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Curriculum Vitae Thomas Kaspereit Date of Birth: 9 May 1983 / Giessen (Germany) Family Status: unmarried thomas.kasperei@uni-oldenburg.de Working Experience 04/2009 Research and teaching assistant (PhD student), University of Oldenburg 07/2006 09/2007 Financial consultat for small and medium sized business clients, Commerzbank AG Hamburg 07/2002 04/2003 Civil service, Lebenshilfe e. V. Marburg (life aid) Education 10/2009 PhD studies with focus on Accounting and Finance, University of Oldenburg 09/2012 03/2013 Visiting scholarship at John Molson School of Business, Concordia University Montreal (DAAD founded) 10/2007 09/2009 Master of Arts in Accounting, Finance and Taxation, University of Oldenburg 07/2006 09/2007 Diploma in Business Administration, Private University of Applied Sciences for Business and Technology (FHWT) Vechta/Diepholz 08/2003 06/2006 Bachelor degree in Business Administration, Private University of Applied Sciences for Business and Technology (FHWT) Vechta/Diepholz; Apprenticeship Commerzbank AG Hamburg and Frankfurt 07/1993 06/2002 Higher education entrance qualification, Elisabeth Gymnasium Marburg

Refereed Journal Articles 2013 The Capital Markets Perception of Corporate Sustainability and the Impact of the Financial Crises, in: Journal of Business Ethics (online first), DOI: 10.1007/s10551-013-1760-9 (Co-author: Lopatta, K.) 2010 Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung als Instrument der Kapitalmarktkommunikation, in: Zeitschrift für internationale und kapitalmarktorientierte Rechnungslegung, 7/8, 379 384 (Co-author: Eiselt, A.) Zum Einsatz von Residualgewinnmodellen post BilMoG Nähert sich das Accounting Model dem Economic Model?, in: Management and Control, 20 (4), 419 444 (Co-author: Paetzmann, K.) Other Publications 2013 Corporate Sustainablility in the Estimation of Financial Distress Likelihood Evidence from the World Stock Markets during the Financial Crises, in: Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, 4(5), 205 211 (Co-authors: Bechtold, J.; Kirsch, N.; Lyakina, J.; Seib, S.; Spiekermann, K.; and Stengert, K.) Sustainability Reporting out of a Prisoners s Dilemma, forthcoming as a chapter contribution in a book of the Dorich House Group Working Papers / Work in Progress Abschlussprüfung und Honorarabhängigkeit Eine empirische Untersuchung der Auswirkungen auf die Unabhängigkeit des Abschlussprüfers (Co-authors: Maas, T.; Lopatta, K.; and Canitz, F.) Asymmetric Information and Corporate Social Responsibility, submitted to Business & Society (Co-authors: Lopatta, K. and Buchholz, F.)

Corporate Sustainability in Asset Pricing Models and Mutual Funds Performance Measurement, submitted to Financial Markets and Portfolio Management (Coauthor: Walker, T. and Lopatta, K.) Earnings Management Before and After the German Accounting Law Modernization Act (Co-authors: Stockem, G.; Lopatta, K.; and Jaeschke, R.) The Cross-section of Returns, Benchmark Model Parameters, and Idiosyncratic Volatility of the World s Nuclear Energy Firms after Fukushima Daiichi, submitted to Energy Economics (Co-author: Lopatta, K.) The Value Relevance of SAM s Sustainability Ranking and GRI Sustainability Reporting in Europe, submitted to Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management (Co-author: Lopatta, K.) Value-Added Activities and Venture Capitalist Performance: Empirical Insights from the Manufacturing Industry, submitted to Journal of Small Business Management (Co-authors: Albanesi, M.; Walker, T.; and Lopatta, K.) Paper Presentations 2013 Corporate Sustainability in Asset Pricing Models and Mutual Funds Performance Measurement, Workshop of Applied Economics, Hannover (Germany) Corporate Sustainability in Asset Pricing Models and Mutual Funds Performance Measurement, Doctoral Colloquium, University of Oldenburg Sustainability Reporting out of a Prisoner s Dilemma, 5 th Oldenburg (Germany) BUIS Conference, 2012 Measuring Value Relevance with Multi-factor Models, Doctoral Colloquium, University of Bremen The World Capital Markets Perception of Sustainability and the Impact of the Financial Crisis, Annual Conference of the British Finance and Accounting

