City Development Plan for Vienna 2005 / stadtentwicklung / step

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Lebensqualität City Development Plan for Vienna 2005 wwwwienat / stadtentwicklung / step Results of COMET Project which will be part of the new City Development Plan Vienna 2005 Suggestions in the draft-version of the City Development Plan as a contribution in elaborating the deliverables of COMET-Project DI Mittringer MA 18, Section Urban Development 1 Titel

Was ist ein STEP? The Urban Development Plan STEP 05 of Vienna instrument of a general, foresighted urban planning specifies the further development of the city determines the distribution of uses, defines development areas, superior green and free spaces as well as the superior traffic infrastructure Lebensqualität points out the spatial-functional connections between the city and region Represents a guideline for those, which are responsible in the administration for more detailed planning and the financial priorities of the infrastructure development 2

Neue Rahmenbedingungen seit dem STEP 94 Why do we need a new STEP? Lebensqualität The previous STEP (of the year 1994) was characterized by the necessity for a reorientation within new Europe and the precaution for an increasing city Now the definitions of the problems are more multilayered: we still have to readjust on changing European-wide developments, although the role allocation of the city which can be developed is clearer today Vienna is stronger influenced by European-wide and world-wide trends (globalization) because of the stronger economic and regional connections This influences not only the economical structure, but also the living conditions of the inhabitants These developments should be supported by new procedures, and should be steered and controlled 3

Reflections Lebensqualität As a city-planner of the Vienna City Administration I am representing (typical) interests of governmental end users in this project I am responsible for the elaboration and the contetnt of the CITY DEVELOPMENT PLAN 05 and especially for the chapter economy Concerning the COMET project I am interested in two things: in the analysis results and in the explenations of the patterns of service sectordevelopment and especially in the forecasts and the resulting policy advice 4

Reflections Lebensqualität I am mainly interested in the considerations if the unsteered development (in middle- and long term perspective) leads to a Competitive Metropolitan including Lower Austria (and Bratislava) and/or which measures have to be taken, to combine economic demands with requirements of sustainability (concerning the different sectors of economy, social and environmental development,) -> we believe to be competitive (and attractive), if the cityagglomeration fits the demands of economy, life-quality and social orientation 5

Lebensqualität Reflections So the analysis results of this project showing the patterns of development are a very important contribution to the Draft Version of the Vienna City Development Plan But this is not the only basis of decision-making The interpretation of the development concerning the implications for the future in this specific case of Vienna would have been also a very helpful result in some cases even more important 6

Reflections Lebensqualität Unfortunately the Draft version had to be finished this summer, and forced through the delay of data-gathering we had to make these conclusions for ourself We don`t know, if these considerations and conclusions are similar to other cities or may be adopted in some other cases, but I would like to discuss the main suggestions in our Leitbild concerning economic development: --> perhaps as a little contribution working out a guideline (handbook) for the partner-cities 7

Reflections Lebensqualität 3 different approaches: A strategic development zones (orientated towards network-economy): The development of (big-scale) business location is a main part of city development and therefore a main part of the development concerning the whole City as a location in a new European It is necessary - to design the local offers according to the factors of demand - to integrate the offers (of business locations) into the functional network of the city from the functional point of view cities are very complex systems and it is only possible to locate the cities in the international competition if all the elements of this system take over their specific roles (Without a positive function of the (historical) city it is not possible to reach the aims of development of the entire city ) 8

Lebensqualität Reflections 9 These fotos only may be used for internal diskussion and must not be carried out or used in publication!

Lebensqualität Reflections 10 These fotos only may be used for internal diskussion and must not be carried out or used in publication!

Lebensqualität Reflections Question of development of the historical center 11 These fotos only may be used for internal diskussion and must not be carried out or used in publication!

Reflections These functional networks have an inner side (within the city borders) and an out -side which is the region (300 km) and the world -> transport policy has to be more and more location-policy to create positive economic effects B Preserving existing and local economy (in the core city) -> suggestions orientated on supply within small units ( Life-quality ) Lebensqualität C Question of Center-functions: -> reshaping the historical center-network towards a less hierarchical but more polycentralized system (including new types of centers and regional orientated nodes) 12

Lebensqualität 13

Reflections Preserving the function of the historical City (CBD) Combining büroagglomeration with shopping centers and housing, R&D, towards a new type of centerfunction Strategic offers (big scale development) Preserving the function of the historical shopping streets and the small&middle enterprises in the densly built up areas of the so called Gründerzeit Area of possible new CITYfunctions (2CBD), orientated to public transport; especially to the connection to the City, the other City-Centers and the Airport Lebensqualität restructering old monofunctional Industrial sites, upgrading, mixed use development Logistic functions and production orientated to transport system 14