Date: 10.09.1999 Gesellschaft b.r. zur Förderung der altägyptischen Forschung

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99.01. Datenbasis: Abzu: Guide to Resources for the Study of the Ancient Near East (available on the Internet) Name of the person in Charles E. Jones (The Oriental Institute, University of Chicago) cf. 98.01 Number of new records: ca. 1000 per year 99.02. Name of project: The Afroasiatic Index Project Name of the person in Gene B. Gragg (The Oriental Institute, University of Chicago) The Afroasiatic Index Project is a scholarly initiative that aims at creating an etymological database of Afroasiatic languages. Required computer: Web Browser; Internet connection Consulting form: Internet Remarks: Currently under construction Price: Free of charge 99.03. Datenbasis: Ägyptologische Datenbank AHA, Berlin (Träger: Gesellschaft b.r. zur Förderung der altägyptischen Forschung) Anwendung: Datenbank altägyptischer Särge und Sarkophage (DASS) Name des Eberhard Holzhäuer Verantwortlichen: Beschreibung: cf. 96.10, 97.14 und 98.03 Veröffentlichungen: Band 1, 4a, 4b, 9 (erschienen), Band 2, 5 (im Druck), Band 3, 6, 7, 8 (in Vorbereitung) Ab Band 10, beginnend Anfang 2000, erscheinen die entsprechenden Bände für die Kastensärge des Mittleren Reiches. Aktueller Datenbestand: ca. 8.800 Sargbestandteile, 2.600 bearbeitet (AR - MR) Art der Abfrage: Postadresse: per Post (Ausdrucke), e-mail Gesellschaft b.r. zur Förderung der altägyptischen Forschung Am Grünen Zipfel 2 D-13465 Berlin (Deutschland) oder Köpernicker Stra. 7a D-10997 Berlin (Deutschland) Telefon: (+ 49 30) 401 55 15 oder 612 84 700 Fax: (+ 49 30) 401 45 62 oder 612 84 701 Datum: 12.09.1999

99.04. Datenbasis: AIGYPTOS - Datenbank zur Literaturrecherche im Fachgebiet Ägyptologie Namen der Prof. Dr. Günter Burkard, Dr. Martina Ullmann Verantwortlichen: Beschreibung: Datenbank zu neuerer ägyptologischer Fachliteratur. Neben den notwendigen bibliographischen Angaben erfährt jedes Dokument - Monographie, Artikel in Zeitschrift, Sammel-band, Katalog, etc - eine detaillierte inhaltliche Verschlagwor-tung. Eine sehr gezielte und benutzerorientierte Daten-Strukturierung ist bei der Recherche möglich. Ab Erscheinungsjahr 1990 ist der ganz überwiegende Teil der ägyptologischen Literatur eingegeben; aus den 80er und 70er Jahren ein kleinerer Teil vor allem der Artikel in Zeitschriften und Samel-bänden. Seit einigen Jahren arbeitet das ägyptologische Institut der Universität Heidelberg am Aufbau der Datenbank mit. Anwendbar auf PC Computerbasis: Gesamtzahl der ca. 13.200 Eintragungen: Thesaurus: Der zur Verschlagwortung benutzte Thesaurus wurde im Verlaufe des Projektes von uns entwickelt und basiert auf dem Stichwortverzeichnis des Lexikons der Ägyptologie. Sprache: Deutsch. Art der Abfrage: Im Moment nur per Computer in der Bibliothek des Instituts für Ägyptologie, München; etwa ab Jahresanfang 2000 soll die Datenbank im Internet zugänglich sein. Postadresse: Institut für Ägyptologie Meiserstr. 10 D-80333 München (Deutschland) Telefon: (+ 49 89) 289 27 544 Fax: (+ 49 89) 289 27 545 Datum: 01.09.1999 99.05. Datenbank: Das altägyptische Totenbuch/ Totenbuch-Textzeugendatenbank (NR - 3. ZwZt / SpZt) und Totenbuch-Textdatenbank Projektleiter: Prof. Dr. Ursula Rößler-Köhler, Prof. Dr. Heinz J. Thissen Mitarbeiter: Burkard Backes, Svenja A. Gülden, M.A.; Dr. Irmtraut Munro; Oliver Sütsch, M.A. Beschreibung: cf. 97.02 und 98.04. 1. Textzeugendatenbank aller bekannten handschriftlichen Quellen des altägyptischen Totenbuches vom NR bis zur Römerzeit auf Papyri und Leinen; Beschreibung in 17 Datenfeldern (cf. 98.04); Archiv mit publiziertem und unpubliziertem Photomaterial vor Ort. Aktueller Gesamtbestand der Datensätze: ca. 1700

2. Datenbank mit der Bibliographie zum Totenbuch: 1288 Basiseinträge (publiziert in der Bibliographie zum Altägyptischen Totenbuch, s.u.), ständige Erweiterung. Aktueller Gesamtbestand der Datensätze: ca. 1400 3. Erstellung einer Totenbuch-Textdatenbank: Eingabe des Totenbuchvokabulars in die Datenbank und Klassifizierung der Nomina mit Hilfe von Schlagworten in Gruppen und Unter-gruppierungen. Verwendetes Programm: FileMaker Pro 3.0 auf Macintosh und für Windows Art der Abfrage: Postadressen: Persönlich, per Post, Fax, E-mail Totenbuch-Projekt c/o Ägyptologisches Seminar der Universität Bonn Regina-Pacis-Weg 7 D-53113 Bonn (Deutschland) oder Totenbuch-Projekt c/o Seminar für Ägyptologie der Universität zu Köln Albertus-Magnus-Platz D-50923 Köln (Deutschland) Telefon: Bonn: (+ 49 228) 73 75 87 / (+ 49 228) 73 98 52 Köln: (+ 49 221) 470 36 81 / (+ 49 221) 470 38 76 Telefax: Bonn: (+ 49 228) 73 73 60 Köln: (+ 49 221) 470 50 79 Spezielle Bibliographie: Sv. A. GÜLDEN und I. MUNRO, Bibliographie zum Altägyptischen Totenbuch (SAT 1), Wiesbaden 1998. Datum: 20.08.1999 99.06. Datenbasis: Altägyptisches Wörterbuch Projektleiter: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schenkel (Univ. Tübingen) Arbeitsgruppenleiter: PD Dr. Stephan J. Seidlmayer Beschreibung: cf. 95.02, 96.01, 97.03 und 98.05 Gesamtzahl der 35404 Wörter in der BWL (Berliner Wortliste) Eintragungen: 143166 erfasste Textwörter aus 2392 Texten Postadresse: Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften Akademien-Vorhaben Altägyptisches Wörterbuch Unter den Linden 8 D-10117 Berlin (Deutschland) Fax: (+ 49 30) 203 70 467 Datum: 20.08.1999