Association, Brighton (United Kingdom); this paper was also presented at the VHB Annual Meeting 2012 by co-author Kerstin Lopatta The World Capital Markets Perception of Sustainability and the Impact of the Financial Crisis, Annual Conference of the European Accounting Association, Ljubljana (Slovenia) 2011 The Value Relevance of Corporate Sustainability and Sustainability Reporting in Europe, Annual Conference of the British Finance and Accounting Association, Birmingham (United Kingdom) The Value Relevance of Corporate Sustainability and Sustainability Reporting in Europe, Annual Conference of the European Accounting Association, Rome (Italy) The Value Relevance of Corporate Sustainability and Sustainability Reporting in Europe, 4 th International Accounting & Finance Doctoral Symposium, Salamanca (Spain) 2010 Capital Market Reactions to Corporate Sustainability, Doctoral Colloquium, Leipzig Graduate School of Management, Leipzig (Germany) Research Funding 2013 Research Grant from Concordia University, Montreal (Canada) (7,000 $) 2012 DAAD (Germany Academic Exchange Service) scholarship for visiting John Molson School of Business, Montreal (5,750 ) Teaching Experience 2013 University of Oldenburg: Empirical Accounting Research, International Accounting and Auditing

2012 University of Oldenburg: Empirical Accounting Research, International Accounting and Auditing, Introduction to Corporate Finance with Special Focus on Taxes 2011 University of Oldenburg: Empirical Accounting Research, International Accounting and Auditing, Introduction to Corporate Finance with Special Focus on Taxes FOM Hochschule (University of Applied Sciences): Accounting 2010 University of Oldenburg: Computer-Based Accounting, Empirical Accounting Research 2009 University of Oldenburg: Computer-Based Accounting, Empirical Accounting Research Bremen Business School: Controlling and Valuation Research Supervision (as first referee only) 2013 Kapitalmarktreaktionen auf Veränderungen des Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes Europe (Master Thesis) 2012 A Discrimiant Analysis of Attributes for Sustainability Reporting (Master Thesis) Einflussfaktoren auf Quantität in der Nachhaltigkeitsberichtserstattung europäischer Konzerne (Master Thesis) Eine kritische Würdigung der Eigenkapitalabgrenzung nach IFRS und US-GAAP vor dem Hintergrund der Entscheidungsnützlichkeit (Bachelor Thesis) Practices in CO2 Emission Disclosure in the Airline Industry (Master Thesis) Prevalence and Scope in GRI Sustainability Reporting of German Listed Companies - Current status and Historical Development (Bachelor Thesis) 2011 Bilanzielle Behandlung der langfristigen Fertigungsaufträge nach HGB und IFRS (Master Thesis)

Controlling Through Management Ratios, IT-business Ratios and Systems of Financial Control (Master Thesis) Eine Darstellung und kritische Würdigung der Publizitätsinstrumente spendensammelnder Organisationen (Bachelor Thesis) Entwicklung der Containerschifffahrt in der Krise. Das Baltic-Max-Feeder Konzept der Anchor - Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbh als möglicher Lösungsansatz auf dem Prüfstand (Bachelor Thesis) Prognoseberichterstattung gemäß DRS 15: Eine empirische Untersuchung am Beispiel der adidas AG mit Hilfe der Inhaltsanalyse (Bachelor Thesis) Rating Criteria for Exchange-Traded Funds (Bachelor Thesis) Verbesserung der Organisations-, Prozess- und Bildungsqualität im Bereich der kaufmännischen Ausbildung durch Bildungscontrolling am Beispiel der ROC ASA in Utrecht (Master Thesis) 2010 Beschaffungscontrolling in mittelständischen Unternehmen - insbesondere die Einführung eines Beschaffungscontrollingsystems bei der Klaus Stöckmann GmbH (Bachelor Thesis) Bilanzierung und Bewertung nach dem Bilanzrechtsmodernisierungsgesetz (BilMoG) und deren Umsetzung im Rechnungswesenunterricht (Master Thesis) Darstellung und kritische Würdigung der Publizität Spenden sammelnder Organisationen (Bachelor Thesis) Die Bedeutung selbst erstellter immaterieller Vermögenswerte des Anlagevermögens für die Kreditvergabe post BilMoG (Bachelor Thesis) Die Verbreitung der Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung in Deutschland, Europa und den USA CSR als reines Marketinginstrument oder wirksames Managementkonzept? (Bachelor Thesis)

Eine differenzierte Betrachtung der Herstellungskostenermittlung bei selbsterstellten immateriellen Vermögensgegenständen nach HGB (BilMoG) (Bachelor Thesis) Interessenskonflikte in der Anlageberatung - anreizbasierte und regulatorische Lösungsansätze (Master Thesis) Neuerungen im Bereich der Corporate Governance durch das Bilanzrechtsmodernisierungsgesetz (BilMoG) (Bachelor Thesis) Qualitätssicherung durch das betriebliche Bildungscontrolling an Berufsbildenden Schulen - Ein bildungsprozessbezogener Ansatz zur Optimierung des Kompetenzerwerbs in der Ausbildung zur Bankkauffrau bzw. zum Bankkaufmann (Master Thesis) Languages German English (advanced) French (basic) Other Activities Basketball, Cycling, Running 23 June 2013, Oldenburg (Germany)