Parteisponsoring von Philip Morris,

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[ P R E S S E - I N F O ]


Parteisponsoring von Philip Morris, 2010-2015 Quelle: Zusammenstellung: LobbyControl, 2010 12.464 representation space at the "CDU Parteitag" 10.942 23.406 representation space "Deutschlandtag" Bavaria GmbH Werbe- / CSU Rental agreement company 5.132 5.132 Wirtschaftsdienste representation space "CSU Parteitag" Junge Liberale e.v. FDP Sponsoring agreement for "30th 5.519 anniversary party" ProLogo Gesellschaft für FDP Sponsoring agreement for Fundraising 2.575 8.094 Dinner FDP Gesamt 2010 36.632 2011 8.231 representation space at the CDU party (Parteitag). CDU Deutschlands CDU Sponsorship agreement for the CDU 4.309 MediaNight. Junge Union Deutschlands CDU Sponsorship agreement for the 12.927 "Frühlingsempfang der Entscheidung. 11.850 representation space at the JU Deutschlandtag. media event GmbH CDU Sponsorship agreement for the 21.654 58.971 European night of the German delegates of the European Peoples Party (Europäischer Abend). Bavaria Werbe und 5.287 5.287 Wirtschaftsdienste GmbH representation space at the CSU party (Parteitag). Junge Liberale e.v. FDP Sponsorship agreement for the JULI s 4.286 summer celebration (Sommerfest). ProLogo Gesellschaft für FDP Rental agreement for company 8.662 12.948 representation space at the FDP party (Parteitag). Seite 1

SPD Sponsorship agreement for the 6.971 vorwärts summer celebration (Sommerfest). SPD Sponsorship agreement for courtyard 3.591 festival (Hoffest) of the SPD parliamentary group (SPD Bundestagsfraktion). SPD Sponsorship agreement for the 6.859 vorwärts press lounge (Presselounge). Die Seeheimer e.v. SPD Sponsorship agreement for "50. 2.873 Seeheimer Asparagus Tour" (Spargelfahrt). Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (SPD) - Der Parteivorstand SPD Rental agreement for company 12.473 32.767 representation space at the SPD party (Parteitag). Gesamt 2011 109.973 2012 10.271 representation space at CDU party Vitamin Fee GmbH CDU Sponsoring agreement for EPP 19.846 European Economic Talks 9.563 39.680 representation space at JU party Bavaria Werbe und 5.508 5.508 Wirtschaftsdienste GmbH representation space at CSU party ProLogo Gesellschaft für FDP Rental agreement for company 7.938 representation space at FDP party Junge Liberale e.v. FDP Rental agreement for company 4.627 12.565 representation space at JULI party SPD Sponsoring agreement for SPD 12.763 Bavarian Night, SPD Summer Party and SPD Hoffest Die Seeheimer e.v. SPD Sponsoring agreement for 51. 6.494 19.257 aspargus tour (Spargelfahrt) Gesamt 2012 77.010 Seite 2

2013 Junge Union Deutschlands CDU Sponsoring agreement for spring party 5.201 of the Junge Union Vitamin Fee GmbH CDU Sponsoring agreement for the 9.729 EVP/EPP "Europäisches Wirtschaftsgespräch und Europäischer Abend" CDU Landesverband Sachsen CDU Sponsoring agreement for the CDU 8.480 summer party 6.779 representation space at the CDU party. 8.154 representation space at the JU Deutschlandtag. MIT Wirtschaftsvereinigung der CDU Sachsen CSU - Christlich-Soziale Union in Bayern CDU Sponsoring agreement for annual 1.996 40.339 meeting of the MIT. 7.828 representation space at the CSU party. Hanns Seidel Stiftung CSU Sponsoring agreement for the public 20.336 28.164 congress "Fight against Organized Crime". 7.783 representation space at FDP party 9.141 representation space at FDP press evening Junge Liberale e. V. FDP Sponsoring agreement for a Junge 3.943 Liberale event 6.779 27.646 representation space at the FDP party Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (SPD) - Der Parteivorstand SPD Sponsoring agreement for SPD 4.468 Hoffest SPD Sponsoring agreement for SPD 4.540 Bayern Fest SPD Sponsoring agreement for the 6.795 "Internationaler Presseabend" SPD Sponsoring agreement for the 5.655 Vorwärts Sommerfest. SPD Rental agreement for company 14.569 36.027 representation space at the SPD party. Jordan & Partner SPD? Sponsoring agreement for the event 8.543 "Fraktion 13" Gesamt 2013 140.719 Seite 3

