Neue Näherungen in den Basketball

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Neue Näherungen in den Basketball LLP-LdV-TOI-2007-TR-016 1

Projektinformationen Titel: Projektnummer: Projekttyp: Jahr: 2007 Status: Marketing Text: Zusammenfassung: Neue Näherungen in den Basketball LLP-LdV-TOI-2007-TR-016 Innovationstransfer bewilligt TR-Türkei Dieses System ist das erste seiner Art im Bereich Basketball. Ceyhan Municipality Sports Club plant, das NFBA Produkt im Rahmen eines Franchise Systems zu vermarkten. Darueber hinaus wird FIBA EUROPE, die ebenfalls Partner in diesem Projekt sind, das System als e- Learning Plattform nutzen. Auch der Türkische Basketball Verband (TBF) ist Partner in dem NFBA Projekt. TBF wird das Projekt dabei unterstützen, die e-learning Plattform zu verbreiten und bekannt zu machen. NFBA aims to increase quality of managers and skippers of women basketball leagues by creating a new curriculum with partners and also by giving online educations. Our main target group is women basketball team administrators and team managers. Partner universities will create a new curriculum for online educations and other partners will assist to open courses and valorisation studies. Zukunftsbau GmbH will assist methodology development and technical transfer of BASICON model. Beschreibung: It is crucial to know that there is no a vocational definition of club skipper both in Turkey and in the world. There is no also such definition of Basketball Federation and another institution. However there is a vocational group called skipper who regulates player-administrator, playerplayer, player-supporter and team-media relationships at the clubs. There is no a curriculum developed towards administrators and team managers in Finland, Germany, Italy and Turkey. It is a reality that woman basketball league is less followed compared with man basketball league. The approaches like competition of woman basketball against man basketball should be included to woman basketball league. The basketball teams which are our partners are trying to find solutions to the same problems. The competition of woman basketball against man basketball is going to increase with multinational cooperation and at the end of this cooperation there will be new approaches and implementations. It should be underlined that this project is the first implementation at vocational education and applications in sector basis. It is aimed to establish a network in Europe dimension by constructing powerful valorization applications and by developing curriculum and training models in increasing the quality of basketball training and implementations. Themen: Sektoren: Produkt Typen: *** Nutzung und Verbreitung von Ergebnissen *** Nachhaltigkeit *** Lebenslanges Lernen *** Fernlehre *** Berufsorientierung und -beratung *** Weiterbildung ** Chancengleichheit *** Erziehung und Unterricht ** Information und Kommunikation Programme/Curricula Lehrmaterial Module Fernlehre Evaluierungsmethoden Unterlagen für offenen Unterricht 2

Projektinformationen Produktinformation: Verbreitungsmethoden Transparenz und Zertifizierung Homepage ODL- ON-LINE DISTANCE LEARNING PLATFORM A system that will be the base and classroom of the project provided the sustainability of the project. All partners by institutional, target groups and potential users were the beneficiary of this web site. And also will be open to the public for valorization. Distance learning platform was be placed. And all educational activities were implemented from here. CERTIFICATION SYSTEM A special and vocational resource of target groups and potential users. With multi national registry, this system will guarantee the quality of trainings. Certificates will be delivered to the successful participants. DEVELOPED COMMON CURRICULA(TRAINING MODULES) An academic research, including all about basketball management. This curricula (modules) will be the base of trainings and certification system of our project and will be used in trainings by teachers. This curricula (modules) will be the base of trainings and certification system of our project and will be used in trainings by teachers. Projektwebseite: 3

Vertragnehmer Ceyhan Municipality Sport Club Adana Ceyhan Adana TR-Türkei National Agency Kontaktperson Adresse: Telefon: Fax: E-Mail: Ali YÜCEL Dr. Mahir Alp BOYDAK Bulvar Belediye Hizmet Binas K:2 01960 Ceyhan/ADANA-TURKEY Adana TR-Türkei +90 322 613 01 00 +90 322 612 26 20 4

Koordinator Ceyhan Municipality Sport Club Adana Ceyhan Adana TR-Türkei National Agency Kontaktperson Adresse: Telefon: Fax: E-Mail: Ali YÜCEL Dr. Mahir Alp BOYDAK Bulvar Belediye Hizmet Binas K:2 01960 Ceyhan/ADANA-TURKEY Adana TR-Türkei +90 322 613 01 00 +90 322 612 26 20 5

Partner Partner 1 Veroli Basket SrL Lazio Lazio IT-Italien Verband/nicht regierungsgebundene Organisation Partner 2 Universtät Leipzig, Sportwissenschaftliche Fakultät Leipzig Leipzig DE-Deutschland Universität/Fachhochschule/Akademie Partner 3 Basketballverein Leipzig Eagles e.v Leipzig Leipzig DE-Deutschland Verband/nicht regierungsgebundene Organisation Partner 4 Karier OY Pori Pohjois-Suomi FI-Finnland National Agency 6

Partner Partner 5 Zukunftsbau GmbH Berlin Berlin DE-Deutschland KMU - Klein- und Mittelunternehmen (bis zu 250 Mitarbeiter) 7

Projektdateien Contents of Training Programme.doc Curriculum_Development.doc NFBA_Ortaklar.rar 8

Produkte 1 Curricula 9

Produkt 'Curricula' Titel: Curricula Produkttyp: Fernlehre Marketing Text: Beschreibung: Zielgruppe: Resultat: Anwendungsbereich: Produktsprachen: Englisch &prd=1 10

Veranstaltungen International Meetings (Adana) Datum 16.11.2009 Beschreibung Zielgruppe Öffentlich Final Meeting Partners Geschlossene Veranstaltung Kontaktinformation Zeitpunkt und Ort 16-17 11 2009. Adana Akkoç Hotel International Meetings (Rome) Datum 20.05.2009 Beschreibung Zielgruppe Öffentlich 3rd multinational meeting Partners Geschlossene Veranstaltung Kontaktinformation Zeitpunkt und Ort 20-22 05 2009 Rome International Meetings (Helsinki) Datum 03.12.2008 Beschreibung Zielgruppe Öffentlich 2nd Multinational Meeting Partners Geschlossene Veranstaltung Kontaktinformation Zeitpunkt und Ort 03-06 12 2008, Sokos Hotel Vantaa Helsinki 11

Veranstaltungen International Meetings (Berlin) Datum 18.03.2008 Beschreibung Zielgruppe Öffentlich Kick-off Meeting Partners Geschlossene Veranstaltung Kontaktinformation Zeitpunkt und Ort 18-20 March 2008, Berlin 12