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Sentimental Journey - 2016-100 x 150 cm - 49 Exemplare + 5 Artist Proofs E D I T I O N 2 0 1 6

Devin Miles ist der bedeutendste Vertreter der Contemporary German Pop Art. Er beschäftigte sich zunächst mit Grafikdesign und Malerei, bevor er 2001 begann, seine Erfahrungen im Bereich des Siebdrucks in künstlerischer Form umzusetzen. In einer stilprägenden Symbiose verschiedener bildnerischer Techniken und der genretypischen Verbindung von Realität mit Kunst, schafft Miles Werke von enormer Strahlkraft, die ihre zeitlose Wirkung generations- übergreifend entfalten. Seine faszinierenden Arbeiten begeistern Kunstliebhaber und Sammler aus der ganzen Welt. In einer einzigartigen Kombination aus Malerei, Airbrush und Grafik fertigt er großformatige Collagen. Sie beflügeln die Fantasie und wecken bei vielen die Erinnerung an die glorreichen 1950er- und 1960er-Jahre. In der Motivwelt des Künstlers leben unter anderem die Ikonen dieser Zeit, Kinogrößen wie Marylin Monroe, Brigitte Bardot, Romy Schneider, James Dean oder Steve McQueen weiter. Sie stehen für eine Epoche, in der die Welt begonnen hat, über Grenzen hinaus zu denken, in der der Grundstein für die Globalisierung gelegt wurde und in der auch die Pop Art ihre Ursprünge hat. Miles kombiniert diese unvergesslichen Persönlichkeiten mit Symbolen ihrer Ära wie Traumautos oder klangvollen Modemarken, verleiht ihnen aber durch seine künstlerische Hand eine völlig eigene Identität. Seine Kunst stellt keinen rückwärtsgerichteten Blick in die Vergangenheit dar, sondern Miles transportiert markante Ereignisse und Persönlichkeiten der Geschichte in Gegenwart und Zukunft. So auch in seiner jüngsten Werkreihe Baroque Visions, in der er Peter Paul Rubens eine völlig neue Aktualität verleiht. Devin Miles is the most eminent representative of the contemporary German pop art movement. Initially he concentrated on graphic design and painting. From 2001 onwards, he began to give artistic expression to his experience with screen printing. Miles has achieved a style-defining symbiosis by combining various creative techniques with a conflation of reality and art that is characteristic of this genre, thereby producing works of art that have enormous brilliance, with a timeless, cross-generational impact. Art lovers and collectors worldwide are inspired by his fascinating works on brushed aluminium. Using a unique combination of painting, airbrushing and graphics, he produces large-scale collages. They fire the imagination and stir memories of the glorious 1950s and 1960s in many of us. The icons of those years, movie stars such as Marilyn Monroe, Brigitte Bardot, Romy Schneider, James Dean or Steve McQueen, live on in the world populated by the artist s motifs. They represent a time when people began to see beyond the immediate horizon, when the foundations of globalisation were being laid - a period that also gave rise to pop art. Miles combines these unforgettable personalities with symbols of their era, such as dream cars or sonorous fashion labels, but through his creativity he confers on them an identity that is purely their own. His art does not represent a retrospective view; instead, Miles transports significant events and personalities from the past into the present and the future. He has achieved this once again in his most recent series of works entitled Baroque Visions, where he imbues the motifs of Peter Paul Rubens with a completely new topicality. 2

