Rüdiger Schmitt CV (updated December 2009)

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1 Rüdiger Schmitt CV (updated December 2009) Personal Data Address: Benquestrasse 40, 28209 Bremen, Germany Phone: 0049/421/7909636 E-Mail: rschmit@uni-muenster.de Education Master of Divinity, Hamburg University (Prof. Dr. Ed Noort, 1990). Thesis: Das Skarabäusmotiv auf Stempelsiegeln aus Palästina/Israel (The Scarab Motif on Stamp Seals from Palestine/Israel) Doctor of Theology, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, the Netherlands (Prof. Dr. Ed Noort, 1994). Thesis: Philistäische Terrakottafigurinen: Archäologische, ikonographische und religionsgeschichtliche Beobachtungen zu einer Sondergruppe palästinischer Kleinplastik der Eisenzeit (Philistine Terracotta-Figurines), Groningen 1994 Habilitation, Münster University (Rainer Albertz, 2004). Note: I mastered the following ancient languages: Biblical Hebrew, Aramaic, Ugaritic, Akkadian, Middle Egyptian, Classical Greek, and Latin. Academic Positions Held 1993-1997 Lecturer for Old Testament, Biblical Archaeology, History of Religions and Early Church History at Hamburg University 1993-1994 Assistant at the Institute for Old Testament Studies at Hamburg University 1998-1999 Assistant at the Institute for Old Testament Studies at Münster University. Manager of the research group History of the Religions and Cultures of the Ancient Near East (AZERKAVO) 2000-2006 Hochschulassistent (=assistant professor) at the Institute for Old Testament Studies at Münster University. (Manager of the research program Functions of Religions in Ancient Near Eastern Societies [2000-2003].) Winter 2006 Visiting professor at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada Summer 2006 Non-tenured professor at the Institute for Old Testament Studies at Münster University. Aug 06-June 08 Research fellow of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Summer 2008 Non-tenured visiting professor at the Institute of Protestant Theology,

2 Present University of Osnabrück Research group leader, Cluster of Excellence Religion and Politics in Cultures of the Pre-Modern and Modern Period, Münster University. 2009-2010 Non-tenured visiting professor at theuniversity of Bremen Winter 2010 Harris Distinguished Visiting Professor, Dartmouth College, NH Main Research Projects in Progress Family Religion in Ancient Israel (co-researcher, Prof. Dr. Rainer Albertz) Divine War in the Pentateuch

3 6. Publications Authored Books 1. Philistäische Terrakottafigurinen: Archäologische, ikonographische und religionsgeschichtliche Beobachtungen zu einer Sondergruppe palästinischer Kleinplastik der Eisenzeit (Philistine Terracotta-Figurines), Groningen 1994. 2. Bildhafte Herrschaftsrepräsentation im eisenzeitlichen Israel (Images of Royal Power in Iron Age Israel), AOAT 283, Münster 2001. 3. Magie im Alten Testament (Magic in the Old Testament), AOAT 313, Münster 2004. 4. (with R. Albertz), Family Religion in Ancient Israel, Winona Lake (forthcoming) Edited Books 1. G. Lademann, R. Schmitt, B. Wolff (eds), Zur heutigen Attraktivität von Magie (On the Modern Attraction of Magic); FARG 21, Münster 2007. 2. I. Kottsieper, R. Schmitt, J. Wöhrle (eds), Berührungspunkte: Studien zur Sozial- und Religionsgeschichte Israels und seiner Umwelt, FS Rainer Albertz, AOAT 350, Münster 2008. 3. M. Dietrich, W. Dupré, A. Häußling, A. Mertens, R. Schmitt (eds), Religion und Sprache, Mitteilungen für Anthropologie und Religionsgeschichte (MARG) 19, Münster 2008. 4. M. Dietrich, W. Dupré, A. Häußling, A. Mertens, R. Schmitt (eds), Religion und Menschenbild, Mitteilungen für Anthropologie und Religionsgeschichte (MARG) 20, Münster 2009 (in preparation). 5. R. Schmitt, I. de Hulster (eds.), Iconography and Biblical Studies, AOAT, Münster 2009, 75-96 (in print) Articles, Essays and the like: 6. Zur Figur eines mesopotamischen Herrschers und zu einem Terrakottarelief aus Assur, Jahrbuch des Hamburger Museums für Kunst und Gewerbe 8 (1989), 7-14. 7. (co-authored with Th. Becker, O. Bartsch), Sogenannte Jugendsekten und Jugendhilfe, Kind, Jugend und Gesellschaft 4/1996 (Jg. 41), 117-121. 8. Krafttiere und Medizinräder und ihre Rezeption auf dem esoterischen Markt, EZW Materialdienst 8/1997, 243-248. 9. Das Problem der Deutung von Terrakottafigurinen aus Palästina/Israel, in: A. Leinhäupl-Wilke, S. Lücking, J.M. Wiegand (eds), Texte und Steine, Biblisches Forum Jahrbuch 1999, Münster 2000, 44-55.