99.07. Base de données: Amarna Nom du responsable: Jean-Luc Bovot (Département des antiquités égyptiennes du Musée du Louvre) cf. 98.06 Nombre total 3037 d enregistrements: Nouveaux 132 enregistrements: Adresse postale: Jean-Luc Bovot Musée du Louvre, Département des antiquités égyptiennes Quai du Louvre F-75058 Paris cedex 01 (France) Téléphone: (+ 33 1) 40 20 50 98 (Musée du Louvre DAÉ) Télécopie: (+ 33 1) 40 20 53 52 (Musée du Louvre DAÉ) Date: 15.08.1999 99.08. Database: The Ancient Egypt Site Name of the person in Jacques Kinnaer cf. 98.07 Ajout du chapitre sur Saqqara. Ajout de la 11 ème dynastie (la 12 ème dynastie suivra). Modifications de nature graphique et technique. Standardisation de la mise en page. Date: 04.07.1999 99.09. Name of project: ANE: Mailing list focussing on the ancient Near East Name of the person in Charles E. Jones (The Oriental Institute, University of Chicago) ANE is a mailing list on topics and issues of interest in Ancient Near Eastern Studies, from the Indus to the Nile, and from the beginnings of human habitation to the rise of Islam. It is inten-ded to provide a medium for discussion among scholars and students actively engaged in research and study of this broad field. Subscription is open and unmoderated. Information on how to subscribe follows at the end of this message. Active (on-list) participation in ANE assumes an informed knowledge of the ancient Near East and knowledge of the following rules. The act of subscribing to the list signifies the agreement of the subscriber to follow the rules and to accept the adjudications of the moderator. Required computer: Web Browser; Internet connection Total number of ca. 1400 subscribers: Consulting forms: E-mail, Internet

to subscribe: to post to the list: ANE@oi.uchicago 99.10. Base de données: Base Internationale des Shaouabtis (BIS) Nom des responsables: Jean-Luc Bovot & Jean-Luc Chappaz cf. 97.06 et 98.11 (aucun changement à signaler) Adresses postales: Jean-Luc Bovot Musée du Louvre Quai du Louvre F-75058 Paris cedex 01 ou: Jean-Luc Chappaz Société d Égyptologie Case postale 26 CH-1218 Grand-Saconnex ou: Date: 30.08.1999 99.11. Base de données: Bedegypt Nom du responsable: Jean-Luc Bovot (Département des antiquités égyptiennes du Musée du Louvre) cf. 95.06, 96.04, 97.07 et 98.12 Nombre total 511 d enregistrements: Nouveaux 3 enregistrements: Adresse postale: Jean-Luc Bovot Musée du Louvre, Département des antiquités égyptiennes Quai du Louvre F-75058 Paris cedex 01 (France) Téléphone: (+ 33 1) 40 20 50 98 (Musée du Louvre DAÉ) Télécopie: (+ 33 1) 40 20 53 52 (Musée du Louvre DAÉ) Date: 15.08.1999 99.12. Base de données: Behbeit el-hagara Nom de la responsable: Christine Favard-Meeks Ce fichier constitue un inventaire des blocs in situ, des blocs de musée et de ceux connus par les publications, uniquement. Son but est l'enregistrement de la mise en page, de l'iconographie et des textes relevés sur chacun des blocs éclatés et présentant des éléments ayant constitué l'élévation de la paroi d'un temple (soubassement, dédicace, tableaux d'offrande sur plusieurs registres, etc.). Il vise à permettre une interrogation, par palier, sur des éléments disparates mais totalement complémentaires allant de la nature du support, de sa couleur, à l'emplacement d'un fragment de texte. Ce projet

Matériel informatique utilisé: Nombre total d enregistrements: Thesaurus: n'est pas un outil visant à imposer des résultats mais à proposer des solutions. La fiche dans son ensemble permet donc l'enregistrement des acquis et l'interrogation permanente. Elle présente, comme il se doit, une information de base quasiment immuable la description du bloc dans son état actuel et des entrées susceptibles d'être modifiées au fur et à mesure que progresse la reconstitution. L'état chaotique de l'information à traiter nécessite et justifie cette remise en question permanente. Cette remise à jour du fichier s'est accompagnée d'un travail de codification sur la description, aussi brève que possible, des vestiges iconogra-phiques d'une paroi éclatée. Power Macintosh + ACI 4 ème Dimension, version 5-6 650 oui (si la codification des vestiges iconographiques peut être considérée comme un thesaurus) Formes de consultation: courrier, courrier électronique Adresse: Christine Favard-Meeks BP 29 F-83660 Carnoules (France) Fax: (+ 33 04) 94 28 40 50 Date: 04.05.1999 99.13. Datenbasis: Beinlich Wordlist Name of the person in Nigel Strudwick cf. 98.13 (no changes) Date: 11.09.1999 99.14. Datenbasis: Bestandsverzeichnis des Berliner Abklatsarchivs Name der Dr. Silvia Köpstein und Prof. Dr. W. Schenkel (Univ. Verantwortlichen: Tübingen) Beschreibung: cf. 95.07, 96.05, 97.07 und 98.14 (keine Veränderungen) Datum: 20.08.1999 99.15. Database: Bibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic Period of Egypt and Northern Sudan Name of the person in Stan Hendrickx cf. 95.08, 96.06, 97.09 and 98.15 Total number of 9104 records: Number of new records: 389 [= Specific bibliography, Archéo-Nil 9 (1999)]

