Projektmanagement für Sozialarbeiter in Gemeinden

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Projektmanagement für Sozialarbeiter in Gemeinden 2009-1-FR1-LEO05-07400 1

Projektinformation Titel: Projektnummer: Projekttyp: Jahr: 2009 Status: Marketing Text: Projektmanagement für Sozialarbeiter in Gemeinden 2009-1-FR1-LEO05-07400 Innovationstransfer abgeschlossen FR-Frankreich Das Projekt verstärkt das Fachwissen, die Fähigkeiten und die Position der Sozialarbeiter hinsichtlich des Projektmanagements. Die angesprochenen Sozialarbeiter sind häufig für die Entwicklung eines bestimmten Gebiets oder einer Gemeinde in Europa zuständig. Sie können im öffentlichen Bereich tätig sein oder für private Institutionen arbeiten. Ein Trainingsmodul wird von 42 Sozialarbeitern in 6 verschiedenen Ländern getestet: Tschechische Republik, Frankreich, Italien, Niederlande, Portugal und Schweiz. Zusammenfassung: Ziel ist, ein bereits existierendes innovatives Modul der Berufsausbildung den professionellen Anforderungen der Gemeindesozialarbeiter anzupassen und es gleichzeitig zu optimieren. Das Trainingsprogramm ermöglicht den Sozialarbeitern mit Hilfe moderner Methoden und Instrumente des Projektmanagements ihre täglichen Projektarbeiten besser zu bewältigen. Das Kernstück des Ausbildungsprogramms wurde bereits von IFAID entwickelt und soll nun, in Kooperation mit den Projektpartnern, den Bedürfnissen der Sozialarbeiter und den Rahmenbedingungen angepasst werden. Indem wir Training für Projektmanagement vorschlagen, unterstützen wir die Teilnehmer in dem Erwerb und der Nutzung von Wissen, Fähigkeiten und Qualifikationen für ihre persönliche Entwicklung. Mit der Präsentation dieses innovativen Trainingsmoduls, in dem Lernende in praxisnahen Situationen trainieren, unterstützen wir Verbesserungen hinsichtlich Qualität und Erneuerung innerhalb der Berufs- und Ausbildungssituation, den Institutionen und der Praxis. Indem Arbeitgebern von Sozialarbeitern dieses neue Trainingsprogramm vorgestellt wird, welches stark auf die professionellen Anforderungen der Angestellten abgestimmt ist, verstärken wir die Attraktivität der Berufsausbildung. Beschreibung: PRODEV wird von dem französischen Trainingscenter IFAID AQUITAINE (Institut de Formation et d Appui aux Initiatives de Dévelopement/Institute of Training and Support for Development Initiatives ) gefördert und vom Leonardo da Vinci Programm Innovationstransfer im Programm für Lebenslanges Lernen der Europäischen Kommission finanziert. Es begann im Oktober 2009 und wird offiziell im September 2011 enden. Das Projekt richtet sich an professionelle Gemeindesozialarbeiter. Allgemein ausgedrückt handelt es sich um Sozialarbeiter, die sich für die Weiterentwicklung einer Region, Gemeinde im privaten oder öffentlichen Bereich einsetzen. Aus unterschiedlichen Gründen hat sich die Zahl der Gemeindesozialarbeiter in Europa innerhalb der letzten Jahrzehnte erhöht, doch wurden viele Sozialarbeiter niemals im Projektmanagement geschult obwohl ihre tägliche Arbeit verlangt Projekte zu entwickeln und umzusetzen. Interesse und Besonderheit des Projekts ist die Art und Weise wie es Training bereitstellt und Sozialarbeiter in ihrem eigenen Umfeld befähigt, Projekte zu betreuen. PRODEV ist maßgeschneidert für folgende Zielgruppen: 2

