara October 2014 June 2015 Physiklehrer an dem naturwissenschaftliches Gymnasium A.Righi in Stellvertretender Mathematiklehrer an der Mittelschule in Physik: September August 2013: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im FZJ (Forschungszentrum Jülich) Mai Dezember 2010: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im DESY, Hamburg Mai April 2007: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im DESY, Zeuthen März April 2005: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im NIKHEF, Amsterdam Sonstiges: Verschiedene Jobs neben dem Studium. Zivildienst vom Computerkenntnisse Programmiersprachen: Programmierumgebung und -tools: Betriebssysteme: C, C++, Fortran, perl, Tcl/Tk, Linux Bash, L A TEX, html, LabView, CERN ADAMO; Basis: Python, SQL & MATLAB und DOS GCC, Qt, nmake, Visual Studio, CERN ROOT & Cint, GDB/DDD, Grid (Basis) Unix/Linux (Fachkenntnisse), Windows und Linux-ähnliche CYWING Umgebung für Windows 1

2 Wichtigste berufliche Fähigkeiten und Leistungen Verantwortung für komplexe Hardware-Projekte Verantwortlich für Untersuchung und Test der Performance von neuartigen Ausleseelektronik (von dem ZEL Institute im Forschungszentrum FZJ hergestellt) für einen Prototyp von Anger Kamera, entworfen zu dem Zweck, die Rekonstruktion von Aufprallpunkten bei Neutronenspuren zu verbessern. Charakterisierung und Selektion von Photomultipliern, sowie Software-Implementierung für die Datenerfassung, Hardwaresteuerung und Online-Überwachung. Laboraufbau für die Untersuchung der Hardware mit radioaktiven Quellen. Verantwortlich für den Betrieb eines Highpower (40 W) Nd:YAG Pulslasers. Langjährige Erfahrung in der Laserstrahl- Lenkung und -Tuning mit Nutzung der Optik, optischen Filtern, Pockelszellen sowie Schrittmotoren. Implementierung und Wartung von Software für die Hardwaresteuerung und Online-Überwachung. Als Period Koordinator verantwortlich für den gesamten -Detektor im HERA-Beschleuniger (zur Gewährleistung eines optimalen Ablauf des Experiments, der Datenerfassung und Koordination zwischen Teildetektoren). Verantwortlich (Hardware, Software und Analyse) für den Längs-Polarimeter-Detektor in dem HERA-Beschleuniger im Forschungszentrum DESY Hamburg. Supervisor und Leiter des Projekts System for monitoring and control of superconducting magnets. Realisierung (Hardware, Trigger, Computing und Software sowie VNC Sever-Client Systeme unter Linux) des experimentellen Bereichs für Operationen mit dem Teststrahl. Kompetenzen im Bereich Hardware Charakterisierung des Photokatode-Response von Vakuum-Photomultipliern. Entwicklung eines LED-System für das Gain Matching von Vakuum-Photomultipliern. Untersuchung der Emissionen von Kunststoff-Szintillatoren für die Messung der γ- und Neutronenstrahlung. Untersuchung und Test der Performance von Prototypen komplexer Ausleseelektronik für die Strahlungsmessung. Täglicher Umgang mit Strahlungsdetektoren (Szintillatoren, Kristalle, etc.), Kalibrierverfahren und Sicherheitsverfahren für Strahlung. Erfahrungen mit R&D von Kalorimeter-Systemen und neuartigen Strahlungsdetektoren wie Silizium-Photomultiplier sowie mit PET-orientierten Anwendungen von Silizium-Photomultipliern. Erfahrungen mit Atomstrahlquellen und Geräten zur Messung der Atomfraktion und der Atompolarisierung. Erfahrungen mit supraleitenden Magneten. Kontinuierliche Interaktion mit Unternehmen aus der privaten Industrie für Hardwarewartung und -austausch. Kompetenzen im Bereich Strahlen, Strahlquellen Überwachung und Tuning des Beschleunigers unter laufenden Bedingungen. Erfahrungen im Bereich der Vakuum-Technologie. Überwachung der Vakuumkammer des internen Gastarget des Experiments. Verantwortlich für das Vakuum einer Laser-Transferleitung. Erzeugung von Elektronenstrahlen, und von Photonenstrahlen durch die inverse Compton-Streuung. Täglicher Umgang mit γ- und neutronenquellen (sowie im Kernreaktor in Garching), mit γ- und Röntgenstrahlungen. Kompetenzen im Bereich Software, Monte Carlo Simulationen, sowie Datenanalyse Autor von Grafik-Software für die Datenerfassung sowie für die Online-Datenüberwachung während der Datenerfassung. Langjährige Erfahrung mit Monte Carlo Simulationen sowie Programmierung mit verschiedenen Programmiersprachen. Rekonstruktion von Energieprofilen und Aufprallpunkten bei Photonenstrahlung sowie 3D Profile von Hadron Schauern in Kalorimetern. Kalibrierung der Spurkammern zur Aufprallbestimmung von Teilchenstrahlung. Konzeption, Ausarbeitung sowie Abschluss eigener originaler statistischer Datenanalysen in unterschiedlichen Bereichen der Physik (Kern- und Subnuklear-physik, Elektronik, Kalorimetrie, Optik). Kompetenzen im Bereich Dokumentation, Vorträge, Betreuung der Studierenden Co-Autor von 54 international referierten Publikationen; erster Autor von 19 Publikationen. Vorträge auf internationalen Konferenzen und Tagungen gehalten. Anleitung und Beaufsichtigung von Studenten. 2