Address for ordering: Postal address: Specific bibliography: Date: 30.08.1999 Leuven University Press Blijde Inkomststraat 5 B-3000 Leuven (Belgium) Stan Hendrickx Sint-Jansstraat 44 B-3118 Werchter (Belgium) S. HENDRICKX, «Bibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic Period in Egypt and Northern Sudan. 1999 Addi-tion», in: Archéo-Nil 9 (1999), in press. 99.16. Base de données: Bovidés Nom de la responsable: Christine Favard-Meeks Cette base a pour but d'enregistrer et d'analyser l'information concernant les bovidés, émanant des références textuelles et des éventuelles illustrations. Elle est constituée de deux fichiers: - un fichier global «Documentation» où chaque fiche réunit, pour un même bovidé, toutes les sources textuelles; - un fichier «Analyse» où chaque source fait l'objet d'une fiche. Chaque référence est analysée selon son contenu textuel, selon la nature de son support matériel et l'iconographie qui peut s'y rattacher. Son but est de dégager pour tous les bovins connus des textes égyptiens, les caractéristiques essentielles de leur rôle dans la religion égyptienne. Matériel informatique Power Macintosh + ACI 4 ème Dimension, version 5-6 utilisé: Nombre total en cours d'élaboration d enregistrements: Formes de consultation: courrier, courrier électronique Adresse: Christine Favard-Meeks BP 29 F-83660 Carnoules (France) Fax: (+ 33 04) 94 28 40 50 Date: 04.05.1999 99.17. Database: C14 Date List for Neolithic, Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt Name of the person in Stan Hendrickx List of published C14 dates for Neolithic, Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt. The database consists of: site identification, lab number, material of sample, age BP, archaeological context, bibliographical reference. Required computer Excel 7.0

material: Total number of records: Thesaurus: Consulting forms: Postal address: Specific bibliography: 738 Date: 30.08.1999 no personal, e-mail Stan Hendrickx Sint-Jansstraat 44 B-3118 Werchter (Belgium) S. HENDRICKX, «La chronologie de la préhistoire tardive et des débuts de l'histoire de l'égypte», in: Archéo-Nil 9 (1999), in press. 99.18. Base de données: Cinegypt Nom du responsable: Jean-Luc Bovot (Département des antiquités égyptiennes du Musée du Louvre) cf. 95.09, 96.08, 97.12 et 98.17 Nombre total 800 d enregistrements: Nouveaux 24 enregistrements: Adresse postale: Jean-Luc Bovot Musée du Louvre, Département des antiquités égyptiennes Quai du Louvre F-75058 Paris cedex 01 (France) Téléphone: (+ 33 1) 40 20 50 98 (Musée du Louvre DAÉ) Télécopie: (+ 33 1) 40 20 53 52 (Musée du Louvre DAÉ) Date: 15.08.1999 99.19. Database: Classified Bibliographical Database of Ancient Egyptian Medicine and Medical Practice Name of the person in Prof. Peter A. Piccione, Ph.D. cf. 98.18. Comprehensive computerized bibliographical database of all scholarly publications, written since A. D. 1676, on the subject of ancient Egyptian medicine, medical and magical practices, and human biology. The database contains specific entries on: specific diseases, conditions, and syndromes, human physiology, parts of the body, Egyptian conceptions of anatomy and aetiology, ancient therapies and procedures, psychological issues (pertaining to personality, dreaming, etc.), pharmaco-poeia and pharmacological agents, clinically oriented palaeo-botany (i.e., medicinal plants), diet, nutrition, and eating customs, Egyptian medical texts and papyri, dentistry, dental health and treatments, veterinary medicine, activities and status of physicians, mummification, medically

oriented human an-thropology, modern palaeopathological studies, and ethnology. All entries are classified according to the usual bibliographical criteria, as well as very discrete subject headings related to the topics above. Required computer: Microsoft Windows. The database will include its own search engine, INMAGIC RUN-TIME which is the readonly, run-time version of INMAGIC DB/TEXTBASE. If made avaliable over the Internet, the database will include INMAGIC/WEBPUBLISH. Total number of 2780 records currently classified under 579 discrete subject records: headings Consulting forms: Remarks: Postal address: personal, internet Preparation of the database is still continuing, estimating of over 7,000 citations when completed. Most likely, the fully searchable database will be available on CD-ROM (or perhaps through subscription on the Internet). A paper-edition in standard bibliographical format will also be published with detailed cross-references and concordances to permit manual searching. Thereafter, supplements and updates would appear periodically. Prof. Peter A. Piccione History Department University of Charleston 66 George Street Charleston, South Carolina 29424 (USA) Fax: (+ 1 843) 953 6349 Date: 10.11.1999 99.20. Database: CMCL Name of the person in Tito Orlandi Multimedia database of the Coptic Literature Required computer: any web-surfing equipment Consulting form: internet Postal address: Tito Orlandi CISADU Fac. di Lettere P.zale Aldo Moro 5 I-00185 Roma (Italia) Telephone: (+ 39 06) 4991-3936 Fax: (+ 39 06) 4991-3945 Date: 08.07.1999 99.21. Database: Predynastic and Early Dynastic Corpus

