'92 S.P. '92-S.P'S. Manuale d' officina Workshop Manual Manuel d' Atelier We rks ta tthan'db uch Manual de taller

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1 '92 S.P. '92-S.P'S. Variante al manuale di officina "Superbike 851 '89-'90" (n A) per il modelli derivati "851 Superbike '92, 888 S.P. '92 e S.P.S. Variant to the workshop manual "Superbike,851 '89-'90" (N A) for the up-to-date model "851 Superbike '92, 888 '92 and S.P.S. Variante au manuel d'atelier "Superbike 851 '89-'90" (N A) pour Ie modele mis a jour "851 Superbike '92, 888 S.P. '92 et S.P.S. Variante zum Werkstatthandbuch "Superbike 851 '89-'90" (N A) for das Erneurungsmodell "851 Superbike '92, 888 S.P. '92 und S.P.S. Variante al manual de taller "Superbike 851 '89-'90" (N A) para el modelo resultante "851 Superbike '92, 888 S.P. '92 Y S.P.S. Manuale d' officina Workshop Manual Manuel d' Atelier We rks ta tthan'db uch Manual de taller

2 II contenuto del presente Monuale non e impegnotivo e 10 CAGIVA COMMERCIALE S.p.A. si riservo perch:) il diritto, ave se ne presentasse 10 necessilo, di opportare modifiche a particolari, accessori, ottrezzi, ecc. che esso rilenesse convenienti per scopo di miglioramento 0 per qualsiosi esigenza di corottere tecnico-commerciaie oppure per adeguomento oi requisiti di legge dei diversi Paesi senza peraltro impegnarsi di aggiornare tempeslivamente questa Manuale. The contents of this Manual is not binding and CAGIVA COMMER ClALE S.pA reserves the right to make alterations, if and when required, components, accessories, implements, etc, which ore deemed expedient for the purpose of improvement or for any technicalcommercial requirement, or in order to comply with law provisions of the different countries, without however undertaking this Manual to a prompt up-to-date. Le contenu de ce Manuel est sons engagement. La CAGIVA COMMER ClALE S.p.A se reserve Ie droit d'apporter des modifications, Ie cas echeant, a des pieces, accessoires, outils, etc., Sl retenues appropriees dans Ie but d'ameliorations, pour des exigences techniquecommerciales ou conformement aux lois des differents Pays, sans que cela puisse I'engager a une mise a iour immediate de ce Manuel. Der Inhalt dieses Handbuches istfur CAGIVA COMMERCIALE SpA unverbindlich. Sie behblt sich vor im Bedarfsfall Bauteile, Zubehbre, Gerate usw. zu modifizieren, wenn dadurch Verbesserungen erzielt werden, entweder urn den technisch-wirtschaftlichen Erfordernissen zu entsprechen, oder den gesetzlichen Normen der verschiedlichen Lander nachzukommen, wobei sie sich jedoch nicht verpflichtet das vorliegende Handbuch rechtzeitig zum neuesten Stand zu bringen. EI contenido de este manual no es obligado y 10 CAGIVA COMMER ClALE S.p.A. se reservo par 10 tanto el derecho, si se presentase 10 necesidad, de aportar madificas a piezas, accesorios, utensilios, etc, que esa retenga convenientes para mejoramientos 0 para cualquier exigencia a car6cter tecnico-comerciol 0 para adecuarse a los requisitos de ley de los diferentes Poises sin de esta manera empenarse a rectificar tempestivamente este Manual. SOLO PER "AUSTRALIA" SEUL POUR "AUSTRALIA" ONLY FOR "AUSTRALIA" NUR FOR "AUSTRALIEN" SOLAMENTE PARA "AUSTRALIA" Tampering with noise control system prohibited Owners are warned that the law may prohibit: (01 The removal or rendering inoperative by any person other than for purposes of mointenance, repair or replacement, of any device or element of design incorporated into any new vehicle for the purpose of noise control prior to its sale or delivery to the ultimate purchaser or while it is in use; and (b) the use of the vehicle after such device or element of design has been removed or rendered inoperative by any person Copyright by CAGIVA COMMERCIALE S.pA Borgo Ponigole - Bologna - Italy 1 Edizione Printed in Italy Stampoto N - Print No. - Imprime N.- Druckschriff Nr. Impreso Nr C - 09/92 Elaborazioni Tecniche D.E.Ca. - LUGO

3 Manuale d' officina Workshop Manual Manuel d' Atelier Werkstatthandbuch Manual de taller S.P. '92. S.P.S. Sup. '92 Per esigenze di impaginazione il nome per esteso dei modelli descriffi in questa pubblicazione verra cosl abbreviato: Due to page layout requirements, the full name of the mooels herewith described will be shortened as follows: Pour des raisons d'impression, les noms des modeles decrits dans ce depliant seront abreges de la fa<;:on suivante: Aus Druckgrunden wird der ganze Name der in dieser Veroffentlichung beschriebenen Madelle wie folgt abgekurzt: Par exigencias de empaginacion el nombre par extenso de los modelos descritos en esta publicacion, vendran abreviados asi: 851 Superbike Strada = 888 Sport Production Sport Production Special = Sup. '92 S. P. '92 S. P. S.

4 Premessa La presente pubblicazione, ad uso delle Stazioni di SeNizioDUCATI, e stata realizzata 0110 scopo di coodiuvare il personale autorizzato nelle operazioni di manutenzione riporazione dei motocieli trattati. La perfetto conoscenza dei dati tecnici qui riportati e determinante 01 fine della piu completa formazione professionale dell'operatore. Allo scopo di rendere 10 lettura di immediata comprensione i paragrafi sono stati contraddistinti do illustrazioni schematiche che evidenziano I'argomento traffato. In questo manuale sono state riportate note informative con slgnificati particolari: m Norme antinfortunistiche per I' operatore e per chi opera neue vicinanze. C Esiste la possibilita di arrecare danno al veicolo e/o ai suoi componenti. t j Ulteriori notizie inerenti I' operazione in corso. Consigli utili La Ducati Meccanica consiglio, onde prevenire inconvenienti e per il raggiungimento di un offimo risultato finale, di affenersi genericomente aile seguenti norme: in coso di una eventuale riparazione valutare Ie impressioni del Ciiente, che den uncia anomalie di funzionamento del motocicio, e formulare Ie opportune domande di chiarimento sui sintomi dell'inconveniente; - diagnosticare in modo chiaro Ie cause dell'anomalia. Dol presente manuale si potranno assimiiare Ie basi teoriche fondamentali che peraltro dovranno essere integrate dall'esperienza personale e dalla partecipazione ai corsi di addestra mento organizzati periodicamente dalla DUCATI: - pianificare razionalmente 10 riparazione onde evitare tempi morti come ad esempio il prelievo di parti di ricombio, 10 preparazione deg/i affrezzi, ecc.; - raggiungere il particolare do riparare limitandosi aile operazioni essenziali. A tale propos ito sard di va lido aiuto 10 consultazione della sequenza di smontaggio esposta nel presente manuale. Norme generali sugli interventi riparativi 1 Sostituire sempre Ie guarnizioni, gli anelli di tenuta e Ie coppiglie con porticolori nuovi. 2 Allentando 0 serrando dadi 0 viti, iniziore sempre do quelle con dimensioni maggiori oppure dol centro. Bloccore alia coppia di serraggio prescritta seguendo un percorso ineroeiato. 3 Contrassegnore sempre porticolori a posizioni ehe potrebbero essere seambiati Ira di loro all'atto del rimontaggio. 4 Usore porti di rieambio originali DUCATI ed i lubrilieanti delle morehe raecoman' date. S Usore attrezzi speciali dove cosi e specificato. 6 Consultore Ie Circolari Tecniche in quanta potrebbero riportare dati di regolazione e metodolagie di intervento maggiormente aggiornate rispetto 01 presente manuale. 2

5 Foreword _ This publication intended for DUCATl Workshops+los been prepared for the purpose of helping the authorized personnel in the maintenance and repair works of the motorcycles herewith discussed. A perfect knowledge of the technical data contained herein is essential for a more complete professional training of the mechanic. The paragraphs have been completed with schematic illustrations pointing out the subject concerned, in order to enable a more immediate understanding. This manual contains information-remarks of particular meaning: m Accident prevention rules for the operator and for the personnel working near by. c Possibility of damoging the vehicle and/or its components. )0 Additional information concerning the operation under execution. Useful suggestions Ducati Meccanica suggests, in order to prevent troubles and in order to have an excellent final result, to generally comply with the following instructions: - in case of repair, weigh the impressions of the Customer, who complains about the improper operation of the motorcycle, and formulate proper clearing questions about the symptoms of the trouble. - detect clearly the cause of the trouble. This manual gives the theoretical bases, which however must be integrated by the personal experience and by the affendance to training courses periodically organized by DUCATI. - rationally plan the repair work, in order to prevent dead time as for instance procurement of spare parts, tool preparation, etc. - reach the component to be repaired and perform only the required operations. In this connection, it will be useful to consult the disassembly sequence shown in this manual. General instructions for repair works 1 Always replace gaskets, seal rings and split pins with new components. 2 When loosening or tightening nuts or bolts, always start from the bigger ones or from the center. Lock at the prescribed torque wrench setting following a crossed run. 3 Always mark the components or positions which could be exchanged when reassembling. 4 Use original DUCATI spare ports and the lubricants of the recommended brands. 5 Use special tools, where specified. 6 Consult the Service Bulletins as they may contain up-to-dated adjustment data and repair methodologies. 3

