gender & games & art

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1 gender & games & art Zur aktuellen Ausstellung XYZ Alternative Voices in Game Design im MODA Atlanta

2 im MODA Museum of Design Atlanta in Kooperation mit Georgia Tech / Digital Media Program

3 John Sharp Professor für Games & Learning an der School of Art, Media & Technology am Georgia Tech Cindy Poremba Game Artistin, Mitglied des Art Game Kollektivs Kokoromi Akira Thompson Game Designer bei IndieCade Internationales Festival für Independent Games Celia Pearce Direktorin des Georgia Tech s Experimental Game Lab und Mitbegründerin von IndieCade Adam Rafinski Künstler, Theoretiker und Begründer des GameLab am ZKM Karlsruhe Jutta Zaremba Universität Flensburg Kunst Kunst & Visuelle jutta.zaremba@uni Dr. JuttaDr.Zaremba Universität Flensburg VisuelleMedien Medien jutta.zaremba@uni



6 Why This Exhibition? Die weltweit erste Ausstellung zu Frauen als Game Designer und Game Artists: o Antwort auf die verbreitete Vorstellung, Frauen würden weder gamen noch Computerspiele designen o Wahrnehmung des Publikums erweitern durch alternative Spiele und ihre Visionen The aim of `XYZ is to celebrate women s contributions to the advancement of the video game medium by highlighting their influence and accomplishments. Today, women comprise only 10 to 15 percent of the gaming industry, and the percentage of those participating in the actual design process is even lower. Nevertheless, women continue to serve as major creative influences in the mainstream video game industry as well as in alternative genres.

7 1. Genderbeispiel: Transgender dys4ia (Independently produced flash game) 2012, USA Anna Anthropy (Designer/Programmer), Liz Ryerson (Composer) Video zum Game:


9 2. Genderbeispiel: Alternative ästhetische und narrative Heldinnen Konstruktion The Path (Independent computer game) 2009, Belgium Tale of Tales Auriea Harvey (Direction & Character/Environment Design & Modelling), Laura Raines Smith (Animation), Marian Bantjes (logo design and calligraphy)



12 Story Trailer zu THE PATH:

13 3. Genderbeispiel: Weibliche Game Designer Ikone bringt Spiel an seine (mechanisch ethischen) Grenzen Train Physical installation/board game, 2009 USA, Brenda Romero Train

14 Train Physical installation/board game, 2009 USA, Brenda Romero

15 Train Physical installation/board game, 2009 USA, Brenda Romero

16 Weitere Sektionen der Ausstellung: (Kommerzielle) Mainstream Spiele League of Legends (Commercial massively multiplayer online game) 2009 Riot Games, Christina Norman: Designer LittleBigPlanet (Online console game) seit 2008, UK Media Molecule Siobhan Reddy: Executive Producer/Studio Director Journey (Multiplayer console game) 2012 thatgamecompany for Sony Computer Entertainment, LLC Kellee Santiago: President, Jenova Chen: Designer

17 Skylanders: Giants Console game and toy series 2012 USA, Toys For Bob, Vicarious Visions for Activision Nicole Willick: Senior Producer, Amber Long: Art Manager, Laurie Franks and Doreen Delgado (Artists), Irene Chan: Concept Artist, Kim Pittman: Level Designer

18 Indie / Art Games N (Independent computer game) 2005 Metanet Mare Sheppard, Raigan Burns: Designers The Night Journey, Computer Artgame, 2010 Tracy Fullerton: Game Designer/Producer, USC Game Innovation Lab / Bill Viola: Director

19 Documentary Games Escape from Woomera (Half-Life modification, PC) 2004, Australia EFW Collective Katharine Neil: Creative Director/Additional Programming, Kate Wild: Investigative Journalist, Andrea Blundell, Chris Markwart :Animators,Monique Jones: UI Art

20 Location Based / Augmented Reality Games Re:Activism PETLab/Parsons The New School for Design NY, andauernd, Colleen Macklin: Game designer Uncle Roy All Around You Pervasive game 2003, UK Blast Theory & Mixed Reality Lab, Univ. of Nottingham Amanda Oldroyd: Mobile designer

21 DIGRA Digital Games Research Association Konferenzen seit 2005 Professionelle Frauen in Games = kein neues Thema


23 Mehr zur Ausstellung: xxo alternative voices in game design/ xyz/

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