Name of the person in Stan Hendrickx cf. 96.36, 97.46 and 98.57 (no changes) Postal address: Stan Hendrickx Sint-Jansstraat 44 B-3118 Werchter (Belgium) Date: 30.08.1999 99.22. System: Databank of Eastern European Egyptology Name of the person in Dr. Galina A. Belova Project of the Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences and the Gnosarch Foundation, Basel. Inventorisation of Egyptian objects in the museums of the former USSR with all new digital photographic material showing the detailed present condition of the objects. Museums already processed include Voronezh, Kazan and Tallinn. Required equipment: Win-95, 98 or NT-4 Thesaurus: Translingual synonym-thesauri for typology, iconography, toponyms, personal names, monuments, etc. Consulting form: e-mail Postal address: Department of Egyptology Institute of Oriental Studies Russian Academy of Sciences Rozhdestvenka 12 RUS-Moscow 103031 (Russia) Telephone: (+7 095) 925 2509 Date: 12.09.1999 99.23. Database: The Deir el-medina Database ( Name of the person in Prof. Dr. J. F. Borghouts cf. 98.22 Total number of c. 1200 records: Number of new records: c. 650 Consulting forms: e-mail, internet,,, Date: 04.06.1999

99.24. Database: Demotic Dictionary Project Name of the person in Janet H. Johnson (The Oriental Institute, University of Chicago) cf. 97.15 and 98.16. Supplement to Erichsen's Glossar, including new words or meanings found in all texts published between 1955 and 1979, with coverage of later publications largely limited to recent studies bearing on texts or words included in the basic corpus. Extensive citation of words and compounds in greyscale scans and black and white line copies. Required computer: Web Browser; Internet connection Total number of 24 letters of alphabet plus bibliography and text information records: Number of new records: all updated regularly; all but 2 letters (H, X) checked, but most scans, line copies, and cross references must still be added to most files Consulting forms: Internet presence, eventual CD-ROM publication Remarks: Staff for 1998-99: Steve Vinson (Research Associate), Alejandro Botta, Tom Dousa, François Gaudard, Brett McClain (Research Assistants) Staff for 1999-2000: Alejandro Botta, Tom Dousa, François Gaudard (Research Assistants) Specific bibliography: Most recent publication will appear in the Acts of Textcorpus und Wörterbuch. Arbeitstagung aus Anlass des Neubeginns der Arbeit am ägyptischen Wortschatz ein Jahrhundert nach der Gründung der akademischen Kommission zur Herausgabe des 'Wörterbuchs der ägyptischen Sprache', vom 22. bis 26. September 1997 (in press). 99.25. Datenbasis: Demotische Wortliste Name des Dr. Friedhelm Hoffmann Verantwortlichen: Beschreibung: cf. 96.11, 97.16 und 98.23 Gesamtzahl der 7271 Eintragungen: Zahl der 475 Neueintragungen: Postadresse: Dr. Friedhelm Hoffmann c/o Institut für Ägyptologie Residenzplatz 2, Tor A D-97070 Würzburg (Deutschland) Fax: (+ 49 31) 57 22 61 Datum: 15.07.1999 99.26. Database: Digital Epigraphy or the production of Egyptological facsimile line drawings by computer

Name of the person in Peter Der Manuelian cf. 98.24 Postal address for Dr. Peter Der Manuelian consultation: Art of the Ancient World Museum of Fine Arts 465 Huntington Avenue Boston, MA 02115 (USA) Fax: (+ 1 617) 267 81 91 Date: 29.07.1999 99.27. Datenbasis: Digitalisiertes Zettelarchiv des Wörterbuches der ägyptischen Sprache (DZA) Projektleiter: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schenkel (Univ. Tübingen) Arbeitsgruppenleiter: PD Dr. Stephan J. Seidlmayer Beschreibung: vgl. (Deutsch) bzw. (Englisch) Anwendbar auf Computer-Basis: Internet (Java-fähiger Web-Browser; HTML-Seiten mit oder ohne frames) Gesamtzahl der Eintragungen: Gegenwärtig 965.000 Zettel (GIF-Datensätze/200 DPI) von zunächst geplanten 1.067.796 Zetteln, davon sind 526642 Zettel mit 800354 Relationen zu 17540 Belegstellen des Wörterbuchs bzw. 7031 Einträgen des BWL verbunden. Thesaurus: Indexer-BWL (70152 Datensätze) Art der Abfrage: Fax: (+ 49 30) 203 70 467 Datum: 20.08.1999 Internet bzw. als No- Frames-Version 99.28. Name of project: The Directory of North American Egyptologists Name of the persons in Charles E. Jones, Richard H. Wilkinson (The Oriental Institute, University of Chicago) The directory primarily lists trained individuals (including current doctoral students who have obtained candidacy for the Ph.D. degree in Egyptology) whose regular work involves the history, archaeology, language or culture of ancient (pre-islamic) Egypt. The directory also lists a number of other scholars who, while not primarily trained in Egyptology, are engaged in research, administration, preservation, or other related work in this field. Required computer: Web Browser; Internet connection Consulting form: Internet 99.29. Mailing List/Web site: Name of the persons in Required computer: Consulting forms: Date: 10.07.1999 The Egyptologist's Electronic Forum (EEF) Aayko Eyma, Geoffrey Graham cf. 98.28. The EEF is a membership-wide e-mail list for conferencing on the culture and civilization of ancient Egypt. The mailing list is moderated and scholarly, and hosted by Yale University. The matching web site carries the mailing list's archives plus several FAQs (Egyptological journals, bibliographies, institutes, et al.) e-mail program/web browser electronic mail, internet 99.30. Web site: EEF NEWS Name of the person in Aayko Eyma Worldwide overview of exhibitions and lectures/symposiums dealing with ancient Egypt. Updated every week. (Also book releases/reviews, web site announcements, and other bits of Egyptological news). A shortened e-mail version of the NEWS gets posted on the Egyptologist's Electronic Forum. Required computer: Web browser Consulting form: Internet http:// Date: 10.07.1999 99.31. System: EGEL (cf. 99.37) Name of the persons in Erhart Graefe and Edward Loring Research project of the Gnosarch Foundation, Basel and the Institute for Egyptology and Coptology University of Münster (Prof. Dr. Erhart Graefe and Anke Ilona Blöbaum). Development of a system for the analysis of Egyptian texts and grammar on the basis of a root lexicon and a complex multidimensional attribute matrix. Required equipment: WIN-95, 98 or NT-4 Thesaurus: Historical context uses thesauri of the Databank of Eastern