6 Introduction Celie publication destinee a i' usage des Stations-ServiceDUCATl, a ete elaboree pour aider Ie personnel autorise aux operations d'entretien et de reparation des motocycles. Une connaissance approfondie des donnees techniques contenues dans ce Manuel est essentielle pour une meilleure formation professionnelle de I'operateur. Pour permettre une lecture aisement comprehensible, les paragraphes s'accompagnent a des illustrations schematiques pour evidencier I'argument traile. Ce manuel contient des notes informatives aux significats speciaux. Normes pour la prevention des accidents pour I' optirateur et pour ceux qui travaillent dans Ie milieu. Possibilite d' endommager Ie vehicule et/ou ses organes. Notes complementaires concernant I' optiration en cours. Conseils utiles Afin d'eviter des inconvenients et obtenir un resultat final optimal, 10 Ducati Meccanica recommande de proceder en principe de 10 Far;;on suivante: - au cas d'une reparation eventuelle, evaluer tout d'abord les impressions du client denonr;;ant Ie fonctionnement irregulier du motacycle et lui poser des questions appropriees pour eclaircir les symptomes de I'inconvenient; - faire un clair diagnostic des causes de i'inconvenient. Ce manuel donne des bases theoriques essentielles a completer par I'experience personnelle et 10 participation aux stages de training organises periodiquement par 10 maison DUCATl; - programmer 10 reparation de far;;on ration nelle, pour eviter toute perte de temps, par ex. I'approvisionnement des pieces de rechange, 10 preparation des outils, etc.; - atteindre 10 piece defectueuse en se limitant aux operations essentielles. La consultation de 10 sequence de demontage illustree dans ce Manuel vous sera tres utile. Normes generales de reporation 1 les joints et les anneaux de retenue, ainsi que les goupilles sont toujours a remplacer par des pieces neuves. 2 lorsque vous devissez ou serrez des ecrous ou des vis, commencer toujours par les plus grands ou du centre. Effectuer Ie blacage suivant un parcours croise d' apres les couples de serrage specifiees. 3 Marquer toujours les pieces au les emplacements qui pourraient etre canfondus au cours du demontage. 4 Employer toujours des pieces detachees d' origine DUCATl et des lubrificants selon les marques recommandees. 5 Employer les outils speciaux, si specifie. 6 Consulter les Circulaires Techniques, car ils pourraient contenir des donnees de reglage et des methodes de reparation plus a jour par rapporto celie contenues dans ce Manuel. =================================~ 4

7 Vorwort Dieses Handbuch ist fur dieducati-werkstaffen bestimmt. Es 5011 furdas Fachpersonol eine Hilfe bei der Wartung und den Reporaturen der Motorrader, die hier behandelt werden, sein. Die genaue Kenntnis der hier enthaltenen technischen Doten ist ausschloggebend fur die professionelle Ausbildung des Fachpersonals. Zur Erleichterung sind die verschiedenen Paragraphen mit schematischen Abbildungen versehen, die das behandelte Argument in der Vordergrund stellen. Dieses Handbuch enthalt informative Angaben besonderer Wichtigkeit: Unhllverhutungsnormen fur den Mechaniker und fur das in der Niihe arbeitende Personal. Maglichkeit das Motorrad und/ oder seine Beslandteile zu beschiidigen. t t Weitere Infonnationen fur die in der Ausfuhrung befindliche Operation. Nutzliche Ratschliige Um Storungen zu vermeiden und optimale Endergebnisse zu erreichen, biffet Ducati Meccanica Sie folgende Normen generell einzuhalten: - im Folie einer eventuellen Reparatur beurteilen Sie bitte die Eindrucke des Kunden, der Ihnen die Funktionsanomalien des Motorrads erklart; formulieren Sie die diesbezug/ichen Erlauterungsfragen hinsicht/ich der Storung; - stellen Sie eine prazise Diagnose der Storungsursache. Dos vorliegende Handbuch liefert die theoretischen Grundbasen, die jedoch durch personliche Erfahrung und Teilnahme on den von DUCATI periodisch organisierten Kursen integriert werden milssen; - rationelle Planung vor der Reparatur vorbereiten, um Totzeiten zu vermeiden; z.8. Abholung von Ersatztei/en, Vorbereitung der Gerate, usw.; - mit wenigen Handgriffen das zu reparierende Teil erreichen, und sich nur auf die wesent/ichen Operationen einschranken. Eine grobe Hi/fe wird Ihnen dabei dieses Handbuch sein, do die Reihenfolge der Demontage deut/ich erlautert wird. Allgemeine Vorschriften bei Reparaturen 1 Dichtungen, Dichtungsringe und Splinte immer mit neuen auswechseln. 2 Beim Losen oder Anziehen von Murtern und Schrauben immer von den GroBeren oder von der Mille beginnen. Beim vorgeschriebenen Anziehmoment blockieren einem kreuzenden Weg folgend. 3 Teile oder Positionen kennzeichnen, die bei der Wiedermontage verwechselt werden konnten. 4 Nur Originalersatzteile DUCAT] verwenden, wie die empfohlenen Schmiermitlel. 5 Fur den spezifischen Fall spezielle Gerote verwenden. 6 Die Technischen Rundschreiben konsultieren, weil sie gewohnlich die neuesten Einstelldaten und Arbeitsmethodologien enthalten. ) 5

8 Premisa Esta publicacion, usada por las Estaciones de SeNicio DUCATI, se ha realizado con el fin de ayudaral personal autorizado para efecluar las operaciones de mantenimiento y reparacion de motocieletas. EI perfecto conocimiento de los datos tecnicos que aqui se presentan es determinante para 10 completa formacion profesional del mecanico. Con el fin de que sea una lectura comprensible, los parrafos se senalon con dibu;os esquematicos que ilustran el tema trotado. Se ineluyen nuevas informaciones con significados especificos: m c Normas antiaccidentes para el mecanico y para todo aquel que se encuentre en los alrededores. Posiblidad de danar el vehculo y /0 sus companentes. I j Otras informaciones acerca de la operacion Iraroda. Consejos utiles Con el ob;eto de prevenir averias y paro lograr un buen resultado final, Ducati Meccanica aconse;o seguir las siguientes normas: - En caso de una eventual reparacion, tengase en cuenta las impresiones del eliente 01 poner en manifiesto el funcionamiento de 10 motocicleta y formular las preguntas oportunas y aelaratorias sobre las causos de 10 averia. - Investigar sobre las causas de 10 anomalia. En este manual se podran odquirir las bases teoricas principales que, sin embargo, tendran que complementarse con 10 experiencia personal y 10 participacion en 105 cursos de adiestramiento organizados periodicamente por DUCATI. - Planificar racionalmente 10 reparacion paro evitar perdidas de tiempo como, por e;emplo, encontrar las piezas de recambio, preparacion de las herramientas, etc. - Acceder a 10 parte que deba repararse limitandose a las operaciones esenciales. Con este propos ito, el hecho de consultor 10 secuencia de desmonta;e de este manual serade gran ayuda. Normas generales para las reparaciones 1 Sustituir siempre los juntas, anillos de com presion y pasadores por otros nuevos. 2 AI tener que apretar 0 aflojar tuercas 0 tornillos, empezar siempre por los de tamana mayor a par el centro. Apretar hosta el par de torsion prescrito siguiendo un trazado encruzada. 3 Marcar siempre los piezas 0 posiciones que podrian confundirse durante el montaje. 4 Utilizar piezas de recambio originoles DUCATI y los lubricantes de 10 marco recomendada. 5 Utilizar herramientas especiales donde se especifique. 6 Consultar los circulares tecnicas que podron contener datos de regulacion y metodos de reparacion mejorados respecto a los del manual. 6

9 :.-l. l::) ========================== IMPORTANTE II presente manuale illustra solo Ie parti innovative e quelle aggiornate rispetto 01 modella base di cui ne costituisce 10 variante. Per indirizzare I'utente ad una migliore consultazione questa pubblicazione contiene una SCHEDA COMPARATIVA dove e possibile verificare Ie differenze tra il modella base e il modello derivato. In questo modo I'utente ricevera informazioni utili 0110 conoscenza del nuovo modella e sara correttamente orientato verso 10 pubblicazione in cui 10 parte interessata e trattata. ) CONSIGLI UTILI PER LA CONSULTAZIONE - Dedurre dalla scheda comparativa se I' argomento interessato e trattato in questa pubblicazione oppure nel manuale base. - Consultando il sommario desumere in quale sezione e trattato I'argomento in questione. - Consultare I'indice della sezione prescelta e verificare se I'argomento in questione e trattato specificatamente in questa pubblicazione (riferimento 0 01 capolineal oppure e necessario consultare il manuale base. - L'indice di sezione inoltre e rappresentativo dell'esatta successione degli argomenti 0 delle operazioni valide per il modello in questione. Eventuali argomenti del manuale base non pic validi, verranno evidenziati sull'indice di sezione(_1 IMPORTANT This manual shows the new and the up bdate parts as regards to the standard model. This publication contains 0 COMPARATIVE CARD for a better consultation by the user, in which are indicated the differences between the standard and the up-to-date model. In this way, the user will receive useful information about the new model and will consult that publication covering the concerned part. USEFUL CONSULTATION ADVICES - Deduce from the comparative card if the concerned port is contained in this publication or in the handbook. - By consulting the summary, deduct in which section the concerned part is discussed. - Consult the index of the chosen section and check if the concerned part is specifica Ily discussed in this publication (mark 0 at new linel or if it is necessary to consult the manual. - Moreover the section index represents the correct sequence of the subjects or operations for the model. The subjects of the manual which are no more valid will be pointed out in the section index (_I ) 7

