Qualitätssicherungsrahmen für die Personen, die in Ausbildung und Prüfung auf dem Gebiet der Sozial- und Gesundheitswesen

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Qualitätssicherungsrahmen für die Personen, die in Ausbildung und Prüfung auf dem Gebiet der Sozial- und Gesundheitswesen 2012-1-EE-LEO-05-03517 1

Projektinformation Titel: Projektnummer: Qualitätssicherungsrahmen für die Personen, die in Ausbildung und Prüfung auf dem Gebiet der Sozial- und Gesundheitswesen 2012-1-EE-LEO-05-03517 Jahr: 2012 Projekttyp: Status: Marketing Text: Zusammenfassung: Innovationstransfer bewilligt Seit 2014 haben wir folgen dem EQR in der europäischen Berufsbildungssystems. Alle Länder sind, die ihre eigenen nationalen Qualifikationsrahmens. Unsere EQR Informationen gibt uns die Informationen über die Ergebnisse der Ausbildung in der gleichen Berufsfeld. Wir brauchen neben diesen Informationen ein Qualitätssicherungssystem für die Aus- und Prüfung. Wenn jeder Partner (Schul- und Berufspraktika) verwenden dieses System die Qualität der Prüfung steht im Einklang mit dem EQR Examination in examples of The Netherlands and Finland. The outcomes: - train (teach) the trainer (teacher) program for education and examination based on a new quality assurance system in education and examination. System will be created for the social and health care professions. But it can be used also for all EVCET profession education courses and for lifelong learning in all our countries. - management guidance document including quality standards, criteria and a timing circle for planning, implementation, evaluation and upgrading for our education and examination in health care professions. - Frameworks of Quality Assurance for Education and Examination. Project partners P3 and P5 have just gone to a new- competence based education model but the EQF is not applied fully as in other VET institutions most of the partner countries. There is no quality assurance system not for education nor for examination in the organizations P0, P3, P4 and P5. At the same time P0 is a practice base for P5 and there is only a formal cooperation between organizations. This situation makes difficult to evaluate the outcomes of practice for both school and hospitals. Most of the VET students in P5 are working already in hospitals and the hospitals feel the need to know the criteria for education and examination to to follow them up in practice and mentor work. Lot of different institutions in Estonia are offering the training for care workers and it would be useful to expand and disseminate the outcomes of the project to assure the quality of the education on this field. The knowledge, experience and training comes from two trustworthy partners from The Netherlands and Finland. Koning Willem I College received the ISO certification ISO 9001:2008 in June 2009. The quality of the examination is evaluated internally and externally bij de Ministery of Education. Axxell is a vocational secondary education provider offering 27 vocational upper secondary qualifications in 9 municipalities in Finland since 1.8.2008. The impact envisaged is to facilitate management, teachers and trainers with content related to the Quality Assurance System and at the end also the knowledge and skills is extended through competence based learning and examination and finally the effectiveness and quality for education and examination in all kind of VET courses and professional work in health care professions. Beschreibung: Using document and experience from AXXELL organization to: * make an Internal Audit system including (self-evaluation for teachers and management involved in education, research documents a complete exam control 2

Projektinformation Themen: Sektoren: Produkt Typen: Produktinformation: Projektwebseite: system) based on standards of education. * make the evaluation system for the project * create and manage the e-environment Fronter Using document and experience from KW1C organization to: * make an Internal Audit system including (self-evaluation for teachers and management involved in examination, research documents a complete exam control system) based on standards of examination. * make a Performance Assessment for Nurses in school or internship * make a Portfolio Assessment * make a course for assessors and teach assessors from all countries in a conference in The Netherlands *** Qualität *** Anerkennung, Transparenz, Zertifizierung ** Hochschulbildung ** Weiterbildung *** Erziehung und Unterricht Transparenz und Zertifizierung Homepage CD-ROM Programme/Curricula Verfahren zur Analyse und Prognose des Berufsbildungsbedarfes * Evaluation system of the project * E-environment for the project communication in Fronter * Newsletters * Website * Management guidance document * Internal audit system for education * Internal audit system for examination * Framework for "the trust of the local industry" belonging to the education * Framework and theory for the quality files in education * Framework and theory for the transparency of the education process * Framework for "the trust of the local industry" belonging to the examination * Framework and theory for a match of exams with quality files * Framework and theory for the transparency of the examination process * Framework and theory for technical quality of exams * Portfolio Assessment judged by 2 assessors * Management course in quality standards for education and examination http://www.qafeecare.eu/ 3

Vertragnehmer East Tallinn Central Hospital Tallinn Eesti andere http://www.itk.ee Kontaktperson Adresse: Telefon: Fax: E-Mail: Anne Sirge anne.sirge@itk.ee 4

Koordinator East Tallinn Central Hospital Tallinn Eesti andere http://www.itk.ee Kontaktperson Adresse: Telefon: Fax: E-Mail: Anne Sirge anne.sirge@itk.ee 5

Gebiet der Sozial- und Gesundheitswesen (2012-1-EE-LEO-05- Partner Partner 1 FHG - Zentrum für Gesundheitsberufe Tirol GmbH Innsbruck Tirol AT-Österreich Universität/Fachhochschule/Akademie http://www.fhg-tirol.ac.at Partner 2 AXXELL UBILDNING AB Karis Etelä-Suomi FI-Finnland Erstausbildung http://axxell@axxell.fi Partner 3 Koning Willem I College 's- Hertogenbosch Noord Brabant NL-Niederlande Erstausbildung http://www.kw1c.nl Partner 4 Recidencia Montebello La Nucía Comunidad Valenciana ES-Spanien andere http://m.welchering@johanneswerk.es 6

Gebiet der Sozial- und Gesundheitswesen (2012-1-EE-LEO-05- Partner Partner 5 Tallinn Health Care College Tallinn Eesti Erstausbildung http://www.ttk.ee Partner 6 Ausbildungszentrum West für Gesundheitsberufe der TILAK GmbH, Innsbruck Innsbruck Tirol AT-Österreich Universität/Fachhochschule/Akademie http://www.azw.ac.at 7