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Name, Vorname: Klasse: Schule:

ANWEISUNGEN Liebe Schülerin, lieber Schüler, in diesem Testheft findest du Aufgaben zum Hör- und Leseverstehen im Fach Englisch. Du wirst verschiedene Aufgaben bearbeiten. Einige davon sind leicht, andere sind schwierig. Gib bitte für alle Aufgaben eine Lösung an, auch wenn du dir nicht ganz sicher bist. AUFGABENTYPEN Du wirst in diesem Testheft folgende Aufgabentypen bearbeiten: Aufgaben mit Mehrfachauswahl / Multiple-Choice-Tasks Bei diesem Aufgabentyp werden verschiedene Antwortmöglichkeiten angeboten. Setze bei diesen Aufgaben ein Häkchen in das Kästchen, das vor der richtigen Antwort steht. Es ist immer nur eine der Antwortmöglichkeiten richtig. Wenn du deine Antwort auf eine Frage ändern möchtest, streiche das Kästchen mit deiner ersten Antwort aus und setze ein Häkchen in das richtige Kästchen, so wie es in dem Beispiel gezeigt wird. Beispiel: Read the mini saga. Then tick the correct answer (a, b, c or d). The Airport He was running late. Very late! That was the last flight and he didn t want to spend the night at the airport. He ran as fast as he could. There were only thirty minutes left. When he reached the gate his panic turned to a smile his flight was delayed. How did the man feel when he found out that his flight was late? a) tired b) happy c) nervous d) funny I

Aufgaben mit Kurzantwort / Short-Answer-Tasks Bei diesem Aufgabentyp schreibst du deine Antwort auf. Halte dich dabei möglichst an die angegebene Anzahl der Wörter, die du für deine Antwort verwenden solltest. Beispiel: Read the text. Then answer the question below using 1 to 5 words. What do you think about the story? strange, but interesting Zuordnungsaufgaben / Multiple-Matching-Tasks Bei diesem Aufgabentyp ordnest du verschiedene Informationen einander zu und trägst deine Antworten in eine Tabelle ein. Es ist immer nur eine der Antwortmöglichkeiten richtig. Bitte schreibe die Buchstaben deutlich und gut erkennbar. Beispiel: Read the texts (1 to 3). Then match them with one of the pictures (a to d). There is one more picture than you need. 1. Put on UV protective sunglasses. The sun can harm your eyes. 2. Wear a large hat to protect your eyes, ears, face and the back of your neck. 3. Stay away from sunlamps and sun beds. These are bad for your skin and eyes. II

Aufgaben mit Satzvervollständigung / Sentence-Completion-Tasks Hier liest du dir den vorgegebenen Satzanfang durch und vervollständigst ihn mit mehreren Wörtern. Beispiel: Complete the sentence in 1 to 5 words. When people think of Irish culture they probably think of Irish music Aufgaben mit Tabellenvervollständigung / Table-Completion-Tasks Bei diesem Aufgabentyp ist eine unvollständige Tabelle abgebildet, die du anhand der Informationen aus dem Text vervollständigen sollst. Beispiel: Read the text. Then answer the question below using 1 to 5 words. Age group/gender Money spent per week Money spent on 1. all age groups 7% books and magazines all age groups 2. a/one fifth food 3. 13 to 15 0.40 everything 7 to 9 4. 7 everything III

HÖRAUFGABEN Es folgen jetzt Aufgaben zum Hörverstehen. Auf der CD sind die Arbeitsanweisungen und Hörtexte zu den Aufgaben im Testheft. Lies die Anweisungen und den Aufgabentext sehr genau. Falls Bilder vorhanden sind, schaue dir auch diese genau an. Bearbeite die Aufgaben während des Hörens. Wird ein Text zweimal abgespielt, so hast du nach dem ersten Hören Zeit für die Bearbeitung. Vor dem zweiten Abspielen hörst du dann einen Piepton. Schreibe deine Lösung nur in die dafür vorgesehenen Felder. Gib bitte immer eine Lösung an, auch wenn du dir nicht ganz sicher bist. Nutze die Zeit nach dem Hören, um deine Lösungen zu vervollständigen und zu prüfen. 1

1 Family Holidays a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) Joan Audio: IQB Mum Dad My sister Lily My brother Tom My grandmother Graphics: IQB 2 Cinema 2

3 Weather Forecast 4 Junk Food 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 3

5 Why Germany 4

LESEAUFGABEN Es folgen jetzt Aufgaben zum Leseverstehen. Im Testheft findest du verschiedene Texte. Lies die Arbeitsanweisungen zu jedem Text genau durch. Dann lies die Texte so, wie es die jeweilige Aufgabenstellung erfordert und bearbeite die Aufgaben. Schreibe deine Antworten nur in die dafür vorgesehenen Felder. Gib bitte immer eine Lösung an, auch wenn du dir nicht ganz sicher bist. Wenn du noch Zeit hast, überprüfe deine Lösungen. Zur Bearbeitung hast du insgesamt 20 Minuten Zeit. 5

