Business German 1 International Business and Management Studies

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MPEN-BGERMAN1-14 2014-2015 Term C and D Obligatory language elective Full time MATERIE Author: Ute Massholder Room: 1.104,; 088-481 6891 Date: July 2014 Hogeschool Utrecht: University of Applied Sciences Utrecht Utrecht, 2014 This material is subject to copyright. Copies for own or internal use are permitted. Business German 1 International Business and Management Studies Hogeschool Utrecht: Univer Utrecht, 2007 This material is subject to cop Copies for own or internal use

Contents 1 Course Description 3 2 Course Goals and Learning Objectives 3 3 Place in the Curriculum and Related Courses 3 4 Study Burden 3 5 Pre-requisites 4 6 Exemption Possibilities 4 7 Competencies 4 8 Didactic Forms 4 9 Assessment 8 10 Course Material and Literature 9 11 Course Evaluation Error! Bookmark not defined. 2/10

1 Course Description In this course you will learn everything you need to know in order to communicate with German speaking business partners. You will have plenty of opportunities to practice the language in almost any situation that you will come across later in your professional life. We will pay attention to presentation skills in German and you will get information about internships and studying in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. And already during this course you will be able to do your first presentation in German! 2 Course Goals and Learning Objectives After this course students have a basic command of the language needed in a range of familiar situations. Level A2 on the Common European Framework of Languages They can communicate on a basic level and are able to deal with (not too complex) situations relevant for their future profession, for example on a business trip to Germany or while visiting a trade fair. They can do a simple presentation in German. They can read and understand simple texts about cultural, social, economic and geographical aspects of the German speaking countries. The gain intercultural knowledge about Germany, Austria and Switzerland, are aware of cultural differences and show interest in the cultural background of others. 3 Place in the Curriculum and Related Courses There is a close relation with Business Communication and Intercultural Management, the International Business Plan Project, Internship 1 and 2 and Study Abroad. There will also be links with the other themes such as Strategy and International Marketing, Business Administration and Global Entrepreneurship. Globalisation and especially sustainability (Nachhaltigkeit) which is an important issue in Germany will come back at various moments throughout the course. Students are encouraged to actively look for an integration of their German course with other courses. 4 Study Burden 5 EC = 140 hours Activity Minutes Hours Lectures, training in class 2 x 90 minutes x 14 = 2520 minutes 42 Reading, learning, 4200 minutes = 300 minutes per week 70 preparing, self-study Preparing for presentation 480 minutes during that week 8 Preparing for exam and exam 20 3/10

5 Pre-requisites Level A1. Students should either already have that level from previous education when they start with Business German 1, or invest extra time to reach the level through self-study while participating in the course. 6 Exemption Possibilities All exemptions must go through the Exam Board. Exemption is only possible with Goethe Zertifikat A2 from the Goethe Institut. 7 Competencies After this course students will have a basic command of the language needed in a range of familiar situations. They are aware of cultural differences, show interest in the cultural background of others and are aware of basic elements of their own cultural background. 8 Didactic Forms Lectures, training sessions: speaking, listening, reading, writing, grammar and vocabulary exercises; written assignments, presentations; role-plays; discussions. 4/10

9 Student Activities Weekly Activities: This overview will provide you with an outline of the course during two terms. Please note that extra material (grammar, exercises, current texts) will be added regularly to the material from the book described below. You can find the extra material in the Study Material section on SharePoint! Lehrmittel: 1a) Unternehmen Deutsch Lehrbuch ISBN 9054516143 1b) Unternehmen Deutsch Arbeitsbuch ISBN 9054516151 2) Deutsch Prüfungstraining A2/B1 (will be provided by lecturer and can be found on SharePoint site) 3) SharePoint site: Term C (7 weeks, 2 x 90 minutes per week) 1a 1 Verben im Präsens (trennbar-nicht trennbar) Fragesätze Vorstellung, Personen kennen lernen 1b 1 Personalpronomen Possessivpronomen Zahlen Und, aber, oder, auch Familie, Beruf, neue Kollegen Zahlen Arbeitsbuch (AB): page 4, 5, 6, 7 Wörterheft: Kapitel 1 AB: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 2a 2 Präteritum: sein, haben Regelmässige Verben Zeitangaben Besucher begrüssen, Uhrzeiten, Termine Thema präsentieren: Was ich interessant finde 2b 2 Deklination: Bestimmter Artikel (der-die-das) Wer? Was? Wann? Wie lange? Wo? Praktikantin Carlson AB: 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 Wörterbuch: Kapitel 2 AB: 22, 23, 24, 25 Test: 28, 29 3a 3 Wiederholung Über Personen und Familie AB: 30, 2; 31, 4+5; 32/33: 1, Verben im Präsens, sprechen, E-Mails lesen, 2, 3, 4; 34/35: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6; 5/10