10 =================c~ IMPORTANT Le present manuel indique seulement les parties nouvelle et celles mises a iour par rapport au modele standard. Pour une meilleure consultation de I' utilisateur cette pubblication contient une FICHE DE COMPARAISON indiquant les differences entre Ie modele standard e Ie modele mis a iour. De cette far;:an, I'utilisateur pourra obtenir les informations relatives au nouveau modele et il sera correctement oriente vers 10 pubblication qui traite Ie suiet interesse. CONSEILS UTIlES A LA CONSULTATION - Deduire de 10 fiche de comparaison si Ie suiet interesse est traite dons cette pubblication ou dons Ie manuel. - En consultant Ie sommaire, deduire 10 section dons laquelle Ie su let en question est traite. - Consulter I'index de 10 section choisie et verifier si Ie suiet en question est troite en detail dons cette pubblication [reference 0 a 10 tete de lignel ou s'il est necessaire de consulter Ie manuel. - L'index de section indique de plus 10 sequence correcte des suiets ou des operations vol ides pour Ie modele en question. Les sujets pas valides du manuel seront mises en evidence sur I'index de section I_I. WICHTIG Dieses Handbuch erklar! nurdie Erneuerungen und die neugearbeiteten Teile hinsichtlich des Stondardmodells. Zu einem besseren Nachschlagen, enthaltdiese Veroffentlichung eine VERGLEICHSKARTE, womit man die Unterschiedezwischen Standardmodell und Erneuerungsmodell nachprufen kann. Auf diese Weisewird der Benutzer die nutliche Informationen zur Kenntisnahme des neuen Modells bekommen und wird sich genau zur Veroffentlichung, welche um den interessierten Teil handelt, orientieren. NUTZLlCHE RATSCHLAGE ZUM NACHSCHLAGEN - Von der Vergleichkarte schliessen, ob das interessierte Argument in dieser Veroffentlichung oder im Handbuch gehandelt wird. - Durch Nachschlagen der Inhaltsangabe entnehmen, in welchem Abschnitt das in Frage kommende Argument gehandelt Wird. - Dos Inhaltsverzeichnis des ausgewahlten Abschnittes nachschlagen und nachprufen, ob das in Frage kommende Argument spezifisch in dieser Veroffentlichung [Bezug 0 on der Anfangslinie) gehandelt wird oder falls notig, das Handbuch nachschlagen. - Dos Abschnittindex zeigt ausserdem die genaue Foige der Argumente oder der Operationen gultig f. das in Frage kommende Modell on. Evtl. nicht mehr gultige Argumente des Handbuches werden im Abschnittindex ausgezeichnet IMPORTANTE EI presente manual ilustra solo mente los partes nuevas y oplazadas respecto 01 modelo bose, y constituye uno variante. A fin de mejorar 10 consultacion, esta publicocion incluye uno FICHA COMPARATIVA donde es posible verificar los diferencias entre el modelo bose y el modelo resultante. En tal manera el interesado puede recibir informaciones para el conocimiento del nuevo modelo y sera correctamente direccionado hacia 10 porte de 10 publicocion que Ie interesa. CONSEJO UTllES PARA LA CONSUlTACION - A troves de 10 ficha comparativa deducir si el tema que interesa esta descripto en esta publicacion 0 en el manual bose. - Consultando el sumario, deducir en que seccion el tema esta explicado. - Consultar el indice de 10 seccion escogida y verificor si el tema esto tratado en detalle [acloracion 0 01 final) 0 si es necesario consultor el manual bose. - Ademas el indice de seccion representa 10 correcta sucesion de los temas 0 de los operaciones volidas para el modelo en cuestion. Los temas no validos del manual bose vendrian puestos en evidencia en el indice de seccion 8

11 Sommario Sezione o Generalita... A o Manutenzione... B o Impianto iniezione-accensione elettronica... c Registrazioni e regolazioni... 0 o Operazioni generali... E o Scomposizione motore... F o Revisione motore... G o Ricomposizione motore... H o Sospensioni e ruote... I o Freni.... L o Impianto elettrico... M o Disinnesto frizione a comando idraulico N Raffreddamento p o Telaio... Q o Attrezzatura specifica... o Cop pie di serraggio... X Indice analitico... Z w Summary o General o Maintenance.... o Electronic injection-ignition system.... o Settings and adjustments.... o General operations.... o Engine disassembly.... o Engine overhaul.... o Engine reassembly.... o Suspensions and wheels.... o Brakes.... o Electric system.... o Hydraulic control clutch release.... o Engine cooling system.... o Cadre.... o Specific tools.... o Torque wrench settings.... Analytical index.... Section A B C o E F G H I L M N p Q W X Z 19

12 Index Section o Notes generales... A o Entretien... B o Installation d'iniedion-allumage... C o Reglages et calages... D o Operations generales E o Decomposition moteur F o Revision moteur... G o Recomposition moteur... H o Suspensions et roues I o Freins '... L Installation eledrique... M o Debrayage a commande hydraulique N Refroidissement... p o Cadre... Q o Outillage special... W o Couples de serrage... X Index analytique... Z Inhaltsverzeichnis o Allgemeines... o Wartung... o Elektronische Einspritz- und Zundungsanlage... Einstellungen und Regulierungen... o Allgemeine Arbeiten... o Motorausbau... o Motoruberholung... o Wiederzusammenbau des Motors... o Anfhangungen und Rader..... o Bremsen... o Elektrische Anlage... o Ausschalten hydraulischer Kupplung... o Motorkuhlung... o Rahmen... Spezifische Ausrustung... o Anziehmomente... Sachregister... Sektlon A B C D E F G H I L M N p Q W X Z '-'", 't?:: i Indice o Generalidades.... o Mantenimiento.... o Sistema de inyeccion-encendido.... o Aiustes y regulaciones o Operaciones generales.... o Desmontaie motor o Revision motor.... o Recomposicion motor.... o Suspensiones y ruedas.... o Frenos.... o Sistema electrico.... o Desembrague de accionamiento hidraulico o Sistema de refrigeracion del motor o Bastidor.... o Herramental especifico o Pares de torsion.... Indice analitico Seccion A B C D E F G H I L M N p Q W X Z


14 ... GENERAUTA GENERAL NOTES GENERALES ALLGEMEINES GENERALIDADES o Motore. o Distribuzione.. o Aiimentazione-Accensione. o Lubrificaziane. Raffreddamento. o Trasmissione. o Freni.. o Telaio.. o Sospensioni. Ruote. o Pneumatici.. o Impianto eleffrico. o Scatola fusibili. o Prestazioni... o Pesi. o Ingombri. o Rifornimenti A A o Engine.. o Timing system. o Fuel system-ignition system. o Lubrication Cooling system. o Transmission. o Brakes. o Frome.. o Suspensions... Wheels. o Tyres. o Electric system. o Fuse box. o Performance data. o Weights. o Overall dimensions. o Refuelings AlO Al A.2

15 NOTES GENERALES ALLGEMEINES GENERAUDADES... a Moteur.. a Distribution. a Alimentation-Allumage. a Lubrification... Refroidissement. o Transmission. a Freins a Chassis.. a Suspensions.... Roues a Pneus a Systeme electrique. a Boite a fusibles. a Performances. a Paids.... o Dimensions. a Table de ravitaillements A A a Mator.. a Ventilsteuerung. a Versorgung-Zundung. a Schmierung.. Kuhlung... a Krahubertragung. a Bremsen. a Rahmen. a Aufhangungen. Rader. a Reifen... a Elektrische Anlage. a Sicherungduse. a Betriebsleistungen a Gewichte. a Einbaumasse. a Fullmengen A A a Motor.... a Distribuci6n a Alimentaci6n-Encendido. a Lubricaci6n.... Sistema de refrigeraci6n.... o Transmisi6n a Frenos a Bastidor a Suspensiones Ruedas... a Neum6ticos... a Sistema electrico.... a Caja de fusibles. o Prestaciones a Pesos. o Dimensiones.... o Aprovisionamientos A A A.3

16 53' 44,,30'1... GENERALITA MOTORE! S.P.'92 S.P.S. j Sup.'92 Alesaggia, mm Corso, mm Cilindrata totale, em Rapporto di compressione. 11±0,5 11±0,5 10,5±0,5 Potenza max. (0110 ruotal, Kw(CVI82 ( ( (951 a regime di g/i" Regime max, g/i"., IMPORTANTE: In nessuna condizione di marcia 5i deve superare il regime max. di g/min. (Sup.'921 e (S.P.'92 e S.P.S.I DISTRIBUZIONE "DESMODROMICA" a qua~ro valvole per ehindro comandate do otto bilancieri (quattrodi,apertur~ e quottro di chiusura) eda duealberi distribuzione in testa. E comandata dall'olbero motore mediante ingranaggi cilindrici, puleggie e cinghie dentate. Schema dislribuzione desmadromica 1) Bilanciere di apertura (0 superiore); 2) Registro bilanciere superiore; 3lSemianelli; 4)Registro bilanciere di chiusura (0 inferiore); 5)Molla richiamobilanciere inferiore; 6jBiianciere di chiusura (0 inferiore); 71Albero distribuzione; 81Valvola II diagramma di aperturo e chiusura delle valvole e il seguente (dati di rilevomento con gioco: 0,2 mm e 1 mm. Tensione cinghie con allrezzo a I 151: S.P.S. S.P.'92 Sue, '92 0,2 I 0,2 I 0,2 I I Valvola di aspirazione mm.: Apertura prima del PMS Ch,usura dopa il PM!. Valvala scarico mm.. Apertura prima del PM I. Chiusura dopa il P.M.S ;73' I' 66' 11 1 ' 92' 71' 98" 73" 94" 70' "177" 100"177' 84" 162" 64". 42' 64" 142" 44" 18' II gioco di funzionamenlo delle punterie, a motore freddo, deve essere: Bilancere di apertura: Aspirazione: mm." Scarico: mm. Bilanciere di chiusura:... 0,10+0, ,15+0,17. Aspirazione e scarico: mm. _. 0,05+0,08. Aim'" valvole: s.p.s._~.p"92 Sup. '~2_ Dati di rilevomento con gioco: 0 mm Aspirazione: mm I 1,0 10,0 9,60 Scarico: mm. 9,0 9,0 8,74 ALiMENTAZIONE - ACCENSIONE Marco WEBER -law. N' inie~ori per cilindro:... I (Sup.'921, 2 (S.P.'92 - S.P.S.I Trottasi di un sistema integrato per il contrallo dell'accensione e dell'iniezione di tipo sequenziale fasoto. Detto controllo e reolizzato mediante iniettori (6) ehe prevedono due stati di funzionamento stabili: Aperto: I'iniettore erogo i! earburante; Chiuso: I'iniettore non eroga il carburante. La centralina (1) e in grado di modulare 10 quantita di earburante erogoto variando i tempi di apertura degli iniettori. II controlla dell'accensione e realizzato agenda su un sistema di accensione a semiea induttiva campasto da due bobine (5) (uno per cilindro) con relativi maduli di potenm (21. II sistema di contrallo "vede" ii motore altraverso un certo numero di ingressi eollegati ai corrispandenti sensori, ogni sensore svolge una specifica funzione per fornire alia central ina I.AW. un quadro completo sui funzionamento del matore stesso". - II sen50re motore (14) fornisce un segnale che consente 10 determinazione della velocita di rotazione del motore; -II sen50recamma (11) fornisce un riferimento per 10 corretto fasatura dell'iniezione e dell'accensione; -II potenziometralarfalla (101 farnlsce un segnalefunzionedell' angolo di apertura delle valvole a farialla; - II sen50re di pressione assoluta (8) farnisce un segnole funzione della pressione barometrica ambientale; -II sen50re di temperatura aequa (15) fornisce un segnale funzione della temperatura di esercizio del motore; -II sen50redi temperatura aria (7) fornisce un segnale funzione della temperatura dell' aria aspirata dal motore. Per I'ottimizzazione di questa sistema e stata adoltata una strategia di controllo chiamata IIAIfa/N". Gli ingressi principali a cui il sistema fa riferimento per controllare I'iniezione e I'occensione sono I'angolo di apertura della farialla (Alia) ed il regime di rotazione del matore (N). Nella memoria della centralina sana presenti delle tabelle che ad un certo regime di rotaziane ed ad un certo angolo di apertura farfolla, fanno corrispondere una durata dell'impulso di iniezione, un angolo di fase dell'iniezione e un angolo di anticipo dell'aceensione. Gil altri ingressi del sistema (temperatura acqua, temperatura aria, pressiane, tensiane batteria) intervengono nel contrallo modificando coefficienti di eorrezione applicoti oi valori forniti do lie to belle "Alfa/ Nil. II sistema introduce poi ulteriori correzioni nelle condizioni di funzionamento che richiedano particolari modalita di accensione e di alimentazione (fase di owiamento, repentine aperture 0 improwise chiusure del comando gas). Anticipo: 10 (fisso fino 0950 g/ 1, poi 10 centralina varia delta volore in base ai segnali che rieeve dol sensore comma). ) 4