Projektinformation Gemeindesozialarbeiter und Organisationen/Körperschaften die diese repräsentieren Gemeinden und öffentliche Stellen, die Gemeindesozialarbeiter beschäftigen Erwachsenenbildner Politikverantwortliche auf lokalen, regionalen und nationalen Ebenen, die verantwortlich für das Programm für Lebenslanges Lernen und für Aktive Europäische Bürgerschaft sind Themen: *** Arbeitsmarkt *** Lebenslanges Lernen ** Qualität ** Sonstiges * Anerkennung, Transparenz, Zertifizierung * Weiterbildung Sektoren: ** Erbringung von Sonstigen Dienstleistungen * Gesundheits- und Sozialwesen * Erziehung und Unterricht Produkt Typen: Transparenz und Zertifizierung Evaluierungsmethoden Lehrmaterial Module Unterlagen für offenen Unterricht Programme/Curricula CD-ROM andere Homepage Produktinformation: Ein Curriculum, das den Bedürfnissen der spezifischen Arbeitssituationen der Gemeindesozialarbeiter entspricht. Dieses Trainingskonzept wurde von 7 Organisationen in 5 EU Ländern (Tschechische Republik, Frankreich, Italien, Niederlande und Portugal) übertragen und in Piloten getestet. Die Ergebnisse der Piloten werden ausgewertet und damit das Curriculum verbessert. Alle Materialien sind in Englisch und allen Partnersprachen (Französich, Italienisch, Portugiesisch, Holländisch und Tschechisch) erhältlich. Die Lernergebnisse werden zudem mit den ECVET Bestimmungen für eine europaweite verbesserte Anerkennung abgestimmt. Projektwebseite: 3

Vertragnehmer Institut de Formation et d'appui aux Initiatives de Developpement Bordeaux Aquitaine FR-Frankreich Verband/nicht regierungsgebundene Organisation Kontaktperson Adresse: Telefon: Fax: E-Mail: Céline Garlenq 17, cours des Aubiers Bordeaux FR-Frankreich 00 33 5 56 50 08 67 00 33 5 56 39 60 34 4

Koordinator Institut de Formation et d'appui aux Initiatives de Developpement Bordeaux Aquitaine FR-Frankreich Verband/nicht regierungsgebundene Organisation Kontaktperson Adresse: Telefon: Fax: E-Mail: Céline Garlenq 17, cours des Aubiers Bordeaux FR-Frankreich 00 33 5 56 50 08 67 00 33 5 56 39 60 34 5

Partner Partner 1 Regionaal Opleidingen Centrum Albeda College andere Partner 2 Conversas de rua - Association andere Partner 3 APRES Vaud Région lémanique CH-Schweiz National Agency Partner 4 SEDUKON, o. p. s. andere 6

Partner Partner 5 COOPERATIVA CRAMARS andere Partner 6 Tk Formazione Srl andere Partner 7 Init Developments Ltd. andere 7

Projektdateien certification_en.doc Certification document prodev_compendium_en.pdf Compendium of projects Prodev Flyer CZ final.pdf Prodev Flyer EN_final.pdf Flyer du projet Prodev Flyer FR final.pdf Prodev Flyer IT final.pdf Prodev Flyer NL final.pdf Prodev Flyer PT HQv2.pdf PRODEV_stakeholders_en.pdf Analysis of the stakeholders PRODEV_training_programme_evaluation.pdf Evaluation of training programme 8

Produkte 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Pedagogical supports for the learners Manual for trainers Project website with restricted areas for the trainers and the learners The training curriculum presentation Compendium of projects supported by the Prodev Pilot Training Evaluation reports Dissemination CDRom and report 9

Produkt 'Pedagogical supports for the learners' Titel: Pedagogical supports for the learners Produkttyp: Lehrmaterial Marketing Text: A training module has been implemented by each partner, using the "Learning by doing methodology" : two types of training were provided : 75 hours of theoretical teaching and 75 hours of coaching on the learners projects. The information about the course offer has been disseminated in all the countries, thanks to different medias : Websites of the partners organizations, newspapers, participation in local meetings with CDWs, Newsletters, Email lists, Local networks, Public administrations. At least 6 trainees per partner organization have been selected (thanks to questionnaires and interviews) to participate in this training module. Each participant signed a contract with the training organization. The trainers reported the time spent on the coaching on a file ("reporting coaching"). Beschreibung: Two manuals have been published : 1) A learners manual about Project cycle management (PCM) 2) A document on the key points about PCM Those documents were the bases for the trainers training. They have been corrected, and adpated according to the trainers comments. They have been used by the partners to implement the training module in their own country. Each trainer designed his/her own slides based on the content of those documents : - Several Power Points presentations have been designed and tested by the partners organisations - A list of usefull websites about PCMs is downloadable on our website, and in the PCM manual - A bibliography is presented in the PCM Manual Zielgruppe: Community Development Workers (CDWs) / Trainers in PCM for CDWs Resultat: Two manuals have been published : 1) A learners manual about Project cycle management (PCM) 2) A document on the key points about PCM Anwendungsbereich: Project management Produktsprachen: Niederländisch Portugiesisch Italienisch Französisch Englisch Tschechisch &prd=1 10