Possessivpronomen Verben mit Vokaländerung 3b 4 Deklination: Unbestimmter Artikel (ein-eineein) Wiederholung Deklination bestimmter Artikel Freizeit und Hobbys, Du oder Sie Bedarf, Bestellung, Kauf 36/37: 8, 2, 5; 38/39: 7, 8, 2; 41: Schaubilder Wörterheft: Kapitel 3 AB: 42, 43, 44, 45 Wörterheft Kapitel 4 4a 4 Deklination unbestimmter Artikel Adjektiv Angebot, Bedarf/kein Bedarf, Wünsche, Absichten, Wofür- Für wen? 4b 5 Nominativ-Dativ- Akkusativ Präpositionen Wo Wohin Nach dem Weg fragen AB: 46, 47, 49, 50, 51, 53, 54, 55 AB: 56, 57, 58, 59 Wörterheft: Kapitel 5 5a 5 Wiederholung Wo- Wohin Perfekt (habensein) Partizip (regelmässigeunregelmässige Verben) Unterwegs AB: 60, 61, 62, 63 5b 5 Wiederholung Perfekt Modalverben: Präsens, Präteritum Pläne, Vorschläge, Argumente AB: 64, 65 6a Wiederholung Prüfungstraining A2/B1 Prüfungsvorbereitung 6b Wiederholung Prüfungstraining A2/B1 Prüfungsvorbereitung 6/10

7a Wiederholung Prüfungstraining A2/B1 Prüfungsvorbereitung 7b Wiederholung Prüfungstraining A2/B1 Wiederholung Prüfungsvorbereitung Prüfungsvorbereitung Term D (7 weeks, 2 x 90 minutes per week) 1a 6 Modalverben Wiederholung Wo woher - wohin Verkehr und Verkehrmittel, Eine Firma beschreiben 1b 6 Vergleiche Deklination: unbestimmter Artikel Adjektiv: Wiederholung Anweisungen geben, Charaktereigenschaften AB: 68, 69, 70, 71 Wörterheft: Kapitel 6 AB: 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 79 Test: 80/81 2a 7 Wiederholung: Adjektivdeklination Über Versicherungen und Stellenanzeigen sprechen AB: 82, 83 Wörterheft: Kapitel 7 2b 7 Komparative - Superlativ Stellensuche, Vergleichen, Telefonieren AB: 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91 3a 8 Wiederholung Personalpronomen, Deklination, Konjunktionen, Zeitangaben Termine planen 3b 8 Konjunktionen Reisen planen Termine ändern AB: 94, 95, 96, 97 Wörterheft: Kapitel 8 AB: 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103 Test: 106/107 7/10

4a 9 Aufzählung und Reihenfolge dass Geräte bedienen, Anweisungen verstehen 4b 9 Konjunktionen Über Störungen und ihre Ursachen sprechen, Reklamationen Problemlösungen AB: 108, 109, 110, 111 Wörterheft: Kapitel 9 AB: 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117 5a 10 werden Im Betrieb AB: 120, 121, 122, 123 Wiederholung Feiern Wörterheft: Kapitel 10 5b 10 Wiederholung Small Talk Im Betriebsrestaurant Verabschiedung AB: 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129 Test: 132/133 6a Wiederholung Prüfungsvorbereitung Prüfungsvorbereitung 6b Wiederholung Prüfungsvorbereitung 7a Wiederholung Prüfungsvorbereitung 7b Wiederholung Abschluss Prüfungsvorbereitung 10 Assessment Type of Assessment Weighting Min. Mark Written exam 1 (term C) 50% of final grade 5,5 Written exam 2 (term D) 50% of final grade 5,5 (written exam is 70% of term D grade) Presentation (term C and D) 30% of term D grade 5.5 8/10

PRESENTATION : Mein Leben, mein Job, meine Zukunft (Term C and D) Prepare a presentation of 10 minutes in German 1) Introduce yourself, your hobbies, passions, family and whatever else you would like to share about yourself to give the class a good idea of who you are 2) Search for a job on the internet for which you need German (should be a requirement in the job advertisement). Explain: What sort of job is it? What do you have to do? Would you like to have that job? Make a copy of the job advertisement and take it with you to class. 3) Speak about your future job: What would you like to do? Do you have a dream job? What would that be like? What would be your worst nightmare job? What is the most important thing for you in your work: Money? Nice colleagues? Creativity? What sort of leader would you be? 4) Choose a current (economic / political / social / general interest) topic which in your opinion will have an impact on your future. Introduce the topic to your fellow students and explain why you find it interesting. Explain the impact the topic will have on your future. General presentation criteria: Don t copy directly from any of the sources you are using!! Use your own words and speak as much as possible without using your notes. Don t read from your text during the presentation! Use PowerPoint or other presentation programs and make your presentation visually attractive, lively and interesting Speak slowly and understandably! Please refer to the week plan for the scheduling of the presentations. Each student has to schedule his/her presentation individually with the lecturer There is no resit for the presentation Assessment: The presentation counts 30% of the term D grade (term D is 50% of the final grade) 11 Course Material and Literature Title: Authot(s): BOEK ( Required ) Unternehmen Deutsch Grundkurs; Lehrbuch und Arbeitsbuch Becker, Braunert, Schlenker ISBN: ISBN 9054516143 ISBN 9054516151 Edition: Publisher: Intertaal 9/10

BOEK ( Required ) Title: Unternehmen Deutsch Grundkurs Arbeitsbuch Authot(s): Braunert, Schlenker ISBN: Edition: Publisher: Intertaal The Wörterheft is available on the SharePoint site with English translations! Suggested further reading: Websites: for Dutch students; information about Dutch-German (trade) relations materials for German language learners (Goethe-Institut), information about Goethe certificates media 12 Course Evaluation Evaluation of the course will take place in class at the end of the block. The course will also be evaluated by FEM management and by a student panel. 10/10