6 World Heritage Read the description of the Giant s Causeway and complete the sentences with phrases from the text using 1 to 5 words/numbers. Write feet, kilos, miles, years, minutes, etc. in your answers when needed. Welcome to Northern Ireland s only World Heritage Site The Giant s Causeway is an area of about 38,000 columns, the result of ancient volcanic activity 60 million years ago. It was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1986, due to its outstanding geology. Most of the columns are hexagonal, although there are also some with 4, 5, 7 and 8 sides. The tallest are about 12 metres (36 ft) high. Like the columns, many of the rocks have names relating to their shapes and their connections to the giant Finn MacCool. Legends tell the story of how Finn actually created the causeway and the stones around it as a challenge to hit Scottish rival Benandonner. Every rock tells its unique story. The nature conservation importance of the site is recognised by its designation as a European Special Area (SAC), as well as an Area of Special Scientific Interest (ASSI). These designations allow for the protection and management of important wildlife habitats. We hope you enjoy your visit to the Giant s Causeway. Photo: IQB Text: National Trust 6

7 Gymnastics 7

8 Leisure Read about the exchange students (1 to 5) and match each of them with a suitable activity (a to f). You may use each letter only once. There is one more activity than you need. 1. Anna loves classical music and classical ballet. 2. Benjamin is a table tennis champion at his school. He is a good team player. 3. Charleen is fond of being in the great outdoors and of investigating the changing weather. 4. Yannick plays the trumpet in his school's big band. He is interested in all types of modern music. 5. Resul is one of the organizers of the science club in his school. He is keen on living and extinct animals. Text: IQB a) The acclaimed Canada-based rock group Arcade Fire are touring the UK this winter, starting on 1 Dec at the 02, London SE1 ( b) Matilda: A Play Courtyard Theatre (0844-650 1390), until 30 January. The RSC pulls out all the stops for this new theatre version of Roald Dahl s story about the clever little girl who outwits the horrible adults in her life with her tricks. c) Ping! ( Ping pong players can pick up a bat at any of 100 tables set up across London, including at the Tates, the Barbican and the Natural History Museum. Events include ping pong for single people in Golden Square. d) The Natural History Museum After Hours programme, which runs on the last Friday of each month, offers visitors the chance to quiz a scientist or join a torchlit tour of the dinosaur gallery. Autumn schedule starts 24 Sept, London SW7 (020-5937 8900). e) Atmosphere... exploring climate science The brand-new atmosphere gallery is a fresh and exciting way to make sense of the climate the science of how it works, what it s doing now and what it might do next. In atmosphere you ll step into a different world, with its own land, oceans, ice and, above your head, its delicate atmosphere. The gallery of the Science Museum was opened by HRH the Prince of Wales on 3 December. For bookings or enquiries please call 0870 150 4868 (020 5900 0370). f) Renowned pianist Mitsuko Uchida performs Beethoven's Piano Sonata No.27, Schumann's Davidsbündlertänze, and Chopin's Prelude in C sharp minor and Piano Sonata No. 3. 5 Oct, Royal Festival Hall, London SE1 (0844-555 0439). Texts: The Week 1 2 3 4 5 8

9 Reserve Read the park regulations (a to g) and match them with the people they are especially important for (1 to 5). You may use each letter only once. There are two more regulations than you need. Nahanni National Park Reserve of Canada Park Regulations The following regulations are of particular importance for all users of Nahanni National Park Reserve. Summary of Rights, Restrictions & Regulations a) Aboriginal residents of the Northwest Territories are allowed to hunt, trap and fish in support of their traditional subsistence harvesting rights within the boundaries of Nahanni National Park Reserve. b) No person shall feed, attempt to feed, bait or attract, or touch wildlife. c) Commercial productions of still photography, film and video require a filming permit issued by the park superintendent. d) Overnight visitors to the park must pay a park-use fee, and must register with the park office before entering the park. e) Open fires for cooking or heat are not permitted in Nahanni National Park Reserve. All fires must be contained within a portable stove such as a fire-box or fire-pan. f) Park visitors wishing to sport fish in the park must be in possession of a valid national park fishing permit, and they must fish in accordance with the National Park Fishing Regulations. g) No person shall enter any cave in the park without the written permission of the park superintendent. Logo: Parks Canada Agency Text: Parks Canada Agency These regulations are especially important for 1) people who are interested in angling. 2) people who plan a barbecue in the park. 3) people who want to take professional pictures. 4) people who want to stay for more than one day. 5) native people who live in the area. 1 2 3 4 5 9

10 Short Texts 10

11 Cheesecake a) Spread the crumb mixture over the base of the tin. Press down with the back of a spoon. b) Line a 15 18 cm sandwich tin with tin foil, ensuring that it overlaps the edges. c) Spread the cheesecake topping over the biscuit base and smooth with the back of a spoon. d) Chill in the fridge for about 45 minutes to set. Remove from the tin and peel away tin foil. e) Melt 50 g butter or margarine and stir in the biscuit crumb. f) Whisk the cheesecake mix into 225 ml of milk until thick and creamy. 1 2 3 4 5 11