European Egyptology. Texts stored to date (12.IX.99) include the royal inscriptions of the 25th Dyn. Complete analysis is possible from the historical background of a text and its carrier down to the characteristics of individual hieroglyphs., Telephone: (+41 61) 206 90 50 Fax: (+41 61) 206 90 51 Date: 12.09.1999 99.32. Name of programs: Name of the person in Total number of records: Thesaurus: Remarks: Price: Postal address: Fax: (+ 1 212) 995-4689 Date: 29.09.1999 EGV.EXE / WBIB.EXE, includes read-only Hieroglyphic (800+ signs), Transliteration, Greek, and Coptic screen fonts. Dr. Ogden Goelet, Jr. cf. 96.13, 97.18 and 98.27. I am developing a Windows-based Egyptian vocabulary database project centered around a program named EGV.EXE, which runs on systems employing Windows 95 or later. Thus far, this is a read-only program capable of using data stored in a standard database. It displays (with virtually instantaneous screen response) words and simple phrases encoded according to the Manuel de Codage. Besides Latin characters, the program is already capable of showing mixed Hieroglyphic text (currently only the Gardiner Sign-list, but could be expanded to include the Extended Signlist as well), Transliteration, Coptic, and Greek. Any references associated with a word (Belegstellen) may also be displayed. More extensive remarks can be stored in standard database note files (DBT-format). WBIB.EXE handles the associated bibliography. At this point the project is strictly in a testing mode. A very small database of under 100 words is being employed. Once the input, search, and editing components have been developed, this database will be expanded considerably as a test of the Egyptian Vocabulary Project. No The programming for this program has been greatly simplified with the advent of Microsoft Visual C++ Version 5.0 and Codebase 6.0. In addition this combined environment is very stable, crashes and memory leaks having been omitted. This has been accomplished at no loss in speed, furthermore. This is a strictly non-commercial project. This program, when fully developed, will be made available to those wishing to participate in the Egyptian Vocabulary Project.

99.33. Database: Egyptology Resources Name of the person in Nigel Strudwick cf. 98.29 (no changes) Date: 11.09.1999 99.34. Name of project: Electronic Annotated Readingbook for Middle Egyptian funded by a Mellon Foundation grant for Less Commonly Taught Languages Name of the persons in Required computer: Total number of records: Price: Postal address: Janet H. Johnson (The Oriental Institute, University of Chicago), Janet Richards (University of Michigan), Terry Wilfong (University of Michigan) A readingbook including approximately 30 Middle Egyptian texts from various genres, presented in hieroglyphs with associated sign-list, vocabulary, reference grammar, and illustrative materials. Final form for circulation not yet determined. In development Final form for circulation not yet determined. Oriental Institute 1155 East Fifty-Eighth Street Chicago, IL 60637 (USA) A Web page will appear soon at Telephone: (+ 1 312) 773 702 9530 Fax: (+ 1 312) 773 702 9853 99.35. Datenbasis: Elise (Datenbank zur Erfassung von Keramik) Name der Bernhard Rasch (Kollaboration: Irmgard Hein, Manfred Verantwortlichen: Bietak) Beschreibung: cf. 97.36 und 98.30 Postadresse: Ass. Prof. Dr. Irmgard Hein Institut für Ägyptologie Frankgasse 1 A-1090 Wien (Österreich) Fax: (+ 43 1) 43 00 90 Datum: 28.09.1999 99.36. Web site: Expedition to Dahshur (Progress Reports on the Excavation of the New Kingdom Necropolis at Dahshur)

Name of the persons in Required computer: Date: 12.07.1999 Directed by So Hasegawa, under the direction of Sakuji Yoshimura, Director General of the Egypt Culture Center, Waseda University, edited by Jiro Kondo and Shin-ichi Nishimoto. A new necropolis consisted of ca. 200 shaft-tombs has been found at Dahshur by the Japanese mission, and systematic excavations have been conducted since 1996. The site seems to be belonged to the period of the late 18th Dynasty to the early 19th Dynasty judging from the finds including the rings bearing the names of Tutankhamun and his wife Ankhesenamun, a fragment of mural bas-relief with the name of Horemheb, and a hieratic docket with the name of Ramesses II, etc. A large tomb-chapel of the New Kingdom, presumably built in the late 18th Dynasty, has also been found at the center of the site, and recently a granite sarcophagus of the royal scribe Mes, buried there in the early reign of Ramesses II, was found in the inner-most substructure of this tomb-chapel. QuickTime plug-in to view VR Panorama, and suitable browser to see VRML models. (office) (home) 99.37. System: GA99 (cf. 99.31) Name of the person in Edward Loring Research project of the Gnosarch Foundation, Basel, the Department of Egyptology, Institute of Oriental Studies Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (G. A. Belova) and the Institute for Egyptology and Coptology, University of Münster (E. Graefe): inventorisation and analysis of anything. Required equipment: Win-95, 98 or NT-4 Thesaurus: Translingual synonym-thesauri for typology, iconography, monuments, toponyms, personal names, etc. Postal address: Gnosarch Stiftung Steinenvorstadt 67 CH-4051 Basel (Schweiz) Telephone: (+41 61) 206 90 50 Fax: (+41 61) 206 90 51 Date: 12.09.1999 99.38. Name of project: The Giza Plateau Mapping Project Name of the person in Under the direction of Mark Lehner (The Oriental Institute, University of Chicago)