17 GENERAUT II sistema di iniezione e composlo doi seguenti elementi (E' roppresentato quello relativo oi modelli S.P. '92 e S.P.S.)" ~ ~--~I----I ~ 11 Centrolina elettronica 21 Modulo di potenza [uno per cilindral 31 Rele fusibilato [Fusibile do 15AI 41 Barteria 51 Babino [uno per cilindrol 61 Elertroinieiiore [due per cilindrol [S.P. '92 e S.P.S.I Elertroiniertore [uno per cilindrol [Sup. '921 7) Sen sore temperatura aria 8) Sen sore pressione ossoluto 9) Regolatore di pressione 10) Potenziometro forfallo I II Sen sore di fase 12) Ingranaggio condotto distribuzione 131 Volana motore 14) Sensore numero di giri 15) Sensore temperatura aequo 161 Pompa benzina 171 Filtro benzina Candele S.P.S. I S.P.'92 Sup. '92 Marca: CHAMPION Tipo: A55V I A59GC Dislanza fro gli elettrodi 0,5+0,6 mm.. Impianto olimentazione nel serbatoio L'impianto e composto do: 1 )Pompa elettrica 2)Filtro benzina 3)Pozzetto per tappo serbatoio 41 Degasatore 51Valvola sfiato 6)T appo per pulizio serbatoio 7) Indicatore livella benzino ojalimentazione b) Ritorno (nel raccordo e inserita uno volvola di non rilorno per impedire 10 fuoriu5cita di benzina) cl Sfiato. dl Drenaggio 5

18 ... GENERALITA LUBRIFICAZIONE Forzata a mezzo pompa ad ingranaggi, rete di filtrazione in aspirazione, valvola by-pass in derivazione per 10 regolozione della pressione, cartuccia inlercombiobile in mandata con valvola di sicurezza per intasamento della stesso, indicatore basso pressione sui cruscotto. l'impianto e prowisto inoltre di un radiatore (S.P. '92. S.P.S.) ehe contribuisce 01 roffreddamento dell' olio dell'impionto. L'impionto e composto do: 1) Roccordo tuba sfioto vapori coppa olio. 2) Tappa immissione olio 3) Indieatore di livello 4) Ingranaggi pompa olio 5) Filtro a rete 6) Pressostato 7) Coppa olio 8) Cartuccia filtro 9) T ubazione mandata olio aile teste 10) Raccordo testa orizzontale 1 1) Raccordo testa verticale 12) Radiatore (S.P. '92 S.P.S.) S.P. '92 S.P.S. Valori di controllo pressione olio: Motore caldo: I g/ 1 0 1,5 Kg/ em g/ I 0 4 Kg/em' Motore Ireddo: I g/ I 0 2,5 Kg/ em g/ I 0 5 Kg/em' Capacita circuito: Portata pompa: S.P.S. S.P/92 ~ Sup.' ,5 It 2,611/1 0 ognii000g/10 TRASMISSIONE Frizione a disehi multipli [8+7 can 14 superfiei di attrito per Sup. '92, e S.P.S. in dotazione can 16 superfiei di attrito per S.P. '92 e S.P.S.) a secco comandata do un circuito idraulico azionato da una leva sullato sinistro del manubrio. Trasmissione fro motore e albero primario del cambio ad ingranaggi a denti diritti. Rapporto.. 62/31 Cambio a 6 rapporti con ingranaggi sempre in presa; gli ingranaggi folli sono supportati do gabbie a ruilini, pedale cambio a sinistra. Rapporti S.P.'92. S.P.S. Su.'92 I' 37 / 15~0,O84 37 / 15~0,078 2' 30/17~0, /17~0,109 3'. 28/20~0, /20~0, 142 4' 26/22~0, /22~0, 176 5'. 24/23~0, /24~0,200 6'. 23/24~0,217 24/28~0,224 Trosmissione fro ii cambio e la ruota posteriore mediante una catena: Marea.... DID Tipa Vl 2 Dimensioni.... maglie 106 1/ 4"x5/8" Rapporto pignone/corona: 15/36 I 15/39 I Sup. '92 FRENI Anteriore A doppio disco flottante foralo, bimetollico. Diametro disco. 320 mm Comando idraulico mediante leva sullato destro del manubrio. Marea e madelia della pompa.... BREMBO-PS 16 Tipo pompa.... con serbotoio separato Diometro cilindro pompa mm Superficie frenante. 88 cm 2 Pinze freno a doppio pistoncino. Marco." Tipa. Moteriale ottrito BREMBO... P4.. 30/34 "Serie Oro".... FREN-DO 965 Posteriore A disco fisso forolo. Diametro disco. Comondo idroulico mediante pedale sullato deslro. Superficie frenonte. Pinzo freno: Marco." Tipo. Moteriale ottrito... Tipo pampa. Diametro cilindro pompa. 245 mm 26,6 em' BREMBO P2.105N "Serie Oro".... FREN-DO FD 72 GG.... PS II..11 mm 6

19 GENERALITA ~~ t,~) ;~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: TELAIO T ubolare a traliccio in acciaio 01 Cromo-Moiibdeno. Telaietto posteriore asportobile. Inclinazione cannatto (0 moto semiea) ' Angolo di sterzo [per porte) Avoncorso, mm SOSPENSIONI Anteriore. A forcella oieodinomica a stell rovesciati dotota di sistema di regolazione esierno del frena in estensione e compressione. Marca. Tipo. Diametro canne: mm. Corso: mm... Quontito olio per stelo: cc. livello olio alia canna: mm. S.P.'92 - S.P.S. OHLINS FG Sup.'92 SHOWA GDOII IMPIANTO ELETTRICO Tutti i modelli '92 sana equipaggiati can cablaggi dotati di connettori a tenulo stagna. L'impianto elettrico e formato dai seguenti particolori principali: Proiettore; di forma rettangolare, lampoda 0110 iodio, doppio filamento, 12V -55/60W- H4, luce di posizionecon lampoda 12V -5W. Cruscotto. Comandi elehrici sui manu brio. Indicatori di direzione; lampade 12V - low. Awisatrore acustico. InterruHori Iud arresto. Batteria; 12V - 16 Ah. A1tematore; 12V 350W [Sup.'92)300W [S.P.'92 - S.P.S.) Regolatore elellronico, protetto con fusibile do 30 A. Motorino ovviomento; 12V - 0,7 Kw. Fanale posteriore; lampada doppio filamento 12V - 5/21 W per segnalazione arresto, luce di posizione ed illuminazione largo. ) Posteriore. A forcellone oscillante in oiluminio con monoammortizzatore oieopneumatico regolabile. Sup. '92 S.P.'92-S.P.S. Marca. SHOWA OHLINS Tipo. GDO I 20070A DU 8070 Corsa: mm Pressione di esercizio: AIm Le orticolazioni ruolano su cuscinetti a rullini e snodi sferici. II forcellone ruola intorno 01 perno fulcra passante per il motore; questa sistema conferisce 0110 macchina una maggiore solidita. Solo per S.P. '92 e S.P.S_ L' azione progressiva del forcellone e regolabile tramite eccentrici che consentono di modificare I'assetto della mota. PNEUMATICI Anteriore Radiale tipo "tubeless". Morca... _... MICHELIN Tipo.. 120/70 ZR ITTxl1 TL Posteriore Radiale tipo "tubeless". Marco. Tipo MICHELIN 180/55 ZR ITTxl1 TL SCATOLA FUSIBIU La scatola porta fusibili e posizionata sui Iota sinistro del cruscotto. I fusibi!i utilizzoti sono accessibili rimuovendo il coperchio di prolezione. Solo 5 fusibili sono collegatl all'impionto: I da 30 A; Ida 15 A; 3 da 7,5 A. Tre fusibili di riservo. PRESTAZIONI Lo velocita mossima nelle singole marce e ottenibile solo osservondo scrupolosomente Ie norme di rodoggio prescritte ed eseguendo periodicomente Ie monutenzioni stabilite Velocilo mossima oilre Km/h Consumo Ix 100 Km. PESI T olole a secco Kg. In ordine di morcia Kg. Con conducente [70 Kg).. S.P.S. S.P.'92 Sup.' ,8 5,8 5,8 S.P.S: I" S.P.'92 Sup.' Pressione pneumatici Pressione di gonfiaggio bor Kg/em' Anteriore Posteriore 2,2 2,24 2,5 2,55 7