2014 Parteigliederung/ CDU Sachsen CDU Sponsoring agreement for company 2.073 representation at the "Zukunftsforum Saxony" CDU Sponsoring agreement for the annual 3.134 Wirtschaftsvereinigung Sachsen meeting of the Wirtschaftsvereinigung Sachsen CDU Deutschlands CDU Sponsoring agreement for company 19.306 representation space at the CDU party. Verein zur Förderung der Arbeit CDU Sponsoring agreement for PKM 5.014 des PKM e.v. Sommerfest. Junge Union Deutschlands CDU Sponsoring agreement for company 9.402 representation at the JU Deutschlandtag. CDU Deutschlands CDU Sponsoring agreement for the CDU 13.799 media night CDU Deutschlands CDU Sponsoring agreement for CDU 7.522 Election Night event Vitamin Fee GmbH CDU Sponsoring agreement for the 10.029 EVP/EPP "14. Europäischer Abend" event 5.529 representation at the CDU party CDU Sachsen CDU Sponsoring agreement for party 1.254 CDU Sachsen CDU Sponsoring agreement for company 8.775 representation at event CDU Berlin CDU Sponsoring agreement for company 1.254 87.091 representation at the CDU party Bavaria GmbH Werbe und CSU Rental agreement for the CSU party 6.545 6.545 Wirtschaftsdienste. ProLogo Gesellschaft für FDP Sponsoring agreement for FDP party 2.729 11.039 representation at the FDP party. ProLogo Gesellschaft für Jordan & Partner Unternehmensund Kommunikationsberater FDP Sponsoring agreement for FDP 6.899 20.667 fundraising dinner SPD Sponsoring agreement for vorwärts 3.411 Presseabend SPD Sponsoring agreement for the 8.775 Sommerfest by the Vorwärts. SPD Sponsoring agreement for event "40 13.790 Jahre Seeheimer Kreis" Seite 4

GKS Grundstücksverwaltung und SPD Sponsoring agreement for the SPD 6.111 Kommunikationsservice GmbH party "Landesparteitag SPD Nordrhein-Westfalen" SPD Sachsen SPD Sponsoring agreement for the SPD 8.274 party "Landesparteitag SPD Sachsen" Network Media GmbH SPD Sponsoring agreement for SPD 5.438 45.799 Hoffest Gesamt 2014 160.102 2015 Parteigliederung/ Firma Partei Beschreibung Betrag $ Wirtschaftsvereinigung (MIT)der CDU Sachsen Partei CDU Sponsoring agreement for the 12th 2.795 Annual Reception of the Mittelstandsund Wirtschaftsvereinigung (MIT) CDU Sachsen Verein zur Förderung der Arbeit CDU Sponsoring agreement Sommerfest 4.471 des Parlamentskreis Mittelstand Parlamentskreis Mittelstand (PKM) e.v. der Union im Bundestag CDU Sachsen CDU Sponsoring agreement 14. Sommerfest 7.825 CDU Sachsen CDU Landesverband Nordrhein- CDU Sponsoring agreement 37. Parteitag 5.565 Westfalen der CDU NRW CDU Sponsoring agreement 866 Wirtschaftsvereinigung der CDU Delegiertenversammlung der Nordrhein-Westphalen Wirtschaftsvereinigung (MIT) der CDU NRW CDU Niedersachsen CDU Sponsoring agreement for the 5.410 Landesparteitag CDU Niedersachsen CDU Berlin CDU Sponsoring agreement 39. 2.769 Landesparteitag CDU Berlin. CDU Deutschlands CDU Sponsoring agreement 70. 5.524 Jahresfeierder CDU in Berlin CDU Deutschlands CDU Sponsoring agreement 7.755 Digitalisierungs-Kongress der CDU in Berlin. 8.453 representation at the event "JU Deutschlandtag". Vitamin Fee GmbH CDU Sponsoring agreement for company 16.900 representation at the EVP/EPP "Europäischer Abend" CDU Deutschlands CDU Sponsoring agreement for the Party 10.824 Convention of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) in Karlsruhe. Seite 5

Mittelstands-und Wirtschaftsvereinigung der CDU/CSU CDU Sponsoring agreement 7.577 "Bundesmittelstandstag"/ 12. Jahrestreffen Wirtschaftsvereinigung (MIT) der CDU/CSU. CDU Sachsen CDU Sponsoring agreement for the State 5.633 92.367 Party of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) Saxony Bavaria Werbe und Wirtschaftsdienste GmbH 13.790 representation at the CSU party. Junge Union Bayern CSU Sponsoring agreement for the state 5.405 19.195 delegate of the JU Bayern ProLogo Gesellschaft für FDP Sponsoring agreement for federal 3.237 party of the FDP. Junge Liberale e.v. FDP Sponsoring agreement for the Federal 1.082 4.319 Congress of the Young Liberals, the youth organization of the Liberal Party (FDP). Network Media GmbH SPD Sponsoring agreement for 11.843 commemorative event on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the magazine "Berliner Republik". Network Media GmbH SPD Sponsoring agreement for reception of 4.545 the party executive committee of the Social Democratic Party. SPD Sponsoring agreement for the summer 7.889 festival of the Vorwärts. SPD Sponsoring agreement for the press 4.329 evening of the Vorwärts. Network Media GmbH SPD Sponsoring agreement for the Hoffest 4.471 of the SPD Parliamentary Group (Bundestagsfraktion). Network Media GmbH SPD Sponsoring agreement for the party 1.677 of the Bavarian SPD Group. SPD Landesverband Berlin SPD Sponsoring agreement for the State 2.216 Party of the Social Democratic Party (SPD) Berlin Group. Sozialdemokratische Partei SPD Rental agreement for the Party 11.603 Deutschlands (SPD) - Der Convention of the Social Democratic Parteivorstand Party (SPD) in Berlin. SPD Sachsen SPD Sponsoring agreement for the State 3.247 51.820 Party of the Social Democratic Party (SPD) Saxony Group. Gesamt 167.701 Seite 6