The Giza Plateau Mapping Project is dedicated to research on the geology and topography of the Giza plateau, the construction and function of the Sphinx, the Great Pyramids, the associated tombs and temples, and the Old Kingdom town in the vicinity. The on-line presence of the project includes docu-mentation on the Giza Plateau Computer Model. Required computer: Web Browser; Internet connection Consulting form: Internet 99.39. Database: gri/4.html Name of the person in Jaromir Malek cf. 96.21, 97.29 and 98.35 (without change) Postal address: Griffith Institute Ashmolean Museum UK-Oxford OX1 2PH (United Kingdom) Fax: (+ 44 1865) 27 81 00 Date: 13.09.1999 99.40. Database: gri/4bonomi.html Name of the person in Jaromir Malek cf. 97.21 and 98.36 (without change) Fax: (+ 44 1865) 27 81 00 Date: 13.09.1999 99.41. Database: gri/4clere.html Name of the person in Jaromir Malek cf. 96.18, 97.22 and 98.37 (without change) Fax: (+ 44 1865) 27 81 00 Date: 13.09.1999 99.42. Database: gri/4garind.html Name of the person in Jaromir Malek cf. 98.38 (without change) Fax: (+ 44 1865) 27 81 00

Date: 13.09.1999 99.43. Database: gri/4gisquee.html Name of the person in Jaromir Malek cf. 97.23 and 98.39 (without change) Fax: (+ 44 1865) 27 81 00 Date: 13.09.1999 99.44. Database: gri/4hicheck.html Name of the person in Jaromir Malek cf. 96.19, 97.24 et 98.40 (without change) Fax: (+44 1865) 27 81 00 Date: 13.09.1999 99.45. Database: gri/4johnson.html Name of the person in Jaromir Malek cf. 98.41 (without change) Fax: (+ 44 1865) 27 81 00 Date: 13.09.1999 99.46. Database: gri/4lane.html Name of the person in Jaromir Malek cf. 97.25 and 98.42 (without change) Fax: (+ 44 1865) 27 81 00 Date: 13.09.1999 99.47. Database: gri/4miscell.html Name of the person in Jaromir Malek cf. 97.26 and 98.43 (without change) Fax: (+ 44 1865) 27 81 00 Date: 13.09.1999 99.48. Database: gri/4p19_1.html

Name of the person in Jaromir Malek cf. 96.20, 97.27 and 98.44 (without change) Fax: (+ 44 1865) 27 81 00 Date: 13.09.1999 99.49. Database: gri/4sea1not.html Name of the person in Jaromir Malek cf. 96.22, 97.28 and 98.45 (without change) Fax: (+ 44 1865) 27 81 00 Date: 13.09.1999 99.50. Font: Hieratic Font Project (no current web site) Name of the person in Prof. Sheldon Lee Gosline, IHAC (Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, P R China) The Hieratic Font Project is an extension of ongoing research into the cursive writing system of the Egyptians. The Font project is developing a universal font for cursive Egyptian writing, beginning with the script used in Late Egyptian. The initial work on hieratic has been published in several sources. Required computer: Font production project, in connection with education system for writing hieratic Consulting forms: Price: Postal address: E-mail and mail currently Published book, Writing Egyptian Hieratic: A Beginner's Primer is available from Eisenbrauns in second edition and from the author in its first edition. Hieratic Font is currently being created by Sheldon Gosline and an announcement will be made upon completion of the first set of fonts relating to Late Egyptian texts. Sheldon Lee Gosline 6 Xinling Road Tonghua 1340000 (P R China) or occasionally at: 3 Coburn Hill Road Warren Center PA 18851-0065 (USA) and Date: 13.08.1999 99.51. Programme: HieroTeX Nom du responsable: Serge Rosmorduc cf. 95.13, 96.25, 97.30 et 98.46 (aucun changement à signaler) Date: 12.09.1999 99.52. Base de données: hieroweb Nom du responsable: Serge Rosmorduc cf. 97.31 et 98.47 (aucun changement à signaler) Forme de consultation: réseau Date: 12.09.1999 99.53. Name of project: Institutions and Scholars involved in Demotic Studies Name of the persons in Janet H. Johnson, Alexandra A. O'Brien (The Oriental Institute, University of Chicago) Directory of Institutions and Scholars involved in Demotic Studies Required computer: Web Browser; Internet connection Consulting form: Internet 99.54. Base de données: Lebensmüde (Pap. Berlin 3024) Nom de la responsable: Brigitte Ouellet Transcription hiéroglyphique du texte en format Word97 effectuée à l aide de Inscribe v. 1.0. On doit posséder ce programme pour récupérer l ensemble. Peut être ouvert en PC sous Win 95/98. Formes de consultation: disquette, courrier électronique (attachement) Prix: 10$CA Adresse: Brigitte Ouellet 49022, Succ. Versailles Montréal, Qc H1N 3T6 (Canada) Fax: (+ 1 514) 353 4674 Date: 10.07.1999 99.55. Name of project: The Luxor-Farshût Desert Road Project Name of the persons in John Coleman Darnell and Deborah Darnell (The Oriental Institute, University of Chicago) The on-line presence of the Luxor-Farshût Desert Road Project includes general information on the project and annual reports. Required computer: Web Browser; Internet connection

Consulting form: Internet 99.56. Name of project: The Oriental Institute Bir Umm-Fawakhir Survey Name of the person in Carol Meyer (The Oriental Institute, University of Chicago) The on-line presence of the Bir Umm-Fawakhir Survey project includes general information on the project and annual reports. Required computer: Web Browser; Internet connection Consulting form: Internet 99.57. Name of project: The Oriental Institute Epigraphic Survey Name of the person in W. Raymond Johnson (The Oriental Institute, University of Chicago) The on-line presence of the Epigraphic Survey includes information on the projects of the survey, annual reports, and the Chicago House Bulletin. Required computer: Web Browser; Internet connection Consulting form: Internet 99.58. Name of project: The Oriental Institute Museum Name of the person in Karen Wilson (The Oriental Institute, University of Chicago) The on-line presence of the Oriental Institute Museum includes documentation in the following areas: - THE NEW EGYPTIAN GALLERY - THE VIRTUAL MUSEUM - HIGHLIGHTS FROM THE COLLECTIONS - PHOTOGRAPHIC ARCHIVES - MUSEUM STORE - THE SUQ - MUSEUM EDUCATION PROGRAM - MUSEUM VOLUNTEER PROGRAM - MUSEUM HOURS AND ACTIVITIES - MUSEUM GALLERY GUIDE - MUSEUM COLLECTIONS MANAGEMENT - BROCHURES OF EXHIBITS - ANNUAL REPORTS - RECOMMENDED READING ON THE ANCIENT NEAR EAST Required computer: Web Browser; Internet connection Consulting form: Internet