4 10. Philistäische Terrakottafigurinen, UF 31 (1999), 577-676. 11. (co-authored with Rainer Albertz) Funktionen von Religion in antiken Gesellschaften des Vorderen Orients, Forschungsjournal der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität 1 (2000), 12-19. 12. Der König sitzt im Tor: Überlegungen zum Stadttor als Ort herrschaftlicher Repräsentation im Alten Testament, UF 32 (2000), 475-485. 13. Magietheorien und die Religionen des antiken Vorderen Orients, in Mitteilungen für Anthropologie und Religionsgeschichte (MARG) 13 (1998), Münster 2001, 309-332. 14. Konflikt-Kult-Versöhnung und das Problem des Verstehens fremden Denkens, in R. Albertz (ed), Kult, Konflikt und Versöhnung: Beiträge zur kultischen Sühne in religiösen, sozialen und politischen Auseinandersetzungen des antiken Mittelmeerraumes, Veröffentlichungen des AZERKAVO /SFB 493 Bd. 2, AOAT 285, Münster 2001, 35-51. 15. Gab es einen Bildersturm nach dem Exil? Einige Bemerkungen zur Verwendung von Terrakottafigurinen im nachexilischen Israel, in R. Albertz, B. Becking (eds), Yahwism after the Exile: Perspectives on Israelite Religion in the Persian Era, STAR 5, Assen 2003, 186-198. 16. Er ströme herab wie Regen auf die Felder... : Psalm 72 und die Vegetationssymbolik in der Herrschaftsikonographie Israels und Judas im 1. Jt. v. Chr., in K. Stähler, W. Hübner (eds), Ikonographie und Ikonologie, EIKON Bd.8, Münster 2004, 35-49. 17. Heer und Herrschaft: Die Rolle des Militärs bei den Usurpationen in Israel in der Eisenzeit II B (926-722 v. Chr.), in C. Sigrist (ed), Königtum und Herrschaft, Veröffentlichungen des AZERKAVO / SFB 493 Bd. 5, AOAT 316, Münster 2004, 115-134. 18. Die frühe Königszeit in Israel: Anmerkungen zur aktuellen Diskussion, UF 36 (2004), 411-430. 19. Zu scheiden zwischen rein und unrein... Sakraler und nicht-sakraler Sprachgebrauch im Buch Levitikus, in: Mitteilungen für Anthropologie und Religionsgeschichte (MARG) 18, Münster 2006, 121-132. 20. Die nachexilische Religion Israels: Bekenntnisreligion oder kosmotheistische Religion?, in A. Wagner (ed), Primäre und sekundäre Religion als Kategorie der Religionsgeschichte des Alten Testaments, BZAW 364, Berlin/New York 2006, 147-157. 21. Magie in den biblischen Schriften: Ein Überblick, in B. Lademann, R. Schmitt, B. Wolff (eds), Alles fauler Zauber? Zur heutigen Attraktivität von Magie, FARG 21, Münster 2007, 11-36. 22. Funktionen magischer Sprache im spätantiken Judentum, in: M.L.G. Dietrich, W. Dupré, A. Häußling, A. Mertens, R. Schmitt (eds), Religion und Sprache,