20 ... GENERALITA... ~ ==========::::::===::::::=::::==============::::::=::=::==::===tc:,- "'", INGOMBRI mm (in.) S.P. '92 S.P.S. Sup. '92 RIFORNIMENTI TlPO Quanti'" dm' (Iitri) ) Serbatoio combuslibile, compreso uno riserva di 5 dm 3 Ilitri) Coppa rnatore e fillro Circuito di raffreddamento Forcella anteriore: Ammortizzatore posteriore Circuito freni ont./post. e frizione Catena Covi contachilometri e contagiri CU5cinetti perno foreella Proleltivo per contolti elettrici sui leloio Benzina NO RM AGIP 4T SINT SUPER RACING AGIP ANTIFREEZE EXTRA %) SHOWA SS08 0 AGIP F1. AU. DEXRON 0 SAE 10W20 OHLINS N 4 SHOWA S505 0 AU. DEXRON OHLINS N 4 AGIP F 1 BRAKE FLUID SUPER HD DOT AGIP ROCOL CHAIN LUBE SPRAY AGIP F 1 Grease 30 AGIP GR MU3 grasso AGIP PI 160 Spray m 1*) - Fro Ie tacche di MAX e MIN del serbataio di esponsione: 275 cc di liquido. IMPORTANTE - Nan e ammesso I'usa di additivi nel carburanle a nei lubrificanti IS.P.'92-S.P.S.) 3,5 ISup.'92) 2.91*) per stela: 0,383 ISup.'92) per stela 0,370IS.P.'92-S.P.S.) 8

21 GENERAL... ENGINE S.P:92 i S.P.S I Sup:92 Bore in , 3.62 Stroke in Total disploment cu.in I Compression ratio. 1 1 ±O,5 11±0,5 0,5±0,5 Max. power (at the wheel I kw (HPI 82 (I III 88 ( ( r.p.m. Max. engine speed r.p.m IMPORTANT - Under no circumstances the engine must goes over r.p.m. (Sup.'921 ond I 1000 (S.P.'92 and S.P.S.I TIMING SYSTEM "DESMODROMIC" (typel with four valves each cylinder, controlled by eight rocker arms (4 opening rocker arms and 4 close rocker arms) and by two head camshahs. It is controlled by the driving shoft through cylindricol geors, pulleys and toothed belts. The Desmodromic Valve Geor System IIOpening rocker orm (upperl. 2)Opening rocker arm adjuster. 31Split rings. 4)Closing rocker arm adiuster. 51Return spring. 61Closing rocker orm (Iowerl 7lCamshah. 8lVolve. The valve opening and closing diagram is the following (detection data with cleorance: in. ond in. Belt tension through tool at I 1.51 Inlet valve: in. Opens before TD.C. Closes aher BDC Exhaust valve: in. Opens before B.D.C Closes after T.D.C, S.P.S. S.P. '92 Sup. '921 ~m9 OOOSI 0039 Ooosjom l 73'153' 66' 44' 30':11,1 92' 71' 98' 73' 94' 170' '177" I 00'177' 84' 162' 64' 42' 64' 42' 44' 18' Operation clearance of valve tappets, with cold engine, must be: Opening rocker arm: Inlet: in. Exhaust: in Closing rocker arm: Inlet and exhaust: in Valve lift: -- S'P~'" - s:.p.' Measurements with a free play of: 0 in. Inlet: in Exhaust: in FUEL SYSTEM - IGNITION SYSTEM Monufacturer WEBER - law. N' of injectors each cylinder:... I (Sup.'921, 2 (S.P.'92-S.P.S.I. It is a timed sequential integrated system for ignition and iniection control. This control is obtained by iniectors (6) having two stable operating states: Open: the iniector delivers fuel; Closed: the injector does nol deliver fuel. The central unit ( II can control the delivered fuel quantity by changing the injectors opening times. The ignition control is got by operating on an ignition system provided with inductive discharge, consisting of two coils (5) (one each cylinder) with the corresponding power modules (21 The control system "senses" the motor through a certain number of inputs connected to their corresponding sensors, each sensor has a specific function to provide the central unit I.AW. with a complete detection of the motor operation: - The motor sensor (141 sends a Signal allowing the deteclion of the motor rotating speed; - The cam sensor (1 1) provides a reference for the exact liming of iniection and ingnition; - The throttle potenfiometer ( I 01 sends 0 signal as function of the throttle valves opening angle; - The absolute pressure sensor (81 sends a Signal as function of the environmental barometric pressure; - The water temperoture sensor (151 sends a signol as function of the motor operative temperature; - The air temperoture sensor (71 sends a signol as function of the motor entering air temperature. In order to optimize this system, a control strategy called "AIa/N" has been adopted. The main inputs taken as reference by the system to control iniection and ignition ore the throttle opening angle (Alfa) and the motor r.p.m. (N). In the central unit memory there are tables that let correspond an iniection pulse time, an injection phase angle and an ignition advance angle to a given r.p.m. and to a given throttle opening angle. The other system inputs (water temperature, air temperature, pressure, battery voltage) take part to the control by changing the correction coefficients applied to the values provided by the "Alfa/N" tables. Then the system introduces further corrections in the operating conditions requiring particular ignition and feeding features (ignition phase, quick opening or closing of the gas control). Advance: (fixed up to 950 r.p.m., then the control box varies this value according to the signals it receives from the cam sensor). 9

22 ... GENERAL.7...,.. "'''~ The injection system consists of Ihe following components [That shown refers to the models S.P.'92 and S.P.S.) '-----I--I l 1) Electronic device 2) Power module [one each cylinder) 3) Relays with fuses [15 A fuse) 4) Battery 5) Coil [one each cylinder) 6) Electrcrinjector [two each cylinder) [S.P. '92 e S.P.S.) Electrcrinjector [one each cylinder) [Sup. '92) 7) Air temperature sensor 8) Absolute pressure sensor 9) Pressure adjustment 10) Throttle potentiometer I I) Phase sensor 12) Timing driven gear I 3) Motor flywheel 14) Revolution number sensor 15) Water temperature sensor 16) Fuel pump 1 7) Fuel filter Spark plugs Make. Type Eleclrode gap. S.P.S. I S.P.'92-Sup. '92 CHAMPION A 55V I A59GC in. Feeding syslem inside the tank The system consists of: II Electric pump 21Fuel filter 3)Tank plug sump 4) Degasator 51Brealher valve 6) Plug for tonk clean 7) Fuel level indicalor 01 Feeding b) Return (in the pipe fitting a non-return valve is inserted, in order to avoid fuel outlet) c) Breather pipe d) Drain 10

23 GENERAL... LUBRICATION It is performed by means of a gear pump, suction filtering system, bypass valve for pressure adjustment, interchangeable delivery cartridge with safety valve for possible obstruction, low pressure indicator located on dash board. The system is also provided with a radiator [S.P. '92 - S.P.S.) for the system oil cooling. The system consists of: I) Oil sump vapors breather pipe firting 2) Oil inlet plug 3) Level indicator 4) Oil pump gears 5) Net filter 6) Pressure switch 7) Oil sump 8) Filter cartridge 9) Head oil delivery pipe 10) Horizontal head pipe fitting I I) Vertical head pipe firting 12) Radiator [S.P. '92 - S.P.S.) Oil pressure control values: Hot engine: I r.p.m r.p.m. Cold engine: I r.p.m r.p.m. 3.30Ib./sq.in Ib'/sq.in Ib'/sq.in. I 1.02 Ib'/sq.in. S.P.S. - S.P.'92 i Sup.'92 Circuit copacity: 0.88 Imp. Gall I 0.77 Imp. Gall Pump delivery: Imp. Gall/I 0 every 1000 r.p.m. TRANSMISSION MultiplECdiskdry clutch [8+7 with 14 friction surfaces for Sup.'92 and S.P.S. supplied with 16 friction surfaces for S.P.'92 and S.P.S.) controlled by on hydraulic circuit operated by a lever on the leh side of the handlebar. Transmission between engine and main shaft of gearbox with straight toothed gears. Ratio /31 6 ratios gearbox with constant meshed gears; the idle gears are supported by roller cages, change kick to the left. S.P. '92 S.P.S. Gear ratios I st speed. 2nd speed. 3rd speed.. 4th speed. 5th speed. 6th speed..., S.P.'92-S.P.S. -+_--'S,-=u"'p'-.'9:.::2=-----i 37 /15~O, /15~O,078 30/17~O,118 30/17~O,109 28/20~O, /20~O,142 26/22~O,176 24/22~O,176 24/23~O,199 23/24~ /24~O, /28~0.224 Transmission between gearbox and rear wheel through chain: Make DID Type VL 2 Dimensions.... Iinks 106 1/ 4"x5/8" Final drive ratio [pinion-crown): I 15/36 I 15/39 I Sup. '92 BRAKES Front Bimetallic, drilled floating double disk. Disc diameter in. Hydraulic control, lever on handlebar R.H. side. Trade mark and model ofthe pump.... BREMBOPS 16 Pump Iype with separated Tank Pump cylinder diameter in. Braking surface sq.in. 2-pistons broke caliper: Trade-mark.... BREMBO Type..... P4.. 30/34 "Gold series" Friction material.... FREN-DO 965 l Reor Cast iron fixed disc type. Disc diameter." 9.64 in. Hydraulic contral, pedal on R.H side Braking surface..412sq.in Broke calipers: Trade-mark. Type..... BREMBO.. P2.105N "Gold series" Friction material..... FREN-DO FD 72 GG Pump Iype PS II Pump cylinder diameter in. & 11

