Building a New Century

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1 Building a New Century 5 th Conference on Solar Architecture and Design Bonn, 27 th of May 1998 Edited by EUROSOLAR e.v. EUROSOLAR-Verlag Bonn UB/TIB Hannover

2 Contents Opening Session Welcome Address Klaus Wiesehugel 1 Renewable Energy Bionics for Architecture: Learning from Natural Examples Helmut Tributsch 2 Solares Bauen und vermiedene Kosten - Grundziige einer neuer Bauokonomie Hermann Scheer 10 Eroffnungsrede Stefan Behling 14 Plenary Session I Global and Policy Context 19 "Political Design of a Legal Framework for Environmental Buildings Construction" Peter Helmer Steen 20 House Energy Rating Schemes: The Role of Local Authorities Steven V. Szokolay 24 Parallel Session I Systems and Components for Solar Energy Applications in Buildings 29 SolarBau: MONITOR - Ein Forum fur Erfahrungen und Ergebnisse iiber Energieeffizienz und Solarenergienutzung im Nichtwohnungsbau Karsten Voss, Alfons Armbruster, Gunter Lohnert, Andreas Wagner, Mathias WambsganB 30 Efficient Design Incorporating Fundamental Improvements for Control and Integrated Optimisation A. Galata, N. Morel, J.B. Michel, S. Karki, L. Bakker, H.P. Joergl, A. Franeeschini, A. Martinez 36 Solar Energy and Urban Planning Building with Timber - Contributing to the mitigation of global CO 2 emissions G. Wegener, B. Zimmer 41 Reduzierung des Treibhausgases CO 2 durch Nutzung des Bau- und Werkstoffes Holz a Is nachwachsender Rohstoff Arno Fruhwald, Joachim Hasch, Mohammed Scharai-Rad 45 Environmental evaluation of window systems Klaus Richter 49 Tageslichtlenkung und Raumtiefenausleuchtung mit Hilfe optischer Lamellensysteme Helmut Koster 55 Case Studies of Hybrid Ventilation Schemes that take into account the Effect of the Wind, Noise and Pollution Richard Waters, Phil Jones, Jane McDonald 65 Design of Naturally Ventilated Theatre Spaces Alan Short, Anne Goldrick, Peter Sharrat, Phil Jones, Don Alexander, Hugh Jenkins 69 VII

3 Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of the use of FRP (Fibre Reinforced Plastic) bars and iron bars as reinforcement for concrete structures Virginia Gangemi, Ermanno Guida, Antonio Apicella, Diana De Maio 74 Autarkic Solar Control and Light Guiding Systems F.H. Klotz, W. Mikeseh 80 The Use of Photovoltaics in Bioclimatic Design in Argentina Manuel Fuentes, Susan Roaf, Jenniy Gregory, Silvia de Schiller, Martin Evans 87 Recent Developments in Passive Downdraught Evaporative Cooling - An Architectural Perspective M. Cucinella, B. Ford Environmental Control of Buildings: Experimental Results for Ventilation Strategy Antonio Ciolfi Mechanisiertes Bauen mit Lehm Klaus Spies Das energetische Potential und neue Bewertungsmethoden von Tageslichtsystemen Jan Wienold, M. Goller, S. Herkel, A. Kovach-Hebling 101 Plenary Session II The Solar City 107 Assessing solar energy and environmental variables in urban outdoor spaces: a simulation tool Marie-Joelle Antoine, Dominique Groleau 108 Ten Thoughts on Architecture Alexandras N. Tombazis 111 Sustainability, Architecture and the Urban Environment Rafael Serra, Antoni Isalgue, Helena Coch 113 Ausstieg aus der Autopolitik Voraussetzung zur Losung der Verkehrsprobleme Heiner Monheim 116 Schaffung neuer Hohepunkte - 50 Solarsiedlungen in Nordrhein-Westfalen Hartmut Murschall 122 Solar City Pichling: An urban development project of the City of Linz F. X. Goldner 128 Town Planning and the Use of Renewable Energies Near Rome Francesca Sartogo 131 Wege zur Integrierten Stadt: Konzepte solarer Stadtplanung und Infrastruktur Martin Treberspurg 135 Abwasserwarmeriickgewinnung und -wiederaufbereitung in einer Wohnhausanlage Wilhelm Hofbauer, Martin Treberspurg 145 An Integrated Renewable Project for Glasgow - City of Architecture and Design 1999 L B. McElroy, B. Kane 149 Solarunterstiitzte Nahwarmeversorgung in Neubausiedlungen M. Norbert Fisch, B. Mahler 155 The Westbahnhof Sustainable Hilltown: An Integrated Solar City for Vienna Richard S. Levine, Heidi Dumreicher, Taghi Radmard, Ernest J. Yanarella 163 Griine Solararchitektur und der Neubau der BGW (Bezirksverwaltung der Berufsgenossenschaft fur Gesundheitsdienst und Wohlfahrtspflege) in Dresden Dieter Schempp 170 VIII