5 Mitteilungen für Anthropologie und Religionsgeschichte (MARG) 19, 149-161. 23. Bibel in gerechter Sprache? Einige Bemerkungen zu einer neuen Bibelübersetzung, in M.L.G. Dietrich, W. Dupré, A. Häußling, A. Mertens, R. Schmitt (eds), Religion und Sprache, Mitteilungen für Anthropologie und Religionsgeschichte (MARG) 19, 315-327 24. Kultinventare aus Wohnhäusern als materielle Elemente familiärer Religion im alten Israel, in I. Kottsieper, R. Schmitt, J. Wöhrle (eds), Berührungspunkte: Studien zur Sozial- und Religionsgeschichte Israels und seiner Umwelt, FS Rainer Albertz, AOAT 350, Münster 2008, 441-477. 25. Material Remains of Family and Guild Cults in Iron Age Philistia, in: J. Bodel, S.M. Olyan (eds) Household and Family Religion in Antiquity, Oxford 2008, 159-170. 26. The Problem of Magic and Monotheism in the Book of Leviticus, in: Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 8, Article 11, www.jhsonline.org. 27. Geschichte Israels, in Der Große Ploetz, Göttingen 2008, 35. Edition, 113-116. 321-322. 28. Totenversorgung, Totengedenken und Nekromantie, in A. Berlejung, B. Janowski, (eds), Tod und Jenseits im Alten Testament, FAT 64, Tübingen 2009, 501-524 29. And Jacob Set up a pillar at Her Grave : Material Memorials and Landmarks in the Old Testament, in: J. van Ruiten / J.C. de Vos (Hrsg.), The Land of Israel in Bible, History, and Theology, Studies in Honour of Ed Noort, VT.S 124, Leiden 2009398-403 30. Prolegomena zu einer Anthropologie des Alten Testaments, in M.L.G. Dietrich, W. Dupré, A. Häußling, A. Mertens, R. Schmitt (eds), Religion und Menschenbild, Mitteilungen für Anthropologie und Religionsgeschichte (MARG) 20, (forthcoming). 31. The Iconography of Power: Israelite and Judean Royal Architecture as Icons of Power, in: R. Schmitt, I. de Hulster (Hrsg.), Iconography and Biblical Studies, AOAT, Münster 2009, 75-96 (in print) Dictionary Entries: 1. Magie im Alten Testament (Magic in the Old Testament), in: WIBILEX (Wissenschaftliches Internetlexikon zum Alten Testament), www.wibilex.de 2. Herrscherkult/Sakrales Königtum im AT, in: WIBILEX, www.wibilex.de 3. Hausgott (Teraphim), in: WIBILEX, www.wibilex.de 4. Astarte, in: WIBILEX, www.wibilex.de 5. Mazzebah, in: WIBILEX, www.wibilex.de