3 Kurze Beschreibung der beruflichen Erfahrungen und Leistungen (auf Englisch) Teaching Ferrara University: 10/ Scientific lyceum A.Righi, Cesena: 10/ /2015 Group for Neutron and Gamma Detector Development: 09/ /2013 Teaching assistant of Physics at the Department of Physics and of Earth Science. Teacher of Physics. Research Associate at Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ), Jülich The group for Neutron and Gamma Detector Development of Central Institute of Electronics (ZEA2) at FZJ has developed, in collaboration with European partners, an Anger Camera to improve the reconstruction of the impact point of neutrons. The detector is filled with 3 He+CF 4, and due to interaction of a neutron with the Helium in the gas volume one tritium and one proton are produced. The energy deposition of ions in the gas generates a drift of electrons, and a charge avalanche is produced when the electrons reach the microstrip structure of the dynode. The scintillation light, generated during the drift and the charge amplification, is collected by four vacuum-photomultipliers (PMTs). The position of the initial neutron is reconstructed using software algorithms. Analysis of the photocathode signal for different vacuum photomultipliers, characterising their uniformity and relative gain. Development of measurement techniques and of DAQ software for a broader analysis of the collected data and to monitor the stability of the existing experimental acquisition system (pedestal, noise and temperature). The description of the developed software is published in the reports arxiv: e FZJ Investigation at FZJ of photon production from different types of scintillation plates for neutron and γ-detection, using also pulse shape discrimination techniques to improve the reject of γ background. The preliminary analysis is reported in FZJ (restricted access). Investigation, at the nuclear reactor FRM-II in Garching, of the performance of a detector prototype for neutron detection, based on scintillating plates to generate photons, and on two orthogonal planes of Wavelength Shifting Fibers to count the generated the generated photons. Characterisation of the 32-channel JUDIDT readout electronics to use (through optical link) in the DAQ for an Anger Camera prototype. Results published in arxiv: , FZJ Characterisation of the 16-channels readout electronics of the WASA experiment, investigating its possible use in the Waveform Analysis for rejection of γ noise during neutron detection. Results presented in arxiv: , FZJ Participation to the design and construction of the aluminium cylindrical case to house the photomultipliers of an Anger Camera, providing a flexible solution to host different types of PMTs, with optimal isolation from external light. The structure hosts also an LED to calibrate the 4 PMTs. Software development (in C/C++) of the data acquisition system, based on client-server architecture (using sockets ), to use with both JUDIDT and ACQIRIS readout electronics. The software was developed to be cross-platform (Linux, Windows e XP/CYGWIN), using the compilers GCC, NMAKE e VS2008, or the SDK Qt Creator (ideal for development of cross-platform code). The DAQ can be configured and monitored using a client GUI, developed using the ROOT libraries. Development (in C/C++/ROOT) of a GUI interface to monitor, online and offline, the data collected by the DAQ during the commissioning of the JUDIDT electronics. The description of the DAQ and of the monitoring system is presented in arxiv: e FZJ Setup of the experimental area for commissioning, with Californium neutron source and with Caesium and Californium γ sources, of the JUDIDT readout electronics with the Anger Camera. 3