4 Okologischer Wohn- und Gewerbehof "Prisma" in Numberg Joachim Eble 178 Solarsiedlung Bonn-Tannenbusch Joachim Eble 182 Parallel Plenary II Education and Information for Solar Architecture 187 The role of information technology in planning for the rational use of energy J. A. Clarke, M. Evans, A. D. Grant, CM. Johnstone, A. Karatolios, P. A. Strachan 188 Multimedia Solar Architecture John R. Goulding, J. Owen Lewis 193 Ein Hochschul-Curriculum fur Erneuerbare Energien M. MetiB 198 RENARCH - European Training on Renewable Energy in Architecture Ove Morck, Rob Marsh, Peter Sorensen, Lena Larsen, Fritz Schmidt, Melita Tuschinski 208 Presentation of Low Energy Solar Architecture and Advising Energetic Retrofits of Buildings with Software St. Benkert, P. Buchler, F.D. Heidt 214 Erfahrungen aus dem Biiro Foster + Partner Stefan Behling 218 Integrated Solar Architecture Environmental Education Centre in Toirano Massimo Rella 226 Post Graduate Education and Training in Solar Architecture of the Danube University of Krems Peter Holzer 230 Umweltberatung in der Staatlichen Bauverwaltung des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen Gudrun KeGler-Weideek, Reinhold Peter 232 POLISTUDIES - A Multimedia Educational Structure on the Energy Efficiency of Buildings in Urban Areas M. Santamouris, N. Klitsikas, N. Crisomallidou, T. Theodosiou, A. Papadopoulos, P. Michel, G. Guarracino, A. Erhard, B. Lenz, D. Mangold, J. Sohns 234 Plenary Session III The Solar Building 237 Energieuberschufi in Gebauden: Das Solarplus+Haus Rolf Disch 238 The Millennium Debate Susan Roaf and Raymond Foulk 242 Zero Emission Building - "Galacho de Juslibol" Environmental Centre J.A. Turegano, C. Monne and M.A. Hernandez 244 The Solar Office: A Model for Zero-Emission Office Development David Lloyd Jones 248 Vom Niedrigenergiehaus zum Null-Heizenergiehaus - OVOLUTION Alexander Prokisch 252 Low Tech - Light Tech - High Tech - Bauen in der Informationsgesellschaft Klaus Daniels 256 IX

5 Centre International Rogier - Brussels Battle - McCarthy Zeitgemafies Gebaudedesign auf der Basis von evolutionaren Planungsprinzipien Hans-JiJrgen Lemke Solar Double-Facades: Energetic and Space Climatic Impacts Gerhard Hausladen Parallel Plenary III Solar Building Skins: Facades, Roofs and Walls 283 Das 'Holz-Glas-System', integrale Planung und solar-okologisch optimierte Architektur Florian und Wendelin Lichtblau 284 High Efficient Heat Insulation with the Use of Glass Opens a New Spectrum of Design Michael Palfi 286 Die Gebaudefassade als Bindeglied zwischen Umwelt und Technischer Gebaudeausriistung Berthold Mengede 291 Integration of Photovoltaic into Building Joachim Benemann 295 Development of PV-Facades Ekkehard Jatzlau von Lennep 302 Synoptical Descripytion of Decisive Subsystems of the Building Skin Thomas Herzog, Roland Krippner 306 IEA PVPS TASK VII - "Photovoltaics in the Built Environment" - Targets for an international collaboration Ingo Hagemann, Tony J.N. Schoen jr. 311 "The Friendly Wall" - Facade integrated solar heating system Harald N. Rostvik 317 Building integrated solar systems John Rekstad, Lisa Henden, Michaela Meir, Bard Bjerke 320 Outline of a Method for Assessing the Passive Solar Performance and Space Heating Energy Requirements of Houses in the UK S. Tucker and M. W. Thompson 325 Photovoltaikfassaden - Effiziente Planung durch computerunterstiitztes Design Michael Viotto und Dirk Stellbogen 329 The Double Facade as a Thermal Collector and as a Transparent Insulation T. Pasquay, C. Nolte 333 Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt Erich Schneider-Wessling 337 Plenary Session IV Embodied Energy 343 Summary of a study on the potential of recycling in the building industry and the development of an indexing system to assess the suitability of materials for recycling and the benefits from recycling P. Sassi and M.W. Thompson 344