6 6. Apotropäische Riten (apotropaic rites), in: WIBILEX, www.wibilex.de 7. Wunder (AT) (Miracles in the OT), in: O. Wischmeyer, et al. Lexikon der Bibelhermeneutik. Berlin: de Gruyter, 2009, 671-672 8. Wundergeschichten (AT) (Miracle Stories in the OT), O. Wischmeyer, et. al. Lexikon der Bibelhermeneutik. Berlin: de Gruyter, 2009, 677-678 9. Magie im AT (Magic, OT), in: Biblisches Reallexikon³ / Encyclopedia of the Biblical World (in print) 10. Ritualmedien (Ritual media), in: Biblisches Reallexikon³ / Encyclopedia of the Biblical World (in preparation) Book Reviews: 1. C. Ambos, Mesopotamische Baurituale aus dem 1. Jahrtausend vor Christus, Dresden 2004, UF 36 (2004), 649-651 2. D. Tsamura, Creation and Destruction, A Reappraisal of the Chaoskampf Theory in the Old Testament, Winona Lake 2005, OLZ 102 (2007), 47-49 3. O. Lipshitz, M. Oeming (eds.), Judah and Judeans in the Persian Period, Winona Lake 2005, JSJ 39 (2008), 421-422 4. H. Frey-Anthes, Unheilsmächte und Schutzgenien, Antiwesen und Grenzgänger: Vorstellungen von Dämonen im Alten Israel, OBO 227, Freiburg (Schweiz) / Göttingen 2007, OLZ 102 (2008), (in print) 5. D. Kühn, Totengedenken bei den Nabatäern und im Alten Testament, AOAT 311, Münster 2005, UF 39 (2007), 930-932 6. D. Schwemer, Abwehrzauber und Behexung, Studien zum Schadenzauberglauben im alten Mesopotamien, Wiesbaden 2007, in UF 39 (2007), 943-945 5. H. Schreiner (Hrsg.), Heilige Kriege, Schriften des Historischen Kollegs Kolloquien 78, München 2008, in: Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung 39 (2009), 481-483) 6. Shawna Dolansky, Now You See It, Now You Don t: Biblical Perspectives on the Relationship between Magic and Religion, Winona Lake 2009, in: ZAW (in print) 7. Anja Ulbrich, Kypris: Heiligtümer und Kulte weiblicher Gottheiten auf Zypern in der kyproarchaischen und kyproklassischen Epoche (Königszeit), Alter Orient und Altes Testament 44, Münster 2008, UF 40 (2008, in print) 8. Bärbel Morstadt, Phönizische Thymiateria - Zeugnisse des Orientalisierungsprozesses im Mittelmeerraum: Originale Funde, bildliche Quellen, originaler Kontext, Alter Orient und Altes Testament 354, Münster 2008, UF 40 (2008, in print) 9. Christine Karrer-Grube, Jutta Krispenz, Thomas Krüger, Christian Rose, Annette

Schellenberg, Sprache Bilder Klänge: Dimensionen der Theologie im Alten Testament und in seinem Umfeld, Festschrift für Rüdiger Bartelmus zu seinem 65. Geburtstag, Alter Orient und Altes Testament 359, Münster 2009; UF 40 (2008, in print) 7

8 Teaching Experience Summer 1993 1. Seminar: Biblical Archaeology with educational trip to Israel Winter 1993/94 2. Seminar: Old Testament and Biblical Archaeology: The Philistines Summer 1994 3. Seminar: Biblical Archaeology with educational trip to Israel 4. Seminar: Old Testament and the History of Religions: Demons and the topic of chaos in the OT and its Near Eastern environment Winter 1995/95 5. Seminar: Old Testament and History of Religions: Goddesses in the Bible and the Ancient Near East 6. Seminar: Early Church History and History of Religions: Near Eastern religions in Late Antiquity Summer 1995 7. Old Testament seminar for examination candidates 8. Seminar: Biblical Archaeology and History of Religions: Ugarit and the Old Testament Winter 1995/96 9. Seminar: History of Israel: Sources of Israelite history 10. Seminar: Early Church History and Christian Archaeology: The iconography of the Early Church Summer 1996 11. Seminar: Problems of the historiography of early Israel 12. Old Testament seminar for examination candidates 13. Seminar: Ancient Church History and Christian Archaeology: Introduction to Christian Archaeology Summer 1997 14. Seminar: Pilgrim accounts in the early church Summer 1999 15. Seminar: Religious Studies: Classic works of cultural anthropology & religious studies