HÖRAUFGABEN Es folgen jetzt Aufgaben zum Hörverstehen. Auf der CD sind die Arbeitsanweisungen und Hörtexte zu den Aufgaben im Testheft. Lies die Anweisungen und den Aufgabentext sehr genau. Falls Bilder vorhanden sind, schaue dir auch diese genau an. Bearbeite die Aufgaben während des Hörens. Wird ein Text zweimal abgespielt, so hast du nach dem ersten Hören Zeit für die Bearbeitung. Vor dem zweiten Abspielen hörst du dann einen Piepton. Schreibe deine Lösung nur in die dafür vorgesehenen Felder. Gib bitte immer eine Lösung an, auch wenn du dir nicht ganz sicher bist. Nutze die Zeit nach dem Hören, um deine Lösungen zu vervollständigen und zu prüfen. 13

12 Playground 13 The British 14 York Tour 14

15 New Flat 16 New Gym 15

17 Stan Lee 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 17.5 16

LESEAUFGABEN Es folgen jetzt Aufgaben zum Leseverstehen. Im Testheft findest du verschiedene Texte. Lies die Arbeitsanweisungen zu jedem Text genau durch. Dann lies die Texte so, wie es die jeweilige Aufgabenstellung erfordert und bearbeite die Aufgaben. Schreibe deine Antworten nur in die dafür vorgesehenen Felder. Gib bitte immer eine Lösung an, auch wenn du dir nicht ganz sicher bist. Wenn du noch Zeit hast, überprüfe deine Lösungen. Zur Bearbeitung hast du insgesamt 20 Minuten Zeit. 17

18 Snake and Hamster 0. What is so special about the snake and the hamster? 1. Where does the hamster like to sleep? They have an unusual relationship. 2. Why did the zookeeper want to feed the hamster to the snake? 3. What does the Japanese word "Gohan" mean? 4. Why does the zookeeper think the hamster is safe? 18

19 Stonehenge Read the article about Stonehenge. Then answer the questions below using 1 to 5 words. Summer Solstice 1 at Stonehenge (Around June 20/21) The ancient monument of Stonehenge in the United Kingdom is part of the human cultural heritage. It's controlled by English Heritage, who for most of the year keep people away from the stones. You can "look but not touch" from a distance, getting to know the stones from "interpretive displays" in the visitors' centre rather than by approaching the stones themselves. But once a year something magic happens. Since 2000, English Heritage has allowed people to visit the stones overnight at the summer solstice. You can't take tents or even sleeping bags (but picnic mats and blankets are OK), and you can't climb on the stones (but a blind eye is generally turned to hugging them). Drums will be beating in the background, rising to a crescendo at dawn. Many of the thousands who make this pilgrimage each year have a special place in their heart for the stones, and the atmosphere is truly memorable. 1 Sommersonnenwende Text: Roger Browne 0. What are people normally allowed to do at Stonehenge? look at the stones 1. Where can you get information about the stone circle? 2. What are visitors allowed to do only at the midsummer celebrations? 3. What sounds can be heard at the midsummer celebrations? 19

20 Ireland Read the text about Ireland. Then complete the sentences below using 1 to 5 words/numbers. Ireland is indeed famous for many things; its green countryside, its windswept cliffs and its rain. However, in terms of its culture, Ireland is well known for its music. Villagers used to spend the cold winter evenings together in the pubs, and everyone brought their instruments. People had large families so they taught their children different instruments - the flute, the fiddle (or violin), the bodhran (drum), the harp, and pipes. Then each family had its own band. Different families played and sang each evening in the pub. Other people in the village danced. In Irish dancing people keep their arms still and only use their legs. This is because there was no room to move when the whole village was in the pub with them! Because the evenings were long and dark, people spent several hours in the pubs, so they did not make songs with a start and middle and finish. They played 'sessions'. The music lasted as long as the musicians could play, and they made it up as they played it. Text: IQB 0. When people think of Irish culture they probably think of Irish music. 1. In the past, after their work, Irish villagers met in the. 2. As families had a lot of children, each family could play lots of. 3. While some families played the music and sang, other villagers. 4. Because the floor was so crowded, they could only move their. 20

21 Sam 0. Who did Sam write to? Mr. Tucker 1. What job is he looking for? 2. How old is he? 3. Why does Sam think he is the right person for this job? (One reason) 4. What does he want to do soon? 5. Why do you think this letter made headlines? 21

22 Skating Vanessa 0. What has made Vanessa Torres famous? skateboarding 1. When did she start her professional career? 2. How many girls (in %) are there among the Americans who skate at least once a week? 3. What skating facilities do boys and also girls use? 4. In what respect is there a difference between male and female professionals? 22

23 London Underground 23