6 XI Life Cycle Analysis of Buildings: The European project REGENER Bruno Peuportier, Niklaus Kohler and Chiel Boonstra 350 Energy Balance in Residential Buildings H. Coch, A. Cuchi, A. Isalgue, L Lancini, J. Roset 353 Plenary Session V Solar Technology for Buildings: The State of Development 357 Solar Buildings of Tomorrow Yvonne Kaiser, Anne Haas 358 Solarenergienutzung bei der Sanierung von Gebauden Karsten Voss 364 Final Session Presentation of the Final Text of the Conference Working Group on the Blueprint Building a New Century: Future Initiatives and Steps 373 Blueprint for Building a New Century: Final Statement of the Fifth European Conference on Solar Energy in Architecture and Urban Planning in Bonn 374 Blueprint: Building a New Century - Future Initiative and Steps Susan Roaf 376 Running Poster Exhibition 381 The Solar-Campus Jiilich - An Interdisciplinary Project Michael MeliB, Frank Spate, Harald Lange 382 Recent Works A. N. Tombazis 388 The European Green Cities EU-Thermie Target Projekt and New Concepts for Solar Low-Energy Supply Companies Peder Vejsig Pedersen, Jens Andersen 391 Earthquake Reconstruction Planning Aimed at 100 /o Use of Renewable Energies in the Territory of Umbria and Marche Devastated by the Recent Seismic Event Ismac - "Ecological Territorial Island" Francesca Sartogo, Massimo Bastiani, Giovanni Bianchi, Valerio Calderaro, Tino Cupi, Valter Tomassoli 397 Solar Energy System and Components Organized in a Structural Grid for the Pilot Project of High School in Umbertide (Italy) Francesca Sartogo, Massimo Bastiani, Valerio Calderaro, Tino Cupi, coll. Virna Venerucci, Massimo Vasapollo, Luigi Sardi, R. Wettlaufer 401 Ecological and Social Flatbuilding for Single Mothers - 10 units Georg Conradi und Bettina Martin 407 Satellight: Daylight Data for Europe on the Internet Christian Reise, M. Fontoynont, D. Dumortier, D. Heinemann, A. Hammer, J. Olseth, A. Skartveit, P. Ineichen, J. Page, L Roche, H. G. Beyer, L Wald, A. Santos 410 Solar Long-Term Thermal Storage - Landesamt fur Umweltschutz (LFU) Augsburg/ Germany (Administration for Environmental Protection) Gerhard Hausladen 415 Seasonal Shading of Transparently Insulated Solar Walls with Prismatic Panes D. Christoffers 421

7 Energy Rehabilitation of Multi-use buildings in Greece Nick Klitsikas, Mat Santamouris, Niobe Chrisomallidou, Agis Papadopoulos 425 Integrierte Planungsinstrumente fiir solaren Stadtebau Veronika Mook und Manfred Grauthoff 431 Symbiose zwischen Architektur und Technik - Der Neubau des.technologiezentrums in Kothen Obermeyer Albis-Bauplan 435 Stadt Regensburg - Solar Quarter Unterer Wohrd Kurt Werner 442 Glass Roof Integrated Photovoltaic System De Kleine Aarde Boxtel (NL) - Final Report - Thermie SE 104/93 NL Tjerk Reijenga, W.O.J. Bottger 445 Architectural Integration of PV Modules in Structures of Dwellings - Thermie SE 102/95/NL/DE G. Brouwer, J.H. Liefting, T. H. Reijenga 450 S.E.T. Solar Roof Collector and Roof - A Single Finished Compact Unit Till RoBkopf 454 Passive Solarenergienutzung bei der Energetischen Sanierung von Typenschulen in den Neuen Bundeslandern Christel Russ 458 Brookfield Green: Dublin: 'Catalytic' Pilot Regeneration Project for South Dublin County Council ( 's Social Housing) Paul Leech 463 Unterwegs zu einer solaren Asthetik Jurgen Claus 465 XII

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