9 Winter 1999/2000 16. Seminar: History of Israel in the Persian period (together with Dr. Klaus Freitag, Ancient History) Summer 2000 17. Seminar: Biblical Archaeology Winter 2000/2001 18. Seminar: Biblical Archaeology with educational trip to Israel (co-taught with Prof. Dr. R. Albertz, Prof. Dr. P. Funke, Dr. K. Freitag, HD Dr. A. Gutsfeld, Prof. Dr. J. Hahn, Dr. I. Kottsieper) 19. Seminar: Old Testament and History of Religions: Goddesses in the bible and the Ancient Near East 20. Seminar: Introduction to historical-critical exegesis of the Old Testament for Summer 2001 21. Seminar: The Book of Judges 22. Seminar: History of Ancient Near Eastern Religions with educational trip to Berlin Winter 2001/2002 23. Seminar: History of Ancient Near Eastern Religions: Demons in the OT and its ancient Near Eastern environment 24. Seminar: Introduction to historical-critical exegesis of the Old Testament for Summer 2002 25. Seminar: Biblical Archaeology, with educational trip to the Louvre 26. Seminar: Introduction to historical-critical exegesis of the Old Testament for Winter 2002/2003 27. Seminar: Family religion in ancient Israel (co-taught with Prof. Dr. Rainer Albertz) 28. Seminar: Introduction to historical-critical exegesis of the Old Testament for Summer 2003 29. Seminar: Introduction to historical-critical exegesis of the Old Testament for 30. Seminar: Introduction to Biblical Archaeology

10 Winter 2003/2004 31. Seminar: Introduction to historical-critical exegesis of the Old Testament for 32. Seminar: Magic in the OT, Christian Antiquity and Islam (co-taught Dr. S. Dorpmüller, PD Dr. S. Richter) 33. Public lecture: Religion and Violence Summer 2004 34. Lecture: History of Israel 35. Seminar: Purity and atonement in the Old Testament 36. Seminar: Biblical Archaeology and Israel s Ancient Near Eastern environment (co-taught with Dr. M. Haake, HD Dr. K. Freitag, Ancient History) with educational trip to Berlin Winter 2004/2005 37. Lecture: Wisdom Literature 38. Seminar: Introduction to historical-critical exegesis of the Old Testament for Summer 2005 39. Lecture: Psalms 40. Graduate seminar on the History of Religions: Biblical figures in the koran (cotaught with Dr. S. Dorpmüller, Islamic Studies) 41. Seminar: Introduction to historical-critical exegesis of the Old Testament for Winter 2005/2006 42. Lecture: Anthropology of the Old Testament 43. Seminar: Introduction to historical-critical exegesis of the Old Testament for 44. Seminar: Old Testament Theology in the protestant hymnal Winter/Spring 2006 (Visitung professor at the University of Alberta, Edmonton/Ca) 45. Lecture: Introduction to Old Testament Literature 46. Lecture: History and Culture of the Ancient Near East 47. Seminar: Biblical Archaeology 48. Seminar: History Writing in Ancient Israel Summer 2006 49. Lecture: History of Israel 50. Seminar: Introduction to historical-critical exegesis of the Old Testament for 51. Seminar: Anthropology of the Old Testament 52. Seminar: Theology of Zion

11 Winter 2006/2007 53. Seminar: Images of God in the Old Testament Summer 2007 54. Seminar: Family Religion in Ancient Israel (co-taught with Prof. Dr. Rainer Albertz) Winter 2007/2008 55. Graduate/post-graduate seminar: Antiquities relating to the Bible in the British Museum (with trip to London) Summer 2008 56. Lecture: Anthropology of the Old Testament (Osnabrück) 57. Lecture: Religions of the Ancient Near East (Münster) 58. Seminar: Purity and atonement in the Old Testament (Osnabrück) Winter 2008/2009 59. Seminar: Introduction in the Sociology of Religions 60. Seminar: Prophetical Miracle-Stories and Symbolic Actions Summer 2009 (Münster und Bremen) 61. Seminar: Religion, Magic, and Ritual 62. Lecture: Cult, Liturgy, and Psalms 63. Seminar: The Holy War in Ancient Israel Winter 2009/2010 (Münster, Bremen, Dartmouth College, NH, USA): 64. Seminar: Classics in the Sociology of Religions 65. Seminar: Prophetical Miracle-Stories and Symbolic Actions 66. Lecture: Introduction to the Religions of Ancient Israel and the Ancient Near East 67. Seminar: Magic in the Old Testament Papers read at Meetings 1. Theories of Magic and the Religions of the Ancient Near East; AZERKAVO- Symposium, May 1998, Münster University. 2. Cult, Conflict, and Atonement and the Theory of Religions, Cult, Conflict, and Atonement Meeting, June, 1999, Münster University. 3. Does an Iconoclasm took Place after the Exile? Polemics against Iconism and the Evidence of Material Culture in the Persian Period, Annual Meeting of the European Association for Biblical Studies, August, 2000, Utrecht University. 4. He will be like rain falling on a mown field... Vegetation Symbolism in the Israelite Ideology of Kingship, Symposium Iconography and Iconology, May,

