Where are we now? The administration building M 3. Voransicht

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Let me show you around 9 von 26 Where are we now? The administration building M 3

12 von 26 Let me show you around Presenting your company 2 I M 5 Prepositions of place and movement There are many prepositions you can use every day! 1 Prepositions of movement Prepositions of place Picture English German Picture English German 15 across above 2 along 16 among 3 around 17 at 4 18 back to behind 5 6 7 8 down into out of over 19 20 21 22 below beside between 9 past 10 through 11 to in 23 in front of 24 near to, near by 25 next to 12 towards 26 on 13 under 27 opposite 14 up 28 under Tasks 1. Find the German translations for the different prepositions and write them in the correct box. 2. Choose 5 prepositions of movement and 5 prepositions of place. Write an example sentence for each one in English.

Let me show you around 13 von 26 Using prepositions of place and movement M 6 Wie Sie auf der Übersicht Prepositions of place and movement erkennen können, werden im Englischen Richtungs- und Ortsangaben genauer unterschieden als im Deutschen. Ein besonders wichtiger Unterschied ergibt sich bei der Präposition in. Im Deutschen gibt in mit Akkusativ eine Richtung an: Wohin? (Hilfsfrage: Ich gehe in wen oder was? In den Supermarkt). In mit Dativ bezeichnet einen Ort: Wo? (Hilfsfrage: Ich bin in wem? Im Supermarkt). Im Englischen werden Richtung und Ort hingegen mit in, to und into unterschieden: I go to the supermarket. I go into the supermarket. I am in the supermarket. Ich gehe zum Supermarkt. Ich gehe in den Supermarkt hinein (ich stehe bereits davor). Ich bin im Supermarkt. Tasks 1. Read the text and fill in the correct prepositions. Only prepositions of movement have to be used. The team leader of the Metalwork Dispatch Department gives some information to his staff: Welcome to our meeting today. I have the latest figures for you now. We have sent 12,780 packages (1) the European continent last month. The month before there were 10,270, so the figures went (2). We had 28 claims 1, so these 28 packages came (3) our premises. In future, we will have two new fork lifts 2 to take the goods (4) the production hall and from the stores to the loading platform. It will be much easier to transport them (5) the long hall, because they can load more. The small wall at the ramp has also been removed, so it will no longer be necessary to lift the goods (6) it. We can simply take the goods directly (7) the lorries now. 2. Read the text and fill in the correct prepositions. Only prepositions of place have to be used. The receptionist has to answer some questions about the administration: The IT Department is (8) the 4th floor, just (9) the Purchasing Department. The Sales Department for Africa is (10) the Sales Department for Australia. The Africa Department is one of six sales departments. The meeting rooms are here (11) the ground floor, just (12) the corner. If you have an appointment with the R&D team leader, you have to go (13) the lifts and then (14) the door (15) the end of the corridor. Our roof garden? It s (16) top of the roof, just (17) the HR Department. When you leave the lift, the cafeteria is (18). Vocabulary 1 claim: hier: die Beanstandung 2 fork lift: der Gabelstapler

Let me show you around 17 von 26 Where are we now? The production hall outgoing goods packaging dispatch department M 9 1 2 3 gate 1 gate 1 incoming goods warehouse 1 quality control outgoing goods department incoming inspection loading platform lorry, van fork lift production line 1 gate 2 gate 2 production line 2 gate 3 gate 3 gate 4 Gate 5 semi-fi nished parts stores production line 3 production line 4 small component store fi nished parts warehouse trolley incoming goods