Produkt 'Manual for trainers' Titel: Manual for trainers Produkttyp: Lehrmaterial Marketing Text: This document was the base for the trainers training (Meeting 4). It has been used by the trainers to design their training modules in their country. It has also contribute to a better identification and clarification of the functions of the CDWs. This helped us in the recognition of the Knowledges, Skills and Competences acquired or strenghtened thanks to the pilot. Beschreibung: This manual includes a description of : - The functions of CDWs (target group) - The learning by doing model in project methodology, including a training plan proposal. This document was the base for the trainers training (Meeting 4). It has been used by the trainers to design their training modules in their country. It has also contribute to a better identification and clarification of the functions of the CDWs. This helped us in the recognition of the Knowledges, Skills and Competences acquired or strenghtened thanks to the pilot. Zielgruppe: Trainers in Project Management for CDWs. Resultat: Teaching material: a manual for trainers Anwendungsbereich: Project management Produktsprachen: Portugiesisch Französisch Italienisch Englisch Niederländisch Tschechisch &prd=2 11

Produkt 'Project website with restricted areas for the trainers and the learners' Titel: Project website with restricted areas for the trainers and the learners Produkttyp: Homepage Marketing Text: A project website with restricted areas has been designed and updated all along the project. Beschreibung: The «public area» of the PRODEV website contains all relevant information about the project and the partnership behind; it has a download area, a contact sections and a section with websites connected to the target sector and groups of the PRODEV project. The website is developed in EN but provides also basic information about the project in all partner languages. For each of the project partners, a restricted learning area was provided at the Prodev website. This area was divided into an area for trainers and one for learners; learners only had rights to access and download documents; trainers had access to a wider range of documents and had also rights to upload documents. This platform was very useful because it allowed trainers and trainees to access the learning materials constantly through internet. Zielgruppe: Trainers and Community Development workers of the project Broader public such as local authorities, Adult education providers in project management, future potential trainers and learners in project management... Resultat: A project website with restricted areas for the project trainers and learners Anwendungsbereich: Dissemination activity Project management Community development sector Produktsprachen: Französisch Englisch Portugiesisch Italienisch Niederländisch Tschechisch &prd=3 12

Produkt 'The training curriculum presentation' Titel: The training curriculum presentation Produkttyp: Transparenz und Zertifizierung Marketing Text: The curriculums and the certification documents have contributed to the implementation of the training module and to the recognition of the learning outcomes at a European level. Beschreibung: Based on the result 1 (Pedagogical supports for the learners), each partner designed a presentation of his curriculum in his own language. Those curriculums include : - the training program - the pedagogical objectives - the target group - the pedagogical methodology They could be a ppt presentations, or a text file. They are downloadable on our website, on the public area. In addition to this Curriculum, a document called "Certification" has been designed in English by the consortium (the same document for all the partners). It has been translated into all the languages of the consortium and given to all the learners at the end of the pilot. This document presents the learning outcomes, using the ECVET methodology. In this document, the partners commit themselves to recognizing all the learning outcomes gained in another country. It aims at encouraging the mobility of the learners : "the participation of the learner in this training program allows him/her to apply for other training programs offered by the partners, being exempted from the courses about project management." Zielgruppe: training organizations / learners / public administration in charge of LLL Resultat: 1) A curriculum description in each partner language 2) A certification document Anwendungsbereich: Project management Community development Produktsprachen: Niederländisch Englisch Tschechisch Portugiesisch Französisch Italienisch &prd=4 13