24 ... GENERAL FRAME Tubular type with Chrome-Molybdenum steel trestle. Removable rear frame Tube inclination (motorbike without pilot) ' Steering angle (for each side) Forward stroke, in. SUSPENSIONS Front Oleodynamic fork with overturned legs and with outer system for extension and compression adjustment. Make. Type. Tube diameter: in. Stroke in. Oil quantity for each leg: cu. in.. Oil level to the barrel: in. Rear S.P.'92 - S.P.S. OHLINS fg Sup.'92 SHOWA GDOII Aluminium flooting fork type with adjustable oleopneumotic monodamper. Trade mark., Type. Stroke: in. Opearting pressure: AIm. Sup,...-"9-.-2=--+-"'S."'P... '92-S.P.S. SHOWA OHLINS GDO I 20070A DU B io 14 The articulated joints turn (rotates) on needle bearings and boll joints. The fork rotates around a journal fxlssing through the engine; this configuration mokes the motorcycle more sturdy. Only for S.P.'92 and S.P.S. The fork progressive action can be adiusted by eccentrics makes it possible to modify the bolance of the bike. lyres Front Rodiol "tubeless" type. Make. Type.... MICHELIN /70 ZR l7tx 11 Tl Rear Radial "tubeless" type. Make.... MICHELIN Type.... IBO/55 ZR l7txll Tl ELECTRIC SYSTEM All the '92 models ore fihed with cables complete with water-proof connectors. The electrical system consists of the following main parts Headlamp; rectangular shope, iodine, double-filament, 12V - 55/ 60W-H4 bulb, with parking light bulb 12V-5W. Instrument board Electrical controls on handlebar Direction indicators; I 2V- I OW bulbs. Horn Stop light switches Battery; I 2V-16 Ah Allemator; I 2V- 350 W (Sup. '92) 300 W (S.P.'92 - S.P.S.) Electronic adjusler - Protected by a 30 A fuse. Storter; 12V-O,7 Kw Rear lamp; double-filament lamp, 12V 5/21 W for stop signoling, taillight and number plate lighting. FUSE BOX The fuses box is located in the leh Side of the dashboard. The fuses used con be accessed by removing the protection cover. Only 5 fuses are connected to the circuit: one fuse of 30 A; one fuse of 15 A; three fuses of 7,5 A Three spore fuses are available. PERFORMANCE DATA Maximum speed in any gear should be reached only after a correct running-in period with the motorcycle properly serviced. Max. speed beyond mi./h. Consumption Ix I 00 Km. WEIGHTS Total dry weight Ib. Kerb Ib. With driver (154.3 Ib). S.P.S. S.P.'92 Sup.' ,B S.P.S. 407.B B.4 5,B ,B S.P.'92 I Sup. '92_ B.5 4B B T yre inflation pressure Inflation pressure Bar Kg/em' Front Rear , :0 12

25 GENERAL... I (. : '1:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~ 1;",; OVERALL DIMENSIONS mm (in.j S.P. '92 S.P.S. Sup. '92 REFUELINGS TYPE QUANTITY Imp. Gall. Fuel tank, I. I Imp. Gall. reserve included Crankcase sump and filter Cooling circuit Front fork: Rear damper Front/rear brake circuit and clutch Chain Speedometer and revolution indicator cables Fork pin bearings Protection for electric contacts on the frome Gasaline NO RM AGIP 4T SINT SUPER RACING AGIP ANTIFREEZE EXTRA (35+40%1 SHOWA SS08 a AGIP F I -AU. DEXRON 0 SAE IOW20 OHLINS N 4 SHOWA SS05 0 AU DEXRON OHLINS N 4 AGIP F I BRAKE FLUID SUPER HD DOT AGIP ROCOL CHAIN LUBE SPRAY AGIP F I Grease 30 AGIP GR MU3 Grease AGIP PI 160 Spray m (*) - Between MAY and MIN notches of the expansion tonk: cu.in. of liquid. WARNING! Use of additives in fuel or lubricants is not allowed (S.P.'92 S.P.S (Sup.' ('I for each leg: (Sup.'921 for each leg (S.P.'92,S.P.S.1 13

11 EN 81-70 Page 1 of 2 Standard: INTERPRETATION RELATED TO. Clause(s):

11 EN 81-70 Page 1 of 2 Standard: INTERPRETATION RELATED TO. Clause(s): CEN RELATED TO 11 Page 1 of 2 Standard: Edition: 2003 Clause(s): Valid from: 15/09/2010 Date of modification: Key-word(s): Car operating panel, Two entrance lift Replacing interpretation No.: QUESTION



CHAIN SAW GZ4000 NOTE 848C5193B0 (401) CHAIN SAW : 1. Use KOMATSU ZENOAH genuine parts specified in the parts list for repair and/or replacement. 2. KOMATSU ZENOAH does not warrant the machines, those which have been damaged


6 Schrauben 7 Schrauben

6 Schrauben 7 Schrauben Achtung - diese Motorenserie gibt es mit 8 und 9 Verbindungslöchern von der Ölwanne zum Kurbelgehäuse - für diesbezügliche Ersatzteile prüfen Sie bitte die entsprechende Bohrungsanzahl und bestellen dann


HEDGE TRIMMERS. eht751s eht601d

HEDGE TRIMMERS. eht751s eht601d T4537-93120 (402) HEDGE TRIMMERS eht751s eht601d NOTE : 1. Use KOMATSU ZENOAH genuine parts specified in the parts list for repair and/or replacement. 2. KOMATSU ZENOAH does not warrant the machines, those



Q.TA' Q.TY Q.TE M.GE C.AD POS NO N. INDEX POS. TAVOLA BILD DRAWING TAB. 001 IR2A 1 75660310 1 21 12505 1 41 81660220A 1 61 2 13901 6 22 11230 1 42 75450320 1 62 3 14001 2 23 01502200A 1 43 63 4 13809 2 24 99000149Z 1 44 64 5 14703 2 25 15660660A 1


Electrical tests on Bosch unit injectors

Electrical tests on Bosch unit injectors Valid for Bosch unit injectors with order numbers 0 414 700 / 0 414 701 / 0 414 702 Parts Kit Magnet*: - F00H.N37.925 - F00H.N37.933 - F00H.N37.934 * For allocation to the 10-place Bosch order number,


Electrical testing of Bosch common rail piezo injectors

Electrical testing of Bosch common rail piezo injectors Applies to generation CRI 3: Bosch 10-position order number 0 445 115 = CRI 3-16 (CRI 3.0) 1600 bar 0 445 116 = CRI 3-18 (CRI 3.2) 1800 bar 0 445 117 = CRI 3-20 (CRI 3.3) 2000 bar Tools required: Hybrid


1,2-1,8 TON TWIST 100 TWIST 100

1,2-1,8 TON TWIST 100 TWIST 100 1,2-1,8 TWIST 100 L attuatore idraulico bi-direzionale Cangini permette di inclinare attrezzature o attacchi rapidi fino ad un angolazione di, facilitando le operazioni di scavo, anche in posizioni difficili


Neue Fahrzeugauswahl (KW/CV)

Neue Fahrzeugauswahl (KW/CV) Update Software Rel.: 9,23 Nuova selezione del veicolo (KW/CV) New vehicle selection (KW/CV) Nouvelle selection du vehicule (KW/CV) Nueva selecion del vehiculo (KW/CV) Neue Fahrzeugauswahl (KW/CV) 1 Update





CABLE TESTER. Manual DN-14003

CABLE TESTER. Manual DN-14003 CABLE TESTER Manual DN-14003 Note: Please read and learn safety instructions before use or maintain the equipment This cable tester can t test any electrified product. 9V reduplicated battery is used in


SEAT DECK. Ihr Ersatzteilspezialist im Internet

SEAT DECK. Ihr Ersatzteilspezialist im Internet MODEL 00xA SEAT DECK 0 0 0 0 MODEL 00xA SEAT DECK Seat 000 Support, Seat 0E00 Push On Cap 0x Washer 0x Bolt, Wing 000 Bolt 00x Bracket, Pivot 0E00 Nut x Screw x 0 Spring, Leaf 00 Spring x Washer, Cup 0


K I A Table of contents for Common Rail System Seminar in 04/2002

K I A Table of contents for Common Rail System Seminar in 04/2002 Table of contents for Common Rail System Seminar in 04/2002 Introduction Crankshaft Speed Sensor System Overview with CP 1 Camshaft Phase-Sensor System Overview with CP 3 Accelerator Pedal Sensor High



BACKPACK BLOWER EB7000 T4028- (312) BACKPACK BLOWER : 1. Use KOMATSU ZENOAH genuine parts specified in the parts list for repair and/or replacement. 2. KOMATSU ZENOAH does not warrant the machines, those which have been damaged





Electrical testing of Bosch common rail Injectors

Electrical testing of Bosch common rail Injectors Electrical testing of Bosch common rail Injectors Contents: 1. Adapter cable for Hybridtester FSA 050 (article number 0 684 010 050 / 1 687 023 571) 2. Electrical testing of Bosch common rail solenoid


Dimensione pneumatico Reifendimension Dimension tyre Dim. de los neumáticos

Dimensione pneumatico Reifendimension Dimension tyre Dim. de los neumáticos Catene da neve per Autovetture, Suv e 4x4 - Tabella pneumatici per dimensione Schneeketten für PKW, Suv und 4x4 - Reifentabelle nach n Snow chains for Cars, Suv e 4x4 - Tyre table by size Cadenas de nieve


Solutions up to rpm for micromachining. BT 30 spindle - automatic tool changer

Solutions up to rpm for micromachining. BT 30 spindle - automatic tool changer Solutions up to 58.000 rpm for micromachining. BT 30 spindle - automatic tool changer TURBODRILL MINILINE S2D / R2B www.albertiumberto.it TURBODRILL Air driven heads up to 58.000 min-1 TURBODRILL NR-2351



SGCZ2600DL SGCZ2600DW 848JN093B0 (412) RECIPROCATORS SGCZ2600DL SGCZ2600DW : 1. Use KOMATSU ZENOAH genuine parts as specified in the parts list for repair and/or replacement. 2. KOMATSU ZENOAH does not warrant the machines,


PATENT PENDING T4 9380198-8580198 - 8880198-2080198 INDICE / INDEX / INHALTSVERZEICHNIS Contenuto della scatola / Box contents / Verpackungsinhalt... 3 Informazioni tecniche / Technical information / Technische


Katalog / Catalogue. - Seite / Page 1/9 - Weyhe, Autoline Nr. Bezeichnung / Description. A RS repair kit

Katalog / Catalogue. - Seite / Page 1/9 - Weyhe, Autoline Nr. Bezeichnung / Description. A RS repair kit - Seite / Page 1/9 - Die Informationen in diesem Katalog wurden mit großer Sorgfalt zusammengestellt. Wir übernehmen keine Verantwortung für fehlende oder falsche Angaben. Technische Änderungen vorbehalten.