2001, Münster University. 5. Functions and Meanings of Execration Rituals in the Old Testament and the Ancient Near East, Public Lecture Program Religion and Violence Münster University, winter-semester 2003/2004. 6. Sacred and Profane in the Book of Leviticus, Annual conference of the German Society for the History of Religions, June 2004, Johannes-Gutenberg- University Mainz. 7. The Priestly Rites of Elimination and the Problem of Magic in the Old Testament, SBL International Meeting, June 2004, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. 8. Material Remains of Domestic Cults in the Philistine Coastal Plain. Symposium Household and Family Religion in Mediterranean and West Asian Antiquity, February 2005, Brown University, Providence RI. 9. Functions of Magic Speech in late Antiquity Judaism, Annual conference of the German Society for the History of Religions, June 2005, Münster University. 10. The Household as Sacred Space in Iron Age Palestine, Annual Meeting of the European Association for Biblical Studies, August 2005, University of Dresden. 11. The Iconography of Yehud in the Persian Period, Symposium Judah in the 4th Century B.C.E., August 2005, Münster University. 12. Magic and the Art of Writing in Ancient Israel, Meeting of the Section Old Testament of the German Theological Society, May 2006, Eisenach. 13. Some exegetical remarks on the new Bible translation. Bible in just language, Meeting of the Section Old Testament of the German Theological Society, May 2006, Eisenach. 14. Astral Elements on Iron II C Age Stamp Seals and their Implications for the Family Religion in Ancient Israel, Annual Meeting of the European Association for Biblical Studies, August 2006, Piliscaba/Budapest). 15. The Iconography of Power: Israelite and Judean Royal Architecture as Icons of Power, Joint Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature and the European Association of Biblical Studies, July 2007, Vienna. 16. The Problem of Magic and Monotheism in the Priestly Writings, Joint Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature and the European Association of Biblical Studies, July 2007, Vienna. 17. Material Remains of Domestic Cultic Activities in Iron Age Israel, Joint Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature and the European Association of Biblical Studies, July 2007, Vienna. 18. Philistine Terracottas and their Archaeological Contexts, Annual Meeting of the European Association for Biblical Studies, August 2008, Lisbon. 19. Family Religion, Archaeology, and Cultural Memory, Annual Meeting of the European Association for Biblical Studies, August 2008, Lisbon. 20. A Typology of Ancient Israelite Cult Places, April 2009, Muenster. 21. The Holy War Paradigm in German Protestant Scholarship of the late 19 th and early 20. Century Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature and the European Association of Biblical Studies, July 2009, Rome 22. Holy War and Cultural Memory in the Book of Deuteronomy, European Association of Biblical Studies, Juli/August 2009, Lincoln 23. Perspectives for the Anthropology of the Old Testament, Joint Meeting of the German Society for the Study of Religion with the Estonian Society for the Study of Religions, October 2009, Tartu/Estonia 24. Gendered Ritual Activities in Iron Age Households in Israel and Western Asia, American Schools of Oriental Research, New Orleans 2009 12

13 Memberships Center for the History and Culture of the Ancient Mediterranean at Münster University Deutscher Palästinaverein (German Palestine Exploration Society) Deutsche religionsgeschichtliche Studiengesellschaft (German Society for the Study of Religions), president of the society since June 2006 European Association for Biblical Studies (EABS), treasurer of the society since 2004 Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Theologie (German Academic Society for Theology) Society of Biblical Literature American Schools of Oriental Research