99.59. Name of project: The Oriental Institute Nubian Salvage Publication Project Name of the person in Bruce B. Williams (The Oriental Institute, University of Chicago) The on-line presence of the Oriental Institute Nubian Salvage Project includes general information on the project, annual reports, and exhibition brochures. Required computer: Web Browser; Internet connection Consulting form: Internet 99.60. Database: Oriental Institute Research Archives on-line Publications Program Name of the person in Charles E. Jones (The Oriental Institute, University of Chicago) cf. 98.58 and 98.59 Publications of the Research Archives available on-line: - Research Archives: Introduction and Guide, Annual Report (1991-1996), Annual Report on Electronic Resources (1994-1996) - Research Archives Bibliographical and Informational Documents [RABID]: cf. 98.58 11. Web Guides and Tools for the Oriental Institute Web site. - Search the Oriental Institute Web space. - Persepolis and Ancient Iran: Thumbnail Images from Oriental Institute Web Pages. (This page includes more than a thousand images and will take some time to load. Please be patient.) - Ancient Egypt and Nubia: Thumbnail Images from Oriental Institute Web Pages. (This page includes nearly two hundred images and will take some time to load. Please be patient.) Required computer: Web Browser; Internet connection Consulting form: Internet 99.61. Base de données: Ouchebtis Nom du responsable: Jean-Luc Bovot (Département des antiquités égyptiennes du Musée du Louvre) cf. 95.17, 96.34, 97.42 et 98.55 (aucun changement à signaler) Adresse postale: Jean-Luc Bovot Musée du Louvre, Département des antiquités égyptiennes Quai du Louvre F-75058 Paris cedex 01 (France) Téléphone: (+ 33 1) 40 20 50 98 (Musée du Louvre DAÉ) Télécopie: (+ 33 1) 40 20 53 52 (Musée du Louvre DAÉ) Date: 15.08.1999 99.62. Base de données: Per-Medjat Nom du responsable: Benoît Lurson cf. 97.43 et 98.56 (aucun changement à signaler) Adresse postale: Benoît Lurson Parc Notre-Dame 12 bis F-59120 Loos (France) Date: 11.09.1999 99.63. Name of project: Plant Ornament: Its Origin and Development in the Ancient Near East: A Dissertation Submitted to the Faculty of the Division of the Humanities in Candidacy for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Department of Oriental Languages and Literature, By Helene J. Kantor, Chicago, Illinois, March, 1945. Name of the persons in John Larson, Charles E. Jones (The Oriental Institute, Required computer: Consulting form: University of Chicago) An expanded book length manuscript was among the papers that Helene J. Kantor left to the Oriental Institute at the University of Chicago. She received the Ph. D. degree from the University of Chicago in 1945 on the basis of a summary of the contents of this manuscript and in the expectation that the thesis would be published as a book. Instead, a long article, The Aegean and the Orient in the Second Millennium B. C. was published in American Journal of Archaeology 51:1-103 in 1947. It was later issued (and recently reprinted) as The Ar-chaeological Institute of America Monograph No. 1. Web Browser; Internet connection Internet 99.64. Datenbasis: Prosopographia Ptolemaica Name of the persons in Willy Clarysse, Leon Mooren, Hans Hauben, Katelijn Vandorpe Relational Database, listing all persons who ever lived in Ptolemaic Egypt (330 30 BC), with their occupations, possessions, etc., attested in Greek and Egyptian (hieroglyphic, demotic) sources. Required computer: IBM or MacIntosh, Filemaker Pro Total number of records: TEK (texts) 42.409

PER (persons) 22.194 REF (references to persons) 34.539 Consulting forms: At this moment still personal and e-mail, but we intend to make the database available on the web Postal address: Willy Clarysse Dept of Classics Section Ancient History Blijde Inkomststraat 21 B 3000 Leuven (Belgium) http://www. Fax: (+ 32 16) 32.16.32 Date: 26.08.1999 99.65. Base de données: Ressources Égyptologiques Informatisées Nom de la responsable: Sandra Guarnori cf. 94.01, 95.20, 96.38, 97.48 et 98.60 Nouveaux 76 enregistrements: Nombre total 280 d enregistrement: Adresse postale: Société d Égyptologie Case postale 26 CH-1218 Grand-Saconnex (Suisse) Fax: (+ 41 22) 418 26 01 (Musées d art et d histoire) Date: 31.10.1999 99.66. Doppel-Datei: Schlagwort und Schlagwortrezension (Programm: FileMaker Pro; derzeit Version 4.0Dv1) Name der Elfriede Haslauer, Helmut Satzinger Verantwortlichen: Beschreibung: cf. 95.22, 96.39 und 97.50 Anwendbar auf PC und Macintosh Computer-Basis: Gesamtzahl der 10438 (Bücher und Aufsätze) + 2165 (Rezensionen) Eintragungen: Zahl der 2683 (Bücher und Aufsätze) + 1658 (Rezensionen) Neueintragungen: Art der Abfrage: persönlich, per Post, elektronische Post, Diskette, Internet Preis: bei grösserem Aufwand Kostenersatz Postadresse: Kunsthistorisches Museum Ägyptisch-Orientalische Sammlung Burgring 5 A-1010 Wien (Österreich) Fax: (+ 43 1) 525 24 520

