Schule mit Erfolg. Englisch Simple present adverbs time Unit Blatt What time is it? 7.50 Uhr Uhr Uhr Uhr 20.

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Abgabedatum: Alle Aufgaben, die Lösungen zu den Aufgaben und eine Übersicht zu den Grammatiken findest du im Internet:

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Jahrgangsstufentest Englisch. am Gymnasium

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Das simple present und das present progressive

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Jahrgangsstufentest Englisch. am Gymnasium

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Englisch Simple present adverbs time Unit 3 2.1 Blatt 1 1. Vocabulary. a) Write down the opposites! big always after first late rude b) Put in the right prepositions. Luke gets up at 7 am the morning. I have breakfast 8 o clock. Dave plays football Sundays. Let s go Greenwich. He gets my nerves. Lunch is breakfast. Pia goes school. 2. What time is it? 7.50 Uhr 11.15 Uhr 14.19 Uhr 16.45 Uhr 20.00 Uhr 3. Put in the verbs and the adverbs. Luke (always / go) to bed late. In the evenings I (usually / be) at home. It (never / be) easy. Holly (often / tidy) her room in the morning.

Englisch Simple present adverbs time Unit 3 2.1 Blatt 2 4. Put in the correct verb forms. Wähle das richtige Verb aus und setze es korrekt ein. a) Sophie and Emily (come / live / go) in Wimbledon. Sophie (come / get up / go) early every day. Then she (run / come / like) to school. She (learn / listen to / like) school and (think / say / can) German is a great subject. b) Emily (be / is / can) happy. She (like / smile / start) holidays. She and her friend Sophie often (hear / play / listen) to music. They sometimes (watch / look / see) TV. There (be / play / go) a good film on TV. Her sister (love / see / often) the movie about Minions and she (speak / start / say) about it all the time. After the movie the girls (make / do / take) their homework. c) Luke s mother (say / ask / speak) lots of questions about school. His parents always (talk / listen to / tell) about school, his homework and his subjects. They really (stand / go / get) on his nerves. d) Sherlock often (love / wash / make) Luke s face. On their way to school he sometimes (take / help / go) with Luke s school bag. His job in the morning (be / make / can) to look after the house. He sometimes (see / watch / look) cats and always (stop / come / start) to bark. The cats are scared and they (go / run / make) away. On Saturday Sherlock (go / take / make) Luke to a dog school. e) Word order: Write a correct sentence with the words. Luke (to play) on Mondays computer games in his room sometimes after school

Englisch Simple present adverbs time Unit 3 2.1 Blatt 3 5. Correct the sentences. Finde die Fehler und schreibe die Sätze richtig. Luke lives in a old house. Pia does often her homework at 4 pm. At Sundays I never get up early. 6. Writing: Write about your Weekend. Use the pictures. Say what you don t like, too.

Englisch Simple present adverbs time Unit 3 Lösung 2.1 Blatt 1 1. Vocabulary. a) Write down the opposites! big small always never after before first last late early rude polite b) Put in the right prepositions. Luke gets up at 7 am in the morning. I have breakfast at 8 o clock. Dave plays football on Sundays. Let s go to Greenwich. He gets on my nerves. Lunch is after breakfast. Pia goes to school. 2. What time is it? 7.50 Uhr It s ten to eight. 11.15 Uhr It s quarter past eleven. 14.19 Uhr It s nineteen minutes past two pm. 16.45 Uhr It s quarter to five pm. 20.00 Uhr It s 8 o clock pm. 3. Put in the verbs and the adverbs. Luke always goes to bed late. In the evenings I am usually at home. It is never easy. Holly often tidies her room in the morning.

Englisch Simple present adverbs time Unit 3 Lösung 2.1 Blatt 2 4. Put in the correct verb forms. Wähle das richtige Verb aus und setze es korrekt ein. a) Sophie and Emily live in Wimbledon. Sophie gets up early every day. Then she runs to school. She likes school and thinks German is a great subject. b) Emily is happy. She likes holidays. She and her friend Sophie often listen to music. They sometimes watch TV. There is a good film on TV. Her sister loves the movie about Minions and she speaks about it all the time. After the movie the girls do their homework. c) Luke s mother asks lots of questions about school. His parents always talk about school, his homework and his subjects. They really get on his nerves. d) Sherlock often washes Luke s face. On their way to school he sometimes helps with Luke s school bag. His job in the morning is to look after the house. He sometimes sees cats and always starts to bark. The cats are scared and they run away. On Saturday Sherlock takes Luke to a dog school. e) Word order: Write a correct sentence with the words. Luke (to play) on Mondays computer games sometimes after school On Mondays Luke sometimes plays computer games in his room after school. Lukes sometimes plays computer games in his room on Mondays after school.

Englisch Simple present adverbs time Unit 3 Lösung 2.1 Blatt 3 5. Correct the sentences. Finde die Fehler und schreibe die Sätze richtig. Luke lives in a old house. Luke lives in an old house. Pia does often her homework at 4 pm. Pia often does her homework at 4 pm. At Sundays I never get up early. On Saturdays I never get up early. 6. Writing: Write about your Weekend. Use the pictures. Say what you don t like, too. On Saturdays I never get up early. I get up at 10 o clock. In the morning I play football with my friends. Then I have lunch. After lunch I do my homework. I hate homework. I hate school. On Sundays our family sometimes has a picnic near the boating lake or in Greenwich Park. We love picnics. We have fruit and coke and we don t have a table. In the evening we sometimes watch TV. I like that but I don t like boring movies. At 9 o clock I go to bed. I am always tired. I fall asleep.