Hazards and measures against hazards by implementation of safe pneumatic circuits

Hazards and measures against hazards by implementation of safe pneumatic circuits Application of EN ISO 13849-1 in electro-pneumatic control systems Hazards and measures against hazards by implementation of safe pneumatic circuits These examples of switching circuits are offered free


Zubehör Accessories Accessoires

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miditech 4merge 4-fach MIDI Merger mit :

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spare parts for Mercedes Benz

spare parts for Mercedes Benz spare parts for 02/2013 Achse / Axle 63 451 424 BOOT KIT W 123 W 126 126 350 03 37 63 451 425 BOOT KIT W 140 140 350 11 37 63 451 426 BOOT KIT 210 357 00 91 210 357 01 91 11 000 007 ENGINE MOUNTING 124


CHASSIS & HOOD ÎÎÎ. Ihr Ersatzteilspezialist im Internet

CHASSIS & HOOD ÎÎÎ. Ihr Ersatzteilspezialist im Internet CHASSIS & HOOD ÎÎ ÎÎÎÎ ÎÎÎ Î 5 5 0 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 CHASSIS & HOOD Description Part Seat 5 Plate Assembly, Switch Z Spring, Compression x Spring, Seat 5 Glide, Spring Bolt, Shoulder x Support, Seat E0 Lockwasher


CHASSIS & HOOD. Ihr Ersatzteilspezialist im Internet

CHASSIS & HOOD. Ihr Ersatzteilspezialist im Internet CHASSIS & HOOD ÎÎÎÎ ÎÎÎ 0 0 0 CHASSIS & HOOD Description Part Seat Plate Assembly, Switch Z Spring, Compression x Spring, Seat Glide, Spring Bolt, Shoulder x Support, Seat E00 Lockwasher x Bolt, Hex x


Snap-in switch for switches PSE, MSM and MCS 30

Snap-in switch for switches PSE, MSM and MCS 30 Product manual Snap-in switch for switches PSE, MSM and MCS 30 CONTENTS 1. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 2. DATA AND DIMENSIONAL DRAWINGS 2.1. Technical Data 2.2. Dimensions of PSE with a Mounting Diameter 19 mm



POWER AUGER AG4300 AG531 T4511-93120(204) POWER AUGER AG4300 AG531 NOTE : 1. Use KOMATSU ZENOAH genuine parts specified in the parts list for repair and/or replacement. 2. KOMATSU ZENOAH does not warrant the machines, those which


BODY CHASSIS. Ihr Ersatzteilspezialist im Internet

BODY CHASSIS. Ihr Ersatzteilspezialist im Internet BODY CHASSIS 4 4 0 8 8 9 4 48 4 9 4 4 4 49 4 8 4 9 4 4 44 4 9 9 0 40 9 4 8 Seat 98 Hinge, Seat E00 Retainer x4 4 Lockwasher 8x Bolt, Hex x4 Plate, Seat Switch 99 Spring, Compression 4x 8 Glide, Seat Spring



GSRI GSRI GSRI GSRI GSRI GSRI GSRI GSRI COMPRESSORi A VITE con inverter SchraubkompressoreN Mit frequenzumrichter I compressori rotativi a vite a velocità variabile con inverter della serie GSRI sono costruiti in modo innovativo e rivoluzionario


Kuhnke Technical Data. Contact Details

Kuhnke Technical Data. Contact Details Kuhnke Technical Data The following page(s) are extracted from multi-page Kuhnke product catalogues or CDROMs and any page number shown is relevant to the original document. The PDF sheets here may have


OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Test pump ZG 5.1. and ZG 5.2.

OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Test pump ZG 5.1. and ZG 5.2. Elektromotoren und Gerätebau Barleben GmbH OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Test pump ZG 5.1. and ZG 5.2. Elektromotoren und Gerätebau Barleben GmbH 2 Inhaltsverzeichnis Page 1 Use 4 2 Design features 4 2.1 Test





B/S/H/ Startfolie. B/S/H Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH - KDT-T B/S/H Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH KDT-T

B/S/H/ Startfolie. B/S/H Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH - KDT-T B/S/H Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH KDT-T Startfolie B/S/H/ 1 Product division Event Location Refrigeration Side by Side USA B/S/H Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH KDT-T 2 Side-by-Side Appliances Models: Bosch Siemens KAN 56V** KAN58A** KA58NA**with


Lukas Hydraulik GmbH Weinstraße 39 D Erlangen. Mr. Sauerbier. Lukas Hydraulik GmbH Weinstraße 39 D Erlangen

Lukas Hydraulik GmbH Weinstraße 39 D Erlangen. Mr. Sauerbier. Lukas Hydraulik GmbH Weinstraße 39 D Erlangen Technical Report No. 028-71 30 95685-350 of 22.02.2017 Client: Lukas Hydraulik GmbH Weinstraße 39 D-91058 Erlangen Mr. Sauerbier Manufacturing location: Lukas Hydraulik GmbH Weinstraße 39 D-91058 Erlangen


Electrical testing of Bosch common rail solenoid valve (MV) injectors

Electrical testing of Bosch common rail solenoid valve (MV) injectors Applies to MV injector, generation: -CRI 1.0 / 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.2 -CRIN 1 / 2 / 3, with K oder AK plug Bosch 10-position order number Bosch-Bestellnummer CRI: 0 445 110 xxx Bosch-Bestellnummer CRIN: 0 445





Deceleration Technology. Rotary Dampers mit hohem Drehmoment WRD-H 2515 WRD-H 3015 WRD-H 4025 WRD-H

Deceleration Technology. Rotary Dampers mit hohem Drehmoment WRD-H 2515 WRD-H 3015 WRD-H 4025 WRD-H Rotary Dampers mit hohem Drehmoment WRD-H 2515 WRD-H 3015 WRD-H 4025 WRD-H 6030 Deceleration Technology ONLINE CALCULATION AND 2D / 3D CAD DOWNLOAD M m L F Benefits Material: - Aluminium and steel Applications:


Lukas Hydraulik GmbH Weinstraße 39 D Erlangen. Mr. Sauerbier. Lukas Hydraulik GmbH Weinstraße 39 D Erlangen. edraulic rescue equipment

Lukas Hydraulik GmbH Weinstraße 39 D Erlangen. Mr. Sauerbier. Lukas Hydraulik GmbH Weinstraße 39 D Erlangen. edraulic rescue equipment Technical Report No. 028-7130 95685-050 of 22.02.2017 Client: Lukas Hydraulik GmbH Weinstraße 39 D-91058 Erlangen Mr. Sauerbier Manufacturing location: Lukas Hydraulik GmbH Weinstraße 39 D-91058 Erlangen


Overview thermostat/ temperature controller

Overview thermostat/ temperature controller Thermostat TR-238 The Thermostat TR-238 is a electronic two-level controller for controlling of and in climate control units and vehicles. Voltage range (12V): Voltage range (24V): Control range: Hystereses:


2 IP X4 WLS/FL IP24. Montage-Anleitung Instructions de montage Assembling instructions. 225 cm. 60 cm 0

2 IP X4 WLS/FL IP24. Montage-Anleitung Instructions de montage Assembling instructions. 225 cm. 60 cm 0 WLS/FL IP Arbeiten an den elektrischen Anlagen dürfen nur von autorisierten Fachleuten nach den örtlichen Vorschriften ausgeführt werden. Für nicht fachgerechte Installation wird jegliche Haftung abgelehnt.


BODY CHASSIS. Ihr Ersatzteilspezialist im Internet

BODY CHASSIS. Ihr Ersatzteilspezialist im Internet BODY CHASSIS 2 4 4 0 2 2 8 8 9 4 48 4 9 42 4 4 49 42 8 2 2 2 29 4 4 44 4 2 9 9 0 40 9 4 8 Seat 99 2 Hinge, Seat E0 Retainer x4 4 Lockwasher 8x Bolt, Hex x4 Plate, Seat Switch 99Z Spring, Compression 4x2


Filter Typ 3~ RFI Filter I0FAExxxF100DxxxxS

Filter Typ 3~ RFI Filter I0FAExxxF100DxxxxS Typennummer I0FAE3xxF100XxxxxS RFI Filter I0FAE4xxF100XxxxxS Filter Typ 3~ RFI Filter I0FAExxxF100DxxxxS Technische Daten Typ E355F E375F E411F 100D... 100D... 100D... Bemessungsstrom [A] 120.0 / 105.0


I-Energieversorgung I-Power Supply

I-Energieversorgung I-Power Supply F Seite 1 page 1 1) Pneumatisch a. Stellantriebe mit Membrane finden ihren Einsatz da, wo kleine Stellkräfte ausreichen. Der pneumatische Stellantrieb ist direkt in Kompaktbauweise mit dem Stellventil


SEL E Double Sideshift Carriage. 44E Doppel-Seitenschieber. 44E Tabliers à déplacement double

SEL E Double Sideshift Carriage. 44E Doppel-Seitenschieber. 44E Tabliers à déplacement double Parts Manual Ersatzteilliste Manuel de pièces détachées c 44E Double Sideshift Carriage 44E Doppel-Seitenschieber 44E Tabliers à déplacement double SEL-53288 Parts Manual 44E-SS-601B cascade About This


Kurzanleitung um Transponder mit einem scemtec TT Reader und der Software UniDemo zu lesen

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Hypex d.o.o. Alpska cesta 43, 4248 Lesce Slovenija Tel: +386 (0) Fax: +386 (0) MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS MTJ MRJ SERIES Hypex d.o.o. Alpska cesta, Lesce Slovenija Tel: + (0) 00 Fax: + (0) 0 www.unimotion.eu email: sales@unimotion.eu www.unimotion.eu MTJ MRJ Series OVERVIEW Used symbols


Deceleration Technology. Rotary Dampers with high-torque range WRD-H 7550 WRD-H 9565 WRD-H