4 Research Associate at DESY Laboratory (Hamburg) Polarization Task Force: 05/ /2010 The Polarization Task Force aims to improve the understanding of the polarization data of the lepton beam in the HERA accelerator at DESY. The improved data should be used by the experimental collaborations at HERA for their final publications. I have performed analyses on the systematical uncertainty of the HERA lepton beam polarization data accumulated with the longitudinal polarimeter. The analyses are finalized, and their publication as a DESY report is in progress. Migration of TeraByte-size polarimeter data at DESY from the Adamo database format (in the experiment) to the hbook/root/sql formats (common to all experiments in HERA). CALICE 05/ /2010 The CALICE Collaboration is developing a solution for the hadronic calorimeter for the International Linear Collider. In the past years calorimeter prototypes were built and tested in various campaigns in test beam facilities at DESY, CERN and FNAL laboratories. I have commissioned the 36-channel signal readout chip SPIROC. During the commissioning, I have developed software (in Linux Bash and C) to improve the data taking, allowing the user to remotely steer the parameters of devices needed during the measurements (pulse generators via USB to GPIB interface). I have also maintained the existing data acquisition (DAQ) software (in C++) of the commissioning campaign. I have worked on the preparation of the test beam runs for a new hadron calorimeter prototype (with signal readout based on silicon photomultipliers) in 2010, taking active part in the hardware and trigger setup of the experimental area. I have implemented a new graphic online monitor (in C++/ROOT) to be used at the 2010 test beam operations at DESY. I have ported the data acquisition software (LabView based) from Windows into a Linux platform, to have a system more flexible for future implementations driven by the physics program needs. I have implemented modifications to the DAQ software to acquire a larger set of data. I have setup and configured the DAQ computers under Linux, in particular allowing different users to remotely access the DAQ programs via a common virtual graphics desktop environment by using VNC tools. I have taken active part in the test beam campaigns both at CERN and FNAL, with shifts and, in particular, I have implemented a graphic user interface (in Tcl/Tk) to save critical online information (e.g., data quality, beam energy). I have analyzed within the Grid envirorment (in C and C++) test beam data to study the energy and 3D-profiles of hadron showers in calorimeters. The analysis results were released by the collaboration. My task was also to understand and calibrate the response of the tracking system (made of three Delay Wire Chambers), which provides the information of the impact point of the beam particle on the calorimeter. I supervisioned a DESY summer student in 2009, whose work subject was the characterization of silicon photomultipliers and their application to positron emission tomography. 05/ /2008 is an experiment based at the DESY laboratory in Hamburg investigating the quark-gluon structure of matter, in particular the spin structure of the nucleon. I have finalized my analysis on semi-inclusive electro-production of π + π pairs off transversely polarized hydrogen, and published it on the international and refereed review JHEP. This analysis demonstrates the possibility to extract the quark transversity distribution in nucleons also via this production production channel. I have worked on the finalization of the paper on the gluon polarization. The paper was published in August 2010 by the international and refereed review JHEP. Research Associate at DESY Laboratory (Zeuthen) 4

5 POL2000 Group: 05/ /2007 POL2000 Group is a joint project of the, H1, ad ZEUS Experiments at DESY; it aims to provide the polarization measurement of the HERA lepton beam for their analyses in fundamental physics. Laser light is scattered off the beam, and the polarization is determined by measuring spatial and energy asymmetries of the back-scattered Compton photons. I was responsible of the hardware of the longitudinal polarimeter detector (LPOL) in the HERA accelerator, in all its aspects (Nd:YAG laser, calorimetry, electronics, data quality, data acquisition, signal integrity, maintenance, etc.), implementing software for the LPOL data acquisition and for the LPOL data analysis (using Linux bash, C, Tcl/Tk, Fortran, Perl and ORACLE). Among the several analysis tasks it is worth to mention the reconstruction of energy profiles and impact points for photon beams. Continuous interaction with private industries for hardware maintenance and replacement. Long experience with optics acquired in steering the LPOL laser beam (to optimize its scattering off the HERA electron beam), in using non-linear optic devices to circularly polarize the laser via Pockels Cells, and in monitoring and tuning the laser parameters (as intensity, polarization, trajectory, timing). Experience with stepper motors to remotely steer the optics in the laser beam line and the LPOL calorimeter (used to detect back-scattered photons). Responsible of the vacuum system in the 70-m long transfer-line of the laser. 05/ /2007 I was Period Coordinator for the entire detector with the responsibility of ensuring the optimal functioning of the experiment, the correct and efficient acquisition of the data, and of coordinating the responsibles of the subdetectors (calorimeter, trigger and tracking chambers, permanent magnet, polarimeter, particle identification detectors, etc.). Collaboration with the accelerator group for steering the electron/positron beam in the LPOL and in regions. I have analyzed (in Fortran and C) the transversity distribution of quarks in the nucleon, and crosssection asymmetries in semi-inclusive hadron production for the extraction of the gluon polarized distribution (using Monte Carlo simulations as well). Research Associate at NIKHEF Institute (Amsterdam) POL2000 Group: 03/ / / / /2003 I was responsible of the hardware of the longitudinal polarimeter of the HERA accelerator, in all its aspects, (Nd:YAG laser, calorimetry, electronics, data quality, maintenance, vacuum, etc.), implementing software for the LPOL data acquisition and for the LPOL data analysis. I have finalized my analysis on hard exclusive π + π electroproduction and published it on the international and refereed review Physics Letters B. PhD in Experimental Physics I have analyzed angular distributions for the Hard Exclusive Electroproduction of π + π pairs off Hydrogen and Deuteron in the Experiment. These results constrain models for Generalized Parton Distributions, which describe parton dynamical correlations in the proton. Shifts at the experimental Hall being responsible for the polarized gaseous target hardware. The hardware consisted of an atomic-beam source to feed polarized atomic gas into the gaseous target cell of the experiment, and of a target gas analyzer and a Breit-Rabi polarimeter to measure the atomic fraction and polarization in the target cell. Continuous experience in highvacuum technology (up to 10 9 mbar) during shifts on the target chamber. JPT Laboratory: Spring 2001 The Jet Polarized Target (now SpinLab) laboratory is a facility of the INFN institute in Ferrara dedicated to the development of intense polarized atomic beam sources. I have supervisioned and directed the project System for monitoring and control of superconducting magnets. 5

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