Produkt 'Compendium of projects supported by the Prodev Pilot Training' Titel: Compendium of projects supported by the Prodev Pilot Training Produkttyp: andere Marketing Text: One of the pedagogical elements of the pilot training was that each of the learners should directly transfer and apply the learning outcomes of the pilot to a real-life project which he/she was working at that time. By doing this, the learner and also their professional environment were directly confronted by the different aspects of the PRODEV training content in a real life situation. On the other hand, the learner and the whole pilot training group also gained valuable feedback about whether or not the newly acquired knowledge and skills could be successfully applied outside the training course. For sure, this inter-action between EU "project" and "real life" was one of the most valuable elements of our project activities. Beschreibung: Each learner participating at the Prodev pilot trainings was asked to apply various elements learnt and aquired during the training course at real-life projects they were working at the moment. Finally, these projects and their positive developments influenced by the pilot trainings were collected, analysed and published in a compendium called "Prodev at Work". This document illustrates the positive inter-relation between the Prodev project and real-life projects - both benefited from each other which is a clear indicator of the sustainability potential of Prodev products and outcomes. Zielgruppe: Trainers and learners of the Prodev pilot trainings; experts, target groups and stakeholders of the project in general Resultat: A compendium called "Prodev at Work" Anwendungsbereich: Community development projects Produktsprachen: Englisch &prd=5 14

Produkt 'Evaluation reports' Titel: Evaluation reports Produkttyp: Evaluierungsmethoden Marketing Text: As project intern evaluator, P1 prepared an holistic evaluation concept which covered all relevant levels of the project and which allowed different experts (e.g. project partners, representatives of target groups and stakeholders) spotting the project from different perspectives. Beschreibung: In connection with this 360 evaluation approach, following activities and documents were implemented: A) General evaluation approach and concept as basis for all evaluation activities B) Project/process level: B1) P1 listed all elements of the work flow and all individual working steps in a work plan; every 4-6 months, P0 and P1 made a "snap-shot" of the project by updating the work flow in the work plan; finally, this was the most important document for assuring an appropriate work flow in the Prodev project. B2) Additionally, an evaluation report have been made by P1 after each partnership meeting. C) Product level: The training pilot has been evaluated. All results and feedback were summarised in an overall evaluation report. There was an evaluation of the project website Zielgruppe: project partners, National Agency for the LLP in France Resultat: Several evaluation reports : - Evaluation concept presentation during the 1st partnership meeting - "snap-shot" analyses for project development/updating of workflow: check list showing all nominal and actual results/variances of the project (every 3-4 months) - evaluation of project meetings and working phases (1 report of approx. 20 pages shortly after each partnership meeting) - evaluation of training pilots in the 5 countries from the perspectives of all parties involved in the pilot process (e.g. trainers, managers, learners etc.) (1 report of 70 pages) - website evaluation (1 report of 33 pages) Anwendungsbereich: NA Produktsprachen: Englisch &prd=6 15

Produkt 'Dissemination CDRom and report' Titel: Dissemination CDRom and report Produkttyp: CD-ROM Marketing Text: At the beginning of the project, P1 developed a dissemination concept which describes the overall dissemination approach of the project and the its main outcomes and activities. By this report, it was assured that dissemination activities are implemented throughout the project's life-time, by all partners, in all countries and are aiming on a long-term sustainability of the project. Beschreibung: 1) The dissemination report (including the dissemination concept and the stakeholder analyses. Each partner identified stakeholders and experts who were relevant for the project dissemination work; the selected partners were collected in the stakeholder pool.this pool was evaluated according to its appropriateness for Prodev's dissemination means and aims; the developed report (stakeholder analyses) helped assured all project partners that they selected the stakeholders correctly. Finally, all dissemination activities reported by the partners were collected and evaluated in the dissemination report. This report gives an idea how wide-ranging and intensive the dissemination activities of the partners were. More than 60 different activities were recorded and they reached around 90.5000 persons. The report also demonstrates that all target groups, target sectors and geographic regions of relevance were covered by manifold dissemination activities. 2) The dissemination CD ROM At the very end of the project, all relevant information and the main outputs of the project were published on a dissemination CD ROM containing following features: - project - partnership - products - evaluation - flyer - newsletter - stakeholders The CD ROM was produced in 350 copies and distributed to all project partners for further distribution and dissemination. Zielgruppe: project group; community development workers; communities; NGOs, educational experts, the general public. Resultat: 2 main products: - A dissemination report (including the dissemination concept and the stakeholder analyses) - A dissemination CD ROM Anwendungsbereich: NA Produktsprachen: Portugiesisch Tschechisch Französisch Italienisch Niederländisch Englisch &prd=7 16