Deceleration Technology. Rotary Dampers with high-torque range WRD-H 7550 WRD-H 9565 WRD-H Rotary Dampers with high-torque range WRD-H 7550 WRD-H 9565 WRD-H 12070 Deceleration Technology ONLINE CALCULATION AND 2D / 3D CAD DOWNLOAD M m L F Benefits Material: - Aluminium and steel Applications:


Serviceinformation Nr. 02/11

Serviceinformation Nr. 02/11 Serviceinformation Nr. 02/11 vom: 06.10.2011 von: BAM 1. Software Navigator und Release Notes Auf unserer Homepage unter www.idm-energie.at/de/navigator-software.html steht ab sofort eine neue Version


truck and bus spare parts for Mercedes Benz

truck and bus spare parts for Mercedes Benz truck and bus spare parts for 02/2013 Achse / Axle 63 450 187 AIR SPRING BASE 357 320 15 34 63 450 188 AIR SPRING BASE 393 320 10 18 21 401 019 BALL BEARING 004 981 43 05 06.32489.0051 FAG 32018 63 451


Beinhaltet wichtige Werkzeuge z.b. für folgende Arbeiten an 1,4l / 1,6l Benzinmotoren N12, PSA Motoren EP3 8FS, EP6 5FW, 8FR EP3, 5FS EP6

Beinhaltet wichtige Werkzeuge z.b. für folgende Arbeiten an 1,4l / 1,6l Benzinmotoren N12, PSA Motoren EP3 8FS, EP6 5FW, 8FR EP3, 5FS EP6 Motor Einstellwerkzeugsatz Beinhaltet wichtige Werkzeuge z.b. für folgende Arbeiten an 1,4l / 1,6l Benzinmotoren N12, PSA Motoren EP3 8FS, EP6 5FW, 8FR EP3, 5FS EP6 Einstellen der Steuerzeiten Erneuern



p^db=`oj===pìééçêíáåñçêã~íáçå= p^db=`oj===pìééçêíáåñçêã~íáçå= Error: "Could not connect to the SQL Server Instance" or "Failed to open a connection to the database." When you attempt to launch ACT! by Sage or ACT by Sage Premium for


Rohrschieber mit Schließfeder Slide Valve spring loaded

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Inquiry/-Purchase order form for commercial vehicle

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Umschaltventile Magnete

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Electromagnetic Flowmeter FXE4000-DE43F

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Elektrogabelhubwagen / Electric pallet truck / Transpalette semi-électrique EGU 15 C JOKER Classic Type ;

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WMV-Dresden, Ersatzteilservice für Elektrowerkzeuge, Motor- und Gartengeräte

WMV-Dresden, Ersatzteilservice für Elektrowerkzeuge, Motor- und Gartengeräte HUSQVARNA OUTDOOR PRODUCTS ITALIA PNC ML Model Brand 965190001 03 BKS 542E Florabest 965190002 Number of Pages 1 of 7 Factory: IIQ - Valmadrera Product Group: OP 93 Publication Number: EIPL2007 V220000001


Umschaltventile Magnet

Umschaltventile Magnet Umschaltventile Magnet DFE1/3 estellnr. Typ 2-11-1 DFE1/318ES-W22-12VDC 2-11-1 DFE1/318ES-W22-24VDC 24-2-116 DFE1/318ES-Y22-12VDC 24-2-117 DFE1/318ES-Y22-24VDC Weitere Umschaltventil Varianten auf nfrage



HEDGE TRIMMERS HTZ7500 CHTZ6000 848D3J93B0 (404) HEDGE TRIMMERS HTZ7500 CHTZ6000 NOTE : 1. Use KOMATSU ZENOAH genuine parts specified in the parts list for repair and/or replacement. 2. KOMATSU ZENOAH does not warrant the machines, those


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Newest Generation of the BS2 Corrosion/Warning and Measurement System

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Finite Difference Method (FDM)

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CarMedia. Bedienungsanleitung Instruction manual. AC-Services Albert-Schweitzer-Str.4 68766 Hockenheim www.ac-services.eu info@ac-services.

CarMedia. Bedienungsanleitung Instruction manual. AC-Services Albert-Schweitzer-Str.4 68766 Hockenheim www.ac-services.eu info@ac-services. CarMedia Bedienungsanleitung Instruction manual AC-Services Albert-Schweitzer-Str.4 68766 Hockenheim www.ac-services.eu info@ac-services.eu DE Inhaltsverzeichnis 1. Allgemeine Hinweise... 3 2. CarMedia...


Preisliste für The Unscrambler X

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Montageanleitung / Mounting instruction / Manuel de montage. D: Abmessung bis zur Klemme. Mat. Nr Typennummer

Montageanleitung / Mounting instruction / Manuel de montage. D: Abmessung bis zur Klemme. Mat. Nr Typennummer Typennummer RFI Filter I0FAE3xxF100XxxxxS Filter Typ 3~ RFI Filter I0FAE3xxF100XxxxxS Technische Daten Typ E330F E337F E345F 100D 100D 100D Bemessungsstrom [A] 55.00/45.70 69.00/57.00 100.00/86.00 Ableitstrom


IP X4 MOA/SL/FL IP44, CH IP24. Montage-Anleitung Instructions de montage Assembling instructions. 225 cm. 60 cm 0

IP X4 MOA/SL/FL IP44, CH IP24. Montage-Anleitung Instructions de montage Assembling instructions. 225 cm. 60 cm 0 MOA/SL/FL IP44, CH IP4 Arbeiten an den elektrischen Anlagen dürfen nur von autorisierten Fachleuten nach den örtlichen Vorschriften ausgeführt werden. Für nicht fachgerechte Installation wird jegliche


Deceleration Technology. Rotary Dampers with high-torque range WRD-H 0607 WRD-H 0805 WRD-H 1208 WRD-H 1610 WRD-H

Deceleration Technology. Rotary Dampers with high-torque range WRD-H 0607 WRD-H 0805 WRD-H 1208 WRD-H 1610 WRD-H Rotary Dampers with high-torque range WRD-H 67 WRD-H 85 WRD-H 128 WRD-H 161 WRD-H 21 Deceleration Technology ONLINE CALCULATION AND 2D / 3D CAD DOWNLOAD M m L F Benefits Applications: - Mechanical and


KB2000/KB2000S PARTS MANUAL. Morgana Systems Limited United Kingdom Telephone: ( ) Facsimile: ( )

KB2000/KB2000S PARTS MANUAL. Morgana Systems Limited United Kingdom  Telephone: ( ) Facsimile: ( ) KB2000/KB2000S PARTS MANUAL Morgana Systems Limited United Kingdom www.morgana.co.uk Telephone: ( 01908 ) 608888 Facsimile: ( 01908 ) 692399 Ersatzteilkatalog Spare parts catalogue PrintBind KB-2000 77.1250



TAVOLI DA LAVORO SU GAMBE WORK TABLES TABLES DE TRAVAIL CABINETS ARBEITSTISCHE IT I nuovi tavoli su gambe sono costruiti con un rivoluzionario sistema che permette di assemblare il prodotto in pochi secondi, consentendo rapidità di montaggio e al contempo permettendo di ridurre i


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Honeywell AG Hardhofweg. D-74821 Mosbach MU1H-1220GE23 R1001

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SERVICE INFORMATION NO. SI D4-138 Diamond Aircraft Industries GmbH N.A. Otto-Straße 5 A-2700 Wiener Neustadt Austria DAI SI D-38 Page of 8-Jun-200 FT SERVICE INFORMATION NO. SI D-38 NOTE: SI s are used only: ) To distribute infmation from


TUNING GUIDE. ridefox.com

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Level 2 German, 2015

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Cleanroom Fog Generators Volcano VP 12 + VP 18

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Walter Buchmayr Ges.m.b.H.

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Outdoor-Tasche. Operating Instructions Bedienungsanleitung GB D

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Service Manual Service Anleitung U 58/7 KIT

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Doc. N. 1SDH001000R0513 - L7835. SACE Emax 2. Ekip Synchrocheck - E1.2-E2.2-E4.2-E6.2 E1.2 - E2.2 - E4.2 - E6.2

Doc. N. 1SDH001000R0513 - L7835. SACE Emax 2. Ekip Synchrocheck - E1.2-E2.2-E4.2-E6.2 E1.2 - E2.2 - E4.2 - E6.2 Doc. N. SDH00000R05 - L785 SACE Emax Ekip Synchrocheck - E.-E.-E4.-E6. E. - E. - E4. - E6. OK OK Staccare alimentazione dell Ekip Supply. Disconnect power from the Ekip Supply module. Die Speisung von



HANDY BLOWER HB2301 HBZ2600 T4053-96120 (302) HANDY BLOWER HB2301 HBZ2600 NOTE : 1. Use KOMATSU ZENOAH genuine parts specified in the parts list for repair and/or replacement. 2. KOMATSU ZENOAH does not warrant the machines, those


TomTom WEBFLEET Tachograph

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EBA 4370 / EBA 4470 EBA 4376 / EBA DUVsWO. M.-Nr

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drawbar eye series 2010

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Control shut-off butterfly valves DN 50 DN 400 PN

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SERVICE INFORMATION NO. SID4-020/1 Diamond Aircraft Industries G.m.b.H. DAI SID4-020/1 N.A. Otto-Straße 5 Page 1 of 2 A-2700 Wiener Neustadt 06-Sep-2004 SERVICE INFORMATION NO. SID4-020/1 SUPERSEDES SERVICE INFORMATION NO. SID4-020 I. TECHNICAL


Kurzanleitung / Instructions Auswechseln des Kupplungsystems / Exchange of the clutch system

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a) Name and draw three typical input signals used in control technique.

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Power supply Interference suppressed acc. to DIN EN /- 4, EN 55011, EN CI. B, power factor corrected Power factor BöSha LED driver

Power supply Interference suppressed acc. to DIN EN /- 4, EN 55011, EN CI. B, power factor corrected Power factor BöSha LED driver Operating Instructions LED Mast Double Luminaire Callisto SC DB, incl. Inclination Adjustment, Single-Chip Technology (Please, read carefully before starting operation) Version: 16.01.2017 Model 369-M


11 kw** E82MV222_4B kw**

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