Datum: 18.08.1999 99.67. Base de données: SHABTIS Nom du responsable: Jean-Luc Chappaz cf. 95.24, 96.40, 97.51 et 98.62. Enregistrements informatisés des références bibliographiques concernant les figurines funéraires. Nouveaux 570 enregistrements: Nombre total 6339 d enregistrements: Adresse postale: Société d Égyptologie Case postale 26 CH-1218 Grand-Saconnex (Suisse) ou: Fax: (+ 41 22) 418 26 01 (Musées d art et d histoire) Date: 31.08.1999 99.68. Databasis: Sirius Name of the person in Claude Crozier-Brelot cf. 95.23, 96.41, 97.52 and 98.63. Several computerized files concerning the Pyramid Texts and the Coffin Texts. Available: Index des Citations des Textes des Pyramides, Tables de concordances des Textes des Pyramides. An effort was made in 1997-1998 to include citations from books and articles omitted in the past years as well as citations from newly published works. Required computer: None, according to the questions received by mail, e-mail or fax, the data bank is searched through and the answers are sent back the same way. Total number of Index des Citations: 190 000 citations records: Number of new records: 10 000 new citations in 1997-1999 Consulting forms: post, print, e-mail (also questions and answers by fax) Remarks: Scholars or institutions who previously bought the Index des Citations may ask freely for up to date new citations. Price: either according to questions concerning a precise section of the Pyramid Texts, or 800 French Francs (newly reduced price), for the Index des Citations des Textes des Pyramides (1000 pages, 2 volumes) Postal address: Madame Claude CROZIER-BRELOT 119, rue Lecourbe F-75015 Paris (France) Telephone: (+ 33 1) 48 42 21 74 Fax: (+ 33 1) 40 45 04 57

Specific bibliography: A new volume of addenda and corrigenda (18 000 citations) was initially scheduled towards the end of the year 1998. Due to the closing of the library, this issue was delayed. Date: 21.09.1999 99.69. Database: SpdT (Saite Pyramid Texts) Name of the person in Patrick De Smet-Rodrigues cf. 95.25, 96.43, 97.55 and 98.64 (no changes) Postal address: Patrick De Smet-Rodrigues Spinolarei 7 B-8000 Brugge (Belgium) Telephone: (+ 32 50) 34 40 71 Date: 03.07.1999 99.70. Name of project: Thebes Photographic Project Name of the person in Tom Van Eynde Modern, panoramic photographic documentation of sites in the Theban region Required computer: Web Browser; Internet connection Consulting form: Internet 99.71. Datenbank: Thesaurus der ägyptischen Ikonographie und Kultur Name der Maya Müller Verantwortlichen: Beschreibung: cf. 95.28, 97.56 und 98.65. Web site mit neuer Version in Planung: Begriffslisten (hierarchisiert, deutsch, zum Teil englisch und französisch), Kommentare, Beispiele, Diskussionsbeiträge, Bilder. Postadresse: Maya Müller Steinenvorstadt 67 CH-4051 Basel (Schweiz) Telefon: (+ 41 61) 206 90 50 Fax: (+ 41 61) 206 90 51 Datum: 13.09.1999 99.72. Base de données: tksesh Nom du responsable: Serge Rosmorduc cf. 98.66. tksesh est un environnement intégré pour traiter des bases de données hiéroglyphiques en texte intégral, liées à un dictionnaire. Les textes sont au format du manuel de codage et peuvent donc être lus dans winglyph.

Matériel informatique requis: Nombre total d'enregistrements: Téléphone: (+ 33 1) 48 70 37 09 Fax: (+ 33 1) 48 70 86 49 Date: 12.09.1999 PC sous Win95 ou machines sous Linux, Mac en préparation 34 textes (dont Le Naufragé, Les Deux Frères, Ounamon). Les ajouts de données à la base seront les bienvenus. 99.73. Site: The Tomb of Harwa the Official Harwa Web Site Nom des responsables: Alex van Meer, Fritz van Meer, Ian Hutchesson, Francesco Tiradritti Ce site remplace l'ancien qui concernait la première campagne de fouilles de la Mission Archéologique des Civiche Raccolte Archeologiche e Numismatiche de Milan sur la tombe de Harwa (TT 37). À ce jour, on peut y découvrir les quatre premiers rapports de fouilles, la localisation de la tombe accompa-gnée de plans détaillés, un cadre historique général, un aperçu de la vie de Harwa et une bibliographie sur le sujet. Matériel informatique accès à Internet utilisé: Forme de consultation: Internet Date: 15.07.1999 99.74. Web site: The Tomb of Senneferi (TT99) at Luxor in Egypt Name of the person in Nigel Strudwick cf. 97.57 and 98.67 (no changes) Date: 11.09.1999 99.75. Internet Seite: Archäologisches Institut der Universität Hamburg, Arbeitsbereich Ägyptologie (inkl. SAK) Name der Prof. Dr. Hartwig Altenmüller und Nicole Kloth, M.A. Verantwortlichen: Beschreibung: cf. 98.68 Art der Abfrage: Postadresse (Ansprechpartner): Internet Nicole Kloth, M.A. Archäologisches Institut der Universität Johnsallee 35 D-20148 Hamburg (Deutschland) Datum: 11.07.1999 99.76. Web Site: University of Charleston/Serapis Research Institute Theban Tombs Publication Project Name of the person in Prof. Peter A. Piccione, Ph. D. Report on the activities and findings of an on-going epigraphical and archaeological project conducted in Theban tombs no. 72 and 121, the tombs of Ra(y), First Prophet of Menkheperre, and his father, Ahmose, Second Prophet of Amun. Pages include: copies of official reports to the SCA, illustrated essay, paper abstracts, bibliography, photos, drawings, animated 3-D reconstruction, technical conservation reports, archaeological plans, controlled hand-copies of hieroglyphic inscriptions, audio file, multi-media slide show (under development). Required computer: Netscape 4.0+ or Internet Explorer 4.0+, Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.0+ (for pdf-files), RealPlayer G2 (for ra-files) Thesaurus: no Consulting form: Internet Remarks of the person in The pages are still under development with the planned addition of new epigraphical drawings, archaeological plans, and documentary photographs. Autres sites internet signalés à la rédaction