Liberty - 2016-124 x 110 cm - 49 Exemplare + 5 Artist Proofs 3

4 David - 2016 150 x 150 cm - 7 Exemplare + 3 Artist Proofs

True Prodigy - 2016 150 x 150 cm - 7 Exemplare + 3 Artist Proofs 5

6 Fight or Die - 2016 130 x 130 cm - 19 Exemplare + 3 Artist Proofs

Danger - 2016 130 x 130 cm - 39 Exemplare + 5 Artist Proofs 7

8 As Rose - 2015 130 x 130 cm - 39 Exemplare + 5 Artist Proofs

Speed - 2014 130 x 130 cm - 39 Exemplare + 5 Artist Proofs 9

10 24 Hours - 2014 130 x 130 cm - 39 Exemplare + 5 Artist Proofs

Wallstreet II - 2014 130 x 130 cm - 9 Exemplare + 3 Artist Proofs 11

12 Bad Boys - 2012 130 x 130 cm - 39 Exemplare + 5 Artist Proofs

Daily News - 2016 170 x 130 cm - 7 Exemplare + 3 Artist Proofs 13

14 Monte Carlo - 2015-100 x 150 cm - 49 Exemplare + 5 Artist Proofs

Pit Lane - 2014-100 x 150 cm - 49 Exemplare + 5 Artist Proofs 15

16 His Machine - 2014-100 x 150 cm - 49 Exemplare + 5 Artist Proofs

Follow your Dreams - 2014-100 x 150 cm - 49 Exemplare + 5 Artist Proofs 17

18 Toxic - 2016 130 x 100 cm - 49 Exemplare + 5 Artist Proofs

Bazaar - 2016 130 x 100 cm - 49 Exemplare + 5 Artist Proofs 19

20 Texas Ranger - 2016 130 x 100 cm - 49 Exemplare + 5 Artist Proofs

Full Speed - 2015 130 x 100 cm - 49 Exemplare + 5 Artist Proofs 21

22 Interview - 2016 130 x 100 cm - 49 Exemplare + 5 Artist Proofs

Sweetest Devotion - 2016 130 x 100 cm - 49 Exemplare + 5 Artist Proofs 23

24 Red Lips - 2015 130 x 100 cm - 49 Exemplare + 5 Artist Proofs

Vogue - 2015 130 x 100 cm - 49 Exemplare + 5 Artist Proofs 25

26 Centurion - 2016 130 x 100 cm - 49 Exemplare + 5 Artist Proofs

The Magnificent - 2015 130 x 100 cm - 49 Exemplare + 5 Artist Proofs 27

28 Bardot Chanel - 2014 130 x 100 cm - 49 Exemplare + 5 Artist Proofs

Secret Beauty - 2013 130 x 100 cm - 49 Exemplare + 5 Artist Proofs 29

30 Like a Lady - 2012 130 x 100 cm - 49 Exemplare + 5 Artist Proofs

Night in Paris - 2015-130 x 100 cm - 49 Exemplare + 5 Artist Proofs Moulin Rouge - 2015-130 x 100 cm - 49 Exemplare + 5 Artist Proofs 31

32 Beautiful Spring - 2016 100 x 100 cm - 49 Exemplare + 5 Artist Proofs

Look at Me - 2015 100 x 100 cm - 19 Exemplare + 5 Artist Proofs 33

34 Just Powerfull - 2014 100 x 100 cm - 49 Exemplare + 5 Artist Proofs

To the Limit - 2014 100 x 100 cm - 49 Exemplare + 5 Artist Proofs 35

36 Glamour Girl - 2013 100 x 100 cm - 49 Exemplare + 5 Artist Proofs

Tiffany - 2014 100 x 100 cm - 49 Exemplare + 5 Artist Proofs 37

38 My Taste - 2013 100 x 100 cm - 49 Exemplare + 5 Artist Proofs

Angel on the Surface 2012 100 x 100 cm - 49 Exemplare + 5 Artist Proofs. 39

Paris - 2015-80 x 60 cm - limitierte Auflage 99 Exemplare + 5 Artist Proofs Romy No. 5-2015 - 80 x 60 cm - 99 Exemplare + 5 Artist Proofs 40

Romy Love - 2016-80 x 60 cm - 9 Exemplare + 3 Artist Proofs und Plexiglas Berlin at Night - 2016-80 x 60 cm - 19 Exemplare + 5 Artist Proofs und Plexiglas 41

42 NY City Nights - 2016-70 x 140 cm - 49 Exemplare + 5 Artist Proofs

True Prodigy II - 2016-70 x 70 cm - 99 Exemplare + 5 Artist Proofs Jett Rink - 2015-70 x 70 cm - 99 Exemplare + 5 Artist Proofs 43

NY City Lights - 2016-70 x 70 cm - 99 Exemplare + 5 Artist Proofs The Temptress - 2015-70 x 70 cm - 77 Exemplare + 5 Artist Proofs 44

Flying Horse II - 2015-70 x 70 cm - 99 Exemplare + 5 Artist Proofs His Cobra - 2015-70 x 70 cm - 77 Exemplare + 5 Artist Proofs 45

46 Don t forget Berlin - Triptychon - 2015-3 x 180 x 80 cm - 9 Exemplare + 5 Artist Proofs

Big Apple - Installation - 2015-174 x 155 cm - 19 Exemplare + 3 Artist Proofs 47

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